THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1914 EVENING EDITION. The Duke- Bncll'li model, Lew heel and toe. Tan KuilU Calf or Ulactc VelvctCuir$Jand(S. WW (Om'r i mm, urn Ml J IF7 K J ls ( f dm m A SfRON union- Shoe Style and Foot Comfort The "Natural Shape" that your foot requires-- The exact style that your taste prefers Perfectly united in our assortment of $k a 9 - Mrtmwlv SHOE "A friend to your feet" to meet the particular wants of particular people at a low price for high value. Woolen Mill where In the work between hero I nnd Gardiner. WM. STODDARD ami family are ar- ranging to move from South Inlet l to Marshfleld, whero they will spend part of the summer. Mr. Stoddard Is employed by the Smith rowers Logging Company nnd ho will not be permanently located ngnln until the camps are opened on the new lino south of Mvrtlo Point. ? AMONG THE SICK f Maxlne and Elizabeth .Tones, tho daughters of Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Jones, nre recovering from a severo attack of the measles. George Williams, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. R. V. Williams, Is the lntest vie tlm of tho measles epidemic. Dr. R. H. Walter and his son, Richard, have Just recovered from the lnenelos. The little child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Nell Harncs, who has been quite III at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers, on Coos Rlvor, is reported much Improved todny. Mrs. Otis Wilson Is reported qulto sick nt their home at Forndnlo. J. It. Sweet's llttlo daughter Is reported quite 111 of measles at the Rood Apartments. Oliver Thompson Is reported qulto sick of mcnsles and bronchitis nt tho Craig boarding houso In Uunkcr Hill. Sponcer Simmons, who has been nuito 111 at the homo of Row G. Le Roy Hall. Is reported much improved. OGAk I ff j?- SM (TTT BREVITIES TIDES VOIt .ll'NE. Below Is given the tlmo and height of high ana low water at Marshfleld. The tides are placed In the order of occurrence, with their times on the first Hue nnd holghts on the second line of each day; n compar ison of consecutive heights will in dicate whether it Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar subtract two hours !U minutes. CHrs. . 0.1G 7.01 1..1U C.37 in. .. c.c o.r. 4.7 2.1 7 lira. . 0.C4 7.53 2.34 7.32 Telephono 77. WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS YOU NEED OUR GOODS WHY? BECAUSE WE HAVE PRICE QUALITY SERVICE Schroeder & Hildenbrand See Us. Farm Implements, Hardware and Plumbing 19 TO SPEAK IRE CUOTIED AD I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I . FOR HALF Now 1-1 half truck Studobnkcr wagon. See J. u. Donne, Phono 331-R. FOR RENT Fivo room luue, fur nished. Apply nt 395 South 7th. WEATHER FORECAST (tlr Aukk-IatJ l'rr I Cm. IUj Tli I OREGON Showers tonight: .'uesdny generally fair with rising temperatures; southwes terly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For the 21 hours endlug nt 4:43 a. m June S, by llenj. OBtlind, special government me teorologist: Mnxlmum CI Minimum 47 ,t 1:43 a. m 4! Ration IS Ration since Sept. 1. i 1013 or.r.i I Precloltntlon same porlod laBt year 01.12 Wind: Southwest, partly cloudy. I J Precl'pl Proolpll WILL DISCUSS SEX HYBIEHE WANTED Well (Mliirntitl. Iiiiltlir Gorman girl wnnts good position, housowoik or caring for children. Talks Amorlcan or Gorman. 3039 Farmers. St WANTED Woman to help clean houso, half any. can a. uom morcln! nt 8:30 Tuesdny inornliiB. ore FOR UKNT Modern finis over Cook'n Grocory. Knquiro tiio Gunnery. Phono 34-.I. FOR HALE Furniture In n M'vcn- room rooming bouse. 