THE 000S DAY TIMES, MARBHFIEU), OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1014-EV ENINO EDITION, FOUR w?wioi!8Mjiiw(4a!twfe'e umtmtmmitmM!i WOULD BETTER HI SERVICE S. S. ALLIANCE HAlLH fOll COOH MAY Fimi PfllifM.Avit WEDNESDAY, JUNK j A ROUND tniP, 18.n). '' AT fl!0 P, SL uuuiii-iiiuu it 1111 nil) HUrill jinnu Roail n t.. North Pacific Steamship . ComnL1'0"1'"'- Phone 44. yijHWjiii ill..M..M..!i.i.ul.wl...;.lii m - ' -C F" MMt- - m mm is a r uL u, BUILDING HEBE A11 UV5yWi 'I 11 Mill I 1 1 W - - " w Chamber of Commerce to Rec ommend to City Council a Change in . Schedule. The Chamber of C'oinniorco Frldai night decided to recommend to tlio city council tlmt tlio gasoline car lie permitted to inako two trlpH a day to Myrtlo Point In prcCcroiico to the ircs cut train schedule Not a member of tlio chamber could understandi why tlio city council should object to the chaiiKo. J. W. Motley, or tlio clmin bor, was Instructed to send tlio 'recom mendation la thu form of a letter to tlio city council. Superintendent Miller was presont nt tlio muotlUK and ho told tlio mem bers of tlio chamber that it wub his desires to uso tlio ear whoro It would bo of the greatest bonoflt to tlio pub lic. Ho pointed out that tlio car was being operated between Mnrshfluld and North Rend at n dead loss, Olio day, ho said, tlio receipts did not amount to nioro than fS.Gfi and that hardly covered thu cost of gasoline. Mr. Miller said it was his plan to liavo the car mako two through trips a day from North llund to Myrtle Point, ono trip In the morning nnd tlio other In thu afternoon, with tlio utunui train making n trip in the mmuitluio. Such a schedulo ho said, would give tlio people of the valloy an opportunity to comu into the city, where tlioy could do their shopping or visiting and get back homo In tlmo for dinner. "With tlio proposed schedule In op eration tlio people In tlio valloy towns could spend at least six hours hero," said Miller. "Of course on Sundays the car would not leave quite) as early In the morning, probably at 8 or 8:30 o'clock. Tlio sorvlco would bo of equal bonoflt to (bono who would want to visit friends in the valley or ut Ilandon." Olobrnto Event. In this connection plans woro launched for a celebration to bo held a weok from next Thursday to com memorate the opening of through trim sportntlon between Myrtle Point nnd North Head. It was planned to In vite tlio business men from all the towns along the road between hero nnd Myrtlo Point to Join In the celo bratloli. Thu plan as suggested was to run a ttpeclul sterna train carrying tlio (lelKntlou mini the valloy i through to North Iloud nnd hack again. Ashland Paper Comments on Activity of Former Citizen on Coos Bay The laBt Issue of tlio ABhlnnd Rec ord contains tUn following Interest ing comment on tho enterprise and activity of ono of tho former resi dents of that city who Is now a Coos Dny booster. Hero Is what the Ashland pnpor says: "No wondor tho F. E. Conway Company of Ashland Is about to rush NORTH BEND NEWS Mrs. John Preelund nnd daughter, Mildred, have returned from n visit at the Oscar Ohman home. Mrs. E. E. Hayes visited relatives In Coqulllo laBt week. Mrs. M', McOougal 1b qulto 111 nt her homo In liny Park. Mrs, lloldcn of San Francisco nnd her aunt, Mrs. Hans Reed nnd Miss Maud Reed, visited friends hero Saturday. Miss, Hazel Moody ,who has been ". .' i . -- i ftm ffllnoi rt lid nttttf fttn IThxam un n big apartment houbo nt iwnrun--" " "j '. ". 