ggCTg8 THE COOS BAYJTIMES, MARSHFIELD: OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE or wear "any old 'S 3 IC.fjrijkl llirt Scbtftacr & Mr thing" in tlle d but going and coming you want to bo well dressed. Be fore you leave, or after you get back, see us. We'll fit you in a suit from Hart Sciiaffxkr & Marx 18, $20, $25, $.30, $35, $-10. Clothes purchased at this store will he kept pressed free of charre. BREVITIES and water at TIRES FOR JUXE. Below in fiv h. iM. V.. I i a ... " no uiuv uoifiui oi nigh ant low Marahfield. The tldos are placed In tho order of ccurreuce, with their times on the first Hns and holghts on tho second Hue of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is hlch nr imv water. For high water on n, imr nature of the case ho did not know. Irf'nvi' Soon c. A. Smith Is plan ning to leave on tho next Droakwater for Cortland and northern points on business. Woolen Mill Store The home of Hart Schaffncr & Marx Good Clothes snbtrat lOIUrs. Ft., lira. lit.., Hrs. Ft.., Hrs. Ft... lira., Ft... two hours 3.20 10.U G.5 0.0 4.07 10.50 6.3 0.G 4.rr it. 42 n.s 0.3 B.43 12.2C r.:i o.i o.r.s c.30 2.3 -1.9 minutes. d.Ol 10.09 1.9 G.47 1.9 fi.93 fi.O 7.1S r.o 1.09 0.C 2.4 10.CC 2.4 11.57 2.G 0.0 0.0 "S.05 r.i Xi-il Spurt. Dr. Straw has In formed the City Council thnt they will provide a sewage system for the district south of Hnll nvenue. Includ ing South First street. South Ilrond way, some houses on Hnll avenue and some on South Fourth street. Ho says that the presont conditions are a menaco to tho health and something will have to bo done IIIUCKI-, Tclophono 77. Watch This Space SATURDAY, JUNE 13th A BIG WINDOW DISPLAY Schroeder & Hildenbrand i --- i HHHHIHMHflBHHMHHHIIfllKSHMPi' imp' . 4Z Mfjt 1 SW0U'l4464&n's kSSSp I a IRVING BLOCK Arrow Shirts are Here In a great variety of flno fabrics. Vlyolla and Dundoo Flannels. French woven Madras, Oxford chovlota nud nil of tho new pop ular shirtings. Xo nutter what stylo you want In an "Arrow." wo'vo got It Pleated or plain bosoms, long or short; starched or soft cuffs. In fact "wo'vo got 'om nil." .50 and up COIUIKCT CLOTllIXG AT MODERATE PRICES WHY? ItccauNo Wo Sell For! SPECIAL THIS WEEK, MUX'S SUITS. $15.00 WEATHER FORECAST tD, A..a-v4 tmt o Ct IUj TIbm.) OUKOnv-.Kair, ,gllt fr08t Kast tonlijht; warmer Thurs day. Easterly winds. local temperature record V"f the 2) hours em-Mm? nt I 4: -13 a. in., June 10. by UenJ. Ost'ln-l, sneclnl government uie I teoroloslst: Mnxlmuni 00 Minimum 47 At 4:43 a. m 49 Precipitation 00 ProMnltutlc.n Blnre Sent. 1. I 1913 0C.G7 1 rreelnltnMou sutne period 1 last year CI. 12 I Wind: northwest; clear. 0 I HORX 1 (mi to fluid Rourli. Lynn Lam beth s auto left the Chandler Hotel at i:30 this morning with six tin. sengers for Port Orford. Gold Reach and Intermediate territory. Those going were Mr. and Mrs. Don Gar diner. Archlo Johnston, Kugeno Crosthwalto, Clifford Leonard, tho typewriter man, nnd T. L. llotsford, tho tlo contractor. day to visit her parents In Port' laud. MRS. J. R. DODdK, of South Coos River, was n Mnrshfleld shopper todny. MR. AXD MRS. W. 11. SMITH, of Allegany, came In on tho Alert this morning. 