ml p T .,l j,w u i (lfl II THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAR3HPIBL0, OMfflON, WEDN6SDAY, JUNE 3, 1914 EVENING EDITION, ; FOUR m4?ffJJHHIIMIIIMIllW AFTERMATH OF nitii.'mivtl I.MMI.hU' ni? fPIlM 1; IJillJIi: 1111 nix.-i' w. --- MWWWMBH i ii "' r"IWHMIi- HTC1 Fl T k if. U: llY." ." . '.i CHAMP THINK HIM STILL A WINNER DESPITE DEFEAT IIV CHARLEY WHITE IN MHiWAl' KKE. Accentuated by Wllllo Ritchie's surprlBliiB dcfent nt tho hands of Chnrllo Wliltc in Milwaukee, tho hitehlt'-Foley dlaciiBslon has opened ufrcsh, nnd, Judging It by and largo, the popular verdict would seem to bo In favor of tho trainer iib against the L'hntnpion. This is but nat ural, when you rcinotnbur that It's human unturo to knock down tho nun who's at the top of tho lad dor. AIho, It can he Bnld, without four of contradiction, thnt Hltchto la nono too popular with tho rank nnd filo of tho followors of boxing nnd It Ib quite nntural, porhnpB, for tlicso Bolfsauio fans to take delight In his dofent nnd to nssuino that rhniiglng horsou In tho mlddlo of tho Dtrcnui wiih ruBpoiiBlblo for his defeat. At long range, It Ib extremely puzzling to ndvanco good reasons why the champion of tho light wolghtB was beaten by tho Chicago boy, who apparently had llttlo chanco I to scoro u victory, Tiioro nro bo tunny reasons wiucu migni uo nu valued that It would bo difficult for thOBO of us who wore obliged to tako our Information through tho eyes of others to toll Juot what happened nnd why. Ulti'hlo hliuBolf snys ho niado tho inlBtnko of trying to plcnso the crowd Instead of fighting his own fight; thnt ho should have allowed Whlto to do tho lending InHtcnd of leading for thu challongor. Fo ley opines that Illtchlo prob ably did moro work In tho gyiunnslum than was good for lilin nnd In coiiHoqiionco didn't havo thu fighting spirit whou It camo to tho real action of last Tues day night. There la some ground for Hiuli nu nsaortlou, for thoau who lyiow Rltchlo best upprecluto that ,ho Ih u hoy rather Inclined to over work than to Hhirk. Ilo may have folt It Incumbent to put up u bet ttjr allowing than uiiiler ordinary roiidltloiiM woulil liiivn buAii ncces- 4'r mry mid possibly ho niado tho nils- i' take of attempting too much, Against thnt theory Is the know ledge, tJuit, all loin, ho Had no more than tan or eleven dny of ndvanco work for tho botit, nnd whllo ho possibly overdid things at times, It Is. hard' to bellevo thnt In so short n "tlino ho could hnvo gonu nB statu nsl'mlght have been Indlcntcd by tho ' outcome of the contest It must lie romnmbered that Whlto lad everything to gain and nothing 'to Ioho In tho mutch. Also thnt RltcMilo had everything to lose nnd In view or hla $10,000 bout with Kirddio NVoIsh, coiisldornblo to loso, It jnf slit, bo lidded, Thnt would rath tr totid to give Illtchlo a slight nil vautneo, lo evidently wont .in brii.fu to do Ii'h utmost nnd his at titude easily could havo been some- tltfuir like this "I'll do my beat to Hfop Itltchle, oven If In doing my1 bout ho bents mo," Then too,. Whllo had a decided advantage from tho start, for whon liV; caught tho champion that Borloa of n'uneliea In tho first round, hi Bcoms, to havo had thu tltlor-holdor I'lUifisl unfa do combnt. "Another punch," according to ono of tho mun who saw tho match, "audj tho championship would havo (hanged bunds." l)tuiplt-ir(VMllll Figured a Winner y rnngj' jt; roinnrk, with nil the ndvijsp criticism lovoldd nt Ritchie, lcu-hln a general feeling bote In Saii'RiuwlBrp that Whlto could not duplicate his performance In twc"uty louiula, Thoro uro any nuuibor of faiiB who hnvo remarked: "Wo'ro jiiBt ,wiltlng for tho pair to bo lnatrbYdiJir Sun Fraiiciaco nnd wo'll lay it good hot on tho California!!," Grunting tbnt dooan't provo anything- ah to the respective merits, ,t dooa tfo to show that many people uro Btlll inclined to think thoro was feomothlrfg gone wrong and thn: In tho long run Illtchlo would retain hit hohora. (ilfi-oth After tho Middle-Weights. If Coffrotli can land for July a middle-weight match between Hilly Murray Tumi George Chip, ho will ccnio n. closo us nny promotor could to deciding