.alMIMMMi aaay . 7?ret7WlMMfMMM " """" 1 -..WMqi.ytii.ywn.iaiiv),piyBii)w iwHMfliiwwpyy'y . ir r JMBt' ' FilSff3nHB Jiff ARE ALL ANXSOU A IIAXXER YEAH Ti,k enou n'n with brighter ?,nrrt fr tho grout Coo.s Itny f Voniilllo Vnlloy country tlinn Sr before in II Mitory. For- n11 - I.. Ilin millcllltr. Avn fun " V .1.... il... f,imu1iiil,. r.. (,; M'" "' tonrsf SJIIAT OTHERS SHOULD SEE US AS WE SEE OURSELVES agammm.jmemmmmmmsmmm' mmw ro lj vYYll Established 1H78 VilL AM" " ll 1U IAHIBI, .tlHIl MEMBER OP TUB ASSOCIATED 1MIKS9 DON'T SCATTER SHOT Concentrate your advertising In tho nousiiiicr Hint roaches tlio peo ple you miii t to talk in, Aumiiii'U tlou costs inoticy. Tlic Times saves money to nthortlscr.s. SHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 25, 19f4 EVENING EDITION. HOUSE OF. GOIIHS PASSES " DliOilis" BSH HOIEJp BILL M SHOWER SOYS A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull and Coos Day Advertiser. No. 261 r. i Measure Passes Third Reading by Majority oi win Become Law Soon. HOUSE OF LORDS CANNOT PREV-NI lib fcNAUIMbNI Ml I Ul I Ulster Opponents ef Home Rule Still Hope to secure An Amendment to Measure. Or AMOclitf-l t'rrit.to Cool llr Timet.) LONDON. May 25. Tho IrlHh Itnme Illl 0 I'M PIIBBOU mo mint reading of the House of Commons J j a mnjortty or 1 I. CARDWELL VISITING HERE ROOSEVELT 10 VISIT WILSON Prominent Roseburcj Man Says Railroad Will Be Built to Coos Bay Soon. W. V f'nr.ltvnll ..! l...,f .. The closing Bcono In tlio fight for rlvixl viHUnr.m.- w,. u.".".i .'".....: ...I.. I.-HII Iriitiillinii .. ..,...,. . ' '!'"" lllll toniHiui- ....,,... ."BW..V-. . "ii iu Hiienii ii week or bo lore Iookiiik c members nn. Bpertntors which Wr circuit court nlattors and other filled tho chainhor to Its- litinoHt liiminuwi. It linn hcoi, two or three cpactly Ou.sh e great crowds gn h- yeH,- hIiicc ho visited hero befori.s md to nwnii uo rosu.i o;i uio no- hIiico ho milt the roro home Knine Me on tho third rending of tl,0 , ,horo ,, eon 0 mr,lt;tlIar J Tho bill wlhch pns8od tho .lo,,rn!r.. 'inlliolmr.ar Sn for tho third time, nnd which will ,inyR of King Kol r I u in. ml m . bocomon Inw whothor tho Uoiibo of horse however Lords assents or not, provides for nn . ....' . ,,,..' Irish parllnment whlcli cannot logls- ' ......V ' "J"" l "J"110 ,vo.r tno Myrtlo bte on poaco or wnr, nnvy, nrmy, ' olnt ,roa,l for ll,c,ro 8" l "'' rond" .viimmvii .in, V.UUI mm UIKIIl. 1 enmo via Myrtlo Point but road Is a nilHoinur when npiillod to thnt route. It Isn't n rond. It's nwfnl. "Of courso tho Kosobtirg-Coos liny Chicago Thief, Under Arrest, Throws Jewels to Newsboys who Flee with Them. tH AnoH.t.J Crrit .a Cool Ot Tlmw J CHICAGO. May 25. A shower of diamond rings descended on n group of newsboys when n Jewelry thief In custody of two policemen waiting for " patrol wngon suddenly Jerked two hnndfuls of ringB from his pockets and threw them over his hend. Tlio newsboys snatched up tho rlngB and fled. Mfty rings, valued at $1000, wcru iioni uio jewelry store. R005V ELTTO Former President Will Be a White House Guest Tomor rowToo Busy to Lunch. (Or AMocUtrJ rrrti to Com Dt Tlm.J WASHINOTO.V, D. C, May 25 Colonel Itoosovolt will ho received tomorrow by President Wilson nt tho Whlto House. Tho President In vited tho Colonel to lunch, but Huoscvolt found It impossible to tench Washington In time. Ho sent word, however, thnt ho would bo do lighted to cnll on tho President dur ing tho afternoon. IB PEACE IDIATORS IKE PROGRESS IN NEGOTIATIONS INDIANS ARE ON WARPATH' foreign relations, trndo outsldo of rtland, cnlungo of legal tender or religion. Numerous other minor re strictions are also inndc. I'Ntcr Amendment. Fpeakor Louther nppeiilod to tho rand is going to bo built. Wo hnvo Premier to