v. -"i 5f SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. re .. f Mmi2 : ft' r DOINGS OF CITY COUNCIL BIG WflnEHDUSElDE TO- BE ERECTED City Council Waives Forty-foot Street Along Waterfront Smith Company Plans A provision In tho city building . ordinance prohibiting tho erection of buildings within forty fret of .tho harbor lino wob waived by tho City Council last evening In order to penult tho C. A. Smith Company to go uhenil with Its big warehouse south of tho present Alliance ware house on tho waterfront. Tho pro vision was Inserted In tho ordinance n fow years ngo when It was pro posed to havo a street forty feet wide nlong tho entire waterfront. I K. Oottlngs appeared before tho Council nnil stated that tlulldlng Inspector Trlbbey hnd approved plans for thu big warehouse, but EO STREET TO THE CITY LILT T IE I SEES MffiEB TO FRANCHISE Ferry Extension Street From Broadway to Waterfront 1 Except Ry. Crossings A deed for tho ferry extension street from South Broadway to the waterfront was presented to tho City Council last night In conformity with the plan for hastening the hard pav ing project on South Ilroadway. Tho deed Btlnulntod Hint tlin tract b. ould nlwnys bo used for street or want It mid havo made tho plea to ferry purposes or tho property would , tho Council that as long as the Coun rovert to tho donor. The Council !! nd not adopted the ordlnnnco oblocted to tlm restriction that the Prohibiting It, they hnd laid In Council Would Permit It One Day of Celebration But Dr. Straw Says No Whether or not confetti throw ing, etc., will bo permitted at tho coming Fourth of July celebration In Mnrshflcld promises to be a lively question bcfqro $1-50 and Councilman Albrecht Says City J May Lose Its Rights to Southern Pacific Councilman Albrecht Inst ovoulng entered n vigorous protest against tho action of the Council in changing tho terms and conditions of the Southern Pacific's frnnehlso In Mnrshflold. I To said that ho ivns afraid that the Council by Juggling with tho terms of the frnnehlso might nullify It. Ho snld that ho did not want to bo mndo a party to any such possibility and ho asked thnt Recorder Dutlor make' tho minutes nhow thnt he opposed tho' the celobratlon Is motion pnssed nt tho laBt meeting of tho Council whereby tho Southern stocks of It and hnd mndo coiitrlbu tlons towards tho Fourth of July fund with tho understanding thnt they could soil It. The Council Inst street bo used for both street and ferry purposed, saying thnt It might beconio necessary to ehnngo tho for- n uninit Hum. .Mr. Smith wns called up and ngrced j "'sht brought up the old ordlnnnco to wnivn tVIs elimiKO and the now ""' It passed Its first reading. It refused to crnnt a nnrnilt on nrrmint 1W1I win im ,,v-iiiimi tminv. will be brought up ngaln ami unions of this restriction. Mr. Cottlns said i Tho tract deed Is 41). 