fc.ir.)wiapiffiiifwffMmiiyi hi i my i t SIX THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914 EVENING EDITION. DELAY Ml OF SHERIDAN BREAKWATER HERE TODAY Circuit Court Prosecution at Steamer Arrived in Port Early Rosebura May Be Post poned for Federal Trial. Tho Roscburg Itcvlow says: T. II. Sheridan wns arranged boforo Judgo Percy Kelly In tho Circuit Court here on charges of obtaining monoy under fnlso pretenses and forger'. Mr. Sheridan took until tomorrow morn ing at 9 o'clock In which to enter formal picas to tho charges. This Morning with 73 Pas sengers and Good Cargo. The steamer IVrcnkwnter nrrlVed this morning after an uneventful trip from Portland. Sho brought sovonty-thrco passengers and a cap acity fcnrgo. Among those to nrrlvo this morning were; Mrs. 13. Qrccn. J. Jackson. Frank Links, Frank I'otnch, Mrs. Frank Tho Indictment accusing Sheridan I'otnch, Alblnn I'otach. J. F. Schroc of obtaining money under fnlso pre- dor, Mrs. .T. F. Schroder, A. S. McKco, tenses charges that he (Sheridan) F. Erndlng, Fred Brcchtol, C. .1. obtained approximately $3000 from Homme, Mrs. C. J. Homme, Vernon Mrs. Laura Verroll, of Endcnbowor, ' Homme, Winnie Chapman, Laura with tho understanding that It wns Brlckoll.O. L. Llnnlngor, S. 13. Wer to bo loaned to somo responsible) and "or, Nelllo Montgomery, Maud Mus solvont person. Instead of ranking ,,ird, W. Close, Lillian CloBo, Mrs. tho lonn as protended, tho Indictment H. Leslie, Molvln Leslie, Oeorgc alleges that Shorldan converted tho Hnzer, W. II. Cortelyou, D. II. (Ill money to his porsonnl uso unknown '"". A. T. Kinney, .1. S. Houck. to Mrs. Verroll. Tho prosecution lr Schrndcr, E. E. Hatcher, S. C. clnlms that tho trnnsactlon was cov- Snmll, Frank Ca'ughcll, Wesley ored mi liv a tnninnrniiilnni nntn. Onuiltlctt, 13. J. Ryan. L. It. La Jorl. executed and signed by Shorldan, nnd i u W. Ashby, C. Stots-.enback, II. placed among tho pnpors In tho bnnk.llJcmo'n Elmer Ellison, Nettle Suv Tho second Indictment accuses nKC Mrs. M. .1. Colouian. Mrs. W. Sheridan of signing tho nnmo of (J. Hendricks, J. E. Jackson. Mrs. John Sorvla to npiomlssory noto In ,l ,c,nK nm Slnnl. Mrs. Ida tho sum of $3000. Tho prosecution Conrad, l'ony Clonek. Martin Lew- claims that nil oforts to locate Sor- u'"' J'"? Lowicli. Mitto Pnruent, ffijfapgggft via have proven fruitless. Mr. Sheridan has rotnlncd Attor neys J. O. Watson, Elbert Ilornuimi nnd- Dexter Hlco on his bohnlf. ii. is. uaiy. .Mrs. n. rc, Daly, Naomi Daly. Emily Miller. It. II. Corey, Frnnk II. Fountnln, Clans Sothur, Hum Johnson, A. II. Hill, J, W. It was gonernll understood hero tl',,,il",",'V',.,,.Mnrr,l M- ". a- that tho local charges against Sheri dan would not bo tried ponding dis position of Indictments returned ngnlnst him In tho Federal Court at rortland. Tho Indictments found by tho Federal grand Jury nro said to ombrnco In detail tho accusations contained In tho Indictments return ed against him In this county. It wns rumored today that tuo nt toreys Interested In tho cases nro considering mi ngreomont whereby trials of tho local charges against Biioriuon may bo continued, until tho next torin of court, rt - Ilnlton. H. 10. Hncon. A. -It. McKIn- loy and six steerage passengers. GAMBLERS PAY Ell OE $15 Willi St I Joe Levis and J. Bell Caught Shaking Dice in Saloon One Says He Lost $20. .loo Levis and J. IIcll wcro brought