13S rortn Third street. Mm. F. M. Gotchy. IRVING BLOCK 9O4640M Two men. of nrWni taste in clothes, looked at our stock. They disagreed radically as to the style they 'Preferred, but each bounht a Suit that pleased him. i And thev were both dressed in correct style. That's where the designing art -of these good clothes makers comes in they make clothes for all tastes. You're sure to find something you like here You'll like the prices, too. Special this week, $17.00, $18.50 and $20.00. t V P nfb BLUES AND BLACKS choice ;fc I ;vv ...pM.nrn mmmmaiB K vv lliULUUUU WHY? Because We Sell for Cash. All Guaranteed. FOUND Key, iieor Alllnmo wnre- houso. Owner mny nnu snmu nt Times office .Meet Tonight. Tho AiiKllcnn Young Peoplo'a Association will meet tlila evening nt 7:30 in Guild Unll. Adeline Sailed Sunday. Tho steamer Adeline Smith sailed yes tordny morning with n capacity load or lumlier ror snn rrnnriBco. AutolNl Hurt. Percy Phillips, a driver on tho Gorst & King lino, suf fered a severo Injury to his hand nnd kicked bnck when ho wn cranking. Ho wilt bo laid up for n few days. Will Go San l'mnclwo. Clar nnrn I.nrdon lias resluucd his position with Tho Tlinea nnd will lenvo tins wnnu for bl homo in San Frnncisco, Ho Is no longer connected with Tho Times. Memorial Service. Tho Foresters of America hold tho annual Memorial survlco nt their hnll yestordny after noon. Tho eulogy wnH dollvored by Mllo Sumnor. About forty members of tho argnnlzatlon attended. Elect Offlcorw. At a mooting of tho Catching Inlot Co-operative Tol opliono Company hero Saturday, Win, BonoornKO was oipcich iin-miium. .. riiinnnM. vleo-nrosldont: J. 8. Mas tora, Bocrotary, and Dan troaBitror. R. A. Booth Accepts Invita tionChamberlain and Hanley May Come Marshfleld will havo orators of Btnte and national repute for tho Fourth of July eolobratton here. Senator I. S. Smith nnd Hugh Mc- Lnln, the committee nppolntcd to so euro speakers for tho big event, hnvo Issued Invitations to Senator Georgo Chamberlain, R. A. Rooth nnd Win. llanloy, the threo candidates for U. S. Senator this year. It, A. llooth has replied, accoptlng tho Invitation, nnd saying that he will bo here sure. Mr. llooth bad planned to visit here early In May but had to postpone his visit. Ho Btntoil then that' ho expected to spend a week or so In thlB county when ho came. Senator Chamberlain has written, saying tunt he will bo here It ho can possibly make It, but Hint he will not know definitely for u short tlmo. WET GROUNDS P 1 FOR UKNT Large funiMicil limine. kooplng room. 334 First street North. Phono 32C-L. FOR UKNT Unfurnished room. 239 So, Uroadwny. WANTKD Til Imnw SMOO. H Kr cent, two yonrs tlmo, good security. Address O. W., caro Times offlco. 1 FOR SAL he Pvoyal TONIGHT rbe Kelleys In an net that Is a tam. If vnn ImvA troubles BOO ily. paul j, Ralnoy'a Afrlcau Hunt" x reels will bo siiown nere Wa tonight for the benefit of Me that did not aee It last FMday, and thoy will say, as the who saw It then: ""i nun and no Grand Theater TONIGHT W not Imp nllinrn that DID Bee t before, Mml8slon. lower floor. 15c: unl- nJ'. 10c. A new act nnd new faces will bo next Wednesday. vouie where you see the BEST. the BEST, and enjoy yourself e BEST THE ROYAL. Watoh fn or ..Mlta Tjiva." Tho t'l of Mystery. era Cm Mnnmrini nrocram to- ht. HONE 9 Cent flessenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCI.ERY THE ADVENTURES OF KATHLYN, No. 6. THREE BAGS OF SILVER Having rescued the stolen sacred elephant and restored it to Its devo- li ;la sure lees, ivaimyn aim iier puny uro ke!" This captured by the brigands and Held fake! 158-R for ransom. Knthlyn, laslied to the cage of a famished tiger, with death at her back and facing death, makes a marvelous escape. The most pop ular serial story ever filmed, H.'S INDIAN NEMESIS For years the reuegade endeavors to escape from his Indian Nemesis whose snuaw he had slain. How death overtakes him Is shown In an awe-lnsplrlng climax. A NIGHT OUT A rlp-roarlng Edison comedy, THE LION AND THE MOUSE IN SIX REELS SHOWING TWO NIGHTS WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY THIS WEEK. SEVEN PIECE ORCHESTRA DOTH NIGHTS FOR SALE ."