7 feet wide, lll dealers promise tho health com tlint the compnny planned to lonvo anil Is I17". feet south of Curtis ave- '"Itteo of tho Council that they will n sixteen-foot strip between tho nue. It extends from Urondwny 120 1800 " "i0 saI ni" throwing of wnrohouso and harbor line, but to feet to tho Southern Pacific right of '"fettl Is not permitted excopt on uvyiuug in oinor -wnroiuMiHo aim iinruor line, out to root to tile Southern Pacific right of "" t f"hjii - loavo more would mnko It expensive , way niul then from tho west lino of 'J10 ,,,Ht nflornoon nnd ovyiil nnd Inexpedient, owing to so much , tliu right of way to tho harbor lino, ntl10 two. ,,n'H' J'olplirntlon, an rnlny weather. Furthermore, ho snld the company only had a strip of land 108 feet wldo between the Southern Pnclflc right of wny nnd tho hnrbnr lino, nnd to lonvo forty foot of this vacant would not leave much room for a warehouse. Itullil lllg Wiiirlioimc. Mr. (lotting stntcd thnt the com pnny would start Immediately on tho construction of a wnrohoiiBo 208 ' feet long and 72 feet wide south of tho Alllnnco wnrehouBo now on tho -wntorfront. In nddltlon to this, n row of offlco rooms 20 feet wldo will bo built along tho west sldo of tho building. Up to ProiK-rty Owner. Dr. Straw snld that ho noticed 1y tho paper that the Council hnd discussed the question of fumigating. Ho said thnt ho hnd conferred with Dr. Culln, County Health Offlcor, nnd tho lnttcr had Informed htm thnt It wns up to tho proporty owner to havo tho fumigating dono nnd pay tho expense. Dr. Straw said that tho city did not have anything -to do with It nnd ns health offlcor nil ho hnd to do was to Issuo an order for tho romovnl of tho quar antine when tho 'attending physlclnn gavo him n certificate thnt tho prom ises nnd occupants wore no longer liable to cnuso n spread of tho ills nana. Ho snld thnt tho pcoplo tliom elves woro llablo as woll ns tho piiymcinn, to boo Hint tlio inw wns compiled with, Cotincllmnn Kvortscn snld that ho though that Dr. Straw ought to do It, but Straw Insisted other wise. ' Street AnhcnniiiciiIn. Tho assessment for tho grading and plnuklng of Fourteenth Htreot from Central to Hlghlnnd hmj been completed nnd wn8 nunoiinrod. Tho total cost is 14-117.32 and tho nsscBs niont on part of It Is $11.89 por front foot and part of It $3. 04, ex clusive of tho Intersections. distance of 117 feet. The right of 0I'T einuso win u., nuneupu to tno way or crossing over tho Southern ordinance- when Its passes Its final Pne I e trackB w have to ba con-i " .ii"ij imki. demnod or otherwise urrnugod. DeliiyM South llroudiviiy. It wns proposed to adopt the South ovor. Some of the dcnlers around town I Pnclflc Is not required to mnlntnln tho hourly motor car uorvlco until nftor Jnnunry 1. He snld that the minutes did not show UiIh and he wanted It re corded bo thnt It would not nppear that the Council hnd unnuimoiisly granted tho concession. Mr. Albrecht said that while If wnH generally known thnt tho Council could not ehnngo n frnnehlso or ordi nance by merely a motion, ho was nfrnld thnt perhaps the motions might be construed by the courts ns u wntvor or tho rights of the city. i In tli Ih connection he pointed out I thnt u City Council In Mnrshricld hud traded nwny tho moHt Important pro- vision In tho Coos Hay Water Com-1 puny'H franchise to tho wnlcr compnny in order to get thoni to buy a "rotten old holler." Ho said that tho Wntur Company frnnulilso provided thnt tho $1.25 Khaki, Madras and Soiseth SHIRTS for Women Sale Wed. Morning at 98c Go on SKI) BROADWAY WINDOW, Hub Dry Goods Co. "Smart Wear for Women " Cor. Broadway and Central Ave. Phone 361, Hlniiv Will Prevent It. Dr. K. K.. Straw, City Health Of ficer, announces thnt ho will not ll'V .IIW UU1. ... I , . . , . , , .... Ilriimlwnv nuuUni,.t,l Inul nlirl.e u ! porillll 1110 llirOWIIlg Of COIUOUI. 