SSSSSsS JHE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1914-EVENING EDITION. FIVE Some Splendid New De signs Just Received in v Rugs Dear Mr. & Mrs, Stlll-ln-love:- You dont ovor want "love" to "fly out of the window, ' dp you? Then you must make your home beautiful and attrac tive. Nothing Inspires graclousness and polite ness between people as much as refined, HARMONIOUS SURROUNDINGS. You will find at our store Just the handsome and graceful styles of new furniture that will make your home a. perpetual delight to you. Come In and see them and satisfy yourself that our PRICES will be reasonable. Summer furniture and . Dining Room Sets Wc are also showing I a complete line of sea- . sonable articles: TENTS, CANVAS COTS HAMMOCKS ; CAMP CHAIRS CAMP STOVES ; In fact everything re- quired for the camping .; and vacation season, and remember., always , that ' I "WE SELL IT FOR LESS" GQJNG & HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers ww SOLD Two mora of tlio ttiuippy IiiiJ'h offer ed by Hold. Only n few left. riiom "(ll-J and usk Held nlioiit (limit. Ho will Hike " you out In his car unci hl.OW yoil till) iK'Ht buys any tlmo nOxOO.font lotN. lev el and cleared, for .SI-."5, on catiy terms. V. A. HEIR, 150 Front fit. Chandler Hotel 35c Busi ness Mens' Luncheon WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 101U California Ripe Olives. Pureo of Navy Ucan or Consommo Ilrnted Sirloin of Hoof, Spaghetti or Ilakod Pork and Honns.- Mashed Potatoes Applo PIo Cnbbago In Cream Cocoanut Pudding Tea, Coffeo or Milk. Stoamod Potntoos Strawberry PIo he Royal TONIGHT The Kellevs in an nntlre chance I Program. As you all know, the ifttu-o ..11 .: . .. r .' t i!i more wnen h comes i -'HE people lajigb, "THR MBYiniw npnui.i.ins1' -A. stlrrlnir three-rdel feature lot "S main miAHlInn nt iUa flnv "Max!-! - Here la a plcture.tbat ypu will V Is ".great," "1IIKR IVn Twu riiFP rT"5F! '0 NATURE." A Joker comedy' aria .,,.,.., ' I iuf luirmiui purpose. U1STURN OF TONY" An 0Meatura with KinK.Baggot. OWer flnnr 1 K n,uv iSn COMING .Tnlv 1fih nnH 17th . r8. FisVa In 4irr-- - . TVITrhflr. ' I " A COO Jl Ujg AS w.ww. PUm," a soulful portrait of a wo' : sorrows. Coralnc soon i"7.!Mfjn. son OF run en,,, I Watch for "LUCILLE LOVE," the Ki,"' fllYBIftrv HONE ilQ fW essenger Service ja46la IRVING BLOCK Men's Suit, , Special $ 1 5.00 These beautifully tail ored Suits guaranteed all wool; this season's mer chandise. Now these Suits are. worth $18 and $20 In any market. Wc guarau ,teo everyone to be just what we represent good merchandise. We are showing a beautiful stock of Cluett 8hlrtB, soft cuffs and collars; all late patterns and new designs. 11.50 and up. All high-grade merchandise at low price. WHY? Because we sell for cash. Ladies' Department Special Discount 25 per cent All this week On all articles in stock, included in this sale: Suits, Coats, Dresses, Separate Skirts, Wash Underskirts, TJn dorweaiv Hosiery, Corsets, Neckwear, Hair Goods, Hair Ornaments and Parr asols. ALL TRIMMED HATS 1-3 OFF On each and every article ONE FOURTH OFF. Some of these articles were bought from New York's best manufacturers. Don't fall to see our new ar rivals In summer dresses. They are chic" and up to date and made In most fascinating styles to suit tho most fastidious.