fi5ai M-iiWWi i i nfoiwijiwu . aBSlBSJSBaregJrZiMSlSSPiWSMiljijijijijijMiljijijijiiIlii"lL ,-i MM WEg BREAD IS THEjIAFf Qf Lift BUT YOU CANT LIVE K EXISTENCE ONE BIG LOAF A BANNER YKAU XIiU season opens with brighter nrosport.s for tho Krent Coos liny DON'T SCATTP.U SHOT Concentrate jotf advertising In the new. "paper that rem lies thu peo plo you wiint to tJilk to. Amnmi'U Hon costs money. Tho Times sutes money to utlvcitlsers. ugrrn i . .. i,ii ... tones i' " tUo M"W" Arc you busy laying " foundation for jours? iw A 111 tt! $ftjr - A J MEMBER, OP THE ASSOCIATED I'lUiSS VOL. VII. (established 1878 ns Tho Count Mull MEXICAN REBELS MAKE PEACE WITH MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mid Coos Day Advertiser. No. 41. REFUSE 10 HA Head of Carranza Agents in Wasjiinoton bays mey win Never Mediate With Him DEAL WITH HIM ONLY AT HUIIM I Uh SWUKU United States Will Not Permit Carpo oi Ammunmon xo Proceed to Mexico rn AMiciitrt rrr to cx nr Timet.j WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 2. Rafael Zubnrnn, head or tho Carrnnzn agents liere, rommentod today upon Mexico City dlHpntchcB representing lluortn n desiring thnt tho Consti tutionalist outer the mediation pro- reedlnps bo Mexico's nffnlra might t settled by McxIcniiB. "Tho Con illtiitlonnllfltB hnvo nothing to mc dlato with lluortn," ho anld, "and tin only moot hlui at tho point of a tword." I ammcxitiox is held Vnltcd Slates Will Xot Penult Ship- meat to Keiicls. nr Au'KiiiM rrr to Coo. liar Tlmta.1 NKW YORK. Juno 2. Flvo hun dred tons of ninniunltlon ordered by the ConstltutlonnllBtB, which arrived here from Bridgeport, Conn., will cot bo allowed to Icavo this port. Although It w.ib Htntod nt tho cus toms house no luatmctloiiB linvo been received from Washington. Officials said that It wns probablo any vessel bearing nrms or ammuni tion consigned to either Mexican faction would bo refused clearanco pipers. hliikls win battles HE OF CREW TO BE BIED First Public Funeral of Victims of Collision of Steamers Is Arranged (tlr Amo Intel rrr.f to Cool Oar Tlmn J Qri:KC. Juno 2. Tho first pub e funeral of tlio victims of tho col- llsloit lietU'nnn tlin I'miirnui ti-... mini and tho collier StorHtnd Is to no hold Wednesday when the bodies or nlno of the crew will bo burled. Tho responsibility for tbe collision, Just now the subject of u bitter controversy, will bo fixed by the Itoyal Commission appointed to mnko Inquiry. CUMMINS HAS A BIG LEAD Iowa Senator Given 50,000 MajorityOther Primary Election Results IDr Atiocltttd rrrtt to Coot Bar Tlmta.J DES MOINES, la., June 2. Over night returns from yesterday's state wide primary have not mntorlolly changed the situation. Senator Cummins maintained an estimated lead of 50,000. Governor Clark scorned assured of 20,000 majority nnd Congressman Connolly seemed assured of the Democratic Sonn torlal nomination. Tho contest be tween S. II. Unshor nnd Casper Schcnk for tho Progressive Senator ial nomination Is doubtful. John 12. Hamilton seemed to bo tho Demo cratic nominee Tor (lovornor. G CONFERENCE OF RESTRICTIONS ON INJUNCTIONS Claim to Hnvo Dcfntcl 1'cdemls lit Tlim? Engagements Dt'RAXUO. Mox.. Juno 1. Threo f tit In it rnguuemouU with tho Fed erals between ZnpntecaH and San Lull I'otrsl were won by tho Con- itltutlonnllstB May 110 and .11 ac-j cording to reports received ny uon ral Carrnnrn. A qunntlty of am munition and arms wero captured. .wmrxiTiox not landed Japan Steamer Refused to Curry Arms, Is Report. IS; Axoo.iul rrtaa to Coo. liar TlmM.I WASHINGTON. Juno 2. A re port from tho crulsor Albnny says ut the Japaneso Hteamer Solyo .Ma ra crrlvcd n Salinn Cruz Sunday "I left for Porn without landing urns or ammunition. It la undor- tood by Admiral Howard thnt tho hsaneso lino declined to carry item. Clayton Trust