110 ..... ... . " .. IlinO llHMIintlt 1 t ntlntt akt t . t I (t .. thnt tlio paving could bo hnstoncd.i """ i -'" " "'" r. '"..'. """"" us Mr. Arnold of the Burbor com-,,!Pt vo nff n,lul notlflinl the Conn- IREQPbE'YOUl i irirar tsr nru.vjn AI30UT A mmm " w puny was very anxious to get this ilono. However, City Itccordor Hut ler said that he could not get tho certified list of proporty owners be fore Juno 22 nnd thnt tho assessment could go over until next Monday night and this would cllmlunto technical ities which might bo mndo tiio bnsls of nu objection to tho assessment. Xo Action Taken. No further action wns taken about strnlghtculug out tho difficulties at tached to carrying out tho rest of tho ngreomont bctweon C. A. Smith nnd tho Council about oponlng the other BtreotB. After Pool Hull. Tho Council received a lbttor from tho Mnrshflold Ministerial Associa tion nnd tho W. C. T. U. asking thnt an ordlnnnco bo enacted prohibiting minors from frequenting pool rooms. They naked Mwt tlio qrdlnnn.ee, follow tho stnto law. T..o letters stated thnt boys were allowed to frequont one place hero nnd thnt It was dotrl monfnl to their morals. mo Bunnell iiioiriiciuu AHHimiiui-reoi tunt tno dangers nttnrhpd to City Attornoy Murpliy to drnft nn confetti throwing would bo grontor ordlnnnco nnd prpvldo for tho pun- than ordlnnrlly attached to It. Ishmont of boys going to pool rooms Council Differ, nfl woll as of tho proprietors for por- Councilman Ferguson differed milling, tnqm to loner around tho from Mayor Straw. Ho snld thnt It cllmn thnt ho, under the honlth regulations, could, and would pre vent tho throwing or Bnlo of con fetti. Ho says thnt It Is a monnro to tho health. Councilman Wilson, of tho health committee, took tho same, view ns Dr. Strnw. Dr. Strnw stntcd that two yonrs ago tho dealers hnd boon notified thnt tho salo and throwing of con fetti would bo barred In tho future nnd thnt the enactment of tho or dlnunco then wns held back so that nnno of tho donlors would suffer n loss on nccount of having stocks on hnnd. This gnvo them nn opportun ity to soil that stock nnd ho said If thoy hnd purchased more, It was their own fault. Furthermore, ho snld tho stuff could bo returned to tho wholcsnlors. Danger I-'ioin Kiildemle. QwlP.g IP tho pnldpmjp pf mciislps, smnllpox, whooping cough and other Ilia thnt havo been prevailing In this HftPtlntl lit Hin tlntn .lltrln.v Mm ltiot few months. Dr. Strnw Is snld to STUB" TOWER, who linn been con ducting u moving picture Iioiibo nt Ilandon, nnd wlfo hnvo returned to .Mnrshflold and will remain here for a whllb. city could nt nny time buy the water-,. JOHN A. MADDUX nnd Oeorgo Flan- worKH lor ten por cent more inuii iib1 ngnn expect to leave today for. Co phyBlcal valuation until this trndol ciulllo Vnllov nnd Cnrrv emmiv was mndo. ' points, where tliov oxnect to ntinnd WILL OF BISHOP SGADDING Mayor Allen thought thnt If the franchise wnn nnnullcd, It would be n Iofb to tho compnny nlso, but Mr. Al brecht snld thnt ns long ns tlio com pany hnd mndo nn Investment under It tho courts would probably not allow them to suffer nny loss. Mr. Al brecht snld Hint tho Council wns trending on very dangerous ground In changing thu franchises In nny wny. Mr. Albrecht also criticized