'i field to houso tho people that nro ' f0"" tho Inst ton days, has returned to flocking to tho Coos Uny country, i ho, no,"o In Coqulllo. Listen to this dispatch from Port-1, 'Mr,8,- P. G. Nowhouso and daugh jan(j. I tor, Kvolyn, loft Saturday to spend "Tho population or Coob county Is ' Sunday with rolntiycs at Dandon. likely to make a rapid growth with-' George Anthony and family liavo In tho next few days On her last i mv North Inlet whore they outbound trip tho stenmer Droak- w" 'ako tholr homo this suinmer. water carried a family consisting of fatlier, mother, six boys and seven girls. They had with thorn tho usual assortment of household goods, two cows, one horse, n lot of chickens, two cats in crates, and thoy started with three dogs, but ono of them beenmo homesick and Jumped over RAILROAD LAIIOREHS AUK IN DEMAND. According to tho Wllllamotto Pa cific offices In Eugene tho Wlllam ctto Pacific contractors between Eu- board boforo thoy woro out of sight gono and Coos Day nro taking all tho or land. Immigration into coos laborers tney can got, nnd would uso county Is vory heavy, and tho steamer 200 inoro than thoy are getting. C. has, on Bovornl rocont trips, been J. Qnno, proprietor of tho Eugono offored more nousonoiii gous tnan uorrco ciuu states that ho could send sho could carry." E STARTS TODAY fifty men a dny if ho could' got thorn. On tho other hand tho railroad In borer Is not tho laborer that needs tho Job in Eugono, nnd tho peoplo living hero do not like to leave their homes for Uio railroad campB. Tho berry fields nro tnklnir mnnv nconlo j nt this tlmo, but those are largely womun. Kugcno uunru. D. L. Foote on Coos Bay-Allegany Drain Line June 1. HEDILLION IN HOSEUUHG Tho Coob Uay-Allcfiatiy-Draln auto scrvlro will bo Inaugurated this week by I). L. Foote. Ho has mado arrangomonts for nniplo ma- chines to handle tlio sorvlco and will R. E. Dcdllllon, owner of tho Dan don Woolen Mills, nrrlvnil linrn Inn) Start Service evening. Mr. Dcdllllon is interested in uio lownsue or uoosion nnu came hero to confer with tho formor ow nors of tho townslto. Ho Bays thcro is consldcrablo talk regarding a now hotol at Dandon, which If erected, will bo ono of tho finest In Soiithorn Oregon. Dandon Is a natural sununor resort, nccordlng to Mr. Dedllllon, but has been handicapped on ac count of Inndcquato hotel accomodn- '. Albert Mntion vvns strongly In fa ' arrange his schedule , bo that parties tlon8.-RosoburK Review. . ..". . - Innolii.. rstnn tins lu lm hhhIhm a - vor or tho motion nnd. said that If tho mnttor was left to tho executive committee of tlio chamhor ho would hoo tlmt tho plniiH woro cnrrled out. Ho suKKHstrd that tho baud take part In tho exorcises and that photographs of the train aid icproMoutntlvo busi ness iikmi be taken for advertising purposes. The plctui on. bo suld, ASHLAND SHHINER DEAD lenvlnir Coos Ilav In tho mornlnsr can connect with tho nftoru'oon train at Drain. i Tho Bchodulo provides for leaving Mnrshfleld at G o'clock in tho morn- E, A. Bhlrwln, or ABhlnnd, dropped lag by bont. Mr. Footo will operate dead In tho Btreote or that city. Ac- tho auto linn between Allegany nnd cording to a dlspncth from thoro ho Scottsburg, woro thp othor auto line linn bcon In precarious health for win iano enro or tno aorvice. Fast boiuo tunc. Tho deceased was tho HRIEFSOFRANRO( NewH of Ctly-by-tJie Son hh Told by Tim Western World. Anothor furnlturo store ror Dandon la being opened by J. A. Dymo of Portland, in tho now Dand building. Dorn, Wednesday, May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Q. T. Trcaugoiu, a son. Tho young man la already ablo to plead his case. D. L. Tracey was down from Arngo the Intter part of last week with a scow load of fine brick for tho locnl trade. Mr. Tracey Is burning largo kilns of drain tile, a largo shipment of which coos to Lnnclols nnd Port Orford. Rnnchora nlong tho river nro also using tho tilo qulto extensive ly this year. MYRTLE POINT POINTERS' News of tlio Upjier Coqulllo Vnlloy ns Told by tho Enterprise. Tho youngest child or Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ward, died Tuesday or whoop ing cough. Tho remains will bo ship ped to California whoro tho funeral and burial will tako place. Tho llttlo son of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. Hall of tho North Fork sufforcd a brokdn leg ono lay last weok when n horso stopped on