The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 26, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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M. O. MALONEY Editor nnd Pub.
AN E. .MALONEY News Editor
Offlclnl Paper of Coos County
Entorod at the Postofflco nt Marsh
Hold, Oregon, for transmission
through the malls as second-class
mall matter.
Address all communications to Ml
-v"w"ka it v tiAir.v rriita PJ
Mnrsli field
Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho
pcoplo, that no good causo shall
Inclr n champion, and that ovll shall
not fnrlvo, unopposod.
Ono yoar (COO
For month 50
Ono yoar 1.50
Whin paid strictly In advance
tho Subscription price of Uio Coos
nay Times Is $5.00 per year or
S2.50 for six months.
It was Just seventy years ngo
yesterday that tho telegraph wnB
formally Introduced. Samuel F.
II. Morso, the inventor who had
worked for twelve years on electro-magnetic
communication, nnd
his associate, Alfred Vail, had
Rtrung tho first lino botweon
Washington and Baltimore On
tho morning of May 24, 1844,
Annie O. Ellsworth, daughter of
EVERY season has Its own pe
culiar messago to hutunnlty nnd
nothing olso Is quite like tho
call of May. -Even hero on Coos
Bay, whoro tho seasons nnd tho
months morgu and molt Into ench
othor with almost imporceptlblo
chnngo there Is a difference In
May. Then tho world of light nnd
freshness nnd perfume, which sur
rounds us scorns but tho first fond
promtso of still rnrcr beauty. It
Is tho introduction to a Btimmor
of light and freshncBB and per
fume Evory glnd bird hour, evory
opening blossom regnles us with
glowing anticipation.
Yet with all Its promise for the
futuro, thoro Is ample satisfaction
In tho present Joys of May time It
Is tho tlmo of flowery festivals. Not
only May n.uuctiB with their courts
of boattty, but May baskets of
flowers. Hack In the heart of Na
tnro whoro all our fcBtlvo fashions
originate, tho spirit of rejoicing Is
most genuine and spontaneous,
Ovor waving grasses the wind
blowB warmly. ThlckotM of npplo
trees nro bowers of pink blossoms
whoro tho bees drone happily. Ulrds
enrol tholr richest melody. A wealth .bottom.
of follngo crowns tho woods with
soft wroaths of pnlu purple, dim
orange nnd transparent green,
Illuo skies nro adrift with filmy
clouds. Drown brooks murmur
gaily amid the blue bells with JiiBt
(hat hint of plnlntlvo pnthoB which I
llhgorfl In the Hoftcst of running
wator. Hill sides are bluo with vlo-.
lots and tho bright stnrry grass
flowers bring a warmer hint of
summer. It Is n honlthy, normal
411 of tho army regulations pro
scribes as follows:
"4 11. On Memorial Day, May 30'
nt all army posts and stations the I
nntlonnl flag will be displayed at
half staff from sunrlBe till mlddny,
and immediately before noon the
bnnd, or field music, will play
some appropriate air, and tho nat
ional salute of twenty-one guns will
bo flrod nt 12 ni. at all posts and
stations provided with artillery. At
the conclusion of this memorial trib
ute nt noon tho flag will bo hoisted
to the top of tho staff and will re
main thoro until sitnsot. When
hoisted to the top of tho staff tho
flag Will bO SalUtCtl Dy plnylng ono Mm Minn rnmmlqnlnnnr nt nntnnfd.
or more appropr ato patriotic atrs.'uurst Int0 tne unltod States Sup
In this wny fitting testimonial of romo Court chombors In Wnshlng
respeat for tho heroic i dead and lion- ton whoro Morso nnd several elis
or to tholr patriotic devotion will bo tlngulshed men woro gathered
appropriately rendorod." around his telegraph Instrument,
nnd brought tho nows that Con-
cress hml nnnrnnrlntod $.1(1.0(10
for offlcni tests of the Invention,
nftcr a disheartening scries of re
fi'snls. Monte reached for the
sending key nnd ticked off I'm
historic messoKe "Whnt hath God
' wrnilt.hf ? Vnll In n atntlnri nt
altlmore, surrounded by nnothor
group of distinguished men, rend
tho messngo upon a papor tape
Two days later tho telegraph gavo
out Its first public nows by an
nouncing that Polk had been nom
Inntod for tho I'rcsldcncv In the
ualtlmore convention.
