I" l THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAR3HFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1914-EfaNINQ EDITION. FOUR ,TJt' -i J "BALL SCORES jy (Jvpiii BIG LEAGUE Wv'i mz 40" mmmtmm 0n V MYRTLE POINT- GHADUATKS. , v' , Hovci'iil Receive" Diplomas" From High School There.' ( Tho commencement program Inst Friday evening at tlio Unlquo Theater was greeted by n largo and very appreciative audience and muuy more would probably hnvo attended had thoro been a grentor seating capacity. Tho muBlcal numbers, both vocal and Instrumental, wore especially entortalnlng. Tho following Is tho class roll: Eva Qrnco Lowcllen, Dorothy Jean otto Miller, Nelllo Jcsslo Oarton, Ernest Hay Itoot, Harry G. Domont, John A. Hobblns, Clco Agness Dick son, Efflo Weokly, Elsie Graco Phil pott, Dora Ileth Harrison, Lena Marlon Schnoldor, Etta Eugonla Dar nell, Nottlo Esther Hoot and Motta Edna Hanson. Myrtlo Point Enter prise. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS. Xcivn of Uppi" Coqulllo Viillcy As Told by tli Enterprise. H. J. Montgomery was In town from Hrldg) Tuesday mnrkotlng u bunch of spring chickens, Mrs. O. G. Thayer Is at Marshfleld .this wcok, n guest at tho homo of hor son, G. Ii. Urcnneman. Mrs. John Wngncr wont to Dandon TuoHdny to bo with hor daughter, Mm. Ous Uarro, who la ill. .MIhh OiibbIo Xolson, who has boon a guest of Miss Jennlo Shull for bov era) days, returned to hor home at Mnrshfleld Wednesday. Dr. C. II. Day loft last Friday for ha Grande, Oregon, whoro ho will practice his profession. Mrs, Day will remain hero for n fow days on account or business affairs that re qulro hor attention. T. It. Hillings of Rural, who conici to town only two or thrco times a year, but being a veteran of tho Civil War always tuakos it a point to have oiio of thoHo times bo right around Docorntlon Day, camo to town last Frldny. Ho took part In tho G. A. It. cervices Saturday and Sunday do parted for liomt. Misses Elslu Phllpott and Effk Weokly loft Monday for tho lowoi river, tho former to visit for a tlnu at hor homo in Ilnndon and tho lattoi i't tlio homo of hor sister, Mrs. Evort Slaclo at Prospor. In about thrci weeks tho young ladles oxpoct t( louvo for Mouiiioiith to ontor tho Nor .mill school, Thoro nro n iititnbor 01 others from the Myrtlo Point iwctlon planning on attending tho stato nor nuil at that place and this soctlon will bo represented by about n dozen young ladles. Tho Fourth of July celebration committees will moot at tho Myrtlo Club rooms noxt Monday evening to arrange tho program for the two days event. Loolnud Karr, "who has boon in tho employ or tho 1'orlilns Drug Storo for about n year, has resigned his posi tion, and Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Kurr Ion for Halom, this stato, whoro thoy expect to upend boiiiu tlmo boforo re turning to jho southwestern states. cost of keeping cat. Coqulllo Firm Pijh $; Milk Illll for Piisny. Not lOIIK nuo miU nf nnr lumliinao hoiisuH was culled on to pny n bill or JHO for milk for tho cat that acts ns a. night wntchmnn nud keeps tho storo freo from rats und mlco. The cat wasn't n big eater, either, gottlng only n pint u day. Hut tho nccount had boon allowed to run noarly turoo yi'Iirs and oron n thrnn-cnnt.n.,lnv Item amounts to something In that t ino. Hut If tho dairy that nllowo tho cat nccount to run Indoflntol, should glvo oqunlly long credits to all its customers, what would bo tho re. suit? Coqulllo Sontlnol. CULLINGB OF COQUILLE, v Coin County Scut News As Tohl by Tho Sentinel. I II. E. Shine, who