The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 01, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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COOS BAY TIMES .,,., meet at .... f
LC.MA1X)N..:V Kdllor and Pub. ' COOS COUNTY 1WIM1INO j
DAN W. MALONBV Now Editor 73uBB0I!t0l, ,,v tho lctro of the
' ..... rinii nnimlv Htt II rl 111 tr Dill)
Paper ol j- --- " TIm gat.
urt,a'-' t. ii j
We'll meet at the Coos county build
So make it tho best of its kind;
Wo want it to bo
Quito tho finest we'll Bee
And also tho quickest to find.
Entered at tho Postofflco at Marsh
field. Oregon, for transmission
through the ninlls as
mall matter.
Address all communications to
Mnnlifleld :: :: :: :: Oregon We'll meet at the Coos county build-
.. Inc.
Dedicated to tho service of tho LZ
To gossip of doings at home.
peopio, mat no goou cuubo m ------ - , , b
lack a champion, and that evil shall will rest from ineir iu
not flirlvo unopposod.
Ono year "2!:
WES H01;LTr::r:i!rio
Wo'll moot at tho Coos county build
In k.
To talk of how many wo are,
And also to stato
..iat old 'Frisco Is great
Hut Coos county Ib hotter by far.
Per month
Ono yoar . $ 1.50
wh nalil strictly In advance
tho Subscription price of tho Coos Wll mc(jt t th Coog county bud
liny l iiiiub ib .uu ivi
$2.fi0 for six inonthn.
hear tho old greetings and
'Causo somohow you know
rron MlTril POLITICS
KILLS 11USIM'SS t1inAtrn vnll Pn
THE Sunday Seattle Times, Inde- you're glad to see Coos county
pendent, says, editorially that foiBi
tho destruction of values under
tho WlUon administration, as shown . y0 ,llcct at the Coos county bulld
hy quotations on tho Now York stock IlB(
exchange has boon going on at tho 8o mnk0 It tho best of its kind,
rate of two million dollnrs per day, Wo wnnt t to bo
or over ono thousand million dollars Quito tho finest we'll see
Blnco his Inauguration. I And also tho quickest to find.
Tho Oregonlun May 22 has an cdl-J .
torlnl on "A Harbinger of Good j
Times" predicting tho return of pros
perity on tho harvest of tho bumper '
crop In sight nil over tho country, i
"ir tno numiniBirauon win huiuu
things now uncertain bo that busi
ness can stop watching tho legisla
tors, nndi got to work."
Tho Portland editor bIiowb histor
ically that since I8li7 porlods of fi
nancial donrosslon hnvo been follow
ed by wnvcB of prosperity, and that
a boom period Is duo upon tho move
ment of tho spring wheat crop which MjceGf OtlW One WOffJ 111 OVd'
promlicH to bo unusually large. Tho mi" "'"i."". ! f CnJinnl
winter wheat crop In many Htntcs Is 600 in FlagStafl bCllOOl
nearly ready for harvest and will ho j SDCllinH Contests
rushed to mnrkot. ' ' J
Tho mlddlo west Ihib borrowed Koniioth HuBt, son of Mr. nnd
hcavllv and will uso the crop to pay m m r imt. 'Friday rocolved
its dobtB. ltnllroadH nnd hnnks nro n uodak, n spoelnl prize offored by
propared to move tho crop to market m88 wickham, teaehor of tho Flag
promptly, and largo payment's and KtUff HCliool. for tho pupil making
now purchases of morchandlso will tlm best showing In a series of
not tho wheels of conunerco and manu spelling routests. lie inndo an un
rncturlng humming. Followed by a usunl record, having mlBsed only
big crop of porn, pormnnent prosper- ono wor,i out of ovor 000 words
Ity Ib assured. submitted In tho tests.
T'o only causes of doubt of tho Tbo Flagstaff school closed Frl
busincss revival taking placo accord- (jny -with a apodal program. This
ing to schedule Is tho delay In notllng concluded Miss Wlckman's sixth
tho freight rate cases before tho state term there. Thoro was n largo at
nnd Interstato comniorco coiiiiuIbhIoiih tondanco for tho fine program that
nnd tho delay of eongrcsn In enacting wob rondorcd. It wns nB follows:
reasonable nnti-trust legislation. Song, "What Poos tho School
These obstacles of uncertainty pre- Hull Say?" School,
vent restoration of I Original Itocltntlon. "Vacation."
Tho Oregonlan editorial quotes Allro Kkblad.
