,i huhwwsh i tnn.ii,r.ui- fwrWSsSwui bwkeu 1 .X r- mi THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE I i $5,ooo for Photographs Ansco Company's "Loveliest Women" contest goes right to the hsart of every home. This store is headquarters for Ansco cameras, An3co film, Cyko paper and Ansco photo materials. There's a contest blank lor you. Come in and know alt about this great national competition. REHFELD BROS. Ttic Homo of The Anocos. V ltmJMium IRVING BLOCK ALWAYS IN THE LEAD When It Comes to STYLE,QUALITYAND PRICE twwiuoxmBWBisxuuM "rrarrwi-m m mansi w- why? Because-WE SELL FORjCASH See Windows. m This is the 4th Day of June, 1 9 4 and Sales Still Continue at the Office of Stutsman & Co, 136 N. Broadway of the New Bedford Addition The cloeo-Ja homo alto and Investment proportjr, 5 blocks from the business contor of the city of Marshflold. A vir gin tract, .nnyer pfforqd boforo. LOTS SELL AT 1300 TO JCBO PER LOT, One-fourth down, balance, one, two and three years, payable on or before Deeds for cash, abstracts showing MERCHANTABLE TITLB, contracts provldo for six per cont por annum. All payments made payablo on or bo fore contracts, providing for warranty deed upon thu pay ment of nil doforrgd oums. Wo aro not urging this Invest ment, but If you wish to get In this tract you will have to movo, there being only about 100 home sites In the tract. Stutsman & Co. BOXING! Under Auspices North Dend Boxing School ' THREE SIX-ROUND BOUTS FRANK MASON ... vs JOHNNY SPILLANE I.1U rounds, BILLY HANCOCK vs FRANK H0LBR00K MO rounds, WARREN WEATHERLLY.. vs. . HARRY L0CKW00D 1.10 Pounds. FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 5TH, 9 P. M., SHARP. Eckhoff Building, entrance through Billiard Hall. General Admission, $1.00. Ringside, $1.50 ISe Royal TONIPWT Grand Theater TONIGHT The Kelloys will again entertain ?u In their own way and It sure to flease. Paul J. Ralney's African hunt In li reels. The . films of this great Picture were taken In the Jungles W Africa and are not others, STAG ED in the ZOO of some park or Menagerie. Yu will be sure to get your woney's worth when seeing this GREAT FEATURE. Special music tonight. Admission, lower floor, 25c; bal Y. 10c. Here Tonight: The Memorial held U thn o.l...t XT . 1'n.lr nf t )l O aneral ship ''Montana,' carrying COQl'lLLE AM) MARSHFIELD AUTO STACJK Schedule. Lv. Chandler Hotol, at 7:15 n. m.; 10:00 n. m.; 1:30 p. m. nnd 4:30 p. m. Loavo Baxter Hotel, CoqulUe, 7:15 a. m.j 9:45 a. m.; 3:00 P. m.; 4:30 p. m. Fnro: Ono way, $1.25; Hound trip, .siuuu dy, )ia.oi Auto connects with 9:00 o'clock nnd 3:00 o'clock boats from Random Oooil cms: careful drivers .TKSSK UlTE, Transportation Manager Cuotied Ad I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I FOFNH Small gold Elk pin. Owner can have samo by Identifying prop erty mtd paying expenses nt Times office FOR RENT Three-room flat wllli bath. No children. C48 South Eleventh street. FOR SALIC Five ltH n South Fourth, also ten or 20 ucres on Cntchlng Inlet. Phono 314X1. WANTED KM?rleiHl housemaid to work on farm, wages 30.00. Phono 2C9-L or 324-R. VOll HUNT Seven room furnished house, 940 S. Hrondway. Phono 3155. HELP WANTib" BREVITIES TIDES FOR JUNK. Below Is given the tlnm nnd height of hlgk and low water at Marsnnoid. The tides are placod In tho order of tcourrence, with tholr tlmoa on the first line nnd heights on tho socond line of each day; a compar ison of consecutive holghts will In dicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on the bar subtract two hours 34 minutes. 3 lira. . 4. OS 10. 10 3.44 10.42 Ft. . . 1.3 4.4 1.4 CO 4 Mrs.. 6.11 11.30 4.41 11.27 Ft. .. O.C 4.4 1.0 C.4 5 Hrs. . COS 12.40 6.39 0.0 Ft. . . 0.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 0 lira. . 0.10 7.01 1.39 C37 Ft. . . CG 0.5 4.7 2.1 7 lira.. 0.04 7.53 2.34 7.32 .a We arc now giving away Rogers' Silverware FREE Now on display at our store. Come In nnd look It oror. With each caBh purchase of tea, coffees, extracts nnd spices wo glvo you n coupon to the amount of your purchase Save these up and g'et this bonutlfttl Sllvcrwnro FREE. On all purchases of teas wo will glvo double coupons. Ut suro and sco these premiums nt your earliest opportunity. COOS BAY TEA, C0PFEE & SPICE HOUSE WANTED MItldle-ngcd woman to do housework for nged couple. Ap ply to Mrs. Joseph Richards, Klt-tyvllle. WANTED Place In rninp by liinii and wife; woman ns cook, man as engineer or any other work. A'lrenn "Willing." enro Times. I FOR SALE VOn HALE Iot nnd half, with Niunll houso, In West Hunker Hill. Phono 390-L. VOll SALE Celery pliuitn. Phono 3151. BARGAIN New International En cyclopaedia for snlo at bargain. 