11UOH Al'LAIN nnd wlfo loft yester day to tnko In tho Hose Carnival at Portland. CUOTfD Ad linpoct ltoniN. Judge Hnll, Com mlsBloners Armstrong nnd Dement, nnd County Rondmnster P. M. Hall Lewis are now making their nnnunl Inspection of roads. An automobile is being used and enables them to cover the districts In a fraction of H. J. M'KEOWN of the Chandler nnd U. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Mini nt.Avniii.' niiTt.iH -... IMvpr. riiinn In mi th.t llnl..!...... I " this morning. PAYNK To Mr. nnd Mrs. F. W. Pnyno, n seven-pound son. Mother nnu child nrc doing nicely and Mr. tho time it formorly required. ...... --l.t.. .. .. . - " "fcmciii iieK)iifi. jt wns ruinoreu tins morning that Roy Ruff nor, a local autombolle driver, met with an accident u-hlln mi mnl . Uandon lato yestordny evening. The leport cannot bo confirmed and It Is not thought that anything serious has happened to Ruffner. Winn PHo. Tnggart Ashton, the engineer who was here for a time n couplo of years ago on an oloctrlc lino project from Coos Day to Rose burg, wns recently awarded a special $1000 prize In nn engineering com petition for the best plnns for n canal subdivision of Richmond, Cnllf. Name Docks. Tho now warohoiiBo nnd docks being put In by tho C. A, Smith company on tho waterfront will be nnmed tho "Smith Tormlnnl Docks." For years tho old dock and wnrehoiiso has been konwn ns tho Alllanco dock, but thn linmn will change with tho trnnsfer of the Al ii. A. Wornlch left today for Oar tuner, wuoro tney will enjoy 11 week's hunting nnd fishing with Warren Reed. Reporta about deer being so numerous in thnt vicinity thnt farmers had to knock them dowu with milk bIooIb to provent them bothering tho cows aroused their curlouslty nnd they went up to see If tho Btory was true. OHO. SCIIROEDER and wlfo have returned from a trip to Eastern Oregon points. RENT lloutiekeepliiir room with nil homo conveniences In modern home. Also sleeping rooms. Phono 325-L. 334 First St. North, off Murkot. FOR SALK ()"o new Xntlounl OmIi Register. Phono 140-J. WAXTER fuses by professional nurse. Will go out to homes. 4(11 Second streot North. Phono 423-R. MRS. SAM SAPPINGTON nnd chil dren, or Cump 1, were Mnrshfleld visitors todny. $1 L Payne as well ns could be expected. , ,VI"g, w,in, ,l" "ansrer of the Al Mrn. Psynn was formerly Miss Nnn '."1 l nn?tln!'.ruM nntl tho erection n- win lit. a flstcr of Rev. R. K.I ' '"" "u" """""" Hi owning. """ I On Mud Flat. Last evening Al llnys Stoie. "Tip" Cordos has Smith's launch landed far up on tha piire'nred t'.'o Union Cigar Store on nuiil flat. It wob being run by Mr. X-:.!t Trout rtreot from his brother, """"i s son nnd n son of Jess Smith, llerninn Coidcs. Ho man Cordes Tno, ,,0V8 wn(!n thoy discovered they - tn..A )ioon for southern Cnll- rou'd not got off, waded out across fornla or Arizona In hopes of bene- 'J10 mi'd f'nt nearly n mile to tho fitting his health. Ishoro nnd then walked up Coos River 1 until they caught a boat. Mr. Smith Uandon 'Omms Up. Shorlff Qngo ,u,ornno nlarmod nnd emtio to Mnrsh wan hore from Coqulllo todny to gnr- 'd to sonrch for thorn. Most of tho nlsheo both local bnnks against t'-o'nrgo of malt from the North Ilend ,. r y f,in,jB tMoy