-iimuii limine nun im 40x140 nt 1073 commercial, in quire nt place. ChaB. Solln. FOR SALE Furtilliiiv of 4-rmnii bungalow. 4 00 some sun . FOR SALIi Five lotH on Routli Fourth, nUo ton or 20 acres on Catching Inlot. Phono 314X1. pliinls. Phono VOll HALE Celery 3 1 T 1 . The bnBoball game between teaum representing Marsliflolil and North Uond, which nnd neen nrrangeu mr Sunday, wbb called off on account of wet grounds. For the biiiiio rea son tho game between tho two Elk teams was postponed. Whether MarBhflold will piny North Uend or Coiiullle next Sunday Iuib not boon definitely decided. In tho ovent tho local team crosses bats with Couulllo the gamo will be plnyed on tho old fair ground dia mond. If tho gamo Ib with North noini It -vlll bo- Btngod there ob nrnvloiifllv arraiiKCil. MntBon.j Tlio fair ground diamond Ib bolng rlonuod and rolled ami win uu nun- t..i(U .inii kiiv rciiKinuur iu-,nuo ror nrnciiro hi u iw . drowB of North Bond will tender his combination of clrcumBtumes, ln- roBlcnatlon there, oiiecuvu .nny '..ciuiiiug mo wnmui. n iiiv,,,v. Series of Meetings Arranned for Marshfleld and Vicinity By Organization. The local promotion commltteo of tho Oregon Social Hygiene So ciety hns definitely decided ns to the dales nnd speakers for the meet- ' lugs for parents nnd other mlitlta on sex hygiene to bo hold within the next two weeks, concerning which previous notice wnB recently given by The Times. Tho city hns beon divided Into four districts. A sorles of two meetings will b0 held In each, nd dressed by n layman nnd a phys elan. Tim first general mooting In ;nch district will be followed exactly one weok lator by a dia logue mooting at which certain set dtiestlon will bo asked bv tlm Uv man and answered by tho physician, llit'sp questions comprehend thoso which come from children In th exnerienco of every mother nnd UllllUI The purpose of tho meetings Is .0r.n?.M ,in1r.m,tH wh 'loflnlto nnd prnctlinblo Ido.iH and mothodn for ho educnt on of girls ami boy. In ttirtttor nortalnlng to tho nnluro and well being of box; Information as for'l C " "ntl ,,0,,n"0,Jr " A commltteo of Interested liidlen Planning to boo thnt nn Invltn- mi ii'iii-iies tno niiuits In homo In the city. tiio Bchedulo of the as ioiiowb: Ray City and Bunker Hill resl dentB nt tho Bunker Hill School Tueadnys jno o nnd 10. Speaker, r. A. Tledlton nml llr it t oi.. every meetings Is HELP WANTED WANTED A gixxl German farmer wishes to rent n dairy or other good farm with stock to Btart nny time. Answer In Gorman or Eng lish to Coob flay Times, Marshfleld, Oro. WANTED Bright lmy , "bout III years old to clerk In local whole sale houso. Box M. 0.. caro of Times office. FOR RENT '4 VOll RENT Partly fiu-iiMied res taurant In Rood location In con nection with North Bond Hotel. Reasonable. Phone C. A. Metlln, Coos Hotel. . Ho plniiB to go to hlB old, homo nt Hudson, Now York, to sottlo his fath er's estate and will then locate In Santa Rosa, Collfornln. PliuiH Ibini-P. I'. Norton Is flu; urlng on holding a couple of days racloK hero tho last of Juno or 'car y In July, nncea will bo held nt M)'",'" Point tho Fourth so that thoro slioulil be a good Btrlng of horsoB In horo at MWitjSMIiHTt ' Holmo. who arrived hero recently from California, hns bought Mr. Rlnno's Interest In the Mnrshflold Bakery and ho and Mr. Potors will contlnuo tho business. Mr. Rlnno has not docldod what busi ness ho will engage In. Council Tmilglil. The Marshfle d City Council will moot tonight to tnku up various uiatterr. Owing o the nbsonco of City Attorney A' J i. iu nxnortoil that any action will bo taken about the Coos IVjiv Water companys rie - which Councilman Copplo protosted. Win ltnres. Volmn 7., formorly owned by F. P. Norton, but not own ed by Bort Clnnflold, of DallaB. cap tured the 2:24 trot at Independence last weok In three straight eatsh. Wan formorly n Coob County Jump er, but now owned by C. W. Konyon. of Independence, took tho three-quar- t0r(,,,,l!,,. V.