20 volumes nnd Reading Courso Supplement, half Russia binding. Almost now. Phono 3C9-J. FOR RENT The great automobile road races held at Santa Monica, Collfornla. Showing the world's daring drivers' competing for the "Vanderbllt Cup" and world's championship, "Hearst-Sellg Weekly." Topical subjects. News that Is news hap penings of the world as they are, "The Medicine Man's Vengeance.'; Special two-part Kalem Western story featuring Princess Mona Dark feather, the full-blooded Indian girl actress. Vltagraph's funny comedy, "The Hall-room Rivals." They both court the samo widow. They are persist ent lovers, but are over-anxious. A third party carries off the prize. Longest and best show in the city for the price. Qhlldren, 5c; adults, 10c. Tomorrow night: "The Third De gree will be repeated by numerous requests. See this grand feature In five reels wjtnoui iau. euicu FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, modern, bath, phono and homo conveniences $10 per month. 334 No. First St., phono 325.-L. FOR RENT Private garage. Apply to Dr. J. T. McCormac. Phono 244-J. FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms. 187' South Second street. FOR RENT Six-room Iioiiho on South Ninth street, $20 per mo. Phono 171 or call 130 North Hrondway. FOR KENT Furnished mount In private home. 303 8o. Fourth at. FOR RENT Modem bungalow, fur nlshod. Tenth Btrcot. Enquire or Mrs. S. E. Painter or phono 3SCJ. 1'OU RENT Five- room bungalow, bath, ulectrlc lights, 11th stroot, In quire F. E. Allon. FOR RENT Four room furnished flat, Illack house. Phone 299-J. SELECT ROOMS nnd table Iwiird for gentlemen, In private family; close In; rates reasonable. Call 239 South Fourth Street. WEATHER FORECAST IDr Ault4 rmi U Om Bu Tlan.) ORECJON Fair and wnrmer Friday except near coast; wes terly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For the 24 bourn ending at 4:43 n. m., June 4, by llonj. Ostllnd, special government me teorologist: Maximum on Minimum 40 At 4:43 a. m 42 Prcclpltntiou 06 Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 1013 04.34 Precipitation samo porlod last year 01.03 I Wind: Northwest, partly cloudy HORN. JOIIANNSEN To Mr. nnd Mrs. Ivor Jolmnnaen nt their homo nt Em pire nn 8W pound son. Mother nnd child nro doing nicely. Mrs. JohnnnHen wns formerly Miss Al pha Wlcklund. Wed In Coqulllo. Dr. F. J. Hayes and Mrs. W. Jacobs wore married nt Coqulllo yesturday, Judge Hall of ficiating. They returned Inst eve ning nnd will iniiko their homo In Mnrshfleld. IlontH Due. Tho Nann Smith and tho Parnlso are duo In tonight or tomorrow, tho Nann from San Fran cisco and tho Parnlso from Portland. Leaves Today. C. A. Smith will Icavo on tho Rcdondo for San Fran cisco today, being called tboro by special business, but expects to re turn to the Ray In a week or so. Mlrcno Coining. T. I). James has arranged to havo tho Mlronn como hero and take a cargo of merchandise to tho Sluslaw Saturday night ns the Roamor will not bo ready for tho run until next weok. Elk Meeting. At n meeting of the Mnrshfleld Lodge of Elks Inst night, It was decided to meet the first and third Wednesdays of each month during tho summer season. They havo boon mooting ovory Wednesday heretofore. Not Consulted. Two Marshflold drug Htoro managers stuto they were not consulted in reference to tho change hi hours of closing und tho statement that all druggists were agreod on tho new hour was an error. 