Speaker Underwood saying: "Tho Itocltntlon. "When I Am Hid."
jiooplo of the United States nro not,Iinrland Montgomery.
clamoring so union louny inr iogiH- Hong, -iiouovo .iu, u mi muou
lotion as they nro for nn opportunity Endearing Young Charms." Nolllo
to do huslnoss. "Thoy wnnt nn end Wolf.
to dolny nnd uucortaluty. Natural and Itocltntlon. "Farmer's Life."
financial conditions tire fnvornblo and Hobort Hunt.
governmental conditions nro favor- Uocltatlon, "Tho Orphans." Nina
ablo. Heltzmnn.
Tho Albany llernld ably supports Motion Song. "Llttlo Ships. Tod-
tlils view In n leading editorial call- dy Sindon, Hnrland Montgomery,
Ing on tho present administration for Allro Smith, Jennor Kkblad, Robert
quick action on anti-trust legislation, llust.
nnd on tho interstnto commerce com- Hecltntion. "Curfew Must
mission for sneudv termination of tho Rip Trlp'it." Mary llust.
freight rnto cnsoB. It BayH! "Tlioro
Ib nothing so disastrous as uncertain
ty." I
Capt. Edgar Simpson's $6000
Car Damaged in Effort to
Avoid Collision
In nn endeavor to avoid a collis
ion with a stago nuto, Capt. Edgar
Simpson, of North Dend, turned his
nuto Into tho brush, crashed Into a
stump nnd badly damaged the ma
chlno Into Saturday ovonlng on tho
Coqulllc-Mnrsntlold road. Neither
Capt. Simpson nor his companion,
Miss Hnge, woro Injurod. The ac
cident occurred near tho summit.
The ncrldent occurrod on n sham
curvo nnd whore tha road la very
Interesting Letter From Coos
Bay Boy Who Is Now in
Tropics Was in Mexico
Opera House Exercises-
Cemetery Decorated
"Bring garlands for tho heroes wh
worn denied renown,
Wbn marched sore-footed, 'nonth
Thoso who hoard i, , .
''Tenting TonlghF ' fi
Houbo yesterday aftornnn. .n.?
lorcBtou in tho following De'
Ijleco written by ComraSoP?1,010"
o dell, of Pembina, North DafoU. W,N
fro iT.innX-.A.n'nt.-)
tlm nrnrpllllll HUH. Wn urn lilnbl., ,-.."'" )
Mr. nnd Mrs. uni wngiu '""" For thoso who dug tho tronencs nnu campground. l "e 4
tmllnil tllO rntllimrtS dOWIl, Of HO Vnnrn m
Who fought the fights tholr proud of the weary march nnd
tunuin""" n i w... tsuiu
curvo nnu wuero uia roan ib vur " ,, ,, . , .......j ,, inn-
narrow. Tho Coquillo Btngo nuto -bio there, and to ''o bo t?"d
nn nonr Mm l.nnlt nnd r.ould not.nmn. Two of tlio siups wtro ooiutu
un 111 thoro. Tiioro nro iwo iii
Just received tho following Interest
ing letter from their son, Kccs, who
Is now assistant engineer on tno
Ainerlcan-ilawallnn 8 enmsnip y. For b w
Novnunn. ii wu n rjr nc gar anus lor inu nuiuun nu Aiany are tno heart thnt .;.!.. .
boa, and Is In part ns fo ows: ""liurrled to obey, , tonight Bt afe thln
"Dear Mother and I-atlier: o .yho lnrC(1 not question why or Thinking of tlm Inn ...
urrlved In l'annnia nc ."', wait In doubt, Mnny nro the hoarta . ..'.. . .
Whoso blood sank In tho houowb tonight """twiij
whoro dread BOiiniiB uioti ownj.
From which tho Binoko of bnttlo
drifted out.
.iirii wimn wn arrived off Sallnn
Cruz 'we met ono of tho other ships
nmi thov told us nbout tho trou-
For boys wo usod to know.
wns nonr tno bank nnd couiti noi
turn out. Cnpt. Simpson awiing Into
tho brush which concenlod tho
stump. Tho Impact was severe al
though hn was not running at a
high speed.
Capt. Slmnson had IiIb ii"W $G0OO
Simplex which Is n very heavy car
and ennnnt bo Btopped ns quickly
as the ordinary auto.
