nofs THE MAN WHO LEADS A DOUBLE Lift OfTEN lW TO DO TWO MEN'S WORK A HANNKU YriAIl Tills scaion opens witli brighter mnccts for the grent Coos liny J"l coquillo Valley country than ir lcfore In Ha history. For nines nro In tho funking. Arc you busy lnylB ",0 foundation for jours? DON'T SCATTER SHOT xmm Cntircutrnto voiu advertising In the newspaper Hint roadies tho peo ple Jou wnnt to talk to. Aiumui'l tloii costs money. Tho Times saves , money to advertisers, MLLMDKR OP TUB ASSOCIATED PltliSS V0L XXXVII. IXnltlUlird 1R7H ns Tho Coast Mall MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nud Coos Day Advertiser. No. 264 PEACE MEDIATORS ILL GULL FULL CONFERENCE OF BOTH SIDES Indicate They Have Reached Understanding on Which Terms Can Be Made. WILSON PLEASED WITH NIAGARA DEVELOPMENTS Mexican Rebels Still Consider Participating Confer with Sec. Bryan Today. ' A I CALL l-'Hili COXTKHEXCE ' lllr AworUtrt Vrm to Coot Hay Tlmta.) NIAOAKA FALLS, May 28. ! Tlio South Amorlcnn mediators conferred with tho American and Mexican dolegatca today. If was Indicated that the undorstnndlng has proceeded totho-polnt where plans nro nuotit In tliupo for a full confereneo botwoen both allies. D AmmUIM 1'iwa to cool liar Tlmw.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny 28. Tho mnln stages of the nogotlatloiiH at tho Niagara conference imvo been reported to President Wilson under n referendum by whlt'li 'fliu American delegates nro acting, nnd nro now understood to linvo rent'lied u reas onably comploto form mi tho essen tials of tho proposed ngrcomont. Closely following (ho landing of the munitions tir wnr tor Huertn from the two Gorman liners at l'aerto Mexico, n largo roiiHlgn nent from Jnpau Ih duu ut 'Man nlMo or Snllrm Cruz. Thu Treasury exports, discussing (he lamlltis of tho two vurgoos of he Yplmigu null tho Tmvurln nt Pucrlo Mrslco, dlsmlssod lis errou tons tho theory tlmt thu masters of iboie ships Tender themselves llalilo p puibhrr.wnt hy Innillnx tho inynl ions nt n pert other "limn (hilt to .which thny wore originally con .ljnoJ. The absence of a proper panlfcato, however, is jiunhllMlilo, and General Funstmi was within his rights In detaining the Iftivnrln if. as reported, that stunner appeared at Vera Crux without hucIi docu ments. No Vonnnl Avr'einent. At tho White llouwj It was said that no formal agreement for pncl flcatlon l'xil Iippo twoIvimI from Nlapua Falls. The reports of tho American delegates, which hnvo been tomlnR In nt each stngo of tho nego tiations, however, have heon so fav orable that tho situation, It was laid, would permit tho assemhllng of decided points Into tho form of a definite ngreomont very twoo. Itepresentatlves of tho Constlu ilonallsts conferred with Socretnry Pryan again nnd relterntod thnt itepa nro being taken to establish relations for tho Cnrrnnza olnmont lth tho Niagara Falls conference. Tbey added that tho Coustttutionnllst delesates, If they go, would have he aamo rights and powers as the American delegates. b lil TO SELL BATTLESHIPS "Sec. 'Daniels Would Dispose ilils . ! orioano -ana Mississippi toforeign'Powerat Cost. IB; Atftrtt)l Prtaa m coot H Tlmoo.1 II. Ir....... .. . no "ADUliMUTUIM, u. J.. .iay . A lllan fnr rllonnoln.. nf tlln linttlO- Wpa Idaho and Mississippi to a welgn powor for Just what the vnueo. 