7 Tfi"r,,'Vw,(l m TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 25, 1914 EVENING EDITION1:1. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MAIONEY Editor nnil Tub. DAN E. MALONEY Nous Editor Official Paper of Coos County Entorcd at tho Postofflco at Marsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through tho nialla na second-class noil matter. LIFE'S CHOICE LODGES MIE KEW OFFICERS LIFE Is a choice of courses and a series of choices. Wo havo to choose, not merely onco for all between badness and goodness, but dally and hourly botweon dark ness and light, error and truth, truo llfo and spiritual death. On our constant choices, no less than tho original choice, It depends whothor wo rlso In tho scale of 'character toward God or sink on tho levels of living toward tho bruto and tho devil. BREAKWATER III UNO NIT I Steamer Sailed at Noon Today for Portland Carried 1 54 Passengers. Tho stoanior Breakwater loft port this morning with fit passengers and a good cargo. With two excep tions all tho pnsHcngors arc billed to Portland. Tho two will leave tho boat at Astoria. Tho Break water arrived hero yesterday with a capacity cargo mid SI passengers. Among those to depart on tho stoanior today won: J. E. Wnlllng. J. E. WnllliiK, Jr.. Mrs. J. E. Wnlllng. L. II. Johnson, L. Lnko, W. V. Fuller, nert Seeley, Del Hunt, Mm. W. F. Poller. Mrs. Prod (lottlns, E. E. Fox, C. E. Moun ting, I,. Q. Mulln. Mrs. C. P. Me Knight. V. (J. Lewis. W. J. Dickson, Miss Howell, MIh.i irouuctt, Mrs. E. Evans, Mth, Mary Poster. R. V. Bchlotm. J. L. Kogers, If. Ilcnjamln, Mrs. II. Heiijitmru, I.. O. Knotts, Joo Ocrator. C. W. Thoni, Mlko Apos tolas, N. P. Angelos, Joo Pranks, J. I'loburn, Ceo. II. Davis, Mrs. C. R. Peck, W. P. Hralimrd, Miss C. Still well, J. R. 8tlllwoll, L. W. Colvln, It, Stout, L. P. True, Mrs. L. P. Truo, Mrs. A. II. Crawford, (loo. lliuiBulmnu, I). P. Reed, W. Colo man, Oconto OhrlstoiiRon, Jim Smith. W. Poster, Win. Johns. W. J. Wllllnms, W. A. Horn. Joo Cam .cncould, Hans Hoballs. It. A. Woltz "holinor, Horbort Mnldordo. Arrlvo on Rivnkwalcr. Among thuan to arrive on tho Uroakwatcr yosttirduy woro: John P. Hall, Mrs. A. K. flood win, Mrs. P. II. Wbotstono. J. W. Hunt, Until Goodwin, Clitudo (llllliani, I.. J. Rcliado, Alfrod Goodwin, Sain Kid woll, Mrs. Siliu Kldwoll. Aiuito Geary. Jleorgo Henry, Dr. II. P. Gray. Dick Oray, II. Porkraiiili IV. Woichman, Mrs. Woichman, Henry Woichman, Knrl Wlllltt. T. II. French. I.. I). Itoblnson, Tliorosn Negol, I.otta No gol, Oortrudo Negol. Crystal Negol, Mrs. II. E. Shook, Mrs. P. W. Shoel r, S. J. Roberts, 0. C. Shlndlor, John Ilodunr, C. P. Chnso, Mrs. Nol llo Owen, Mrs. May Coke, Mrs. M. TV. Drown. A. E. Goodwin, Mother Agnes Dolanii; Sister M. C. Ilnyden, T6m Southern. CIiiih. Ilumlln, 0. A. Slgnnlon. A. Knutson, C. M. Llttlo, W. A. Healy. Mrs. E. Lowln, L. L. j.nrson. M. M. Williams, Geo. Wny mnn, Mrs, Wnynian. J. J. Hodgo, MrB. lloilgo, Russell Hodgo, Chns. Gnyno, Mrs. E. Grown, W. M. Rich arilson, Georgo Carver, Dud Cham berlain, Carl C. Neorloin, J. L. Wood, II. It. Miller. Mth. A. C. Anthony, II. P. Howard. Mrs. Howard, J. I.. . Dayllss, Mrs. J. I.. Dayllfs, MIbs E. ImyllHM. John Doylo. 