bLJ U M The Woman's Corner Opportunity Knocks at Every Man': FIRST ADDITION TO bRSHFIELD It is now knocking nt your door. Why not stop paying rent and put the same amount of money each month into a home of your own? Remember that rent receipts arc worthless paper. FIRST ADDITION is the place where over GO families are now living happy and contented. "Why? Because they arc free from landlords and high rents, and they are making valuable homes for themselves. A trip through this tract will convince you. Observe the graded streets. In addition to those already graded there will be seven more graded this summer. Observe that the houses arc supplied with city water service. Observe the new homes now under construction in FIRST ADDITION. There will be many more built this season. A new school house also will be built to accommodate the growing population of school children. Oct full and accurate information from -. ' Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) 17S Central Ave. Phone 160. I'd I toil Under tlio Auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance Union of Mnrshtlcld. Heaven Is not reached by a single bound But we build the ladder on which we rise From the lowly earth to tho vaulted skies, As we mount to Its summit round y round E 0 BANQUET to nt count this thine to bo grandly true A noble deed Is a step toward God Lifting the soul from tho common clod To a purer alr. nnd a brooder view. J. Q; Holland. (Continued from ungo 1) tnnco to tho peoplo of Coos County In general and this Bectlon In particu lar. Secretary C. N. Cnton In outlin ing tho work accomplished by the organization said that ho had receiv ed 31 ratine sheets giving GOOO rat ings on 3000 people, representing tho largest buslncs houses In tho Coos Day district Ho said that the orga nization had 25 charter members and that its membership had Increased to 74. Mr. Caton said that ho Tin Does the drink traffic ladder tnko tho soul of the drinker, round by' collected $281 In dues slnco tho or round up toward God? or downward ,ganIzntIon was established. 10 Aro nooie ueetis me iruits of the man who hnbltually goes to tho saloon and spends his money tnero for drink? Ask tho broken hearted wife and tho beggared children! President E. P. Lewis told of tho bcnoflts derived from tho rating cardB and urged all of the members who havo not turned in their list of accounts to do bo as soon as possi ble. Ho said that It was of prima Importance that tho members of tho association know tho credit standing of tho neoiilo In this community and nni-Hmtlnrlv llu business IllCn. TllO rntlng cards aro open at all times to Keccntly Joint resolutions propon Ing amendments to the Federal con stitution, to extend tho right of X?J?ttZma f "Ifetho members of tho association, said "luu (II uiuuiiiwii, ni'iu uiiiuivu r- portcd without recommendation to tho house by tho judiciary committee. Lewis. Tho question as to whether of not subscriptions to any public enterprise should lio matlo hy tlio club as n wholo or Individual mombors formed . tho principal thomo for dlBcuosfohV Tho Anti-Saloon League Is to havo a printing plant In Washington, D.T10 maner wnB not definitely decld C.. and to publish a dally newspaper. cd un0n n8 thfl cotiRtltutlon and by. Ono person has already glyen $0,. nws of tho association hold that ucl 000 towards this enterprise. Tho Youth's Instructor. such mattors requiring n majority vote of tho association must bo put In tho fnfm lt n wnanttttlntt nml nn naA.t AN or.n nnn -nl. i i. in.,.i """ "' " """""ii """ i the frand tho of the bravo; I MaK S' tho asso- g"",.w"n.1.,?. ","." ,Ku'i"vL8 elation should wield Its power in tho ,. ... ti...3- ir ..7 r i.. ?l'lrlt of co-oporntlon. bors