has recently niov od from CoquIIlc to Empire City, showed his intorers in tho work of our city library just prior to his do parturo by donating to Us treasury $10 In cash and contributing to Its. shelves a sot of Dickens' works. S. M. Noslor went over to Marsh field .Sunday and brought Mrs, Nosier homo from Mercy Hospital, wbero ska underwent an operation for ap pendicitis n couple of weoks previous ly. She stood tho trip homo In tho car nicely and Is fast regaining her strength, Mrs. O. C. Sanford entertained a fow of her friends Monday afternoon in her usual charming manner, with n little Bowing party. Hoses and swoot peas wore in profusion in all tho rooms, making tho house a bower of beauty. DollclouB refreshments of chlckon patties and sherbet and cako were served during the afternoon. Those present woro Mcsdamcs How ard, Skcols, Sterling, Uarton, Jones, Lamb, Williams, II. Loronz, Martin, Geo. Lorcnz, Ed Loronz, LHJoqvlst, Hawkins and Misses Kutli Woodford ind Claro Shorwood. Miss Clnro Shorwood entertained last Thursday afternoon nt her boau ttful homo on Shorwood Heights in honor of Mrs. E. F. Morrissoy, of MarBhfleld, with an olnborato three courso luncheon. Tho spacious rooms woro decorated with choice roses in abundance, while tho dining room wns vory artistically arranged In pink roses with Carolina Tcstouts for tho tablo. Tho afternoon was pleas antly spent In soclnl convocation, fancy work nnd cards, until oultc ate, whon alt roluctantly departed, declaring Miss Claro an Ideal hostess, Thoso present woro Mrs. E. F. Mor rissoy, Mrs. A. J. Shorwood, Mrs. L. A. LHJoqvlst, Mrs. Fred Slaglo, Mrs. Ed Lorcnz, Mrs. O. C. Sanford, Mrs. J. S. Harton, Mrs. J. II. WllllaniB, Mrs. Hort Folsom, Mrs. J. A. Lamb, Mrs. E. E. JohnBon, Mrs. M. 0. Haw kins, Mrs. C. A. Howard, Mrs. Georgo Loronz, Mrs. Paul Sterling and Miss Huth Woodford. TAKE SUMMER TIUP TO XOHWAY. S. E. Aason nnd wife, of this city., and .Mr. and Mrs. G. Uurgnrd, ofi Liampn, started for n trip to Europe nnd a visit to tholr old homes on the other sldo of tho water. Mr. Anson fays it is forty-thrco years since ho oft ChrlBtiansun, Norway, but he has brothers and sisters living thoro with whom it will not tako him long to iot ncqunlntcd, oven ir thoy do not rccognlzo him at first sight. Ho re calls that ho used to go up on a big hill thoro In 03 north latitude and see tho sun sot nnd rlsn all within an hour or two, nnd without its gottlng dark nt all in tho nlmost endless days of tho nenr Arctic Btimmor. Tholr many Montis hero will Join with us in bidding Mr. and Mrs, Anson Godspeed, nnd wishing them nn en joyable visit nnd snfo return. Thoy expect to return Jn October. Co qulllo Sentinel. PORTLAND TAKES lit-INNING CONTEST FROM SACRAMENTO I TO 3, SUXDAY. OTHER 11IG LEAGUE SCORES. ID AnocUtnl Preia to Co) Dj TIdim,) PORTLAND, Or., Juno 8. Port laud took a thlrtcen-lnnlng contest from Sacramento hero yesterday, 4 to 3. Tho scores Sunday: At Portland It. II. E. Portland 4 12 t Sacramento 3 7 1 Thirteen Innings. Two games scheduled, but only one. played. Hattorles West, Martlnoiii; Itlo- gor and Yantz and FlBlier, Williams, Klawlttcr and Hannah. At Oakland R. H. E. Lob Angeles 1 8 2 Oakland 2 G 1 Batteries Hughes and Urooks; Marlarkey and Mltzo. AFTERNOON GAME Los Angeles 4 8 1 Oakland 0 7 1 Dattorlcs Ryan and Doles; Ram- iy, KUHlay and Aloxnndor and Ar bogast. t Tnc morning Vonlco-Snn Francisco jnmo wits postponed on account of rain. Tlio afternoon game: At Venice R. II. E Venice 5 0 2 San Francisco 2 7 1 Hnttorles Klcpfor nnd Elliott: Lleflcld, Hnrham nud Sepulvcda. Snttirtlay'N Scores: At Oakland R. II. E. Los Angeles 10 12 3 Oakland 9 14 0 Batteries Ehmkc, Love, Ryan, MtiBser and Doles, Prultt, Crnbbc ?ntl Alexander. At Venice R. II. E. Ian Francisco 5 11 1 t'eulco 3 C 2 Ten Innings, Hnttorles Unum, 3-idrldgo nnd Clark; Houley nnd Bliss. '4&X I'urtlnnd-Sacrnmonto Rain. TV-&reA nr ilBiMIEStfi&raJfcvfc If --"" -- lUWUIttliwjMM if uomesuc " niwvwraflirctfuaHB on Dt i "' ammmteizammmmimmkmt.tvj. mi EH ESfiKaKI a IHHH Bll ';,'.'i .