' ? nin vyflv tlg&9Tr :W- , '- TM" MANYAMWHOJjjWGHTHr R ON TIRE TURNED OUT & A WET BLANKET A HANNEIt YKAK Tills season opens wlili brighter pr(,icclM for tlio in-cut Coos Hay and ConuUlo Vtilley country than erCr before in Its history. Vw. tunes nro I" tlio nuikliiis. Arc you i.mr laying tlio foundation for jours? ,MaiB0iMHr9lsHiBmirv mam mm mmt VOL XXXVII. 'E8tnl)ll(ln;d"l87H ns Tlio Count Mall MEMHKll OP TILE ASSOCIATED PlUiSS DON'T SCATTER SHOT Cnnrcuti'iilc your inher Using- In the newspaper tlmt rcnrlii's the peo. plo 'ou mint to talk 10. Atnmupl tlon costs money. Tlio Times mics money to mlvcrtiscra. IDENTIFY III BF VICTIMS OF EMPRESS BF MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1914 EVENING EDITION. DAMAGE SUIT fAGHTS READY HAND A Consolidation of Times, Coait Mall Mn ncc and Coos Hny Advertiser. ,''u cvv GALLED TODAY Revised List of Dead Shows That 969 Were Killed or Drowned in Disaster MANY BODIES FOUND' FLOATING IN RIVER Prominent Passengers' Bodies Identified by Relatives Investigation Planned TRY II III MORE BODIES IllVINH'H IIOHV FOUND; I OLASPS WIFE'S DRESS ' nr Aicltril Vim l '" '"r TltnM. I RLMOt'SKI, Juno 1. With a I i piece or IiIh wlfo's dress clutched I I In his linml, tlio body of Laurence I I Irving wiib picked up on tlio west bunk of tho St. Luwrcnco lUvor I I today I Careful Search of St. Law rence River Made Empty Life Boats Are Found inr AawlalM rrraa ,0 Coot tlr TlmM.) WILL START PHOIIK j lllr Aaro. UtrJ l'rrra Cow( u,, Tllw j I MONTREAL. June 1. A gov- I eminent InvoHtlKatlim of tho I sinking of tlio Empress of Iro- i land will begin hero Juno u. III? AMiM.Int -rr. o Im ,,, Tlnint , Governor Hodges, of Kansas. Defendant in Proceedings Brought by Mrs. West ' IDr Amoi latril pre-a to coon Ur Tlmra I TOPEKA, Knns., Juno 1. Tho suit of Mrs, Luclla West agnlnBt aovernor Hodges for $::! IB damages was called or trial today. Tho woman visited the s Governor to urR0 tho parolo of Arthur Sullivan, a convict, nnd when tho governor refused, Mrs. West seiz ed copies of letters on which the re fusal va8 based, and she charges that tile Governor struck linr nn. .i, led her wrist In nttniniillnrr m ... i I I the papers. Tho tlovernor denied tho',orntlollB uolB lnn, In tho top ham I per, FOR CONTESI Resolute and Vanitie Sail To morrowWinner Defends America's Cup Ilr AsioclttM rrraa to Coot tuj TlmM.) NEW YORK, Juno 1 Two of tho three cup clnss yachts, tho Hcsoluto nnd tho Vanitie, nro ready today for the first trial contest tomorrow In n series of rnces which will termlnnto In August In tho selection of tho do fender of the Aniorlcn'B cup. Tho third yacht, tho Defiance, will not bo prepared to meet her rivals until tho insi or 1 no week owing to rndlcnl a! MEXICAN MEDIATORS TO ADMIT BEDELS TO PEACE CONFERENC! .charges, FRENCH CABINET DESI6NE0 TODAY Ql'EllEC, Cannda, Juno 1. Tlio 1 HIAIOITSICI. Juno 1. Several tugH Identification of tho dend from tho I""" "'"'elies, chartered by thoCnnnd- ' ... .1... ,.,ninv ,.r id.. r,ini.tlnn I mil I ilCllIc. llOKllll n mvsIuiiiiiMk Rnnrnl, Pacific steanior Empress of Ireland j?'1'1,0 st- Uwroiico In nn effort to proceeded moro rapidly today tlmn ex- ",;"' ,' i "l lllu ''"'press or ire- 4. xl X KSl'nM Pf Ability to Con ffiWa w ImTbn recogn.zed.Um V'm,llm,d Ji". "Illng for addition to tho eighteen bodies Idon- IP'.'V:01"' u! rfnco. Two tilled at Rimouskl. I ?iUSr7il. .r." '".""S" " l0.f?.5?'"Id " uaoiiuillll, j nuy WUIO empty. MA IES IN IOWA TODAY NEW REVOLT IN old wm General Bliss Captures Leader of Proposed Insurrection in Chihuahua inf Aiawtatril 1'rr.i In t'oon liar Tlirra.t WASHINGTON, I). 