1 '.agios Initiate tIiiimv Threo men woro Initiated Into the fraternal or der of Eagles nt n meeting nt the Eagles Hall last night. They wore It. W. Harrington, William Oarrett and Albert Rogors. following the Initiation social activities were In dulged In. MASSAOE treatment by an expert. Mrs. S. Lngus, 1170 Commercial Avo.. Phono 297. Sidewalk Sulkies IpS) Priced from. $1.50 to $9.75 Why Pay Moro? Johnson-Gnlovsen Co. A QUALITY. NAME WITH SERVICE FAME. PHONE itZQD 10 Cent 130-H Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Wed in California Mrs. E. W. Kammerur liaa received an announce ment of tho marriage of tier cousin, Mlaa Rnmona Radcllffe, to Mr. P. E. Stntlor at Han Francisco, May .10. "Ihs Tlidc'lffo was well known on tho nay, having spont a couple of iieusoua here. Her charming ways nnd vivacity won her many friends who will unlto In congratulating Mr. htutler on his victory In Cupid's realm, liociite In IVtutuiiia. In a letter to The Times ordering tho address on his paper changed from Ilurkeley to Petnluma, California, where the eggs como from, J. 11. Mliner says: "I mil seeking the fountain of youth In tho 'Valley of tho Moon,' so ex pect to pass tho summer In Sonoma County." Joe's Coos Ray friends will wish that he may find not only the fountain of youth but tho hen that lays tho golden egg In Petalu- ma. SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY. Progress Club mombcra's pic nic near Cooston, A. N. W. Club with Mrs. F. E. Hague. Thursday Club with Mrs. J. II. Stnddcn. Norwegian Lutheran Young Ladles' Aid nt home of Rev. and Mrs. Thorpe. FRIDAY. "Rubber" Social nt Taylor's Hall by North Rend Altar Guild. Lndlcs' Art Club with Mrs. L. O. I,nng. 1 HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER Miss Laura R. Turner wns tho honored guest nt the home of Miss OlndyB Ferry, Miss Ferry and Miss Edith Johnson being the hostessos. The color schome wns carried out In yellow, white ami green. The girls having showered their handkerchiefs nt her enjoyed many fio muslcnl selections. A dainty luncheon wns served by MIbbos Ferry und John sou. After luncheon various games were played. Among those invited were: Lillian Seaman, Hazel Cof fin, Clara Abel, Edith Ayre, Stella Magnus, Stella llnglund, Irene Out mette, Gonevlova (losnoy, Rhodn An derson, Rosy Knox, Rernleo Mlrra soul and MIsb Turner, Edith Johnson and Gladys Ferry. ' MOUTH MARSHFIELD SCHOOL I . Sixth A and II Only ono word wns missed In tho A class In tlui last spoiling contest. They had nn average of H8 11-1.1. Tho following pupils hnve been neither nbsont nor tardy tho piiBt school year: Clara Abel, Hazel Cof fin nnd Leslie Holmes. Stella Magnus, Hazel Coffin. Edith Ayre, Lllllnn Seaman, IXIth Johnson and Rhodn Andorson woro honorary pupils, I NORTH BEND NEWS I 4 1 4 Mr. and Mrs. Win. Vaughan and sons, 'Ar'chlo anil (icorgo, illau to lcavo about tho middle of tho month In tholr auto for Mc.Mlnnvlllo. Mrs. Win. Hchrock Is HI nt her home on Union nvcuuo. I ' AMONG THE SICK I Miss Ena McKeown, daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. McKeown, Is re ported qtitto 111 of moaslos at tholr npartmentBjn Tho Chandler. COyULLLE CONTIiST. The doclamntory contest hold In tho Masonlo Hall was a vory suc cessful entertnlnmuut. Tho medals were awarded In tho first division to Mildred Corblt; In tho second to Marvel Skoels, nnd In tho third to Doris Peoples. Coqulllo Herald. CATCH YOUNfJ SEALS When Rlnln llarrott was driving thu stage up the beach this weok, two baby seals wore picked up, Thoy were brought to Florence nnd J. W. Pattell, tho preferred stock man, mado Percy Cox n present of the little fellows nnd boforo tho loft named them Mutt and Jeff, Flor ence West. Prohibition Debute. Representa tives of all thu labor unions of tho city will meet at the Longshoremen's Hall on Sunday afternoon, Juno 14, when tho liquor question will bo de bated. Some of the most prominent speakers among tho organizations will speak on the occasion and then the body will decldo by vote wheth er or not they favor prohibition. All members of the unions are Invited as the meeting Is considered one of Importance. School ExerelwH. Superintendent A. G. Raab, of North Rend, was here yesterday on business This Is high school commencement week there. Tho annual class day exerclsos will be held at the high school at eight o'clock tonight and will be followed by tho Alumni banquet at tho Oregon lintel at ten o'clock. Tho high Bi-nool band concert will bo given Friday night at eight o'clock. (corgi' II. Riley Wanted Marsha) Carter this morning received u let tor from A. E. Orlffns, chief of po llco at Seattle, concerning the where abouts of ono Geo. 11. Rlloy, who, ne cording to tho wrltor, formerly work ed at tho Roberts logging camp, He Is supposed to have left there far Ills home In Seattle since March I, but has not