The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 02, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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M. C. MAIiONKV Editor nnil Pub.
PAN B. MALOM1V Kcwh Editor
OMIoInl Paper of Coos County
Entored at tho I'ostof flco at Marsh
Xiold. Oregon, for transmission
through tho malls as Bccond-claaa
mail matter.
Address all communications to
Mnrh field
Dodlcntod to tho sorvlco of tho
peoplo, that no good causo shall
Inck a champion, and that ovll shall
not thrlvo unopposed.
aunsciuiTioN hates,
Ono year (',25
Per month B0
Ono year Jl.&o
Whtn paid Btrlctly In navanco,
tho SiibHcrlption prlco of the Coos
Bay Times Is $G.OO per yoar or
$2, GO for six months.
Faith In him who calls mo friend,
Faith In what Is sweet and clean:
Faith that Just around the bend
All 1b peaceful and Borone.
Faith thnt nfter care and strife
Comes tho happy days of rest;
Faith that everything In life
ltoally happens for the best.
This my faith and thla my shield
Qnlnst tho nrrows of distrust;
Much of Justice Is concealed
In what seems to bo unjust.
Now whnt scorns a dismal way
That alone I'm forced to trend
I may como to see some day
Is a glorious path instead.
Undisturbed by petty wrongs,
Undisturbed by whnt Is moan,
Though tho fnlso attracts tho
Though tho multitude unclcnn
Though at times I Btnnd nlono,
Though I'm oft misunderstood,
Faith, I still would keep nnd own
In tho decent and tho good.
MAR811FIELI) bcIiooIi will grad
uato a class of twenty young
mon and women this week.
Somo of thorn will continue their
education l Mio higher Institutions
of learning, but for many, school
days aro ovur. If tho education- thev
hnvo thus far rocelvod has equipped
thorn with a knowledge of tho neod
cif sorvlco, n sense of duty nnd a
feeling for othor pooplo thoy nro
graduates Indeed. If not, their en
trance Into tho Inrgor world will
add to tho Intracles and complexities
of tho problem liiBtoud of aiding In
Us solution.
This is nn ago of tho Individual,
'rim croatcBt need of tho Individual
Ib sorvlco. The education that on-
innrnH tho mental horizon of tho in
dlvldunl and mnkes posBlblo a moro
Intelligent service to mnukind Is
tho only education thnt Is worth
No mnltor how circumstances
mny vnry to ronder sorvlco In tho
world Is tho only real business. Tho
mnn that Is greater than his work
has found tho real secret of living.
Ho Is not n pleco of machinery; ho
stands over nil material things. Ho
fashions nnd ahnpes thorn. Ho Ih
not nn egoist or nn egotist. Il Is
nn nltrulBt. Un forgets self when
ho hears tho call of tho world.
Tho lovo of truth, tho lovo of
beauty, tho lovo of manhood nnd
womanhood, the lovo of service, nro
tllo things that mnko life worth
whllo. In whntovor form It comes,
llfo's task Is Imperative Our tank
and our horllagc- nro InBoparnblo.
Twonty conturlos ago Ono whoao llfo
wns consocratoil to sorvlco, said:
Others havo labored and wo nro
onterod Into their lnbors."
Wo ore pnrt of nil that wo havo
been. Wo ore whnt wo aro today
bocauso wo woro whnt wo wero yes
terday. Wo aro building llko coral
upon tho bodies nnd achlovemonts
of our fathers. So It Is our Imporn
tlvo task to leave our mark upon
tho work of tho world nnd tho
wuy to do this Ih by service.
There Ib need nnd n place In the
world for you twenty young men nnd
women. You muat lift your bend
nnd put tho world'B biiBlnosg one
round further up. You uuiBt make
u record In tho examinations of life
nnd Ub vaulting contests. That
Ib In roudorlng service. Thnt k'""'' '
bo your umbltlim nnd In the doing
of It dovelope such n typo of char
acter thnt mnkeH tho world n hotter
plnco because you havo been part
of It.
that $1B would mako It passante. '
Finally It was agreed to Instruct the
street crew to fix up tho chuckholea.
Saw lledfonl Omelet.. I
Mayor Allen asked that tho city
engineer bo instructed to establish
grades In Now Dedford Addition, on.
top of Nob Hill, as Mr. Unmsoy want
ed to build somo houses there. Mr..