glvo tho House some In- gat to aiuotid our charter to permit fornAtlon regarding tho hill to bo ns to vote bonds for It but wo nro go introduced nftor tho passngo of tho lug to do It. And wo feel miro thnt kome rulo hill for tho ainondmont Coos county will help us. It will ho of that mcasuro so as to moot soiuo tho grentest stroko of development POLITICS LESS WATER ON IURNE0 AREAS Colonel Will Meet Leaders of Progressive Party at Nat ional Caoital. of tho objections of tho pooplo of Ulster. Asfiulth replied that amend lor tho bill would glvo affect to any itreemnot which tho .govurnmont in sllll hopeful might bo reached Wore tho bill was mndo a Inw. BOTH DIED rini i Tit n I'll i-jik v iiiiifir Son of America's Great Revo lutionary War Friend Suc cumbs in Hungary. for southern Oregon thnt has over oc curred. Tho rnllrond can nnd will lie built soon, "Tho suggestion thnt n flno wncon rond or thoroughfare bo built along side tno rniirond is a good one. It will not cost much additional for tho wa gon rond, built at tho snino tlmo, nnd pnrt of tho money thnt they hnvo been talking of rnlslug to build n wa gon rond can bo contributed towards tho railroad. "I urn nlBo In with Mr. Porklns pnd Mr. Androws on tho oil drilling pro ject. Wo have n $35,000 drilling out fit ntid wo nro going to got oil If It in uoro. Wants Itancli Here. Mr. Cnrdwell Is looking for n lnrgo tllr Am ltd rrrti to Com IUr Tlmm.1 OYBTKK DAY, Mny 25 Tho trip Colonol Itoosovolt will tnko to Wash ington tomorrow took on n now significance today when It became Known dint no would hold nn im portant conference with Progressive lenders. On his nrrlvnl In Wnsb Ington ho will go direct to Progres siva hendnuarters, where ho expects to seo nil tho Progressives In Con gress, it is considered probnblo that i.o will Jump hflo tho political frny nt oiiro ns It lias been suggested that by roninlnlng silent ho will bo permitting tho Republicans to steal a march on tho Progressives by get ting first into tho field with u criti cism of tlio Wlison policies. Plans Hani Campaign. Ha said n fow days ago thnt ho wanted to koop out of politics as much ns posslblo until after his re turn from Spain, but recent events hnvo caused him to reconsider. It Is not Impnsslblo that before ho sallu for Kuropo nt tho end of tho week that be will flro tlio opening gun in wlint Is expected to bo tho Wallace, Idaho, Suffers Se verely from Effects of For est Fire There in 1910. tn Al.nclilM run lo fooi liar Tlm,M. WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny 25. Residents of Wnllnce, Idnho, now claim that results of the dis astrous forest fires In northern Idn ho in 1010 nro being made evident In tho changed flow from a watershed then burned over, which furnishes nn, tno water supply for tho city. Gunboat Oredered from Santa Rosalia to Yaqui River on French Appeal. Illr Aiiorlitml rrwi to font llur Tlmw. I ON UOAUI) IT. s, S. CALIFORNIA, Mnatlan, ( Hy Wireless), May 25.--Tho gunboat Annapolis was ordered from Sniiin Rosalia to the Ynqul River today in rosponso to nn np penl from tho French colony nt Santa Rosalln for warship protec tion for tho French nnd American residents of tho vnlloy from n renort- ed uprising of tho Ymiul Indians. Representatives of Huerta and United States Said to Be ' Most Cordial Now. SLIGHT DIFFICULTIES ARE BEING OVERCOME South American Mediator Says Prospects Are Bright for Adjustment of Trouble. tOr AMorlitftl l'fr..li Coot llur Tlmm. NIAGARA FALLS, May 25 Aftor n conference between tlio mediators and tho Moxlcnn representatives, It was nnnounced that tho progress of tho mediation bad reached u most satisfactory stage. Tho difficulties over tho maimer of Introducing any. (ItioHtloii into tho (HsciishIoii worn being overcome nnd this point will bo Included In the scope of the media tion program, This was stated on authority of ono of tho South Amorl enn envoys. Tho dlplomnts pointed especially to tho good feeling Hint eu tlio Moxlcnn ..,,. " : , -.