him. Tho stockholders of tho Farmers' Union storo of Myrtlo Point 1iold tholr first stockholders meeting for the election of directors nt their halt In tho Adnras building yesterday after noon. Q. O. Swnn was elected presi dent; D. Dnrtlott, vice-president, and K, II, Hansen, sccrotnry-treasurcr. Tho othor membors of the board of directors aro Dnvld McNalr and' II. J. Radabaugh. COOS COUNTY' VOTE County Clerk Watson has Just com plied the voters who registered In this county between Jan. G and May 1, of tho present year according to box, with tho following result: Mnlo. Fomalo. Totnl. Ropubllcnn 2478 1029 3C07 Domocrnt 12.S3 521 1804 Socialist 375 HI G1C Prohibition CO 177 243 Indopondont 288 113 341 Progressive 120 45 171 Not Stated 19 8 27 Non-Partlsan 24 9 33 Populist 1 1 MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUED could bo forwarded to tho inctropoll- t,,no fr.01" I)rft,n to Coos Dny will also secretary or Hlllah Toniplo or Shrin mn nownpapors ami through tho mo- "",, . , , . . :, . . lo w "c' many oi uio local mom- ilium or the press tho peoplo nil over . Mr- hool hns received work thut bors or that branch or masonry be- tho state would raillxo tho slgnlfl- ! 10 roni,a nro,ln excellent flhopp. long, and is woll known to thorn, canco of tho extension of tho road. 'owovor, ho mado a trial rlp Tho funeral will bo conducted on Sun- Tlio net Inn taken by tlio executive ovor. tne roml wlth ft..crow ,r. m. ln' by tho Masonic bodicB, nftcr hoard liiht week In regard to o nx up any places mat migiu in-1 wlilcli tho body will bo taken ot Port uni'iu wiiu guuu iruvuiiug. soudlnjr tli band to tho state fair at Salem wmh id rsed by tho body Friday iiIkIh. While It Is thought that tho bund, by giving concerts while onroutw to tlo capital can bo romo 'iruntnliiliiK, The Chnuilxr Hlnnds ronily to meet nny deflclonry. It Is estimated that tho trip will -ost nt loiist $700. Tho local bund Is compotlug with other bauds In tho state, Including tho Portland, bnn.l, and Is of coursn handlrnpped by a Inik of tinupurlntlon fnrllltlos, 1 JOT WHO THE TEILS JPHSE LSI 0 0 TES B. F. Jones Spent $870 and Fred Hollistor Snnnt Ahnni $1228 in Campaigns SAI.E.M, Or., Jiiiiii I.- Expense Rtatouu-iiiH fiioil with (Socntary ot State Olmtt by tlio candidates for Congress during tho primary oluctlon show that H. V. Jones, tho Republi can candidate, uefoaied by Congrtms mini ilnwley In tho First district, oxpuudtHl $7u. :.'!, and that Frt'dor-l-k llolllstor, who won tlio Democrat lc iioiiilnatlou In tho saiuo district, oxpondod $U2K.71. In bohalf or Hoillmur, S)or Ilackoy oxpondod ?:ioo ir.. The following caudldatos also filed their tiiiisit stattMuouts: C, A. Johns, Republican candidate for the nomination for (inventor, $070.4 1; 1.. O. Itnlstun, in behalf or the can illifiuy of (. A. Johns, $I1.G2; T. T. Ceer, Republican caudldnto for tho nomination for finvoruor, $440. ti.'i; .1, Miies Wltliyi'ombo, Republican .i.diuute lor tlio nomination for (Jovernor, H5:'3.S7; (limit D. Dlm Ick, Republic!) caudidato ror tho nomluntlou ror (loveruor, I74S.OS; W. A. Dlmlik. on behair or candl daiy or (1 in nt U. Dlnitck, $201. GO; (1. W. SUuletou, Republican candi date for tho nomination for Circuit Judge. Fourth Judicial District, $570.40; John A. Joffroy, Demo cratic candidate for the nomination for Attorney-Oenoral, $75: W. II. jl'aiion, Deiuocrutlc caudldato for National Committeeman, $172.02; 1C. L. Fun In, Republican caudldnto ror tho nomination ror Attoruoy Oeueral, $:t:!s.t!5; Frank S. Grant, Roi-ublliau luudldttle ror tlio notul naiUin ror Attorney-fienornl, $228.- k.s. T J Clieton, Republican candl- ilnlr Ud iiittninntloii ftiv Kinii'niiin t .IniK-n. Si: .'