The machine was brought in yos
bridges to go through to got In. so
thoy destroyed the electric plnnt and
they could not open thorn. There
wns nn army guarding both ships,
but when they saw tho U. S. gun
boat coming they nil took to tno
hlllB, so the ships raised tho bridges
wIMi wlnrhnn nlld went Ollt. OllO
of tho ships had wlroicss, bo thoy,
Sleeping tonight,
Slcetilnir tnnli'lii
Hrlng garlands for tho heroes who Lying in tholr lent llko mou.
did not fear to dlo "'"""N'
.... t.. 1. Mm lulling fnr tlm nnrt ir 11.1..1.1 ....
AIU1 Ki" muni ... 1 u uiu nuiihiiig loniglll Of IliA M
Hiov lwirn. wu "
Tf no tall shaftB nro glennilng to
show iib whoro they lie,
Thoy, too, gavo all for honor, nnd
who may offer more?"
Thinking of the days gone br
Thinking of the boys that nerMl.
homo '
And tho tears that said "good-by-
ruo mncuinc wns iirouiu 111 yps- , . 1 ... it nil in nicri iiij 01 uiu ikij-b are b eon netoni.Vi
terday by nn nuto truck, an lninro:woiit aboan and cut t n ,,locca ( nudlences over . Ilng In their tcnMIke moun
mo""-""" " .........., i..... aieoping in pence, t icv nrn 11..-. ..
on llio oiner buiii. nsBOmnieu lor pun mm- iuum;i uo- . ..- - - ,
ro?d.A,MThoyWVlM,h0.rp riU the Memorial Day w.,cn heavenYy rev'llo sound..
row cins "I1-?"1. . ." ,wnt ..rocrnm nf tho Mnaoiilc Opora House.
1... vnrI,n,i south Amor- Mnnv woro unable to gain admission Sleeping tonight.
lea. I wish I was on her now. I in.0vded to carry tho 0. A. It. votcr
wmilil llli to mnko that trli). All . .. , ... .,i,i
days now. Wo nro lying nt anchor Cd with flowora, prnctlcnll' ovory
nbout ton miles off Hniuoa, nut i Kravo i)0ng covered with flowors nnd
111 1 A ilin iltlnW It fl "
guess, wo wi i kbi iu -""'" nlnntfl. Tho grnves
row uays. i. iwo ...,.- . . , . niiHronrlately
mi itfir win tn tiii f 11111 win " .
""' .".." ?:,. ,nni in minii. wltV flowoiB and flngB liy n coiiiiiiiuoo Mnny nr0 tho hearts that are
vised wagon truck supporting
front of tho Simplex.
Cnpt. Simpson said the damago
to tho car was not grent, the steer
ing knucklo nnd somo other pnrtB
being broken.
It wns first reported that tho enr
was badly wrecked ind might hnvo
to bo cent to Sail Francisco to ho
Julius Larson and Family Bad
ly Scared by Wild Ride in
Lakeside Machine
Julius Larson nnd n party of
frloudn returned today from a trip to
Lakeside nnd all of thorn are still
Buffering from a aovoro fright which
thoy rocolved on routo out yesterday.
In tho pnrty woro Mr. nnd Mrs. Lar
son, Mr. and Mm. Clydo Ltghtnor nnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Lnrson.
At tho North Inlet landing thoy
took n stngo nuto for lakeside Tho
driver told thorn that his hrako had
I been broken and thoy might hnvo a
llilio irouuiu guiiiK uuwii uui'iiiiub.
ncstdCB tho six 111 tho Larson pnrty
a couple of othors woro In tho mach
ine. On tho first hill nil got out nnd
walked down. Tho driver, named
Cowan, told them thoro wns nnothor
bad hill, hut didn't toll thorn whoro.
When they reached it, tho mnchlno
Sleoplng tonight,
Lying In their last campgroundi.
Wo nro weary tonight and listen lot
tho sound
Of liliclo rail, so nlnw
w. in nowo r. nnu WntlT , lho Blt'
nlcl v lecora?ed W,,on "00(1-""'t" tW ihilffi
en in n horn until tho cnun Is opou
Tim rnllronil hero cannot hnndlo
In chnrcn of S. II. Cathcart. Ilnn-
dredB of iiooplo visited tho cometory
the cargo. .We will be hero about a o mn
lllOnill nnu ll Will " .""""''J Vni, ,,.! nlmorvmiro nt tlm dav
Waiting for tho call to sound;
Mnny nro hearts Hint aro wearr ta.
Mnrchlng to tho last campground.
Marching tonight,
Wcnry tonight,
Marching to their Inst campgrounl
thing on my neck.