to clcausu every foul blot. What Is n benoflt to ono Ib n bonoflt to nil and what Is harmful to ono In harmful id tilings, stronger than the of evil. Lucy Stone. THE PARISIAN BIG CLEAN-UP SALE NOW IN PROGRESS GREATLY REDUCED PRICES THROUGHOUT THE STORE ONLY TWO DAYS MORE SEE WINDOWS TWENTY FIVI DOLUMtS l'Olt A NAME. It's Time To Buy Suburban Real Estate havo decided to Durlnc tho nast soason many prudent men top paying rent nnd buy their own homos. The call of MAV PARK Is bolni: heard. It will bo heeded by fount who aro prepared to act. HOME MAKERS SHOULD REALIZE THESE l-'Ari'Nt Toay Is tho day to begin planning to think about getting jour lot. For HAY PARK Ib being chosen by n clous of homo loving peoplo who long for flowors; who want pure air and play pounds for their chlldron: who want modorn conveniences; Khools nt hand; who consider present values and futuro pros- IMMEDIATE ACTION IB WISH. , , .. The buvlnc season Is lust beginning. This Is tho best tlmo to to home building; to size up tho best features of tho different wUods. aet atarted now. Lenrn where to buy. lluy wh lo tno ion Is favorable That's n good hint. And it's sound real "e; no matter what dealer you hnvo faith In. tkmj us vouk needs completely. We knntv ivnv. I, !.. vnn In inli'o voiir A If flCUltlCB. Let UB Ml you how oasv It Is to nmko tho start which may seem diffi cult to you. Lot us tell you whnt others havo dono In tho same me. I. S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front street. Tho abovo amount will bo paid by the F. E. Conway Company as a prlzo to anyone suggesting the best name for the new Conway Apartments now being erected at Marshfleld, Oregon. These will bo tho finest, up to the minute, apartments between Sau Francisco and Portland, It should be a classy nnmo with n touch of local color. Address1 nil communications to J. W. Motley, Secretary Chamber of Commerce, Marshflold, Orpgon, who will register and number the names boforo delivering the Judges, Tho name of tho contestants not bo- , Ing known to tho Judges. All names I must bo In by July lBt. 1914. F. K. Allen .Mayor of Marshflold, M. C. Malonoy, and A. It. OTirlon havo cour tcously consented to act as impartial 1 Judges. DRINK HABIT RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT Tho ORRINB treatment for tho Drink Habit can bo usod with ab solute confidence It destroys all deslro for whfskoy, boor or other alcoholic stimulants. Thousands hnvo successfully used It mid hnvo boen restored to lives of sobriety nnd usefulness. Can bo given se cretly. Costs only 11.00 per box. If you fall to got results from OR RINE after a trial, your money will bo refunded. Ask for freo booklot telling all about OUItlNE. Owl Prescription Phnrmncy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotol. Phono 74. , SCHOOL , .... .i... .i ...I !. Ito nil should bo tho policy, ho sn tnr I. Z ,.' i,n nvn h thn term I Ho KKCstcd that each member of ii'J cc., i iunJ mnvmnoni !' orgnnlzntlon cnntrlbuto his shnro A ori "" wn' f ''onntlons. through and XAi2$ toward "lilghor Jj fc2?JJ'f 'M. Uo " nr llin,, tlln lllllllllm) nv" " i lira .iwuimy. im I said that whon solicitors called an onch mombor of tho association thoy Excerpt from an article In tlio ' ?onlcl bo roforrol o tho orrotr: of Whlto Ribbon Uovlow. At the Into "o organize on. no sniu ma iuo- olectlon great gains wore made In Hntlon Bhould ho tho mouth piece of 'Nebraska? Seventeen towns hither- tho community If It would accomplish in Minnesota the- prohibition ford Teas master Nation dwelt on tlio cs scored heavily. Madison, Mar- Points uroiiKht out by Malonoy siik Bhnll, Luvcrno and Cnnby, tho lead- Resting that ho secretary turn such Ing Bnloon towns In the Bonthwest- matters over to tho audit Intc rnmmlt orii pnrt of tho state, entered tho tee which would appropriate tho atn dry columns. Also Litchfield, n"'jt of ho donntton expected or lending Bnloon town for twenty rh mombor. Ho nut tho matter In years, went dry, and a number of tho form of a motion nnd It cnrrlod. smnllor towns. 