n,Kj,t Ilrowery was lost. havo bolonglng to Norman Phillips. nnd Daniel Miller of Uandon. Thoi loired to Pay IlwnJ. John Mur- CARL LARSON has returned from Corvallls, whore ho has been at tending College. HKRIIKRT I1RADLUY hns gone to Portland where ho will probably spenu some time. I'OSITIOX WAXTKIK-Cnritenter vWtli small family wishes position on, ranch near school. Willing to work at anything, but would profor building or woodwork. Hns ex perience with machinery. Address1 A. :. O., enro Times offlco, or Phono 30GX0. MhiMlY HKNUBTACKKN HUB gone to Portland nnd Salem on busi ness nnd pleasure. MRS. HOWARD WKISKR and daugh ter, of Allegany, camo In 011 tho Alert this morning. CARL A. 8TOCKIN lenves this nftor noon for, Uandon and other Co qulllo Valley points. ;liy( nKed.,alxtyooven, an. old soldier - tvho Ih receiving n pension of 90 a J. L. SMITH, tho Coos county agri culturist, was hero from Coqulllo yostorday on business. 8. F. VARNKY. of tho Jennings store, North Ilond, wns a Marsh field business visitor Inst evening. New Service to Portland and Eureka Tho steamship Goo. W. Eldor completely refurnlshod practical ly a now steamship will sail for Portland ovory Thursday and for Euroka every Monday. Sails from Portland ovory Sunday at 9 '.MrfsniAlUtY 11RADF1KLD Is spond- month, was arrested yestordny oven-1 lnK .'mrt of "" wwk w"" nur I.. .... n 1 - . . .1 ltft(llt flllu It'll 111 nl IWtiit'iiH I 1 III iiik uy uonsinmo uox on a compialntl "" .. n '"-.u . ilcill'll hv P. N. Thnmtnn. wUn nlnlm. . rd thnt ho had been carlnir for Mnr.. ?'"8. P. RADFORD and Mrs. W. C. WAXTUD (5mk1 girl for kitchen work. Phono 285. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mnuufncturlng Co. WAXTFD FuriiUticil Iioiino. Xo children. RoferencoB. Address "II" enro TIiuob. . lKMidle doK. 187 South Second. M)ST Snmll to Return FOR SALE FOR HA LI) Funilturo In n seven room rooming liouso. 138 Nortlr Third Btrcot. Mrs. F. M. C-otchr. 1)11 HALli 0)uiwwh vtltli Hh-lnclt-needle. W. & L. H. Ourlcy ninko of Troy, N. Y( Comploto, Good as nov. Abraham Van Zllo, North llond, Oregon, 1X)H HAL1 Xow it 1-1 linlf track Studobnkor wagon. See J. C. Doano, Phono 331-R. X Hi phy and that ho owod him G5 ror mom ilnd board, which ho rotused to ftlfttJI '"' pny Hieni uiu nigui in 1110 " " " h "'""" " una t .......,-,... ... . . ... k a a .. a . a i niiir 11. .11 a-i-ii 1 ni iru nnu iiniirriirnra . .iIQr2flS 2 agreed to accept $G0 as n comproml8e. ' Mlwcs Cora and Mubol, left yen- t- l. ' 1 tordnv fo Pnrtlnml in nttmiil tint ir.ii. .t v rr..i t vr m... . Roso Carnival. Maher, of Smith-Powers Cumn 1.1 wuru siioppors in Miiniuiiom io day. FOR HAL1C n-rooin Iioiino mid lot 40xM0 at 1073 Commercial. In quire at placo. Chiis. Solln, HELP WANTED f MiwWm sail m. North Pacific Steamship Co. C. F. M'GEORGB, Agent. Alllanco Dock, Mnrshflold, Phono 44. II. W. PAINTER, Agont. North Ilond, Phono 421. Chandler Hotel Business Mens' 35c Luncheon Radishes Mashed Potatoes Apple Plo THURSDAY, JUXH II, 1014 Jullenno Chicken Droth. Halibut Cutlots, Tomato Sauco Sweot Dread Patties a la Relne or Fricassee of Lamb, Garden Peas Young Turnips Dread and Butter Pudding Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, Milk