Buckingham said that nil tho grades.
would havo to bo nxeu ai onco anu
sad It would cost about $200 to do It,
nminrilman Connie Insists at Ba'lnG th0 old contour map was' do- ass Meeting Decides on New
UUUnCIIITIdn OUppiU mauua ai f tlvo councilman Albrecht Insist-, ::..., iaiiii nnnrlnmn
Midnight Session That
Something Be Done
ed that they should got nn aeronaut!
cal engineer to uo tno worn, final
ly Mr. Uucklnghnm was told to go
Councilman It. A. Copplo laBt oven- ahead nnd fix tho grades.
Ing entored a vigorous protest bo- -jr-n
causo tho water had not been drained iAHP l lWIlM
out of the north arm of Mill Slough XV II II II lLJLZa- O-
IU1U Bam mill Ullitaa nminjniiiifc nu
done very soon ho was going to start
suit to compol Bomeono to got tho
water off IiIb property. He said that j
his patlonco was worn out and ho had .
lost eonfldonco In tho present offorta.
no urKCU inai uiiy cnKiucur uuun-
Ingham and Street Commissioner
Lawhornc, who havo been supervlalng
tho work, tnko up tholr own affairs
and that tho city hire nnothor man
to auporvlso tho drainage worK.
The Olinndlcr Hotel,
ir. n. Kasmovor. Bonvor Hill: F. B.
Dean, Eugeno; Thomas Dixon, Ed-
City Englneor Buckingham said none: F. L. Dlckmnn, San FranclBco;
thnt they had tho big box drain to j, , Wotherbeo, Portland; E. J.
tho south arm of Mill Slough open- iney, Port Orford; C. W. Goodbnm,
ed and that practically nil me waror
west of Tenth street had been drained
out. Ho said thnt- they were about
PetitionWill Condemn
Southern Oregon Land
After discussing tho boulovard-to-tlle-Bea
project up ono sldo and
down tho other, tho Marahflold
Chamber of Commerce at a special
mooting- held last night, decided to
drop tho pending proceedings nnd
present a; now petition to tho Cotin
tv Court asking thnt It condemn a
right' of way 80 feet wide through
tho holdings of tho Southern Ore
gon Cbmpnny. Tho matter was put
In tho form of n motion and will bo
presented to the Court by William
Tills notion was taken after tho
Chamber of Commerco decided to
vote n special tax and apply overy
nickel to tlUv building of the road,
and when it had been assured that
to start oponlng tho drain to tho Portland
north arm and expected to havo lt
opened In a wcok or ten days.
Mm Uitvnolirtt Oevelotiincnt Comnany
??ndt?,ll!J,T,alIl. nnirinm! o F and the Simpson Lumber Company.
county should condemn' tho right
of way through the holding of tllo
Sbuthern Oregon Company. Ho said
that tho peoplo of MarBhflold aro de
termined to hnvo the rond regard
less of cost. Ho pointed out that
tllu rond would sorvo between fiO.000
mid 60,000 people a month' nnd thnt
If would not only nfford a means of
getting to tho Bon but would open
up n now country to the home build
er. Ivy Condron said thnt tho road
would bo ono of tho prfnrlpal things
HI 111
to develop this country. Ho said ratfop tllrea dlrtMct. wSS!?f
that when tho pooplo Btoppod to rig- tmircd'to rclnibnniu 7t,.TTa l( .
, tho cost of Bticit a project inoy eocpenso of openiiifthV. ft lin
never nccompiiBnou mo- uusireu ro- urnrrrboxand othnr V;.. ,J ai0
Tho Lloyd Hotel
through tholr resi)cctive holdings.
The nicotian Inst night was well
nttondbd and among tnoso prcacnt
wore Jtinioa Watson, tcpubllcnn
cnudldnto for County Judge; J. .1.
Stanley, Democratic caudldato for
the samo office, ono of which will
find himself confronted with the
nroposltlon whon ho stopB Into of-
V. ttolcoml . Lakeside: J. JJ f."...,B 2:,""L..r,8"i01 .WBJ .w."f
Councilman Copplo said that they' Stanley. Coqulllo; E. ICardlnal CO- i " reason lint
had not been working all tho time on qulllc; P. M. Hall-howls. CoquMo; fK ,,hrT,e more ! room to inake
mis wont, uumit'iiniun ivuriaun, in- Mrs. wayman, aoiun unui; iv. - ...M
brccht and Wllaon declarea that tney wcokloy, Ilandon, FranK -roiacii, unn
dld not bolievo that the pipe lino ,ion. p. Eastman, Portland; Harry
would carry all tho water away, willard, Itosoburg.