.i.Ja i Viin in Qui PmiiplRPO H.100 rll lonniu onsorvnucu ni uii? uiij
f i-rnncisio. .muu ,,,, wll imrndo formcil nl Mnr.
t In vorv hot here. Wo nro '" !"' Front, ''oaded by tho Coos
nniv -r.0 miles froi tho Kimntor. Hny Concert Ilnnd. Next followed A.
. n la-.," wo" .rulnisal.i'ifcruz: J. Savngo Zvlf V' m2
I have n pretty good complexion inoinboni of linker Post .. 0. A. It., nn
now. I burned nil tho skin off my " - """::";. "
fnco. It suro Hurt for a coupio oi " "-v ..""- .- wo nro nennng lolKalourlMcl
I think I will try tno same mo oimmnu "h..ih .t... .-.- - grnunu,
nnu owuim. wnoro comrnucs ail snau meet,
Following tho program nt tho Mas- Looking up to tho great campground,
onlc Oporn Houso. thoy proceeded to 0ur captain there to greet,
tho cemetery. Tho big nuto him was
provided to carry tho 0. A. It. mem- jiany nr0 th0 hearts that are nlllni
mis nnd tholr wives on tho Inst Btrotch tonight,
of tho march. Tho florvIcc woro In Waiting for tho end locome;
phnrgo of n commlttoo of tho Spanish Mnny nro ,j10 i,cnrts that are llst'nltg
Wnr VctorniiB, Mcssra. D. A. Jones, tonight,
K. H. Joohnk nnd F. K. Qottlnfl. . To hoar tho call, "Come home."
i hip murrain.
I Tho nrocram at tho MaBonlc Opera
Houbo was a flno ono. Professor
Itosslor of Oregon Agricultural Col
lego dollvoretl tho Momorlnl Day ad
SUCCUmbS d"8' 11" lwolt principally upon
tontlon be pnld to Instilling It In tho
children In tno sciioois. no niso urg
Looking tonight,
Waiting tonight,
Llst'nlng for the call "Come nomC
WA8IIIN0T0N. D. C, June 1.-
Tho PoBtofflco nt Kckley, enrrr
Chicago Woman
While Visiting at Home of
nnimMnr Mpc CnnriOP
u ' ed that tho public gonornlly make n ... bo (u8contlnued Jane
MrB. Wllholmlnn Muollor died nt nreater showing or domonBt ration of , ;. T,,, Prklov koIdc o Mnllt
tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Jn- tholr lovo of country on ocrnBlonn llko 30, mnll for hckloy going to Jijn"
nui. irmirinr in ."nrndnln this morn- this. He nlno nrced that tho 0. A. It. Point.
started down nnd kopt gnlnlng In lug nftor a six months' Illness of a momborB and wnr vetornnB visit the
snood. Tho driver had driven tho i complication of diBenBes. pt' ools more often nnd talk to tho
inachlnoonlv oncobeforonndovldont.l Mrs. Muollor enmo to Coob Hay boys nnd glru on pntr'onp siuncc s. lost his head so that ho could not from Chicago Inst August to lslt i'p clP8"d with n flno trlbuto to tho
hit llz.i tho goar nnd ong nes In con-'hor dnugutor. hiio was sixiyona veiorons
I n. itntlon. ' "How to Mnko a trolling the mnchlno. Tho lilll Is ovor ye"" old. Sho was taken ill last S. H. Cathcart presided at tho oxer-
Tho attorney general adrliedO. W.
Franklin, tronsuror of Malheur was-
ty, that tho socond half of one's tw
"tiuiMiin vmv imiiwiiiii';i w - ..w w .. . ... . Lt.lllUS.ISIUOVWWiiu !-
Wh'Htlo." Jonner Ekblod. 'a quarter of n mllo long nnd whon ran nnd nns ueen grnmiuuy nuiinK cisosni mo opera nouso. uov. ..- - - .,
" . thoy reached tho bottom Mr. Larson sinco mm umu. uei urogg iiivokou' win uivinu uicto - -
Z koonly nllvo to ho ndvantago 0 Wo',f Mnry Ku8t A1!co Kkblad.
of n very uttrnctlvo show win- l)ay uryntesson.
(low. Old fashioned glnss frontngo itccttatlon. "Spelling Kltton."
nnd sloppy nnd Infrequently changed lny Moutgomor)
displays hurt business. . on ..)X0 Land." Hay Mont-
Yot thoy do not hurt It ns much Komory Kennoth HiiBt. Hruco Itust.