-' ' BREVITIES TIDES FOR JUNE. Below Is given the time and height or high ana low water at Marshfiold. The tides are placed In the, order of occurrence, with their times on the first lino and heights on the second line of each day; a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dicate whether It Is hick or low water. For high water on tho bar atibtrni't two hours 3 minutes. 9llrs iFt, lOllIrs. IFt.. llHrs. 2.3G C.7 3.20 c.r. 4.07 it. 28 1.0 10.14 0.0 10.GC 4.15 4.0 g.oi 4.0 G.47 9.17 2.4 10.09 2.4 lo.r.c 158-R " L'6imi.xi-coos iiAvlqwNTV-ji-quitijoyits " . The new luwsenger and freight, stoaijujjdp "Geo. W. Elder" Inaugurating tlie neiv Portion d-Coos llayKurckn weekly service, SAILING FROM PORTEND JJg Jg, AT ft A rrivlnL' Coos Ray Monday morning and every Monthly thereof U-r Tl7oVtean.erUnewtlirt.ugl.out and Kivl..K wrvlro unequak-d l.jr nny other. VOIITII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO. ., MI,1U ' C. F, M'GEOHGE, Agent. Phono 4. WEATHER FORECAST tnr Anacltt4 hm I. Om Utj TIum.) OREGON Fair and warmer Wednesday except near coast; westerly winds. LOCAL TUMPHRATURK RECORD For the 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. m., June 9, by llcnj. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum GO Minimum .47 At 4:43 a. in 48 Precipitation 03 Precipitation Blnce Sept. 1. 1913 , on.r.7 Precipitation buiiiu porlod Inst year G 1.1 2 Wind: northwest; partly cloudy. Choir Meeting. The members of tho Junior choir of the Episcopal church are requested to conio to tho tehcnrsal nt 7 o'clock promptly on Wcdnosdny ovonmg in Guild Hall, (Jive Shower. Mrs. W. II. Kenne dy will tender n shower nt her homo In South Mnrshfiold tomorrow com plimentary to MIbs Mamlo Mnhoney. vho Is soon to become tho brido pf Matr Dano. Lome TtHlay. Thirty-five laborers left for Astoria on tho Drcakwntor tctlay, being lured there by tho re port of n largo number of men being wanted on government work nt per day and only an eight hour day. Hani Can. Tho Southern Pacific motor car hnB today boon pressed In to sorvico and hntilud a few frolg',t cars botwoou hero and North Rend, or rather tho fill nt Por.ter, which Is being put In condition so that the stoain trains can cross if. Change Hatch Tho date of tho op ening of tho tract In southern Coos nnd Curry counties, which has been tnkon out of the forest reserve, linn been chnrigod from tho lnst'bf Juno to July 7, or rathor tho lattor dato Is tho tlmo at which filings will bo ac cepted In tho Rosehurg laud office. Dotllt'iito Ham. Rov. O. LoRoy Halt-will dedicate a bin barn nt tha Joo Mast ranch Just above Mrtlo Point next Sundny. This will lnnU" the fourth Imrn ho hnH dotllc.tod. Ilollglous services and Suuilny Hcho will be followed by a big picnic feats, Rov. Hall returned yesterday from SOCIAL CALENDAR. TUESDAY. Auction Urldgo Club with Mrs. Dorsoy Krcltzcr. Mnrshricld Episcopal Guild nt church. Afternoon function by Mrs. Rebeccn Luso-Stump. Nroth Rend Catholic Ladles with Mrs. C. S. Kaiser. Christian Sisterhood with Mrs. R. A. Copplo. L. T. L. Socloty nt Unptlst church. WEDNESDAY. Jolly Dozen with Mrs. Rrock muclter. Nowly-Wcds with