The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 09, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 2

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    i' ' wKnw;minjWHJ"lliii'?
....i.. wffwipri'ipwiip -,
mggKammirr- v '"'
M. O. MALONEV Editor nnd Pub.
DAN E. MALOMiSr News Editor
QfMnl I'ntior nf Pong Comity
NOW tlint school has closed, what
will the boys and girls do this i
slimmer? Some of thorn, no I
doubt, will find plenty of work toj
do; some will have time for play; I
others wo hope thero will ho nono !
who will Idle away tholr aummor.
vacation. "All work nnd no play j
or Kiri Bhouid havu recreation, tiioJCapt. Macnenn Thinks It Will Clias. P. Doe, of North Pacific
camo as tho porson who works rr Ti, TUn Ciim fWe I O O P f Dun Mm
shop or offlco or bohlnd tho coun
ter. Parents sliould not ovorlook
this. On tho othor hand, tho boy
or Rlrl should not overlook tho on- Cant. Macecnn savs that tho dam-
liortunlty that Is tholrs to do somo- a bo to tho Mlclilo may tako longor North Pacific Steamship Company)
thing that will count, nnd will glvo . than flvo days to ropalr and ho Bent tho following self-explanatory
liit'i,. ii i i-n i ii i iii' iniir u.l mi .'iit. 1niilita lr (tin vnoonl will tin nliln to Itntnr from Snn Prnlirlspiir
uablo In nfter life as their bcIiooI bo back horo In less thnn two weeks. "Tho now passongor nnd frolght
wont liHeir. ! Captain Mncgonn Is liopoiul that ' Wednesday for Astoria and Portlnnd
A Judicious mlxturo of work and Major Morrow will bo reappointed to direct, sailing from Portlnnd Juno 14
play Is ns necessary for the health tliln nnL'Innnrlnir district and thinks at 9 n. m. ami Astoria nt li n. in..
nnd hnpplncss' and future success he will be unless he Is assigned to Inaugurating now P6rtlnnd-Coos Hay-
or tno hoy or girl as it ih for tnelrtho Alaska railroad or Ib called into. Eureka weekly sorvlco."
Take More Than Five Days
for Repairs Report
S. S. Co., to Run .New
rtjL jl rt-L n.j
ooai 10 ioos Day
O. It. -Walkor, secretary of tho
.NEWPORT. While coming down
tho Alsen Ulvor In a launch, n flsli
lurr i.irlv rotinrtn rnnnlnc Into a
school of porch, and thnt ninny ofi
these In Jumping ns tne iuhiich
pnssod, foil In tho boat.
TOLEDO. C. O. Ellis, H8 yonrB
old, hiiB been bound over to tho
grand Jury In Tolodo, on n chnrge
of nBBaultlng u 7-yoar-old girl. He
Is married, his wife being In Unn-don,
""UftWK, At llln " I
boon postponed until j M
""!. o a
i.i.i . -. -"o, Ih ... .
m,r"- of 1.1s wife, ,t ' U,
"been nn.h,n..i ' . l "IM i.
52 60 SOUTH
ii mi iri i in mi i
and Fuller will conduct nn Invcstlgn
tlon Into n collision between tho gov-
nrtitnmil il mil I'll . H. Mlnhln nnd LllO
I steamer A. M. Simpson, which oc
, iqurrod at Coos Hay May 29 nt 3:20
I p. m., taking testimony or tno orn-
core and men on tho dredge this
.,.,-, . I weok nnd arranging to obtain thnt
MOSt Of PaSSentjerS Are On from tho crew of tho SltdpBon Inter.
Klni Crnm Pnrtlonrl i Tho Mlclilo Iibb boon ordered to
Moxlco by war. Ho says that It VcmhoI lleiiiodelcl,
would bo ono of tho best things that Tho (loorgo W. Elder has undcr
could possibly occur to havo Major goilo rodbnBtructlon' from stem to
Morrow retained In this district. istorn, now boiler, engines, state
Concornlng tho Mlclilo, n Portland rooms nnd dining rooms, In fact all
paper says: "ns cdn made over. She hns a
United States inspectors lsuwnrus uapacuy oi zuu cauiu pnsscngers nnu
To Eureka '
Tho Btcnmcr Alliance untied for
.Eureka shortly after noon today
with 11 pnasengors from this port
nnd 38 who nre en route frdm Port
land to Eureka. Among those Bail
ing today woro: A. Clceler, .Mrs. A.