Tft HrilUI BlMi lioforo Itocorder Ilutlor this after Ill III lH In! All till noon to atiHwer to n chnrgo of gniub III H Hi II I lit 111 1 1 ull - ""K profcmtir by Offlcor Donuo, who I II Ullnlli l 1 1 IB ' nrrcstod tho offenders Inst night. iw ur i ii ii id nuwu Knch IMnl wni fln0(, lf nn, CQ8ti Levis nnd Doll wore released last I night on ball nnd woro given it hear ing this morning. Levis contended IflJU tu not utility oud tho case nun uumiiuiuii uiuu hub imcruoon, when witnesses could bo produced. I According to witnesses, tho mon ,, ..,., . woro shaking d to In tho Englo Sa- Tho Irst auto of tho season to lcoIli charftQ 0Wftnl tho bar-ton- make tho run between ScottHburg (Io,.( Uoclares ho was not awaro of nnd Drain got through yesterday nc- tho fa t, 8ovorn , chnilRC cording' to wont which V. C. Oorst ,,,, nmi Ilon nccltlontly handed received from. Cap . t'oriiwnll today. Lov,H .. tW0ll... ,,,... uollI ',.,. ... - " - : . f 1 It'WI Mliini First Stago. Machine Mdkcs i rip Between scousourg ana Drain Reduces Time: Capt. Cornwall said 'thnt tho stago lino would operate nutos on tho road cording to his own statement. Levis denlos Hint Dell hnndod him tho balance of the eoason making tho tho gold coin mid there wore no wit trip between Drnln nnd Cooa Hay In ono Iny InBtend of two. Mr. Oorst Is arranging to send their baggage car through from Gardiner to Florence tomorrow to soo If it will be possible to establish a throiiKh nuto linn from Coos Hay to Florence Tho plan Is to have Messrs Cornwall, Barrett. Kluuoy and (lorat uuito In maintaining this line. iiossos who could prove Hell's accu sation. Wltnesno swore that Hull was drunk at tho thno of tho trans-action. .o i tri i m:.i PERSONAL OVERFLOW Upon the request of a few and tho advice of many prominent peo ple, among them Dr. Ilartlo nnd Mayor Simpson, tho program for tho book fund for tho public library to II. F. GORDON will lenvo for Port land tomorrow. MHS. GUY KENDALL will lcavo for Spokane tomorrow. MIL GOURLEY camo over from Myr tle I'olnt today noon . DR. STRAW returned last evening by auto from Myrtle Point. L. O. ROSS, of this city, will lcavo for Portland tomorrow. A. 19. MORTEN was hero from North Rend today on business. HENRY HIGGINS, of Coos River, Is a visitor In tho city today. MRS. C. 13. EDWARDS, of Allegany, Is n vlBltor In tho cltv today. JASPER JOHNSON, of Coos River, Is n visitor in tho city today. JAMES O'TOOLE, of this city, will leave for Astoria tomorrow. HENRY LAIRD, of Loon Lake, camo In this morning on the Alert. WALTER PENNOCK, of Coos Rlvor, was a visitor In tho city today. MR. AND M11S. J. C. MARTIN plan to leave for Portland tomorrow. MISS ADA BAILEY, of North llend, will leave for Portland tomorrow. W. C. MASON, or Coos River, camo In on tho Rainbow this morning. S. C. ROGERS, of Coos Rlvor, camo in this morning on tho Rainbow. E. S. SAWYER, of this city, has en gaged passago on tho Breakwater. MRS. E. LIDDELL, or tills city, will lenvo for Portland tomorrow HERBERT ROGERS, of Coob River, camo In on the Rainbow this morn ing. F. W. ST.EVENS. tho North llend printer, wns a Marshfleld visitor todny. MRS. W. R. RICHARDS, of Coos River, Is n visitor In tho city to dny. MILES SAVAGE, of Coos River, camo In this morning on the Rainbow. MRS. N. S. MATSON, of this city. I will lcavo for Portland tomor row. MRS. 7., T. THOMAS, of Allegany, camo