klZZl-.tl . -..; WW'fV irp fWMjy I wm ltfMJUfllMI '! 1 1 1 M 'I rWipiinqliii nwl VWW'f g ' ' '"If I BBBBBBBB5plBBBBBBPHWMHBjBBHH?jili FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. BIG LEAGUE " BULL SCORES III; AMorlati itm to Cunt Hay Times 1 Po.lTLAXl). Or. Juno II. --Port land look another from Oakland , yesterday, 1 1 to 2. 1 ho games yes terdny: . tiflfllS At Portland It. H. !'- Oaklnnd 1 10 I 1'ortland 11 11 0 ifcuterloH Prultt. Christian and Alexander; lllgglnbothnm and Flah-j cr. At San Francisco It. II. E. Los Angolcs I 8 I! San Francisco 1 I - Batteries Chech, Urooks and Holes; Fanning, Loifleld and Sopul-vodn. At Venice It. H. E.. Sacramento 0 0 1 Vonlro 1 2 0 Hattorles Stroud and Hannah; aiitt and Elliott. ) AMI-MtlCAN LE.USUH. Health t. The Times has arranged with Dr. 11. It. Daniels, the woN-known writer on health subjects to contribute- to this paper a series of prnrtlrnl nrtlclcs on health and body care. This Is the first of the series. Washington, 0; Chicago, 2. Doston, 8; Detroit, 2. l'hilndolphla, 8; Cleveland, 0. New York, B; St. Louis, 3. i1 NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago, l; New York, 1. Pittsburg, 2; Iloston. 11. Cincinnati, 8; Philadelphia, 2. St. Louis, C; Brooklyn, I. (Klcvca innings.) NOUTil WESTERN LEAGUE Portland, 1; Victoria, t. Spokane, 1 ; Seattle, I. ITncomn, C; Vnncouvor, 7. (Ten Innings.) DICTATES OF FASHION. Jet and gold in combination will bo aeon on evening gowns. Plain colored velvet has had n de cided voguo this season and Is al ways charming. Frocks of gold and In dark colored Iridescent spangles nro charming for ovonlng. ' PlaltB, frills and gnthors aro strong points of ovary frock, but tho soparato skirt coat Is mannlshly plain. Bholl pins for tho colffuro with JioadB boadod to match tho color of tho gown aro tho nowosfc conceit in this nccossory. Black molro ribbon is UBcd to lend tho Impression of height to tho llttlu turbans of homp. It will also bo used in tho form of bows to trim turbans. It Is heavy and will not bo worn as tbo midsummer days arrive I ' AMONG THE SIOK (By Dr. It. It. Danlols.)' Hero Is a message to the man who lives only for a good time, who believes that pleasure Is tho solo end of earthly cxlstonco: Thero Is no plcasuro equal to that sense of physical well being that accompanies real health; no nrtinclnl intoxica tion that can compnro with tho bouyuncy of tho discase-frco body. Starving with a full stomach Isn't a Joke It's a feature of Indigestion for you to digest. Ono reason why health Is not to ho had out of a bottle Is, that it requires no effort on tho part of Iho sick man and is in opposition to Nature's Inexorable law that noth ing of value Is to bo had without labor. Effort Is as necessary to health as It Is to everything clso of. vnluc. Man scorns to be tho only animal who doesn't know enough to stop eating when ho is sick. Wrong eating docn't cnuso ovory (ino to hnvo dyspepsia any moro than tbo uso of coffee nlwnys leads to nervous disturbances. Bad linblta atfeit dirforent peopie differently; as a rule, tho weakest orcan or part of tho body bears tho brunt of nbiiBo. In ninny persons had habits cause frequent attacks of Illness: In others they cnuso chronic disease; while in mnnv persons bad hnblts simply cut off Ilfo at fifty when It' should have gouo on until eighty. ' When you cat what you need it is food for you: whon you eat what you don't need It Is food for tho germs In you. "t:i Not ovoryonn who nbuflos his body develops dlscaso any moro that ov oryono who spends money foolishly becomes bankrupt. Many million aires ovontunlly go broke, Just as many persons of good conBltutlon dlo young. Wo criticise tho spend thrift because ho could uso his monoy to a bettor advantage; sim ilarly In a few years wo will crlt IcIbo tho man who sponds his vital forco in over eating, drinking and following onorvntlng habits when there nro so many opportunities to do useful work. I SOCIAL CALENDAR. THURSDAY. Norwegian Lutheran Ladles' I Aid with Mis. L Krlcksou ns I hostess. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. J. C. Swnnson. North Bend AUar Guild with Mrs. F. A. Lonnan. 4 Kastsldo Sewing Club with Mrs. Foster. North Bend Presbyterian Lad les with Mrs. Geo. D. Mandlgo Mnrrlilge of James Twohey and Miss Ituth Barnes nt Bay City. FRIDAY. North Bond Thimble Club with Mrs. .1. O. Mullen. Good Time Club nt A. B. Gld ley home. Ladles Art Club with Mrs, Chas. LnChapello. Norwegian Lutheran Young People at church with K. Brau ncr and Miss Jennie Johnson entertaining. IopebseS The WIZARD Triangler Mop firemen notice. Tlinrn will tin a rnllnil mooting of tho Fire Dopnrtment tinmodlatoly U i uiu i-iru will"" Mm. Ollto McKay Is reported 111 nftor drill tmilcht with tho moaBlos. i GEORGE SBELIG, Pros. 1 DON'T LOSE BLEEP COUGHING , AT MCI I IT , Tako Fnloy's Honoy nnd Tar Com pound, It glides down your throat and spreads n healing, soothing coating ovor tho Inflamed tickling urfneo. That's Immedlnto roller. It loosonB up tho tightness in your, chest, stops stuffy wheezy breathing, oases distressing, racking, tearing coughs. Children lovo It. Hofuso any substitutes. Contains no opi ates. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chnndlor Hotol. Phono 74. Central Avonua Drug 8toro, locnl agency. I DANCE nt SUMNER Hull HAT UKDAY nlglit. JUNE lil. Music !' ELLIOTT'S ORCHESTRA. ALICE 11. lwivt'N her dock nt H O'CLOCK P. M., for DANCK. Kveryono wel come. Gt SI Peach Bloom Complexion HY Till: DAILY U8I3 OF buttermilk cerate "PENSLAR" Till: QUALITY STORE 3 vMVf CT T i h'Iti1 Blndder Irritations, kidney trou bles, dull hoadachos, wonrlnoss, pain In i'lfck and sides, nil show tho kid noyn need to bo tonod up, strength enod, tholr regular action restored, Foloy's Kldnoy Pills will do It stiro ly nnd Quickly. Thoy give good hoalth, freedom from pain, a return of nppotlto and sound sleep. Try thorn. Owl Pro scription Phnrmncy. Frnnlc D. Co han. Opposlto Chandler Hotol, Phono 74. Contral Avonuo Drug Storo. local ngoncy. Round y :il , Ml K IP ;H11 mnMHiv , i.K inU n Mill GU 1 11 RHllDSuH The Mop That Gets In the WHY PAY MORE?. Johnson-Gulovsen Co, lliLSuaffle means' a lottoanxj oneHoot Ins. for, inexpensive? pleasurable tire mileage. a : Anytframoifdi Tire user willtelll .yott'ifs.tlie tread ;thatt stands for SUBTRACTION, and; so far as the actual wearing ability of the X ritkUpT Ic concerned; IT CAN'X BE! BEAT $1.50 and $1.25 Oiaki, Madras and Soisette SHIR 1 S for Women Go on Sale Wed. Morning at 98c see broadway window. Hub Dry Goods Co. "Smart Wear for Women." Cor. Broadway and Central Ave. Phone 3G1 i Celebrate at, Marshfield Colohrnto tho OlorlouB Fourth at Marshtlold, Oregon Scvm teen liiindrod dollnrs' worth of fun and attractions. Watch for official program and plan your fun. There will bo sometlilnc do. Ins overy minute. NO WAITS has heen tho slogan of tho commit tee. For tho nthlotlcally inclined tliero will bo sports, Loth field and water; for music lovers, thoro will ho numuroiis concern br the Coos liny Concert Unml; for tho children there will be con' Minions free picture show; apoeches will ho given by woll-knona OregnnliiiiH of note. Thoro will ho parades each day automobile parade and grand clvlv parado and real worth-while free flreworki across tho hay from the city. Join with us, enjoy tho day with us; CELEBRATE AT MARSHFIELD. 