sSgyfyr1' -yfmgffw f?T FSA POOR RLJLEJHAT ONLY BEGETS DESIRES GT?T AROUND IT WHEN YOU CAN A MANXER YEAR This scnion opens Willi brighter rH)ici't f,,r ,,' Krc,,t Coos ,ly l,t Coqiilllo Valley country lliim ""- before I" Its lilstm-y. For- DON'T SCATTER SHOT Conrriitrnto you advertising In the newspaper (hut tenches the peo ple Jon want to talk to. Auiintii'l lion costs money. The Times mivi'9 money to mUeitlscis. wmt& innci lU-o'ln tno lniiKinc are you !, Inylnj? jours? (he foundation for 0 MEMflER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS szsruscaJvaja-JWgwffTi KtlllllUllll I HTM VOL XXXVII. us Tho Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 3. 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times Const Mall nnil Coos Hay Ailveitlser. No. 272 4 mUU NATION'S WHEAT BE LARGEST Thic Ynnr Fstimntnd at iciu '"" " .; i , , Over 9uu,uuu,uuu uusncis by Government. NEARLY ONTsiXTH LARGER THAN EVER Nearly One-Half of World's Output Other Grain Crops Are Also Large. (Ilr Anoclit! I'tfM to Coo Dr Time. WASHINGTON, June S. Nine hundred million bushels of whent, almost hi'lf of lite world's average nrodiirtlon. ninl ti new record for the United Stutes, Is the prospective vlcld fur this your, tho Department of A'Tiiulturo nnnounced. The enormous crop will ho 137.000.000 bushels more tlmn over before known u tho United States In any one ye r Thoro nlso will bo u law yield of outs nnil hurley, prob ably second In slzo In tho history nf the nntlon. U. S. Supreme Court Sets Aside Some Penalties Im posed in Kentucky. Ur Am llJ Pr lo Coo Dar TIitm.J WASHIXCrrON, I). C, Juno 8. Tho Supremo Court Hot nsldo tho pen alties imposed by tho various Ken tucky courts upon tho Intornntlonal Ilarvestor Company of America as being u member of n trust-. Tho court affirmed tho decreo of tho Mis souri Supremo Court ousting tho company from tho atnto aud fining it 135,000 for vlolntlon or tho stnto an-ll-trnst law. Tho court hold tho lnw to bo constitutional nlthough It ap plies to restraints of combinations dealing In commodities nnd not com hlnntluis of labor. ACT OX WILSOX 111 M. Dr A.ioc'alM rrtat to Coo llr TlnM.J WASHINGTON, I. C, Juno 8. Tho Scnnto Judiciary commlttco stat ed that It would begin work Immed-i lately on tho Clayton omnibus bin , passed Inst wcok by tno I louse. IN RATE CASE U S. Supreme Court Upholds Interstate Commerce Com mission's Order in Case. Br AMoctat4 rrm lo Coo Par Tlm.a.J WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 8. Tho Sunromn Court unhold tho Inter state Commerco Commission's order In tho Shroveport rate case, thus plac ing Interstate railroads moro under tno commission and loss under stnto commissions. , Justlco Hughes, who nnnounced the decision, said tho commission was expressly created to provent conflicting stato legislation. Ho alii that Congress and not tho states, bns power to prevent tho In struments of tho Interstnto Com merce from being used so as to in jure Interstnto commerco. Tho far reaching effect or tho decision lies In tho fact tbat tho rates which tho Interstate Commerco Commission or dered Indirectly Incrensed to re move discrimination were proscribed !y the Texas State Railroad Com mission. 1 PERSONAL OVERFLOW ' H. F. CURTIS arrived in from Flor ence yesterday on business. W. H. MEREDITH, district attornoy, arrived here today from Wedder burn on business. GEORGE WELDIN nnd J. J. Meany. the u. S. boat inspectors, arrived here today to Inspect tho Roamer. Capt. Olson's new boat. !RS. F. h. CLARKE and children will socn move to South Coos Riv er, near Camp 1, where they will enjoy an outing during the sura- raer months. . P M. HALL-LEWIS, county road master, came over from Coqutno today noon to set the grade stakes for the Xorth Dend-Emplre road, work on which will begin soon. J A. JANELLE, tho Umpqua mer cantile magnate, came down yester day to look