T"lfl t SSjEqxESSE RWW5W1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE, 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. - fl trf' THRfcE rjncd and Pressed, u ,nado to uruer. . n n Trlnl. rPANTATORIUM ; v. w. w-- Phono aou-A, 'PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY HOTEL ! of Mnrshflcld lltON AVENUE ORTH REN" JlciUn, Prop. MILDRED ROGERS NELSON I p , Teacher of Piano. Pupil of Hugo Mnnsfeldt, Sou , pS ; rh,i nr,Ty .W' Juvcn,1 I L",".,.,..""'",, for lea. "it-""iicuu .uitiDiiiieiu, or. JJ II. HARPER, . ,. "OHM! Hlllldcf, General Repairing and Cabinet Mnklng, Phono 3 10-. , Bayliss iirlck work at prices Li nn rlirlit. hVOHK GUARANTEED e i'irc8iiio iiuuiiBou ond st. Phone 484-Ji Honor wore. WOOD -AT ILL'S WOODYARD h Front Street, fbono 180- J. I. II. STEWART ktnniMtACTOIt Eencd an ofNcu over (Store. Ironic Diseases Could sou 111 m If you Lours: 9 30 to 10:30 ana 2 to p. in. YVH. McllUOOM Contractor mul Rulldcr. .Mnrshflcld, Oregon. P. O. Ilov till. He, Hunker Hill. V7T . T. TOMPKINS, D. 8. T. r, OVeltnicr Methods.) Every known diseaso treated without drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 and 2, 237 So. Broadway Phono 132-L. Marshficld, Or. TOEL OSTLINI) " J Plmio Tuner and Repairer 115 S. Sixth street. .Phono 103-L Lonvo orders at V. R. Haines Musk Company. M. WRIGHT Phnnn niH.n HUILDING CONTRAOTOR uHunuiics iumisiicu on request ttMMNMiH Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SENG9TAC1CEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AM) PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDB MARSHFIELD OPriCE, PHONE W-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. MY AIDING NEW L iBRAFir S. S. HARDY SA.LS PROM SAN KRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY EVERY NINE DAYS San Frnnilsro Office, Harrison Street Dock, Pier 10. Coos Hay Eureka Stcnnnhlp Lino E. .1. LINDDN, Agt., Phone Dour. 2070. J IE Q A. H. HUDULNB 'if PAINT AND DECORATING CO. ' Furnished. Mnrshflcld, Oregon. F. HIIIAHaEH I eg and Ladles' Tall- Prices ncasonnblo tM & MntBon Storo . ) 248-J. fO. GOSNEY Phono 3151 rnnfrnffiiH hn1 ff..li1 Estlnintcs Furnished on Request MY PAST WORK IS .... MY REFERENCE Urst nnd Alder Bta. Mnrshflcld. rR. II. M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat. DR. MATTIB 11. SHAW Dlscnxra of women nnd children. Offlco phono 330. Rooms 200, 201 202. Irvine TllncV Houbo phono, 105-J. DR. A. J. HENDRY """ DENTIST Marshflold, Oregon. Rooms 204-206, Cokn Building, tcsldcnco phono 2G2-X. Offlco phono 112-J. M RS. FAIUUNGEH, Teacher of Piano. Rcsldcnco Studio, Phono 3 80-J )N'S LATEST bittcry that continual irglng will not harm. K0T CORRODE AT IKIUIINALS. I.IIXS NO ACID. Ilose Its chargo whllo Minding Idle. LTCi:i) FIVE YEARS ' Wiring'Co. uj. I'ort or coos liny. KLKOANT LIMUa -OP- SPRING GOODS K ItECEIVED -AT . JENNINGS I0RTII REND OU BOTHERED If so, you nro doprlv the nleasuro of Ufa king and hoalthv oxer- t to Mrs. Ollvlu Edmnii. Mropodlst, Ap't 3, O' r,, will bo the sourco of rtmedy for nchlng foot, WANT'S CAFE Jiar place for ood Meals, s Reasonable, imercial & B'dw'y BENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer aal ' Architect Offices, 200 Irving Dlock. 1'liono 103-L or 207-J. Marnhflcld. Oregon D ERL RILEY HALLINGER, Pianist nnd Teacher. Resldonco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3G8-L. W. G. CHANDLER. AHCUITEC7T. Rooms 301 and BOS, Coke Rallalai Marshfleld, Orefo. W U. 8. TCRPEN, ARCHITEOT Marshfleld. Orecoa. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to nil Interests of our clients. Minimum cost I. S. Kaufman Sb Co. TIME TAHLK Willamette -Pacific Motor Car Effectlvo Juno 8, 101 P CALL R FOOTE'S AUTOS rs Willi careful drivers, trrlce, phono 141-J, JIUIard Parlors. ervlce, Phono SflO-L 'got Oafo. L. F00TE. imutation ets $2.00 Lv. MnrNhflcld. 