Mrs. Carl West. Urldgo Club with Mrs. W. S. Turpon. Raptlst Ladles' Aid meeting. I North Rcml Swedish Ladles I with Mrs. William Strnng. Eugene nnd Is suffering from an at tack of lumbago. Hunker Hill Service Thoro will b. services nt tho Hunker Hill school house Wednesilny evening. Rev. A. F. Unssfonl of the local llapttsc Church will preach. Everyone In In lted. Fli.wl for DriinkcniifNi ChniloB Stone, nrrested Inst night by Officer Donne, pleaded guilty to being on the titreols In n drunken condition vl'cn re wnB brought before Recor.ler Rnt ler this morning. The customary flno of $r wan nssessetl. Union ServltTM. At n mooting rf the Marshflo'tl Ministerial Union yos tordny, It was decided to have t'-o Protcslnnt churches hero unite In un ion services during July nnd August. This will give tho pastors un oppor tunity to enjoy n vacation ilurltiK tue Btimmor season. llaliy Roy llliil The e'ght-months old Infant son and only child of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hngnulst, or West MnrshrTold, wns burletl yes tor 'ny nrterrioon In Odd Kellows' Cnmntprv. Mnnv friends extend jtymnatliy and roiulolotifo in the henrthrokon parents in their he- ronvoment. PERSONAL MENTION E. R. HODSON, of Coos River, Is a vlidtor Itrthn rlty. totlnv. . JAMES OltlNEY, or Allegany, Is a v'lp I- ''i ' t(Mla'. It. II. OL80S" of Empire was n Mnrsh fiold buslnosi visitor Indny. GEORGE NOAH, of Allegnny, camo In on the Alert this morning. NED P. KELLY of, Cnqtilllo In a Mnrshileld business visitor. MISS ALMA MILLER, of Cocs River. Is n vls'tor in t o city today. A. VAN ZII E of North ll"iid wn n Mnrshfeb' IiiisIiiohr visitor totlnv, F. A. HAINES lH looking nftor busl- ness In Myrtle Point nnd Connlllo. 11. F. HOTCHKIMfl of Con Rlvor, rnme In on the Rainbow this morn- liK. CARIi CLIN'KENHEARD, of Coo 'Rlvor, came In this morning on the Rnlnbow, ' MR. AND MRS, FRANK HOLMES. M Illl". 1 of Snlom, arrived In tho city this morning. C. E. HUNTING has boon nppoinfed construction engineer of tho F. E. I Conway Company. , MRS. L. M. DLIVENS la leaving- soon for Portland, whero sho will visit 1 her Blstor, Dr. Elslo Pntton. (MISS ELSIE DLIVENS will leave to day for a month's stay at tho Los- I tor Smith ranch on Coos Rlvor. G. W. SHELLY roturncd to Myrtlo Point yestordny nfter spondlnp ! Sundny with hla wlfo nnd rnmlly ' nt North Rend. flJOTIED i I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY' I FOR IlKST Homo pitrtly furnished. 7 rooniR nnd batn. Hensonnoio. 1108 North 2nd St. Phono GO-X. LOS'I Small ikmhRo dog. to 187 South Second. Hot urn FOR HALE- ConiiMKN wltli nlx-lncli needlo. W. & L. 13. Gurley mako of Troy, N. Y. Complete. Good as now. Ahrnhnm Van Kilo, North Rend, Oregon. WANTED Roy nt tho RomIIiik Alley to set pins. 1 FOUND f FOUND Key, near Alllniiro nre houso. Owner mny find Bamo at Times office. FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE Fumlturo in a kcvcti room rooming houso. 