over the lines of a number of traveling men here. o reports everything prosperous In that section. HIED TRUST CASK ENDED RAILWAYS LOSE CR OP ILL IIGH 1 HIS DAMAGED WILSON WILL ACCEPT BILL President Decides Not to Op pose Senate Amendments to Panama Tolls Measure IDr AmrtalfJ Prwa tn Cis tUr TlMM.I : WASHINGTON, I). C. June S. President Wilson Is expected to nc ept the Senate amendments to the ' Piinnnift tolls exemption repeal, re affirming the rluht of the United States to discriminate In fuvor of Its I own shlppltiK, but ho dues not feel uiHi nip nuuiue givos it rbbcjii to the repeal In an "ungrudging mens lire" by attaching the ntnendinunts. He tnkes the imalllon that as tho amendment In no wny waives the treaty rights, ho tuny nccept tho measure. COVINGTON IS XAMED Marj land Representative Heads Dis trict or Columbia I tench Ur AuoclilM Ptfa lu Coo. liar llmra.1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 8. Representative J. Harry Covington, of Eaton, Marylnnd, was nominated chief Justice of tho District of Col umbia Supremo Court. Ho bns taken n lending part In framing tho trust legislation program. IS LDST IN STORM Forty Schooners Wrecked on Hnnst nf Nnrihnrn New- brunswick Friday (nr AuoclttM I'mi to Cooa Dai Tlmn.) QUEBEC, Juno 8. Some forty schooners woro wrecked and twenty or moro fishermen lost tbolr llvos in a storm Hint swept tho coast of Vnrlltnrn VllU'lirilllKU'lck mill CIlSl- ours Hay Inst Friday night. Nearly nil of tho boats woro blown ashoro on romoto Islnnds from which tho iiowb enmo slowly. Eight bodies woro recovered today and taken to Cara quet, Newbrunswlck. DIVERS SEEK Empress of Ireland Lying in 180 Feet of Water Ex plores North Bend Br Aaaotlaua Prut to Coo Dar Tin 1 Tho first step toward recoverelng the 800 or moro bodies Imprisoned on the wrecked Empress of Ireland was taken today when n dlvor descended nnd for more than nn hour oxplorod nil accessible parts. The EmproM was found lying on her sldo lu more than 180 feet of water. SNOW FELL FPU TWO HOCUS llliiidliiR Storm Yislts Grand Round Valley, Eastein Oregon. LA GRANDE. Or., Juno 8, A blinding snowstorm raged for two hours In La Grande and vicinity Friday. Then the snow turned to rain. No damago was done. Cold winds accompanied the snow. CAUGHELL IS NAMED. 1'iv-ldent WINon Ailnts Xew Gold Heacli PostinuMer WASHINGTON, D. C, June 8. Oregon postmasters appointed are: Nellie Cougholl, Gold Beach; "Wil liam S. Laub. nrownsuoro; iianm nuckwalter, paisiey; May -ii, Shutlors. Ol'ICK FLORENCE TRIP Party Ilrwiks Re-oril DetMeeii Cms ' ii.... mui Florence. .M.J - - FLORENCE, Or.. June &. .yn sencers from Marshfleld arriving here Frldayreported quick trio n the beach. The total time Frl dL wps two hours and 40 seconds, while the time from Marshfleld to Gardiner was 50 minutes. Former ly six to eight hours were required, bu the southern end or th route Is now covered In automobiles. I nan BODIES E IS NOT Repairs Can Be Made in Five Days and Cost Will Not Exceed $2500. (Speclnl to Tho Times) PORTLAND, Or., Juno 8. Tho damage sustained by tho drodgo Mlclilo Is not as great as was first re ported. It was stated by tho officials hero that tho cost of repair will not exceed $2500 nnd thnt they can bo completed In five days so that tho Mlclilo should be back at work on tho Coos Day bar some tlmo next week. INT TO SHE BAIL EOB 1 Application Made to Supreme Court to Release Noted Pris oner Pending Hearing ' (11 AmoHUM Prr to Coo IUr Tint..) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Juno S. Application wns Hied today In tho Supremo Court by counsel for Harry K. Thaw for his rclcaso on ball pend ing tho consideration or tho extra dition enso on which the stnto of New York Is seeking to remove blin from Now llnmpshlro. 