0:30 a. in, 7:30 n. m. :30 a. in. a:30 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 11:30 a. m. 12:30 p. m. 1:.00 p. m. 1:'30 p. m. 2; 00 p. m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p. m. 3:30 p. ni. 4:00 p 4:30 p C:00 p r:30 p 0:00 p 7:00 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 8:00 p. ni. 8:30 p. ni. ni. m. in. ni. m. Lv. North 0:45 7:45 8:46 9:45 10:45 11:45 12.45 1:15 1:45 2:15 2:45 3:15 3:45 4:15 4:46 5:15 5:45 0:15 7:15 7:45 8:16 8:46 I. Rend n.. m. a. m. a. in. a. m. a. m. a. in. p. ni. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. in. p. in. p. m. p. ni. p. in. p. m. p. in. p. m. p. m. p. m. p. ro. v Hi KtsJ i Mi Rend Auto Line. ri minutes from O a. m, 2s-0 p. m. JLKIXQ. Props. s& Framing ker Studio zmmmminmm ME TABLE ates for ling Trunks trUDES hniwnnn 1ST iShfleld fnr thn fnllnw. iUvery to ha made In l of bulldlngx S J BO H 1.KB pfer and S tor are Cr. NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLAR8 11 you have them launderea at TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRV CITY AOTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new Uxlcab has been added to my auto service. Careful drivers Will go anywhere at any Urns. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phone. 78 Sight phone 1S9-X. TOM COODAJJ3. Proprietor. S. S. PARAISO New Steel Rout. Equipped with Wireless. Mno PnssciiRer Accommodation. SAILS FROM COOS HAY FOR PORTLAND SATURDAY, JUNE 1(1, 5 P. M., WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT YELLOWSTONE SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO PROM COOS RAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Anciit, Mnrshflcld. G. P. SHERIDAN, Agent, North Rend. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post at) FURNISn A nAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RKTUun. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-1 Marshfleld Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY SATURDAY, JUNE 13, AT 3 P. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine boll. Passengers and freight. SAILS FI'OM HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY WEDNESDAY, JUNE JO, AT 3 P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McGeohqe, Phonb 44. S. S. ALLIANCE SAILS FROM COOS RAY 1'OR PORTLAND flu. FRIDAY, JUNE 12, AT 2 P, M. ROUND TRIP, 818.no. Connection with tlio North Rnnk Road nt Portland. ' North Pacific Stomunhlp Company Phone 41. C. P. M'GEORQE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Siggpftjp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marshflold during month of June at 1 o'clock p. in. on tho 4th, 0th, 14th, 19th, 24th and 29th. Tickets on sale to all Ea&tcru Hlntn nnd Information as to routes and rate cheerfully furuhhed. Phono 427-L. R T. SHELDON. Agent CTA. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RaTTAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, BnTNGLItS, MOULDINGS. BASH AND" DOORS, ROOSTING PAPER, ETC. OUT Tine FUEL BILL IN TWO UY USING OUR WOOD. PHONB 10. 1.89 SOUTH BROADWAY FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IN' COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000' . Interest Paid on Time Deposits Officers: J. W. nennett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. V. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. "Winchester, Asst." Cashier.' North Bend People Contribute magazines and Books for Public Benefit Tho North Rend Library Asso elation lias inaugurated a niogafc 7.