Waymnri, C. A. Peterson, Color
Wnlotl. A. MIoMo, A. llujan. Joo
Mynottl, J. It. Fltzgornld, J. W.
Ashloy, C. Crhon, T. S. Fnlkner,
II. A. Young, II. E. Smith, P. S.
Van Motor.
tho Willamette Iron nnd Stool Works,
which was tho lowest bidder on tho
ropnlr work.
dipt. Iti'cd'H llcport.
Captnln John 0. Heed, ninstcr of
the Mlclilo and formerly a tugboat
master In tho Columbia Illvcr bar
fleot for years, fllod a statement with
the Inspectors ycfltordny In which
ho recites thnt tho Mlclilo woh an
chored noar tho mouth of South
Slough, Coos Hny. nnd outsldn of tho
rnnges of tho chnnnol; thnt tho
stenmer A. M. Simpson was bound
down Btrcnm and struck tho dredgo
nt a point about GO feet from hor
stern, nurenflt of tno engine on mo
starboard aide. Flvo Ulntes nnd
To tho kind friends who nlded
11(111 tMlimui ll'll un (UiriiiK lu liiutwa ... ., ,., .i .,,, ,.,, t.rnlsnn
nnd dontH of our darling. baby boyi ' two 'ho "" '" i?u'V ?n ni
and ally to Mrs. Charles Stnuff nB wo" " ' " 'L.fei.n,,
nnd Mrs. Benjamin Oatllnd, for tholr tw mm,l,s I)Ut out of commission,
kindness, wo extend our heartfelt i
PBNDU2TON. EnBtorn Oregon Tho Elizabeth nrrlved In at Uandon
wool lins sold during tho sonson nt last nlghl from San Francisco,
nn average of three cents n pound . Tho Spcodwoll sailed from Dnndnn
higher than last year. Tho clip has 'for Coos Hay today,
about all passed out of tho handH The Hardy Is qomplotlng her ltun
of tho growers; - inr .,r0 )IP, nn,i will 'hbII noon.
57 third-class passengers and a
capacity of 1700 tons of freight.
She Is 280 feet long with a breadth
of .'IS Mi foot.
Tho George W. Eldor will glvo n
Buvcn-dny sorvlco out of Portland,
leaving ovory Sundny morning, there
by giving- n' 24-hbur sorvlro from
Portland to Coos Hny nnd a 12
honr sorvlco between Coos Hny and
Eureka. She will give tho trnvollng
1 ublk among the best nnd fastest
sorvlco north of Snn Francisco.
Her staterooms aro largo and
roinfortnblo, with A and H do luxo.
There nre 12 rooms with doub'.o
berths nnd largo settees or lounges..
Thero Is an oxtrn largo social hnll
with nil outside state roonis on tho
umln deck with n court. Tho ate
"vnrt's departments will bo complete
In ovory detail.
It Is through tho earnest solicita
tion of C. F. Mcdcorgo, tho loenl
representative of tho North Pacific
Steamship Company that this ser
vice haB been secured for Coob Hay.
Tho expense of this now- venturo
frames were bent, tho guard was cut"1'! nb0llt ."j5-00, ',r monln'
iiiii iiiu ouimiui i ui iiiu iiiioiucnn iiiuu
of Coos Hay Is dopomlcd upon to,
niuiiuuiii iiiu Burvicii.
AlllniHY (ices Houtli.
It Is understood that C. P. Don
will put tho Alliance, which hns
been on tho Coob Hay run for many
years, on n run south of Snu Fran
cisco, tho Eldor handling nil of the
Coos Hay traffic of tho lino.
It Is expected that Capt, Lofstod,
who has been master of tho Alliance
for tho Inst fow years and Is re
curded ns one of. tho best cautalns
mi the coast and Is highly regarded
l'ero, may bo assigned to tho Eldor.
Ho will reach Astoria nhout the
t'nio that tho Eldor will start on
her Inltlnl trip hero nnd the change
may not be mndo until Inter If ho
Is assigned to tho new boat.