Counclliunn Albrecht wanted a now The Illnnco Hotel,
nnd larger drain put In. bo that the' William Gray, Blue Itltlgo; F. For
ralnfall this winter could be tnkon Kuson, Coalcdo; M. Olson, North In
enro of. I lot; John Olson, North Inlot: W.
OlilectM to Oil. nmiriitt. Pnnnllln: P. M. McEwon,
Councilman-Wilson said thnt Dr. coaullie; Frank Bowron, hoMci'''v"ea ,
Straw, city health of leer, had sent w.W. Duggan, Edon; W. J. Follows, neo, j.T N Gould nni It I
, ' " ". .. ... wf .-" - - .. ii tM iiuuim ii ii iiiii i
uiong uoiniuorcini nvcuuo anu ou h w. W. Asiuoy, Aiunny; j. u. ah ib, j m in.i,uwa touched on the
nulsanco. ("i.os Angelqs; A. B. Daly. Monrovia; finimcln, un,r of tho project and wns
.mi-, uoppio Ban. uu in F H, siincKoiioni, i-ioronco; mis. ?. 1)r0paied to back un his stntomontB
Hearing tno troga urn iirmur ihob- McDonald, HcedBport; u. t. uoniou, from BtlUlat,C8 fro, tho offco of.
qultocs. Ho said that the lower part i.nkesldo. 'tho County TrenBtirer. Ho contund-
" ed thnt It wits not within tho prov
IMTPRFRTIMR FACTS .'nco of tho board of vlowors to decide
a -
Ull willl.ll liu nun MVfiilH- "' I"" ."" , l.a (UBIUU: i. U. Ulllliii, ' Wnnlrlhv u..rr nbn urninnl I.'noli
o ponds to provont them breeding Tho St. Unvivnco Hotel. . , 'B'., .. ,.ni.:. , ,iia.
and becoming, a monaco to. X. Shnrpo. Itosoburg; W. D. Chas- ,, j ' ' ' .
health. Mr. Copplo oiijectca to tnro, RoHoburg; Fred Flgor, ssouin , uirouch ovorv foot of tllo
. snyliiu tho oil would nil asaemblo mint- Wvmnn Albco. South Inlet; i?A.?",u,l,u?" ?L .!?i.,or tllu
within ten venra cold hns been
mined In ovory Chilean province
Tho smnllcBt bird Is n Central
American humming bird about tho
slzo of n bluebottle fly.
A windmill In England furnishes
olectrlc light for n church ami reci
of his lot wns aubmorged, tho water
plpo Into his house brokon and could
not bo repaired until tho water wob
drained awny and that tho front lawn
wqh dying out from drouth.
Tho matter was brought up nbout
midnight nnd the council remained
until aftor 12 o'clock discussing the
I-'lv Up Truth Street.
Mayor Allen asked that Mr. Halo
Ull IU Ull iliu nuilt II H.-HDUIIIUM; u- iwt .... w. .. -- -- ,i.i
....i r it . tn . .. ,.11-nmniitu IliroucllOUt tllO World
llliuilinuu, suuill-lllliuil uuiiiu nun "' ........... "" ... ... ,),
of tho opinion thnt tho regular strcot Spectacles with whllo -pote In tho
gang should do It, saytns tho crow centers of black discs on tno lonsc-B
drow wnges right nlong anyway nntl havo been Invented by nn h ngliBii
ho did not want to havo tho city gon- doctor to cure Insomnia bj inducing
ernl fund doplotcd by oxtrns. Coun- drowsiness in n wearer.
the othor fumllloB on tho South IUI) DANCE .1VSK '"'"I
Marahflold hill wore entitled to hnvo I S-o Page a, Hiwh lnui)
Tenth street fixed up.
the feasibility of tho proposition;,
Tho vlowors, he snld, should defer
the matter to tho proponents iof tlh
measure, who could Bond a commlt
teo to the next session of tht Coun
ty Court: for tho purpose of.' pr-
Bcnung tns now petition.
