. f -- - r Mi 'IWISV'W - &,tm,gdiimmJn w THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE if ' V YvTTM , .. . I 0 . Tomorrow is the day we pay tribute to courage; to those who gave all to thecause they be lieved in. It is a good lime to think of the courage that can enter into the business of today, not so heroic of course, hut courage nevertheless that of selling goods on a small margin of profit when it might be possible to get more. We want to give you your benefit today and let ours come tomorrow. You'll find such courage here. SOCIAL CALENDAR. FRIDAY. North Demi Library program nt LorrIo Hall. Norweplan Lutheran Young People's Socloty. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. A. L. Houeeworth. Thlmblo Club with Mrs, H. J. Linden. SATURDAY. Eagles' First Annual Ball at Eagles' Hall. - WM All clothing purchased in this store will be kept pressed free of charge. Cwrlght Hurt Sch&iTner & Marx Woolen Mill Store The Coos llitji Home of Hurt Sehaffuer and Murx Good Clothes. BREVITIES TIDES FOR MAY. ' Below Is given tho tlrao and height of high and low wuter at Marshfleld. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of accurrenre, with their times on the first lino and heights on tho second line of each day; a compar ison of consecutlVo holKhts will In dicate whether It Is high or low wator. Por high water on tho bar subtract two hours 34 minutes i, i 1 The ft "it? The K I I Mimnon&ffffli JJikmoitd I tl is a better 'H'M Mis a better! 32X3 UJJJK r1"1 18.10 34x4 a--pJlll(l JJf1J 26.05 34X414 --Ul 11? LSJJ -35.00 35x4 ulmf iM t36-05 I 36x4 tl K HSSi ' 37.10 " 37x5 a-li22iiy "'" ' ' 4445 29 Hrs.. 4.39 11.37 C.34 11.20 Ft... ft. 9 0.3 4.0 2.8 30 Hrs.. 5.27 12.21 7.21 0.0 Pt... CO 0.0 4.9 0.0 31 Hrs.. 0.30 C.23 1.07 8.1G Pt. . . 2.8 3.3 0.2 CO Industrial Review of (the State XKW FACTORIES, IMPHOVEMENTS AND ENTERPRISES THAT I.VCRBASH TI1K PAYROLLS AND PHOMOTB THE DEVELOP MENT OP OREGON k cannery nnd evaporator nro to erected at Alvadorc. la the primary election just hold trr candidate for Governor who lOfilpil Inwa Intnrfnrlnir with In. latrlei and Imnoslnir. now burdons u minufacturlng was dofoatod. Tie first of tho Astorln-San Fran- 'M itlnn nf 1 1 til atnnmnra will lin Minchtd July 1st lit the' Cramp amratin rniinuoipwa. The Wlllnmnttn Pnclfln ei-mln tin- !t(fn Ijikonliln niul WlnVliniiliir la pj thrown up Jy a sixty ton ThA AVnahlnirrnn mln Itiviittt u'niA Weight hour law for womon does not npply to tho fruit Industry as It docB in Oregon. Tho H. M. Iryllcsby company took up community advertising of tho Pacific coast In connection with onch of their thirty-four plant. Snlom has raised funds for tho annual Cherry Pair to bo hold nbout the end of June. Reports made at tho meeting of tho state" grange shove"d " that In many parts of tho fltato young wo men wero thrown out of omploy niont by tho oporatlon of tho mini mum wngo nnd eight hour' law. Nineteen counties In Orogon will Iobo $400,398 taxes this -your by suits attacking tho O. & C. land gntnt. Litigation has already cost tho Btnto nearly ns much nnd thu Inuds nro withdrawn from settlement. llU'llt.. Tho Pacific Northwest sent out ,OC9,(335 fruit shipments In 1913. The Catholic cathedral to ho erect ed In East Portland will cost for building nnd grounds, 11,000,000. Tho Knights of Columbus will orcct ri club building to cost SI 00,000. m. u. iiammiu or Aiunny is plan ning a 100-rooin hotel nt Bandon, A $62,000 armory Is being planned for Eugene. Springfield Is to nave fountains on tho