I Tf V .1 C . 1 HP 1 1 Mi Sf '- 7 a a
rastory or tne i eiegrapn &ffe2
Contentment Is tho only true
i hnpplncss of llfo; nnd a plcnB
I ant disposition nnd good work
i will make the whole surround
ing ring with cheerfulness.
Of nil the momorlea of tho pnst,
Thnt como llko summer dreams,
Whose rainbow hues still round us
Their bright but flitting benms;
Tho dearest, sweetest that can bo,
Of dnys gone long before,
Are those that oft recall to me
Tho good-byo nt tho door.
Hut tlmo and placo bavo quite es
tranged Ench early friend wo know;
How faw remain, how ninny changed
Of those wo deom'd so true!
Those happy hours again to mo
Hut mom'ry enn restoro:
The llngorlng thought will ovor bo
Tho good-byo at tho door;
Today tho tolcgraph Is ono
of tho most Important strands
holding modern clvlllzntlon to
gether. It Is estimated that some
thing llko hnlf a billion nows dis
patches, business communications
and social messages aro transmit
ted evory year over tho six mil
Hon miles of telegraph wlro con
necting prnctlcally all of the Im
portant scttlomonts In tho world.
Nearly 300,000 miles of submarine
tolegraph also bavo been lnld.
One Invontlon after nnothor led
to tho rending of messages wholly
by sound, to tho Bonding of as
mnny as a dozen messages simul
taneously over ono circuit nnd In a
crude form tho sendlngof pictures
over the wire by Intermittently
flashing benms of light. In Its
most advanced form tho telegraph
hns ollmlnnted wires altogether
and from hundreds of stations
nshoro nnd from the mnBts of al
most every lnrgo ocean going ves
sel tho exchnngo of messages
through tho air has lately become
almost as commonplace ns ordi
nary wire communication
Seventeen Applications for Nntiirnll-I
zntion PiiH'i'.
cnr.. tit .!.!. ri-a tn.. nr. wim.. '
V.-. - . ...4.4, V...... .....J MU. ,f I.VII
. Jutlgo Coke In circuit court yesterday
took up naturalization mnttorB, ho
' found Bovontecn applications. Tney
wore: Alex Kotkn, Hugo Finland,
. Mnrshfiold,
Rudolf August Maas, Germany, Myr
tlo Point.
Charles Johnson, Finland, North
Item for saving tho people's moneyr
North Dend Harbor.
Augusto Avanzlo, Italy, Rlverton.
Carl Carlson Lubeck, Norwny, Lnke
Victor Rudnns, Finland, Mnrshfiold
Olaf Flskaa, Norway, Prospor.
It Is harder to borrow a dol- I William Erlkson, Finland, North
And life's Inst moments scorn to bo
The good-byo nt the door.
Hoyd nnd Roy Honry picked up a
bnby silver seal on tho WhlBkoy Run
bench ono day last week which thoy
Inter gavo to tho Ureuor children.
It has already become qul'o a pet
and Is ns tnmo and nffeciTonato as
a puppy. Handon Surf.
Inr than to work for ono but
most Coos Hay men don't ho
llo vo It.
Thoro nro too many men who
wnnt tn boost tho ninn who In nn
top and kick tho man who Is on tho Mnrshfiold.
1 Alexander
North Ilond.
Henry HJornvlst.
Urnesf PI I p. Germany, Coqulllc.
Joseph Schomoddlng, Gormnny,
Anderson, Finland,
Finland, .East-
When you hear n man who
lives on Coos Dny knocking his
homo town you can hot that ho
would kick n stray dog if ho
got a chance
Oliver E. Hill. Canada. Hrldge
Stollos Psaltls, Islo of Crcto,
Hans Jorven Schmidt Hanson, Don
mark, Handon.
John ArhoB, Greece. Mnrshfiold.
Gcorgo Stnlnburn, .England, Marsh
field. Coqulllo Sontlnol.
EIjEOTIO.V expenses
Grounds for divorce lovo's ceme
tery. Eight men woro required to con-
-n-tt- Toy tho election returns to Coqulllo
Most of our so-called troubles aro from Marshflold and North Ilond.