5'atea paid for tlielr con ructlon were laid before the Senato ;'ai Afralrs 'Commltteo Uy secro bfy Daniels. ' HrAaa la ...i ,.?.i ,n tin niiitn. .vvu ,a TlllUUIOluini IU mo "Xing for the Wisaleslppl and Idnho. secretary Daniels asked for an nm- -uieni to the naval UIU peimiun'K alo and providing tthe money je usoa to construct ono droadnaught '? aaauion to tho two drendnaiiKius Pfovldeil for n the hill as It passed 'e house. Daniels explained that v me .Mississippi awu i" ;'e efficient ships for harbor do ,ae, they wore not modern enough ' so into a lino of battle. "be silica have been in commls Pn 6lnce 1908. They cost nearly V million dollars etch. Secretary Uanloio .. a - .-i .- i m. Bam lw expeciom 10 sDk ' .000 for the ships and would be Me to make up $14,000,000 needed w new dreadnoughts by economy In otler lines. wound IlrokeiT Toduy for Pavilion rUTlZ,'TiA I "found was broken 'today on the "7m Me My 28. Mm. for the Holland, Pavilion nt the PORTLAND. Me- Si - f fc-pacUlc Exposition. RMldent Tboma. Dr.cjett Reed w ConmlsBloner Torchlana and Baron tne former wt "a Eck assisted In the cere.inppy.,dled today aner u . "! rUAM K II. A1H.V &Ot " W, 11.90 at Jlalnes. I III ERTA'S NIECES IN J SCHOOL AT PASADEXA , tHr AMflrlalM rrnu (o Com my Tlmx. I PASADENA. Cnl.. May 28. Despite the troubles that beset l their uncle. Clenernl Huertn, I MIbscs Vlrglnln and Dolores I Huertn, nttcndlng school here, I nru preparing to return to tlielr I homo nonr Mexico City. The I prcaunro of tho dictator's nieces I hero was tiuknowii outside the I school until Miss Virginia pub I Hulled u story In tho school 1 paper. r - LfiKE lil PEACE MEETING Dr. Ellery C. Stowell Thinks Mexican Situation Has Aid ed Elimination of War. lllr AaawlalM Vtf io nwia p. tirim.i miirwtr l:tttf V V Mr... OB The Important expedient of "limited war or reprisals' in preventing ac tual armed conflict between nations was pointed out today by Dr. Ellory C, Stowell of New York nt tho twentieth annual meeting of the Lnko Mohonk conference on Inter national arbitration. Among such situations lnt clnssed tho state of affillre now existing between the United States and Mexico. "Just as neutrality helps the causo of peace," ho said, "so will these mens. iivhii dltnr, i1 wtC .Kik flllftl',1 fit flf ...un uitwii u. ..... .... .v..... ford a substitute less terrlblo than wnr ittioir. 'ihi'sniti tlio countries nt Tim llniriin mtifnrnnrn shoulil dis- cuss and como to understand hotter the principles governing tins pecu liar situation. Myrtle Point Man Is Allowed Damages in Port Case Other Cases Up. ( Special to The Times.) COQUII.I.E. Or., .May 28. The i.,. in iiw. niNii or P. 'L. 1'helan vs. the Myrtle I'olut Port Commission brought in a voruici ior uuuui. ymn for tlw nlalntlfT. Tho caso .,u i...r rnniiit. l'helan secured ni - nnrtiii vlctorv. 'havlnc asked' muvli greater damoBes than the Jury allowed. He claimed that the port commission had trees and brnnches nloni! the river cnt and al lowed tho workmen to dump the branches Into the stream, causing a freshet to take out his booms' lifter tho l'helan caso tho court took up an attachment case from llaniion, uross vh. uuko. Tho damapo caso of tho IloUinKor estate vs. McDonald & Vauglian will follow the Ciross case. Til KIT AT SCOTTSltntfi Charged with onterlng the home of William Sawyers, near Scotsburg. and appropriating olothing valued at .J K...n nn.pnilial and Harvla Savl'lla outored pleas of guilty In the Circuit Court .Monuay uvchb -were fined In the sum of 50 each. Ilelng without funds, tho boys will spend the next 25 days the Kf ts of Douglas county. A third hoy. who was Impllcaled In the robbery es caped from the officers near Scotts r.. .i i...a ..n lionn anrehended