11. S. Ilenson and s'xtoeii Htoonigo, Rebekahs and Odd Fellows Hold State Conventions at McMinnville McMINNVILLE, Or., May 25. Tho Grand Lodge, I. O. 0. P. of Oregon hold Its annual session last weok with 400 dolegatca present. Tho roports of tho stnto officers for tho paBt year showed a very pros perous condition and a groat growth of tho ordor. I ai tins session oi mo urnnu uvuna tho following officers wero elected: William Galloway, Salem, grand master; John P. Hall of Coos Day, deputy grand mastor; Henry J. Taylor, Pendloton, grand represent ative; E. E. Sharon, Portland, grand secretary; Honry Wcstbrook, Port land, grand wnrdou; O. D. Doanc, Tho Dalles, grand troasuror. Tho appointed officers follow: J. S. Fine, Grand Marshal, Itobort Miller, grand conductor; A. J. How ell, grand guardian; A. Arbucklo, grand herald; D. S. Young, grand chaplain. Tho stato assembly of the Rob ekahs elected officers for tho com ing year, as follows: Mrs.Koto Lando Mnrshfleld, president; Mrs. Hoso Palmer. Pendleton, vice-president; Mrs. Nolllo Watenburg, Klnmath Falls, grand warden, Mrs. Ora Gos per, Dallas, secrotnry (re-elected); Miss Edna Jacobs, Portland, treas urer; Mrs. Llzzlo Howell, Orogon City, trustco I. O. O. P. homo. Trustees of the nssembly Mrs. Jes sie Putors, Eugene; Mrs. L. L. Nick lln, McMinnville; Mrs. Mary Donley, Condon. DREDGE OREGON TO GOME SOON Tug Printer Will Tow Govern ment Craft Here From Ya quina Bay by May 27th PORTLAND, Ore, May 2C Tho dredging project at Ynqulna Hay, providing for a channel with a depth of ton foot nt low water from Toiodo to deop water In tho bay, Is to bo finished this weok. The government dredgo Orogon which Is being used there lins been ordered to leave by May 27 for Coos Hay In low of tho tug Printer of Grays Harbor. Arriving nt Coos Day slut Is to dig In tho main channel for which nn appropriation of 910, 000 Is available, though It Is not fully determined nt which point she will comnionco. From the Sluslnw conies word Hint the brortk of about 200 foot In tho North Jotty, duo to tho Imrgo Frodorlck ha.vlng rorontly car r'cl against It, sinking there has boon ropalrod and a start been made on tho now tramway beyond. Hock dumping Is Doing carried on thoro without dolay. NOTICE OF SCHOOL RISTRIIT IIO.NI ELECTION. Stato of Orogon. County or Coos. School Dlstrht No. t. . Nollcii is hereby ulven that at the School District llnnd Election here by cnllod to bo hold at tho Control Sohool llulldlng, In and for School District No. H. of Coos County. Ore gou, tho lith day of Juno. A. I)., 3914, botweon tho hours of two o'clock P. M.. and sovon o'clock P, M., there will bo subiulttod to tho legal voters thereof tho question of contracting a bonded Indebted ness in tho sum of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS for tho purposo of erect ing and equipping a gymnasium for school purposes in and for said school district. Tho voto to bo by ballot upon which shall bo tho words: "llonds, Yes" niul "Bonds, No." and tho voter shnll place a cross (X) ue twoun tho word "Bonds" nnd tho word "Yos" or between tho word "Bonds" and the word "No" which Indicates his choice. Tho polls for the reception of tho ballots cast for or against tho contraction of said Indebtedness will, on said day and dnto mid at tho plni'o aforesaid, bo opened at tho hour of two o'clock P. M., mid roniftln open until tho hour of sovon o'clock P. M of tho samo dny when tho same shall bo closod. By ordor of tho District School Hoard of School District No. 0, of Coos Comity. Oietion, made this 33th day of May. A D.. 1911. .1X0 C MERCHANT, Chalnnnn. DUtrUt School Board. Attest John F Hall District Clork, NOTICE OF FILING FINAL AC COUNT OF RECEIVER OF FOR MER PORT OF COOS RAY, A DE