--.... - , ini'vi iiiiiv in mi, tin who nro reported to bo on tho war-Mum nrnvnlliwi i.iwi !!?. .i Bt,'u,rn,,y, wttliemt. any effort and Amorlcun didegntoM which Is con- "l ." v.ivium iu uiMiinn iiiuiii. iHlaiUK- u row ill? RtriiMLMir. Ill tllO : There lire (52 Americans lnillll Vnllov. Tho Moxlcnn liVilnr. ais seem to hnvo ndopted nn apath etic attitude toward the Indlnus nnd thoro nro reports that discontent Is rife among tho Huerta troops. In nsklng for a warship tho French col ony expressed tlio fenr thnt nn up rising of tho Huertlstns nunlnst tholr otticcrs would TAP MXI-2 CASK DKCIDDD. C H. Sniti-eiiio Court Piiknch On IIhiihIi Line I'l-elght I talcs. Ill, A.xxUlH 1-rr.i lo Cinu Ha, iiium.i WASHINGTON, I), C. May 2G. Tho Suproino Court has annulled tho Interstate Cniiinierrn f,iiminluutni,, Yesterday niordor In tho tnp lino enses and up- rnnch. Ho is negotiating with Ilonry Sougstnckon for tho Inttur'slSOO aero fnrm on South Slough and mny got It. Ho says that tho shells that tho drndgo Seattle Is pumping out of tho Iluy hero could bu sold nt Rosoburg for 125 per ton ns It Is Just tho kind of fertilizer thoy need for tholr or chard Inuds thoro.' .Mr. Cnrdwell Is sorely tomptod to kAA.iiAta Almn .. Iiniion nit fei t nu tmf lino Ull. Kossuth wno ,,,nrrln.l nn hl . ruc",ur u, ",l.u '""."" ""'"."" "" "."" ilrv i.n.i t r.. V ;: " ---i roiir-yenr on con oi uing uonr - ..bc(,., ,Co.' "l.e8S "onyorsky. tho .,.,,,,,,, ,' .,..,. wl 1)0 . wona-or. Mr. Cnrdwell rccolved tho highest voto of nny of tho Douglas county candidates for tho nomination for tho legislature Inst week. ID, AuoclitM rrrti lo Coot 111, Tlmw.J BUDA PKST. MiniL-iiri- Mnv 'r, Frank Kossuth, mm nt iiui front HungarlJii pntrlot, dlod todny, nged 7). Ilo mirpnmlnil lilu fnrlmr nn Hungarian nntlonnl londor. wiring n recent crisis In his III true hero wlilrh lio u-lshiis for n linir I "nniosi llglil of HIS cnieor. All- T .... .. .... .... "" I ,,,, ,, tm.nll.l.. ....,..... .. m 1.1. lit 1. iilliui iuonii,iu IIIIILUIIIU OI HIS tYllBII- Ington trip Is a mooting between ..oosovelt and Republican leaders. Reports that such a meeting might tnko, place roacnod Oystor Hay todny. occur. 21.iulnuto salute fired by American hold tho commerce court, which nn Ml .lllimmnu niirBIIIIIB MI .UIIZIII Hill llllllml llln i-nliun 111 nn. .,-.!- .... nnd by tho Fedornl fortlflcntloiis ihn irniitui thnt it ,i...i ,i.i,-h This bnsln included an nrea of an-.wB mlslntorproted by tlio besieging boldlnir thnt nllnwnnroa -oi.t.i nni ....l.......l.. . II . ll-mtuMlllllMcltlnl -.., ."" --.-.....- V-...H aSW inuAiinuieiy iwo uioiiBiinu ncreB nnu j-""""'"""""""'" " huiikk on uo granted on tlio freight of Inter- who luriuuriy wen in from 50 to 200 years timbered with trees'11'0 city Instead of a tribute to tho osts owning both lumber and tap lines ,rs old. Thcso woro '"to Dowager Kmpress of Japan. 1. t could bo grnnted on the frolght ,i-.. ...t i... .t. .. . (lonnrnl fllirnL'nn'u Imtliirlna iirniimL ..n... i... . .. ..!.,.... . v. wluOK' Of IllH llfnlnn.r rli,7( Qik.Ii 1ad been tho wish of Count IVenyor- T On his ilnnth lioil I.'rnnr-la Ifna. lath took Ills fnthor's placo as lend f of the Ilungnrlans soon aftor "uls Kobsuth died In 1849. At ODe tlmo ho was Htmpnrlnn MlnlHlnr v uommerae WG E DOLLAR TO SACRAMENTO Ho reports that tho Strnwhorry car nival whlcli closed at Rosoburg Sat urdny was n big success. PHELAN CASE WO.VT TALK 31 I2.VICO. Pies. WIImiii Will Discuss All) filing KIm Willi Xewspnpei Men. ID, AMAcliitil rr.it to Con Hit