0., Juno 1 General Wlss reported to tho War Dopartnient ttiday the nrrost of Quo- vnuo ana Ills followers nt El Paso yes tordny. counter rev will be so Diplomats Express More Fa vorable View Toward Con stitutionalists Today LONG MESSAGE IS SENT BY PRESIDENT WILSON Americans Await Decision of Mediators on Rebel Ques tion Before Acting (Or AaaoilatM I'itm to Coon nr Tlmra.) NIAGARA FALLS, Juno 1.- Aftor n conference between tho mediators nnd tho AmerlcniiH, It was lonrned that tho mediators had tnkou a mora fnvorablo view of tho question of ad mitting tho CoiiHtltutlonnllBts Into the negotiations, The American delegntes to tho ed In tho ro- from ins rtiuowors m i;i rnso yes- The Amorlrnn dolocnles to .nt in vi ri wi Li in reactilim- the I'ann.llnn sldo by tl . "Vi . LKalV:.., .,.. .'l't ? 'oiB elpher n.esoSge IM ...... ..Inl..1n !... I 4 1., ' " " V....W. ...V.u,,riv lln I hnre n Hnn. Hnnr llnvnrln WniUllllRtllll 111 relation tO tllO COllStU IKS SteetarIarrKe: iKg Jrou'ili'Ua'it 'W(iv UVIIU MUlllVIIHk IIIUII illlDllUI Tlirrfi wns 110 clianRo today In tho official lists of the snved and dend, which show that 418 persons escaped and 909 wore killed or drowned. Tho Identifications Include Sir Henry Seton Knrr, Dr. T3. A. Harlow. ' Itic lea nig geologist or wnunun, nuu Mn. W I.eonnrd Palmer,, wife of u Uni'nn nowspaper man. Additional liodlus nro bolng recov ered slowly at tho sceno of tho disas ter. Prompt Investigation has been promised oii filf sldCH and n Royal Commlosinu 11ns been named to mako a searclilnR Inquiry. mm mwrn SWIMS4 MILES trol Chamber of Deputies uauses Act. Wr AitoclttM I'rrt. to Coo. IUr Tlmra.) I'AItlS, Juno 1. Tho French cabi net under the prcmlorshlp of Gns'ton Doiimergere. has dcchled to resign. This resolution was taken nt 11 cabi net council todny. Tho reason forjro Hlgiilng s understood to bo tho un certainty of its ability to control the majority in tlio Cuantbor or Deputies ob tho result of tho recent election. BOAT FOUNDERS 1 GOLDEN GATE Gordon Davidson, of University of California, Given up as Lost, is Reported Safe IIU AhocMM Pru. to IVoi IU Tlm.t. VANCOUVUH, II. C, Juno 1. When tho Huntress of Ireland went down, Cordon Davidson, history Instructor nt tho Uni versity of California, swam four, miles to shore through the Icy waters, lie had u life holt' on, but I oven thou the font wns romnrkable, MG ON TO OM E BEGINS 1. 1 rt.i r- i. Word of his safety was recolvod horo I LUIIIUer oCIlOOner rail UdKb i,y ,H i)n)thor. Ho had been given' spring migration to Nonio of Alas Alaskan Business Men and Miners Leave Seattle for Northern Post inr Aucxl.trd rrr to Coot lty Tlmn 8KATTLH, Juno 1. Tho annual Congressional, State County Tickets Are Being Nominated by Parties tD7 Aiiocltttil l'rnfrlo Ceo. IUr Tlmra. DICS MOINFS, Juno 1. State-wide primaries nro In progress in Iowa to day to select candidates for tho Re publican. Domocratir. Progressive and Socialist pnrtlcB for Senator, membera or Congress and full statu and county tickets. Cruz nt Puortn Mexico. Tho Yplranga a .Mexico. iuoTiurauga i o 1.... .. . 1 ...... anfJ was fined SO l.ttdO pesos for n similar n0Vl. ' ureuun.iy uUl- UllUliOU R I S Goes Ashore in Thick Fog No immediate danger I VKSSF.h KNOWN llllltl! I Tho Fair Oaks has mndo n I 1 number of trips to Coos Day. I 1 Capt, Ahlln, of tho vessel, was ' mate on tho Redondo when tho j I C. A. Smith Company took tho I vessel over. I . rompany. J upas lost. IlRvldson was on his wny I kan buslnoss men nnd minors who to Kngland to obtain material for n sponu 1110 wiutor in tlio mates, be history of the Northwest Trading n today whon tho steamship Son- aior, ine rirst inrge passenger snip to sail for tho Dehrlng Sea this yeir, depurted with U81 