n THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. 'WTl"',l1J l '" "Wi x: SIX BIG LEAGUE 1 TI BALL SCORES . m MA 9 ' v I 1 fpi do y RIhL. T3t . ...aftKi A 20 for Uf Ti 1jmTm Don't look for premium Ai ! V "I fV u f ffSk or couJ'on, becaute the mUi III iOk'STO f 11 ! co$t of tobacco prohibit V" v VI X V vCULo i JVa ' Aown' Huf JNJ SJWf enough money to buy a H Iw 7 WVl H more delightful ciga- m W yy yw fH ra mw $Hflf '-" rlMirir jtf I IMnRlllllllaaMlianillaillBiaiia flain Prevents Portland-Sacramento Game Venice Shuts Frisco -Out (Dr AnocUted Trna to Coot Hr TlmM. PORTLAND, Or., Juno 5. Knln provontcd tho Sucrnmcnto-Portland gamo horo yestcrdny. Tho other games resulted nit follows: At Venice It. H. B. San Pranclsco 0 5 2 Vonlco 2 7 2 llattcrlcs Fanning and Sopul veda; Hltt and Elliott. At Oakland n. H. 13. 3x)b Angeles '! 0 2 Oakland 2 C 4 BnttcrloB Porrltt nnd Holes; Ha rney, Christian nnd Alexander. AMERICAN LKAGUK Clovoland 0, Chicago 2. 8t. Lonls-Detrolt Knln. Waalilngtoii-Now York Kaln. Phlladclphln-lToBton Haln. NATfOXAL LEAGUE St. LoulB-PlttBburg Knln. Boston-Brooklyn Knln. Now York-Philadelphia Kaln. XOHTII WESTERN LEAGUE Victoria 0; Sealtlo 1. Tacoma Cj spoknno 1C. Portland (1, Vancouver I. PKIICST WAS HALL PLAYER. JFnther Murphy, former Detroit. Star, Dies At linker, Ore. BAKER, Or., Juno C Fathor J. J. Murphy, a popular Cnthollc priest of Oregon, formerly a member of tlio Dotrolt Amorlcan Lcaguo baseball team, died hero at forty-three years. From collogo ho wont to tho major league, bneobnll club, nnd won honors, -later retiring to tnko tip tho prlcst- liood. Ho qnmo to Oregon two years ago. T 5 F IRES REPORTED .tfoino Dumngo During May Iti'Nirtcl 111 Oregon unit Washington. POKTLAND. Or., Juno 5. While tho early forest fires reported lrt Mny wero mostly In slashings and without loss, Juno opona tho commonly recog nized flro sonson with Indications of n tlnngoroiiB yoar that domands moro tlinn usual precaution, according to bulletins received by Itho Western Forestry and Conservation Associa tion from all states in tho Pacific Northwest. Much less than tho usual nmount of snow remains In tho moun tains and In soiuo regions thoro havo fllroady been sovornl weeks of dry weather broken only by ono short rain. Atmospheric conditions seem to bo conduclvo to frequent dry lu torlor winds, requlrliiK extraordinary lrocnutlon in flrlnn slnshlUBs. Pnt-i-oln aro nlrondy In tho flold nnd bolnB mpldly recruited to tholr full tronBtb. Unloaa thoro shall bo rain In Juno troublo Is cxpectod, but tho iirotcctlvo organization to meet It will bo better than In any past year. Washington had fully 100 flros In May, many of them receiving much publicity, but practically all of them .woro slashing fires moro useful than tothorwlBO. About 75 por cont of JoBKora' Blashlnga aro thus cloanod Oregon has had throo or four small slash flros with no damngo. Tho Uto forestor urges continuation of purposeful Blnsh burning, yndor por snlt and with full precaution. Ho has about twonry-alx mon In tho flold. V-rlvato patrol associations also began work In May nnd will havo 350 mon on duty by July 1. AT .THE. )TELS epe m m. . CllMllllIlM-. 