In on tho Alert this morn ing. MISS HAZEL COWAN, of Allcgnny, enmc In this morning on the Alert. S. C. SMALL returned on tho Uroak wnter todny from n trip to Port lnnd. R. II. COREY returned todny from n business trip to Portlnnd and Snlcm. F. C. PRESTON Is plnnnlng an ex tended trip to Curry county points. MRS. CARL EVERTSEN will leave tomorrow to spend tho summer In Michigan, W. F. HARMON Is spending a fow days at Ten Mllo on business nnd plcnsuro. . MAYOR F. E. ALLEN returned to ! dny noon from n business trip td- 'MISS EDNA M'lNTOSH, of Coos Rlv-J or, enmo In on tho Alert this morning. MRS. F. L. ORANNIS nnd bnby will lenvo tomorrow to spend tho sum mer In Iowa. MISS NELLIE MONTGOMERY re , turned today on tho Ilronkwntor I rrom Portlnnd. R. C. QIMMRY. Mrs. Quliuby nnd Louise Quliuby will lonvo tomor row ror Portlnnd. Jl'DGE H.UM.OCKER came over from OoouIUh today noon on biiBl , ik'rr HMil pleasure. IMIIS. JOHN KENDALL, of this city, will leave tomorrow for Minneso ta to visit rolatlves. MRS. W. A. VARNEY was In tho city from Myrtlo Point todny visit lug friends nnd shopping. GEO. HA.ER or North IJond roturn- jmmnm&seczim&zsxMim&m'zxsi New Clothes for emorial Day You want a now suit (o wear tit the exercises next Sundav. Ask yourself if a bi pari of your clothes money hasn't been noi pay bad act'ounis and oilier items Unit add not a "whit". to the qunlitv ? style, or the tailoring of. the clothes you wear. 01'tuc You have been paying for all thc.'c bad debts for years. Pci'lnn? couldn't help yourself in the old days, but why not break the habit iiou- 'l Jrc n Uml nioncji in iioitr own nockel. a'"' Hub Dozens scores hundreds of men know that by buying your nWi, , Stores saves them $(5.00 to $10.00 on each suit. ' 0Ules at You are just as wide awake, just as alert, to get the most value for v money, as any of these patrons of ours. Then isn't it about tinio that v came' here and bought your clothes the TILT 13 way? ' 'ou MftinwhaiiUiuij mihiii mi ii ,i jIi itiijitwTii'lJfe:,' '. ,lSrJKfl'i'l.14t;iB,VVi- . " ..ffVr.'ii.viii-TwT . .tKa: .tvj ca r i. m ."Kiv.vm?; ifFjwaw . UMMJiiiwi)U'iwni'riifi)wwuiwraraaaaBaeaHwJiww(j t 'ti. .... M: a.Aimi.i H..J.M! ikikiU. i 1 "Thii nnmo prjctttheworld over? aKJ HJMl3nmA ..jft T;iip''i.i.iT z, .- ."-' wt2Sni3fllMhjrk M t xa iaV m. i I iWAVSi.Si ' 3 jHT'BVi Is a proof of these values. u Money Talks" ' 13 very suit purchasetl from Mub Stores must give salisfaction, whether the cost be $1.3.00 or $1)5.00. "Wo aland behind vou. .itflBS''',,dkW&HiB'jir5HHBMMBMMSHBB BANDON Til II 1C ID STORES: ARSILMBLD YRTLE POINT wsm RUSTLE annnc UOUL n?,! Capt. Olson Has Tlirillincj Ex psrience Sly Aboard Boat On Bar. Miss'UNETT.K"Sn S, Mr, ' 51, !, S!. Coleman roturned hero fo.lav from ."u?""1.",'.w'..,m'...?,,,,,",' n,,u "" """a!,,!",':,1,' says St :SSa ,assstR'w!p" flv.. ,.,..,.,.. l ....I ...... llCCOIint Of SO IIIIICll 8ICKI1C8S In North ''? UUI.I.IhlljIl A.M) llhh Lh rff ntn tho pliniinel nml rniipluwl Hi oi .Norm iionii rotiirneu on tuo noon ,i,, . . i. ,. .t "I " niu i,wi.m , i.i ..., ..i.. .... . hnvo been Klven this cvonlnu nt Lou VI ,,!..