-; di igdifette THREE THOUSAND HILIfl. "Whnt with tho hills for tho prl ninry election and tho court expenses, besides tho rogulnr monthly grUt. County Clerk Watson snya there ore fully thrco thousand county warrants to bo mndo out thla'wook by his of iico forco. That moans not only r. lot of work but likowlso a consider able pull on tho county's cash or credit Coqulllo Sontlnol. COQUILLE WATER SUPPLY. . Hutch John Crook Is nxnnrtml Tn contribute about 90 gnlloiiB of water n iiiluuto to our city supply during the summer months, now that the new dam is eomplotod. All this, however, has to bo pumped up into tho res orvolr to got it Into circulation. Ilul tho dam will mnko it posilblo ti unvo tho wholo run-off of this crce' now, whllo boforo much of It has gor to wnsto. Coqulllo Sontlnol. FOURTH OF JULY. (NMiiliiittoos MtM't. tit CIuuhIht of VoinineiYO for Discussion A mooting of tho Fourth of July celebration commltteo was hold at the Chamber of Commerce Friday nftornoon for tho jmrtoso of ullot Ing to tho different 'ommlttees the Bums necessary to carry out the proposed plans. Of tho six commit. n-t's, appointed by J. Albert Mataon, nono of tho chairmen woro prosent, nnd In view of that sltuntlon, no loflnlto nctlon was takon. Tho fi nancial committee reported thnt $1GOO will lmvo boon pledged by next Monday, when nnothor mooting of tliv cominltteoa will bo held. Mnt Bon roquostod tho various commit tees to hold nioetlngs in tho moan tlmo and ho ready to present tholr IdenB and suggeBtlona at tho Monday nrtomoon meeting. NOTICE OK FILING FINAL AC COUNT OK RECEIVER OK FOR. ' MER PORT OF COOS HAY, A RE KACTO CORPORATION. NOTICE IS HEREI1Y GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, nnd to ill Inhobltnnts nnd taxpnyora of that portion of Coos County, Oregon, ly. Ing within whnt Is known aa fornior Port of Coos Bay District, particular ly described In tho Proclamation of no uounty courtof tho Stato of Jregon for coos Comity, declaring iiirtion or uoos uounty, Oregon, a Port District, mndo May C, 1909; ind also to all Inhabitants and tax payors of tho district now known is tho present Port of Coos Bay, particularly defined and described In tho Proclamation of said County Court mndo September 4, 1912: (lint John D. Goss, ns Receiver of tho Port of Coos Bay, a do fncto municipal corporation. In and for iald former Port of Coos Bay Dist rict, ho being duly nppolntod audi ilocolvor by Ordor of tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for uoos county, mnao May 2, 1912, in hat certain suit thon nnd now pond ng in said court wherein Thomas McGinnls Is plaintiff nnd Henry Sengstncken, E. Mlngus, W. C. Hnr--ib, L, j. Simpson, C. 8. Wlnsor nnd 3thor persons, aro derondnnts, Case S'o. 3338 of said Circuit Court, duly luiimitKi ami acting, lias rued in mid court and cause his Final Re ort ns such Receiver, praying, mong other things, that tho dls jurscmonts mndo by him as such Itecelvor, bo approved; that the compensation of himself as Receiv er and his attorneys bo flxod and pnni; ana ror an order directing him to