-twrsQF z gaiWiiMM THE C00S BAY TMES, MARSHFIELD, OREQON, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914-EVENINfl EDITION. ' WE MAKE OUR OWN Ice Cream PURE ItlOH WHOLESOME Orders for parties, banquots and dinners fillul promptly. If It Is SARTER'S It's all right. Sailers' Front Btroot. Phono 333-J, Stilts Cleimrd n ml Pressed. Hulls tiiiMlc Id Order. GIvoUh n Tilul. UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE & O. O. DAGGETT 250 Central Ave. I'liono i!n-X PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY TJ 11. IIAItl'CIt, ,. , ,. House Builder, (.cnernl IlepnlrlitK n,,d Cabinet ... Milking, WH. McHROOM Contractor nnd Hulldcr. Mnrshfleld, Oregon. ' ' H' lies. Hunker Hill. THHEE - -' - ' niiTniiiBCi.il j i. ii ii i i -nr Mini i'mumj. I05ILS AND HUD STOPPED UP. GYMNASIUM IS INANN SMITH FROM COLD? TRY IBY CATARRH BALM BADLY NEEDED IN LAST EVENING . jyriLDUEI) HOQEItS NELSON. ..Tii . chcr llnno I'rnnclsco, Cul. FiT0 years' teaching cxpcrlcnco in San ... Francisco PJi2no 3161 or 31C7. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrshflcld WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN BTKEET NORTH. IIENI) O. A. Motlln, Prop, Chlmncya Firo Places. J. N.' Bayliss Any kind of brick work at price that aro right. AND ALL WOIUC GUAHANTEEI) Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnson Dldg., 137 Second st. Phono 4S4-J Frrnrli ItanefM Holler Work Y7 T. TOMPKINS, I). S. T. r, (Wcltinor Methods.) Lvory known disease trcntcd without drugs or surgery. Room 2 13C North Broadway. I'liono 210-L. Mnrshfleld, Or .EO. C. MURPHY, Export Piano, Player nnd Organ Tuning. Regulating and Ropair Ing. Telephone 70-X. Or ders may bo left at tho Wlloy D. Allen Music Storo, Contra! avonuo. JOEL OSTLINI). ) Piano Tuner nnd Itcpnlrcr 115 S. Sixth street. .Phone 103-L lioavo orders nt W. It. Haines Musi- Coinpnny, DR.Y WOOD AT - CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street, Phono J 80-J. I)H. J. II. STEWART CHIROPRACTOR Una opened an offlco over Mntson'B Storo. Chronic Discuses You should sco him If you aro sick. T M. WI J BUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates! furnished on -request. "o. gosney phono aim Contractor nnd Builder Estimates Furnished on Request MY PAST WORK IS MY REFERENCE First nnd Alder Sts. Mnrshfleld rR. II. M. SHAW -' Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat OR. MATTIE II. SHAW Diseases of women and children. Ofllco phono 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Block. House phono, 105-J. Instantly Clears Air Passages; Yon Hreatho Freely; Dull Headache Goes; Nasty Catanluil Dlschnrgo Stops. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get n small bottle anyway, Just to try It AtinlV a Httlp III Mm tlnatrlla and Instantly your clogged nose nnd stopped-up air passages of tho head will open; you will brcnthu freely; uuuness and headache disappear. By morning! tho catarlih, cold-ln-hoad or catarrhal soro throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get tho small bottlo of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet fra crant balm dissolves by tho heat of tho nostrils; penetrates and heals tho Inflamed, swolflen membrane which lines the nose, head and thront; clears tho nlr passages; stops nasty discharges nnd n feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes Im mediately. Don't Iny nwake tonight strug gling for breath, with head sturfed; nostrils closed, hawking and blow ing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running hobo, foul mucous dropping Into tho thront, and raw dryness Is distressing but truly needless. Put your faith Just onco In "Ely's Crcnm Unlm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. For Snlo by Brown Drug Co. D T. J. SCAIFE ii A. II. HODGINP !!'ffiW,NNDG CO. Estimates Furnished. Phono IIOIHJ. MnrslilMd, Oregon MRS. C. F. HIHARGER DrcSNinnklni nnd Ladles' Tall orliiK Prices IteaNonnblo Over Mngncs & Mntson Storo . Phono 248-J. EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not harm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not loso Its chargo while standing UIo. IB GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay WiringCo. 