principal "streets. IRVING BLOCK UdlMU Men and Boys' Outfitters We Just recolved sovoral fine lines of Cluett's Shirts, soft detachod collars nnd soft French cuffs Sl.SOnml MM A big assortment of B. V. D. Undorwear. two pieces or union IUlt 1.00 Still A Splendid lino of Porosknlt Underwear S1-00 8,,,t wk ski.Ij man ghadi: mkkoiiaxdisk vkiiv hkasonabu:. WHY? Because We Sell For Cash ski: windows GIUTIPVINO KVIDKNCK OK T1IK UXSlMHMSSKll VAI.UK8 ofpi:iu:i at this stoiii: von a kkw avb. ix)ok ovkh THR OPPKHIXG8 LIBTKD 1IKIIK. TIIKltK AKK MANV .MOItK TO hi: FQUM) in tiik stohk. Stylish Urassleres uuderprlced. Women's brassieres In new models, made of excellent quality materials, neatly trim med. Priced special at Let Us Help You Get Rich SAVE MONEY ON YOUR GROCERIES BY BUYING HERE Saturday Specials 16 nounds sucar $1.00 ! 100' pounds potatoes ..$1.25 These prices are for Satur day only and cash only. Portland Grocery Store 307 South Broadwav. Next door to Postoffice PHONE 192-J. Sample waists, cholco $1.48 i Dainty whlto walstB of Voiles, Lingeries, etc., a groat many tyles to select from, perfect rating, well made, worth up to 2.50- Now $1.48 25c Scrim, now 17c Plain or bordered curtain acrlms in white, ecru or cream, full width, were 25o Now 17c ' "En SPREADS Untlerpriced pod quality, white hemmed, mil-size bed spreads, choice Patterns, specially priced 51.95 $1.75 $1.50 $1.25 50c and 35c 10c apron ginghams 6c yard Best checked ginghams for aprons, assorted colors and patterns, formerly 10c Now 6c 12 c Outing Flannel. 8c yd. Full width outing UnneU best heavy, well-fleeced qual ity, was 12 He now ' 8c We are still selling Clark's Best Cotton 8 for 25c ti r? , Antral Avenue. Jg -T till SATISFACTION AIAVAS OH MO' !V nEFl'.NDED. fext to Chandler Hotel. WKATHKH 1'OHKOAST Dr Aawclt'M TrrM lo Con. IUj TIbm.) OHROON Pair and warmer Saturday; northenstorlv winds. LOCAL TKMPHHATUHi: HKCOItU Por tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 n. in., May 29, by lfrnj. Ostllnd, special government ine toorolofilBt: Maximum 50 Minimum 35 At 4:4.1 n. in,, 42 Precipitation 00 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, I 1013 C4.21 Precipitation sumo period last your C0.43 Wind: Northwest, clear. the world-known Diamond quality, at these prices means mo'- miles per tire than you've ctcr bought, at less mc han you've ever paid. Th SqaufU JtftnJ fn wf ani( lAr( miltoi and lm MJt. vxrrr -! ri. Pioneer Hardware Co. chant ranch nt IlullnrdB, whoro thoy will spend tholr honoymoon. 1): Ih PoInoiumI. Queen, n dog owned' by Mrs. C. K. Senfuso, 4S7 Uroadwuy, ntv some rat blncult Just boforo iloon toilily nnd Is In n pro cnrtoiiH condition. It Is not known just whuru thu dog found tho poi son, Suvornl persons living In thu vicinity of llroadwny nnd Market strcot say their pet dogs nnd cats nro being polBonod. V-Htry Mi't'llnir. Thero will bo a meeting of tho Vestry In tho Hoc tor's study of tho Episcopal church at 8 thin evening, lUfiiviTN Chain Tlinmtfi TIiiich iiiiiiiilmr No. OHnln elms. Noble' "unt ah Mrs Anna Pnrrln has ro says thoro aro still somo uncertainties covoroda gold chain which hor llttlo nfcout erecting a brick building on1 onunhtor lost. A lockot Ipst with tho Noblo corner nt Third and Con- o chain was found by 13. A. Elck tral. They will probabnly find out.w,0" who restored: It to tho ownor soon nbout tho matter. through i Times want pd. Miss Laura Watson found tho chain and Korovcni Hlryrle Chns. Hack of on reading tho Times last night ro Porndnlo through a Times found mil turned it to Mrs. Purrln. has rocovered his blcyclo. It wiih .