deliver and transfer to tho ircsent Port of Cooa Bay nil prop- irij, rem ana porsonai, and moneys n his hands, or under his control, belonging to tho former Pon of Coos Bny, the de facto corporation aforesaid; that his final nccount bo approved nnd allowed, nnd that ho bo dlBchnrged as Biich Receiver nnd his bondsmen exonerated, in which suit the present Port of Coob Bay has intervened nnd filed complaint in Intervention. You will further tako notice that on May 14, 1914. Bald court ilnlv mndo an Ordor setting as tho time ror me Hearing or Bald final report, Thursday, June 18, 1914, commenc ing i tno nour or ton o'clock in tho forenoon of that day, and tho Court House, Coqulllo City, Oregon, as tho placo for tho hearing of said final account and or nny objections thereto, and that notice bo given theroor, and or tho fllfng of said final report by publication. Dated Marshfleld, Oregon, Mey U, I J 11, NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Tncoma 0 C 9 Spoknno 10 10 0 Hnttorles: McGlnnlty, Bolco and Ilrottcm; Stnnloy nnd Shcn, SECOND GAME. Tncoinn . 0 fi 3 Spokane ti 10 3 Batteries Km ft nnd Hrottom; Stanley and Sim. No Portland-Vancouver gnmo. No games In Nntlonnl League. AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland 1; Boston 2. Chicago 4: Now York, 0. Philadelphia, 2; Detroit, 4. Washington, 3; St; Louis, 3. I SATURDAY'S GAMES. 4 AMERICAN LEAGUE Now York, 1; Chicago, 1; (olght Innings, Rain.) Philadelphia, 2; Detroit, 3; (12 innings.) Boston, 4; Clovolnnd, 3. .(14 Innings.) WnBhlngton, 5; St. Louis, 3. XATIOXA L LEAG U E unicngo, r(; Brooklyn, 7. Pittsburg, 5; Philadelphia, 2. Cincinnati, G; Boston, 4. St. Louis, 4; Now York. C. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE Victoria, 0; Seattle, 1. Portland, 4; Vnncouvor. 2. Tacomn, G; Spnknno, 4. lnulng8.) 20 for 10 cents I I lK7.'j..-.'iJHl Premiums Are Not Needed to Sell Camels First, there never was a cigarette, at any price, made of such a delightful blending of Turkish and domestic tobaccos; second, you can't make a Camel Cigarette bite your tongue or parch your throat or leave that cigaretty taste common to other cigarettes I Fad is, uou haven't got money enough to buy a cteoerer ciga rette I That's a strong statement, but we'll back It up if you'll just try a package and find out something: about how good a cigarette can be I Don't look for premiums or coupons. Camel Cigarettes are not that kind of a smoke I The cost of the tobaccos pro hibits the use of "inducements." If your Jtaltr can't mpptyyou, nnd 10a for 1 paekagt or St, 00 for a carton of 10 paekugf OOO clgnrttttt), pottago prtpalJ, Afltr imoklng I pachogt. If you don't find CAMELS at ripfintid, rtlurn tho othtr 9 packagtg and too will rtfund your monty, R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wilton -Salem, N. C. te3flSSggSS (12 RELAY POLO MATCH Come to CAMEL HEADQUARTERS I FOR YOUR I Cigarettes, Cigars and Tobaccos ' THE NEW STORE AT THE P. K. CORNER MARSHFIELD NEWS CO. GOOD CIGARS KEPT GOOD. MEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS ' dipt. Clienho of EiikIIxIi 'IVnm, In Jiii'1 In Practice Ci'anio. (11 Auotlat fttu (e co. n7 TlmM.J IIEMSTEAD, N. Y., Juno 8. Tho first same of tho International polo cup serloa was postponed today until next Sunday. The postpone ment was duo to an injury rocelvod yostordny by Captain Chenho, of tho English team. Tho gnmo wns to navo been played tomorrow. .THE 43" JPOTELS Tho Olinmller. V. S. IJoyer, Portland: Low P. Price, Sumnor; Edward Skog, Em nlre; Norman Phillip, Ilnndon ; Daniel