11, C, Kisniovor. IW'uver Hill; II. K. Kdllu. Oold Hencli: P. K. Lirson, Allegany; 8. J, Larson, Portlnnd; Chester Mow. Llttoll, Wash.; A. Poring, San Krnnrlsoo; Mrs. M. H. Payless, Snn Prnnrlsco; 13. Ustor Tirook, Temploton; A. H. Hill. Se attle; P. I. Martin. Fan Frnnelsco; "K, O. Spare. Suit Pranclsco; J. W Dnwklns, Spokano; II. Ti. Ponoiioy Portland; J. K. Norton. Coqulllo; I. O. Heckor, San Pranclsco. Lloyd. T. K. Wvmnn. South Inlot; Mlk llomlpn, llaudon: K. P, Sprnuue, LakosMo: M. HIH. Mvrtle Point: J C. Haskln, llav Point; V vnt Paudon; J. S. Louer H-v Pi'ni; -'. A. Whlto nnd wife, San Pran--lsco; W. H. Hill' and wife, Port land; K. W. Klco. llandon. UllllUi) A'igUBt Jnesohko, Ashland; .Toe 1 . Knight. S:in Pranelpeo; M J rtrmlehnol, South Inlot; T Hughes. Plue Kldgo; Louis Mvors, Imie. Cal ifornia; A. Harris. Henryvllle; Joe ."Myors. lone. Cul'fornln, St. IjHwivvh. Mrs. K Sanders. Myrtle Point; Trs. J. H. Uauliortv, Valentino; ?r8, Anrn'o T'lfloM, Kosoburp; O. hnae, Portltnd: H. Henry. Wen Vnllov; P. 11. "ooo. Port Orford; Wotvln Hart, Vancouver. s To cigarette smokers of America who smoke 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c or 25c ciga rettes : Here are Camels 20 cigarettes for 10 cents a choice blend of specially selected Turkish and domestic tobaccos I No man's money can buy a more lightful cigarette at any price. High grade tobacco and expert blending gives you a cigarette that will not bite the tongue and leaves no cigarctty taste (you know what that means 1) in the mouth. Everv time you buy another brand you're simply wasting money and pleasure. On sale all along the line 20 for 10c. If your dialer can't tupplyyou, tend 10c for on paehagm or $1.00 for a carton often packages (200 cigarette), pottage prepaid. After etnoh m Ing one package, if you don't find CAMELS at represented, return the othernlnn package and we will re fund your money. c R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C. THE CAMELS ARE HERE To Celebrate the Opening of - liur lMew Store SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 6th. Marshfield News Co. ON THE P. K. CORNER A FULL LINE OF NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, AND PERIODICALS. CHOICE LINF op HILARS CIGARETTES. TOBACCOS AND CONFECTIONERY. WE HANDLE CAMEL CIGARETTES AND ALL T'E STANDARD BRANDS. GOOD CIGARS KEPT GOOD. North Bend News Co. NORTH BEND Marshfield News Co. MARSHFIELD wrfWHWi'niwiuamm ii;immHHMHl 259 State News ALBANY Charged with stealing eight thousand horses and two mulos "Iiuck" Lindsay was orrested at Albany Prb'ny nnd will bo sent to Prlnovlllo. Crook County, for trial. MONMOUTH has placed n llconso on dogs of $2.50 and 15. This was ddiio on account of the uumuroua complnluts of dogs killing sheep in tho country adjacent to tho city, AXO'LKIt SAYS PISH SHUUXK. I'MiuUy the Cntcli (Jet ltlggci' Was PIimM I.OO. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Juno 5. I. Krelder was f'ued $1 and costs, amounting to $3, yesterday hecauso ho took fish less than stx inches long ironi .Mill CieeK. Tlio nnglor, who was arrosted by Oamo Warden Van Ausdle, claimed the fish wero six Inches long when caught, but thoy shrunk, COST OP POLITICS. Congressman llntvley S.nont $10.17 In lYInmry Campaign. SALHM, Or.. Juno 5. Dr. C, J. Smith, wlo won the Democratic nom ination for Governor, oxpended $700. 