(ib n failure to mnko a creditable (,,., urytpBBoii, Modo Hnzolton,
nppenrnnco In the newspaper adver- Anhbald Ekblnd.
tlHlng, tho true twentieth century iloctntloii. "Tho Llttlo Mother."
show window. In tho days of sniull A(0 gmti,
towns, nnd of no tolophones. pooplo valedictory. Mildred Rust,
used to do shopping nnd ninrketliiK: iiectatlon. "Good Hye." Melrln
nlinost dnlly, nnd buy wnnt thoy n . ,
Un.. .r...ii.k In tlw. iirnnnwnnfl." anm Mint. urn ninir nhmit innmitoai UpbIiIoh Mrs. Fourier, sho Is Bur- ii7. A vocal Bolo was rondorcd by
"Rpcllntlon." My I'onny. Teddy por hour. Luckily tho mnchlno kopt vived by nnothor dnughter. MIbb An- Miss Esthor Johnson nnd qunrtotto ltOOUK ltl Lit it iw-w
Snndon. tho road and did not meet any other . U. Muollor, who came hero somo Polecllons by Chnrlefl Stnuff. W. W. .,r.lvnTft n c June 1-
Uocltntlon. "Twinkle. Llttlo rig or machine time ngo to take her mother homo Langworthy. Jny H. Tower and Harry w,AsniN"l?,,nn' etaslde IIHI
Star." Kllzabeth Maud Codding. Rvcn as It wns Mr. Lnrson foil out. I " Chlcngo. Howovor. alio wna too ljultmnn. Lincoln's anions Gottys- Tho foreBt Bervlce has set as'ae m
hi 10 iravui. nurg auurcss was iionvoreu uy i.o mr cuiwhv.i - - (klll .,
Tho body will bo taken to Chicago Hyorly. Tl'o Coob Hay Concort Hand Hoguo Rlvor botwq n iwman
for burial, ronilnro.i i nnmlior nf Bolpptions. uoiu nuacn.
LRHT morelmnts nro naturally ,, DrU, Nina Holtzmnn. Nol
nw In show windows, (sow people
ordor u grent many things by tele
phone, nnd old-fiiHhlotied shopping
excursions nro not ho common.
Only n small fraction of tho peo
pio will boo uuy given display thnt
n morchunt may mnko iu his show
window. WetikH pass during which
most of them never pass, or at
least never give inoro than u glance
nt his store. Hut dnlly nnd weekly
thoy look to tieo what ho Is doing In
ijio nowspapcr show window.
"Vacation Song." School.
"America." All.
'IfflllnT IN
Nils Anderson Charges J. A.
Welscheimer With As
saulting Him
Welscheimer, of Forndnlo,
J. A.
Kditor Times:
Tho mnrkot bocomlng ovoratockod
in Snn Frnnclsoc with goods from tho
eastern atatoB during tho yonr 1849,1
nnd frolght on tho rlvors to Sncrn-
ton. It was deemed advisable by 8omo l " " la w rra
owners to hike their enrgoes direct Ins '' C""atT n a! 1m, S
t tl. Inn.ll.,. ,. tl, l,nvn.i.iiill.,n. SWOHl tO I))' MU 11. AdaiUSOIl, WllO
cd V vers In tholr own ships. '' ,;,aIlt S'"?0.."?. Va'tuW
SPth Winner, a pilot on tho Sacra-1 'V'nnsc xh blted a br ulsmt
t7nn Thnt ocpurrml li March 1S-19 ,,oforo J8tlt' 'onock this morning
1 Th nie , J r K lo' obtain the warrant. Constable
That bolng my flist trip on Ho Welscholmor In bod with
Z', S flood sho . assed two broken ribs and other marks of
cnor and tho tlilo noon, alio passeu ,,fii nu-imr tn his condition
ub nbout two miles below tho mouth k O td0nh;1Kt,.hn;
of tho Snn Joaquin Itlvor. Sulsun Hay.
hut struck In tho mud and wns not
Injured, nlthough ho was badly bo
draggled. Mr. Larson Is urging that
stops bo tnken by tho authorities to
prohibit niou who nro not cnpablo of
driving nutos nnd also prohibiting
thorn from overloading tholr mach
ines. He an ys it Ib a wonder that tho
entire party wns not killed.
It will be several days before the
l "' .... ...Ill !..., o l.nonlM.r
During tho month a bnrquo loaded l"u "'" """ " "v "'
with flour from Valparaiso wont up
to Sacrnmonto.
