i .. nMipiippp IWP i..lMW.W.WJHl.m.tl,WW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAKSHPIILD, OKEQON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, W4-WBNIN0 EDITION. (OI"lFW FOUR WI nw byJug 3SJ MUCH BUILDING nr.THE rmHIBKH inirnttiiiirtinwwMWnffTnnrritimm 1 M ' nil ', irAMimi' J(L fftv-STW! w TO it ii . caTUKRinu'ir PARK &, . . V i: 1 f 1 1 1 1 j i 1 I r 1 1 ' I '! ', f ' I 1 i " 3 r : I ( 1 . 1 1 t 1 l ' ( 1 1 , ,l Several New Residences Un der Construction and More Are Being Planned 'Homo building In liny Park Is tak ing nn early Btnrt this sooson, and 1014 nromlBcs to bo a banner year for Improvements there. It. J. nnd 11. .T. Bernhardt are at work on two pretty cottages on North l'nrk avonuo First. Nulls Justcson and A. C. .Tcnson nro nlso preparing to build on this street. I'oter Sonncson Is constructing a handsome rcsldcnco on Park avenue. , Qustnv Martonson haB purchased tho small dwelling which Mr. Smith occupied on l'nrk nvonuo, nnd has moved it on his lots across tho Btroot. Mr. Smith will build a largor ono for his own use. Grant McMahon Is completing n two-story resldonco on Park avenuo. J. A. White is completing an un usually nttrnctlvo bungalow on West Park Street Second. J. M. Carrol has built n smat hoiiBo for temporary occupancy, until his pcrmnnent dwelling Is finished. John Huffman Is beginning the construction of n dwelling on North Park First nnd West Park Second. Ouy Lattln hns cleared Bovon lots on North Park Third nnd proposes to erect a dwelling thoro nt onco. W. T. Hanson has purchased from Orren Woolley four lots on North Park First, where ho will build o homo. NEWS OF UAHDINEH Kvi'iiIn Along tho Unipqun oh Tnle" by Tho Courier. . " W., H. Jowott hnB brought lili "now "nuto In from Drain. It Is r bunuty, and It Is said Will Is si proud of It that sits up with It n night. Itoy Marshall caught sovorn largo sturgeon In his nets one nigh this week, several of them belli over six foot In length. Thoy wop of a cross vnrloty of tho white nn blue, being very odlblo. Horn At Onrdlnor, Or., to tin wlfo of Ii. S. Weeks, n son. Ilotl mother and babo aro doing well, am the nttendlng physician has hope for tho fnthor. II. T. howls, tho Onrdlnor Mil Company's timber cruiser, roturnod from Mnrshflold Tuesday. There soniiiB to be some militlo attraction for him around Coos Day nnd thr population of Sulphur Springs If llnblo, so wo aro Informed, to be Increased nt n nenr dato. ritchie-welsh bout. CHICACO, Juno 9. -Tho dalo for tho Willie Ultchlo-Froddlo Welsh bout for tho lightweight champion ship at London, hna boon postponed from Juno 30 to July 4, It was nn uounco'i bnro, by Illtchlo's mnnagcr, Km II Thlry. 14 COKK IX TO RAILROAD WOltK A. It. Portor, of tho firm of Por ter Ilrothors, railroad contractors, spent Thursday night In Eugene on his way In to tho rnllroad enmps below flnrdlnor. He comes from Portland nnd Just missed J. II. Por tor nnd Uuy Portor, members of tho snmo firm, who wont out fro tho front to Portland yestordny. A It. Portor states that ho will gr to Tunnel 7 bolow Gardlnor, whorr nn entrance Is Just being mado tf tho south end. Eugono flunrd. EXPERTS AT WORK O.V A MODEL TOWN First SiirvoyH Ktartwl nt Hei'iiinu by Stato Ianikiio of MuiilciNi1ltiert. HERMAN, Minn., Juno 9. -Exports representing tho Minnesota League of Municipalities will under take to mnko Herman ovor Into a model town. Thoy nro now well . Ktnrted with surveys of tho sevoral functions of tho vlllago government upon which will bo based recommend ntlotm with n vlow of making Her man nu oxtunplo for other towns. MIsh Helen J. Stenrns, srnto lib rarian, Is horo to Inqulro Into tho library sltuntlon, G. W. Gessoll of the- university municipal roforonce bureau, and B, L. Rotzol, professor of accounting nt tho university, nro going ovor tho books and accounts or the vlllago. Miss Josoplilno Schaln of Mlnucnpolls Is making a recron tioiinl survey. l.'helps Wymnn, nlso of Minneapo lis, will help with suggestions for making Hormnn a city beautiful nnd Kiodorlck II. Dois 1b studying tho plniiH' with reference to sanitation. J. E..Jonks, of St. Cloud, president of tho lenguo, nnd P. J. Scboigor, may or of St. Cloud, aro alej on t!i ground, L. S. Chnllman, public school nrchl teet, will mnko tho plans far remod elling tho local