IWvfK mxM Vf" BLESSED BE THE MAN WHO A llANNKH YEAH Titl .enMn opens ultli brighter p i 1'iMiulllo Valley country (linn "I before "' H l.lstoiT. For- ,u,y 1)I"K " foundation for jours ( VOL XXXVII. Established 1878 as Tlio Const Mall Retrial Ordered In Noted Co auille Assault CaseReas ons for Reversal Told. PROSECUTOR'S COMMENTS ON EXCLUDED EVIDENCE Also Holds Instructions Asked by Defense Should Have Been Given to Jury. D AMOtUl! I'rw I" Coo. nr Timra.J SAIiKM. Ore, Mny 2C Hccuubo -,ni.i.Htor UlJcnvIst commented up- on oviuciii'o which iiiu i-uiiii nun -, tiered excluded nnd bccnuBO tho court I . a ..lt. 4 I.,. nnttt tt n .1 I .a.ntPi to U1V0 IIIHirilCllUHH HHiieii iBtructloiiH naked (, tho Oregon aed tho Circuit lty In thp case of pmivli'fnil di( hu. for by tnu doreiiBO, i proiiie court reversed court of Coon county in tno case 01 jcso S Unrton, couviciou ior inn- fault upon -MlflB .Mango lonKum. iiur- I. SUPREME COURT REVERSES TWO LIVES IS M'NARY WINS HUGH KIN OF J' S. BARTON COST OF KISS BY 1 VOTES upon MIbb Madgo "i onkuin. Ilur- ,.mit i.()urt were given. It Is not epresentcd Coos county In tho likely that a new trial of tho cane legislature MIbb Yoakum nlcn take plain before September, lino of tho nllogcd offoiiBo wub Tho Unrton cose was suhmltted .1. r.... II... nfitiimiiiv nt nintlllln. ... .1... a.... r.... nl.,... . ....!. ton represcn last K a clerk for tlio company at Coqulllo, ltli which iiurian ib connected. f'nlltu. llf Itl'llM-Ull During tho trim prosecutor i.ujcq- i.i sniii'lit to Introduco ovldcnco to During tho trlnl proBccutor I.IIJeq- how the reputation of MIbb Yokum. Tbocourt excluded this nntl tho proHo- cutor then Btatcd to tho Jury what he Intended to show by tho ovlddnce i Prior to tho Indictment af Unrton, a petition of citizens of Coqulllo, doplor- Ins tho moral conditions In Coqulllo and calling attention to Barton's rate, wnH nddrcsBcd to tho grand jury. Tho Supromo court 'hold this inowoi a strong senument ngauiBi Ilarton nnd tho court should have In itructed tho Jury not to bo guided by tcntlnient. I A. SMITH AND WIFE ARRIVE Head of Lumber Company Is Here for Short Stay Capt. Olson's Fast Trip .Up. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Smith urrlved L ;,'",, 1, v,,tlonal (Jeograph j.ero yesterday on tho Adeline Smith nfflffL to spend 11 few weokB on tho Day 1 u ' J """, ' roKrnm This Is Mrs. Smith's first trip hero ....win-jInu out tho prohrnm. over flvo yoara nhtl In honor of hor wr.qiitvoTO.N' X) C. May 20. Mmlng.cnpt. Olson nuido ono of tho c;MVloOH0N0i,.8 ,hlra- visit to fa.test trips from San Francisco t hat', , . , ho ,llllt t)l0 ,ret,i. the Adollno Iiub yot modo, her running ,Vun ' ,, oro thun flvo years ago tlmo being only about thirty hours. ""' ' . .. hcoimt IntereBt. Tho Mr. Smith ha boon Indisposed nnd iirJncI ml Interest centered In his yesterday nnd today was conflnod in ''...' )oforo tho National Ooo nle npnrtmonts nt tho office butldlne --....i.i,, society nnd the conforonco hv n linil Innllmnhn II.. Iina lllHt m "'. .' . .. ' ,.. lnn,l. In Pnn. ,7 """ """ "" ,"" """ '" I "," luiiivu uiiiu un exiuuueii uiiDiuiii 11 1, . A. Wnrnor who wub oxpectod here with him will probably not nrrlvo be fore a week or so. Mr. Smith has boon anxious to have Mrs. Smith visit hero before but on her previous trip to tho Day, they encounterod tho worst storm that hns prevailed nlong tho coast in a long time and sho becaino very seasick and tad a horror of tho ocean voyage. Hon ever this tlmo they had a flno trip up. Mr. Smith wanted hor to see the many changes thoy had inado in tho plant hero and' sho also wish ed to visit at tho homo of tiolr eon, Vernon A. Smith. It was said thnt thero was nothing new to glvo out concerning Mr. Smith's visit hero this time. Asldo from tho completion of tho plaus mado for docks and warehouses neces sitated by tho oponlng of South Front -.vui, Ulliur IHUllUIB IIIU IIIO IHOJ'v..