1S3 Broadway. Agents for Port of Coos Day. OUU ELEGANT LINES OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH DEND R. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST Marehflold, Oregon, (looms 204-205, Coko Building, Resldenco phono 2G2-X. )mco phono 112-J. IWTRS. FARRINGER, LV1 Teacher of Piano. Resldenco Studio, No, 1096, lornor Commercial and Elovonth RU Phono 380-J. BENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer aal Architect Offices, 200 Irving Block. Phono KKMi or 207-J. Murahflcld, Oregon PERL RILEY BALLINGER, Pianist nnd Teacher. Resldenco Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 3C8-L. The Union Market In Its now dress, entirely remodelled nnd rcnornted, Is now ready to receive and welcome Its customers Into one ef the most modorn, model and snnltary moat marketi on Coos Bay. In nddltlot. to a model Bhop It serves the best meat on Coos Bay. Prime beef steers that were formerly driven to Roso burg markets, aro now butchered and oarved to tho peoplo on tho blocks of tno Union shop. Union Meat Market Ford A Rcskey, Proprietors. 144 South Broadway. Phono C8. KINDTA7 REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL EVERYTHING IN THE BAKERY LINE MARSnPIELD BAKING COMPANY 1.1 NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PHONE 128. W, G. CHANDLER. ARCHITECT. Koomi 301 and 80S, Coke KiM, Martafleld, Orego. W U. 8. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Wanhfleld. Orocoa LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable Ira nicdlato service, prompt atten Uon to all Interests of our client. Minimum cost I. S. Kaufjnan & Co. FAMILY DINNERS. In qur npw lopatlon, we aro es pecially prepared to cator to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. , Open Day and Night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway and Commercial. Mfld Send Your Laundry HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. Willamette -Pacific to Us'.By Parcel tost' STJi,o- -- : . a m k a WE FURNISn A DAO AND WILL PAY TnE TOSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J MarshfieM . TIMT3 TABLE Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunks between any points In Marshfleld for the follow ing rateB, delivery to be made in the first stories of building Ona trunk I JW Three trunks B0 Twelve trunks 1B0 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi nelsaer. Prop. Phones. 120-J; 40-L: 98-R. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA C:30 a. m. 7.00 a. in. 8:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10:00 n. ra. and evory thirty minutes until 8:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 10:00 p. ra. Saturdays only 11:00 p. m. 12:00 m. 0:45 a. in. 7:15 a. in 8:15 a, m. 9:15 a, m. 10:15 a. m. and every thirty minutes until 8:15 p, m. 9:15 p. ra 10:15 p. m. Saturdays only 11:15 p. ra. 12:15 a. m. NO SAW EDGES on- YOUR COLLARS If you have them laundcre TWIN CITY STEAM LATJNDRT PITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new taxlcab has been added to my auto service. Careful driven. Will go anywtiere at any tlms. Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78. Night phone 189-X. TOM GOODALE. Proprietor. Watch our ad. for SPECIAL PRE MIUM OFFERS on tea, coffee and spices and extracts next week, Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phono !10I.J. UK) North Broadway. TYPEWRITERSAH standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons nnd carbou paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono -II. Allhtuco office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marinelnsiirance TITLE GUARANTEETSBSTRACf"C0., Inc. nENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Mansger FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SP2CIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE U-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers. For day servico, phono 14 1-J, Dlanco HUlard Parlors. For night service, I'liono SuO-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 Uarshfleid-North Rend Auto Line Cars every ten minutes from O u. hi to J-: o p. in. GORST & KING, Props. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that tho un derslgned Henry Sengstacken has been duly uppolnted administrator of the Kstato of Marlon Jasper Mc Donald, sometimes known as M. J. McDonald, also known as M. Jasper McDonald, Deceased. All persons l.avlng claims against said estate are required to present the samo to the undersigned at the office of Pedc & Peck, First National Bank Building, Mnrshfleld, Oregon with the proper vouchers duly veri fied as by law required within six months from the date hereof. Dated May 8. 1914. HENRY SENGSTACKEN Administrator of the Estate of Marlon Jasper McDonald, Do ceased. (First publication May 8 1914. Last publication Juno 5, 1914.,) NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT BOND ELECTION. Stnto of Orogon, County of Coos, School District No. 9, ss. Notlco Is hereby given that at tho School District Bond Election here by called to bo hold at tho Central School Building, In and for School District No. 9, of Coos County, Oro gon, (bo Ctli day of Juno, A. D., 1914, between tho hours of twe q'clock P. M., nnd soven o'clock r. M., thoro will bo submitted to he legal voters thereof the question of contracting u bonded Indebted ness In the sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for tho purpose of erect ing nnd equipping a gymnasium for school purposes In and for said school district. The vote to bo by ballot upon which shall bo tho words: "Bonds, Yes" nnd "Bonds, No." and the votor shall placo a cross (X) be tween tho word "Bonds" and the word ' Yes" or between tho word "Bonds" and tho word "No" which Indicates his choice. The polls for the reception of tho ballots cast for or against the contraction of said Indebtedness will, on said day and date and at tho place aforesaid, bo opened at tho hour of two o'clock P. M and remain open until the hour of soven o'clock P. M. of the same day when tho samo shall be closed. By ordor of the District School Board of School District No. 9, of Coos County, Oregon, made this 13th day of May, A. I)., 1914. JNO. O. MERCHANT, Chairman, District School Board. Attest: John F. Hall, District Clerk. Times Want ads bring results. Marshfield Schools and Resi dents Wilt Be Greatly Aid . ed Election Juno 6. It Is expected that tho $10,000 bond Issue proposition which will bo submitted to tho voters of this school district: on Saturday, Juno 9, will carry by an overwhelming vote, as every patron of tho school dis trict realizes tho necessity of secur ing a gymnasium. It Is expected that the older Btudonts In ttin school will nlbo tnko an Interest In tho election nnd see that their par ents nnd frlonds turn out nnd vote In favor of tho proposition and thus give tho school board the moral sup port they need In carrying out such n mnttor. Tho election will bo hold at tho Centrnl school building from 2 to 7 o'clock In tho nftornoon. Tho Board of. Education proposes to build n gymnasium CO feoL by 70 feet on the northeast corner of tho high school grounds. Tho building will have a basoment un der tho entire building, containing n swimming pool (20x40 ft.) for lnrgcr boys and girls; a wading pool (20x15 feet) for children; lockers, rubbing nnd dressing rooms for boys, lockors, booths and dressing room lor gins; nenting pinnt nnd fuel room; nmplo toilet facilities and shower baths; Tho gymnasium propor will con-, tnln n hardwood playing