t-M-"rsra3nMmaBtt IN THE LONGJUN WE PAY MOST EOR WHAT WE TRY TO GET EOR NOTHING A RANKER YEAR Tlili season opens with brighter -stMi'ttt fr tlio irrcnt Coos Itnv mmt& DON'T SCATTER SHOT , Concentrate yoiif advertising In the newspaper Unit roaches tho peo ple you want to talk to. Aumiiiel tlon costs money. Tho TIiiicm mics money to advertisers. ml Coiiulllo Vnllcy country Hum r before In Its history. For imiM ro hi tho limiting. Are you buy Iny'i'B ",0 foundation for yours? MHHMHHHMIHn MEMUEK OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS oaazEEaMi Established 1878 ns Tho Coast MhI1 VOL XXXVII. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali and Coos liny Ailertlsei No. 273 lUsH DE WILL General Manager Smith of Ward Lines, says Mexicans Will Get Ammunition ' DENIES RUMORS OF. OBJhUIIUIMS BT U. 5. Liner Antilla Has Big Shipment of War supplies tor tne Tampico Forces- mr AmocIUM TrfM to Coot nr Tlmm. NKW YOIIK, .lutio 9. The Ward Uncr Autllln, lailcn with a cargo of nmmitnltlon for tho Constitutionalists will Mild ami iiicnnrgo 1110 earn" i morrow without Intorforonro, accord ing to nn opinion expressed by Gon cral .Manager Smith of tho compnny. Smith's statement Is n flnt contradle tlou of tho reports from Washington that tho administration had pre vailed upon tho line's officers to stop voluntarily tho dlschurgo of ammuni tion. Smith said there hnd been no attempt to Influence lilm In regard to landing tho cargo. SHIP AlOIS SOUTH. WSGNBBO REBELS .. . it. i ..i. ivm n., c....i Piirtlrlpnte hi Negotiation M'tcan l-Vilci-alu i III 'Hike hujH tnr Autrt rr. ioco. dj Tim.i.j piles from lowor California. , Washington n r iim n or AttorUM rrrn In Com mr Tlmn.J D " Aollimi lUi, ij. u, JUI10 J. ...... .Y., r, ii. , n 411 Secretary Ilrynn, after n conference SAN' DIKQO, Calif., Juno 9. All wlth iroaldent Wilson, announced the field artillery of tho Mexican gar- tnnt both ll0 nn(, tll0 ircsf(ciit hop rlson of tho northern district of Low-( C(, lho constltutloimllsts would pnr cr California Is pled on tho licacli j tlclpato In tho mediation ncgotln at Knsonnda awaiting shipment to tngi (g increased hopes, It Is Mexico City. Tho order camo from ,L.UVcd, are based on reports from i,AHlnM nl,o tn l.n nim It wnn ... . .... .... ... .iiuAnw v.i n"iu ., ..B, . ...... t filed. stated AIDS STAUVINM PEOPLE Mexican (lovenior at Mn-allnn He IcntN Today. 11; AmocUiM rrttt i coo. mr Tlmtt.J HOARD U. S. S. CALIFORNIA, Maiutlan (lly Wlreloss) Juno 9. Moved by tho plea of starving women, who bosought Mm to ond tho Buffer ings of the populnco by surrendering tho city, tho military governor of Mnvntlnn Imlnu lout id sMrtnla nnrmlfa iutiMii tuimj jnntiLit wwo t,v ting all non-combatatitH to ontor tlio ting all non-comhatatitH to ontor tho lines of tho bosloglng Constitutional- iih. TO BE MORE LILT Progressives, Republicans and uemocrats 10 upen neaa quartcs in Chicago lll AhkiIn rrttt to c Pf tim.i C I CAGO. June O.-Progresslvo ' Democratic and Republican national tllr Au.tlileJ rrttt to Co- B.f Tim".) POLITICS viiy wiuiin n -.V "".."li . .mn onoratlons this month lho campaign for tho control of tho next congress. Tho Progressives expect to got Into action first. National Secretary Davis will arrive in a few days, It was nnnouncod today, and open tho headquarters at onco. Ho will bo Joined later by National Chairman Dixon. Congressman Doromus and Thomas J. Penco, publicity manager of tho Democratic National commit tee, will have charge of tho Demo cratic campaign, according to tlio announcomont. FLOOD LOWER CALIFORNIA Colorado River Threntens Iirgo ,.. i'm. iiiuivi- DHiiuiire mr amocuiki rrt to coot nr thhm-I r . nn . v-k&Tr flnt Ttltin f) 6A.