wlio'a tho host of tho KiSvpoiiudcra, nt least those of thta roulijry, ' New York pnpera nro to hand con mining accounts of tho Murray-McCoy ninnil. It can't ho said that .Murray i laudo'd to tho skies, but there la Vno dpuht thnt the McCoy c liaiii)lonhlp bubblu haa boon com j Ictcly btuUeir, Tho Brooklynlto Is dubbed n'ecotul-ruto fighter, and, nlthough "Miirrny la quotod as hav ing Heven out of thu ten roiinda, tho fact that ho couldn't atop Mc Coy couutw iighlnat tho California!! In the oywW tho Easterners. Murrny.1 n thoy, any, la u- long htcp Bhort 4f tbo'first-clnss and was anvllilng ififf accurate In tho way lie shot ovVr hla piuiclica. (ranting that I'otroskoy was weak ened by wolKht-iualdiig, (Jeorgo Chip ic-ostnhllshod himself by the 12 round knoctemt..' Whatever tho East i.'.ny think of Murrny! Fighting Hilly Biaiuls woll'dii thla co.uutry, and the card would 'tA :rn attractive one ami well worth -bundling. BBP ffnB shg m M j tc A kr il r-w BH flkkkH jCSPHB il"M kBII m Earn I wtM B"f K F Eg I BPft M Ku m If m iw r"W . kFrli . .Vm m f fl m y kkMhfllkflkkHHklBfl Ar Im B U I I m ' m dflBikE3kBiiflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfl w kW m m kflkBHkWHHMHkKL. fl KuLJM Ikkk flflflflllkHry'Vi fKAAmKHKrMW mtp MaMBmaa'' I i .i i I . . m ; . , , NEWS OF NEakBY TOWNS TKACHKHH AT IIAXIK)N Tho city 'rnconia, Washington, has ontorod io eo-operatlvo ngreo inont with thdi-forejU service for tho protection offhtjVonrco of Its wator Biipply, tho vJjUr,ahod of tho Green lllvor, which Hos wUljln tho Rainier National Forest. I.'ho two agencies working togt'Afdr will protect this atrenin from ,io results of forest deatructlon by jflro tr by other agon clos, s. ' TlirtHJ New IiistmctorN for Hchoola lliero Khvti'il. Threo now mon hnvo been elected to teaching positions In the Ilnndon Public HchoolB. Trofeaaor J. O. Kr vln, of Philomath College, will loach sclonco In tho' high school. Prof. Ervln Is also a manual training teacher of wldo oxporlonco mid It la hoped that a way may bo found to start manual training In Randon next fall. Professor Honry, or Mis slsslppl, has been olected to high school work and will have charge of tho commercial department ns well. Professor Honry has also had sovoral yours' oxporlonco In coach ing athletics and will bo n docldod help In that direction horo. Profes sor Van Vleot, of California, has been olected to prlnclpalshlp of tho eighth grado. Tho addition of these threo men to tho teaching corps, with Superintendent Hopkins, should mnko next year tho best In tho his tory of our schools. Tho loss of Mlaa Illtchlo, Professor Watkins, Mr. Nichols and several other tonch ora, all of whom woro ro-olected, Is a cnuso of regret to tho patrons of. tho schools. AU nro going to places of deserved promotion In tho wny or better salaries and opportunities for ndvnncoment. Randon Recorder. xi:ws ok isaxdo.v. HrloN of Clly-liy-the-Son iih Told by Tlio Iloeoitler. Ono or tho best musical treats tho people of Rnnclou hnvo enjoyed for a long time wns tho recital nt tho K. of P. Hall Weduoadny night, given by tho music puplis or Mrs. (Ico. Oulsotidorror, assisted by n quartotto composed of Mrs. Tower, Mrs. Haggorty, Mr. Strnuhnl, and Mr. Johnston, and Mr. Haggorty favored tho audlonce with n violin solo. About 275 Invitations woro iBsueu, Clias. McCullougli, of this city, who received tho nomination nt tho Republican primaries for County Sur veyor, has also received tno endorse ment of the Democratic party, and Is thoroforo assured or election this fall. Miss Jesslo Sweet, chief clerk In tho Ilanrion l'oRtnfflcn will Innvn on tho Alllnnco for Kurokn, Cal., ijundny, whero sho will tnko a month's vacation, Mlsa Klslo Wolf will bo In tho Postofrico whllo Mlaa Sweot Is nwny. Dr. II. M. Khnw. nf MnraliflnM gavo an address on Sex and Health j ui iiiu luiiiinurciiii iiiiu rooms on Wodnesdny ovonlug, which wns at tended by qulto n largo number or men nnd young men. Tho locturo wns Illustrated by lantern slides. MXKS OX TUN DN.VTII OK HILDA N'KLSOX. Sweet rest be thine, our Hilda dear, 'Tho dreary seoniB tho day. Slnco to our home Gad's Angel coma And borno