floor 40x70 fqot. Construction rondy for apparatus when samo can bo purchased: appar atus room; director's room, storo room, bleachers. To pay for tho gymnnslum, the school board proposes to tssuo bonds to tno amount of $10,000, Issued according to Inw by tho Board of Education nftor being votod by tho legal voters of the district. It Is planned to opon tho gym nasium to tho1 public at stated times each week by Issuing tickets good far n dcflnlto tlmo to residents. A loflnlto price will bo chnrged for these tickets which will permit nil privileges of tho gymnnslum. Tho funds (lorlved from tickets will in. used for nddlllonni oqulpmcnt. Ncvd of Gymnasium. Tho Mnrshfleld schools need n gymnasium far tho fallowing reas ons: 1. It. would perfect tho school system. Regular physical oxornlso should nnd would bcronio a pnrt of ho school's training like any othor Uudy, music, druwlng, manual trnln tig, nrlthmetlo, etc. 2. Physical) oxcrclso Is tho nnt 'irnl preventative of bad habits. 3. Physical) oxorclso dovolops both body nndl mind, 4. A school without competitive games never holds boys. Thoso inmes on Cons Bny must bu In doors. Thoro Is practically no school baseball and tho football season Is short. Whoro shall thcBo games bo played during tho aovon rainy months of tho nlno school months? 5. Tho gain In self rollnnco from knowing "how to swim" Is In Itself n big asset. Swimming Is a require mout for graduation In samo col logos. 0. Tho nblllty to save ouo'a llfo and tho Uvea of others la a big ronsldcrntlon In a section whoro tho loss of llfo by drowning, to itnto It moderutoly, is largo, 7. Evory Hoy will tuko rcren lon, SlmU t bo in proper sur roundlugH vr on tho street. Tho cymnnHlum will solve this, R. it has cost the High School Athle'lu Association $125 n year for the last four years to socure a building for the basketball season nnd then It was entirely lacking In accommodations. 9. Schools nnd colleges ovor tho ontlro country have compulsory physical oxorclso. In tha Universi ties of Wisconsin nnd lVmnsylvanla compulsory physical oxorclso has boon productive, of a marked Im provement iu tho general efficiency of students. TURN HI DARK WITH SAGE TEA Groniliim Kept Her Locks Dark, GlosHy and Thick With n Slmplo Mixture of Sago Tea ami Sulphur. Tho old-tlmo mixture of Sago Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked md faded hair Is grand mother's treatment, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which Is quite sen sible, as we are living in an age when a youthful appearance la of the greatest advantage Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesomo task of gathering the sago and the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell tho ready-to-use product called "Wy eth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem edy" for about 50 cents a bottle. It Is very popular becauso nobody can discover It has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what delights the ladles with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is that, besides beautifully darkening the hair after a fow ap plications, It also produces that soft lustro and appearance or aounuanco which is so attractlvo; besides, pre vents dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair. . For Sale hy Brown Drug Co, BTMAMEIt (ARRIVES FROM SAN FRANCISCO WITH A FAIR LIST OF PASSENGERS YESTERDAY WILL SAIL SOUTH TOMORROW. Tho stoamor Nann Smith reachod tho Alllanco dock nbout 7 o'clock last ovcnlng with 19 passongors nnd 240 tons of frelcht. Rhn will .nil . Snn Francisco again Saturday with a wuiuuiiy lonu oi uimuor. Among tho pnBsongors to arrive on tho steamer VCStonlnv wnrn I Inn Prnl.lnn it m Strnubongor, Morris Cohn, E. J. Morso Mr. C. Larson, Mrs. C. Larson, Fred A. Shnub, O. P. Egor, Mro. E. Nutter, 13. Nutter, A. G. Brawmen, J. C. Anderson, Knthorlno Molvohillo. E. Nelson nnd flvo steerage