FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, .ITURDAY, 1V1AY 30, 1914 EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES f. C. DAN MALONKV Kdltor nnd Pub. K. MALONI3V News Ktlltor Official Paper of Coos County T HANKS AUK THINNING 1113 ranks of tho Bitrvlvors of tho Civil War. whoso heroic dcnil wo will honor tomorrow, BIG LEAGUE BALL SCOPES grow thinner with onch succeeding' Pnrtlanri 9hllt Out Afiain hv yenr nnd booh the grny and grlz-ir0r.uaria I'1U UUln ?am. Uy los angeies uaxiana Shuts Out Venice. zled votcrnnB of the Grand Army'ot tho HoDiihllr will ho no inoro. Nearly half a century has passed laway slnco the disbanding of tho two mighty armies cngngod in tho most tltnnlc strugglo of modern times; Since the victorious blue and xno ticrcatcti gray parted witn a Itlr Anotltled Vmt la Coal Ur Time. PORTLAND. Or., May 30. Tho Angels ndmlnlslcrcd another shut out to McRcdlo's Hopes ycBterdny 'on the homo grounds, garnering ihondshalto nt Appomattox. Tho tnrco scores while Portland retained noartnehea and pnln of four venrs of hlttor strife were swallowed tip In tho glories of peace and a reunited nation. Haclt to tho plow and factory, hpek to the atoro nnd offlco, baclc to tho nulplt and schoolroom, back to tho duties of peaco, to tho work of ropalrlng tho devastations of war, went Columbia's sons,, north and south. As wo gaze upon tho Httlo remnant of ox-soldlors tomorrow wo tho gooso egg. Oaklnnd also gavo tho loaguo leaders n sovero drub bing to the tuno of two to nothing. Tho scores: At Portland R. H. B. Los Angeles 3 G 2 Portland 0 3 2 Uattorlcs: Ryan and Holies; Rlego, Hlgglnbotham and Ynutz. At San Francisco It. 11. E. Sacramento 14 14 1 San Francisco C 9 6 Uattorlcs: Arellanos, Gill and Hnnnah; Durham, Parkin, Stnnil- rovorenco tho horocs. Whatovor Iliav bo tholr tilnpn In llfn. wlmtnvnr tnolr station, whatovor tholr fortune, r," a"oii nnu uinm. they nro dcsorvlng of equal honor. A,1 Vonclo R. II. 13. Tho canon that dealt death nnd Oak and 2 8 0 destruction nro today iiiosh covered ylwst ; ' l V,;,:0 ',,,.1 and burled beneath tho dohris bf nnAl?.rlcB: a'or nlll M'tze; nltt tho bnttlo fields of old. Tholr nml "'ott. All Honor the Sleeping Heroes Sleep on, brave hearts, and take your rest, A hundred million strong and free Shall guard in each heroic breast Your pure and priceless legacy. 'Twas not in vain, 0 noble band, Your blood imbued Columbia's sod, United now her children stand One flag, one country, and one God. Selected. E I moiitlifl thnt breathed forth flnmo nro now filled with rust nnd roses. Tlmo hns honied tho rnvnges of war, and covered with a softening light tho evidence of that bloody strife. Rut wo have tho remaining gray halrcd votornim, nnd tho graves of thoso passed away, to constantly re mind us of tho valorous deeds which porpotuatod tho greatest of nil nn tlons. Tho gonoratlon of today has not forgotten and generations yet unborn will nor forgot, tho valiant nets of these men. Unto thorn tho country will over bo grateful. Rut tho Inst resting places or thoso who participated In tho tromendons strug glo through purely patriotic dovotloni shall novor bo forgotten. NANN SMITH SAILS TORAV Tho Nnnu Smith loft port this nf tcrnoon with 2(1 first-class pusson- Kurn, .1 muurilgo pnBSCIlgors JUKI a AMKKIOAN LKAGUK. Philadelphia G; Now York 2. Philadelphia ;i; Now York 0. Washington 1; Boston 0. Washington C; Roston C; ten In nings. NATIONAL LKAGUK. Cincinnati 3; Pittsburg 2. Now York 1; Hrooklyn 0. Roston 1; Philadelphia 3. NORTH WKSTKItN LKAGl'K. Victoria I; Tacoma fi. Portland C; Sonttlo 8. Vancouver 3; Spokane 1. OF VETERANS Ranks of G. A. R. Being Rapid ly Thinned by Passing Years Younger Veterans Aid. GLASS WILL BE CONFIRMED Special Services in the Marsh field Swedish Lutheran Church Tomorrow. COOS BAY-ALLEGANY- DRAIN AUTO LINE WILL START I'NIVKRSITV OK ORKGON WINS. Tho University