UUlhl "III! !" " . . . n III When arrestod Ilosenthal and Savllla had part or the stolen bou persons. Roseburg Itevlew. SAX FltAXCIHCO HACKS. ('hisses for Hat CoiiiM-tltlons Ar- ransed with liuiroimiiio ro', (Dr AMOfUtod rr l "' VtJ Tlmw.1 ... iMiAVfisro. May 2C. Classes for tho International power boat races in conuecuuu m - Panama-Pacific Kxposltlon were, se lected today. There will ue tnreo cruiser races and four for boats ..i on or so and 40 feet- rSsTls also arranged for a 20 foot Testrleted hydroplane class. MUS. T. H. H',:,, "HAD. Wife of l-te IMItlrnl Louder Sue " .'" . ...... n.t TimMl Wuo Stew liour ,i.ou ..-. PHELflN GIN $2 LOOM Lumberman .Says Coos Bay Needs More Who Will Till ' SoilOpportunities. "Coos TJay needs more fncrorlcs, mor0 Bawmllla and moro wood work ing establishments and nbovo all moro people who will cultlvato nnd. dovol opo tho lands around bore." This was tho Rlst of a talk by C. A. Smith today In discussing condl (Ioiib and prospects. Ho Iihb been confined to his npnrtmcntR In tho of flco bulldlnB Blnco IiIh nrrlvnl. His Indisposition Is greatly alleviated by tho presenco of Mrs. Smith, who ac companied him hero this trip nnd JVi"i)!nB 1)CCn ncl,"K ns nurso -during his Illness, resulting from complica tions following tho extraction of a troublesome tooth, "Coos County linB tho host land under tlu sun; land that will grow almost anything In nbundnnco, nnd yet Coos Hay is shipping In fruit nnd vegetables from other states. Why, It Is nlniost criminal to leave thu lands hllo nnd nllow another section to furnish us these necessities. "Ten ncrcs of Coob County land will nmko any man or family Inde pendent. With tho fruit nnd veg etables that can bo raised, tho stock It will support and tho flowers that can bo grown to advantage. 1 wnB astonished to find tlmt ono has to send to an ouruldo city for oven n boqnot of flowers, except In tho spe cial season. It Is n disgrace that such conditions should obtain here. "I would glvo half my llfo to nwakon the people hero to tho great opportunities that abound hero In this respect. No place else under tho sun ha such wonderful mmortmil. ties. Tho land Imro Ih nlniiiiv won ADOPT REPORT OF COMMITTEE General Assembly of Presby terian Church Would Erad icate White Slave Evil. llijr AmacUIoi I'itm to Coo. nr TIIDM.) CHICAGO. Mrty 28 Tho report or the special commltteo on the white fllavo traffic was adopted by tho gen eral assembly of tho Presbyterian Church in the United States. Tho report oiuphnslzcd tho slogan: "No tolerating, no regulation, no recogni tion," nud thnt tho ovll bo eradicated by strict enforcement of tho laws. SEVERErqUflKE IN AUSTRALIA Seismograph Indicates Violent earthquake in Vicinity oT Friendly Islands. Bf AMorltloil Frrot I Oo Hjf Ttnei. SYDNEY, N. S. W., May 28, Tint most sovoro earthquake shock evtr registered by Australian seis mographs was recorded nt 11:30 a. in. Tho wavo laster for three hours. The Indications woro the upheaval was In tho neighborhood of the Friendly Isles in the south Pacific. So dituiuigo lleitortnl. (Of Amvuio4 rrtf IO Coo. Uiy TIKiH.1 COIX)N, l'nnama, May 28. No lamage was roported from tho se vere oarthquako which occured last night. The duration of the quako was unprecedented. A1TIJH NKW YOHK OKXTHAL- Coiiibliiutinu or IJnes to ho Invent' gatwl .Vow. ((! Alotll4 fir - HT Tliroo 1 WASHINGTON'. D. q., May 28 a riiHnliitlon cnlllnt on tho Attor ney General to inform tho Senate If the combination of ratlroad lines rnninrlfllnir the New York Central