800 BnlooiiB hnvo Tlio question ns to whether or not been put out of business In Idaho ." wm. u n y ,,i - ami ninny Tho baccalaurcato sermon will bo in ti,0 ngt foW yenrs: preachod by Hov. A. F. IMsBford of ollor 8tnteB havo made radical In tho First IJaptlBt Cliurcli. This Bor- novations In tho liquor trndo vice occurs on tho evening of May I cannot Oregon measure up In this 31 nt tho Ilaptlst church, IroBpect her .women provo theiu- Thu grnduatlng exercises of tho h1voh wllllnir and nnxlous to use Senior Class of tho High School tholr nowly acquired power, by reg will bo hold at tho Masonic Operu isterlng and using tho ballot to IIoubo Tuesday evening, June '-'' bring about bettor conditions along Prof. E. 1). Kesslor of O. A. C. nj nes. will glvo tho address. will not tho women of Oregon A feature of tho Oregon school lnwn)u to tho fact thnt they hold tho exhibit at San Francisco will bo bnionco of powor, nnd thnt the fato pictures of organized play and of 0f tno proposed prohibitory amend- Play apparatus. .Marsuiieiii bciiooih mont Is In tuoir own nnii(iB7 win ROOFING Phone 89. J. L. BRICE. Box 118 IF YOU WANT YOUR LAUNDRY DONE RIGHT Telephone tho FERNDALE STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 277. aro requested to ruruisu Hovenii photographs. SOUTH MAKSIIKIHIiO. Third (initio. Tho following pupils have had 100 In spelling for tlio past week: Cecil Doll, Virginia Johnson, Harry Walp, Vlrglnln (losney,. In tho eight-week spelling contest tho following received 100: Harry Wnlp, Virginia Oosnoy, Elf Haninsoii. uortion is err. Aiyrno uoiik- . . .' . .. ' A. . .. Alfred McKlroy, uecii uon, tlioy fall to recognize tholr Individ- Bossmont placed on tho Individual membor wns thon broached, offering' n now Krnund for nrgumont. President Lowls hold that thora would bo no limit placed on tho ns sessmont and somo of tho members Imngtucd thoy could sco tholr linnk roll fluttering with n brand now pnr of wings. Lewis brought Mio discus sion tn n clnsa when hn snld thnt tho constitution hold thnt this wns n inat ter thnt would hnvo to bo passed on at tho following meeting, which will bo hold three months henco. Ho BUggested that tho members talk tlio matter ovor betwoon thomsolvca la prompt to duty. INl'OIDIAL CHAT. I lin. LI 11 Inn Johnson. Hnrry Washburn, (loorgo Murphy. Wllllo Archer, Wal tor Sneddon, Virginia Johnson, Hob ert niirroughs and Loulo Chllds, Second (inide. Pupils rorolvtug nbovo 00 In tho last arithmetic test wore: Augustus Hoffman, 100; Paul Johnson, 98; Uriel Komery, 97; Floyd Scott, 90; John Clnuson, U4; Vlolot Currey, 92; Ceorgo Scott, 90. Pupils receiving 100 In both oral and written spoiling tho last two weeks woro: Edith Andorson, Augustus Hoff man and Floronco Kordoll. Vlsltlors tho past week wero Mr. till Sampson and Miss Topping. HALOITICON LKCTlMti:. "Tho World's Greatest Ploneor" will bo tho subject of an Illustrated Hecture at the Presbyterian Church j next Sundny Evening. Thoro will also bo nn Illustrated song. The ser- vlco begins at 8 o'clock. Llbby COAL. The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phone 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Coraonnv Mrs. C. It. Peck and Mrs. F. K. Oottlns aro planning to leavo Mon day for Portland for vlBlts with respective relatives nnd friends, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hlnnchnrd, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson and Hnlph MatBon left today for Ton Mllo. whoro thoy will enjoy nn ovor Sunday outing. Ira Howo expects to leavo about Juno 1 for nn oxtomlod trip, either through Canada or to Nlagnra Falls and other eastern points. Ho will go part way with E. H. Campbell, who Is returning to his old homo In Wisconsin to spend pnrt of the summer. Miss Hilda Stenholm Is planning to leavo soon nftor school closes for California, whoro she will spend somo time. Miss Stenholm, who hns been tho efficient principal of tho Central School, has decided not to tench hero next your. Miss Land rlth, Instructor In tho Fifth grade, will bo elevated to tho prluclpalshlp of tho Central building next year. Hov. J. V. neiisou and family will lenvo next week for their now homo In Pennsylvania. Their de parture from the Huy will bo grout WtKtKKKKKtKKKWtKKKKMKKtKKKMKM WnmKKm V Twin City Steam Laundry le Laundry That Always Treats You Right .mi r.iiwiniiniiiitv in mlittlnii tn tlio . tho meantime, nome, tho children and socloty? It. A. Copplo, VI iO-Prosldont of tho O women, uwnko! Ho allvo nnd' nssorlntlon. road sevoral amondmonts- io tno coiiHiiiuiion which wuro up proved by tho association. Ho said thnt slnco tho organization hnd boon established It hnd bocomo necessary to npolnt n secret committee, for which no provision has boen mado In tho constitution. That commlttoo I for tho purpose of eliminating mat ters not worthy of consideration of tho association and to ninkn prlvnto Invcstlgntlons bearing on tho credit standing of tho business men In the community. Another nmondmont rend by Mr. Copplo holds that four mombors of tho board of directors will consti tute n quorum Instend of six. In explanation of that point President Lewis said that It wnB enslor to got a conimlttco of four togothor than a commlttoo of six. Mr. Copplo uuggested that tho as sociation go on record us not favor ing u Coos County building nt thn Panama Pacific Exposition. Ho Bald It would hinder tho very thing: nlmod at. Mr. Copplo snld thnt when lo visited the Lewis nnd Clnrk Fair nt Portland ho wns vory much disap pointed In not finding a Coos county exhibit In thn Oregon building. Ho said that ho did not know thnt Coos county hnd a soparato building for Its exhibit until nftor ho had return ed homo, Mr. Copplo declnred thnt hundreds of peoplo loft with tho Im pression that Coos County did not liuvo nn exhibit nt tho fair. Copplo ptnnd alone In his contention. It was pointed out that Coos county was tlin ntilt II vn oAiititv Iti 4 )l utnln fit! if ly regretted by the "!a"yin,?i,n!.8 received much crodlt for Biipportliiff the estlmab o cou nlo havo made dur- ... i.,...ii.. u. .,,,. i.,.ii,i. Ing their residence hero. ."" "'"""" h " -. Serrotnry Caton road sovorul com munications from clubs and organi zations In other cities extending cou urntulntlons to tno Coos County litis! iiohs Men's Association. He road n letter from tho Oregon Retail Mer chants' Association which oxtended nn Invitation to tho local body to have a representation at tho stuto meeting of the association to bo hold at La Oraudo. Tho following meinliors of tho as sociation woro presont at tho meet ing last night, Ouy Wurnor. J. C. Jonos, P. H. Hn zer, Win. Ebklad, Tom Harvey, Oeo. E. Cook, It. A. Copplo, Merman Hill yor, Mllo I). Buiniior, W. F. Miller. A, J Eborhnrt. C. M. Caton.Sec. E. P Lowls, J. A. Mntson, J. L. Johiisun, F V. Cattorlln, Oeo. netting, A. O. Peterson, Win. Ilonglund. H. V. 1)11 lurd. F E. Hague, II. Nasburg. J. V. Myers. F. M. Parsons, L. L. Tho mns. . 8. Tower, Tom James. Ceo, H Ilotuor. E. T. Coffolt. Ivy Coiidnui. Ray Olllvant. C. E. Powers, C. W. Wolcott, N. L. May, W. II. Dlndlnger, M. C. Mulonco.