thy spirit nwny. That llttlo mound upon tho hill, So deep with riowera atrewn, Our aching henrta with sorrow rill, Thy nbsenco now wo mourn. Oh, Hilda dear, God's will Is best, 'Tho hard this pain to bear. Our nchlng hearts his love doth test, 'Tho oft It aeouiB severo. Mnybo It was a message dear Rome from our God ubove, To unite us with taut Heavenly Home And His eternal love, Now In that sweet and Heavenly Homo We know thou dwollest, dear; And whon God's message bado us come We pray to meet theo there. M. E. H. Marshfteld, Ore, Juno 1. Four buffalo calves havo Just been born on tho Wichita National Forest, bringing tho herd up to 51. In co-oporntlon with, tho weather bureau, forest rangers are to measure buoy, depthB in the western mountains. I LOCAL OVERFLOW. WVIm'IicIiiipi' Fined $20, J, A. Wolscholnior wns fined $20 by Juq tlco Pennock this morning when ho pleaded guilty to n complaint filed by Nils p. Adninson, who charged WolBcholmor with nssniilt nnd bat tery. Welscheliner attacked Adamson Inst Saturday evening with n pair of pliers. According to tho testi mony of each of tho parties concern ed, ono accused tho other of making falso accusations, I QUK.ST10X KOU THE DAV. 4 If tho Coos Bay phono girls woro to glvo a pnrty would dancing bo t.o "Central" nttrnctlon? NOTICE OK SCHOOL DISTIUCT IJOXI) ELECTION. Stnto of Oregon, County of Coos, School District No. 9, bs. Notlco Is hereby given thnt nt tho School District Rond Election horo by called to bo hold at tho Contra! School Rulldlng, in nnd for School District No. 9, of Coos County, Ore gon, tho Cth day of Juno, A. D., 101-4, botwoon tho hours of two o'clock P. M nnd seven o'clock P. M., thoro will bo submitted to tho lognl voters thereof tho question1 of contracting n bonded Indebted ness In tho sum or TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for tho purposo of erect ing and equipping a gyninaBlum for school purposes in and for said school district. I Tho voto to bo by ballot upon which shall bo tho words: "Bonds, Yes" nnd "RondB, No," and tho voter shnll place n cross (X) be tween tho word "Bonds" nnd tho word "Yes" or between tho word 'Bonds'' nnd the word "No" which. Indicates his choice. Tho polls for tho reception or tho ballots cnBt for or against tho contraction of said Indebtedness will, on said day and dato and nt tho plnco aforesaid, bo opened at tho hour of two o'clock P, M., nnd romnln open until tho hour of seven o'clock P, M. of tho same day when tho same shall bo closod, By ordor of tho District School Board or School District No. 9, or Coos County, Oregon, made this 13th day of May, A. D 1914. JNO. C. MERCHANT, Chairman, District School Board. Attest: John F. "Hall, District Clerk. C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMIIElt, LATH, SirJNGLRS, MOULDINGS, BA8U AND DOOM, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. OUT TEDS FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHONB IIW, IBS SOUTH BROADWAI FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTV. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits OffJccra: J. W. nennott, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Awt. Cashltf. Students ot the Oregon Agricul tural College nro working at the. forest nursery on tho Sluslaw rorest. ! Tho arrangement is said to bo mutu ally satisfactory since tho students gain oxperlonco in rorest nursery practice and their assistance lowers tho cost or nursery work. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARAf&pSTRACf CO., Inc. ' nENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTS IDE MARSHFIKLD OFFICE, PnONE U-J. COQU1LLK CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. QUIPPED WITH VERY FACILITY FOR HANDLING ACCOUNTS IN A PROMPT AND RELIABLE MAX NKR THIS RANK SOLICITS THE BUSINESS OK CORPORATIONS, KIR-MS AND IXDIVIDUALS :s :: :: IK YOU HAVE NEED FOR A SAT 1SKACTORY RANKING SERVICE AVE CAN FILL IT :: :: :: i'- s: I SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First National Bank Of Coos Bay IrAll Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times OffM 'tE 'jJfatfoirmk&.M!. J"rifc1iitffi'iTJiifriiif-iht'"rtfr-''-'J