system Is In violation of the anti trust law was introuucea uy bonaior Norrls, Republican. On objection by Senator Reed, It went over until to morrow. DKTKOTIVKS OX CASK Think J. K. Wnlling'H Son-ln-Iaw n Suicide or Affluent victim. Th. nrnirniilnn nrrivlntr todav BaVS! "Dotectlves Coleman nnd Snow were assigned, at tho finding of the body, to establish the Identity and possl i.lo xnnsa nf ilontli nf n. r.vnn Town- send. They do not hold a murder theory. They say tnat iieatn wan probably a cease of suicide or accl- "Mrs. Tpwnsend, however, still holds to the murder theory. When her father, J. E. Walling, of Marsh field, arrives, funeral arrangements will bo made." Mammoth HKDUCTIOX SALK on MIMilXKRY opens FRIDAY at Mrs. A. G. AIKEN'S. derful. True, It may bo hard to clear some of It, but tho work Is no harder than tho farmer hns else whero nnd aftcrwardB his labors will lighten. If tho people only know nnd realised, tho development that would follow would bo mnrvolous. 1 told people In Minnesota that ten acres of Western Oregon land was worth moro than forty acres there. "For tho Inst few days I hnvo beert confined to my room. I hnvo boon reading eomo of tho works of Trahk Carpenter. Tho story ho writes of tho oxporlcnco of n Now England clerk who lost his $30 per week position nnd who could not find nnothcr In his lino nnd then wbr awakened by a talk with tho old janitor of his firm, Is Something nv orv ninn should rend. Tho transfor mation it wrought In lil in nnd tho awakening that followed his efforts nntlj the story of his saving on a laborer's salary hnvo n moral thnt all should know. i Will Kiicourniro Them "Yes, we hnvo sold a few trnctB of our loggod-off land nnd I am vory Bind becaiiBo It will mean thnt there will bo n few more acres tilled hero. "Wo wnnt to encourage moro pco plo of this clnss, peoplo who will pro duco nnd at the samo tlnio furnish cheaper or hotter living for tho bal ance of tho community. "Today, In nnswor to an Inquiry, I stnted that tho company would ,bo only ton glad to extend to this clash of peoplo tho same terms of easy payments that it oxtendB to Its om omploycB who purchase lumber to build homes." Mr. Smith was feeling much Im proved today. Ho said that general business conditions wcro bad and tho lumber market vory bnd, but ho wns hopofdl of tho outcome. COMMONWEALTH Session Opens at Eugene with a Discussion of Civic Improvement. lllf AMorltth! Trw. lo Coo Hot Tlm.. Hiran.N'H, May 28 Tho Sixth An nuai Commonwealth Conference, which opened- hero Inst night, list ened today to a discussion of civic Improvement by Professor J, L. Hart of tho University of Washington, iclm nri.n.i flint mnrn rnrn tin tnkuil In dovolopl'ng tho Individual, "for by neso component, puna io wiu com munlty built," ho snlrt. SUFFRAGETTE IS 'Militant Creates Scene in Court ;by Shouting "Hurrah for 'Liberty." Kt AMo:lat4 Pria Io Cooa Hot TIoim. LONDON, May 28. Tho French militant siiffraKette who was arrest- A for smashing threo windows In tho National Gallery, croated n sceno In court ' today. Sho continually shouted "Hurrah for liberty," and "Hurrah for Chrlstabol Pnnkhurst," She -kept up a voluble declumutlon In French and finally was romandod for q further hearing. ACCUSE MOOSE OHGAXIZKH. The Roseburg Review says: "Ac cording to word received hero, W. 8. Green, who organized tho Moose lodge In this city. Is under arrest at Portland, accused of contributing to the delinquency of u minor child. Green, It is charged, agreed to look after the welfare of a 