TIiom I WASHINGTON, I). O., May 25 President Wilson will resume his semi-weekly conferences with tho Washington corespondents Thursday. It wns nnnounced, however, that ho will not discuss Mexican mediation. Tho conferences woro abondoned month ago. SS NOW ON TRIAL Vessel Again Makes Trip Up Jiver with Cargo of Lum ber from Bandon. The Graco Dollar arrived in at Ban n .k even'nB after having Jiindo 7J!r trI.P up the Sacramento rivor na discharged a enrgo of lumber at Mtramento. Tho Grace Dollar was "e tirst and so far the only ocean ing vessel to carry a cargo direct ?Jsacra,onto, this being tho third "e she has mado it. The cargo J" from tho Johnson mill near Han- to sh8 P'an ot carryJnS lutnbor direct p . --""viiiu na UVUIVUtl UJ V,n Jr5..rl Dollar' "w chargo of the Johnson mills. First Ciuinl Cargo. on HrL Do'lnr'8 ambition to have rn .?' nl8 vessels carry the first car nwm ,?ugn the Panama Canal will probably bo realized aa is Indicated VTn.e following dispatch: ... Ule first nieasurement of a sea soing vegsel t0 detormme ner ton. cin ir DasSiBe through the Panama ,Mal was mado of the British steam. U,P ItOhnrt rinllo I. ,..tll nnrrv amber from British Columbia to UOntreal trough the canal." TltOPllr.l.' IX' mrnnuin "J Auocltted TrtM to Com Bj Tlm.J Damage Case Against Port of Myrtle Point Up Today 1 Conro Loses His Suit. (Special to The Times.) COQUILLE, Or., May 25. The caso of P. L. Pholan vs. tho Port of Myrtlo Point enmo up for trial in tho circuit court horo today. Pholan niiiiino that brush, etc.. which the Port had cut along tno loquiuo In , Sentt0( after, tho court hnd Impeded tho flow of tho rivor dur- onblned tho contrnctor, for whom Carlton worked, from completing tho waterway Jest It lower tho level of -.nko Washington. Oregon Coal Lauds, The Supremo Court declared null for fraudulent representations at time of entry, patents to four tracts n nnnl In.nlo linlH li,r Ii IFo all I tl ,r rt r Ilia ioo .-.-. -. iuui iuiiu. iiciu uj mu ii a.uiiibii'ii L. D. Kinney resulted in n verdict bocurltios Company In Oregon. U. S. Supreme Court Passes on Canal Dam and Oregon Coal Entries. (Dr Auoclitod rrrt f Coot IU, Time.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 25 Tlio Supreme Court has affirmed tho contempt fine imposed by tho Sup erior Court of Thurston county, Washington, 6n P. A. Carlton for blowing up the dam on tho canal from Lake Washington to Lake Un almost wholly destroyed by tho flro or lino, t-roiu .mis watershed the city gets Its supply not only for do mestic purposes, but also for the de velopment of electricity for powor and light, so that tho malntcnniico of a consldorablo flow Is essential to tho city. It Is stated thnt bofora tho fires the flow of tho stream nt Its lowest stnges was novcr below ono thousand minors' Inches, tho unit of measure ment which has been used. But since tho flro, tho records show thnt tho minimum flow has fallen to about 2C0 minors' Inches nud It Is now neces sary for the company which furnishes water, light, and power to expend n consldorablo amount of money enc.i year in dovoloplng power from steuni nnd to uso n coiisldornhlo part of this power In niimi.lng wntor. Rec- corda of tho weather bureau nt Wal Inco show thnt tho preclpntatlou fur mo inreo years siuco mo tiro una been about normal for tho region. This scorns to demonstrate to tho townspeople thnt the unovenness In tho flow must bo duo to tho destruc tion of tho forest cover of tho water shed and not to nny change In ell mnto or prcclpttntlon. In viow of tho situation, tlio for est Borvlco hns undertaken to refor est tho denuded watershed. uenorni ouregon's batteries prompt- of other Interests shipping over tho ly oponod up a spirited f re on the tan itium. city. I . AHQUIT1I TUIJXH FRISCO DOWN. MINIMUM PAY COD DDCnPUCD English Premier Dof'tH I'lnn for Iti-lt IkIi IMilbli nt KHisltJon. Ill, AtMrltlKl rwi to ruM ru, TlmM. LONDON, May 20. The British government, nrtlnu contrary to tho hopes hold out bv Premier Asuulth , to tho recent deputation, finally de emed (ouiiy not to participnto in tho Paiiauia-Paclrie Imposition. Anipilth Informed tho IIoubo of Commons Hint In view of tho recent representations by parliament, tho government hnd Presbyterians May Fix $1000!