severely tho sorvlco which tho Southern Pnclflc provides between Myrtle Point and Mnrshflcld. Leaves Bulk of Properly M is Small, to Mother and Widow PORTLAND. Or., June .J Mnry It. Scn.l.Ilnu and ,. tH llivlh Ui.,,.1.11.... .. i.i ' . ..v..,...,uh, nmgW mj D( EW places. Hill fur Damages. Ulmico Lodge of Mnsous, through looked to htm ns thoueh the f'omi ell hnd wnlted too long to stop It in i ii year, no snui tunt no thought (OIHLEIS n fow weekH on Insuranco IjiihIiichm. ' LCBm!Cllvuy. of the lata Dlibmi r ui-;u. a. .MAiJiJUN, or Hurllngnino, tJL""" "B. ei mo KpiKopil thitil uaiu., oiiu ui mo owuoi'H or inor"V" ,,u u",i: wfneucuriei ol til m ..... . . nulnln l..(i. i .. i i. mb mmous liuriingamo urnvo, Is ox-.""""' 'V'.1 " """ accordlnr lal . ., t. ..! tlll ...1.I..I. ... all.. . peciuii imro booh ior nn exieiuied visit with bin brother, John A. Madden. KAY NOW. nnd nbout fifteen of tho Dliio Itldgo Tlgors woro MnrBhflold visitors Snturdny, got llng rigged out ror the. big burn dnnco nt thu I.ch Smith much will, which wm rildri f. with tho county clerk. The Is eBtlmatcd to Lo worth ivl fllUUU. In his will tliolatollihopiUtji ed thnt tho Proceeds of iif. t. anco policy for $2000 shoold to u nn uiuuiur, anu iao rcrai aaoik Hniuruay nignt. juumio m nis wiuow, nil prl IIAItltY KDI.IN, who has boon spend-1 W excepted. Mn. JUrr ! nig soino timo hero, loft on tho ',".. "inu oxccuirix wimont His library ho leaves in hit nor In offlco. Tho will bears the date of Serte hor 10, 1913, nnd Ii ltntiic41 Jnmos ii. Kerr and Cwlei A. I or this city. In tho document Mn. , SrtJdlsd Inuncli Trnmii todnv for Woddor burn, whor.o ho has been omploycd for the pnst three years In tho me chnnlcnl department of tho Macloay estate. DONALD ALLICN will leavo thlH week for AlbnilV. whnrn 1m will Inln Mr mothor, Mrs. F. H. Allen, for n requested to destroy ell the MA visit with relntlvcs. H0 will mnlto 'mi'orB mcuming raanuscripu, will visit nt Salem for a tlmo bo-10?, nrtlcles which she bederei fore going to his now homo ln.nu' l0 Ircsorvo, California. i II. F. OOHDON, of this qlty. returned hub morning from Portland, where In enso hla mother dies befor 1 widow, ho provided that pitta remains of tlio fund created brt ho has been for tho pnst two weokH. ,,r Insurance for hl molheri Clinigo of Inspirtloii Tlio Council nlso deducted $00 from tho South Ilroadway fund for tho cost of Inspecting tho paving. Tho Council hnH Just stnrtod In do ing this, tho charge reimbursing tho city gonornl fund. Tho Council ordered n robnto of $388.70 on tho paving to tno proporty ownors and a robnto of $410.0G to tho proporty ownora for tho sower. Tho rebnto Is on tho proporty botwoon Contra! - and Mill Slough. Kick on Tracks Councllmnn Copplo has ontored n protest ngalnst tho two rails on. North Front street whore J. v. Ttonnott stnrtcd to doublo track tho Terminal Rail wny when tho Southern Pacific was threatening to parallel tho Termlnnl lino. Only tho one bond of trnck was laid nnd now unto ownors and others declare It Is a menace. Councilman Ferguson said thnt Superintendent Miller, of tho South ern Pnelfle hnd offered to leavo tho rails there nnd simply fill in the proovo with bitumen Tho Council thought thnt thlR Miilcht be nn effort to hold special rights on tho trnck nnd Recorder llutlor wns Instructed to notify tho company to remove tho rails nnd , -fix tho street promptly or the city -will do It nnd chnrgo It up to tho compnny. ......u uuiihii ui .iiunwiin. llilifllKU l.n niHnn, .i , ... . Carl W. Hvertsen nnd C. F. McKnlght i" 8LtJ',nB,V;o.1.1.1,l !? '?, ,,nH8 ,..w ........ ii.., u ,i,uiiiiiK mo UIIUW- Ing of confetti, etc., without nny emergency elniiBo, and then It would becomo effertlvo nftor tho colebrn Hon nud gunrd ngalnBt nny troublo presented n bill to tho Council for $80.18 dnmngca which thoy stntcd was tho actual expense Incurred In removing tho water from tho bnco- IllOIlt' of thn MiihomIo Onnrn llmiRit. '". """ hi Tlin I. Ill u. nlu ..rnunnln.) tl.n ,I1 tllO flltlirO. vi 'in uioy ii vviiiuu w iiiu Port of Coob Day and nlco to Manag er It. 10. Miller of tho dredge Se attle. Tho council did not take any attending to inattorn of u business nnturo. Mr. Gordon returned via tho overland routo, coming by the wny of Onrdtnor. DON GARDINER of North Iloml wns here today. Ho Itiril'n tt IPnivntwi .w.v ., ,.,.ri.,.u, niiuiu iiu niiii IIII1I.1 lilu liin.t., i.n..l..u t....1.i. ... ' ' ltUllllllMiU, llllllllllll. Councllmnn Connie took n Hlmllnr vlow. F. G. Horton, of tho Fourth of July Committee, who wns prcsont, actio;, IL'saynig that :'iC!.lir &"W ,...... muiiwiih 1.11111 i-oniiiun llir IIIU muttor for tho Port; Commission to iiiiiiiui iur inu rurv uoiiiiniBniun loifln ... ,.,, i n ,. i. ,i hnndle. Mayor Allen stated that lio'K" ,(f ?nft "' " ,!?ja ,l" undoratopd that tho port Commission '"'? 'a. "'tn,,e" ''"', was willing to ottlo tho claim. I l'l'ra,". 3!' "nil fchy I Grndo In IVrulale. City Knglneor Uucktnghnin pre sented n profllo ror 11 grade on Ninth streot botween Fir and Hemlock. This was requested by Mrs. M. A. Sweetninn, who owns property along It. Mr. Buckingham snld It wns Im possible to got n good grado thoro owing to tho cross streets differing so much. The grado ho nronosed lonvcs tho Btreot nbout six feet high er than Mrs, Sweotinnn'a proporty. No action wns taken on it. Mclaughlin .Street Proiwrty. Councilman Ferguson stnted thnt Duve Holden. who says ho has ac quired tho C, H. McLaughlin proporty 111 anuin .MnrauiiGiu, I'lid orrered to that tho I yes- pposed Cltv llealtb Offlcor, declared that ho would not permit it. Councilman Copplo Bnid that It would bo permitted unless tho Coun cil passod the ordlnnnco prohibiting Finally tho understanding of the Council was that tho salo nnd throw ing of confetti would bo pormlttod the last nfternoon nnd nvnnlnf nt tho celebration, but If tho dealors do not all ngreo to prevent It, tho ordlnnnco will bo pnesed next Mon- uoy nignt ellinlnntlng confetti ni together. Ordinance H Rigid The ordlnnnco prohibiting the salo nnd throwing of confottl la a rigid mm miner nronu 0110. Not onlv Royal F. Nilcs, of Whitman College, Will Succeed F. L 1 Grannis in Marshfield Roynl F. Nlles, A. II., of Whit man College bus bcon securei) nn Instructor of history nnd director, i niiuuino III .11111 IIIJIIUIU II1KII Sihool for tho coming yonr, Mr. NI'l'H In 11 iirniliintit nt Kiilniii r.. f.on. High School; took two yenrsl work In Hellliighnm Normal and! r.rndunted this year from Whitman. Hi the meantime Mr. Nlles hnH done "od'of l,two,yonr,HB ,OVOr"IB " "r" J' w- PKKNS arrived hero yester ion 01 iyo jears. .,., . nni,.,.. . -,..'