-S UKKHAUUinu, L 1"."Z:,t"'Z7.rnnortv. -Tho Colorado R ver la mo iiiki.. it has been In many years, again flooding tho lowlands ana hi " lnc vn ,inmnrn In Cal fonila and , Arizona. CRIME IX NEW YORK Woman Says Man Committed Suicide After lleatliiK Her. ... ID- AttocIMM Prwt to Co Uty Tlmtt j NEW YORK, Juno 0. A woman who said she was Mrs. Florence Boren, was overtaken by a hotel at tendant, as she ran from a hotel room bleeding from a wound on her head. In the room tho attend ants found a man dead with a bul let holo In his mouth. The woman said tho man was Vincent p. stei fano and that he shot himself after beating her with the butt of a re volver. . a I RAIN LEAVES YELLOW pAT AT RAKER, ORE. I RAKER. Or.. June 9. -A strange yellow coating was left on the ground after a neavy downpour of rain. It was in Places a sixteenth of an men thick and by many was tuu8" to bo sulphur. Attempts made to burn tho substance at firsi failed, but when a quantity was obtained and placed on a stove it gave out a yellow flamo and no appreciuDie oau. v IRIS BE DISCHARGES D REBELS EIRE Admiral Howard Has U. S. Cruiser's Boats Land at I Mazatlan Today Illy AMMrUtM I'rriw lo Cool IUr TIibm.1 I OX IIOAUI) IT. 8. S. CALIFORNIA, i.Muztttlnn, (Wlreloss) June 9. i To protect passengers for Mazatlan that arrived on the Pacific Mall liner Nowport from the fire of Con btltutlqnallst batteries, Admiral How nrd had them tnkon ashore In the crulsor's Inunch with the mall, which was also transform! In this maunor. hope reiiels take pout Iiipvim u'mii.i ii.. ..l.f it i....,.Hmu jno lonsiitionnnsiB agents. p0jgr BrOOkmflS, Of St. ""ci i u. uiuuuivjo, i i. Louis, to nspect Big P ant Louis, to Inspect Big Plant At Brookings Soon Robert 8. IlTooklngs, president of Washington university at hi. i.ouih and of tho St. Loul Union Trust Company, and of tho St. Louis Ter ..iinni iifl.ifv.. ritiiikniii ntiil n mtiltl- linllllnnnlro, Is expected hero within i tho next fow weeks to spend a month I or bo looking after tho development of his Curry County tlmbor prop lertv. Ho Is the financial head of tho Ilrooklngs Lumber Company, S,(,)05ln8Rrm,nB '" ,h0 b,B "lnnt " m iirnnllnc'u hrolber. John E. DraoklngB, Is a practical luinborman and l personally hub been looking iit?i m . ..---- plant at HmklnM nd !-: lug hl liomo there. , It was ex after tne iiisuiiiiiuuii ui iu hn.-,n but It la doubtful If they will begin cutting lumber ueroro Juiy i. uroun Ings is growing rapidly and n $50. 000 bank has been organized there and a concrete building erected for Robert S. nrooklngs has endowed Washington University with sevoral million dollars. See. Houiton. who was given a place In President Wil son's Cabinet, was a protego of Rob ert S. Ilrooklngs. Owen Company to Hull", It Is also stated that tho Owens Company, of Wisconsin, which owns tho largest slnglo tract of redwood , .i, r,rl,l la iilnnnlnir to put In a lumber mill and pulp, plant at or near Ilrooklngs incir hoiuihh juBt south of tho Ilrooklngs Com- muy ,'-", Y','J mit nrooklngs I. U plan U ta .tried Ui t iwoKing 11 IB PUIU l i ; - . d d. which can supplj ;" ' r """Jrn- wood carVes direct from Its mills to ships, Tie urooKWKo i--"i"u -have much Port Orford cedar in their holdings. . f fil'FHL COl'NCIL OF WOMEN'S VI i'lW FAVOR REPRESENTA TIOV IX CONVENTION SL'F Kltr.BrTKS WIN SKIRMISH. IW A-ieu'o rr lo Coe- lit, Tltt l P.AGO, June 9 -The .equal i of" women's, clubs," which Ifieewn biennial session tomorrow night "'aimed a victory today In ha preliminary skirmish, when the ceneral council In secret session took action favoring allowing woman suf- frace organizations to have repre- ?,?tlon In the convention on an Unual y w Ith non-politlcal clubs. Ev- ery win brought delegations from aff parts of the United States. D MILLIONAIRE TO VISIT HERE SUFFRAGETTES CLAIMVICTORY COQUILLE COUNCIL REFUSES TO RENEW LICENSES OF Coos County Seat Will Be Dry After July 1 Four Saloons Put Out of Business by Action. (Special to The Times) COQUILLE, Or., Juno i I'ho Co rjulllo City Council by a vote of Ilvo to ono decided to refuso to renew thu llcensos of the four snlo ,nf. In Co ciullle. Tho licenses expire July 1 and tho saloons will hi closed on thnt date. The mcetli'f, was attended by .1 large crowd of people. V petition signou ny no voters nsuinr; tlio conn -HEINK Ardent Love Letters of William Rapp, Jr., Were Sensation of Suit (n? AMOittl rmi lo Coo. nT TIiiim. CHICAOO, Juno 9. Mmo. Schu-mnnu-llolnck was granted a dlvorco from her hiiBband, William Happ, Jr., whoso ardent epistles breathing lovo and