Bill Has Clause Bearing on the Settlement of Labor Disputes 1 1)7 AmntUttd PrtM to Com nt. Tlraw!) WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 2. Close restrictions on tho uso of tho Injunction In labor dispute are a fenluro or n section or tho Clnyton trust bill reached today In tho House. It also provides that no such Injunc tion shall prohibit strikes, pencoful picketing, pcacofut persuasion of per sons to work or quit work, primary boycotts, payment or strike henolfts or peaceful assemblage. An nmond mout was ndded declaring that nono of theso acts shall bo hold unlawful. With this amendment Reprosontntlvo llcnrv. of Toxiib. declared that tho provision became tho "bill of rights' or American organized moor. CHIT ON Governor Lister to Address Seventh Annual Meeting at Centralia Tonight. inr AtaoclatM I'i-mi to Coo. IUy TlmM.I CI3XTKAMA. Wash., Juno 2. Tho seventh nnnunl meeting of tho Stnto Conference of Charities nnd Correc tions opened today with n big attend mice. Coventor Lister Is on tho tiro gram for an address tonight. Tho conference will last threo days. itttna u VOTE STRIKE Negotiations With Roads in Middle West Called Off Referendum Starts Dr Auorlitftl rrtfi to Coot IUr Tlmto. CHICAGO. Juno 2. Tho printing nnd distribution of tho ballots for tho referendum strlko voto ol the firemen nnd engineers or Western rntlroadB will require ten dnys, but it Is expected thnt tho result or tho ballot will bo announced by July 14. Sweeping demands by tho en glncmen hnvo been under discussion for threo months until last night, when the managers of tho committee announced thnt tho negotiations wero fcusponded. Tho engineers as sume thnt the Btrlko will bo author ized but tho authority will bo used only nftor all other means, Includ ing Federal mediation, hnvo railed. YACHTS CROSS STARTING LINE ID SUPPLY FALLING OFF prilled States Now Importing more Tljan Ever Decline in Exports IB? AiMM-Ut.a iTau o cooa Ray Timet. WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 2. inu iiumo (lomuiiu lor uuiiivbuu pwd atufrs nlmost oquallylng the Itroductlon, tho United States is not lr reducing exportB, but Is In- H'affs. This Is ono of tho striking nt of Commerce of the foreign lrfe during tho first six months BMer the now tariff. Tho Increaso Dr the previous six months In Im MrtecJ food Btufra approximated ov t I30.0u0.000. Exports of crude l0d stuffs fell orf over fifty por '. while prepared foodstuffs also 'ecllned. iJLL-POX IS KILLING MANY Grim Reaper Appears Within Ranks of Constitutionalists in Western Mexico (Br AaaoctttaJ Vrnt to Cool Diy Tlmtt 1 OX HOAItD U. S. S. CALIFORNIA, Atn,.,iinn Mlv Wireless) June 2. The grimmest reaper of warfaro, sick ness, has appeared within tho ranks or tho Constitutionalists In western Mexico. A fiinall-pox opiuemic i re ported to bo loIng havoc with the ..o-ioo., nt f'nilftciin. tho canltal of Slaaloa. Anolhor attempt to rollevo tho starving Inhabitants and garrison or Mnzatlan was rrustrated when the ....ii., oi.i.i u-nu ilrlvnn from tllO I harbor by tho Constitutionalist can non. KING GHOHGi: OAIJLUS Apieclntlon or Pivsldeut nilMiifs 8yiupatliy IB; Anodattd Prtta to Cooa Daj Tlmfo J .WASHINGTON, D. c Juno 2. resident Wilson received rrom King "Wren thn fnllnu-lno rnntv to lllS r"age or yesterday concerning, ft reck or the Empress of Ire ? I thank you sincerely for r sympathy In the torriblo dls !,lr to the Empress of Ireland and or those who perished. George SUPREME COURT HAS THAW CASE I Dnnnirl VOTIJ IN FLOHIDA ''tewliU. Primary Ilelng Held in ,. Southern State Today . JACKSONVILE. Fla Juno 2. In " State-Wldo nrlmnrv indnv ballots Eff cast for the nomination of a "nocratlr- candidate for Senator. ;f memberships In the House and ,r'0US statu nH rnnntv offices. jnator Fletcher was opposed for "monlmatlon by John N. BtocU- Tlmea Want Ads get what they -";r. nf Pvlrnrlitinn Prn- jnuuuiu ui i.o. ... - i ceed ncis Before wew namp- shire Court Passed Today (0 AMaclliaJ Trfta to Cooa Bar Tlm.l WASHINGTON. D. C, Juno 2 - Tho record of extradition proceed Intra for Hnrry K. Thaw bororo tho Federal District Court In New Hamp Fhlro totlny reached the United Su premo Court. It Is expected that application will be made within a day or two ror his release opening the review. HKSIGXATIOX TKXIi:iU:i Premier Doumergi'" and Jlemhen of Fremli Cabinet Quit. jdV AMOclaloa Pra to Cooa IUt Ttmta ) PARIS, Juno 2 Premier Dou meruuo and members of the cab "ghanded In their collective reslg- uatw uKoV UllnUter of Public instrucuon i n. orfered the Premlerahlp. Resolute and Vanitie in First Preliminary Race Rig of Defiance Altered ' fn AttorttiM rrt to root rta Ttn.i ASSOCIATED PRESS 110AT. Juno 2, (Hy Wlroless) On a lC-mllo trl angular courso, tho cup yachts Vani tie and Ilcsoluto crossed tho starting Hue this afternoon In tho first pre liminary iaco on Long Island Sound, Incident to selecting tho boat to de fend the America's cup. Tho Ilcsoluto, owond by tho Flag Ofrieora' Syndicate or tho Now York Yacht Club, slipped over tho lino 34 seconds ahead or tho Vanltlo, built ror A. S. Cochran. Tho Defiance, tho third or tho claimants tot tho cup-defending hon ors, was unnblo to start because her rig Is bolng changed, Tho Resoltito got away at 12:40:12 and tho ynchts rounded tho third mark ns follows: Itosoluto 2:4fJ:40; Vanltlo. 2:40. Tho yachts had covor ed hair tho courso and tho Vanltlo gained fourteen seconds. Tho sloops then started tho second tlmo around. The Vanltlo rounded tho second mark on tho second time around twenty minutes ahead of the Ilcso luto and thon ran away from her rival, winning the first of the trial races. FIVE BOD DANK AND GET AWAY Invade Village of Mahomet, Illinois in Electric Auto $2500 Taken Illf Auoclal! rrm to Cuot liar Tlmta CHAMPAIGN. III.. Juno 2. Flvo robbors Invaded tho village of Ma- hoinot In an eloctrlc auto nnd while sovOrnl or tho band stood on guard In (rent or Ilusoy's bank, others blow open tho imfo early today and escaped with 12500. PLACED DYNAMITE UNDER OFFICE OF SEC. HOUSTON TO GET NO DAMAGE HAS BEEN REPORTED Further Activity of Old Vol cano Would Endanger Mil lions of Feet of Lumber tnr AModattd rrraa t co nt, Tlmta. UEDDING, Cnl., Juno 2 TIiiih fur no tlnmngo linn been reported nB a result or the eruption or Mount LnsBcn in Shnstn County. Further activity or tho old volcano, rorest rangers said, would endnugor mil lions or root or lumber In the ror est to tho east nnd northwest or tho peak. On the North tliero Ib no danger ns tho slope Is covered with barren lava beds, LEPER FODND Watchman Tried to Make Him self Hero by Alleged' Dis covery in Washington POLICE THINK THAT HE IS MENTALLY WEAK Report That He Has Confessed to It as Scheme to Get Promotion IDr Auoctatfet I'rrtt to Coot Dar TlmM.I WASHINGTON, I). C, Juno 2. -Four sticks or dynamite with runoa l partly burned wero round Into today , In tho Departinont or Agriculture mi lder the office of Secretary Houston. Tho police took Daniel II. Jusch, tho wntchmnu who found tho dynnmlto i nnd who said ho hud extinguished tho burning fuses, to headquarters. Thoy t expressed some doubta or his mentnl responsibility. Tito dynnmlto wns carried nwny In n bucket or water. Jusch said he discovered tho dyna mite by accident. I Tito officers went In search or an other employe, recently discharged, who had been making threats. Later, It wns said, Jusch confessed to placing tho dynamite, hoping by its discovery no would win promotion. THREAD TRUST KNOCKED OUT Big Combine Dissolved by Or der of Court Score of Companies Involved. IN FINE HOTEL TUG IN WITH UREDGE OREGON