of Oregon won high est honors nt tho coiiierenco athletic track ntid fiold moot hold nt Pullman, Washington, with 34 points. The Oregon Agricultural College was sec ond with 27 points. Washington State College, third, 2G points; Uni versity of Washington is credited cnpnclty load of lumber for San Fran- w,t" 2- I'o'nts; University of Idaho, Th ranks of the Civil Wnr Votcrnns Mombors of tho Confirmation on Coos Ray aro being rapidly dlniln- Class of 19.13 to bo confirmed Sun Ishcd and tho rostor of Rnkor Post ony morning In the Coos Ray Swed now shows only n few moro thnn Ish Lutheran church, tho exorcises thoso necessary to fill tho offices, beginning nt 10:30, nro: Owing to the lessoning numbers and Lena Mntson, Kstrodo Nylund, that ago Ik making It difficult for Mnlinda Anderson, Solum Jncobson. tho G. A. It. members to shoulder Kstrid Holm, Arthur Holm, Lud tho responsibilities, thov have turned wig Stone, Otto Olson, Georgo Hon ovor tho Memorial Day and other gell, Kinll Rackmnn, Rudolph Hills patriotic arrangements largoly to tho trom, Albln Lnckstrom nnd Carl Snanlflh-Amorlcan War Veterans. This Ross. Cisco. Among tho passengere snlllug today wore: Mr. and Mrs. II. Lock hart, Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. C. Martin. .1. Schmoddlng, A. Zimmerman, Dlotta Moore. Mrs. Roy Mooro, ThomaB Col lins, B. I). Rrndloy, A. Snrson, Mot dor Agnes. Mother Luton, II. a. Ilutlor, MrH. Rutlor, (1. M. Rudor, Mrs. H. Lonolnco, A. II. Noycs, Oeorgo Lo cag, F. 8. Hrorlton, H. S. Kennedy, H. Mtinsou, T. A. Duncon, llcrtlm Arnold, Mrs. A. S. Arnold nnd 21 stoornEo passongorH. TWO GAMKS SCIIKItl'LKI). A good roprosontntlon of locnl bnso ball fans Is oxpoctod to turn out to morrow to hoo tho two bnsolmll games. Tho first gnmo will bo stag ed In tho morning when tho two Blk tcaniB clash. Ono Blk team played tho firemen" two weeks ago and the llnoup Is about tho samo, tho other team hns not been announced, but It Is understood that II- Is made up of strong mntorlnl. In tho afternoon tho Mnrshfiold tonni will cross bats with tho North Rend dologntlon. Roth teams playing undor now inanngcmaut. Mnnngor Chandler of the Marsh- iioiii i on in went to Cnn.ullln today to 10 nnd Whltmnn College, 0 .Tho con foronco record In tho 4:40 nnd 8:80 yard runs and tho high Jump woro! broken. Stullor, of tho University of Oregon. Iiininod hIy root 1 'T. fnr-linn t year, rc. II. Joonnu, F. K. Gottlns nnd I). A, Jones nro In charge of tho ob servation of .Memorial Day on Coos Ray. Officers nnd members of Raker Post No. S, District of Oregon G. A. R. Post Commander S. II. Cnthcart. S. V. Commander S. Mlllor. .1. V. Commander D. W. Small. Chaplain I. S. Kaufman. Offlcor of tho day B. W. Schrock. Offlcor of tho Guard Rrlco Cole man. Surgeon C. W. Tower. Adjutant' nnd Quartermaster F. II Rrlgham. Bdwnrd March, V. J. Follows, Tho program Is as follows: 1. Proccsslonnl, Hymn 288. 2. Bxnmlnatlon of Catechumens. .1. Rlto of Confirmation. I. Hymn 22H4-0. Ii. Address to tho clans, t homo : "Hold FiiBt," Row J. V. ReiiBon. C. Hymn 2K2. 7. Presentation of Rlblcs and certificates; offering. 8. R'oncdlctlon, Dnxology No. ft. !. KcccBslonal, Hymn Ui.'l. Monday Morning JUNE 1st and continue daily. Leave Marshfield at 5 a. m. on steamer Alert and make connections with afternoon train at Drain. Fine machines and careful drivers. D. FARE $11.00 L FOOTE,Prop. Paint and Wall Paper Mr. nnd Mrs. II. G. Rutlor left today for San Francisco whore Mr. Duller expects to locate. Their de pnrturo will bo greatly regretted; ti..i.h.i rMi.t tir i DI.........I 4 - I flltllllld .llilllllU, 11 . IV. OllllJBUII, 41. TWO OF ORKW LAND IN .1AIL. ' Wolcott, Morton Tower. I'otor Oloson, captntn of tho Schoo- Spanish War veterans nro R. O. nor Rustler, nnd John Tnkklns, mnto Ornvcs, lfi'J Indiana; F. K. Gottlns, of tho crnfi, wero taken Into custody ' Ohio; W. S. Rrown, 2nd Orogon; 