THE 0008 BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY MAY '26, 1014 EVEWINQ EDITION, "! T 0tttimfWtni('i'ynMnityfnra0t)miammu ,,,.,, ymiaaeaeBSUsasamf ' mK ", xsssumSssmss., M You Get a Square Deal No bnnu can hopo to win the confidence nnd respect of a com munity uiiIcbb overy person outerlng Its doors Is assured of re colvlng fair nnd courteous treatment, regardless of his station In llfo or his relationship to the bank, Amerlcn Is democratic and Its Institutions must bo conducted upon democratic principles, If they aro to succeed. AT THE FIRST NATIONAL Bank tho officers and employes are approachable and glad to bo approached. You will got courteous attention nnd a squaro deal bore. Wo deslro to hnvo the public know that we are anx ious to halt) along tho legitlmnto business of our citizens In cvory way possible. Our success is bound up in tho uucceBs of tho community. We want old residents and nowcomers to get acquainted with ua for our mutunl benefit. D. B, D. Opens New Era ' in Cure of Skin Disease SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First, National Bank . Of Coos Bay . t-, . Professor Budloncs easo of cczoma Was known to almost ovory Hospital nnd physician of reputation throuKhout tho stato of Connecticut. Ills letter is nnothol- Interesting demonstration of what is being accomplished by tho lumvuH Hiiuumu u, u, u.. iTcscrtpiion ''It may bo of interest to you to know that your llfo-clvlmr preparation, I). V. V. Prescription has been of Incal culable valuo to mo. I wan covered with eczema from head to foot when I bo?an using your remedies. I could Bet no relief, although I tried a thou sand means. I applied but two bot tlon of tho Prescription; a euro waa effected, in a, very, ohort tlmo, In loss than ono month." Prof. C. J. Budlonsr, South Lymo, Conn. Ask any drugRlst today for D D. D. Proscription, Jlo'll toll you It allay tho Itch Instantly and soon thoro aro signs of euro. Wo havo handled tho remedy for yearn and regard It as tho npcclllo for skin troubles of all kinds. Come In or ask us about D. V. V. Prescription, also about D. D. D. ooap especially, for tondor skins. Wo offer tho first full site bottlo on tho guarantoo that unless It stops tho Itch at once, it costs you not a cont. rfmSBi is hirh 1 FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST RANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Tuld on Tlmo Deposit Officers: J. V. Ilennott, President. J. II. rinnagnn, Vlco-Prcsldcnt. It. V. Williams, Cashier. Geo. I Winchester, Asst. Cashier. i ' . ' i THE SALESMAN'S NAM IS OUSTER DROWN. fVvt. VHEN DAINTJANE COMCS IN TO DUY XJST 01 ll II fl HE KNOWS Tlir, VtRYKlNDJ-ltr'aTBY-, ( (i-jWC; ..iirtCSv 8 "I Bill r- BLUE fclBBON .SlIOM JUiT TIT lltB rKT Vf '-Jj- VmTVSS I . I 1 1 I S VT S, AND MAKE THEM LOOK JtOTRIMMWDNtAT. - JtiZSFWfJ&S lllllll'l f in lTVYv HCrHNar jiaw WANTTHtJouTorJHOE fftcfJVv s?ftl JJJU IUy Vl TmatJanl ANDDusrtALWAu rJoCrfl 3L hT m iW , Jm & fefmlw 1 vjftijr TWS'P '' T" 3s'- lrJ rVVvwn-F II ';hl5 kfesi- UrBn."' 11 i i "&" vfr Ljf i IL.i U I'll I res-!j The Times will bo pleased to pub' llsh letters from Ua roadon on alt questions of public lntorcst. Eacti letter must bo signed by tbo wrltor, and so far as possible bo limited tr 700 words. In publishing theao tot ters it must be understood that Tht Times does not Indorso tbo views ox pressed therein; It la simply affording a moans for the voicing of dlfforont opinions on all Questions affecting tho public welfare. IS EXHIBIT AT BIG FAIRS aoprc-OHr iK4 ay tmx tmz'ii ffifP BIG SHIPMENT OF BUSTER BROWN SHOES JUST RECEIVED The Golden RuA Ideal Free Grove and Picnic Grounds Hrlnic your lunch basket, Kodak and fishing tncklo for n few days' outing. Sunday School nml all picnic crowdB n specialty. Kxcurnlon to Boiith Crfos Itlvor ' ovory day. Mnrsliflclil Tlmo Table Launch ICxprcss, wook days, leaves 8 a.m. I.nuuch Tlogn, week dnys, lonvcs . ., !.... '2 !)'" Rtonnier Hnluhow lenyos. Mnralifluld at 8:n.m. every Sunday.' For charter and picnic arrungements, apply on b,oard stpaincr Rainbow. i Coquille J Marshfield Auto Stage Sorvlco Commencing Mny 23, 11, Scli(Mluu Leaving Ohnndlpr Hot)l, Mnrshflold .,,.,..,,,,. 