'"'"branded. Whn Is thorn who will illnniit tlm
Tho Surf Is Informed on reliable
authority that tho Moore mill will
rcsumo operations ngnin on or about
Juno 1st. This will bo goodi nows
to tho business pcoplo of Handon
nnd also to a largo number of work
men who have been shy of employ
ment slnco tho mill closed down sev
eral weeks ago. Handon Surf.
stntcment thnt theso returns could
delight which comes with tho son-! No nrgument can discount gonulno hnvo boon ns efficiently dollvored by
son of flowars. A clear, delicious hnpplncss. parrel post? Tho popular cry for
Blng-sonir runs throuch our souls If "- " . ..... .. fconomy sounds won in print but It
" , , ..... Homo mon marry ni iois'
wo opon them to onrth's splendor. 1Ht0 for t10 (jivorco court.
uoniohnw In tho midst of our work, tt-H
nnd piny our business and pleas-
Somo mon marry nt lolsure, thon Is not practised
In many precincts tho cost of hold
ing tho nrlmnrv election rnn an hlch
It takes n womnn to lend n fool as $0 nor voto cast. Wondorful sys-
nro, our ambltiouH and
Bponslbllltlcs, we should find
to answer tho call of May.
,ROF. William Howard Tnft de-
man around, oven when ho Imagines
lie Is driving her.
Don't pine nwny, Cordolla, if tho
young man asks you to return tho
eiigagomout ring. Spruce up and go
after another.
Ana Henderson of Sclinflclil Kinds
Gun More Effective Than Trap.
(Special to Tho Times.)
BCHOFirci-I), Or., May 2C Last
Friday night Asa Henderson cap
tured ono of tho largest bears over
scon In this vnlloy. Tracks had boon
seen In tho vicinity of tho 1 lender
son rnnch. so n trap was set with
bait, which for a dny or two scorned
to bo unattractive Quito dlscour
nged Henderson started nut to bnlt
his trap Saturday morning, deeply
cngitotlng as to its seeming unof
fectlvonosB, when, from tho thicket
nt his olbnw a bass grunt startled
him, bolng unnrmod nnd uhnwnro
thnt nruln was already at his chain's
longth. Henderson's nolghbors do
not say that ho was frlghtenod, nor
admit that thoy would bo under sim
ilar circumstances. Howeve, It did
not tnko long to procuro his trusty
rlflo nnd with four shots tho uneven
IwMlo ended.
Police Court News
Wlion you henr a mnrrlod man say
w- cinrns mat mo I'nitoci states mat ho hasn't mnde up his mind
politically and soclnlly, Is in a about u thing, his wife hasn't hand
chaotic condition, nnd thnt "It would ed him his cue
bo n bold man who would prophesy, -M-H- '
whoro he was going to land." ' About- tho first thing n womnn
Prof. Tnft Is rlKhf. no student of does after moving Into n houso is to
nffnlrst ran bnndt It, Hut for nil look in the closets to see If (ho InBt
thnt, thoro Is little reason for tho tenants left any family skeletons.
pesBlmlssm with which tho former j
preBldont upponrs to vlow tho existing, TURN '() THE TIRE.
"Minna ' I
Wo nro fnco to fnco with npparontlv .T1,.9.. tlll. .f!0W.B. ,'? tho .hnrbor
. o.. . . - - " ' 'I' 111 hnlil lljln li.. ml.l l.lo
Darning problems. lint so wo hnvo
mien uuiurii in our niiiioiini career;
nnd In spite of domestic doubt nnd
foreign scoffs wo have solved thorn
for wo nro Americans.
This Is tho land where tho lucrod
Iblo Is bollnvod and the Impossible Is
Tho vigor that hns overcouio tho
inntorlnl obstacles of a continent can
also master tho economic nnd poli
tical difficulties thnt wo bavo follow-
1'ho bold tldo. tho gold tide, tho TWO IflCll COIlCretG FlOOf
riood or mo sunlit sea i
Ami the llttlo ships riding at anchor j
Aro swinging and slanting tholr i
prows to tho ocean panting
To lift tholr wings to tho wild wide (
A... I ............ n ..n...... ,t.n.. 1 ...
not whoro M n,u' wl" ,)0 llnped by a two
Tn flv nwnv mid l.n free! I Inch COIlcrotO floor. TIlO zinc floor
.111. tliln rillia nut nt 111.. Iinrlinr lino I. .win ilnu-.i on lnni Mint Ih la CntlOIl. WllO. WllOn tnknil tn till! pltV
Tho slow tide, tho low tide, tho rniv mwi rnnirirMi.H. wnni v.. ' wns Bonrclioil, and hml not less
Replace Old Zinc Floor
City Jail.
