lm m BAY TIME81 MARSHflILD,OR600N, TUESDAY, JUNE 0, 1914-EVENINQ edition; r' thbh irtiliiMiWtMaffMWUtttkaaa Suits denned ntiil pruned) ( flu Its mndd to Order. i aire Us u Trial, UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAM .DOYLE A C. O. DAGGETT 250 Central Avo. l'liono 2G0-X THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Miirshficld WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN 8THEBT NORTH HEM) O. A. Motllii, Prop. - -Z I '.i ' Chimneys J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work at price mat ro rigut. AND ALL WOHK GUARANTEED Oall at "Tho Flrcsldo," Johnson Dldg., 187 Socond St. l'liono 484-JT. Preach Ranges. Holler Work. DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street, Phono J80-.J. 7 DR. J. II. STEWART CHIROPRACTOR Ilns oponod an oMIco over Watson's Store Chronic Diseases You should see him If you aro sick, Offlco hours: 0:30 to 10:.10 a. in. and 2 to 4 p. in. T. J. SOAIFE $ A. II. HOIiaiNg Marshfield PA,NT AND maj5iiiiuu DEC0RATNG co Estimates Furnished. Phone HOO-J. Mnrshllcld, Oregon MHS. C. F. HIHAHGEH Dressmaking nnd Ladles' Tall orliiK Prices Hcnsonnhlo Ovor Mngncs & Mntson Storo . Phono 248-J. EDISON'S LATEST A storage hnttery thnt continual over charging "HI not harm. HOES NOT COUHODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Willi not loso its clmrgo whilo standing Idle. IB GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring.Co. 103 Hrnndwny. Agents for Port of Coos Hoy. UUK ELEGANT UMit OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH HEND ARE YOU BOTHERED With ConiH? If bo, you nro depriv ed of half tho ploasuro of life pleasant walking nnd lioalthy oxer clso. A visit to Mrs. Olivlu Ediiiau. Scientific Chiropodist, Ap't 8, 0': Council Blclg., will. bo tho sourco of a permanout remedy for aching feet MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drlvem. For day service, phono 1-1 wi lllanco Hlllard Prlors. For nlglit service, Phone 200-1 niiftit nnfe. D. L. F00TE. Commutation Tickets $2.00 fcT.Ml.flnl(1.Vnrih Ileml AutO Line. Cars every ten minutes from 0 a. m. to 12:"0 n. in. COR8T & ICEVOPropj; Pictures & Framing Walker Studio TIME TABLE Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunKS between any points In ManAfleld for the follow lng rates, delivery to be made in tho first storleB of bulldlngK One trunk Three trunks ' Twelve trunks .... Star Transfer and Stora e Lr, Levi Helser, Prop. Phones, 120-J; 0-L; 98-R. 21) IPR0FB88I0NAL DIRECTORY M-I-MlKl! ItOGtiU NRLSOfc IM...II .. iW," 'ln I.Vnn.i ii """" isiciui, till ' mm TV,'.. "immy .!aurt,t- Ju"e !.-.... AI'lcnUon for lea sons by appointment. Marshfield, Or. PJ 11. HARPER, House Builder, General Repairing nnd Cabinet ... Making, l'liono illO-rf. Still W- MellltOOM Contractor ami Hullilcr. .uarsnnolil, Oregon. -' O. Hot Oil. lll llnnlrn. If 111 -. siiBaf&,L llllll Y7 T. T0.MPKLN8, 1). 8. T. ,, (Weltmor Methods.) lljVOrV knnttfn .tlnnn-n ....- ...iii...r i ""-"" uiouudo irumeu without drugs or surgery. Rooms 1 ntiil o oi i wimum urugs or surgery. nnd 2 2a7 So. Broadway. Phono 132-L. Marshfield, Or. JOEL OSTUND. J Piano Tuner and Repairer MB S. Sixth street. .Phono 103-L. Lonvo orders at W. R. Rallies Music Company, T M. WRIGHT Phono 818-R. n.lmvin J BUILDING CONTRACTOR Lstlmates furnished on request. r0. GOSXEY Phono 31B4 Contractor nnd Dulldcr Estlmntcrt Furnlslied on Ronucst MY PAST WORK IS MY REFERENCE I'lrst nnd Alder Sts. MitrshfJcld. rR. II. M. 8IIAW - Eye, Ear, Noso nad Throat DR. MATTIE 11. 81IAW Dlsciues of women and children. Offlco phone 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Dlock. Houso phono, 105-J. DR. A. J. HENDRY iiiiNnav MarshQold, Oregon, (looms 204-205, Coko Building, tcsldcnco phone 252-X. Offlco phone 112-J. M HS. FARRINGER, Teacher of Piano. Hoaldcnco Studio, Phono 38G-J BK.NJAMIM OMl'lilMl, Consulting Engineer ani Architect Offices, 200 Irving Block, l'liono 108-L or 207-J. Mnrnhfleld, Orcsn DEIIL RILEY HAIiLINGER, PlanlKt and Teacher. Ilcsldcnco Studio, 217 No. Third St Phono 3C8-L. w U. UllAMJliRll. ARCUITEOT. toomi 301 and HOi, Ooka RalKIa; Mrhfplil. Orrn. w ARCHITECT Marshfield. Oracon LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Tltlo & Trust Co. AlistracUi, tlioroiighly dependable, Im nirdlnto scnlce, prompt atten tion to all Interests of our client. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sh Co. TIME TABLE Willamette -Paciric Motor Car Effective June H, 1011, Lv. Marshfield. Lv. North Bend 0:30 n. m. :46 a. in. 7:30 a. in. 7:45 a. in. 8:30 a. m. 8:5 " "'' 9:30 n. m. $'-? " m' 10:30 a. in. 1":4C a. m. 11:30 o. m. n:4r. a. m. 12:30 p. in. I2-45 P m- 1:00 p. m. 1:1G !' m 1:30 p. m. l:" P m 2:00 p. m. 2: in p. in. 2:30 p.m. 2:45 p. m. 3:00 p. m. 3:15 p. m. 3:30 p. in. 3:45 P- ' 4:00 p. m. '' P- m- 4:30 p. m. i:5 P- m- C:00 p. m. l5. ' '" 5:30 p. m. B:5 P- "J- f,:00 p. m. C:15 p. m. 7:00 p. m. 7:15 p. in. 7:30 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 8:00 p. m, 8:15 p. m. 8:30 p. m. 8:5 P- m' ,,.MMM,iiiiiMiaMaaJMaaMaMaaMWaWMsslBsM NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you have them lftundereel TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY riTY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new taxlcab has been added to my auto service. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any tlma. 8tan(J Blanco CUar Store. Day phone, 78. Night phone 139-X. TOM GOOD ALE. Proprietor. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WB FURNISH A nAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield! We are now giving away FREE Rogers' Silverware Now Oh dlspliiy nt our store. Cotno In and look It over. With each cash purchase of ten, LOffees, extracts and spices Wd give you n coupon to tho nniouut of your purchase. Savo those up and got this beautiful Silverware FHtiE. On all ptirchnscs of tuns we will glvo double coupons. lie sure nnd see those premiums at your earliest opportunity llJbJi 4AM.M COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE & SPICE HOUSE Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARAlTrer&pSTRACTCO., Inc. HENRY SKNGSTACKKN', Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY GENERAL AGENTS KAST-SIDK IkLVRSHFlELD OFFICE, PHONE U-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. S. S. PARAISO Equipped with Wireless. Fine Passenger Accommodation. SAILS FROM COOS HAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO SATURDAY, JUNE O, I P. M., WITH PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. YELLOWSTONE SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY, THURSDAY, JUNE I, WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Agent, Mnrshflcld. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Scmi-wcekly service Coos IBivy and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY SATURDAY, JUNE 18, AT 8 P. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. SS. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. KAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAX I'llANCISCO, SATURDAY, JUNE II, AT I P. M. San Francisco -office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and G00 Fife building. . fc - . Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeohoh, Phono 44. S. S. ALLIANCE SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS HAY SATURDAY, JUNE (I, AT O P. M. ROUND TRIP, 318.150. Connection with tho North Bunk Road at Portland, North Pacific Stenuihlilp Company Phono 4-1. O. F. M'GEORGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marshfiold during month of Juno at 1 o'clock p. in. on the 4th, 9th, 14th, 19th, 2 4th and 29th. Tickets on salo to all Eaktcru points and Information as to routes and ratoH cheerfully furnished. Phone 427-L. F. T. SHELDON. Aiwnt CTA. Smith Lumber & RKTAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SniNOLKS. MOULDINGS, BASn AND DOORS nOOFTNO PAPER, ETC. OUT THW FUEL HILL IN TWO PHONK 100. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Officers: J. W. Bennett, President. j. II. Flanagan, Vlrc-Prcsldent, R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Aist. Cashier. Times Want Ads.Brins? Results i ttfrMunwamlmmmm New Steel Bont. G. P. SHERIDAN, Agent, North Bend. ..eb. BY USING OUR WOOD. 1M SOUTII HIUMDWA1 COOS BAY TIMES M. ft MtaOJifejT EtflWr nnd Pnb, DAN E, MALOntiV New tfOitor Official rape of Coo 'County Entered nt the Postoffic at Marsh Mold, Oregon, for trttuswlsstuu through the malls as second-class mall matter. . T)odlcatod ib tho servlceot the people, that no good cause, shall lack a. champion, and thnt evil shall not thrive unopposod. 