35 In tho primary campaign, accord ing to his cxpen8o statement filed with Secrotnry of Stnto Olcott. Gils C. Moser, of Portland, who was a candidate for tho Kepublican nomination, oxpended $742. SG. Other candidates filing expense statements wero; W. C. Hawley. Ke publican candidate for Congress, First District, $1057.72. Pennsylvania has refusod to abolish hanging as inurdor penalty. Moving pictures wero rocently ad mitted In evidence in a. llostou court. Iu tho last tour years, a number of Important nations have adopted tho compulsory uro of the metric Hvstom. Among these are Denmark, China, Japan, tho five republics of Central America, Bulgaria, Chile. Uruguay and Slam. NOTICE OP SCIIOOIj district BOND EIiKOTIOX. Stato of Oregon, County of Coos, School District No. 9, bs. Notlco Is horoby given that at tho School District Bond Election horc by called to bo hold at tho Centra! School Building, In and for School District No. 9, of Coob County, Oro- gon, tho Cth day of Juno, A. D 191-1, between tho hours of two o'clock P. M and seven o'clock P. M., thoro will bo submitted to tho legal voters thereof tho question of contracting a bonded tndebtod ncrs In tho sum of TUN THOUSAND DOLLARS for tho purpose of erect ing and equipping a gymnasium for school purposes In and for said school district. I Tho voto to bo by ballot upon ' which shall be the words: "Bonds, Yes" and "Bonds, No." and the voter shall place a cross (X) bo tween tho word "Bonds" and tho word "Yes" or botween tho word "Bonds" nnd tho word "No" which Indicates his choice. Tho polls for the reception of tho ballots cast for or against the contraction of said Indebtedness will, on said day and date and at tho placo aforesaid, be opened at the hour of two 'dc-ck p, jj., nnd remain open until the hour of soven o'clock P. M. of tho samo day when tho same shall bo closed. By order of tho District School Board of School District No. 9, of Coos County, Orogon, made this 13th day of May, A. D., 1914. JNO. C. MERCHANT, Chairman, District School Board. AttNt: John P. Hall, District Clerk. SAGE IEA TURKS It's Grandmother's Itcclpo to Bring Color, litis tro nnd Thickness to Jlnlr When Fmled, Streaked or Gray, That beautiful, oven shndo of dark, glossy hair con only bo had by brewing n mlxturo of Sago Tea nnd Sulphur. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mars tho faco. When It fades, turns gray, streaked nnd looks dry, wispy and Bcraggly, Just nn application or two of Sago and Sulphur enhances Us appearanco a hundredfold. Don't bother to preparo tho tonic; you can got from any drug Btoro n 60-cent bottlo of "Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy," ready to '.use. This can always bo uoponded upon to bring back tho natural color, thickness nnd lustra of your hnlr and romovo dandruff, stop scalp itching nnd falling hair, Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Sage and Sulphur, because it darkens so naturally and ovenly that nobody can tell It has boon applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through tne hair, taking ono small strand at a time; by morning tho gray hair has disappeared, and after another application It becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy, lustrous and abundant. For sale by Brown Drug Co. Times Want Ads Bring Results C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, RVTAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINCII1&8. MOULDINGS, BASH A5D DOW ROOFING PAPER, ETC. OUT THE rUKL BILL IN TWO II V USING OUR WOD. PIIONH 1IM). 181 SOUTH BROADWAI QUIPPED WITH VERY FACILITY FOR HANDLING ACCOUNTS IX A PROMPT AND RELIABLE MAX XER THIS BANK SOLICITS THE RUSIXESS OP CORPORATIONS, FIRMS AXD INDIVIDUALS :: is i' IF YOU HAVE XEED FOR A SAT ISFACTORY RANKING SERVICE WE CAX FILL IT : SERVICE THAT SATISFIES Ti?e First National Bank Ot Coos Bay All Kinds of Jeo Printing Done at The !T "tt