7:1C a. m, Loavlug Olinndler Hotol, Marshfield 10:Qp a. in. Leaving Chnudler Hotol, Marshflold .A. 1:3Q p. m. leaving Ohnndler Hotel. Marshfield .T. 4:30 p, in. Leaving Maxtor Hotel, Coqulllo 7:16 a, m. Leaving llnxtor Hotol, Ooqulllo, 9H5 n. m. Leaving llnxtor Hotel, Coquille ,, , ., , , 3)00 p, in. Leaving Unxtur Hotol, Coquille 4:30 p. in. VAHK: ONU WAY, ijSl.a.'I; HOl'ND TKIP, S.IK DAY, ?J.OO. Auto Coiiuet'tN AVHIi Nino O'clock nnd Tlirco O'clock Boats from Iliuulon. OOI CAltS; CAIlKPUIi DUI YKItS. JKSSK II1TE, Marshflold : : : Transportation Manager BUYJHE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER Creamery urAnn UNDKH SAMTAltY CO.MHTiONS l.V A CLUA.V AND MQDKH.V l-'AOTOUY. BTKUILI'KI) MILK AND C1I1UM. PURE ICC Fioo delivery, H n. in. nnd a p. in. Phono 73 If you uro not asliainiMl of your goods A I) V K It T 1 S K T II K M, Goodrum's.Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Suppljcs for AH Makes qf Cars, Ht7 Central Av. Phone S73-L Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunas between an; points In Marabflold tor the follow Ing rates, delivery to be made In tho first stories of building One trunk S ,2o Three trunks .50 Twelro trunks 1.B0 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi HelaBer, Prop, Phones, 120-J; 40-L; 88-R. f Magic Results From ELECTRIC IRONING If your home is electric lighted you can always enjoy an easy, fietless ironing day. YOU MAY DO YOUR IRONING IN MUCH LESS TIME keep cool and clean while you are working turn out better ironing. ThQ clean polished surface of the electric iron is always at the right temperature and stays so. SEE YOUR ELECTRICAL DEALER, or telephone us. Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178. Second and Central Try the MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Stoaks arid Chops WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, CLAIM THAT HUILDINO AT LHW LS & CLAIMC FAIR IIHOUOHT .iirt.M iii;(; niWHKS FIlOM It. A. COITLK. Editor Coos Day Times: In your Issuo of tho 23rd Instant. In your roport of tho proceedings of tho Business Men's Association nt tho banquet given nt tho hotol Chnn dlor, you quojo Mr. Copplo as hav ing stntod that n Coob County build ing nt tho Panama Pacific Exposi tion, would hinder tho very thing nlmed nt. That ho was vory much dlssapolntcd nt not finding a Coos County exhibit In tho Oregon building and that ho did not know that Coos County had n nopnrnto building for Its exhibit until after ho roturncd home, thnt ho dcclnred that hun dreds of pcoplp loft with tho Impres sion thnt Coob county did not hnvo nil exhibit nt tho fair. Tho factB aro tho following: no county In tho stato had thejr exhibits In tho Oroi gon building. Thnt Coob county hnd tho llCSt nml most rnnnnlniinna uv. hlblt of nny county In tho state, nnd received nnn I Mr, I nt Mm ..ini prizo of $1000.00 for. hor oxhlblt, and thnt n gojd medal was awarded for tho Coob county building which was tho prlnolpnl oxhlblt. Thnt Chairman Fairbanks of tho awarding committee, stntod nt tho bnnquet hold nt tho Insldo Jim, whoro tho nwnrds woro announced thnt Coos County was cicoriy entitled to tho wholo of tho uiimui prize, Din tnni mo committee finally decided to dlvldo thin nmong thrco counties, as tho other two coun ties had vory flno exhibits and woro wntitlcd to soma consideration. At tho Lowls and Clnrk fair Coob coun ty was universally recognized ns tho only real llvo county In tho stato, mid this wnn aololy on account of tho Coos county building, and it did Its work. Numerous people who nro now real dents of Coos county enmo horo nnd lo emeu on account or wiint tnoy saw of C.H.Duntjan Says bloc -'i UI0DS R. thlsyear" LWatlt,l "y uie mto front ung , who was in fflWnifc said that tho araSS,d, ,0 nml tno lato atiiilp. l.T . M od severely. li0P&.hAd,,, vonsteln trees "Sd oinfe"1 '!' Iocs not expect to .i?60"1" 1'OXCS. Whnt w .1. i t J ,C1 to tho comilho SffiM'tt Is not known. w,,' tt ir. uungan say. n,., ,. porry crop suffered a (fllh back last woot . .?? ,emP0fn thor scalding the berri. "'' Many tuoushM?."k,.8tti! "B of the crop bt H?k,t avo Proven otherKe"'0'5 Mr- DunSSB, Jio prospects nro for th. n Hno and the small bo rl,!1?, ally nrofl to. mr"u t"t1t',rco oks ahMd of ffi nito, lots of wild bltciM1 "wb foundlotho hllli. flAUDLMIIlJiOTKcJ Tho "Clnrdlner" will thu,. WthortforetlrlnB.naSi.VJ .., ui iiiny, saauni or tb ngomont. Mr. Hammtli Hiiown ns n hntoi mn n. . had tho Management of (he Con! iuiu, nnu mo uoverle it A!l io , uio iiommen or the unit and thoro Is nn .im.M i.. .J will mnkn n i.i. .. n... Mr. Weatlmrbco will tike a nn n nn outniK trip camping oa Si uiver, ueioro returning to Cillfr oro no win no into other tai! unruiucr Courier. Helps Kidney 'nnd Illmlder Trouble Everybody Satisfied. Evorywhoro pooplo nro taking Foloy Kidney Pills, and nro so satis fled thoy urgo othors to tako thorn also. A. T. Kolly Mcintosh, Ala., snya: "I rogcMinnund thom to all who Biiffor- from kldnoy troubles nn bnchache, for thoy aro flno." Dest thing you enn tnko for back icho, weak bnck and rhoumntldm. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank U. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotrl. Phone 74. Central Avenuo J)ruL' Store, local a,gwcjr. OUH KLEOANT LINKS NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED -AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH DEND FAMILY DINNERS. In our now location, wo aro es pecially prepared to cator to family trade. Regular meals or short op ders. Open Day nnd Night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Droudivny and Commercial. Mfld. EVERY' .MAN should know Through tho country ho fioea The best dressed people Wear A. E. Andoraon clothes. F. 0. PRESTON, Agt. MorMi field. Cleunlng nnd Dye Works. 128 Front Street. KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL EVERY'THING IN THE RAKERY' LINE MARSHFIELD BAKING COMPANY lit.l NORTH SECOND ST., NEAR CENTRAL AVENUE. PHONE 428. Si Jb Printing : Doirae ail: Tnmraes' Office ' ii FOR PAINTS , ' AND WALL PAPER Call on LeMiaux & Miller, 393 No. Frpnt St. Phono 115-R. QUATERMAS' STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, Send Your Laundry to Us'By Parcel Post WT3 FURNISH A BAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-1 Marshfield TIME TABLE tho Coos countr No better nrhrm rnnl v. , od thnn for Coos county to hutS utrn ouuuing at ino rtntmt II no exposition, as In thli mm i mo ouuuing iincir would (tltljl CIIUI CXIIIUII, Asldo from Hi great vilut advertising medium the tnlJ would bo tho homo for the thoc&l or Coos county people who l!l r tho fair during Its continuing, i this Is no small consideration. No effort should lo tpartd to euro concessions from the (tlr clnls nt Snn Francisco (or t C county building, It Is absolute! only way that Coos county cum proper recognition and would worth thousands of dollars to rnnnti'. Ono who attended the Lerlit Clark Fair with his eyes opts. MR. WEVEHHAKUSKIVS IVEUl KMUrir Tlitina f HfniiAHlmniKiil Wtt ttiT( I If not tho richest man on wtia Ho wna the world's greatest tiW Kmg. It la cstimaiea ion , mum oi uri'Kuu uiuiie, mm ........ Ings' approximate wnat an enormous sum, - - - . Lla lirtMlfft of it. A poruon oi mi m. n. 1 1 J liAM JI4 ll in coos Louniy. au "u" "" It? Ho did not render adeo.uiU' nn tnr. u iin wns foreign boro-i country owed hlra nothing w-f In nny way. I will tell jou tot Ilo'was tho beneficiary oltbefc ors or ino puuuu "-.;;,, typo as Dlmond, Benson, W" I a .. - t.- man nlt&lfl i'Uier. no wia .. .!.( tho fenco, the receiver ol stolen r an accessory both before and h tho fact. 4 M.M, , And yot a great newspaptn' OroBonlan says: -'lie only tool toRO of an opportunity as wort I other man. with his fores!!., fr and moans." .. s tt r.nnmoii under laws wruca pooplo through their repre had made." Indeed! HeneeUW find your stable i door opwy and steal your horse, jot i to blame, not I-pr I! I ; - .... lonva VOUr ' your BurvuuiP " "--'; '.upnnM locked bo I might .steal your prop I wouiu uu b -" : ., i w Cm trous doctrine It may beiit nninn Biivs. nnv man woow m like conditions have done t n thing, but I don't bellero It B nvsr tho conduct Ol r. "'J user Is reckoned as blgWr ggm nnd touted as wi - - aoThWi?U wja the truculent knee seems to w w our control. . I0u . Mr- Weyorl.aeu.erh s J t not nourno irom - tt over teturns" but "hi rii after him" to vext us and t como niter ui "-, ,ownJo million times for his Jelio? n he never been bom. IJL nisnea triuw .:"" hlK mon iiuuiuu j...-- could overtake him. & i! nii s'JsT11 It beats nil ho w 0 nJ v Cathartic Tablets IfenJ, overcome cowtlpago n , ni iivaIv and active m s?asMnv: entirely removed $, T Owl Prescription i"'aIer g- SLCha,Ui Sral Avea riiuuo Store, local agency