('uro,,,ly rcroiiHiiienM, but ima como Dnn Annum Ao I .,l CI 1 ,0 tllO conclusion it UlllSt UlllierO tO the orlglnnl determination. (JOT LOST UN ROUTE in., roshet nnd cniiBeu several thousand dollars' damage to his booms. Mr. Pholan is secretary of tho Port of Myrtlo Point nnd to a ilocreo Is In tho position oi suing himself, Conro Loses Case. . The caso of Jos. Conro vs. Major FOREST FIRE DAMAGE SMALL No Alarm Felt About Situation in Western Washington Now Fires Out. Dr Attoclilt4 rrtit to Coot Do? Tltnti.) SKATTLK. .Mny 25. Tho forost fires In w6stern Washington are uo longer n matter of alarm owing to the rains of tho last fow dnys, Nn damage of any kind was dono except In Clellum county, whoro a largo tract of timber on (ho Solduc Is re ported burned. It It probnblo that much timber was not greatly dam aged on tho burned area, The rain fall has been nboui normal In west ern Washington since about January 1, The last two summers were ab normally wet. Per Annum As Lowest Sal ary for Ministers. inr Atixiiitd rrttt m i:oo nir tio-m.) CHICAGO. May 25. $1000 ns the minimum salary for a Presbyterian minister wns advocated before tho (ionornl Ahhi-imIiIv nt Mm Primlivliir- Inn rimrrii in tit,, iitiiii.,1 Biniu 'on a flshliiK trln as wns announced thnt tho men wIiobo llfo Is spout in ( tliroiiRh tho press recently, While the pulpit might pnss their doclln-i,r- Hubbnrd had every Intention Ing yenrs In comfort. Tho plea wns of KI"B to the fish and gnmo mado by tho Rov. M unlock McLeod, .'"""try, ho follod to make tho of Tnromn, fhnlrmnn of the commit. : propor connections and flnnlly lan- teo on mlulsterla re of. i "" ' " ;i,y. ns rouirnoa Illnliin Hubbnrd, who ninnlpulntes the business end or the Hubbnrd building on the corner of Stnto ritWI High streets, didn't go to Coos Bay SOCIALIST RAPS 1. W. W. Xew York lender Hill's Party llns Xo Nyinpalliy ui Desirnclito McIIkmIs. (nr AuorltlH I'rtll IP Cool III, TlmM.) NEW YORK, May 25. Morris Hllqultt, Socialist, took the stand as a witness before tho federal commis sion Investigating Industrial rela tions to answer statements mndo by Prosldont (Jumpers of the Amorlcnu Federation of Labor, "Tho Socialist party has uo sympathy with tho methods of the Industrial Workers of tho World. Thoy aro Inoffoo tlvo nud childish," said Hllqultt. "Tho cause underlying their doiu- oustrntloiis s the fact that thai spread of tho usa of tnaclilnary makes skilled labor relatively use loss compared with unskilled labor." and was out at the shooting grounds today making small bluo rocks out ot largo ones. Mr. Hubbard says that ho bus not given up his fishing tour nnd hopes to get nwny by tho first of next month. Huloni Capital Journal, LOCAL OVERFLOW. POST M2I-T ESTATE OK OVEK $1:0,000,000 (II, Aio.Ulr rrm lo Coot IU, TlmM.) WASHINGTON. J). C., May 25. Tho will of Charles W. Post, of Ilattlo Creek, who died at Snntn Barbara, which was field here for probate, loaves tho bulk of Ills estuto, estimated at $20,000,000, to his widow nnd daughter, Murjorlo Post Closo. XO KECO.MPEXSE. for Malor Klnnoy. Conro was suing for about $100,000 which he claim ed Kinney promised him would be his sharo of tho profits of tho part nership. Logging Road Suit. The damage case of tae Bolslnger estate vs. McDonald & Vaughn Is slated for trial iIb week. Young IVolslnger was on the Daniels Creek road nnd being missed one day on ti, nrriini nf the train at the log boom, his fellow workers started to ii, m. Mm nnd found him uncon- -Mmm ninni- the track. He died VESSEL HIT ICEIIEHO. .TRINIDAD. Colo., For the first without regaining consciousness. W. 