We Never Juggle Prices
Did you ever pay $1.1 or $'M for n nuK mid Inter mv exactly tho
name kmt of a unit, all (IivsmmI up In tlio niiiiio window nt a
lower prim? Makes you feel like you're the "gimt,"
(Imvtti'L It? you'll never have thai experience nt
Till'. FI.M'I'. Our price on imv milt the miiiip
to ovory mini, eveiy tin', i u'ry w cl(, every
iponili In the y.'iir.
Suits $8.50 to $30.00
Two Stores; Mnrshflold, North Hond
Mgkchless Economy Sale
Don't fail to take advantage of these real bargains for
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. A visit to this
store will prove profitabh to you.
Ladles' latest bar pins of
Porslan hiind-pnluted Ivory ami
real Clolsonno ciiamol, Woro
Special 25c.
Ladles' beautiful flttod
"SmootliBct" petticoats: nil the
latest shades; inado of Hyde
grade Mcssalino; looks llku
bilk, but wears much longer,
l-'ormcrly ?a.r0 and $'-'.75.
Now $195
Fancy IUck Hack and Stjqkerlc
braid. All Bhides; vrj pret
.ty, 15p .and 20o kinds, fow
10o Piece.
Middy Dlpuses,, new styles, Just
In, Wo are, ottering tho J 1.75
nnd 1.00,11(18 for
Mosquito llnr, full width, var
ious colors, on snlo
6c yard
Uidles' cross bar and plain
luwn liQinstltched handker
chiefs. Values to 10c. now
7 for 25c. '
Ladles' summer union suits,
various styles, tho celebrated
Essex brand. Were 7Co and
8Bc. Now
, 50c.
Children's real lisle hoso, silk
finish, all shades; llnou heels
and toes. Good ns any 35o
hose. Only
.. ?5c
ladles' extra flno Vegetable
Silk hose; ull shades, Wero 75c,
now t
Satisfaction noways op
MOjiioy rofundo?!
(Next to piimller Hotel.)
The? Fair
Satisfaction always or
Money refunded.
Irving block, Central ave.
Ansco Cameras
Coos Bay Stationery Co.
Left. Port at 1 O'clock With
90 Passengers Will Sail
Again June 14
With ninety passoiiKors nbonrd,
tho steamer Hroakwator loft Port nt
I o'clock this afternoon. With threo
exceptions nil of tho pnsseiiKers are
bound for Portland. Tho Hroakwat
or also carried a good enruo of
freight. She picked uit soveral tons
nt North Hond. She will sail from
this port nh'ulu on Juno II. Among
thoso sallliiB for Portlnnd today
Christ Qurnles, Oust Makls, Goo.
Hell, Honry Yoo, Sam Cnrls, Jim
Dolls, II. -F. Frltsch, It. Mnrlow, Poto
PaKoc, S. Stonolnko, Jack Ollllk. Joo
Fall, F. M. Smith, H. H. Wlllson,
j. u. tioyianu, .miss Anderson, it. m,
Wntson, Harry Watson, J. J. Monny,
O. Q. W'oldon, C. Duiikol. Otto BJork
aulst. Mrs. J. Pratt. OIou Stownrt.
M. B. Mollur, L. H. Itnymer, Miss
Paarl Lour, Hugh McLnlu, Mrs. Hugh
.Mrl.aln. Ilnnrv SpiiL-Htnplon lilnlr
Gray Mrs. S. Whlttey, Florence Whlt-
iuy, uoiiruo wiimoy, urnosi i-'ors-lnnd,
N. Morcn, W. B. Honhnm. Miss
Alice Clune, Mrs. W. H. Hill, w. II.
Hill. J. S. Atkins. .1. I., frfnll Mian
Mnudo Hasting, Miss Lulu Reed. C. II.
runups, .miss uoryen, mibs Tnylor,
G. M. Hlitler, Ohas. Neob. Mrs. Ohus.
Neeb. Mrs. Gale, Arthur Galo, Thorn
ton Galo, Morris Roach, Mrs. Roach,
.miss uiomonn witcher, Mies Hello
Wltchor, Howard WUchor. Mrs. B. P.