- Jon of the Eastsldo mill, which has &0' h !ftWe.S.L'. rl)l ... u iumvu diiiuo hid mow "-I biso mo inspection of tho smltn-i'ow-ers road which A. II. Powers Is com pleting. Mill Slough Fill. Thla In M.. CmlM.'u flrol vlBlt noro lnce tho completion of the Mil rouRh fill. Owing to his Indisposi-, inawpoM. Tlon he hns not been able to Bee tno lieen able to see tho hnf tho fulfillment' niaiued changes of his wlah has wrought In tho ap- of his wlah has wrought In tho ap- Pearaiico nf Afnraliflol,l The elOS I1K o Will Slough has been a hobby with Mm since his first visit to Mnrsnfleld. even before ho acquired tho big reretsts hero and tfna personally In- "" ., of an ju,i,artlal tribunal tereeiml. nnH lla ,anllntloii will bo atl"u ".... i ---"., Mlt ,l f V....M.U. -- -.. ui blvUl. DUIIOIUUillfU l" ....... Just bow long Mr. and .Mrs. Smith M remain Is not known. SHAMHOCK is iauxciir.D. Sir Thomas Union's Yacht Slides Into Wuter Today lr AwoclUfcl Frtt to coot P TIoim.1 GOSPORT, England. May 20. The Shamrock IV, challenger for the America's cup, was launched here "day and christened by the Coun- of 8haftaburg. A8 tho nn... ntinllaniiAr Bllll (IOWU ways, tho Countess of Shafts- Jury wh0 had done similar 6 c,r f?r the shamrock III. christened Sir Thomas L pton's latest champion, Yachtimr fiinnrfs nnneared greatly ..w ..un v..m....o". -- Impressed with the boat and ex- Pressed the opinion that she had a oSorJ,QnCe tUaa Bny f prS" MARSHFIELD, Oregon Supreme Court Orders New Trial in Coqulllo As sault uase lotiay. Ti,0 Oregon Supremo Court today rou.m,,i ,le voiivlction of J. S. BARTON CASE IS REVERSED iinrtiui of Coqulllo on tho charge 01;.." Su-i1HmuiIllllK MM y0l1,nm nnd ordered f,ll u ,, Un No ,lulnlls ot t,, Krmiiiils (m which the Supremo -. r r . .1... .1 ... i.i . . 1... II r Krniiiittn on which the Sun court reversed the decision of to the Supreme Court nhout a month ago. C. I. McKnlght nnd Judge Siierrv were nttorneys for Unrton nnd District Attorney i.n;oqviBt una ilinrL'n nf the tirnnocutlon. hut In submitting tho ciiho to tho Supremo Court, Mr. IJIJoqvlHt had a Salem attorney arguo It for him. The Unrton enso rnused quite n furore nt Coqulllo. Mr. Unrton wns Indicted on charges preferred by Miss Yonkam, 1111 employeo In his office with attempting to niwault her In the vault ot tho abstract office nt Coqulllo. Former President and Party Arrive at National Capital Today Kept Busy. 1 inr Aiwll4 rrn lo Crot lur Tlran.J WASIIINC.TON. I). C. May 20. Col. Roosevelt nnd party arrived hero tii ih nrturnoon nun wrno inui uy 11 Wltll lilt ITOfirUBBHU ivnn". " . " . . . l.la M. gress. Ho wns niso i aj " i--pects to President Wilson. Senator Jones, of Washington, Says If Law Is Repealed People Will Rewrite It. (Dr AmocUI! Tr lo Coot Dr TlmM.J WASIIINUTON. D. C, May 20. Tlio Panama Tolla Kxemp Ion repeal ins debated again In the Senate Senator Jones of Washing on led o f with an 'attack on .ho hill. off with an attacK on mo . . American people will not have , thrtr Amorlonn DOOll O Will 1101 nut fB,B pSe?hs leglslauoniy ho f-yv'" IL'lilllU i ... . -.-- Ul eeimtor jones said that tho time to - the dlBmit0 wltn jjngianu .