17-year-old Hrl lint Instnad. nlaced her 111 n i Portland hotel. Green's nrrest fol I lowed those of members of the so- called Friars' Club at MllwaiiKee. i ho girl In tho caso Is said to be the daughter of u former Rosoburg city marshal.'1 (JARV PREDICTS NEW ERA. Iliislnchs to 1lu Chance Again, Says Steel Clinliiiian. NEW YORK. May 28. Tho. coun try Is entering on a new urn of big business, accormng io juubo a, n. Gary, chairman or tne uoaru oi directors of the United States Steel .iirnnrnHnn In nn nililrilKH at tho opening of' the annual meeting of the American Iran ana sieei in stitute As I read the s gns of the times." unlit .1 nil tin (!arv. 'there Is a well t throughout this developed sentlmui country In favor a fair chance." if Riving business - The Womeii'H Aukiliury of. tho Pres byterian church win noiu ' cookihi food sulo nt Perry-NlcholMMi' I'Vlday, beginning at 1 o'clock. CONFER NCE ON REMANDED OALT AKTf-TRUST LEGISLATION COLOMBIA TO ACCEPT CASH; South American Country Willi Take $Z5;U00,UUU tor Claims on Panama. (Ilf AMiH'ltlnl rrr In ttnon lur Tlmr. llOCOTA, Colombia, May 2S. Ian Soiiato i.v twunt""11 ,,n""1' President Wilson nnd ngnlii. olBht i rood Petitioned thai all legislation nffoct- rue uoiomitin three votes iweJi, Colombia and tlio Uiilto.1 !.. ...........I ...... States In connection with the Putin- ..... fn....l n.... ,1.lw.1 iin.lli.H oxnni'lml tmlnv Wllliln six inontllH expeciei louii). iiniii six "iihhiih Hill V.4IIIIII. 1HU illllll IVlllllllK ..HO nfter tho exchnng oxclinngo of the rntirica - tlons of the tronty the United States ngreos to pny Coloniblu $25,000,000 In gold. E OF J. P. Financier's Records Examined Jn Connection with New Haven Investigation. ' ITlr AvMrUio4 rrNt t Coo nut TlrnM. NtJW YOHK. May 28. Kxnmluers of tho Intoratnto Commorro Commis sion nrrlved today nt the offices of J. P. Morgan & Co., and began go Iiik throiiKli thu books and records rclntlng to tho Now Havpn rnllroadv The formal inquiry into tlio New llnven enso will be resumed nt Washington Wednesday. American Open Golf Champion Wins Easy Victory Over Henry Topping Today. Sr Auttliif.1 rma lo Vm tHT Tiro.) VERSAILLES. Frniifo, May 28. Frauds Oulmet, tho American open golf champion, became tho amateur champion of Franco by iioreatiug Honry J. Topping of Connecticut by four up nnd threo to piny In tho final round of thirty-nix holes. . TO AMERICANIZE NAME. Clllneno Consul ut San hVaiiclsco rk'tH PrycediMit for Ouintryiuen. (Br Aaawlal4 Prau to Coot par TIidm. BAN FnANCIBCO, Mny 28, Chan Chin Shu, Chlncso consul gen eral here, made a public request today that horeaftor he bo address ed by his last name, "Shu," Instead of by the patronymic, "Shan." He explained that ho wished to Ameri canize the namo. It Is believed his exnmple will bo followed by his othor countrymen hero and that the anclont Chinese custom of placing tlio family namo boforo tho given name will ro tho vay of tho dis carded quoue. .MUST 1THXISII WATER. Oregon Coiimilhfloii DccUlon I'iivoik tllO ( OUHIIIIU'I'K, oii.i.'ii rir fnv R In nn nr. dor Issued this afternoon as the result of a complaint mane against Mm nniiL'iiin rvnmtv i.lL'lit & Power company by Mary Noll Wnlkor, Ileatrlco Sharp ami n. ! .Mninows, Hi,, utitn rnllrnml nin iiiIhbIoii hold that tho company could not deny n customer servlco bocauso ho wns lu arrears with his payment, provided ho tendered payment for the future service. One of tho complainants and tlio company wore disagreed over a past piyment, and it was alleged thut tho