dovotlon to Mrs. Catherlno Dean of Now York, were tho sensation of tho suit. .NEW KIIENCII CAUIXLT .Senator Itlbot Amioiinces New Or gn 11I.11I Ion I 'I vo Art) Sfiiatoih (nr Aiwliltl rr to Coot nr Tlmet.J PAU18, Juno 9. Senator nibot announced that ho had succeeded In forming n new French cabinet. Klvo nro Sonatom and seven uro Doputlcs. Soends Four Hours Today With King Alphonso at His Country Palace Br AhI,iI Prxt Coot fit? T1ra. MADRID. Spnln, Juno 9. Colonel Theodore Roosovolt was today a guest of King Alphonso and Queen Victoria' at their summer palace of La Granjn. Accompanied by Am bassador Wlllard and tho staff of tho American embassy, coionoi Roosovelt left tho Spanish capital early In tho morning by auto for tho Royal residence where he arrived for luncheon. His stay at the pal ace was to last four hours. IIRYAX TO TALK (Or Attorltlt4 rn to Coot D7 Ttutt. WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 9. Secretary of Stato Ilryan left Wash ington for Pennington, N. C, whore ho will dollver a speech before th9 Pennington Seminary. Ho will re turn tonight. foorIe! goldfield auto Prominent Knights of Pythias Victims of Auto Wreck One Man Escaped for AitoeUt Frttt to Coot Btf TlnM.1 nm.nFiELD. Nov.. Juno 9 Four prominent Knights of pythlas. Dr. v. A. Wheeler. Daniel Falvy, Clr- culs Rico and Herman Krugor, were killed oarly tpday; when an auto plunged over an embankment, Ono othor passenger escaped with some bruises. The accldont occurred when Dr. Wheeler turned tho car OUt Of tno road IP 10l uiiumcr i pass. RODV NOT FOUND The body of the man who was j,irnui ir linn he foil from the launch Union off North Rend yes- terday has not yei Been recuvoi. Several men have been dragging for the body at the place where he fell in tho water, but it la thought that It might havo been moved by the tide. The name of the man is Btlll unknown. It Is understood that be was on his way to a railroad camp, wbero he was to find employment. SCRUMAU G c BOOSEVELTIIIS . m GUESTj SALOONS ell to refuse to rcnow to llcnrcs I was presented by tlio tompcrancp (forces. This was considerably more .than a majority of the voters, a maj ority of the voters In Coqulllo being yes. There was much discussion and In It Mayor Morrison made a talk. He nnld he would rather have had tho Jssuo come up at an election but since It hnd como up, ho had made up his mind to cast tho deciding vote in fnvor of putting tho saloons out. ltathcr than not to do this ho said ho would resign his office Whether tho snloon men will at- ; tempt to enrry tlio matter Into the courts is not Known, it nan caused quite a stir here, ROSE SOU I PORTLAND Eighth Annual Event Opens Today With Thousands in AttendanceFour Days Hr AMOtUt. Vtrtt to Coo l)7 TlmM. PORTLAND, Or., Juno 9. Port- liiiifl'n nltrlllli nnnnnl Ilnmt Psatlvnl opened today with n river pngennt and street parade. Thoroughfares through which Queen Thclma and tho Carnival retlnun passed were profusely decorated with flowers and (evergreens. Tho hotels wero crowd led with thousands of out-of-town visitors. Tho program today In cluded a variety of events, chief among which waB tho oponlng of tho roso shows In two different pnrts of tho city. The floral par ade tomorrow and tlju National bal loon rare Tliursday wero ovonts nn tho four-days' program that at tracted general interest. TO FIGHT IN '.JOHNNY COULON AND KIL WIL- I L1AMS WIIjIj CON'TICST FOR HANTAM-WEK1HT HONORS 'W- N'ICIIT I (Dr AuofHIM ITon la Voa IIr Tlran. LOS ANOELES. Cal., Juno 9. With ono of tho llvelleBt battles In months In prospect and tho bantam weight title at stake, Johnny Con Ion, champion, and "Kid" Williams, of IValttnioro, are fit and ready for their twenty-round contest tonight. I FORFEIT TENNIS TITLES 1(6 AuKltia frM lo root Ui liwt.l SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 9. John R. Strnchan. national clay court sin gles, and with Clarence Orlffln, also of San Francisco, national clay court doubles champion, will forfeit both his titles this year hk default. Ruslness will prevent lilii going num. FATAL TO SWIFT PRESIDENT OF WILLAMETTE VALLEY SOUTHERN DIED TO