He nlso snl.l that the bouluviml
to-thc-Hea Ib n mnttor that Bllould
r .r. """ vt r ;; ;;. r. "u.vH " extras ih"
huh. uuu.iMi i" v, - iiun-wun me nn Ttin ul . ""
eessivo cost of tho rond' connecting paylfig'theso hlllsti.i Li'f '
Myrtle Point , with COqnll e. He ',6cV fRfom thJ "'' ,dfSSSto-
told of Its ncivniuagea, uui nuuoii property owners l(r the n ui-i?"
that had tho peoplo known- tho cost jaten- ""od1 district
or tho undertaking tney never wouiu K,rc 0hpru0I
have gono ahead with It. ; councilman Copnla wotS-
James W.Uson, Ilopubllcan cnndl-! mefa "fa? prlso "cr 'a thl!1 .I5 ,or
dnto for County Judge, would not Ho oIntC(l '()lll. tI1 7"" & W.
make any promlaes ns to what ?ono hnvo been nBwmlitai
would do In regard to th mnttor. HoicnJorc(I n dollar or two ?i'ilnl
did say, however, that' If he was fcca,.t th PtyVl '? wut
placed In n position to help ho would 0 nCwViftl1
gIVo tho matter duo consideration. not-pay fines b rem IrS j?,c,a'
J. J. Stnnloy, Domocmtlc cnndlnto thh'streot orB v?.k'1
for tho County Judgeship, said thatlrrn8nV?n'cr ?;.!? WU
n was uui um,. ,,, ""'1 iliac u won id cost tnotftto imTii,
prom ses boforo he was elected. He thb-mon worked t) ,,., ,h,t
said that ho was In ncconl with tho th'elf work! lhe ,sl9,ot
spirit or tile liooaiorH iwiu unit no Kirk Abimt w-
could see no reason why the pooplo councilman Evertsen"nwjltl,
Hlinn i not enftho rotioi'If thOy wnntlnro.t. ,,fi...f,.M. . "c"Jl
:;: ' . :. ."" '""""v "f"""Bi me autoof,
I ntllher linlwnnn Vrirll. ti,..i-. . ....
William OrlniOB oxpresBed hlmso f fUnjbvCCCdinc.fhhB.,7ii..?.r.r,!l'
otifa c
wnu .loulirnntPil nn thV ono to nut .i'... ""'.' .". 'V '" 'u "" . U
.""" ".?.""'.."'.... . :i... l"t BU"io oi tnu neo iiooueLttAtMi
'proveirt crow J.
more (ftmierou
,'IIIIam GrlinoB oxpreBBe.i miiiboii flulilbxcoedlnBthbiet4nimituJ;
helng In favor of t io project MnnBOrll,B f,)y '.iHiSl
ATtcr tuo mauer nnii occn iiiHeuiwuu Bltecn pnBscasorB on a car- tn
pro and con nnd tho -motion to pro- BtnmlIn 'on th runn,bC0r;d
Bent n now petition decided on ho Hft. wft(e(, rfl)rf omicd. iiV
t the publi- tlinn tffa oviirrnwt...
ii flwvnt nn Vri tnl. i.i.
wt tiivt.iuia, iu uuii'jn-WBItnKeBj
It m writing nnd nrwut It to Uio i chT motoV -rVnJrISSSSa
County Court. ........ 1 1 dw. Ho snUHt wbb more (ftnr i
it. li, wcoiwy wn i inu ijmiiiuii
that tho project wotrfd bo nn ex
pensive undortnklng, but ho Bald
there Ib no renfion why tho poopld
should not got It I fit special tux Is
F. K. GottliiB nnd D. L. Bucking
ham will go over the ground again
with tho road vlowur nnd rccom
A man who could aJdreti tii
crowd In phrnsos fine and iccmu
mend any changes -ih the route thnt " " ",'". " iT., L,X .
would mnko tho tinifertiiklnir enslUM ' ? ?)?'" kl ?w;"h"t. '
iiiny iiil'buvii iiiiiicii mi, way, p(T
putlc nnd faint ullli dtud Inttw!
When n boy grows big enough U1B wlf0 wnil lho njencei
.....1 l.,.a hinnni. ..,.iiiF. m nnf nil
(Im III.) hO WlintH' at OHO llienl lit1 Tnll n rlrl linn aim Id vImMism
discovers that hir Iiiib dyitpopsln ; ni Bno mmglnes that the hi to
and doesn't cure for pre. I spend lifer whoi.j life lllnt.
Whon n womnr wnnts tho rtigK. A phlfnntlironhlBt Ivi msnh
I well beaten alio nicks n phoney fUBB- rofUBCB his rhlltl a nlilcd to n tt-
wltn Iior ltisuiunr nnu no koib bo a picurre biiow, uui wno ninoi i
mud thnt ho liHmmura the tar out dime tit tho oiir-iutncJ bensr kt
of tho blilineri ' tilitiRX. ho gets-down town.