Tho old zinc floors in tho cU.
rooniB of tho city Jail Is being torn
$323 IN CASH
H. Benjamin Surprises Marsh
field Police with Size of His
Bank-roll Others Up. '
That an era of oxtonslve prosperity
Is nt hand, was demonstrated by
Chief of Pollco Cnrtor In tho nrrest
of II. Henjamln on a charge of Intoxl
constitute Amorl
something quite
tho Idollsui that
cnnlsm which Is
now In tho world
Perhaps we have too long tolerat
ed grnvo nlniBi'H in Industry, In fl
nnnco, in taxation 1'erhap wo hnvo
sold our national birthright of ma
terial resources for a mess of pottage
nnd made private wealth tho muster
of opportunity. It may bo, as ngt
tators declare, that social unrest Is
now rising llko n tide. Hut It does
not follow that the tldo will over
whelm us In revolution. Foro wo
aro Americans,
Kipling, though condemning us,
recognlzos tho powor of the American
to meet nny emergency.
"Whllo reproof around him rings,
Ho turns a keen, untroubled face
Homo to the Instant need of things'
And ovor this big, vexed continent
ho bcob brooding tho American spirit,
which Is destined to save us "In tho
teeth of nil the Schools."
od. Wo have the mental nnd "'oral u '!!?"'uur'W';iir at mattresses will bo placed on tho beds
brawn, the alertness, tho practlcnl Aml "'J?.. l,mo 8"ll)S rocking at ,,,,,...,..'. ,., ..
common sense, the saving humor and I . ""l'"", ,. ... . ' , T T . 7 . ,. . ;L
,ii i iiiii.iiit nun iiiiuiiiH ii in uu iaiiiivu, iiki oiiiiniiuiii, iiiu
bows to the landward yearning "Jack of nil trndos," about tho city
To breathe tho breath of the warm hall Is doing the work. That class of
sweet strand. humanity which frequents the cells
And rest In the sight of tho high nro today made conspicuous by their
hill land nbsonco and Stutsman is taking nd-
To hold tholr haven nnd stay! I vantage of tho opportunity to mnko
My heart goes round with tho tho coll rooms more sanitary. Mnny
vesseU notod characters have been conflnod
My wild heart, my child heart, In bohlnd tho bars of the city Jail and
iovo wiin uio sen ami uio somo of thorn have attempted to
III uu
And tho turn Of the tldo passes cram on tho walls of the ronmnrt
through It 'mont.
In rising nnd falling with mystical , n i8 very probablo that tho futuro
currents calling ' inmates of tho walls will deface tho
At morn to rnngo whoro the far walls like tholr predecessors, but that
waves foam, Is to bo expected when ono considers
At night to a harbor In lovo's truo tneir characteristics.
no me,
With tho hearts that understand!
Honry Van Dyke
You will
I when you ronllzo that a commonplace
OF ALL the many questions that! thins 1" the purchnso of a now
nre constantly being asked tho.K'uKhnm apron is almost an Evout
War Department nt Wnshlngton In her life,
to nnswor tho ono most frequently, Mothor always knows that when
put before It Is as to the corroct alio dlos Father Is going to marry
position of flying Old Glory on some snippy young thing with a
Momorlnl Dny at nnny posts nnd doll two. "And It will servo you
Btntlons I right," she tells Father. "Sho won't
To those who hate no rolatlon to 'wash and scrub and Iron tho chlld
tho military service it Is almost tho ren's waists nnd make a slave out of
nnlversul belief that tho flag should ,' horsolf llko I do. Ami I'll bet you'll
b displayed at half staff nil of May bo wishing you had mo back before
30, but this Is not so, for paragraph you are married a week."
than $323.40. This wns tho larcest
amount thnt had been nwnrded to tho
custody of tho Jailer slnco tho advent
of tho democratic administration.
Benjamin was roleased Monday by
paying tho customary flno of $5.00.