'list night by officer Donno nnd charg- David A. Jones, 1st North Dakotn; R. od with drunkenness. Offlcor Donno '' Goldon, 1st Washington; A. II. was tinuhlo to escort Captain Oloson Derbyshire, 1st Idaho; Bdwnrd H, Joo nnd Tnkklns to the Jail aloiio nnd I'nk. U. S. S. Oregon; J. R. Rust, stnrtod blowing his whistle for holp. U. S. S. Petrol; W. II. Blckworth, 20 Officer Walter Rlchnrdson respond- Kansas B. R. Colomnu, 2nd Oregon; od, mid with him a lnrgo crowd gath- ! G. Korn, 2nd Orogon; C. II. Rrll- ered, In front of the Palnco Rcstau- lard, -III lown; W. .1. Ronror, U .8. S. rant to witness tho affair. Roth of- Olympln; Albort Ablo, 3 U. S; Win. fenders woro released ten minutes Schrock, 4! lown; Bdwnrd Rnlsch, 4 after tholr urrost by depositing $10 U. S. Cavalry; Horace Albeo, 1st cash ball. . Maine; Albert Rrtico, 1st South Da- Inimodlntoly after Ills release, Cap- kola; B. II. Jones, 49 lown; J. S. tain Oloson, who hns novor been nr- Rnrton, Rattory A. Oregon; Chos, roHtod In Mnrshfiold prior to this tlmo Thomas. 2nd Oregon; John F. Teal- stated that ho was not disturbing nnuor, V. S. Buglncors; Allou O. Haas MANY NAMES COMING IN W.RRLLER&CO'S PURE PREPARED PAINT Krf,tfl. We carry one of the most extensive and up-to-the-minute stocks of wall paper in Coos county. Call and let us prove it to you. Estimates furnished free. A TALE OF PAINT Some Piimts prelect, Others beautify, Ours do both VIERS PAINTS EVERYTHING. Conway Contest for Name for Apartment House Is Prov ing a Popular One. Donno, having simply stnrtod for tho I'aiaco Restaurant to food his crow and self, when ho was mot by Donno who put n hand to his shoulder and stn.a.l l. dragging him. Captain Olc:on snys that ho wns taken un- B. L. Day, ico Indlnnn: II. II. Wilson, 1st Colorado Rough Rldors; B. R. Runnell, C troop 1st Cavalry Regiment. Chas. 8. Kaiser, liith U. S. Infantry. WtMhllng Tiiihiy. Brick Wlstl nnd Tho unlquo nnd Intorostlng mnnnor by which tho F. H. Conway Company proposes to socuro a nanio for tho beautiful now npnrtmont house whlrh thoy will erect on Control nvenuo. Is crontlng much comment. John Mot ley, socrotnry of tho Chamber of Commerco. reports that thero Is widespread Interest In tho contest an .... .. ""' " ....... 1 II. ..... I ....... IHlllllltr ' lllllll'. .h liirinurino pinilHOf t 10 enKIIO. Wl eh '" " mil ""i imi umiwiu wily c..i ...'"';. "."..''. """I '. ."V .""" nnninq nrn rnn.lnn In frnnl.. .,. i.. - ' ..--. l. ,. .v.......! i . . a .. i a i .. . . .ii'iiiiii iviihhi'iii - ri iiinrriiiii lie u ........ .hiiii i u iiui iiiii t ,- is noil g rormed ' " "'"" o arresieu wiiuoiii provo- r. - ". -- " y' "' """ from Pnn.nnvroiilnni. i.., ii N- a .. . ..r .., ii.. n ot,....,i n.n. i... 1....1 tlco of tho Peaco Ponnock th s after- in coob uaj resiuonts, but from nil .. linrin ivltnnaano In MILLIOOStA DANCK n ffw ilr nk h. iiuuii. tviiiiuKHUH in iiiu i-'uruiiionv Officer Donno states that Ik, had wo.r vl' Mrt ""d Hnnn Grin- . . t.ti.1 f....i..i.. yi,. a.. ..i tin iii. ii ia iiiiiiiruifinii rmir run adii. .AI.nt thirty r,,l,. oiijoycl III. ,'"""': 5, ... l. wlliSk.hilr torn. usi.Sh. T1VKXTV nvn no ! E.KjSrafflt .tt H.sSL-'.'Kft 52i ... . 1SS&2? rooms eroprouiiy decorated for tho ,,,", "J ,i. " .r-i A i,; VA" I WKD IN (J I L NTS PASS I no " Conway Company ns a y"c":.?,"I..!,, "m r?" untlorml n llsr n w tnsoH nf ' - : "nnyone suggesting tho. best nn ""1" ",,l,,u ,l u ",()" onjoynnio rriw, ,i..i, .!.. . .,;, ..r,. ::.., Georgo Anderson loft yostordnv for r l now uonwny Apnrtmonts XniZlW?. V,""!"1'"0' oul- the .natter U brought u, : before In ""W horo next week ho will 0LnL.VfloUh.. . ivin ikr Aiiiirnv iriiunnii f nmr hah aiwu niu uv iiiu iiiiitbl. nil - v iiu uuwiaa lillllMMIUI Air. nnu Mim. Wdwnrd Kfoohlor nnd baby am su'Miiling Sund.iv wiiu her mother, Mih. Wlckhnm, In Co-nulllo. today, Miss Alphn Muuzoy xt Rrenkwntor for n ' with friends nt