-Ot:.rAFredor.ckson. Jr.. nged bIx monthfl. sou of Mr and Mrs. Otto Frodorlckson, of North Bond, was burled yesterday. The child died wauiruuy i ". tho playerB from prnctlelug, but It Ib hupod that conditions ran be remedied bo that tho local rnna desire for good baseball can lie gratified, NO IB FIE I PICTURE COMING FOR UKNT Two furcjsliwl rooms fot ladloB. Must furnish satlsfac- inrv rflferonces. lnauire ui nuu North Broadway, 12 forenoons. between 9 and FOB UKNT Four-room flat, partly furnished. $15.00 per month, in cluding water. I. S. Smith. PERSONAL MENTION F. C. BIRCH AND WIFE have moved Into a tent house nt Ferndalo for tlm summer months. Theb" are located near the Otis AVIlson home IM'IKavii, Ail.'V'I'inV f- AND MRS. WALTER and family ana Mr nr.j -t-a TnVm npar en- wci an automobile trip to South j REy. ROBERT E. BROWNLNG ro mp i-r.ot..,l.. FAN BUNCH, who will havo ""ffp r.r the new logging camp h'h Paul Dlmmlck, of the aavne & Hoyt Company will Pen at Beaver Hill, was a Marsh ineld visitor Saturday. turned from Gardiner on Saturday, after conducing services In the Episcopal church there. He wont across country last Thursday by way of tho railroad and reports great Interest and progress orery- FOH UKNT Private garnKe. Apply to Dr. J. T. McCormac. Phone 244-J. . FOR RENT Furiilsdieil hleeplng - n m n Ail. ty nnni .1 of rani rOOmB. IS I SOUIH dboiuu '"" FOR BENT SI-iooiii liout.0 on South Ninth street. $20 per mo. Phono 171 or call 13C North Broadway, FOR UKNT Furnished rooms In nrivato home. 363 So. Fourth at. t?tn TH.-vi'fiiilerii liuuculow. fur nlshod.' Tenth atreot. Enquire of Mrs. S. E. Painter or phono 38G-J. rnit RENT Five room bungalow, bath, electric lights. 11th street, In quire F. E. Allen. ferlng with the whooping ronisi anil l0j,UcH through which ruiiB a meaBlos for Bevornl days, I m tc jovo story reploto with hoa: tho Borond death In tho r redorUK- , d thrunK WRh omotlo son family witnin Fiedn. their llttlo about a month ago a row wcuitn. daughter, died The Famous Play "The Lion and The Mouse" Booked For the Grand. Mannger Marsdon, of tho Grand Theater, who has boon giving 8ryeral star productions ut the popular play house, announces nnothor ton-strike In tho production of Clinrlos Kloln'B great Amorlcan drama, "Tho Lion and tho Mouse," at tho Grand on Wednesday and Thursday of thlB weok Tills story was first written for "tho stago, scored tho greatest buccobb of nnv drHina of modern times nnd wuu later transcribed Into a novol of the i. . uuiiiti which was equully as iioiuilar. It la a modern American drama based upon tho dovelopment of big business outorpriBOB inioriocKcii wun is a romau boart Inter- eat and thrilling with emotion, Tho leading dally pupers of Now York sav tho nhotoiilay la ovou great. er than the stage production of tho nf1"!!!1,,,"1"101'1 roBldontB, Bouth of Donnolly avenue, at the High School Wednesday. Juno 10 and 17. Sponkerfl. w. A. Rold an Dr. Mrs. Mnttlo B. Shaw. "" North Mnrsliflnlil m.i,int. .. ... r- nnlTin ATn1i VMnyi' a a. m ,9' . 8')on,or. Sonator I. 8. Smith and Dr. Everett Mlngus! I'orndnlo residents nt tho homo of Mr. and MrB. F. A. Golden, Fri days, Juno 12 nnd 10. Hnonkor. w. A. Rold nnd Dr. AlrB. Mottle B. Shaw. Tho mootlngs will hogln promptly nt 8 p. m. anil last shortly over ovor nn hour. Tho aim further of thoso talks la briefly to point out tho social omergoncy that faces Bocloty today regarding tho social diseases Insofar nB to show tho groat nocosslty for this work. Tho Oregon Social Hyglonu Socloty hopes to cnusu every parent to see the need of equipping their sons and daughters with decent nnd suf ficient Information about tho hy giene of box