Mock Jones was arrested by Offlcor
uoano nt 1MB a. m. Monday, and
lodgod In tho city Jail for tho nlcht.
He was tnken before Recorder nutlor
.Monuay, saying that ho had no funds.
He was allowed his liberty, on tho
protnlso that ho would consent to
ononinir an account with Mnmhni cr.
write their biography or fnvorlto pi- tor n"d would pay on account as
ouuu ud iiuasiuiu,
Ed. McDonald DciKirtcd.
Ed. McDonald, aged 71, was again
nrrested by Marshal Carter at 5
o'clock yesterday evening for being
on tho streets in a drunken condition.
This Is McDonald's third offense In
the last ten days. At a previous
hearing before Recorder nutlor Mc
Donald said that he would go to work
If nn officer would pilot him out of
town. In compliance with his re
quest Marshal Carter lei him to ono
of tho launches along the wntorfront
this morning and saw him off in tho
direction of the sand hills.
I i are calling for bids to furnish two
i hundred thousand feet of lumber.
'Ill have to admit that the! ono hundred thousand fir lath, etc.,
wife is a protty good scout for tho now Conway Apartments.
Must como strictly In grades spec
ified nnd delivery contracted for.
Material to bo delivered F. O. n.
Sixth and Central Ave., Marshflold,
Oregon. SPOT CASH will bo paid
as fast as satisfactory dolivery is
Room 207. Marshflold,
Irving Hlock. Oregon.
a ml refreshments.
All Elks nre requested to be pres
ent Wednesday evening. Initiation
balloting on candidates. Important re-
oorts of rnninilttemi tiler fonl n..,i !
good time. Visiting' Rrothors are in
Thos. H, Jnmes, Sec.
HOOD RIVKR sweet apple CIDER
Tailor-made Clothes
Ready to Wear
There is no denying the fact that ready-tailored
clothes today are vastly superior to the so-ealleS
liand-mc-down clothes of not so many years ago.
The great establishments which tailor rendv-to
wear apparel nowadays employ the very best tailors
and the most skillful designers.
That these concerns are better able to study and
interpret the styles of the nation at a less cost than
the small tailor, is only natural.
Custom tailoring at a minimum price is y0nr8 ju
the good clothes we sell at $15 and up.
Utiles' and Misses' White
dresses, beautifully trimmed
with laces nnd embroidery,
various dcBlgnB, somo of nil-
ovor ombroldory worth up to
110.00, now only
Ladles' Tan Seamless Hose,
linen heels nnd toes, woro
Now IPc pair
Full width mosquito bar, var
ious colors, special
Hcautlful kimonos of best te
urcd crepes, latest Empire
bncks, woro 2.00, now
Only $1.48
6c a yard.
Shelf oil cloth, best quality,
fancy scalloped
Only 8c a yard.
Men's latest four-ln-hnnd tics,
nil silk, beautiful colors, were
GOc, specially priced
Silk McBsallno Petticoats, all
tho newest shades, doublb
Bowed, dust ruffle, wero JIT.OO,
LntoBt Tango hair set with
brilliants, woro Ilfie and GOc
Now only 25c
Rusfer Hrown patent leather
bolts, black, red or white,
were 2Gc
Now 1 8c.
Infants' crib white blankets,
colored borders, wero GOc
Now 29c pair
Ladles' pretty head srarfi In
brocaded silk effects and latest
shades, were 7Gc and M.00
Now 50c.
Central Avenue.
The Fair
ioxt to Chandler
It's not what you Pay
It's what you Get
That makes a satisfactory Trade
There's a Reason.
"Talk to Thomas About It."
357 ifCmM s9 J,s t jfSSl dry
Have you ever noticed how an
audience yawns in the face
.of an uninspired speaker
Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To
impart beliet in anything a man must believe it deep
ly himself. Ve call such a man an enthusiast. On
the other hand, have you noted how an audience will
lean forward and grasp the chair arms when tho
speaker reveals enthusiasm?
This applies to the written word also particularly
to advertisements. When the manufaeturer really
believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost in
evitably find expression in ADVERTISING. And
To he convincing, an advertisement must
convey an unmistakable impression of en
thusiasm. This it will only do when the
article advertised has inherent worth.
Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising Three
mighty forces, close-linked.
Try Them in THE TIMES