passongors and a capacity enrgo of freight. Tho Victoria will sail tomorrow with G11S passongors, ARSON SQOAO (Br AiUIM I'rr-a 10 Coot 111 7 TlmM. , SAN FRANCISCO, Juno 1. Tho lumber schoonor Fair Oaks, Inbound jrom Grays Harbor, wont ashore at Llmo Point todny, on tho northern Ide or tho Goldon Goto, In a thick E. I.tto saving crows nnd revenue cutters hurrlod to tho scone, but Cap win Ahlln replied to tho orrors of as- (IltanCfl Hint hn fnlt In nn Immediate dinger and that ho nnd tho crow of lentyrour men would Btnnd by until the tldo arose. A lino was shot board In tho ovont of nn omergoncy jBd the government vessels stood by. The Fair Oaks is owner by tho eiiae Shipping Company of this port. Later tlio vessel began to list. The crow was taken off nnd chances to savo the ship seemed slight. S FAVOR DD ALAS Militant Suffragettes in Eng land Destroy Ancient Edi- fice and Treasures Dr AwocUtei frrtf to Co B Tlmn J IIKNLKV. KiiBland, Juno 1. An arson snuad of tho militant suffrag- ottes totlay destroyed the historic par ish church or St. Marys, which was built In 1538. Tho church contained many prlcoloss treusures. Just Insldo the ruins tho firemen round a honp or surfragotte llternturo and a placard ' Stop persecuting wo men." Tlio only proporty saved was an nncleut register. Among tho treasures destroyed were several bells four centuries old and a monument or Thomas Day, nuthor or "Sanrord and Morton." .MANSION IS Ill'RXKD. MOUNT LASSAN IS IN ERUPTION NINE ESCAPE WITR $3000 Sec. Lane Would Have Spe cial Commission Look Af ter Development There IDr 'sorteJ preaa to Coos Bar Times ) 0 WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 1. secretary Lane's report to Congress, which he strongly recommends tho "eatlon or a development board to lave comnlptn mntrni nt all covern- ttental atraira In Alaska connected i "Ith the nntiirnl rnannrcpH and deVOl- I jaSinW Bind and Gag Em- fimearsCoird'liyhl'pU- ployes of St. Lncj i Ice "nt. their headquarters would be In Cream Company Today Alaska and they would do the work orsfrrv yanln ?sln "ffi CUlcTdo. June L-NIne robbers 'atrrae!rr?rr,os Volcanic Ashes, Mud and Sand Cover the Ground Around Opening Br AMOi'lal! fT'. to euoa Bar TlmM RKDDING, Cal., Juno 1. Mount Lassan Is In eruption. Forest re ported today that a now crater has broken from the, sldo or tho moun tain and that volranlo ashes, mud and sand cover tho ground for an area of :i00 foot around the opon lug. Mount Lassan is located In tho Sierra Novadas on tho boun dary between Shasta and Plumas Counties, A ranger Tound nn nporturo thirty feet wide and rorty long with lateral riscuros runulni: in all directions .Surfr.igcttes De-lroy Duchess (if Stilli-'aii'l 3 cloud of smoke anil steam i eilaml s riaco in wintiHor. i pouring out, iiouiuers, thirty Indies I (Br Awio-talaJ Fna to Ooo. Bar Tlm.J ,', ,amotor WOro thrown UP 1111(1 1 WINDSOR, June 1 The mansion ashes wore scattered threo miles, formerly occupied by the Duchess or 1 Sutherland was destroyed by the suN ' fragettes. LESS FELT HERE Wilson Says Unsatisfactory Conditions in Business arc Not General Mir Awo'latM ftf to Com II. TlrorO WASHINGTON. Juno 1, Presi dent WIImou iigiiln expressed tho conviction Hint any present unsat isfactory conditions in business wns not general, but was less felt In tho United States than nuy other part of tho world. Wilson Illus trated his vlow nt tho first confer ence ho has had with correspondents since the Mexican situation became ncuto. ' Secretary Garrison reported that not one soldier or sailor lias tiled of disease nt Vern Cruz during tho mouth's occupation. REBELS BOLDER AT MAZATLAN LONGEST IE! OF COURT HERE Judge Coke