DAY AT ORIKiO.V CITY AS RE SUIr OF INMURII-S. Dr Auei-uttd PrtM ta Ceoi nr Timet J OHKGON CITY, Or. Juno 9. FroderJck Maxwoll Swift, president of tho Wlllnmotte Valley Southern Rallwny, died today as the result of injuries received yesterday whon tho framo work supporting heavy hoist ing machinery fell at the company s tormlnal yards and fractured his skull. Four employes who were Injured aro expoctod to recover. Q . i. i NOTED DEMOCRAT DYINd i CHICAGO. III. Juno 9. I Former Vlco-Presldont Ste venson, who has been critically 111 for somo days, Is weaker to day. Physicians give little hope for his recovery. Hlggcht Fir Tm Jack McDon ald tamo In from his Loon Lake ranch today and brought with him pictures of wbat ho claims Is the biggest fir tTee In Oregon. It 1b near his Loon Lake ranch and Is over forty-five feet in circumference at the base, or over fifteen feet In diameter. Ho says that it is over 100 feet to tho first limb aud that the tree Is over 360 feet high and is perfect. There 1b a cedar tree nearby which Us seventeen teet in ammeter m i" base but is not near as tall. W NG IS RO UNITED STATES ANY INDEHY FROM ME ICO FOURTEEN DEAD IN SEA STORM Number of Victims of Elements Off New Brunswick is Increased Today lllf AMorMthl rrrti In Coot nf Tlmr ) CARAQUET. N. II,. June 9. Five more bodies of senmon who lost Amerl,,ln ,ieleKntiw that tlio WIIboii their lives Frldny In the terrific . .,, . ... ... . .,,... gale and snow storm, wero recovered ' government will bo content to hao after being washed ashore. This Bet up In Mexico u stable govorn brlngs tho number of known dend!iont to Milcceed lho Huerta rule. to fourteen. Six seamen are Btlll missing. II Commandcry Confers Degrees on Several Curry Coun ty News and Happenings W. H. Meredith, Prosecuting At torney for Curry County! left for his homo today nftcr a short ntuy hero. He emtio up to take the Commandery degreo In tho Masonic Lodge, ho and W. F. Miller, of Marshfleld, being tho two candidates yesterday. They will bo members of tho class which the AHhlnnd Hhrlnnra will Inltlntn Inln tlio mva- 0 IRS 1 terlos of the burning sands wlienlcnrntiua Is expected today. they mnko their next pilgrimage to I The medlntors submitted to the Coos Ilay August II. It la expected I Mexican don yatcs thu counter propo thut thoro will bo a class of between jidtlou to tlio United St.vw Or tlm thirty nnd forty to take the Shrine pacification of Moxlco, and the Am and It Ib likely thot between 100 Urlcnn plan, which Ib, with a few and L'OO Bhrlnors will como In from , modifications, thu mimu ns that which Ashland, Grants Pass, Rosoburg and the niodlutoM agreed upon mid which othor points to participate In the. imorta approved. It prj,le fir two or three days colobratlon. method of transferring tin exeeutlvu .Murder Ciimj Next. I power lu Mexico City from thj pros- Mr. Moredlth said that thero wiinj,.t regime to a now pro7lfclnu.1l r.or nothlug new In tho Cooley murder ,.rnment which shall In a f.tv months case. It will bo taken up again by tondurt elections for Proldoiu. vlco tho grand Jury next August nnd h I president and Congre-i. Should expects to liavii Detectlvo Doyle and ; ,;0r )j0 ,,.. suggestions from tho Mr. Illgglns, of Spokane, and some other witnesses there. It Is tho un derstanding that If an Indictment Is returned, tlio en ho will be taken to another county on n change of venue, probably to Couuljtu. Ilesldes this cast1, the two 111011 under Indictment' for manslaughter for having shot their companions for dcor, nro nlso to bo tried In August. Addition Dennett Tlicro. Addison Dennett, who Is now do ing special feature correspondence for Tho Oregonlan, has boon spend ing a few days lu Curry County, He camo In over the route of tho Grants Pass-Crescent City Rnllrond and thenco up tho coast. Tho Wedder burn Commercial Club gavo him a smoker Saturday night, and ho Is now nt Port Orford and will bo on Coos Ray soon. Ho plans to continue tlio coast routo up to Astorin, Change In Hotel, Proprietor Lamsuu, of "Tho Rronk em llotol" at Gold llonch, has gone to Mexico City and Mrs. Lumson is continuing the hotel