-,,"". tho uiBI1 for0 tlU) ro """."o (he repeal and not after w.as uo'or..." .'.. . rnnal. ho f',e. w.a, " erclged "Huertaln" ingeu- "'" " oxerciged "Huertaln" Ingeu- bl '" ""...'. n imnri. Suther- ROOSEVELT IS IN WASHINGTON PANAMA TOLL IS DISCUSSED "" B- utnh introduced a resolu-l bel1K Ioaiied on tho Adollno Smith i, ' "'-ainng 0u the president to sub-! thB afternoon. The logs are Immense -.".", .... nritaln a proposal for:onoa boinij forty-flve feet long and for Arbitration. Meet TodayA meeting of tho rt iiiuEt...t - Chamber of Commerce execuin e Is to be held late mis comroiiiw .- -,-,---- nlnn for sending : th Coo. Day concert band to " tland and to tour the Wllam ette Vnlloy. They will probably tako up the Fourth of July colebra uon matter also. Tho saloons are objecting to donating more than $05 apiece for the celebration and some threaten to drop the celebra- tlOn. . . ... .,.ii.. rpUara .... M. "Vind o ce rush for the old ; f7w0 retail yi' rda one i Srn cle b Kwhlh Tabernac w um , th0 party re- ?ni00nfebaUBlness, he Is opt company ouo ir H. Harris respond ' "'.?," ,? and nluht moving It. Mra-u, u. n i ..mill day and nlgnt. Mnnv wailtea nuiim" ed soon aiier w.o and got "r,;aIItnreIB1aB were waiting W& 3?w ,U IS IN A HURRY. HE K lag MEMBER OP THE OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 26, Reginald A. Barr of Lisle, II ! octys nu Huuiuuiuaiiy miiuu Sweetheart Suicides. HIT Alioelt.M 1'km (o toot Ur TltnM.l 1.1SI,E, 111., Mny 20. Reginald A. Unrr, leaving behind him n noto dcclnrlng that his slaying of Ills sweetheart, Florence Uentley, on Saturday night wns accidental, Jump ed beneath n moving train early to dny nnd wns killed. He Bald ho attempted to kiss tho girl and sho screamed nnd hu plnccd hln hnud Bcrenmeu ana uu pinccu nis nnuu on her thront. "She became quiet nil of a sudden," snld the note. Tho ftntn anl.l tin tirnl nHnmnlnd ulttnlilil tit. ilriiiinlntv fiml tnlofi,i utiaiirtnnaa . i.f.u ui.ii. ..u .i.ii, ,...v..iii... u... ...u "" o ru,ou .....m IS HELD TODAY Body of Late Empress Dowa ger Haiwo, ot Japan, is Placed in Grave. . ' inr AocUII rrtti lo Coot lUT TIrim.) KYOTO. Janan. The casket con taining tho body of tho lato Em press Dowager Ilnruko. was placed today In a grnvo at tho Imperial mausoleum of Monoynmn. tho burial place Ib near that of tho Emncror Mutsuhlto. Thousands of peoplo knelt In prnyer during the ceremony. Statewide Search in California for Chinese Children Who Were Kidnapped. Iljr Amoc ll4 PrtM lo Cooo n; Tlmr J SAN FItANCISCO, May 20. Tho two children of tho Chin ese Consul General nt San Fran cisco woro found asleep In n dry croek bod today -where thoy had wandered nnd become lost. inr Aiocltl4 Htm lo coo. Ilif Tlmn.l SAN . FItANCISCO. Mny 20. A stato-wldo search was Inaugurated today for tho two llttlo daughters of Shan Chlng Shu, Chinese. Consul General In San Francisco, who dis appeared from tholr Berkolny homo Sundny night. Tho theory Is ad vanced In Chlnntown that enemies of tho faction represented by Shnn spirited tho girls away tor pomicai purposos. Tho children, aged 13 and 8, wore tho Chlnoso costume Nei ther speaks Engusn. C. A. Smith Company Ships Four Monster Pieces on Adeline Smith for Fair. Tho four big logs contributed by the C. A Smith Company lowarun the erection of tho Oregon Pavilion at the San Francisco imposition uiw LIMB CIHMM -0 " ones, bolng forty-flve feet long and i.. tnni i.i iinmntnr nt tno siiiuii en". Two of the logs are fir and two ce-( dar. The Adeline Smith took four -.similar