- -- f,ound by Allen Lloyd of Porndnlo Hurt In lluumviiy. Tom Cottoll who promptly ndvortlscd It In tho was badly bruised whou ho was Times and found tho ownor. i thrown from n buggy In front of tho Alexander t'liiod 9H nndor, proprietor of tho Java Coffee Houso, who was arrested yestorday for abusing his wife, was flnod $10 when ho was brought boforo Itcrordor llutlor this morning. Aloxender plead ed guilty to tho offonso charged. Coos Ilotul In North Dorul tlilH nf, David Alox- tornoon. Tho horso ho was driving bocnino frlghtoned nt somo object along tho wntorfrout and got beyond control of tho driver. Cottoll was riiBhcd to Mercy Hospital, whoro his bruises wero dressed. His case Is teportcd not sorlous. CLASSIFIED I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I 1X)UNI) ICnglo nnd WoiMlmnit koIiI watch charm nt Umpire Owner can have same by Identifying prop erty and paying for this ad. POR HUNT U-room funiltdiod hoiiDokooping upnrtmonts. 418 North Second. I'OIl HUNT Two !iirno fnmt office In Songstackun building for $12.00 POIt HALIO aVnt, fly 11x10 ft. good condition, $7.00. 230 SoutU Uroadwuy. Phono 70-L. At ItoM'burg llort Michaels, of Coos county spent tho day In Hobo burg looking after tax matters at tho court houso. liny Iluol returned yos torday from Mnrshflold, whoro ho had boon employod as n barber for tho past eight months. Hosohurg Ilo-yIow. Corn (3. HinlUi Wnutcil Mnrshal Carter this morning rocelvud u lot tor concerning thu whoronbouts of ono Cora Granger Smith, who nc cording to the writer, has boon n res ident of Mnrnhfleld for sovoral yoam. It Is understood that hor husband's namo Is Hiram Smith nnd that sho Is living with hor father, who Is blind. Tho writer has boon Informed that tho girl nnd hor fathor havo Comnu'iiro Puvlng. W. W. Ash by. siiDorlntendont of construction for tho Warren Construction Co. of contemplated taking up a liomestond; Portland, who will havo chargo of They woro last heard from two tho paving contracts In Marshfleld. years ago. KffortB nro bolng made nrrlvod today on tho Dreakwntor and in settlo an nstutn hv whiMi mi expects to commenco work on North smith will ho greatly bonoflttod. Any TKe Royal TONIGHT Miss Pord In all now songs. Five rools of tho best selected pic tures. 'Tho Return of Lady Linda," pre sented by Eclair In two reels. A romantic costume drama: a wonder ful and magnificent production. "In the Web." A mesmerising drama In which the art of hypnot- , Ism plays an important part. Western drama in ono reel. I "Tho Kntgnt ot iter uroams. a fantastic comeuy prouueuuu on huge scalo. Admission, lower floor, lCcj bal cony, 10c. Coming Thursday, "Paul J. Raln ey'a African Hunt," In sir reels. Thrilling and awe-lnsplrlng. Tho greatest animal picture ever taken. Coming; soon, MRS. FISKB In "Tess of the D'Ubervllles," a five part drama of a woman's sorrows. The story taken from Thomas Hardy's masterful book by the same namo. Front street next Monday. Will Lome. Jos. SchmeddlnK, who has been with tho Hrndloy Candy company for tho past year, will lenvo nbout Juno 1 for New Mexico, whoro ho will ongapo In ranching. Ills brother Is now thero. Ho will bo succeeded by Mr, Oln dinger, who has beon with tho Smith-Powers company. one knowing anything nbout MIbb Smith or her fathor Is roquestod to notify Mnrshal Carter or Myrtlo I Marsh Valltoro, C20 C street, Peta I luma, California, MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Prices