(110 exclinugo of the library and Invites nil Its members to make use of this menus of Increasing their nldgnzlno rondlng tmpnly. simply put, tho plan is: "Dring n mngn zlno and take a magazine." Peri odicals offered for exchange up to date are ns follows: Literary Digest, Current Opinion, Cosmopolitan, McClure'H Magazine American Motherhood, School nnd House Education, Llpplucott's Mng azlne, Good Housekeeping, Lndlesf Homo Journal. Thirteen new memberships hnvo bcoh added to tho association tho past week through Its new Mnnnclnl secretary, Mrs. L. C. Reynolds. A membership Includes all tho adult members of a family. Tho now members nro: Judga nnd Mrs. Hammond, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. S. Kntsor, Mr. and Mrs. C. V, McCollum, Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Wcrnlck, Mr. nnd rs. R. a. Stiol-r ly, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Vnughan, Mr. and Mrs. Elinor Woods, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. L. Swcarlngen, Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, Father McDcvltt; Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Horn, Mr. and Mrs. A. II. McKay. Tho library has rccolvcd fifty- seven books during tho week. Ilor-I ace nylcr gavo twenty-four of thoso.l Mrs. Paul Sclilllirstrom gavo tlio University Encyclopedia of twelve volumes, nlso fourteen books of fiction. Mrs. it, a. siiony gavo two books of fiction and a book' on civics. The library now has moro than two hundred volumes on Its, shelves. Tlio Public School Li brary of Central School will bo romovod to tho Public Library In a fow days for tho summer. Mrs. L. A. Woodhorry Is librarian and keeps tho library open on Tuesday and Friday afternoons from 2 to 4 o'clock. REHEARING III BARTON CASE DISTRICT ATTORNEY RROWN HAYS SUPREME COURT WAH MISINFORMED AROUT TRIAL AT COQUILLE. Tho Coqulllo Sentinel says: Dist rict Attornoy LlljeqvlBt says ho has consulted ltls predecessor In office, George W. Urown, ns to the Rarton case, and it has been decided to ask n rehearing. As Mr. Drown's state ments to tho Jury nro ono of tho grounds given for a reversal In this cnBo, ho will make tho argument for tho rehearing on tho claim that ho is not guilty or such errors In tho trial as have been charged, nnd that tho Supremo Court was 'misinformed as to the occurrences during tho trf&t in the Circuit Court hore. Tliero is soma talk of chance of venuo In tho rnso of tho state vs. J. S. llartou, when It is tried again. District Attornoy LlljeqvlBt thinks that In chso of n rctrinl It Will ba much moro oxpenBlvo to secure a Jury hero than to take the witnesses to another county. Owing to the In torcst excited In tho casa at tho first trial It will bo very difficult to ss curo a Jury In this county composed of men who have not already formed an opinion In regard to It, nnd it might tako a week or more to rak and scrapo for ono. If tho caso la tak en out of tho county it will probably go out of tho Judicial district and b tried by a now Judge. News From Nearby Towns FORD SELIJ4 MARKET. TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS Eat Loss Meat If You Feel Rack- nchy or RUdder Troubles You Salts Is Fine For Kidneys. Mont forms uric acid which ex cites and overworks tho kidneys In tholr efforts to f'lltor It from tho systomt Regular enters of meat must flush tho kidneys occasionally, You uiUBt rallovo thorn like you re lievo your bowels; removing nil tho acids, waste nnd poison, olse you feel a dull misery In tho kidnoy re gion, sharp pains In tho back, or sick hoadacho, dtzzlnoss, your stom ach, sours, tongue Is coatod and when tho.wonthor Is bad you havo rheu matic twlngos. The urine Is cloudy, full or aodlmout; tho channels often ge Irritated, obliging you to got up two or three times during tho night. To neutraltzo theso Irritating acids and flush oft the body's urinous waste, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from Any pharmacy) take a tablcspoontul In a glass of water before breakfast for a fow days and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Julco, combined with llthla, and has boon usod for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder Irritation. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, harmless and makes a delightful efrorvescont llthla-wator drink which millions of men and women tako now and thsn, thus avoiding serlour kidnoy mnd bladder diseases. For Bale by Brown Drug Co. A doal was closed AVIedncsdAy whereby Cue Rosky has bought tut intorest or J. !;. Ford in too Usnaoa Meat Market, and is now sole pro prietor of the samo. Mr. Rvaky was formerly connected with this inarkst, Ilanduu Recorder. WORK ON BIUHLAW. The amount of rock delivered si tho Jotty during tho month of May was ovor 12,000 tons. This Is rew ord delivery. Work Is now progress ing nlcoly nnd has been advanced nbout 100 feot beyond wohro It wis when tho Jetty was damaged by tkfc Fredorlck. -Floronco Pilot. PLANK FIXHtENUE STREHT. Monday night nt the regular most Ing or tho City Council Wm. Kylt appeared and asked that tho propsr ty owners on Front street between Washington nnd Jofforeon bo glvsn permission to Improvo this street by planking. Tuesdny morning the city engineer began tho work or establishing grade stakes nnd tho planking will ha rush ed by a forco or men ns soon us th preliminary work will permit. Floronco Pilot. PUT IN FINK HOME. Government Flxen Up lUiddem'e at HccotJi Head Kcepur. Tho Floronco Pilot says: J, A. Laughoad, representing the construc tion department or tho Llghthousa Sorvlco, Is nt Hecota Head Improving, and completing the water and sewer syBtem for tho govornmont buildings. Tho keopera' residences nro belnsj piped for hot nnd cold water ana lavatorlos, making 'thorn niodorn In this respect. Mr. Laughoad' has been at word about u weok now nnd will probably be a couple of months yet at the Job. 1 Tho homes of tho light keepers a&4 tho tower Is situated ut a point aft i Hecota Hoad overlooking the ooea.li and aro suppllod with spring waUc for drinking and household purposes. Capt, O. L. Hanson Is head keeper and ho nnd his family havo lived tovr for many years. NEWH OF OLHNARA. ' IDEAL FREE GROVE AND PICNIO GROUNDS Hrlng your lunch baskets, kodak and risking tackle for a fun; rinvft' niittnir. Sunday j School and all picnic crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Cobs Rlvor every day. MHndtfiefd Time Tuhlel Launch Express, week days, leaves. 8 a. ni.; Steamer Rain bow 'leaves Marshflold at 8 a, m., every Sunday and 2 p. in. week days. For charter and picnic nr rangonjentSi apply on board steamer Rainbow. For 8TEONGRAPHIC WORK of any kind Call 181-J Two competent stenographers In charge 08 Central Are. FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call on LeMieux & Miller. 393 No. Front St. Phone 115-R. Try the MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Steaks and Chops Event of Lonvr BlusUvr An Told tsy tho Florence Pilot. Frank Knowlos has started tfas tr ectlon of a cement block building- on' "Viola avonuo. It will be two stories;' 28x60. The citizens of Olonada held a ttusjS" mooting Tuesday night to make ! raiigeinentB for u Fourth of July ceh hratlon. It Is reported that 8. E. Lowoass net out 1047 cabbage plants. Georgo II. Colter has started k erection or a building just east Frank Knowles' storo to bo two ttmf Jcb high, 32x00, and will face on tfc planked county road. The Iewr room Is rented and will be oceunJfta by a gent's furnishing store and T0)t storo. Tho upper story will be cut OB Into four three-room asartmenta. The plank roadway Is being xtsA ed from Lake street to Maple d fa now ready for the covering. It toill bo slxtuon feet wido, Tho shingle mill started up Frh&y and tried out tho machinery.' Every thing seems to bo working rood n this week will boo tho mill operaUutr Tho capacity of the mill Is 40,et This mill Is owned and operated iy local capital under tho firm name of the Glenada Manufacturing Compaay.1 Grant Colter will erect a saxutf and repair shop soon. A building 18x30 Is being erected' on the east sido ot the wharf Ua Davo Rronnan, who will run a clear store and sort urinic estaniisnmeai. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. s QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, inelsaer, Prop. - - v-j; -ii; HH-IU.