John R. Early, Who Escaped From Quarantine Station Calls for Interviewer fit a A at aa t tA -- A a aaa llao 14 a WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 2. . Printer John It. Early, who ror tho last flvo years hus mado many enforced Jour noys about tho country In box cars nnd had beau under qunrautluo In mnny cities while medical exports dis agreed on whether ho Is u leper. turned up In Washington again to-'pnst year, was towed In horo totlny Jay and bororo his Idonttty was ills- by tho tug Printer nnd will resumo covoreu, tooic qunrtorri nt n fashion- operations In Coos Hay. Tho Orc- Brings Government Dredge Here From Yaqulna After Good Trip The dredge Oroiion. which has been operating nt "Vnqulna Hay tho TIIIIEAD THl'KT IH oitm:m:i dissolved nr AttoclalM rr'tt i Coot lit, Tlirtt WASHINGTON, I). C. Juno l 2. Dissolution or thu so-called thread trust, organized tiudor . tho nniiio or ' tho American ! Thread Company, wns ordered j by tho Federal Court at Tren- I ton, N. J. I MYRTLE PONT ROBBERY Tito trials or Grovo II Miller ror the Myrtle Point bank robbery and itrnvinn nnd Duniiiaov for tho Hen- ryvllle riot may be. postponoi" again. The eases wero soi ror juuu iu, uui District Attornoy LilJeqvlst will have to no to Salem to attend to Supremo Court mntters. It is snld tliat tno otucers naYo secured a now clue In tho Miller case that may result In a sensational finish. Up to this tlmo the evi dence In tho case has been all cir cumstantial and each tlmo a elue lias been run uown, it uas oeon a futile search. District Attorney LilJeqvlst, who was here today says that ne has about four dlfrerent conresslons by Miller in the case and although Mlllor has s bsequently denied them, he thinks they will be a strong link In the circumstantial chain. Vaughn, it Is said, has rrjade no admissions to Mr. LilJeqvlst, but It is claimed that Detective Mitchell, who is working on tho case, and Sheriff Gage claim that Vaughan has told them that he and Miller and others robbed the bank. The case is a real puzzlor unless the now clue the ofricers aro now working on develops something more definite. Tlio decree states mat nearly a score or corporations and Individuals entered Into n combination to re strain tho Interstate and foreign commerce or tho United States in thread, nnd aro onjomed rrom car rying out nny agreement under such a combination. This was agreed upon by tho Government and do-rendants. ROAD TAX LAW NOW ATTACKED Special District Levies in Coos County Hanging in Bal anceQuestion Raised The constitutionality or practically nil the special road tax levies In Coos County will bo pnssod upon by tho Oregon 8upromo Court at Sa Jom Juno 10. District Attornoy Lil Jeqvlst will leave ror there soon to arguo the case. I. not vnfir. the 190U ronrt tax law .was knocked out and a number or special road tax levies In Coos Coun ty hold Illegal. Others wore mado Under tho 1903 road tax law and .now tho Oregou and Wisconsin Tim ! i, f'nrimnnv linvo attacked the con stitutionality or that law mhlch pro vides that only property owners in the district, who have resided there thirty days prior to tho election, aro entitled to voto. The company claims that the proporty qualification ror voting Is a violation or tho consti tution. Tho company also alleges other errors In the-notces, etc . t ' 'i PEIWAM, IS HUNT, E. G. Perharh'has been laid up at his home In West Marshfleld the last few days from Injuries to his back sustained while at work on their con tact In North Bend. The Injury Is not serlouB, ablo uptown hotel, tho homo of Vlco President Marshal nnd others prom inent In tho capital. Early wan not discovered until ho telephoned to n newspaper asking for u reporter to Interview him. Tho guoats wore thrown Into a commotion. Early es caped May IK from