iokb oumnuu u m ....i - .. .1 ..i 1... .fin Cfmhfliin Lliniuor company down a few weoKB Ubu, , -t E. U. WheelocK, tne new genuioi manager of the C. A. Smith company, and his wlfo who have been spending a week or ten days on the Hay will leave on tho Adeline this evening. HiiHlnesi. Hotter. T J E. Oren, former manager of tho C. A. Smith Co. who was hero last week for a visit, stated that business ..ii.i., ..n 11a la nnw runnlne a MMNI CHIfCONSUL . SEEKS GIRLS BIG LOGS TO . PANAMA FAIR illiunB inere, , t n Point and operat h for the old. .... .,n ,.Qr,io nnn nt Concord I HUD 1JIU(IK UIU . . .w - " . Owing to the operating the HOW TO SAVE MONEY TRADE VIT1I HAINES. ffi ASSOCIATED PRESS 1914 EVENING EDITION. Defeats Judge Benson for Ore gon Supreme Court Nomi nation by Small Margin. Dj Aitoclttai lTrtt to Cott Btr TItwO POR8TL.AND, Ore, Mny 2C Of flclnl count, an received hero from vnrlotiB counties and tahulated today gave Chnrles L. McNnry n plurality of sixteen votes over Henry L, Hen bou In the republican primary contest ior ine uomiunuou ior wic supromu court. Recent unofficial counts gave Uenson a Binnll plurality. Uenson's supporters nro hoping tho official .. .... nt Cln... ...I..I1 -nattt lila luilllL til ottlllll llllHllk Itoiuiv 1110 1.....I ii'iiu TO Senator Borah Presents Pic ture of Reorganized Party Stronger Than Ever. Df AmocUI rrrt lo Coot Ur Tim., t DUTIIOIT, May 20. A picture of the future Republican pnrty re united with the Progressive element, which left It In 1012, was painted by Senator Horah of Idaho, speak ing nt tho otate-wlde conforonco of ItniiiilillrniiM "Tim Itnmilillrnn unr- ty Ib coming back Into power," said Ifornli. "I snld n. year ugo mat mo amalgamation which would tako .linn.. ii,.iilft In. tin ni!inli?mii!itlmi nt the voters, not ot the asHumed load ers. It Is our duty to mako It clear that the Hopubllcnn party Ib in ln !i u It wnn In Hu linat ilnva. n thoroughly progreBslvo party." DNITED STATES TROOPSJARGET Shooting Occurs in Coal Fields of Colorado for First Time Since Army Entered. inr AmcIiI1 rrtM lo Com n Tlmw.J TIUNIDAD, Colo., Mny 2fl. For tho first tlmo slnco thoy nssumod nnnlrnl I.. tlin utrlkit ll IhI rll'tK 111 Colorado, It was learned today, the United Htates troons woro nrou up on Inst night. Tho shooting occurred nt l In. nilnnm' rntnn nt MOKlinilO. whoro twenty shots woro fired nt the retierni troops. E OF TUG IS HURT In Attempting to Start Flywheel with Crowbar Percy Mil- burn Receives Injuries. Percy Mllburn, engineer of tho tug r, ..rill l.n xmiflnoil to his bed for at least three weoka as a result of Injuries sustained last nigni wiiuu ho attomptod to start tho gasoline en gine of tho tug by menoB of u crow bar. Tho tug was coming out of tho south fork of Coos River whon tho engine failed and In attempting to got tho fly-wheol in motion Mllburn placed tho Iron bar between tho was quick to respond, throwing the, crowbar which struck Mllburn across tho forehead knociung aim unconon- a I Viiti.n wna fnniwl w nihor attend I ants of tho boat nnd he was ruBhed to tho office of a physician, who up on examination found mm m uuui nvnni nntioii found turn in nuui- REPUBLICANS BE REUNITED NGINEER &jri&'ZWVSBX.S5& lor ho fM.1,."" W"" '" '"" "nSS SJ oeffi i ' uled tor ImlM ThO IUB (.Oast IB U.eu lur ii.n..ih !!"SSr"ab'into .pie. business at Portland. In Eddl Morris, who operated tno uoni W(IO ... w ...... ,.