Theso were ocean e.olng vessels that
enmo around Capo Horn.
oxu tooo-pouxn chi:isk
Funeral of Victim of Boiler
Explosion Attended by Body
of Owls Shaw Buried
n. . n i n l -. n I All lllllil cddivu i'uiuiiiuii) iiiuinuu
China Creek Bridge Collapses the funeral of iko Freoiumi. one
WhilP StPVP ClJrrPn nnd Pnr- ' l" victims of tho Ton Mile holler,
VVIIIIt diXVLUUIIUIdllurdl explosion, which wns hold at tho
ty Are UrOSSing It. wiUon clinnol yostorday afternoon. I
, , ..... Tho services woro conducted undor i
Stevo Omen and a party of frlonds tno miBpice8 of the ftorth nond nest
from Haudou nre reported to n-i. nf wlhph tlm deronsed was
nun u narrow uscapo yesioruny wnen ft niombor. Daniel McDonnld dollv-
ine long unugo ai uninn uamp, near P,i tho eulogy at tho grave side.
Henvor Hill Junction, collapsed. HadT)io pallbearers woro Mike Bnndlno.
It not boon for Curron's presence of . j0i,n sandlno. Andrew Sandlno. An
mind, tho auto and party would have PBt smith, John Wick nnd Chnrles
iiuiiuuuoo fiimo uuwii wuii mo iiruiBu. Nvinniior, Homeining more innn
Tho Curren party was en routo tohr.O nttonded tho funeral nnd thei
Marshfleld and woro coming along nt floral offerings were vorv beautiful.
n good clip. As thoy started across The verdict rendered by tho
tho brldgo Mr. Curren felt it swaying ! Coronor's Jury shows that tho boiler
nnd giving away. Ho turned on full 0f tho Mlutzell mill was weak and
speed nnd sped over tho swaying .defective, and that that was the
structure, wnicn went down just ns
tho machine got on solid ground.
The bridge Ib on tho main Coqullle
Marshfleld road and a dozen autos
woro hold up by tho accident until
tho roadmnster and a crew were se
cured to make a temporary crossing.
When It Comes to
See Windows.
SACRAMENTO. Juno 1. Tho larg-
"You must not expect too much of est cheese evor inndo will bo ono of
your husband, my dear." said tho ol- tho exhibits of tho Sacramento Vnlley
der lady. 'Remember, ho Is only hu- countioa enrolled Iu tho Sacramento
man.'' Vnlley Exposition Commission at the
"Oh, he's more than thnt!" quick- Panama-Pacific Exposition,
ly answered tho young wife, "he's n ja planned to get one quart of
positively Inhuman!" milk from ovory milch cow In tho flf-
j teen counties represented by tho com-
Tlmos Want Ada got results ue-1 mission. The milk will bo gathered
cause everyone on Coos Hay roads on a certain day and sont to n con
The Times. trnl point to bo made Into a cheese.
probable cnuso of the explosion.
Shaw From Slouv City.
Tho funeral of W. T. Shaw, tho
othor victim, was hold this after
noon. He was only nbout twqntv
veara old and his father. J. W.
Shnw, Is n contractor at Slnux City,
Iowa. The boy said that his father
hnd offored him n good Job In Sioux
City If ho would return, but that
ho would not go back unless ho
could "go right," He had been
working at Ten Mile but n short
time. Ho wns so badly scalded and
Don't Be a
"Just As Good" Store
When a customer calls for a certain article by
lame or brand, the wise storekeeper oives it to nim.
(Itlciis Met nnd Decided to Completo
Sum Xwpssary for Structure.
ASTORIA. Or., June 1. In addi
tion to the many other Improvement
planned for this district, Astoria will bnttered that Coroner Wilson wired
have a now Y. M. C. A. building, (the father that It would be impos
which in all probability will bo com- slblo to ship tho body back,
ploted by Jan. 1, 1915. This fact was
nssurcd when n number of public spir
ited men of the city assumed tho res
ponsibility to raise the sum of $2000,
tho amount needed to mnko tho $30,
000 neoessary to erect the structure
E. J. Loney came un from Port Or
ford Tuesday and Wednesday accom
panied his wife home. She had been
nt n local hospital for some time, hav
Ine undergone an alteration. She is
Times Want Ads get what they rapidly retraining her health. Han-
He- does not offer something else as "just
good,"- It does not pay him in the long run.
This is the age of advertising the daylight age.
The articles advertised in The Times are there be
cause their backers believe that they have merit an
that the public will demand them.
go after
j don Recorder.