FACTO CORPORATION. NOTICE IS REMEDY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, nnd to nil luhobltants and taxpayers of that portion of Coos County, Oregon, ly ing within wltnt Is known as formor Port of Coos Hay DUtrlct, particular ly described In tho Proclamation of tho County Courtof tho Stato of Oregon for Coos County, declaring portion of Coos County. Orogon, n Port District, made May r, 1909; and nlso to all Inhabitants nnd tax payers of the district now known as the present Port of Coos Hay, particularly defined nnd described In the Proclamation of said County Court niiule September I, 1912: that John D. (loss, us Receiver of the Port of Coos Hay, a do facto municipal corporation. In nnd for sild former Port of Coos liny Dist rict, ho bolnii duly appointed such Receiver by Ordor of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Coos County, made May 2. 1912. In that certain suit then mid now pend ing In said court wherein Thomas McGlunis Is plaintiff mid Henry Songstackon, E. Mlngiis. W. C. Har ris. L, J. Simpson. C. S. Wlnsor and other porsons, are defendants, Caso No. :i:i3S of said Circuit Court, duly qualified and acting, lins filed lit said court mid causo his Final Re port ns such Receiver, praying, among other things, that the dis bursements made by him as such Receiver, bo approved; that the compensation of himself ns Receiv er nnd his attorneys bo flxod nnd paid; and for an order directing him to deliver and transfer to tho present Port of Coos Bay all prop erty, real and porsonal, and moneys in his hands, or under his control, belonging to tho formor Port of Coos Hay, the do fncto corporation aforesaid; that his final account bo approved and allowed, and that he bo discharged as such Recolver anil his bondsmen oxouorated, In which suit tho present Port of Coos Bay has Intervened nnd fllod complaint In Intervention. You will further tako notice that on May 11, 1914. said court duly inado an Order sotting as tho time for tho homing of said final report. Thursday, Juno IS, 1914, commenc ing at tho hour of ton o'clock In tho forenoon of that day, and tho Court House. Coqulllo City. Oregon, as the place for tho hearing of said final account and of any objections thereto, and that notice be given thereof, nnd of the filing of said final roport by publication. Dated Marshfield. Orogon, May 15. 1914. JOHN D. GOSS. Revolver as aforesaid (First publication May IS, 1914; nnd last June l"s 1914.) THE PARISIAN BIG CLEAN-UP SALE NOW JN PROGRESS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE ,0NLY ONE DAY MORE TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY. SEE WINDOWS Watch our ad for SPECIAL PRE-' MIUM OFFERS on tea,' coffee and spices and extracts next week Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phone UIX-J. JUO North Broudnrny. S. S. ALLIANCE SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR COOS RAY THURSDAY, MAY 18, AT l O'CLOCK P. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.00. Connection with tho North Rank Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Conipnny Phono 44. C. F. M'OEOHOE, Agent. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co, Scnii-weckly service Coos Bay and San Frniicisco. HAILS FROM NAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY, SATURDAY, MAY !IO, AT !l P. M. Equipped with wireless aud submarine bell. Passengers and freight. .iiiwwnMaajrum m S, S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WIIIL SAIL FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY, FRIDAY, MAY UOTII, AT :i P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. MoGeorob, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marshfield May 5th , 1:00 p. in.; May 10th, 11 a. in.; May ISth, 1:0 p. nt.; May 20th, 9:116 a. in.; May 2Gth, 10 a. ni. and May 30th, 1:09 p. in. TlckcU on sale to all Kits torn point nnd Information pa to route nud rate cheerfully furultdied. Phone 427-L. II, J. MOIIR, Audit PROFESSIONAL . DIRECTORY.' H II. HARPEH.trt . IIoiiho RlllUIcfi. ('cnornl RopuriiKuiiiidilCallticti .MllKJIItf. Phono :i4D- ' WII. McRROOMi . Contractor niul.iHutldekru Marshfield, Ji Oregon.'. P. O. Box Oil. ' Rc8vJluukerJI!Illi MILDRED ROGERS -NELSON." Teacher of Piauo. Pupil of Ilujfo .MntiHfeldtH nt.. Sim. Francisco, Unl-u l'lo- yeanr teiiclilngi.oxprienco .ln.Hnni' ', Francisco.. Phono 31G1 or 31C7. WT. TO.MlKIN8,s S T; (Woltincr Method.) fnvnrv lrnotun dlaonBo troatadi without druRiuor Buruow Roonin2; 130 North Brosuiwnyu Phono 1M0-L. i Mnralifloldti Or. ! HAVE-HJATRnnT? ihKi7u' r'AtU muw ""o i( i. I 1"t- J. 11. KTI'M.TT cnmoPTttSSj UT , Una oponed aa Wit, I MAtson- aton, fflc9 O'M -"" Vrt L "c "fwasc, ar-Blck. hl U yon GEO. C. MURPHY, . Export Piano, Playor ,nnd..Orgaol Tuning,, Jtegulatlng jind.'Ropalr Ing. Toliiplinne. 70X.. Or ders mny. bc.Joa.nt .thtooWUoy, B. Allen iMiibio. Sioro' Contra.' avenue.' JOEL OSTLIND. Plnno Tuner iindi'Kopulnrr 115 8. Sixth Hticct. . Plioutj. lOJWi liOiivo ordcra nt W. Ri'.fliiliio'MuHlt. Company. JM. WRIGHT' Phono. IMH-lli BUI LDINO" CONTRACTOR Eotliiuitcs fiirnlRlicdiioiihreqMOHt. (0. OOSNHY Phono, 1C4( v f:nitmctAr .iinii.uiuuiiori If Ininlcfl, FiirnMiwl on.,Rjiuvfit. MY PAS'V- WORKulH- MY REliHRENGH Flrwt and .Alder HIm MamUfluIili ;01WY AUTO AND TASlffiiiHci a uw waicaD naa boen iddeiu W Mto BurTlco. Careful hh.... iWlll go Huywhero at any tlmj. 8mj -uinnco uigar store. Day phon, R eigne pnone UD-X. TOM (jnOIIALK. PrnnrlMnr DR. 11. M. HIIAW Eyr, Ear, Nofo nnil .Thrunt. DR. MATTIE II. SHAW DlHOiikCM of women and. clilldron. Olflco phono 330. RoomB 200 20L( 202, Irving Dlock. Houbo phono,- lOOrJJ Dlt. A. J. HENDRY DENTISTi Marahllold. Oregon, Roonm 204-206, CokeBulldlng. Realdonco phono 2C2-Xv OlUco phono 112-J.p M" RH; PARIUNOBn; Teacher. ofllHano, Roaldonco Studio, No. 1000t Corner Commercial iaudiHlerontfiiSt HioneSSO-ai S. S. PARAISO 1 Equipped with WlrelcsH. Fluo PuKiciiKer Aiconiniodiillons. New Hlccl Bont SAILS FROM COOS RAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO SATURDAY, MAY 12:1, with PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT YELLOWSTONE SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, THURSDAY, MAY Ul, WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. TOM JAMES, AkciU; Maislifield. G. P. Sheridan, Aiiciit, North Bend., BENJAMIN OSTMNU, Connultlnx Engine!- u Archltwt. OfflccN, HW lrvltiK Block. Phono 10II-I or. U07rJ Mnrflhflohh Opokmi RERIi RIIiEY UA-rililNQlfK;. PlanUtiiuidrUviichtt.. Rflldonc,.Studlo, 217i NOi Tilled! Si. Phono 3C8-L. W j0..onANm,F:n . Aitomauiux. Sonth Coos River Boats i - Steanior Rainbow in 1 MonMflanr at 8-00 V?' morning for South Co.8uAdv ; nrror?xiroonMT South Cbos RtvcV point, 'r KfHKns A 8M1TU. PR.Y WOOi AT .CAMPBELL'S WQODYARfc North Front Street, ItK)no 1H0-J. f i i luimiiuidiiuii 'I Tickets $2.00ioi MtMIW.Nortli llend Acta,,IlaL Cars very ten minute fnim u a. a. io i: u p. in. GOItHT RING. Pri. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio ARE YOU BOTrtERED - Wkh Corna? If so. j'Mi are demtlK icd- of half tho plcaure o( Jl(r- pieasant vaiKing ana (leauny cw slso. A YlBlt to Mrs.vOllvIa Hintfl, Scb-Btlflc ailit)pKll(,- Ap't 3,vOV Council BldK., will tvthe iomc,ot a pormanont remedy 3or acblai.feeL Room 801 imd HOa, Ook RatMU Marshfield, Oroio. UYMi 8. TOIIPKN, W ARCinTK C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg, Co. ltl.TAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, ItTll, HIIINGLhS. MOULDINGS, HASH AND iXKIlln. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. OUT THfc KUKL HILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 11H. mi SOUTH BROADWAY ARCinTKOT Marhf)'rt Ornt THE COOS 1ICPKL I Fonmorly ofl MuhflM (WASIBaSGTON AVKNUE &tabi;n street Nom-ii i:nd C. A. MotH., lrop. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTreTMsTftACT CO., Inc." HENRY SENGSTACKEN, Manasov FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPBOIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EA9T9IDE MARSnFIELD OFFICE, PHONE 4J. COQU1LLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 191. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. ClMinlng, rcpulrlng or new platens work guaranteed. Ribbons axxi carhou paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phone 44, Alliance office TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. I MRS. C. F. HIBARGER Dressmaking and Ladies' Tall, orlng Prices Reasonable Over Magnes & Matson Store . Phone 2 IS-J. T. J. SOA1FE Vg A. II. nODGINS Marshfield MKH. ." . ULLUUHIIIU tU. Estimates Furnished. Phone 30O-J, MnrshfleltJ, Oregon. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstract, Uioruughly dopciidnblo. Iin inedluto Hervlco, prompt atten tion to nil Interests of our clients. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sb Co. Suits Cleaned and Pressed. Suits made to Order. Give Us n Trial. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM .TAY DOYLE & C. O. DAGGETT 250 Central Ave. Phone- 280-X WE MAKE OUR. OWN Ice Cream PURE RICH WHOLESQMU Orders for parties, banquets and dlnnors filled promptly. It It Is BARTER'S It's all right. Sarters Front street. Phone 333-J. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend. for Fancy and Domestic CHINA immmmm NO SAW 3DGK8 Cr YOUR CLIiAU8 If you havo tiim lauadefM TWIN CITY RlttAM LAJVI)lin YOU AUTO ,QALL FORfi FOOTED vAUTOS, Four Kod cnnitwltti ccittui ddmfc. 1?. .! anrA n'utna ItlldJ illunco .Oillard Parjpra For nljdit carvlce, ilione WW ti..i. nA U4ilt - D. L FOOTE. .MIMmMM ST. LAWRENCE" HOTEL Formor!(r tho os Duildlng. Hnmdwny at,MarIel. DAY IMTES, 7m y, SPIOQiaL RirXI. IliS THb. MONTH. L.. Ii. JUSTKN, .'MfWR"' EDISON?S LATEST A BtoraKe b-ttcry tfwl over clinriliiK, ot hm' WOES SDT CORRODS AI' SICRMINAUS. CONTAINS NO ACIH. WU1 not lose Us clwrgo W HtandlriK Wl VP.iia IS GUAKANTEKR FtB YEAKS Coo.,BayWit?kigICo. loa WoauwBj. M Agtuua lor i ui " --- p -. Willamette -Pacinc Motor Car lavfl..MjwliXl 0:30 k m. 7; 00 v m. 8;-O0i a. m. 9; 00 a. in, Ji0c0 a. in. and.' every thirty- mlnutea unU 8i00 p. m. 9;00 p. ra. 10:00 p. ra. .Sutuitlays only 1,1 : 00 p. m. ft; 00 m. Chimneys . 7:15 a,o 8:15 a. 9:18 a.. 10:15 a- an ortrf thirty n.laut 8' 15 p. &15 P. j0:l5p. Saturday 11:15 p. 12:15 a. m. Fire I'"- T N. Bavliss iny kind of brick work Pr,c" that are r,jI,,,:l..v-rEEP AND ALL WORK C-jVWiNhS" Call at "The Fire " 4Si4, Bldg., LIT Second at. Puo" Wwb ( ZZSEZZjSZJgm,