Green Onions Steamed Potatoes Pear Pie 5e Royal I Mm Vm 1 1 ssT MJX I " VllIVJfO I- JchangefV nrogr'am, New "yes & soulo, In a musical sing- San HflltAlnn m. rn... nna nt udeviii ""'" av;l "u t'OUr r. new reels of selected pic- fgets nt Vntn " A tirn.reol Tie- IJte drama full of tragic events. the WeVt """ IVU uco "'""" -vay3 Together." A comedy L?a. Malestio Ifle best anil HPlontofl nrnrrrnm Is lan shown at the best house, the AmtlOOTftM. Cell "oor.lSe; balcony, 10c. -.u5 june iu.17, Mrs. time In "Teas of the D'Ubervllles." A soulful portrayal of a woman's sor rows. Watch for "Lucille Love," tho girl of mystery. Tomorrow night "For the Honor of Old Glory," In four reejs. Times Want Ads Bring the Best Results. lottf Mfll In'iltoi Inexpensive pkascrabk tire mileage. 4 I.TlrcJascr willtcHi jyimj.iuc ugux tkatstaids for ;(SDREjffRlCTIOHj ana?so rar as toe 'i-if . . Ltuiiiweariug iWlitytof the rubber is concerned,! BEjBEAT Honor .1. X. Teal. J. N, Teal of Portland Is expected horo Sunday to spend a week or so in this section visiting J. W. Dennett nnd other friends nnd also fishing at Ton Mllo. It Is HiifV;csted that arrange ments bo made to havo him address ti'o Cliamiior of Commorco as ho has many Idoas which would bo of valuo to this section, Tho Mllllcoma Club will probably tender an Informal smoker In Mr. Teal's honor during his Btny hero. J. N. TEAL Is expected hero tho last of tho week from Portluud to spend n few dnvs with J, W, Den nett nnd friends nt Ton Mllo. Xow Shoo Stom H, F. Gordon, who has boon with tho Knight Shoo Store nt Portland, has leased tho corner room In the Donaldson build ing nt Drondway and Central, formor ly occupied bv Tho Toggery, and with his brothor, L. D. Gordon, will open nn exclusive shoo store there about August , L. D. Gordon Is with thu Stnlger Shoo Company In Portland. They plan to carry 0110 of tho largest anil finest lines of men's, women's nnd children's shoes to bo found any where. Uoth are experienced shoo- .,,,,.,, ,., ...,H,.,ril,lv men. H. F Gordon plans to remain C . 'fl rotVeJ 'John nPlmno liT here until their stock and fixtures nr- , ''V ,,, Mif Sh rive and will, for tho tlmo being, ho J c, "vv y. " connected with August Frlzeen'si '' V., store. Tho now storo will bo known I Ior n "m0. nt "Gordons' Shoo Storo" MRS. JOE ANDERSON and Misses Louise mid Florenco Andorson of North Ilond expect to leave Friday for San Frniiel8co. MRS. J. C. KENDALL and little son loft yesterday for her old homo In Minneapolis, where they will spend the summer. CARL A. MERRITT of lllrmlnghnm, Ala., arrived hero yostorday to visit with his undo, Carl Stoeklu nnd ho may decide to locatu here. WAXTKD To Imiitow fOOO. H per' cent, two years tlmo, good security. Address O. W., caro Times offlco. IWAXTKD Well criurafwl, Iiatlr Gorman girl wants good position, housework or caring for children. Talks American or German. 303 Farmers. 1 FOR RENT PAVE COM REUS, of Portland, camo In 011 tho Rainbow this morning after visiting friends on South Coos River, He will leave In a fuw days for Portland, FOR RENT Homo partly furnlnhed. 