.. ...m. .. ....... iiunvuill t l' tlilllUI Vllll K. M. Andrews, who has been here on tho oil project In which ho Is Interested. Mr. Perkins snyH thnt ovorythlng Is jirogresslng nlcoly with tho Rosoburg-Coos Hay rail road project. port shall become tho property) .Mrs. .Mnry scaduinx ina oa death, that all remaining prop loft hor by him shall beglrtm Dlslioii of OruKon to uieufcsd i aa 1 i .ut, Ih nlnnnliiK to" ",81' proviuing vm eicn up .i.;h i, ...in lis tlireo brothers. niiuiu iiu niiii . . . ,,. -., 111 reKiiru iu mo me """ Cnrrlgnn nnd Huyden hnvlng nddod linrf of tho valley to his torrltory. He will mnko this section nbout once u month. money loft his mother, he 1 thnt It be Invested br till 1 Dr. H. Crawford Scaddlng. for i bcuoflt. .Mr. Nlles Is an nrtloto of nolo. For tho pnat threo seasons ho Iiiih been choBon All-Northwest, fullback In football; was captain of tho Whitman team In 1912; Is a mem-' bop of tho bnsobnll team this sea-,' son; knows bnskotball nnd track' work. Mr. Nlles is directly connoct- r o.l ii'lll. thn ,-,il.l.... .,.....-.. . ... .. y.. "iiu ... iuiaiiuiK Djniuill ui .M1CII-' ignn anu l'ennuylvniiln, as well as with Whitman, where tho woll-knpwn Aichlo Halm is couch. ALWI.M. I.MPORTANT meeting CliiiinlMr of Coiiiiuei-co, Tuesday, .Juno l, H p. 111. CORVALLiS. Postal receipts nhow n gnlh of 10 por cent over' building, , tho' month of May, 191. I.' needod. sell tho tract to tho city for $1500. ,l0(,8 it put tho ban on confottl, but Tho proporty Is 50x1 10 nnd tho city'' ,nlH0 urs tho feather dusters, wants 25x1 to to wldon Ingorsoll nve- j Neklers, ote., which nro used. It 11110 south of tho remetory. Tho or-l Prolilblts nnyoiio from striking any ferwas referred to a sneclni commit-10110 w,tl anything, thereby ellinlnat leo to tnko It up with John Morchnnti ,nB ,l10 "roturn bnlls,' o4e. of tlo Merchant estate who Is Inter- After It was road, Mayor Allen ested In having tho street oponod. Bal" ,l0 thought tho ordinance cov Mr. Morchnnt sonfo tlmo ngo offered ",r,, ,,)0 ", torrltory, nnd ho to give nnother lot to McLnughlln ' l0Bht thnt tho eliminating of nil In lilnnil nt ill., mm ivir. .. I r,.,l t ll.!tllU "tlCklOl'K" U'dlllll t lllfn tlin fun n.o ... ,...ILV If. .H. ....V. . V1l,l, VI, llfl illlJl . . , V -"" ..-.w ..W ,.,. Will, atreor nnd then offered to pay tlio ' 0,r, th0 olobratloii. There was con coat of moving tho buildings, but ' sl'Iorable Joshing nbout the mutter, as tho recent fire destroyod tho "' V".H'a'"lin'L Aiureciit said that tho latter will not bo, ,uo "Kiprs, (lusters, ote., woro Just Eye Specialists Remember, vv arc established licit' luive two registered oplirlansj nlso linvo 11 lens grinding plant where your glnsset. are mndo at once. Prices reasonable money back If not Mitlsfiictory. See us for TOKIC IiKN'SKS they nro tho best. Red Cross Optical Dept. IU:i CROSS DRUG STORK Phono 122. (KVKS KXAJI1XK1) ANY T1MK FROM 7 A. .M. TO O P. M.) ns (langerous. or more dangerous, than tho confetti nnd tho' ordlnnnco was niiowen to stand DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ' ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHfELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue R. PKCK left yetserdny for Gar diner to attend a meeting of tho Umpqua Port Commission. From thoro ho will go to Portlnnd to visit with Mrs. Pock and baby dur