there alone. Mr. Van Alstein Is now probrlotor of the Lnnglols Hotel, He and his family conduct It. They camo from Wisconsin. Messrs. J, A. Madden and George Flanagan, who hnvo been spending a couple of weeks thoro, say that Mr. Van Alstlno runs the fiuost hotel in this part of tho state. Mr. Frlant is also remodelling and flxluc nn his resort hotol nt Cor- bln and is putting In an electric plant nnd making It tho finest over. They expect a big tourist business this summer. SNOWY SUMMIT OF .MOUNT US. SEN MiaCKENED IY ASHES FROSI NEW CRATER MORE URUTION'S TODAY. (Or AuoeUtl PrrM ta Coot P17 TlmM.) REDDING, Cal.. Juno 9. Day light brought proof that tho erup tion yesterday of the now crater In Mount lessen was tho most violent that has occurred yet. The snowy summit, which yestorday showed white, was aualn blackened by ashes which poured forth over night. Tho forest service has reported the crater greatly enlarged. ERUPT! WAS 1ST VIOLENT NOT TO ASK Announce That This Country Will Simply Insist on New ' Reign in Place of Huerta NO NAMES AGREED UPON FOR PLACES Rebel Forces Refuse to Con sider Armistice Mediators Insist Upon It. tnr Ancltfi I'rvM to Coot Hi? TlmM j NIAGARA FALLS, Juno 9. - Mex ico will not bo asked by the Unltoil Stntes to pay a war Indemnity. Tho iiuortn uiiviiriiiiiunt learned through Vn. minion have been agreed upon for the new provisional president or cabinet. Within n day or two the Mexican, and Amurlcnn plan will hnvo boon dovo-lalled and the full conferonco of nil linrtlos will be called. The I final approval Is not e.xpectod lm , mediately, as the medlntorB will ask .tho Amerliiiins to ascertain the at itltude of tho ConHtltutlonnllstH. Tho mediators nro Insistent on their orig inal terms; a declaration of nil nr Imlstlco and broadening dlnruiBloji from tho International to tho In ternal question, Tho Constitution- mists agree to the latter, tmi arc absolutely determined against de claring an armistice. Tho Antilla Incident Is not entire ly cloned, but It has passed the dan ger stage mid cannot disrupt tbo proceedings. What Is tho exact nnturo of Car rauzn's nttltudo toward the recent communication from the modlators Is not disclosed. It was learned that a partial reply to tho mediators pro poenls was received by confidential agent Rafael Cubarau, but not all thu Information desired has boon received. Further Information from Constitutionalists, the United States will endeavor to arrlvo ;t a compro mise with thorn. TO SAFEGUARD E Fourth of July Committee Given Control of Streets and Concessions Tho Marshfleld City Council prac-, tlcally turned over the streets of the city to tho Fourth of July Commutes for July 3 and 4, The action follow ed considerable dlscusclon and the street committee of tho Council was requested to act with tho Fourth of July committee on all questions, F. O. Horton and Dr. Straw brought tho matter up. Mr. Horton explained that thu funds derived from street concessions would be needed to defray tho exponso of the big celebration. Mr, Hornton ex plained that no concessions or booths would bo allowed on Front streot or Conjrnl avenue but that they would bo placed on tho side Htreets and theso. not blocked up. To eliminate danger and confusion Mr. Horton said that the auto traffic would ho kopt off Front street from Alder suuth mid off tho side streets between Front and JlroaUway, the Htreetw being roped off. Tho question nbout delivery rigs, etc., was raised aud it was finally agreed that watchmen should bo sta tioned at the Intersections to permit Uusluoss conveyances to pass, Tho motor car will operate cm Front street, but with no autou block ing the street, It was said that there would bo little danger from It. Mr. Horton said that a freo show would be provided at tho Royal, Tho band concert will be on the old Tubornacle slto and tho firework will bo sont up from the east side of the channel. Councilman Copple said that no concessions should bo granted for streets except whero tho tenants or property owners wero willing. The councllmen also objected ngnln&t fakirs being allowed to ply their op- eratipns. I CROWDS