. . i I. II. McMnlinn ProgrcssiMv landldnto ror tho nornl nation ror Governor, $181,90. Tho Chnndler Hotel. F. D. Denn, Eugono; II. D. Hall, Portland; Den Mitchell. Portland; O. C. Hnmlln, Iloavor Hill; W. M. Rais er. St. Paul; Charles C. Taylor, Nash vlllo; V. Ij. Deod. Chicago; E. Dahl, San Francisco; 11. H. Wlllson, Snn Francisco; Joseph D. Royland, San Francisco; T. J. Thrift, Coqullle. Tho Moycl Hotel. P. Stono, San Francisco; Roy Swonrlngor, Elkton; Dr. L. Harrison, Myrtlo Point; Mlko Dngaton, Deuvor Hill; H. Wilson. Portlnnd; Georgo Nelson, Seattlo; M. II. Stanton, Sal em. Tho lllunco Hotel. John Gnfney, Rtvorton; D. M. Mc Ewon, Coqulllo; P. M. Dcardsloy, Portland; D. II, Jackson and wire, Dnudon; Mr. and Mrs. James, Dan don; C. U. Sparretorn, Dnndon; John F. Dnln, Dnndon: Charles Whotstono, Portland; E. C. Smith, Coob River. The St. Iinwrvwo Hotel. Mr. nnd Mrs. N, s. Cutllp, Coos Rlvor; A. J. Crows, Rosoburg; C. E. Gray, Rosoburg; J. Hastings, Day Point; C, Drown and wile, Chicago; Peter Hunt, Spoknno; H. Jtayncs, Portland. land or cromatlon.r Rosoburg Re-view. POTTER ON DREDOH8. Send Your Laundry to Us" By Parcel Post WH FURNISH A HAG AND WILL 1AY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J MarshfieU TLMB TADLE Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunKs between any joints In MarahOeld for the follow ng rates, delivery to lie made Id ho first storloa of building Ine trunk t m Three trunks o( Twelve trunks i,uo Star Transfer and Storage Co. Lot! IleUaer, Prop, Phones. 120-J: 49-L; 98-R. Government Expert on Mlclile Tells UN Views ut Portland. A Portland pnpor says: 'Mottles aro all right and thoy sorvo as guldos to tho vast volumes of moving wntor, but tho tlmo Is coming whon tho West will realize that drodging Is whnt Is wanton In conjunction with Jetties for channel Improvements and when nnco n Rood channel Is obtained, work with It work with .MUiiro as sue directs tho nntural flow or tho current," Is tho ndvlco of H. L. Pottor, of Now York, rec ognized as a dredgo oxport, nnd who Is rotnlned by tho War Department In tho capacity or an assistant engi neer In tho Corps or Engineers, U. S. A. Mr. Potter has had active exper ience along tho entlro Atlantic const, most rocently In tho Ambrose Channel work nt New York, a pro ject that ho characterizes as ono or tho biggest dredging probloms tuat has boon mastered nnd ono which has attracted tho attention of recognlzod engineers or all civil ized lands, who ngreo that tho best system has bcon adopted ror tho re moval or tho 70,000,000 cubic yards estimated ror providing n 45-foot channel, To assist In getting the now Gov ernment dredge Colonel P. S. Mlchlo stnrtod on the Coos Day bar, whore it Is said sho has deepened tho chan nel threo feot In tho short tlmo sho uns been employed, was ono or tho missions which brought Mr. Potter hero, Mr. Pottor Is on his way back to Wow York, where ho will resume res ponsibilities on the Ambrose Channel Job. Victor Wist to Solnn Koskola. Walter D. Norrls to Florouco D, Neoly. Homer Tucker to Marlon Andrews. Coqulllo Sentinel. WILSON CRACK SPRINTER Tl'o Coqulllo Sentinel says: "Paul R. Wilson, eon of V. R. Wilson of this city, started Inst Sunday from Stanford Unlvorslty for St. Louis and Chicago. Paul Is a member or tho Stanford trnck team and goes to tako part In tho track meets In thoso cities. Speaking of his eastern trip tho San Francisco Ex nmlnor snya: "Paul Wilson will run In tho mllo nnd followers of athle tics hero aro hoping that ho will conio bnck with a hotter mark than ho holds at present. Wilson won tho Mllo nt tho Stnnrord trnck meet In 4:20 1-5." TWO WITNESSES MISSING. Shci'idai) Oifcos nt Roseburi; Go Over Until They Can Re Found. ROSEDURO, Or., Juno 1. Actlnc upon a motion filed by tho defense Judgo Percy Kelly continued tho enses of T. R. Shorldnn, accused of forgery and obtaining money under rniso pretenses until tho July term of tho circuit court. In tho nrridavlt Sheridan claims ho was unablo to locnto two material witnesses, John Servla, alleged sign er or tho uoto on which tho forgery proceedings nro based, and R. W. Goodhart, a former United States Dank Examiner, Tho