Montgomery, Ira Russell, ir. M. Gates
II.' W. Allsman, Mrs. H. W. AUs
initn, M'ra.'Mary E, Th6mpson, Mabol
Mathlson, Cora Mathlson, Mrs. Mntlt
Isdu, Mrs. J. C. Kendall, Ole Han
sen, Charles Ln Chapelle, Johti Li
Chhpello. S, W, Hind, Mlsa .
uBui, won Alien, tranK u. urannia,
J. W. Leo, Nols Olson, Mrs. Cka
Seafusb, Miss Elmoro, Mrs. Bllvon',
Mrs. A. Z. Downs, Anna Downs, Ar
thur Craig, Mrs. Dugger, Cecil Du
ger, G. S. Holland, C. E. Mftrvln.
Gust Vlaeesll, Tommlo Arvan and
H. F. Grajj ;
A ninsn monllni' nf thai hlilvatHi
of Gardiner was held in the Gardiner
Theater Friday ovenlng for the pur-
DOSO nf ninkini? nrriincnmmita In
celebrnto the Fourth of July at this
plnco. C, E. Porklns was eliosan
chairman, and Will Angus secretary.
The chairman appointed a commlt1
teo of arrangements, which met ou
Wednesday eveulng nnd appointed
suu-coiuinuiees, it was determined
to make this a record breaker of
nil celebrations of this kind ever
held In Gardiner. Gardiner Coup
ler. 4
-"n il
Just at the season when most in demand.
A Few Prices:
$12.50 Silk Drosses cut tojP-3"
$1(5.00 Soi't TaLTchi in Navy 1 -5"
$18.00 Black Silk Mcssnlinoll -50
$19.50 .White Mcssalino 4 A nr
and Lace I H-rp
$20.00, Light Blue Messnliiicl "U
$25.00 Fant-y Pink Chiffon t J CA
and Mcssalino ' ' "
$18.50 Blue Crepe do
Chine and lace
This is your opportunity to secure a gown for a very small sum for the
balls and inany other functions that will take place in the next thirty days.
"Iirst National Bank Bldg.
Mail MarshfielcTs Goddess
of Libertv ' 10 1 She Be?
" ' '- :", i:.:". '.. r"-1 --..
The Fourth of Julv Cclohrntion Coininittce decided at a meeting ycstcrtlny
afternoon that the selection of a GODDESS OFLIBEUTYMjo left to a pop
ular vote. Entries for the honor may be made by any church; -lodge, fraternal i
suciery or misiness uouse or corporation on .'oos nay, out oniy ono entry uu
any one society or firm. ':
A beautifullv decorated float will bo nrovidod bv tbn committee, as well as
the regal robes to be worn bv tho Goddess in her car of stato with her niniils ',
tu iiunor itiiruig ineir iriumpnai procession.
To provide funds for this feature votes will bo sold at tho nominal price of
one-tenth of a cent per vote.
The following rules will govern the contest:
1 All candidates must be registered
by some society, organization,
corporation or business house.
2 AH entries must havo at least
2500 votes to register.
3 Registration must be made with
. tho chairman of tho committee.
4 Sealed ballot boxes -vill bo pro
. vided at each drug store in, Maush
"fi61d for receiving votes.
S-TThe, first count of ballots' will be
made at 12 o'clock' noonSatur-.
day, June 13, and every "day ex
cept Sunday thereafter at 'the
sanie tiine.
6 jAU votfes will be collected by the
; committee 'frdm tho varibus bal-
' lot boxes and taken to the Cham-
.' 'bei; of Cpinm6rce',.whero the count
; . . Signed,
will be made and publicly posted J
and announced daily in tho news-
papers. ' l
7 Votes may bo purchased only at &
balloting places. " ' a
8 Contest will open Wednesday, T
June 10 ni 9 a. hi., and 'will' close
' liromptly'at 9 p'in., Sntiitdny J
Juno -27, and announcement of
tlio winner made immediately af-
tor a final and "careful: "count pf tbo
" Wlots. .' r I
nllVnfoo will ha snlrl nt. tllC 1'atO of .
one-tenth of" n' c6iit i)br vbWjn 1(
'' bldelfe of 'i00,.250, .500 and lOW- J;
in'mii ' ' ,J:w ni-tMl to C0U- j
duct the content' -Will act( ns
judges. ' " ' f
JT, D, QOHAN. Chairman. n
v . . - l.l'l lll'.l' $
f. g. horton,
l. l. te;omas ;
WM. S. ftUBPEN ,
'i'S v't i ri , I
.ii &. .i . -- - -