passongers. NORTH BEND CLASS High School StiidentN Will Receive DIplouuiH Next Monday Night. Tho commencomont exorcises of the North Bond High School will bo hold next Mondny evening nt tho High School, Prof. Rcsslor of Corvallls will dellvor tho commencomont ad dress. The following will rccolvo di plomns: Wlnfleld Wendell Woodbury, Os car Edvln Carlson, Alcxnndor Gordon NollBon, JUolvIn Henry Jacobson, Hor mnn l.eonnrd Hage, Esther Nicholson Imhoff, Gladys Crnndcl Kranlck, Ju no Josslo Young. Dorothy lino KJb lor nnd Esther Hazol Hunt. Next Sunday evening: at tho M. E. Church. Rev. A. S. Hlsoy will do ltvor tho annual chiBB sermon. Thursday ovonlng, Juno 4th, at the High School will occur the annual claBs day exorcises. Following this tho alumni association will serve a banquet In honor of tho graduating class. Friday evening, Juno Cth, tho High School bnnd will rondor a band con cort, assisted by other musical tal ent of tho Bay. fT.TME. 'UUULsS Tho Chandler Hotel. W. 13. Boiihnrn, City; James M. McCutcheou, Denver Hill; Charles K, Pnpu. Ilandon ; C. A. Parker, Now York; F. J. Fahy, Bandon; M. Ep- stein, San Francisco; II. R, Miller. Sonttle; M. B. Colin, ban Francis ro; Fred A. Strnut, San Francisco; J. I). Sandorn, Snn Francisco; W. M. Knlser. St. Paul; J. E. Nelson. Spraguo, Washington; Ed Oenslur. Snn Frnnclsco; B. N. Holcorab. Lnkesldo; 8. II. Mooro. RoBoburg; A. E. Benson, Portlnnd; J. J. Sulli van. Hon Frnnrlsco; Folk M. Wolff. Snn Francisco, Tho Lloyd Hotel. G. II. Going, Tillamook; William . Rlggs, Portland; J. S. Rounds, Bea ver Hill; James McFarlnnd, Myrtle Point; Rosa Alien, Portland; R. R. Wilson, Myrtle Point; W. L. Carter, Coqutllo. Illniicii. Clny Mulv'hlll, Coqullle; O. Bris tol, Portland; D. Cowan, Allegany; Alvln Smith, Coos River; R. A. Gnus, Hardin, Mont. Nt. Ijmvrtuiro, II. G. Robinson and wlfo, Chica go; Chnrloy Taylor, Eureka; F. Frank, Snn Francisco. jsy DRA1N-COOH HAY STAGE SCHEDULE. Lv. Gnrdl Juno Lv. Mfld. :ir. n.m, ,. Mon, 1 .. 8:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m... Tuo. 2 .. 9;00 a.m. Uilli a.m. ,. Wed. 3 .. 10:00 a.m. 12:in a.m. . Thur. 4. . 11:00 a.m, IMC p.m. Frl, C . . 12.00 u, 1:45 p.m... Bat. 0 .. 12;30 Prn. C:4G a.m. . . Sun. 7 ,. 4:30 n,m. 0:30 n.m. .. Mon. 8 .. C;16 a.m. 7:15 n.m. .. Tucs. 0 .. 0:00 a.m. 7:C4 a.m. , Wed. 10 . 0:30 a.m. 8: IS a.m, . Thur. 11 . 7:00 a.m. SMC n.m. . , Frl, 12 .. 7:30 a.m. U;iC a.m. ,. Sat. 13 .. 8:00 a.m. 9:ir a.m. .. sun, 14 .. 8:00 a.m. 9;1C a.m. ., Mo, IS .. 8:00 a.m. 0:4S a.m. .. Tu. 1C 8:30 a.m. II: If. a.m. . Wed. 17 . 10:00 a.m. 12:1C a.m... Th, 18 .. 11:00 a.m. 115 p.m... Frl. 10 .. 12:00 ro. l:4C p.m. .. Sat. 20 .. 12:30 p.m. , C:1C a.m. .. Sun, 21 ,. 4:00 a.m. , C;4S a.m. .. Mo. 22 .. 4:30 a.m. CMC n.m. .. Tu. 23 ,. C:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m.. Wed 24 . 5:46 a.m. 7;1C a.m. .. Th. 25 ,. 0;00 a.m. 7:45 a.m, .. Frl. 20 0:30 aui. , 8:15 a.m. .. Sat. 27 ,. 7:00 a.m. 4 8:45 a.m. .. Sun. 28 ,. 7:30 a.m. , 9:15 a.m,,. Mo. 29 .. 8;00 a.ra, , 9:15 n.m, .. Tu, 30 .. 8:00 a.m. , Tnko notice that nutos are nov running on tho beach and that regu lar Sunday trips aro made between. -Mnrshfleld nnd Gardiner. FRECKLES Now Is tho Ttinr to Get RI1 of TbMa Ugly HKts. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as tho prescription othlne double strength Is guaranteed to remove theso homely spots. Simply got nn ounce of othlne doublo strongth from any druggist and apply u llttlo of It night and morning and you should won see that even the worst freckles have be gun to disappear, while the lighter ones havo vanished entirely. It is soldom that more than an ounce Is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complex ton. Bo euro to ask for the double strength othlnos tills U sold under . guarantee of money back It It fails io remove rrecKiea. i a'ii - par Lfcm id, In five re umiionricuu oiu Jt J H14 "''" "W S , - . -t1