'nl? a ce tne,r coming here, the w. Cardwell Is attorney for the Bol j1'" States cavalry was colled out Blnger estate. . QUell n rllntnrl, !,. nn l'olnn. l strikers became involved In a "t with miners and the soldiers 'flee mpn over t0 tbe peace I.OVAL ORDER of MOOSE MEET ING TUESDAY XIGIIT, Initiations and refreshment. Steamer Royal Kdwnril Slightly In Juml by Accident Xenr Cnpe I tare. (Or AhkUIiI Fmi to Coot IU, Timet ) LONDON, May 25. The steamer Royal Edward of tho Canadian Nor thern Steamship Company, collided with an Iceberg 110 miles east of Capo Race while bound from Mon treal to Avonmouth. Tho captain, in a wireless message, described tho Iceberg as very largo aud said the steamer struck it end on while go ing "dead slow" in a dense fog. The steamer's stem was twisted,' but the captain reported the vessel tak ing no water. HOW TO SAVE MONEY TRADE WITH HA1XES. MAKE THREATS Shouts of "Shoot the King" Fill Hall in Which Meet ing Is Held. D, AmocIi!: frtu to (V Sir Tim I LONDON, May 26. Shouts of "Shoot tho king" filled the hall In which tho meeting of tho Women's Social and Political L'nlou, the mili tant suffragette organization, was held this afternoon. Every mention of King George's name was greeted with angry hissing. derision and! prolonged Those Who list Valuables In Titanic Disaster Not Repaid. (n, Atiorltt 1'r.M Im Cm lit, TlmM,) WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny 25. Moosit llulldluir Negotiations nroi Practically nothing mny bo recovered ponding for tho purchnso of tho Mich-;hy those who lost rulnllvosj or vulu nol Kerrigan corner at Commorclnl nhlea In tho Titanic dlsastor, us a and Broadway, next to tho Times offlc result of a decision or the Supremo with n viow of erecting n brick Imllfl-! Court. Jug thoro. Tho local Mooso lodgo Is negotiating for tho upper story of It for lodgo rooms, etc. Kerrigan lias been holding the property at $22,500. It Is reported that J. W. Bonnntt is looking aftor tho deal for hlmsolf and an Alaskan party. Ill on Boat. Dr. H. P. Howard, while on routo horo from Everett, Washington, was taken in on tho Breakwater and today AMONG THE SICK. an operation for appendicitis at Mercy Hospital. Ho la reported to bo doing nicely, Mrs. W. J. Brown Is reported con vnlOBceut after a long slego or Illness, Max Teppor, steward of tho Mllll enma Club, Is nblo to be about again utter being laid up with an injury to hlR liflr-b nu n rnuull r alltmlMi i,.l II, Ull lliu 1 - "w. . w ...,. w. J,,JI,,llt mi, it underwent I fulling while carrying an armfull of wood nt his homo. Son is Ilo n 1 Word was received here today of tho birth of u son to Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Hofer nt their homo In Mullen, Idaho. Mr. Hofer and his mother, Mrs. Mary Hofer, formerly resided nere, having graduated from Brother Seeks Brother Marshal Carter today rocolved a lottor signed by Lorlng Hocking of Coring, Ark., concerning tho whereabouts of his brother Edson Hocking, who accord ing to tho writer wns in Marohfleld when ho last communicated with his relatives. Thn writer savu thnt h .wr. noier,nns learned indirectly thnt his bro- iiie Aiitrsn- iner tliwj while In Marsurle d. Anv- fteld High School In tho class of ono knowlnir nnvthliur nhout Hotklnr 1902 Their many Coos Bay friends will kindly notify Marshall Carter or vlll rejoice over their happiness. the Times ofrico. V"? I .-,.,.. A-. vl .