ing tho Roso Carnival and lator will look arter somo caiJe3 thoro. Ho and Mrs. Peck and tholr little nnughtor will roturn hero about June 2G. 1 FRANK GRANT enmo up yesterday irom Houtn inlet, whoro ho com pleted moving out tho Inst of tho Sintth-Powors logging camp. It will bo put In again on tho Smith Powers road south of Myrtle Point. In tho ineantlmo he will probably tako It easy and ho and Mrs. Grant loft today for Coaledo, whoro thoy will visit hor relatives for a tlmo. bid in NUJi AMKRICAX IJMGVB NORTH BEND NEWS The WIZARD lirXKKR IIHihJIKI?l'I.fi TONIGHT Social Problem to llc Discussed t Schoollionso Tonljrht. There Will bo n meellm nt C n. clock this ovonlng nt the Bunker Hill school for Instruction of parents and adults on sex hygiene. Tho meotlng will bo In ehiirgo of Mr. F. A. Timt. gen nnd Dr. H. M. Shaw. It Is under mo uuspices or ttie MnrBhfleld Pro motion Committee Of thn Oropnn Social Hygiene Society nnd Is n con- uiiuanco or work recently Inaugurat ed on Coos Day by Dr. Calvin S. White of tho Oregon State Board of ueaiin. Parents and adults living In tho Bunker Hill and Bay Park district are Invited to be present. Wo are admonished to look not upon the wine when It Is rod yet one Httlo elder apple did the world more harm than all the wine ever produced, Exchange. Tho Presbytorlnn Ladles' Aid will meot nt tho homo of Mrs. Georgo Mnndlgo Thursday aftornoon nt 2 o'clock. A boii was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Petorson on June 3, nt tho Lfo giving station on tho Umpqua River, iu ih inoir fourth Bon. X I I no '-at'ies' Aid of the M. E. church B lirtiiPiPr Hvinn "V x?r,h .Den(l ,net nt tho 1 I IUII5ICI ITIUU church pnrlorn for tholr monthly sew- I Ing session Tliursday afternoon, Juno 1 iiiu. I Members of the official board of no .wtn uend M. E. Church, with their wives, mot on Monday ovonlng In the WeBleynn Blblo Class room, w-here they conducted u business ses sion. They wore entertained social ly by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chnpello. Mrs. Illsey, who hna haen rnnflnoit to her homo with n sevoro attnok- nf ; rnoumntlsm, Is now ablo to bo out again. I Mrs. E. B. Curtis will entertain at a social tea tho members of the first Larkln Club of sixteen, at hor home In Plat B Wednesday afternoon, Juno 10th. Tho second club of six teen will meet about tho 12th of August. j Tliere will bo an Important busl-l ness meeting of the Baptist Ladles of rorin uena: in their rooms, number ojeven Myor Bldg., Thursday nfter noon at 2; 30. All members are urg ed to be present. M Round m $1.50 The Mop That Gets in the WHY PAY MORE? Johnson-Gulovsen Co. New York, 0; Chicago, 1. Boston, 11; CleveUnd, . Washington, 7; 8t. W! Philadelphia, 5; Detroit. . NORTIIWl-STI.n.V I-Wl Portlnnd.VIctorla-roJtponfi account of wet Kromidi. Spokane, t; Seattle, 0. Tncoma, 0; Vancouver, J. NATIO.VAh IJUCI'B Chicago, 3; Brooklyn . St. Iul8. l: NS",' Cincinnati, 3; Boston. Pittsburg, 7; Phlladelpw. . rrl.. Unit Y0C i.iiiny umii. " rm TiiMvi! iicimi. Phone " m Livery nnd TransferComp Our Specialty is Good Piant Whatever make you bgW iir. wfi add our guaran ' to that of the manufacturer. "YOUR MONEY'S WORTH' OR YOURMONEYBAt n..M nnuihinn be more t-. Thnmas About I "lairi iw in-"- U7-K-. n Allen ft L. 1. Thomas, Mana 10 ih Ju at th te th s te I" n Kl H. P. tOl