8UDSCH11TION RATES. DAILY. Ono yonr $6,00 Per month ,00 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid Btrlctly In advnnco, tho Subscription prlco of the Cods Bny Times Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. Address rill communications to COOS DAY DAILY TIMES Marshfield ii :; i: :: Oregoa HOMJJ'RULE. 'itN A general way It tuny bo snfd l that homo rule confers upon Ire " Innd substantially tho rights that nro now enjoyed bj tho American ntates. In form tho Irish government will be much HkoUtint of Cnnndn. IrolanU will hecomo'a mombor of tho British union on much tho samo terms' ns Cnnndn. with this dlffcronco that Ire land will coiUlnuo to be represented Jn tho English pnrllamont, although by a reduced vote. Ulster, thnt part of Iroland lying contiguous to Scotland, and sottlwl by Scotch, threatens Insurrection In tho fnco of 'this tendency to decen1 trallzatlon. Hint Britain, by tho very nocoBsltles of tho situation, can never bo anything Unit n union of inoro or less Independent states. Not oun tho British Hslos can bo properly nntlonallKcd. It is interesting, nt n tlmo wheil tho Amorlcnii union la funding moro nnd moro toinationallty, to noto the progress or Britain' In tho other di rection. As wo nrorgolng to executive load oralilp, Britain omphaslcos tho power of tho Houso of Commons, says tin exchange. Au wo enact nntlonnl reg ulation far tho state, Britain mnkes Ireland nlmout Independent of nnt lonnl supervision, With America air a union and' Brit nin n a confederation of stntos, tho English speaking experiment In solf-j government will bo given n incut) practical demonstration In tho next twcnty-flvo years. WIIEREITHE MONEY GOES. IT CERTAINLY cost to llvo. In this country tho ono overtopping) Item or '-tho list Is $12C,000,-' 000,000 n week spent for foods ' Economy has centered Inrgely upon this, 'whorn the now roc ignlzcd wonk point Is distri bution, Tho fond from production to consumption Us too long and linn too many twists. But only second on the list Is tho expenditure for women's and child ren's clothing $30,000,000 n woek. Of this nmoiint, $20,000,000, accord ing to dry goods, ueeins to bo expend ed for mntorlnls Just made up In tho homes, which Is n surprising percent age. .Men's clothes, made nrnrtlcatly ail 'n shops, ndds less than half what women's wear docs tb tho1 total. It stnnda at- only '$13,000,000, This amount docs not Includo shoes, which cost $10,000,000 a week, nor hats and millinery. Nor do wo un jorstund that It Includes such inci dentals ns underwear. If nnyono should attempt to com pare men's expenditures with thoio of women tho latter would at once nivort to their Invariable urgumout: "But what at liquor nnd clgaru?' Mnylin tho point Is well taken, tmys an exchange. Theso luxuries aro nt least ns useloss aft corsets nt from $C to $2ft por. FACT VERSUS JURISDICTION XV A PERSON Is declurcd to bo I Insane by a County Court nnd that person makes reasonable con tention that ho Is not Ineano, there by raising an Issue or fact, why should not tho fact be determined by a Jury of twelve inon, Just as any other fact Is determined which affects tho property Interests or tho liberty of tho Individual! As it uppeara, that question Is tbout to bo presonted to the Ore ton Supreme Court, and for the first tlmo In the history of that ilhiinal. Tho Supremo Court will answer tho question according to tho aw or the case. Whatever tho ans wer may be, wo will havo no right to qirtrrel with It so far' as the Hu iremo Court Is concerned; but in the common conception of right, and wrong, of that which Is JuBt and unjust to the Individual, tho matter Is discussable. Tho real Issue In this esse will bd that of tho Jurisdiction of tho County Court versus tho allegation of fact The Coos County tribunal pronounced Charles Sneddon tn sano. Mr. Sneddon protested his sanity and tho case was tried by a ury who decided that ho wan suno, and ordered his release from cub today. It was the Judgment of twelvo minds against that of tho Court and on a question it tact, which Is conceded to be the spools) provlnco or a lury. The step that follows makea It appear as it tho court was plead lng' a defenio or Its dignity. It contends that Its Jurisdiction Is final, uid to tho lay mind that contention Ignores tho question of fact alto