reached homo and his parents are worried about him. It is thought that tho young man might bu corresponding with some of thu men hu mut whllu working at tho camp and that they might know something of his whereabouts, Any one knowing anything about Riley kindly notify Mnrshal Carter. I SOMETHING TO DO I 4 4 Oh, ye who complain of the grind, remember theso words (which are truo!): Thu dreariest Job one ran find Is looking for something to do! Sometimes, when my work seems n crime, and I'm sorely tfinpted to sob, I think of the long vanished time when I wus out hunt ing a Job. I walked eighty miles e-ery day, and climbed forty thou- send high stairs, and people would shoo me away, and ilt me with Ink stands nnd chairs. And then, wfton tho evening grew dark, I knew nought of comfort or ease; I made tie a bed In the park, for supper chewed bark from tho trees. I looked through tho windows at men who tuokled tholr oysters and squabs and probably grumbled again be cause they wero tired of their Jobs. And I wus out there In tho rain, with nothing to- eat but my bIioo, and filled with n maddening pain because I had nothing to do. And now when I'm tempted to raise tho grand hailing slgu of distress, I think of those sorrowful days, and then I feel bettor, I guess, I go at my labors again with energy vital and new, and' say, as I toll in my den, "Thank' God, I havo something to do,"t Waif Mason, Wfemmsi) ENOS SMITH, of Coos River, Is a visitor In tho city today. S. C. ROGERS, of Coos River, Is a vlsltpr In tho city today. J. E. NORTON of Coqulllo, lis & Mnrahtlold business visitor. ELMER WATSON, of Allegnny, la n visitor in tho city today. PHILIP LANDRITH. of Coos River, wns a vUltor In tho city todny. DEPUTY SHERIFF CLYDE GAGE Is nero from Coqulllo on business. J. A. SMITH, of Coos Rlvor, enmo In on tho Rainbow this inprnlng. H. A. EDLIN, formorly n rosldont of Hunker Hill, Is hero from Gold. Rcnch. MRS. JENNIE LANDRITH. of Coon River, enmo In on tho Alert this morning. CARL CLINKENREARD, of Dnnlols Creek, came In on tho Hntnbow thls morning. MRS. It. M. BARTER left todny for Portland, whoro she will .visit hor slstors nnd remain until after thcr Roso Carnival. DON GARDINER nnd A. S. Ham mond, of North Rend, wero Mnrsh fleld visitors today. MRS. C. W. GIRRS, of North Inlet, was a Marshflold' business visitor todny. RERTIIA SIMMONS, or Marshflold, passed through Rosoburg today on roulo to Portland, whoro bIio will spend n couple of weeks visiting: with friends. Rosoburg Rovlow. HARRY REYNOLDS, purser of tho Nana Smith, returned yesterday from Portland and Sunttlo .whero hn wns summoned ns n witness in a federal court trial. S. R. OATHCART and A. P. Owen re turned todny from Coqulllu, w he ro ll oy hnvo been for three dnys a witnesses In the Moncgat-Slmpsoa enso from Ten Mllo. GEORGE CLINKENREARD, or Dnn lols Creek, enmo In on tho Rain bow this morning. Ho will sail on the Rrcnkwtttor todny for Portland, whoro ho will taku In tho Roso Festival. I1ELLE THRIFT, daughter of tho oj ncssor of Coo county, passed through Rosoburg thla morning on rnuto to hor homo, nftor a (aw dnys" spont nt Portland and other northern Oregon cities. Hosobure Rovlow. FRED 8AX of North nond wns her today looking nftor some Improve ments bolng mado In tho Nasburg Grocery show windows. Ho eaym. that tho prosopcts nro for a Rood crowd nt tho boxing bouts which hu will hold In North Hond to morrow night. DR. J. T. M'CORMAC leavos on thu Rcdondo this nttornoon for iror koley In response to n messago Hinting that Mrs. McCormac, who tins boon III, was not recuperat ing ns rapidly aa was expected. Ho ex poet to roturn hero for tho balance of tho summer ns soon as hor honlth will permit. Hold Examination The stntrr eighth grade examinations aro being held today, Mrs. Sylvester Jones be ing nppolntod official oxumlnor for tho Mnrshfleld schools, PENSLAR Li Sali lver oanne the best liver and kidney salts on the market. Try a bottle and be convinced Money back if not satisfied. 1 &iYJBjr4litV(v SOLD Two moro of thu miappy buys offer Mi by Held. Only m few left. Phono 'JM l-J ami tuk ltold about tliein. He will tithe you out in his car und nhow you the best buyn nny time nOxt)-fiM)t lots, !v el ami rlcarei, for 91 S3, on rasy terms. W. A. HEIR, I no Front St. u a late heroes of Vera Cruz. prices. I