Reasonable. Cor. Commercial & B'dw'y 158-R PHONE 1 0 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Hl'HVKV HAItltOltH O.V COART. Oovi-riiliu-nl to AHi-rrtnlu IN'ptliH ul Tillamook, Sliihlntv mill t'lHm, A Portland paper says: "Crows Atinmil tin. iitiilitH tttjk illpiknllnti nf Wl Thin Moi-nliig. Tho 'marriage Moilonnnt Coonoi McKlnstry, Corps of Frank Heath and Miss F.ffle ,,. vnl,inn, n A win ,inw Church, a prominent Marshfleld t, ,,rlnc,im, barH on tll0 Or0g0I', young couple, was solemnized nt 9 con.t'uHrliiB the iieasoii so data may o'clock this morning at tho home of bo outnlnoi, on wh,c, ,0 ,n80 com. Mr. and Mrs. F C. Hlrch, llov. H. h. ,mratlvo survoys next sonson to ns Drowning officiating. Only I mine. .or,nn improvements In channel dlato relatives were present. The ,0,lt,H aj ,i,0 first Work has beon young couple left nt onco for tho Mer-tnr(,.,i Rt Nohalom. Moro men wero ordered thero to roport to William O. Carroll, Junior engineer. "Tho channel Insldo as woll as that across tho bar will bo sounded nnd from thero the party goes to Tillamook for similar work. Coos Day and Sluslaw are provided for likewise' Grand Theater TONIGHT TUB AHVENTUIIKS OP KATHLY.V, A COLONBL IN CIIAINH Kathlyn has beon led to believe that her father was dead, but found him In chains in Umballah's palace, where she was horself Imprisoned. How she escapes and secures her freedom Is a thrilling novelty. The most popular series of films ever produced. Do not miss any of them. PATIIB WBKKLY NO. 10. Tho world's latest events in mo tion pictures. MILS. MALONBY'S FOItTUXK It enriches her financially. She tries society, but decides to return to her old home and find joy there that riches cannot buy. It's a Vlta graph rlb-tlckler. Children, 5c j adults, 10c. nomlntr Wednesday. June 3. "The Third Degree." one of the greatest plays ever staged, In five reols. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS VflKD. Phone 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. Saturday WANTED I MAHHAOH trwitmcnt by nn export.' Mrs. 8. Lngus, 1170 Commercial Ave, Phono 297. WANTICI) Bye to oxnmlno. Hyrs oxnmlnod, glasses fitted. Ho Cross Optical Dopt. WANTED Situation by youu nuu as stenographer or bookkeopor, or ns gonornl pfflco man, References. Ilox 404, Mnrshflold. FOR SALE I FOR HALE Houso fiirnlxhlng nt bargain. Dining tablo, sldo board, chairs, rockers, library tablo, lea ther rockor, 9x12 rugs, couch, sani tary bod, lounge nnd mattress, dres sers, bod stoads, mnttresses, kit chon cnblnot, brlo-u-bac, ovory thlng pertaining to house-keeplng Mrs, E. W, Kammeror, Second and C,odnj Phono 100-L, ym HALE Roiulnglon J2 KaK pump gun, excellent conditio. Phono 370-X, F. L. Q, 827 S 6th street1. FOR HALI-: 92.10.00 buys good team, wagon and harness. R, 11, Darties, Day City, Marshfleld. p FOR RENT I l'OH HENT Seven room home, proi orty 100x200, large barn, fruit trees, garden planted. Phone 302-X. Seo Mm. A. Cavanagh, East- sldo. POOHltfiNT i-Hiniliiliod liousekoep. Ing rooms, single or on sulto or sleeping rooms, Fourth street, Apply 39S Soutk FOH H1LNT FIt room LumUow, bath, eloctrlo lights, llth street, Ih nulro F. E. Allen. SPECIAL WHITE ANI ni' SIH.lOHCE- liAIN IHNNEH PLATES. Rim'LAR PRICE, Mc EACH, SATURDAY ONLY 6 for 75c "ALWAYS KOMETIIINfl NEW" j. ft j. Shaving Gr earn Peoples -m5c Stores in tubo for; sanitary to use; an tlspetlo; pleasant; makes tho quickest lather and Is the best shaving cream on the tnarkot. Tho Loading Drug Storo for Quality Goods. iJtfAVJk?sYl.Jfiwarft 1