138 North Third atreot. Mra. F. M. Qotchy. FOR SALli New 1-1 linlf truck Htudobakor wagon. See J. ,C. Donne, Phono 331-R. W, -J : mju $.mamm til Special M Auto Trip Mil v - to -GOLD BEACH BANDON PORT OR FORD and LANGLOrS Wednesday, June 10 Car leaves Chandler Hotel at 7 a. m. Make your reservations with clerk at Chandler. , Phono 20. Grand Theater TONIGHT i SIX REELS. ALL NEW Vitaor.aph Night: . Kour reqis oi iue ueaumui nimo and two other reels will mako up nn mtra lone nroeram tonight. An Officer and a Gentleman- Special three-reei vitagrapn u.ui Is a real feature In Useirh-One of iha Itiiat nlintnnlnvH for sntne tltna a plcturo that our patrons can bank on being juit as aaveriuuu, mo very best that money and brains can produce." Doc Yak and the Poultry Man Tms Is one of tho famous ani mated cartoon Ulrawhg by fljdnoy Smith. Funny? I nhould say yes. All the kids will be delighted with this picture. Millions for Defense Tin la urllllni. in innnd a fortune to get rid of her, and she would do .. aatna Thav turn nrninifl and marry each other, and are glad they did. A Vitagrapn rib-tickler. The Puritan, ' , A. BDlondld Lubln drama with an allBtar cast . . . Children Gc; atiuits. toe. i Tnmnrrnu' nlchf "The L'on Ond the Mouse," in six reels. Tblsiumc lotteTaujj inf for incxpensiy pcasurawc urc IBflttgCo cf - AiyTitfmtf tlktusa: win tefll jyca'ifSjtke trtai: tkatstands for! SUKEITIUCTIOK. .aod9far as the 2Ctuaiwear?ig ability' of the rubber is concerned;1 n.cud BEilg4T FOR HA LI rt-rtMim Iioiino nmt lot 40x140 nt 1073 Commercial. In quire nt plnco. Chna. Solln. HELP WANTED ' WAXTKI To borrtiw f (IOO. H iwr cum, iwu juuin uiiiu, uuii nucuiit;. Address O. V., enro Times office. WANTED A gtHxl German former wishes to rent n dairy or other good rami with stock to start any tlmo, Answor In German or Eng lish to Coos Day Times, Marshfleld, Oro, VAXTKI!rlKlit -boy about JIB years old to clork In local wholo aaln houso. Ilox M. 0 enro- of .Times oHIce. WANTED Well cdiirnteil, l.enltliy Gorman girl wants good position, housowork or caring for children. Tnlka American or Gorman. 3039 Fnrmors. FOR RENT FOR KENT- Unfurnished rwuiu 239 So. Ilroadway. IfOlt RENT Five room Iiouno, fur nluhod. Apply at 39G South 7th. OR RENT Modern flnU liver Cook's Grocery. Enquire The Gunnery. Phono 34-J. FOR RENT Ijirgo fun.lKl.exl houstw knnnliiL' room. .'1.11 First stroot North. Phono 320-l, - FOIl RENT Private garajte. Apply to Dr. J, T. McCormac. Pbona 244-J. , - WMM il J J Till II I FOR KHNTt Hlv-rooin I.ouho ' oh South Ninth street, 20 per mo. Phono 171 or rail 130 North Ilroadway, FOR RENT Modern bungalow, Ur nluhod. Tenth streqt. Enquire or Mrs, 8. E, Painter or phono 38G-J. FOIl RENT Five room buugalow, bath, olcctrlo lights, 11th atrool, In quire F, E. Allen. .SELECT ROOMS nnd (able board for gentlemen, In prlvato family; close In; rates reasonable, Call 239 South Fourth Street. ,M AKHAGE Treatment by an xiert. Mm. a. Lagus, H70 commercial Ave., Phono 2D7. 28x3 30x3 30x312 '32x3Ms 33x4 34x4 35x4 36x4 35x4M: 36x4Vo 37x4 36x5 37x5 38X51;! i : $11.85 J $12.65 : $17.00 J ,$18.10 4 '3owQ4aO ! $26.05' : $26.9P : $27.75 : $36.05 : $37.10 ! $38.15 : $43.15 ; 44.45 : $57.30 DON'T PAY MORE. Pioneer Hardware Company FIRST CLASS CONCRETE WORK. Cement AVnlkM, Walls, Btep, ILiuteinunts, Etc.. Heo or atilrww M. B. GIDLEY 7U0 Ko. Fourth St., Marfchfleld, Oregon. Phono IIOO-J. Get a Peach Bloom Complexion r IIV THE DAILY USE OF HUTTERMILK CERATE "PENSiaR" THE QUALITY STORE ill MARSHFIELD CYCLERY