7 rooms and hath. 1108 North 2nd St; Reasonable. Phono S0-X. FOR RIOXTUnfurnlHliod 230 So. Ilroadwny. roams FOR UHXT- FJvo room Iioum, fur nlshod. Apply at 305 South 7th. FOK KENT Modern Hats over Cook's Grocery. Enquire Tho Gunnery. Phono 34-J, FOR RENT Ijtrg,, fiirnWm! Immuo keeplug room. 334 First street North. Phono 325-L. PEOPuB YQU 28x3 30x3 NON-SKID NON-SKID 30x3. NON-SKID . $11.85 . $12.65 . $17.00 32x312 NON-SKID . $18.10 PHONE ICQ R 10 Cent JO n Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY 33x4 34x4 35x4 36x4 35x4V. NON-SKID NON-SKID NON-SKIP NON-SKID NON-SKID $25.25 $26.05 $26.90 $27.75 $36.05 ,W nyTiJi r 36x4'- NON-SKID . $37.10 37x4Mj NON-SKID . $38.15 36x5 NON-SKID . $43.15 37x5 NON-SKID . $44.45 38x51,0 NON-SKID . $57.30 DON'T PAY MORE. Pioneer Hardware Company KMOW ABOUT WAI, CANDLIN Is here from Coqulllo on business. RALPH SMITH, of Coos River, Is n visitor in tno city touoy, C, A. RODINB, of Allegany, came In on the Alert this morning. JOE SCHAPERS, of Allegany, camo in on tho Alert this morning. JOHN H. PRICE, of Allegany, enmo In on tho Alert this morning, ENOS SMITH, of Coos Rlvor, camo in on the Rainbow this morning. J. J. CLINKBNHEARD, of Coos Riv er, Is a visitor in the city today. MRS. NELSON, of Coos River, camo In on the Rainbow this morning. C. ACOTNE8S and wife of Denver Hill are Mnrshfleld visitors today. MRS. HARRY RADFORD, of Coos River, Is a visitor In tho city to day. "r''-Tr-yr-T-TvTTr"y TTO MRS. CHAS. SBAFUSE left'yester-j CAROLINE ME1TII, or Mnrshflold, passed through RoHehurg this morning on route to Portland, where she will spend a couple of weeks visiting with frlonds nnd relatives. Rosoburg Review, CAPT. DUN8TAN. koepor of tho Capo Am go lighthouse, rumo up yesterday to moot Mrs. Stevens, of Dlalno, Wash,, who will spend part of tho summer with them. FOR RENT HU'Mmmii Iiouho nn South Ninth street. $20 per mo. Phono 171 or call 130 North Drondway, IOR RENT Mortoni bungalow, fur nlshod. Tenth streot. Enqulro or Mrs. S. E, Pnlntor or phono 3 8 O.J. FOR RENT Five room bungalow, bath, oloctTlo lights, nth streot, In quire F. E. Allen. SELECT ROOMS ami tnblo boanl for gontlomon, In private ramlly; close In; rates roasonable. Call 239 South Fourth Street. MRS. PERCIVAL, or Illngham, Mo., arrived horo a low days ago to spend tho summer at tho Home or her brother, Capt. Dava Holdon, whom she had not seen In many yours. DON GARDINER and wRe and Ar chlo Johnston left with Lynn Lam beth In his auto today for Uandon, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner will go from thero to San Francisco while Lam both and Johnston and some others will go to Gold Reach, MRS, ELEANOR M'MULLEN und Miss Turner, two Morshfleld teach ers, are visiting at tho homo or Mrs. McMullen's sister, Mrs, It. C, Wygant at Florenco for n rew days beforo going to Wisconsin for the summer vacation. WM. STODDARD and ramlly have moved to 940 South Rroadway where they will mako tholr homo until the now camps are establish ed on tho Smith-Powers line. Mr Stoddard has boon employed at tho South Inlet camp. Wbby COAL. Tho kind YOU Jinve ALWAYS USED. Phouo T2. l'licRIf IJvry nnd Trmister Company. Get a Peach jBJqpm exion IIV Till-? I)AII,V USE OF ItUTTKILMIMC CERATE "PENSLAIl" THE QUALITY STORE to'iAYf f .LO J flLyp ''J