tho Diamond Head quarantluo station near Port Townsond, Washington, M OF ILLS ON BAY gou Ik a government drvdgo nnd did much work In tho Hny. The Printer had nn easy trip down with tho Oregon, encountering good weather nil tho vny. Tho Ore gon wns towed to tho KrtiBo & Hunks shipyards so that nny slight repairs thnt may bo found nocessnry In getting hor ready for operations inn bo mado quickly. Just whero tho Oregon will opor nte In not known, Shu Is to work on tho government projoct which provides only for nn eighteen-foot ehnnitol nnd It may bo that uho will go ahead or tho Seattle, taking out to the elghteou-ruot depth nnd let tho Senttle, working under tho port, complete tho depth to 25 font. It Ib ulso probable that Major Morfnw mny order her to work on the Pony Inlut and North Inlet shnnls, which have been causing tho most bother lately and which tho bar dredge was supposed to work on when It was too rough on tho bar. Now that tho Mlchlo Iu out or commission, tho Oregon may do It. It Is expected that tho Oregon will work hero ror about four or flvu months before bolng taken to tho Columbia Hlvor or boiiiq othor northern port. Old Ciw Willi Her. Capt. Robert Shook, chief engin eer, E. II. Throsby mid a number of tho old employes who wore on tho Oregon when uho loft horo a yonr ago last August, aro still on her At Yaqulna, tho Oregon mado her best record. Claude It, Wright, rormorly en gineer horo, but now nt Yaqulna, will bo sent here to supervise hor work. The dredge plpo has not boon brought hero yet nnd it will piobubly bo two weeks bororo she starts work. Measles, Whooping Cough, Mumps and Pneumonia General Affliction An epidemic or Ills, principally measles, whooping cough, mumps nnd pnoumonla, Is apparently get ting quite n start hero. Tho Ills aro similar to the ones that hnvo been so prevalent In North Head the last row months, In somo In stances, some or tho dlsensos which have been regnrdod as children's Ills linvo been contracted by tho grownups. Miss Margaret Kummeror. daugh ter or Mr. nnd Mrs. E. W. Ham merer, Is quite 111 or measles. Mrs. II. 8. Tower Is roportod quite sick or croup. Dr. E. Mlugus and C. II. Peck are sneering from what seems to bo whooping cough, following nt tackB of la grippe. Tho llttlo child of Mr. and Mrs. Ilngqitlst, or West Mnrshriold, Is to ported qulto III. Tho children or Mr. nnd Mrs. 0. M. Connor In First Addition aro ro portetl sick. A. O. KJelland la reported 111 at his homo In North Hond. Howrul Ami Hick, Rov. and Mrs. 0. I.oRoy Hall are having qulto a slogo at their homo, one or the children having measles, nnothor Uiumns and a third whoop- - -1 -- .w - - , 4 .1...1.1 ho1,)eT?;nauVkrpne;no.;,i Clarence Pulley in Quarantine in North Bend When He Heard of Wife's Illness SHERWOOD, Or.. Juno 2. Mrs. turned to tho Hay, undorwentan op-lIvy pui0y, daughter of Postmas eratlon at his apartments In tho Rog-1 10. . M ., M ... ... . ors building yesterday and Is reported , J" .ani1 "" , l ' M F t0"' ' J,0 "J to bo doing nicely. ne 'l0m t "" parents. Sho had Oils Wltto, the Heavor Hill hotel. been III for somo time, proprietor. Is staying at tho homo or ' when hopo ror hor rocovory was l?eceK,erar!rCrb?ooeJTs,o,n0. " P word was telegraphed to Jng In his hand. ,,er husband at Ndrth Hond, and. It Hurt by Ac was learned that he wub confined Ray Martin, nn auto drlvor. Is laid to tho house with measles. Tho- yPiT,!lefcW.uarn',n8 waB """"l ani1 1 Joint, sustained whllo cutting kind- " .. . . .,... ling yesterday Martin recently mov-JNorth n01"1 for Portland heloro ed hero from Bandon. I learning his wire had passed awny. WIFE DEAD. ID ILL Mrs Mary Thompson, teacher or tho sovonth grado or tho South MarBh fiold school, Is III or tho mumps. Other Afflicted. Guy C- Harnum, who recently ro- ' I ' -' jAMKtA.