Expects to Con clude Jury Work This Week Bolsingcr Loses Case Convert Sma Tim Into War MVdK0.f 8- CoUo t"ed to co- n i j o . oU i J "ull, thlB HioniliiK to outer tho Boat and Seize Sugar-laden ni week of tho jury work nt ono Upccpl Tnrlnv V,r tho .loKe,,t sosslous of Circuit vt.5:u luuay cQurt. tlmt tms 0Vu1 )t)QIl-hol(, , inr AMwIttod I'rrra to Cona liar Tlmra.) COOB Collllly. o is In hopes Ot ON HOARD U.S. S.CALIFORNIA, El,Uf ihtt,iry work fnlHhed ami Mnzntlnn (Wireless) Juno 1. Tho w" t'10" t',0,,0 "'' ,Mo ''lulty casds CoiiBtltutlonnllst tiiK Hercules, em- ?"", L"1'0 n" , Adjournment noxt linMmwiil I... Ilu D.i,....wu i, ,L. .,..., . WCUK Or 11 WCClt or Mil llllflirn fllil or dnrkness Inst night, when provision I1?.,.,i 5 i l'n.8!'8 ,u"1 t,, Myr" barges were captured, entered Mnzat- ,,0o l".t.. '" "i rou,,or', 1en"0' . . Inn harbor in broa.l tlayllght today p,,0'1,'., "I1 r,k,r, ,'aHU' Uttl "f ,JnB nnd enptured tho schooner Garibaldi. S ". f f.,. '"., 'r'or or John DJ6NTARES AT inn i.i'.'." ' iiiu niiiiiwiiur vim iiiiiMii, trn , ..., ',. , , "". " " which had n cargo or sugnr for tint ,,,',' ir ,0,,,or tT,"l,1,1,nl cn,os: I'ulted Sugar romniinv ' number of personnl Injury and uiiuu nui,nr compniQ. dnmago suits hnvo gono to mako WILL PUT IN BRIQUET PLANT tlio culeutlnr henvv. rtnmn nt iim dnmago cnst'H hnvo taken nonrly a i week to try, I .Mclliuiiihl ,V ViiiikIiii Win. t Tho Jury In the case or llolslngor vs. MoDonnld & Vniighan brought In a vonllct for (ho dofonso Sat urday nfter being out n short tlmo, Tho caso wns hard fought. .Knra j ols'iiger, fnther of tlio youth who lost his llfo nt DnnlelB Creek, wns tho principal wltnecs for the plaln- iiii, wiiiie .iacK MCDonain, win. Andrew Kennedy Purchases rlJLluff uX tioroiiBe. on tho Btnnd, llolslngor rintly contradicted tho ovldonco glv- John L. Griffiths, American Consul General in London is Buried in New York (Dr AMoelala4 Praia to Cooa Day TlmM ) NKW YORK, Juno 1. The m noral or John L, (irlfflths, American Consul General in London, who died In Kngland two weeks ago. was hold todny at the First Pres byterian Church. The pall-bearers Included sir Arthur Conan Doylo, Chnuncey M. Depow, Alton If. Par kor and Joseph II. Chonto. Site for New Industry on Isthmus Inlet ' Andrew Kennedy left Saturday ror en by tho rormer. In his instructions to tho Jury, - Judge Coke hold tlmt tho employers Seattle to nrrnngo for the shipment ' ,1 ',.,,y lnw "I'l'lled lo practically of umchlnory and oqulpmout for a I"", lines of Industry In whch mn biltiuottlug plant which ho will es- johlnory Is usod, tho omployor bolng tnbllsh on Isthmus Inlet Just bolOM .Mllllugton. He closed a deal for tho purchase of a tract with 288 feet water frontage and amplo room for tho ructory. Mr. Konncdy Is an expert min ing man nnd engineers nnd snys that reiiulrod to see that all saroty do vicos possible are provided. The law Is n very stringent ono. Tho Jury brought In a special vor. diet In which they round thnt the miirtiati was in goon shnpo; that tho logging enrs on tho roar or the PltOIJH NKW VOIHC CK.NTRAL. Sciialo Refer. ProHiMMl IiixeMlgutloii to Oniiinltteo Tothiy. (Dr Acxllvl frru to Cnoa liar Tlmea.l WASHINGTON, D. C, June 1. Ily a vote of 33 to 20 the Senato referred to the Interstate Commerce Commit tee the Norls resolution asking tho Attorney General to state If tho New York Central lines constitute a com bination In violation of the Sherman anti-trust law and If he Intends to proceed against It. The affect of sending the resolution to the commit tee Is to delay action. KASTKIt.V STAR PKLKOATKS Mrs. F. E. Allen and Mrs. E. Don McCrary, delegates from Doric Chap ter, O. E. S., to the