-. lJf4Vil4lH-4 tlllll 1TIIU llllll Jl ... , . . ,,, ,.., N'tidinlH rnmn mi fmm I'miilin (n. '10 ,lu" u" HC "O Rlveil 11 II t II two xsiLiioiu tiuio tiniinm i.nipiio to- .vm,i.M .,.,.. .,., nvn,.i in ,o J. C. Martin returned Inst ovoiiIuk from n trip to Curry County for tho Rrndley Cnndy Company nnd roports er wns nil but rrossliiK In ovor tho Rokiio Rlvor bar Sunday. Sho ran 1 mvp. feI2ifll (L I 11 J I J ,V, ,.."" T, " r , " M ,.,""." ".'" The P.OK.a.,1 will remain un- .."".""" . ".'". ""? iiinnirnii W. II. Doweoso nnd wife, or North Doner, will leave on tho Breakwater tomorrow. Misses Pearl and Irono Stownrt, of North llend. will leave ror Port land tomorrow. James Malms, or North llend, will leave on tho Ilronkwntor tomorrow TliOftVOUiiKost on or Mr. and Mrs Al Nlehols says that Mr. Ilozollo has not sold his horsos yet, evi dently f toured It would bo ehenpor to retain them to haul the machine out tlinn It would bo to hlro other pooplo's horsos. ODD KUIMK OI-' IIOIANITV 1,-nl., f... n l.oln .-! , r. ""' "UIU'UI UillllUKV. ",' """" "'' lu v" i Mr. Martin wns nt Port Orforih where tho Rustlor was unlondliiK car- MRS.II. II. MePHERSON and little w,rt bo pr In a nrrv to wt to ?.". ..?V,r's.tot08po"" U' "0P to an as a deckhand on tho Rustlor.' LHPSK IBIGtEHE asuniKiprn Mil WR ii la I ii Li U 1 e Li L t J EJiiLftLtf uuu " ! & curious rroak, whethor man or woman Is a matter or conjecture, as this Is the only case or Its kind known to the medical profession. ia was exhibited at tho office of Dr. llouseworth's where ho was neon by a number of prominent citizens. Tho name of the Individual Is (lus linker, nnd ho or she Is corrnlnlv a unique specimen of the koiiIus homo. Ho on tho nay. " . , :, u" " . A"5 1":, ivianaflcrs unanuicr and hu i MRS. A. II. OIDLEY will lenvo to- ."" """V"' 'S, "! '" ""U".H ,0.rar,7 morrow for tho East whore sho 0x1110.1 tlmt she i Zi " mm riayCI'S tOr tie will spend part or tho sunimor Lw"?..?x.,.e ?.'!.. 'in.tBh?. would mnko; ' with rointivos. '", ''''".. ,..,,',"v18- ' ow' sunaay name. lannKcr Chuudlor or tho Mnrsh- tho run In nbout two hours. Oun linker, (limit. More UUt Wo- wiKKl h ii' ih; STANLKL llAIlTl KTT tho iinn.lnii ' fVOr" " B,0W ,l Uttl r0llu ml t,,0' Tiiuiii than .Man. iMiliitte.i ii.-n, tonrffMcDauloI bus boon seriously , '''.. ,'aMAi'1V .' tl10 .n.nm,on hnd to nut out to son. About slv M 1a ,.rim.f,nV.V.i.; ...... 111 oniiuouinonin. 1 luiniurnimi, iiiiH iieun spoiinm n hlllIPB in,n- ,,... , f, in -,," fiu V :: -',::.: ,",, '..." (lavs on tlio llnv on liiifiliinRs ri. V ' ...r' " - ""i vmu uu .iiiiiiui 111111 111 iiiu easm'o uuBinoss mvw ,,nri Thoy ,m(, mt gQm fn Nortu IJo1, g u, thIg morn ,. Ilrnthors "" " .....,., vuin. ukuh iunni mu iiuuiiii 01 iimir luspeci l-'IX .MYRTLE POINT HO.VD tcuv nnd JACK NELSON or Porter Douglas County Official Stmt Improv ing Htolnvny Tho RoseboiiB Rovlow says: Road .Master Ilrlukerhorr nnd Countv Sur-t vevor Frnnk Culn loft ror Cnina's Mou . tain tlllu nifirnliiLr wluirn tln,, ii atn...l.. .: f.. .,.. 1....1.... , ... .. -- ;"o. . " .. . ........ ,.i ii, nik.-iiin ii in m u hurvoyiiiK uie ciiiuikiiik tho grado of maKulfli'lent pliyslquo, but hns nl- tho road, oxtendliiK from tho end or most the entire form of n woinnn. tho planhliiK or tho summit or tho Ho conies or n family of Klants. his mountain, preparatory to its improve father havIiiK been 7 root 10 Inches uient. As soon as tho prollmlnary In hetoht Neltlier one or thoni woro work Is done, tho road will bo plank physlcnliy nbnormnl except thnt his ed ns far as tho summit of tho moiin-1 mother 1 ad six fingers on ono hand, tain, thereby rondoiin It In fairly linker has a face and voice or a wo- kooiI condition during tho entiro man and at one time pormlttod his twolvo months or tho year. Other hnlr to grow IS inches In length. Improvoments contemplated on the Although largo or staturo and in per- Myrtlo Point road Is Its relocation feet henlth ho Is unable to do nianunl from tho summit nt rnmn a Mn,i. labor, his fiosh bolng thnt of n wo- tain to tho Camas Valley storo.'