4 1 HAIL AT PORTLAND (Or AaaocUlfel rrraa lo Cooa lu? Tlmr. PORTLAND, Or., Juno 8. A mantlo of linll covorlng tho irrniinil. vnt I ho rOMii IiIihIics III full bloom nil around that was mo unique piciuru mm I greoted Portland peoplo In various portions of the city i Friday afternoon. For hnlf I an hour, about 12 o'clock, rain: and ball fell. Great Plant of Westinghouse Company Closed Pending Strike Settlement (Or Aiaorlaicl Prraa lo Coo liar TIidm.) PITTSnUIta. Pa., Juno 8. Hem med lu by pickets, thu great plant or tho Westlughouse Electric & mnnurncturlng Company wns closod today. Thoso or tho working rorce which liad not Joined thu Allegheny Congenial Union In their fight for better working conditions did not roport and only an occasional guard could bo seen. Strikers gathered for a pnrado and mass meeting. CLAMMY WILL 1'IGJIT. Matched Willi Eddie McGoorty for Mont in Australia July Fourth (U, Aaaoclat Pi? "oo Pal Tim. I SYDNEY. N. 8. W.. Juno 8. Jimmy Clabby, tho Indiana mlddlo weight, wns matched today to meet Eddlo McGoorty, of Oshkosh, Wis., hero July 4 for the world's cham pionship. roosIlTin maori today Former President Reaches the Spanish Capital No III Feeling Displayed There. tnr Aofat4 Prw lo io Br TIoim.1 MADRID. Juno 8. Colonel Roose velt arrived here this afternoon on his first visit to Spain, completing bis Journey by attending tho wed ding of his son Kermlt and Miss Willard. There was a small crowd at the station. Including a numbor of police In plain clothes distributed about the depot as tho result of tho publi cation or several newspaper articles antagonistic to Roosevelt. Tho chief of police had feared an unfriendly, demonstration, but none -whatever was shown. KING WELCOMES ROOSEVELT IB; Aoclata4 Pfa Coo Bl Tliooa MEDINA DEL. Campo, Spain, June 8. King Alphonso traveled on the same train as Colonel Roosevelt last night. Tho royal car was attached to the train at San Sebastian at mid night. The king left the train here with the Intention of proceeding by motor to La Granda. 1 i mmrmrmunn ! riuRtio bUHnu - pittrriirr NnwiFIND DRUNK LONDON FEELS STRINGENCY NOW Second Canadian Concern Sus pends Business Arthur Grenfell Involved tnr AmikUI1 rrca to Cooa Bar Time. LONDON, June 8. Tho formnl announcement of tho suspension of a Cnundinii agency, Limited, was made today. The concern, which 'has offices In New York, wns Inrgo- jly controlled by Arthur (Ironfcll, formerly of tho firm of Chaplin, Milne, Grenfell & Co., which sus pended Saturday with liabilities or $1,250,000. IS ON SAFE BASIS Threatened Disruption of Ni agara Falls Conference Passes Danger Point (Ilr Awoclati-il I'm to Cooa Par Tlmn,) NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., June 8. Mediation proceedings passed surely todny over tho shoals that threatened disruption. "Tho block ad o Incident has been satisfactorily adjusted," nnnounced Justice La mnr. Tho mediators said they had taken no nction with reference to the movements or tho Cubnii ship Anttlln, carrying firms for rebels nt Tnmplco, the Incident which brought up tho question or block ade. OREGON CONVICTS hSCAP INVICTS CSCAPE I nr AiKlal.1 Prraa lo Coo liar Tlnnw.l SALEM, Or.. Juno 8. Threo convicts, W. E. CInrk, Frank Miller nnd Hurry llalier, escapod from the state ponltentlnry farm by eluding thu guards and crnwl Ing down a small ravlno. Posses are scouring tho countryside. IN KING'S PALACE Harrv Pike Says He is Not a Suffragette Climbed Wall of Buckingham Palace nr Aoclal4 Trraa lo Cooa liar TIiom.I LONDON, Juno 8. Harry Plko, who yesterday startled tho author ities by invading Buckingham Palace, Is not a suffragette agent, according to tho attorney for tho prosecution nt police court. Tho man who clam bored ovor the ten-loot spiked wall, oludlng guards and servants, did so while under tho Influonce of drink and without any ulterior motho. Plko strollod about n long tlmo In the Interior of the palnco, which he oxplored from tho basement to tho sixth floor. It was