Oregon Eastern Star meotlng at Portland will leave ou tho noxt Breakwater. Mrs. J. T. Hall, one of the Oregon Grand Lodge orricers, will also attend. Mrs. E. S. Rargelt, Past Worthy Grand Matron, may also attend. Mrs. Frances McLeod may also attend. HUERTA FORCE BACK TO CITY Troops Return to Capital From Saltilo, Destroying Rail way Behind Them (Or Aaaot lat.4 frtaa to Coot liar TIoim ) MEXICO CITY. June 1. Many trains, carrying redoral troops, which lin linn ii nvutiim nt lirliiniitllni- Mint I tmlll Went JtlSt as Wife n lilncn tnr Is auro. Ho Is establishing tho J'10 roftr brnkemnn to rldo as a car plant with his own money, bought ",OUHo wo,l,l ' ''d thnt If Jlol tho slt6. etc, and Is going Into tho!","K'r wns loosening tho chulns on business on purely a commercial ,l0 nrs of logs before tho train basis. stopped, he wiib doing so In vlola It Is understood thnt Jio has nr-""" .r. lusiruoiionB. ranged with Siipterlnteudent Hen uossey, of the Smith-Powers mliio lo tnko all tho slack and riuu screenings which ho will brlquot. The success of tlio Industry will menu a revolution In the coal In dustry horo mill the development or It Into ono or tho biggest Indus tries In this section. The location for the now plant Is O. R. Peck nnd A. If. Pnnk wnrr. attorneys for McDonald & Vniighan and W. W. Cnrdwell, of Rosohurff, was attorney for llolslnger. IH. LK.W'H TALKS AGAIN. .Mini llrporietl fnun Hanilou Score PiitrfnliMii Mrs. Foieiimii RnpN KocIuIIhiii. ST. JOHNS. Or . .Illtn. 1 A BnMnl- partlculurly doslrablo as It will afrord , lt meeting wiib hold on tho Ponlnsula Loth wuter and rail truusnortntlon. ' National Hank comer, when Mr. tho local rullway huvlng ngrced loiForomnn, who has gained much nnt- A .- . .,. .. . 1 ,-. .. . . " ...... .. ..-- put In a spur track to tho briquet- ting plant. WAS ROHHliriKJ HOY. lint Icy I'ltllie Hail .Inst Ktailcl lo Work in Ten .Mllp KiumiiIII The Rosoburg Rovlew says: "J K. Falbo, who conducts n lestaur .. i ii. .. ni.nut.i.. si f,...l lh ...rrlon.. o Qnlllll ,r l ul UIO fOrilUr Ol OllUritlllll UUII . . .. . . . ' ' : Cass streets, received word from arriving all day yesterday at San Ton jillo Lake, Coos County) this Luis Potosl. A Federal detanhment' morning to tho effect thnt tho boll under Goner?.! Prozco, Jr., noted as Tear guard and as the army proceed ed southward destroyed the railroad so as to prevent tho further advance nf the Constitutionalists. Times Want Ads get results be "ause everyone on Coos Iiay reads Tho Times. er In a small Muetzel sawmill, own ed and operated by Mr. Falbe's. stepfather, oxploded. Harloy Falbo, a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fa I be of this city, was qulto badly Injur ed. Mr. Falbe's stepfather spout u part of last week In Rosoburg, and upon returning nomo took Harley Falbo witn mm. orloty through her connection with ino wuiney sciiooi, mado an addross, In which Bho stated bIio was a Social 1st at present, but It wns getting a lit tle too narrow ror her. Anothor Soc ialist used conrso langungo In nttack Ign public officials. Dr. Lcnch, tho man who was forci bly ojectod from Ilandon a year ago, declared that patriotism was tho Bheorest nonsense and that tho na tion's heroes should not bo respucVed. Ho stated he waB accidentally born In California, but intimated ho was not proud of tho fact. COLT OPPOSES KJIKK TOLLS. work In tho yards of tho mill IDr Asaolats4 Prwa to Cooa liar TlmM.) WASHINGTON. D. C. Juno 1. la the nbsonco of arbitration nothing re mains ror tho Unltod States honorobly to do but to repeal tho tolls exemp tion. Senator Hnlt. rtnnnlillnar. r w. Tho boy was at Jersey, told tho Senate in his' maiden speeiu. V