.Much gaino, In when sho struck was horn frnni tlio l.l tmn.nl lnt .."""" "" U(l ll 1110 8W18 VO lOHIIIS IOr UIO SUIUIny night on business. Constrnotlm, '" .n0i i.oni m grauun ly. I 'llioy report all of tho players In work Is progressing nicely ' n . . w . ,11 tor 08Ivor8, but flrst-clnss condition, anxious nnd k. ivi-;i.iiY, who ims chnrgo of tho .1 ,,;i": .'"":,: ..;r' .""-.""" '"av ":.v ,Hlv i'" 1.. i.... .1". o....... " in"ui wub Biuun- iiisiuo uoioro ujiniuuor nas lenrneii Portland Shut Out by Los An geles Yesterday-Venice Wins from Oakland. ' Cedar Poln boom for tho Smith- snroly insldo bororo Chnndlor has learned that n coin- Powers coi n mi y has bee,, s on - ro8CUOr8 co' n,rrlvo' All on board , mltteo nt Cuqulllo has succeeded In ....... o vuiiiinn.i linn iiliii I4JIUIU1- ,Voro mnrn nr losa nlni.Ennl..,i 1... imtHim o,.l,.,..l...l,... . ,nr MISS cItiF 'SoEANTSei th ? tho Rustlo". The business men' o'rhnl cVml ml y hero fron Sen 0 todnv to visit H '' ncclilont wns nnd thnt tho cominltteo expects to with her mother Mrs Jennlo M riH18p' ,,y tho UKU0 n,vor eIn"I ,ro -00 within a row days. Steward ror n couple o Ss 1 ?VnEln,B- Tho clmnnol marks were ClunUlor will go to Coqulllo o- 1U rrom a buslnoss Hi to Bando lh1 ,iew pi?niV,eL ,m,t hlul not bee townnl "nclnB tho undertaking where ho hiTbeon asslsthiK In ho m,t ,!1'' Cnptt 0,80n 8tarlotl ,n on . Tho U,,0H 'or tho Sunday gan , 1.1S SeSIki .SiSuM rnW-"..!:!01? u Is ns ,oI,owis floods Co PRANK 11URKHOLDER. known Coqulllo renl estate man and nlso prominent worker In tho Farmers' Union, wns hero rrom Co qulllo yestordny on business. 'llil8 previous trln but ho fomni .. ' shoal lnstend of deon wntor. n wolii . ' ' !!l2innt,,0,i l''.'f" " ni,,lV H ,IM,no of ,hl8 work w,u b0 pomplotod ilur- ROLLIE HARRIE, Max Krugor, Al- Along the Waterfront. passions, showlnu: no fondness for imr tim m-nHnnt mmnn children, nnd although circumstances '- have sometimes thrown him among (Jl'Kltl.V IX ItOSEltl'lKi strango people ho has retained to a marvelous dogree. a woman's mor- Wntoinmn n. Mnorin. rm-mnrK- r nllty, having no bad hnblts excopt Coos liny, but for tho past few years thnt or cigarette smoking. or Washington, D. C, leaves hero ror Alaska tonight, where ho will bo eni- iwnrri n .. ... ..,. m.. l)lo'et, u: t Government In sur-! " '!"" .'"' ".""." VOllnir anil locatlnir tlio now mllrnn.1 ' f Marshfleld I Landers c . Johnson p . Mngary lb I 1 Hurko 2b .a Sater ss Louis 3b gamo North Horn! Horn . . . Krauao , . . Klssam . . . Goffney , , . Phillips . Dlnsmoro Murphy COAST Liaf.l'ISTAM"-,; .., at 22 San Francisco .... Los Angeles - r' Cnnfiiinntn 2l 9 Portland l OaklamL 29 31 PORTLAND. Or., May ll land was shut ou on Wr grounds ycsionn. i M rtttl tho Angeles garnering eig" Tho scores: n IL& At Portlnnd 'g 5 Los Angeles 0 4 t Portland ' V ' nrooW Batteries: Hughes and nw, Martinonl. Hanson ana '".'.'.'