- . . ', for several months on tno biubiuw. Mllburn says he has had little dif ficulty In starting tho engine boforo It alwaj-8 responded to the notion of the crank he saj-B. Mllburn has a room In the Bay View apartments. TO TELL HIS TROUBLES tttira A Contolldatlon of Times, Coast Mull and Coos Day Advertiser. PEACE RELEGATES WILL NOT GUARANTEE LAND TITLES J. R. SILLIMAN AT VERA CRUZ American Vice Consul Declines to Discuss His Experiences During Imprisonment. Inr AtaoMtlril rrtM to Cm tlr TtrofM VintA CUPZ, Mny 20. John It Sllllman, American vice consul nt Snltlllo, arrived hero today from Mexico City. Ho declined to dis cuss his experiences during ills Im prisonment until after ho had made an official report to Washington. gt'iiri in Mo.vrintr.v. Xoi'iiml Conditions Are Destined hi V.iff lii.fii M.ivlill. inr Auof Ulnl Trrtt lo I'iMit IUr Timet I WASHINGTON. I). C. Mny 20. Normnl condltloiiB are prevailing again In Monterey. Consul General llahua reported todny to tno hi sue tii.iinritiiniii Tin. nillrtintl tn Hnl- tillo was to' resumo tho 'carrying of pasMengers touny nnu naunn re ported his plan to go to that city. Mrs. John II, Simmon, wire or tno vlco consul, received word at 8al tlllo of her husband's imfo arrival at Vera Crur. Mrs. Sllllmnu ex pects to leae Snltlllo soon with a' patty of other Amerlcnn women. Supt. Thos. Dixon Says Chief Engineer Hood Has Not Or dered Work Started Yet.' Special to Tho TIiiips.) EUGKNj:, Or., May 20. Tho date - uinrtiiii' coiiHtriictlou work on tho three blu bridges on tho Coos iinv.Kitumio lino Iiiib not been fixed nnd no definite preparations for nntrni'tii for till work llllVl) 1)0011 inndo. oxcont tho orlglnnl contract let by tho Southern Pacific company to tno .MCArtnur roras i-uiuimnr. Thomas Dixon, superintendent of the McArthur Peiks company on the Coos llny-Uugeno lino, when asked about tho matter today, mado auth orized the following statoment: "The date for starting tho bridge work has not been fixed, but wo ex poet to got notlio soon." iimii.r tim rontrnct which tho Mc Arthur Porks compnny has, Chief Engineer Hood of tho Soutiiorn raci- II,. Ima llio rlL'Ilt In fix tilt! 1 1 111 11 for commencing tho vnrloiu work olong tho route and It Is up to him to say whon tho uridgo worn sinrm. mu McArthur Porks company lias been anxious to got all tho contract work undor way. .... Howover, Chief Englneor Hood Is said to bo relying on tho statement of Englneor Uroughton, who took tin umimllniFa for tlio blu bridges. and thnt was that tho Coos Uay brldgo could bo completed In six to nlno months. Ah tho contract ior tho structural steel for tho Coos Hay brldgo does not cnll for tho be ginning of tho delivery of It until January l next, thero Is amnio tlmo to begin tho work and havo It roady It Is reliably understood that the steel for tho big bridges will be brought In nftur tho rails have been laid to tho points where needed, tho heavy glrdera being bundled better on curs than on ship. IS J, C. Walling nnd wlfo left yoster .i.... ... iiu nrnnirwntor for Portland u " .'.---- .:.... .Mr. WillloK liicllncl to llilnk that I o mu.t huvo met wth loul i,lv. Il .nn.ln.lnu- h.il Imoil onifflUOd NO ORDER FOR RBIDGE WORK RELATIVE FOUND DEAO III IIIU I""' MW-...W.- V .-....- -- unv order to get homo from hla pluco of ,lWB' . -&.,, Itiw busliiCBs. the son-in-law had to crosB Xo Ileal Made. Mra. Enoch lloli tho river and might have eltnor accl- laud states that the report about the ttontiillv fallen In or been slugged. Mlchac Kerrlgon property nt the, Mr" Walling has "been hero for some corner of Broadway and Commercial time for the purpose of starting a being sold Is incorrect. Mr. Kerrl brlck Plant and resided on Southigan has been quite sick at the llaV- Uroadway. ,l0m0 DON'T SCATTER SHOT Conrciitratc your iiihcrtMug In the nev simper that riiichci the peo plo Jon want to talk to. Aiiiinui'l tlon costs money. 