only whon ho en tered nn occupied room that ho was arrested. He changed his clothing for a suit belonging to a servant. Tho prisoner was remanded for n wcok, 1 i E Militant Suffragette Causes Scene at Horse" Show When Rulers Appear (Ilr Araoelalxl Prtaa lo Tooa liar Tint.) LONDON, Juno 8. Another dem onstration by tho militant suffrag ettes In tho presence of King George and Queen Mary was carried out at tho International Horse Show to day. Their majesltles had hardly taken their seats when a young woman arose In tho stalls and screamed denunciations for the for cible reeding or surrragettu pris oners Tho police pounced upon her Im mediately but tho woman fought wildly and her ejectment from ti.o building was effected only after a florco struggle. "There will bo no peace ror King George or Queen Mary," Is the latest order given out by the headquarters staff of the militant suffragettos, ALUMXL IMPORTANT meeting C'luunber it Commerce, Tuet., !une O, 8 p. in. IB L 0G ROERTA BACKS DOWN ABOUT TAilGO HADE QUESTION i'iSr'iSf TO Over 200 Women Implore Hu- erta Commander to Give Up At Mazatlan tlr Aa.oclatiHl I'm to lona liar Time. ON HOARD U. S. S. CALIFOR NIA. Maxnttnn, (Wireless.) June 8. Two hundred serving; women trail ed In n struggling procession behind thu military governor or MiiMitlnn, Imploring 111 in to surrender the city to tho Invostlug CunstltutlunHllst army. Tho Federal garrison Is not much better off for food than non combatants. AiiierlcniiH Molested. Three days or righting nt San tiago, Lower California, between tho Federals and Constltutlunnllsts, wns reported todny to Admiral Doyle. Thu cnsunltles reported were Blight nnd the result wns not decisive. At San Anita, Lower California, Amer icans complain thnt Ihulr places wero looted by Federal soldiers. Thu American gunhont Guerrero nnd the American cruiser Itulelgli, are now bended up the Gulf or Califor nia. The Cnptnln of the Port of Mnntlaii nnd Ills assistants wuro thrown Into Jnll todny for permitting tho capture this afternoon by Con stitutionalists or n government tug. KILLS MEXICAN AT VERA CRUZ American Officer Shoots Of fender for Stabbing Na tive Officer There tnr AaaorlaUo' Prtaa lo Con liar Tim..) VERA CRUZ. June 8. Second Lieutenant F. II. Houston or tho Twenty-Eighth Infantry, Inst night shot n drunken Mexican who was Interfering with the .Mexican pol ice. When Lieut. Houston attempt ed to arrest him, n native cut him with a knife, whereunou the yoiini; American officer killed him. Gun-1 oral Funstou reported his net Just ifiable and considers no further nction necossnry. AT Railroad Laborer Falls Over board Twice in Short Time and Last One is Fatal A laborer, en route to the Ilotiser & llouser camps on North Inlet, full or Jumped off tho launch Union lu front or North Bend today and was drowned, Although search was Instituted Im mediately urtur tho accident and mon linvo been dragging tho bay fop hours, tho body has not been The victim, whoso name could not! bo definitely learned, was uuuiy 111- l.ivlrnl.ul nn, I n ullflt-l lllllll lirOVldllH hud fnllon Into thu bay but was' rescued. The victim was a foreign-1 or and a companion with him In sisted that his name was Philander,! but others thought that thu latter! meant that ho was Philander. 'PI..- .wnrlMiiiin fall 111 Hill flrilf ' time near the Union Oil Company's dock when tho Union stopped there. G. II. Datson and Mr. Rolsmer, who wero aboard, succeeded lu pulling him out. The second time, ho fell In Just nuposlte tho Breakwator dock In North Bend, Thu channel Is very deep there. He sank almost linme- lliit,.K- 'I'd n Union dimmed nnd backed up, but tho innn did not como to tho surface. II. J. ROBERTS of tho K. of P. In surance Department, armed nero today from Portland to apond somoi time In this section. He Is an old baseball player und was with the Philadelphia team In tho old