.OH Slagle lr. '. ,"" """?. ' '" ". J",m nBinn(i Capf. Matson. or tho Roanoke, re- Woods ir w ;X r "V, ,lw l, L IV, .' e nearly ran into a big Rtoss-Chnndler cr Hyde llinffOn l'naf mnotnt PurMa nnHflna tho .,.,i,iin hrn.,,.i.7hn ;... 1 ViT; u,,c0 ProvioiiBoly ho spent a couple o rostorrico Oenenli i)eliver- wi How HlI0X KBwf "cromS W? $"..? ?!? tweon8:30 and 9,30 J& from Wnsmtton ! ! d' h wi,i.in iiMiairniw on account 01 .10- tno Myrtlo Point bank robbery case. Mr. Rolgard says that tho reports about now evidence being loiinu against .Minor nro probably C1IPSS Avnrk n 111! )in illsiniinta ll.n... ttlllll,int 1.1 fn n...l ln....lnA 1. 1 . ... . Tho carriers will dls- 7, Vi.r ... i . """K, cmiu-, auoui two nunnreu per cent. tribute mall during tho same period. Uves.Ro", " 'k !lVbJKllVW tweon horo and Ten Mile was in Marshfleld todny. Ho reports ovory tiling going nicely. Grnnt Smith nnd Company who nro Inter ested In this contract has just been nwnrded tiio contract for tho erec tion of tho $3,000,000 Hill bulld lug in tho Twin Cities. nun. forsovornl ,"& ""'fttSl.1?"" nb0Ht forty tCet ,on " Sl"lih "f '---- ? vv! bSdher,nS S LhWSpSTffi . wll, also bo gnmo between .'fo80'?.1118801 "eofers." weok v"l rtrub mB , tlie two Elk teams in tho rorenoon CI A.?1.I;."HC5Aln wont to Coqulllo I TholT s insnectors nro oxneete.l t Sunday. "l. 'i"V..V' L0".r..wl.,,ior.oy.lero on tho next Breakwater to In-' . Kks to Play. ... ......... , ..null ,,u ..II. IIWIUUU III , RDPPI mortal Day Boats Sail Tho A. M. Simpson Myth Point IHvitli Word wns and tho Hnrdy snlled today, both la- rocolvod hero today or the death or den with lumbor. Mrs- Wrd, a sister of Cecil Carter, . 1 who dlod yestordnv at Mvrtin Point following an onoratlon for coitor sho 1 ju'i JMHlS i.wi.u.....n on uiuiuiiun mi Kuiiur, ono I mi nro not nstinuicil of your Is survived by sovornl children nnd -ADVEUTI8K THEM, the death is particularly pathetic. snect Cant. Olson's now lmnt h me Elks team will nlay at ten Roamer, which has just been fitted c,ock' Archlo Johnston says that out with her mnchlnery and is now Tom James was slandering his ag- read to go into commission. sregntion by referring to them as tho Tho Dow leaso on Ocean nock. own. "scrubs." Archie says Sunday's edby tho Reynolds Development Com- Banie wl11 determine which team lsi pany will expire next month. tno 8cb aggregation, the winner! Tho MUlicoma has chauged' from l"a''ns tho Bandon Elks team later. steam power to gasoline. 1 , . Tho Forestry Department will construf't a brldco across tho Brolt- Wood block pavements made from,enbush between Detroit and Niagara, from sawmill butts Is a now Indus-1 All programs of radical legislation try proposed In Lane county. seem to be ofr In Oregon, and tho Construction or the long trestles recent primaries served a warning On thn lino hntwpnn Rlnaln.i. nnA in nnlltlMnna ti lat ItiftnalrlAa nnA Marshfleld has begun. , business alone In tho future. BTonegan, n i u At San Frnucisco -fi 1 Sncramemo . . . On.. Trnnftfipn n,,ina. Stroud. Hannah; Tozer aud Clarke. J At Venice 1 J I Oakland $ t ' Venice I'lZS 'ileiaa'"'' Batteries: Prough and A- Henley and Elliott. AMERICAN IiBAGUB. ?th,CLoBS.s1:orephfflphia 3. . I Detroit" I; Washington 5. Cleveland 5; Boston -. vatioXATj IjH.1'8, St. Louis 3; Chicago 4: Innings. piitgbnrff 9- Philadelphia 2; t"ls " , NOItTIlWESTKHN' fitT- ' Victoria 7: TacojW I. - i"u ',. annkane Vanconver V, SpoKsu" LnSm; aimri