'I'ho Times m.cs money to oiHeitlseis. No:1 262 Unexpected Hitch in Peace Conference at Niagara 1 Falls Occurs Suddenly. STILL HOPE TO SOLVE PERPLEXING QUESTIONS Mexicans Say It Is Impossible for Them to Guarantee Ac tion of New Government. tnr AtMCltled rrtt to Coot rur Tlnwi 1 NIAGARA FAM.B. Mny 20. Tho wind In tho Mexican mediation enso suddenly cored once more todny. When nil seemed going well nnd everyone wns optimistic nnd tho Mexlcnn delegites, iienoving incy had reached accord with tho Ameri cans, were about to Ihsuo n formal statement exnlonatory of their posi tion on the laud question, and re gretting It wiih dearly Impossible for them to glvo gunnntees as to tin. nntlnn of n now nnd rccounlzcd government, there rnuin n sudden halt. After making all preparations, tho Mexicans snld they hod concluded to Ihbuo no tironunelmcuto. It wna obvious thnt there must bo Bomo more definite assurancca rcBpcctlns ll... in n.i iiiiitulliiii to inent tlio de clared purpose of President WIIboii. How It was to do women oui wnn not clear, hut llttlo doubt was folt by those pnrtlclpntlng thnt It would bo worked out. Following tho Mexican'!) announce- nicnt thnt thoy would not Issuo n Htntument. thu Amerlcnn ' dolrRntes dashed up In nutos, rushed to tho room of tho mediators nnd n pro longed conference ensued. .Jusiico I.nmnr later dictated tho following: "Wn linvn tllH'llll to lllsCIIHR lurillD and details of a plan of paclflcntlon. On a number of them wo find our- iniimn I.. untiat mi t Inl nc rnonioilt. Others nro still under discussion and as to thorn there uob been no dis agreement. J OF New Haven Case Dropped Un til June 3 Books of J. P. Morgan to Be Inspected. lilt AwkIiM ltM to Cam IUr Ttnta.1 WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny 20. Ti'nrtlu.r toHtlmniiv Imfnrii tlin tlltiir utato Commerce Commission on tho finnnciui nfrairs or tno mow naves railroad was postponed todny until Juno 3 to penult the examiners to Inspect tho books of J. P. Morgan & Co., and tho personal letters of tho lato J. P. Morgan. JACOH HUH DEAD. nr AtiocUt IVtM lo Coo IUr Tlintt.l HARRE. Mass,. May 20. Jacob A. RIIh, author nnd social workor, dlrd of heart trouble at his summer homo nt Aster, Long Island. Ho was n closo friend of Theodore Roosevelt? PRISON TERMS (1)7 Am wltt: I'rtM to Cooa Pr TIbm. IflMhON Mnv 'fi Tint suffrac- ottes who slashed tho pictures In tho Nntionui nailery nnu uoyai ainhi emy and soverul window Binashorii woro convicted and sontencod to day. Six months Imprisonment was given tho picture destroyerw, wnuo the window smashers received four months. One frail girl collapsed In court us tho result of a hunger Htrlko. All offors of ball wero refused for tho flvo suffragettes when tho court aw tim exhibits seized In thel flut. Thoy Included shrapnol, hand grenndos, ooIIh ot fiiso aim of liousea, plans FLOODS SWEEP UTAH VAI.IiEY. (Dr AMocltl4 rrrtt to loot l7 TIibm.1 R1CHFILEI), Utah, May 20. The dam of tho Hatchtown irrigation res ervoir In Garfield county, CG feet high nnd 300 feot long, broke lpBt night and releabod a flood which Is rushing down the Sevier River Vnlley. Tho settlers were warned i.i.i It lu lillvil Hint no Uvea WOTO lost, but muny homes wero homes wero awepi POS PONEMENT TESTIMOI FOR OFFENDERS J K jL-t, U.