Mlllor, Dandon; J. A. Jn voile, Gnrdlnerj O. M. Ruthr, Cor vallls; u. O. Heckor, Bmplroj Edw. I). Noonnn, wlfo nnd boys, South Coos River; M. L. Luther, Minne apolis; A. ninkhorst, Portlnnd: C. b. .Marvin. Portland: C. A. PrltHch. San Francisco; Swnn Benson, Port 'and; W. L. Illllor, Portlnnd. At tho Uoyd. Mlko Dogdon, nandon; Qua Car ver, Ilnndon; J. Ilrown, nandon; Hsk Grogor, Reaver Hill; A. Clano, Portland; M. C. Itozoll. Myrtlo Point; William Osborn, nandon. At Tho Hliuirn, Oscar Franz, Sumner, E. G. Cloako. Kosoburg; L. H. itaymer, Nayra yino; C. A. Westberg and wife, San Francisco; M. E. Moltor, North Pond; Sol Ilroii8on. Mvrtln Pnin. F. Hlnson, Myrtle- Point: Charles Itltzman, Coos ltlven A nnnaa South Inlet; A. G. Erlckson, nan don; Davis Howard, Vancouver, H. C. At tho St. Lnwrvnce. J. M. Harker, Coqulllo; Miss Allco Hayes, South Inlet; Andy Greer, uiiiumui J. it. ilrown. Nnrlh Hend; R. n. Jones, North Inlet: May Walker, Soattlo; F. 11. Shnkel- IDEAL FREE GROVE AM) PICNIC GROUNDS Drlng your lunch baskets, kodak and fishing tncklo for n fow days' outing. Sundny School nnd nil picnic crowds n specialty. Excursion to South Coos Rlvor ovory day. Mniflifleld Tlmo Tiililel Launch Express, week days, lonves, 8 n. in.; Stentnor Rain bow "leaves Mnrshfleld nt 8 a, m., ovory Sunday nnd 2 p. m. week dnys. For charter and plcnlo nr rnngomonts, npply on bonrd steamer Rnlnbow, 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notlco Is horoby given that tlio un dersigned has been duly nppolnted ns administrator of tho estate of Fannlo L. M. Carpenter, deceased, by tho County Judge of tho County Court of Coos county, Oregon. Now, thoreforo, nil persons having claims against said estato are here by notified to presont tho snmo to me, at the offlco of James T. Hall, Room 11 Eldorado niock, Marshflold, Ore gon, within six months from tho dnto hereof, with pronor vouchers dnlv verified ns by law required. S. C. ROGERS, Administrator of tho Estato of Fannlo L. M. Carpenter, do- ceusea. First publication Juno 1; last publi cation Juno 29, 1914. QUIPPED WITH VERY FACILITY FOR HANDLING ACCOUNTS IN A PROMIT AND ItKIJAIILK MAN NERTHIS IJANIC SOLICITS THE HUKINESH OF CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS :: :: :: IF YOU HAVE NEED FOK A SAT 1SFAOTOHY HANKING SERVICE WE CAN FILL 1TM: :: :: :: s: SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First National Bank Ot Coos Bay STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Hromldo Enlarging ud Kodak Finishing. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons Jrr carbon paper delivered. Phone us your order. Phone 44. Alliance o'" TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. JOHN D. GOSS. , . .,.Re,ver na aforesaid. First milillnfiHnn u.u ie .n... Livery nnd Transfer Compau)'. and lust Juno IB, 1914.) ' ' Llliby COAL. The kind Y'OU have I ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific ford, Florence: H. M. Oatoa. snn. knne; J. D. Laird, Bltkuni; R. n. nujruDu, t'uriiunu. Times Want Ada get what thoy Bo aftor. KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRlAl EVERYTHING IN THE HAKERY LINE MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY 1.13 NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PHONEjgu SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA rssts ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Formerly the Coos Building. Uroiuhvny at Market DAY RATES, 75 AND UP SPECIAL RATES nY TUB MONTH L, Ia JUSTEN, Manager. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. m k i .ser- ' &-