rnthor than lot them get It from quack doctors, adver tising specialists, street limns, vllo literature, questionable companions. innuendo una other sordid Bources, Tho society further believes that n groat part of tho sorrow and mis ery to the Individual and tho homo that (.oiiio about ns a result of Ig norance nnd misinformation will bo averted when paients hco their duty and perform It. The local promotion commltteo commends tho meetings to evory parent and adult. The rommlttoo Is composed of the following cltlzona: Judge John H. Coko, J. II. Flana gan, F. A. TIedgon, Dr. Everett Mln gus, W. F. McEldowuoy, Bonnett Hwnuton, A II. Powers, W. A. Retd, R. M. JonulngH, David Nelson Judge J. F. Hall, Mllo Sumner, G. W. Kaufman, J. Leo Brown, Rev. Roht, E, Browning. Iledur Motor Service. Beginning ,.ovoi today a new schedule goos inio oi-j ,t (J ono ()f j,uu'8 mastorplocoa feet for tho Marshfield-North nenu ( , B,x reols un(l 0I10 tnnt OVeryono motor car service on tho Southern BM0ul,j e0 fr jt H the real motion Pacific. The car will cut out the Hi ,,cturo hit of the season, and 11 o'clock trips In the inornliik At" the Grand Wednesday and and will Btop nt 8!4& ui n gin. i Thursday. Don't miss It not certain when tno inoror Mvrtlo Point wll be sarted. but1 bank robbery trial from Myrtle Point 0 i yhi! not ntll after tho ballast- has been sot for Juno 22. Satur probably not ui m alter d evenlng Ul0 Jury brought In a '"UU tVS tol-' verdict for the defendant In tho case Stage I ruuiHiiT-i"'!"1 . ,.. , tii Bm urmnn it Tlnmlnn tS ColVoSer stage wis case In'Vhich Doyle was suing for " no one was In- $8300. which ho earned was duo ;"7V"J ln,"u and a narty of friends him for timber which no claimed bu- SenaVed to'go to Port'and by special derman had cut or burned. i,... ,nm Allncanv and) tho mln I'linsoVAl, MENTION spoiled their planB and they came MIl8 w P nilSH loft this morning back and went out on the Gardiner . for c0fIii0 to Borvo on tho Coob SFLFOT ROOMS nnd table loonl for gentlemen. In private family close tn: rates reasonable. Call 239 South Fourth Street. -l oj nnomintnrpii more trouble, lie did not state tho extent of tho dTlXlrt Trl,..-C. A. Smith re turned hero overland yesterday from San Francisco, whore ho wob called on business. He left here on tho last Redondo and after spending a ow hours Iu the city started back overland, arriving yesterday, and nrobauly making ono of tho quickest round trips that has ever been made between Coos Bay and San Farn ciwo Mrs. Smith left for Berkeley on the Adeline late yestorday. Court AdJMirii'..r J'i'iBe Coke ad journod court Saturday night until a week from today when he will take up Bomo civil cases. The Miller County Eighth Grade Examination Iln.'iril. MISS EVELYN LANGWORTHV, of MarBhflold, returned this morning from Allogany, whero b!i had been visiting. MRS. CAL WRIGHT loft on tho Nann Smith for San Francisco whore she goos to consult an em inent modletil specialist concern ing her health. Sbo waa nrcom panlod by Mrs. Ruy Olllvant, who will remain with her. Mrs Olll vant will also visit her paronts, Mr. and Mra. M. K. Whlttemoro, nt their home In Oakland. Mrs. Wright expects to ee her son Roes In San Francisco on his re turn from Mexican waters B. C, ROGERS enmo down to nrrango matters connected with the catato of MIbb Fannlo Carpontor, vtho died recently. Tho personal prop erty will bo disposed of soon, ! FIRST CLASS CONCRETE I WORK. i Cement Will If h, WuIIh, fttcpA, I BiiheiuontH, Etc. Ken or nililnwN M. B. GIDLEY 7UI) Kn. Foiirtli St.. Marhlifleld. I Oregon. Phono tlIU-J. RAZORS m Wo havo tho best lino of Moteor Maguotlc Rnzorfl on the market. These razors uro made from tho beat manganese steel, keep the edge bettor uud are guar anteed to bo tho best raior you ever uboiI. For sale nt Tho Penslnr & Nynl Store FIVE llllll i i mMimS ' IwHfmWtt