McMlunvllle, of n prominent fruit grower of thnt loaves on tho section. Mr. Anderson nnd his brldo noxt Rrenkwntor forn visit of n month will return to tho liny tho Inttor nurt or noxt week nnd will mnko tholr mn You Gel Most Out of Life in a Suburban Home A Miluirlmn homo Is novor moro nltrmthc (linn It It right now nt no other tlmo of tho jojir doo it (.coin mi much llko u neivvslty. If you Imvo ever tliouglit of liny liiK priiptM'ly for a litiiuo now Is tho (lino to come In n (li'cl.slnii, ulillo your iiiinil Is imtui'iilly luiiuil to tu hiiiiHhhio, garilou plots nml Hut big oiildixus. Vuitr liKiuory Is full nf tlio ilN I'oiiiftiiif. of moving ilujs. Why nut rt'sHiml in Spring's huggi'stlon? Mnto Just unco more and Hiimi sot do down to years of enjoyment in your nun homo. I LOOK UP BAY PARK TODAY Tlmo N hllpplug by ami others aro diifly taking advantage of the op portunity that N yours as well, if you'll only graip It. Noo what other aro doing thorv ami how they do It. Don't form a hasty, ofiliauil ooucliisloii, hut gii out ami mi Ray Park heforo form ing join opinion.. U't us take you out any llino. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 Front Street. homo In tho Stndden apartments on i-ourin streot near Blrotl. .Mr. An derson Is proprietor of tho Coos Ray . Statlonory Company and has nindo ninny friends slnco his arrival on tho j Uny. Mrs, J. T. McCoimur writes that she Is rapidly recuperating from hor rocent Illness and expects to bo nblo to coiuo to tho Ray next wok. sections of Coos County. Tho following Is tho offer and tho rnuuiiions ILLARS K. by nrlw mo now Oregon. In tho mlnuto. npartiuents betweon Son! nmoiHco ami I'nrnonil. It should bo n clnssy nntne with a touch or locnl co'or. Address nil conimunlcntlons. " .1 W. Mntloy. Secrotnrv C'nmhnr of Commerce, Mnrshfiold, Oregon, I wno win registor and number tho nnmes boforo delivering the Judgos. tho numo of tho contestants not be ing known to tho Judges. All nnmes must ho In by July 1st. 19H. F, B. Allan .Mayor of Marshflold, M C Malonoy, nnd A. It. O'Rrlon have cour teously consented to net ns Impartial IIIIIKUX. I 1 1 mmmmmmmmtt . ISP feSp BfrvA U m fr" mKKffMWv m Jr w I RE1D REID Good Business Judgment Wo expect you to exercise your own good Judgment In selecting your future liomo-slto. That Judgment will toll you that It would Do poor business policy to buy outlying property simply because you can possibly save a fow dollars In tho price of tho lot nnd eventually build n ho ll bo roatlnir Rnvnrnl tliuna ilm iirlnn nf ii, in, Resides, If you w,U Invostlgnte, you will find that lots In Perham Park. located In tho vory hear of tho city, cun he bought Just ns CllOnp 01' for OVOU less moilui- thnn nntlvlm' nrnnortv mf-, buying seo Reld about Perhnm Park. property, neforo Mi I A GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY If you are looking for n good buslnoss opening seo Reid about It. Ho hns several good business chances. Ono In particular, an old established buslnoss which can bo handled for a small sum. Talk to Hold nbout It. A FEW SNAPPY BUYS As a leader Reid Is offering a fow choice residence lots, clear ed and available for Immodlato building, as low as J 125. Small payment dowu and balance In three years. W. A. Reed, 150 Front St. REID Knotty Problems Big financial problems shrink to pleasant little tasks through the liberal use of credit. Without trust in the people there would be rust on the wheels of business. Therefore we say, use' your credit here and make Home Furnishing a Pleasant Task If some knotty home furnishing problem;has arisen 'twixt you two, let us help you to unravel it without delay by our liberal credit terms. A courteous wel come whether you want little or much. Bring us your household furnishing problems and let us unravel the knots. JohnsonGulovsen WHY PAY MORE? Co. 364 North Front Street REID j ,'i- cmron .tjw"