. . .. . .I...HI.
....... ....... A. i.i. . . U m.. ...... .itirnr in iiiiiiiii li 1:111111.11
iiliuneu BuiiiuiiiniK m us ii,iy " i - - ci(.B ri. ?, nntniinrv nf imt-Ku IT..
Tenth street. Ho . nsitforgan. .... du-olt ott tho vnrloiiB ninomitu ...
the ralna had waBhed the A i-nnuie pmu ......... - - .'.,,.,,. , thn , .,, SiTw.
unked Btrcot and left .. It yontor or P mying earns u,. ..-. ort1lu. oonnty f d ,.--:..
or chiickholos. Mr. nolo orror- itiBienii 01 ..- -- "- .." ' ,,. Ih. tnat connection hv, Mint
.t i. nHi. . ..ntrnitu tT wnmnti HI IlUlUUItT illll" " '. . . . ; : ".'r ---
. ?i;juijij nnu neon rainoii ror roads
Ho estimated -
Another Cut Price Sale at the Fair
Take advantage of these real bargains for Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
Mimi'h Porosknlt underwent.
All bIzob. Tho nOc kind.
Only 33c.
Ladles' Fancy Pad Hoso sup
porters. . All shades. jrc and
35c kinds,
All linen toweling, mil width.
Heavy quality. Wub 10 l-2c
On Sale, 10c yd.
Ladles. Whlto Sample Drosses,
beautifully trimmed, latoat
styles, Hllgbtly mussed. Wero
!'., $10. Whllo they last,
Only $3.85
Wnvo and Itlckrnck brnlds.
Finest uunlity. All wliltha.
Were 10c, I fie nnd 20e. Now on
Sale, per bolt, 5c.
Mon's Seamless Sox, In faBt
black or tans. Tho uiiual luc
klnda. Now
Only 9c pair.
Ladles' flnn. Zuphyr mwl
BleoveloBB undoiWJHta la white,
black or blue. Always sold at
Now only 35c.
Ladles' Whit Musllti (JownH.
trimmed IH lacen and einbrold
ory. S.'ie ami 00e value.
Now 63c.
Extra pelal bnrxntiiB In whlto
linen ami daniJBk tablo cloths
SI. 95. $1.50 and SI.
1000 yards best grade calicoes,
light, medium nnd dark col
on, tho usual 8c kinds. Now
On sale, 42yd.
You must Bay this for Huortn:
Ho can do more tottorlng beroro
rnlllng than any public man In tho
country. ,
ABtronomers now Bay that the
"Dig Dipper" will disappear nfter
nwhlle. Hut wo euppom It win net
go until nftor tho "Milky Way"
goes dry. . ,
President Wilson has only 1245
days to sorvo ub teacher of tho
world and manager of Mexico.
Statistics gatnored from tho coll
eges throughout tuo country, snow
that tho residents of tho United
States, both men and womon, nro
growing taller, moro robust nnd
Gorman army orflcors aro exper
imenting with rubber root pontoons
- p.m n,.rH to wniK on wnier
carrying heavy loads nnd using tholr
, . tno Bantu time.
SatlBrnrlion always or
Money refunded
(Next to Chandler Hotel.)
The Fair
Satisfaction always or
Money refunded.
Irving block, Central nvo.
Folev Cathartic Tnblota nro n
spoclally good little regulator that
koops your systom In perfect work
ing ordor. No biliousness, no con
stipation, no dlstrlesa aftor oatlng.
no gioaay, gassy tasto. A stout
person who UHea them constantly
will really feel thinned out nnd
moro comfortablo as a result or their
upe. Owl Prescription Pharmacy.
Frank I). Cohan. Oppnslto Chnndlor
Hotel. Phono 7t. Central Avonue
Drug Store, local agency.
It's not what you Pay
It's what you Get
That makes a satisfactory Trade
There's a Reason. "
i "Talk to Thomas About It." . . '
.w m m m w b m mm mm m m m m m-
L. L. THOMAS, Manager.
this year. He polntod otit tltnt un
der tho present law there must bo
runds In a certain rond' district not
needed elsowhoro beroro such n proj
ect n& tho boulovard i eotiM: D pro
moted. He declnrcd that tho pres
ent system Is n handicap, lfn would
npply- a highway expert to suporrlBO
the' wholo section ami employ patrol
men; to look nftor tho maintenance.