school. Plans aro bolng mndo for three new brick buildings; n bank, a mod ern station and nn up to dnto hotol. , HAIJV iaRCKST. EVER BORN. Oillforulii (bounty's Biggest Hoy Wolglus 20 Pounds. PLACERV1LLE. Cnl., Juno 9. Tlio hirgost baby born In El Dorado county within tho memory of the oldest Inhabitant arrived at tho homo r 11. -IT. Long of Cnldor. Ho weighed 20 pounds nt birth. Mother and eon nro In excellent health. OOMl'OHTINfi TO STOUT PEOPLE Foley Cathartic Tablots aro a spcohUly good little regulator that keops your system In perfect work ing order. No biliousness, no con stipation, no distrless after eating, no greasy, gassy taste. A stout person who uses them constantly will really feol thinned out and moio comfortnble as n result of their uso, Owl Proscription Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotol. Phono 74, Control Avenue prug Store, local agency. At the Chandler. C. R. Wright, Portland; Q. M. Dutler, Corvnllls; Georgo J. Hardey, Coram; S. J. Lund, Senttle; Mrs. Myrtle Jones, San Francisco; J. W. Ashley, San Francisco; II. II. Wil son, San Francisco; Joseph Boylnnd, Snn Francisco; E. M. Andrews, Mcdford; J. W. Perkins, RoBoburg; C. A. Frltsch, Snn Francisco; A. D. Androws, San FranclBco; Mrs. Burr Wagnor, Portland; W. 11. Mere dith, Wedderburn; L. J. Wattson, Portland; Mrs. E. L. Wilson, Port land; H. F. Curtis, Florence; B. F. Gray, Portland, At The Lloyd. G. K. Green, Myrtle Point; H. Hel dern, Bandon; S. B. Malovoz, Ban don; E. V. Shullcr, Hood River; Mlko Bogdon, Boavor Hill; Ed Gribblo, Gardlnor; Miss Etta James, Coqulllo; MrB. W. Weatnbrook, Co lulllo; Fred Cutler arid wife, Seat lo; E. Masfleld, wife nnd daughter, Portlnnd. At Tlio Blanco. M. A. Mnllnce, San Francisco; Jlo Paulson, Coqulllo; P. M. Hall .owls, Coqulllo; G. A. Slghhauss, Portlnnd; E. E. Doyle, Bandon; J. J. MUlsop, Coqulllo; C. T. Dunccn, Seattle; Chelsln Duggor, Coqulllo; 2ccll Duggor, Coqulllo. At Tlio St. Laurence. L. 8. Perry, Bandon; Mrs. Ar .lmr Golo and son, Bandon; Mrs. Q. II. Roach and son, Dnndon; Miss Clommn Wltchcr, Bandon; Miss Bohb Wltchor, Bandon; C. II. Wltchor, Jr., Bandon: Miss Alice Chine, Dnndon; Miss Ruby Coryell, Dnndon; Miss Erna Taylor, Bandon; Charles J. Ncob and wife, Spo itnno. C. T. Long, Portland. STATE CONVENTION OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Tho Christian Churches of Oregon will hold their twenty-fourth annua) convention nt Turner, Oregon, July 8-1 G, 1914. Tho convention owns ten acres of beautifully shaded ground thoro, with n tnbornaclo scat Ing 2000 people. Last year COO dole gates wore rcgUscrod, while more than 1000 wore In attendance. The Chrlstlan church has nbout 130 con gregntlons In tho state, nnd about 18,000 members. i'ELEVHONE COMPANIES ARE EXE.MPTEI SALEM, Or., .Juno 9. Stato Rail road Commission has Issued a state mont Hint Its rules regulating certain! public utilities recently mado public do not apply to telephone companies Thoy npply to wntor, gns nnd elcctrli light nnd nowor companies. Ono of the rules regulates tho amount of de-1 posit a compnny may rcqulro of r prospcctlvo customer, nnd it is point ed out thnt this does not apply t tolophono companies. SEEKING FIRE WARDENS. SALEM, Or.. Junu 9. Stato For ester F. A. Elliott Is Bonding lotion to nil his supervising wardens out ovor tho stato, requesting them to Im-j mediately submit n list of ronu super visors or other parsons Interested In uiu jiiuicuiiuu ui uiu iiiuuur ui inu. stnto for nppolntmont as flro wardens,1 to serve during tho closed flro season,1 which began Juno 1. Ono of the chief dutlos of such wardens Is to Issuo burning permits for tho burn ing of slashings and to keen an oyo on such fires. Last year 275 road inporvlsors woro appointed wardens, nnd this year It Is expected to ap point 300, besides 75 to 100 volun teers. , SKS REDUCTION IN LKJHT AND POWER RATES Medfowl Flics Appllratlon for Lower PrlcvH on ElccUlclty. SALEM, Or., Juno 0. Application for a reduction of 35 por cent in tho rates charged for olcctrlc light and power by tho California-Oregon Pow or company has been filed with .the stato railroad commission by tho city of Medford, Tho application states that If tins reduction in rates is made, tho company will still earn n fair ro rurn on its investment, Tho matter will bo set for a hearing. Bladder Irritations, kidney trou bles, dull headachos, weariness, pain n baek and sldos, all show tho kid- noyn need to bo toned up, strength ened, tholr regular action restored. Foley's Kidney Pills will do It sure y nnd quickly, Thoy glvo good ealth, freedom from pain, a nt urn of appetite and sound aleop. Try them. Owl Pre scription Pharmacy. Frank D. Co hau. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Control Avenue Drug Store, local agency. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Formerly the Coos Building. Broadway nt Market DAY RATES, 7fi AND UP SPECIAL RATES BY THE MONTH I L. JUSTEN, Manager. Times Wamt Ads Bring Results ,... 1 1 ,' QUIPPED VERY FACILITY FOR HANDLING ACCOUNTS IN A PHOMIT AND RELIABLE MAN SXER THIS RANK SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OF CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS :: :: :: IF YOU HAVE NEED FOR A SAT. 1SFACTORY RANKINO SERVICE WE CAN FILL IT :: :: :: :: :: SERVICE THAT The First National Bank Oi Coos Bay e DON'T LOSE 8LPEP COUGHINH AT XIOIIT Take Foley'a Honey and Tar Com. pound. It elides down rur throat and spreads a healing, soothing coating ovor the inflamed tickling mrface. That's Immediato relief, It loosens up tho tightness in your heat, stops stuffy wheezy breathing, aases distressing, racking, tearing oughs. Children lovo it. Refust my substitutes. Contains no opl ites. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Prank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. Central Avenue Orug Store, local agency. WALL PAPER See VlGRS About jt, COQUlLIiK AND MAHS1IF1ELD AUTO STAGE Schedule. Lv. Chandler Hotel, at 7:15 a. m.; 10:00 a. m.; 1:30 p. in. and 4:30 p. m. Leave Baxter Hotel, Coqullle, 7:15 a. m.; 9:45 a. m.; 3;00 p. m.; 4:30 p. m. Fare: Ono way, 1? 1.23; Round trim same day, $2.00 Auto connects with 9:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock boats from Bandon. flood cars; careful drivers JESSE JUTE, Transportation Manager Times Want ads briar reaulta. . i ' 1 Beginning Tomorrow there will appear in this newspaper a remarkable series of advertisements fea turing Prince Albert Tobacco "the national joy smoke." This publicity is the most notable, from the standpoint of illustrative treatment and reading interest, that it has ever been our pleasure to print. Prince Albert advertising has long been a feature of the country's magazines, and it is so original and appealingly human, in both picture and text, that people everywhere follow it with keen est interest. You will find the ads. in the forthcom ing series illustrated with remarkable character designs by artists of repute, and full of breezy, snappy talks which you will delight to read. Watch for them. ,"z 1 1 . 1 :r. " . 1 , i ,.. "' ' '.V'.r V, . ., 1 r 1 1 ! 1 ) " 5. x 1 1 : 1 j ,.;;; 'v WITH SATISFIES I BUY THE VERY BEST MADE UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICC Free delivery, 8 a. m. and 9 p. m. Phone 73 Goodrum's.Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Mikes of Cars 847 Central At. Phone 878-L V.!'- I.M A- Convenience and Safeguard D If you hnvo over titumblod on tlio dark basement stops, you can real ize what it convenience It is to have nn Electric Light Switch nt (lit head of the fctnlrn. When planning your new home or the remodeling of your present lionic, don't forget the switch on (lie basement hUiIm, or tho switch to light the fiocoiul floor lights front the first floor. .: fr aae . . w-irrir-. . We are now giving away Rogers' Silverware Now on display at our store. Come in "- . t each cash purchase of tea, coffees, extraus V, you n coupon to the amount of your Pujyj purlij we will give double coupons. Be sure ana tf your earliest opportunity. C((K RAV TFA fOFFFF & SPIu v.wj in 1 a-n, xvr. . TYPEWRITERS All standard maJSJiiifl, ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Hen" Oliver, L. C. Smith, and smiw rmiwia. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, wora . b 44. t carbon paper delivered. Phone tisyonr ' enp Y Tunrumirrn CVPUAWRF AND SUrrM 1 i rcwni 1 en r.Aunwiw TimesWantAds.BrinJ(R mSffl. j Iteinembtr lights, poirh Mjnfi ' ets for tin fll "" uppllancfS. It's simpler. Ut plan thes tniep work is 8trtrf. flKE YOW Kl ER or teltl'"0" U Oregon 1 Compi TdCpliODi ITU- SfiJ Cor, 0 on ,