158-R PHONE 10 Cent' Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Our Specialty is Good Pianos Whatever make you buy from us, we add our 'guarantee to that of the manu facturer. "YOUR MONEY'S' WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK" Could anything be more fair? "Talk to Thomas About It." Wiley B. Allen Co. L L. Thomas, Manager 28x3 30x3 30x3' u 32x312 33x4 34x4 35x4 36x4 35x4 -is 36x4M 37x4 Ms 36x5 37x5 38x5'- NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID K3M-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKID $11.85 $12.65 $17.00 $18.10 $25.25 $26.05 $26.90 $27.75 $36.05 $37.10 $38.15 $43.15 $44.45 $57.30 DON'T PAY MORE. Pi&neer Hardware Company Goodwin's Garage homo of tbo CADILLAC and P0RD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars H17 Central Av. I'lioiio U72S-.I, Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., inc. IIKMIY BKNG9TAOKKN, Mnnagcr FAItM, COAI TIMIH3H AND PLATTING LANDS A SrECIALTr. GENKIIATj AGKNTS EASTS 1 1) K MAItSIIFIKLl) OFFICE, PHONE M-J, COQUILLK CITY OFI'ICK PHONE 101. Cape Arago Coffee Como to our atoro if you wnnt anything In tho lino of COP FEES, TEAS, SPICES nnd EXTRACTS for wo not only st rou tho best for your monoy, but wo nlso-Rlvo you coupon checki that nro kooiI for nOOEItS 8IL.VERWAKE. Como In nn.il ee thli wnro. Wo nlso enrry n full lino of stnplo Krocorlos and our prlc nro right nnd our Koods nro trndo wlnnors. GIVE US A TRIAL. COOS BAY TEA, COffEE & SPICE HOUSE Phono 394. 130 North Droadwij. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. CIcnnliiK, repairing or now platens, work Riinriintrcil. II bboni 4 nirlion paper delivered. Phono uh your order. Pliono 1 1. Alliance OHM. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. I.ililiy COAL. Tlio kind VOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. Times Want Ads Bring the Best Results. 10LD Two innra of Iho Hiinppy liuyn offer l by Held. Only ii few left. Phono J(M-J mid iihI; Held uboiit them. Ho will lake ynu out hi his ear and hliow you tbo beht buys any tlmo ."il)l)ll-root lotN lev el mid rleartsl, for JjHtW, on easy teruiH. W. A. HI III), I.IO I'milt St. Eye Specialists Hemeinbei', u nro ohlnbllhhed here have two regUteied opiii'lmih; jiIso have a lens KiiudiiiK plane wheiv your glasses aro made at oiieo. Prlrew rtNisonnbli money bark If not Mitlsfnetory. Boo uh for TOKIO liKNSES they mo tho bent. Red Cross Optical Dept. HEI) CHOSS DHUfl STOIIK Phono VX!. (KYKS EXAMINED ANY TISIK FIIOM 7 A. M. TO O P. l.) WK A1IE THE ONLY ALWAYS ONE PHICE CLOTHIEHH ON COOS HAY. We Never Juggle Prices Did you ever pay $15 or $120 for a Hilt and later hco evnrtly tho mi mo kind of a suit, all divtiscd up In tho hiiiiio window at a lower price? Makes you feel Ilko you're the "Ront," doesn't It? You'll, never have that experience nt THE FIXL'P. Our price on any Milt the same to overy man, overy dnV, every week, every month In tlio ycur. ONE PHICE ALWAYS AND THAT THE LOWEST. Suits $8.50 to $30.00 FIXUP Two Stores: Mnrshfiold, North Hem! New Service to Portland and Eureka Tho stoaniBhlp Geo. AV. Elder completely refurnlahed practical ly a now steamship will sail for Portland overy Thursday and for Eureka every Monday. Sails from Portland overy Sunday at 1 a. m. North Pacific Steamship Co. C. F. M'GEORGE, Agent. Alliance Dock, Mnruhfleld, Phono 44. II. W. PAINTER, Agent, North nend, Phono M cmmmmmmmmmmamammmmmaammmsasmKHmmmmKmmmmmmm Arrow Shirts are Here lu a great variety of flno fabrics. Vlyella and Dundee FlanuolB, French woven Madras, Oxford Cheviots and all of tlio new pop ular shirtings. No matter what stylo you want in an "Arrow," we've got it. Pleated or plain bosoms, long or short; starched or soft cuffs, in fact "we've got 'em all." $1.50 and lip COUHECT OLOTHINO AT MODI-MUTE PRICES WHY? Itocituso Wo Soil For Cali! SPECIAL THIS WEEK, MEN'S SUITS. $15.00 Chandler Hotel Business Mens' doc Luncneon Radishes THUHSDAY, JUNE 11, 101 Jullonno Chicken Broth. .. ... i...tiin mnninln R.111CO linilOUt UUUUIB, l""- ".' Sweot nroad Patties a la Relne Green Onlom Fricassee of Lamb, Garden Peas ed potato" Mashed Potatoes Young Turnips Dread and Butter Pudding p ar p Apple Plo Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Milk SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic CHINA HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Spr nORTHELL DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHPELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue Phone 3171. I