Hay Orndes I'Accvdvo
A. N. Could, onifof tlh threw rond
vfeivcrs, said that ho Had covorod
tl ground thonnighly and that he
hm! round tho grudoH exrcmslre. In
somo plncoB, Uw balm, the grades
registered sixteen per cent. Ho snld
that tho road vlowow once consider
ed chnnglng Wio rourw to avoid bo
much graillntr; but that when they
renllzod time S2000 bd nlrondv
been Bpont ou tlv-j proposed routo
they decided to stick to the routo
marked onjt. H 8ald tho vlowom
couldn't rttiort rnvorably on n gradir
over ton por cent.
Vie. KtriitvV View.
Thoro wns no lack or expression
ns to why. th road should bo iut
through to the n. Dr. E B.
Straw, expressed his dotermlnutlon
to have tha road nnd told whnt utepB
Ind been taken whllo ho was .tfuyor
or tho city. Dr. Straw said thnt
wliun the matter was un before tho
City Council during his tonm of of-
i wo u was proposed to build th
road botweon Rocky Point nnd
.unrshrield, n distance of bIx miktj.
Tho Reynolds Dovolopinont Compnny
hiki me fti'iipson i.umuei- uompnny
woro willing to donate a right of
way iiirougii tnoir hoiairj, ho said.
Tho Southern Oregon Company,
however, would not muko the same
ofror. Tho city, ho Bald, bad no
right to condomn the. right or way
nnd tho mnttor was put up to tho
County Court. Dr. Straw said that
tho cltlzons or tho community know
that the project would cost money
and that many or them had contrib
uted rreely to hnvo the road cut
through. Dr. Straw said that ho
was not the originator of tho Idea,
but that ho would support It for all
It was worth,
Douglas Father of Hnn
W. U. Douglas, originator or the
project, said that sooner or lntr
Mnrshrield would havo a largo imp
utation or working peoplo nnd that
on Sundays nnd holidays thoy will
naturally seek places of recreation.
Ho said that no placo in this vicinity
Is moro inviting than the beach and
that tho peoplo must havo a good
Bhort way of getting there, A
boulevard to tho sea would open up
new opportunities ror homes with n
pleasure resort at one end and the
city at the other. Douglas said that
It would be absurb to ask tho Coun
ty Court ror an appropriation. Ho
wns satisfied, ho Bald, that tho peo
plo of this community wanted the
road and that thoy willing to pay
for It.
Dr. A. L. Housoworth said that
whllo tho people want the rond pri
marily for a pleasure route In the
ruturo It will be n necessity. He
said that he bad been Informed thnt
tho boulevard could bo put through
on eight per cent grade. Dr. Houso
worth snld he would do everything
possible to promote the project and
that ho hoped the whole county
would support it.
Hugh McLaln, president of the
Chamber of Commerce, said that the
"This is the 2nd' Day of June,
WU and' Sales Stilt Coiat&w
at the Of Pifce of Stutsman &
Co., 136 R Broadway of the
New Bedford Addition
Tho cIobo-Iu hwaio slto and lnvcBton nwperty. & blwU
from tho buslncBu renter or tl o cltr or MrlifloiH; A vir
gin tract, never ofrored boforo. LOTS SELL AT $300 TO
JOr.0 PER LOTC. One-rourUi-down. balance, ono. woino
three yonrs, paynblo on or b tore . Ueodb. tor otulh. nn
showing MERCHANTAHLH T.TLE; contrjeta provide fcr i
por cent per annum. All" paymouts mndw payaslo onor
tvro contract providing ror wnirrnnty dood upon iw PJ
ment or all deferred buiiibi Wo n.w not urging ."
wont, but ir you wish t got In this tract vo will
movo, there, (jelng only ubout 100 1' onv ftltos, m, tno vv..
Stutsman & Co.
Under Auspices North Bend Boxing School
1.10 Voiinds. .... ,.i noniY
ino PoundK. miaDD '
Eckhoff Building, entrance through Bi Hard m 5Q
, W.W.W. .....ww.W.., - 0,
Snu Francisco Oftfco, HnrrlHon Street Dock, iur .
rio lliiv .Si Eurcku Steuinshlt) LlllO . . . .. DoaC
..., LINDEX, Ai.. .-
.irving fcmZBamnniffl I
When 16 Comes to
See Windows.