gether. Ths layman must bcllevo that tho question of fact is tho Important question, and more espec ially when It involves the liberty or tho restraint of an Individual citizen. The reul Issue In which tho party chiefly concerned and society Itself Is Interested Is that Of sanity or Insanity. To the common mind the Jurisdiction of the court Is a secondary matter, and common folk will beltove that the law should bo more concerned with tho fact than with the powers and dignity of the court. It will be especially interesting lu thtl mm tn lirtln If Mm lnu uhoii Husiain tlid coiumon conception of that Which Is Jiist. Portland Tele gram. n . ill.. i WITH THE TOAST 1 AND THE TEA GOOD EVENING . Vlrtuo would not go far did not vanity escort her. La RochofoucAuld. TIIM KVDIIMUTivn vtn Enough or doubt's benumbing sting, Enough or ceaseless questioning; With BUddon Hash or certitude Let nib affirm thnt lite Is good. Enough of dull, douylng srlef And niiBwers that nro not bollof; When all tho cries or lire nrc heard. Lot Lovo be given tho closing word. Let pride bo trampled luto clay, That higher Will may work Its way, And strong resolve be red nnow With dawning vision or tho True. Shall I supinely give my breath To mere negation, which Is denth, And through the Bhndowcd valleys go Asserting that I do not know? Led by' tho God hood thnt la born To willing souls onnh orison morn On peaks or sunrise let mo greet Tho wondrous pnsslng of his feot. Scolng In trngrants, lot mo guess Tho Great suggested by the less Tho Puro mtsfoaturcd In' the' mlro. And sin' Itself a purging fire; Arthur Salmou. -tttx- 8ome Coos Bny men nro nlwnya up ath. doing others. -a-ii- Causo nnd effect whiskey straight, crooked walk. -n-M- Two pennies Jingle louder than two ten dollar bills. -H-- Two Front strcot business men wero discussing another Coos Bay man, when ono or them snld lie was nrty-rive years old aud not much of anything clso. -tt-U- Ono of tho grentcst lessons or lire Is to know how nnd when to koop silent. -H-tl- Kecp your root warm even If you got tho cold shoulder. Home Coos Buy pcoplo appar ently hnvo plenty of logic but lack common senso. Holp s senrco In harvest tlmo for tho follow who hns sown n lot of wild oats. -K-lt- Otio Hwnllow does not make a sum mer but many swallows make a bum mor, -K-rt- An Idle rumor gains currency; an Idle innn doesn't. lu order to start soiuo Coon Buy mon. you hnvo to get out and crank. Blud your Hook or llfo with tho cover or good deods. -w-n- Our heads nro Intended ror some thing more than to set our hats on, throw dust nt your neigh bor, lost It blow back' on you. bo an Iffor a doer Is moro to bo admired. News From Nearby Towns , GRADUATES AT COQUILLV. , I Tho following aro tho names of tb members of tho Coqulllo High School class of 1914, who graduated and re ceived their diplomas nt Masohta Hallt 1 Carrlo Alice Stanley, Bcutah Luel la Prlco, Imogono Helen Alexson, George Edwin Oordlng, Irvln Wataon. Naomi Knowlton, Ertna Culln, Alice Culln, Raymond Frederick" Miller, Androw Clifford Kern nnd Georgia Watson. Coqulllo Sentinel. CA1T. HEHOMAN'H OAIIDHN'. Captain Bergman enjoyed now peas and carrots raised in his own gardsn. And he also had gooseberry ple'tuad from gooseberries grown in his back yaTd. Of course' It Is well known that tho captain Is an exceptional garden er, but ho claims anybody can' do th same on any lot in Florence if they try. Florenco Pilot. HOSEHUHG MEN RETURN. C. E. Gray and Prof. A C. Crewa returned here Inst night from Marah flold, whoro they had spont a few d,nya looking over the country. Thy made tho trip by private conveyance nnd report about twelvo miles of bad road, but otherwise they enjoyed the trip. Roseburg RovleW. TO BOOM GARDINER. J. II. Austin, of Gardiner, left on the attornoon train today on hla re turn home, otter looking after busi ness matters here for a few days. Ho nays n Chamber of Commerce Is to ho orgunlzed at Gardiner soon. Roseburg Review. RETURNS TO R08EHUIIG. According to John VnnDrundt, who recently returned here, after several weeks spent at North Bend, Coos county, L, E. Mllledge, formerly or this city, Is engaged in the confec tionery huslnoss' thoro. Mr. Vaa Brundt says Mr. Mllledge was one of tho finest stores In North Bend and Is doing a splendid business. Rom burg Rovlew. J