Pennsylvania state league In 1873. He Is an old friend or Hans Wag ner and declares that Wagner Is at least six years ojder than he Is now given credit tor. G M DROWNED 0 END Mexican Dictator Notifies Me diators He Will Rescind Orders to Gunboats SAYS HE WANTS TO AID PEACE NEGOTIATIONS Action Prevents Possible Dis ruption of Niagara Falls Conference MOATS STILL THEME (Ilr Awlatnl Pith lo Coo llr Tlniw.l WASHINGTON. I). C, Juno S. -- Rear Admiral Ilndgor re ported the Mexican gunbontii .iiramoM nnd Lnivo were off T.implco today. He did not sny whether their commanders knew of the suspension of tho blockade. (Ilr Aaaoflttoit Pit, lo Cw, 111 7 Tlmm I WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 8. Guuornl lluurtn hns decided after all not to blocknde Tamplco nnd force the hand of the United Stntes, with thu possibility of disrupting the mediation. Spanish Aipbussndor Rlnuo notified Secretary llrynu of ficially to that effect today, lluor tu's dispatch requested Itlnno to In form the American government that the suspension of tho blockade had been decreed, Hint the official noti fication would bu published lu tho official papers tomorrow nnd that or ders have been given for tho Mexican gunboats to retumvto Puerto Mexico. Huurtn'n nction wns Insplrod, It was declared, by bis sincere desire not to Jeopardize tho success of tho media tion. Wiilch Mexican Moats. Secretary Daniels Bent a wireless to Admiral lladger to Tiiort tho position of tho Mexican gunboats llravo and Xnrngnza, lu official circles tho rescinding or the Tnmplco blockade order In de clared' as Indication Hint Cnrj-anzn. will be received into thu Niagara 1'nlls conference. Carrnnza's an swer to thu mediators, It wns nxpect ed, will be rorwnrded from Snltlllo tonight or tomorrow, There was a rumor thnt tho Span ish Ambassador at Washington had been able to make soinu arrange ments whereby Antllln voluntnrlly would withhold her cargo front tho Coustltiitlonnllits, INLETS TO BE Port Commission Directs Com mittee to Attend to .Matter Bulkhead Ordered At a meeting ot tho Port or Coos Bay Commission held at tho Cham bur or Commerco this morning It was pointed out that North In lot and Catching Inlet, both of which are mull routes, are becoming somowhnt blockaded by shoals and othor ob stacles. The matter was referred to tho committee on Inlets and Inlet Im provements with Instructions to havo the two Inlets dredged at onco. Tho matter or thu fill In North Marshfleld was discussed at longth and the members of the commission were Informed thnt some of tho prop erty owner In thnt section nro hold ing out nnd refusing to sign an agree ment to pay for tho fill on tholr property. A resolution was passod authorizing tho district to bo bulk headed In case of nil the property owners who do not pay their pro rata. L. O. Strommon, contractor, was given nn extension of 20 days on his contract to complete tho port dock and warehouse Tho tronsuror was ordered' to pay :i8.835.22 to the Puget Sound Brldgo & Dredging Compuny for dredging dono during tho month of May. A fow other matters ot minor Importance wero also brought up at tho meeting and disposed of to the satisfaction or all concerned. ('. A. Smith Approves C. A. Smith wns present at the meeting this morning and expressod his congratulations to the commis sion for the excellent work accom plished since ho was last here. Mr. Smith said he was particularly pleas ed when ho learned that thu Port of Coos Bay had decided to Issuo $300, 000 In bonds ror the improvement or the harbor. Incldently Mr. Smith was Inform ed by L. J. Simpson tbat Roy Miller, superintendent of the work dono by the dredgo Seattle, had taken unto hlmselr a wire following tho nction of tho Port Commission. Mr. Smith said tn congratulating Mlllor, that ho thought the Commission deserved part of the credit for tho weddlns. DREDGED SOON