lattor, Mr. Sheridan says, will testify that ho recolved lotters from sovernl persons who are alleged to have lost funds through Sheridan's speculations to tho offect that thoy authorized the defendant to with draw their money and uso It. GRADUATE AT DANDON Tho class of 1914 of tho Dandon High school will soon bo counted among tho Alumni. This years gradu ntes numbor eleven, nlno girls and two boyB. They nro Edith Lowry, LouUo Haberly, Lucile Marsen, Loulso Clausen, Pearl Cralno. Esther Solve, Velma Klopfer, Desslo Jensen, Josophtne Stoltz, Lestlo Sparks and Fred Harvey. Dandon World, Times Want ads bring results. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or neir platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons and carbon paper delivered. Phone us jfonr order. Phone 44. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEfcOLSTRACTCO., IntT HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EAST8IDE MAItSnFIELD OFFICE, rHONB M-J. CO9UILLB CITY OFFICE PHONE 101, I Inter-Ocean Transportation C Scmi-weokly service Qoos Boy and San Frauc- ' S. S. Redcmdo HAILS FROM HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY, SATURDAY, MAY '., AT a ' . Equipped with wireless and submarine bell Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine boll. Passengers and freight. WILL HAIL FROM HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS DAY, TUESDAY, .IUNE 2, AT San Prancisco office, Greenwich street nier Nn 91 and 600 Pife building. P ' a Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McGeorqe, Phono 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwate ALWAYS ON TIBIR, r Sails from Mursliflold durlnc month of June nt l o'clock Q on tlio 4th. 9th, Hth, 19th, l!4th and 29th. Ticket on aalo to all KnAtern points and Information m to ronu, and rntcw cliocrfully furnished. Phono 427-L. F. T. HIIKI.D0.V. Awl S. S. PARAISO 10piipped with Whvlesw. Flno PaMciiuer Arcominodatlons. New HU llott. HAIIS FRO.M PORTIiAND FOR COOH RAY, TUESDAY, JUNE a, AT l):0() A. M WITH PASSENGERS AND FIIKI0HT YEIir)WHTONE HAUJi FROM HAN FRANCISCO FOIt COM IIAT, .TIIURHDAY, .IUNE 4, WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agents TOM JAMES, Agent, Mai-Nhflcld. G, P. HIIKIUDAN, Atrsf. Nurth Ilrii ir -r-i- KINDLY REMBAEBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL EVERYTHING IN THE I1AKERY LINE MARSHPIELD BAKING COMPANY m NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PIIO.VE 428. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, RXTAIL DEPAIITMENT LUMUEIL LATn, BniNaLES, MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOOM ROOFING PAPER, ETC. . CUT TH a: rUICL HILi; IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. rno.VB iM, i8i sourn broadwat FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST DANK IN 0008 COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposit Officers: 3. W. Dennett, President. J. li. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. P. Winchester, AuU Cubiu. You Get a Square Deal m m. M No bans can hope to win tho confidence and respect oi unity unless every person eatorlng its noon living fair and courteous treatment, regardlei Fa np hln rnlnrlnnohln lir Imnlr imorli'fl Its institutions must bo conducted upon democratic pnnc ceiving rair and courteous treatment, regaruiess i o , ind life or his relationship to tho bank. America Is ,dra",;s itR InRlltlltlnnn mnol , nnn.T,intn1 unnn itotnOCratlC pnUCipiC't they are to succeed. AT THE FIRST NATIONAL Dank tho officers and employes are approachable and B'8d irl approached. You will get courteous attention a , are anx deal here. Wo desire to have tho public know that we y lous to help along the legitimate business of our clll"n, ' of the way possible. Our success Is bound up In the success community. . . . iln Bi Wo want old residents and newcomers to set acquainieu " for pur mutual benefit. The e SERVICE THAT SATISFIES First National Bank Ot Coos Bay