comnany refused to offer or glvo further sorvlce. This the com pany could not do. hoid tho com mission, it being obligatory upon it to furnish n future servlco when ever a custornor offered to pay for it. Tho commission also held that tho company could not bo compelled to provide an aggregate of buildings, each district In Itself, with water by ono service. Mammoth REDUCTION SALE on MII.MNKRV opens FRIDAY at Mrs A. . AIKEN'S. MORGAN OUIMET ALSO TRENCH CHAMP Committees from Manufactur ers and Dealers in East Calls on Executive. NO PR0MlsiiMADE TO CALL HALT IN MEASURES Wilson Says Better Legislate Reasonably Now Than Have Wgtf!S2!i- i WASUINOTON. I). C. May 28, I niiiiiiimiiwii w. . I . u. i The officers of tho Nitlonnl Imnlo- Jnient nnd Vehicle Association, tho Ohio Manufacturers' Association nud 'the Illinois .Mnuurncturers' Associn- , J'!? rm"!"!" .bV...!u.-,!.,l!l2!,2 until n commission could Investigate) nnd make n report on which Con- , ., ..... ...!-..,.... M...M I K" "" 'Oiuii uiiiui HiiiiHiiiiiiirj- inno . . , ..,,,. ,i,1.ii1,ii ilt, i, ,,,. ,' "''...,;',,"...' ! ' i"..;..ri.. ....V.t wnH n gront deal better to legislate mod erntely and soberly now than to wait until more radical forces had ac cumulated and went much further. VOTK DOWN AMKNIIMKNT. Ilotiio Deiuocratlr Majority to Let Chiyfoii IIIH Htitud. llf AinxltlKl rrrM to Cooa lUr Tlmf..) WAHHINCTON, I). C, Mny 28. The Houso Democratic majority re peatedly voted down today all at tempts to amend the Clayton omni bus nntl- trust bill. TROUBLE TOLO i Major Boughton Says Federal Troops Could Not Be With drawn Without Danger. (tlr AmikUIo4 I'ri.a to Too. JUj Tlmto.1 NEW YORK, May 27 Fodornl troops could not lyi wlthdrnwn from, tho Colorado coal fluid without dan ger, according to thu testimony of Major Edward J, Ilroughton, Judgo advocate of tho Colorado Military district, before the Federal Commis sion on Industrial Relations. Ho said thnt ho had been sent by Gov ernor Amnions to enlighten tho pub lic, "which hns been Inflamed by press reports." Ho admitted Hint ho hnd visited thu Standard OH head quarters but had not soon any rep resentatives or the nilno workers hero. Mnjor Ilroughton testified further boforo tlio commission that tho "state ments to tho effect thnt womon and children woro shot In Ludlow are not true." Minister McMillan at Lima. Peru, Gets Instructions from Sec. Bryan. (Ur Aaaolal4 Tina to r-oa Hat Tlmo 1 WASHINGTON, May 28. Secre tary of State Dryan has instructed Minister McMillan nt Lima, Poru, to rccngulzo tho Government of Col onel Oscnr IlQiiavldes. In February tlio United Statos recognized tho pro visional government, PAYS HOARD HILL WITH HAHY. .Mollicr Hail No .Money anil IjiiiiI lady Took lire Sou. CHICAGO. Mny 28. A your-old- linv WflH i'lv.,11 111 I'lMlrt lit. Ilia timlli. or, Mrs. Paulino Hubet, as security for n 133 bonrd bill. Tho baby was uirneu ovor to .Mrs. ituooipn Puterson. with wlinm Mm. lliituit formorly lodged, "Hy order of tho court, tho moth er may call as often as she desires, but may not take away her son until the bill Is paid." "I like this baby," said Mrs. PntnrRnn. fn nnnwftr mi Innntrv ff Tllfli'ii li'rif ft utm iintila t lim her ii nud mo the buby, that suits me lino.- Tho Susanvllle i mining claims In the Greenhorn district of Graut county are making a good showing as producers. A movement has beou started In Lincoln county to establish a mini mum wago of ?G0 per month for teachers. COLORADO!! M G ED I i ) j , MxxmamiiiMimmmmMmmtimtiNHm ..b in.'.iMASLttaF,