THR 006i MY 1IMIt.MAMHnR T lIWt?i'iwmtet4w We are still selling CAPE ARAGO COFFEE There's a Reason Try It Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spicejlouse Phono 3DI-J. S. S. ALLIANCE SAILS FROSI SIARHHF1ELD FOK EUREKA . FRIDAY, SI AY 22, AT 0:00 A. SI. ROUND TRIP, 918.50. " 'dWIl! Oonnci Hon with the North IJnnk Ronil nt Portlnnd. North Pacific Steamship Company Phono 44. O. F. M'GEORGE, Agent, Inter-Ocean Transportation Co, Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo j Sails. for San Francisco, San Pedro and San Diego from Marshfield, Friday, May 22, at 5 p. . Equipped vritli "wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO FROSI COOS RAY, Fill DA V, SIAY 22nd AT 5:00 P. SI. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Pife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McGkohqn, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON T1SIE. ' Satin from Marshflcld May CtU , lsQO p.'m.; Stay lOtJi, 11 n. . Slay 16th, 1:60 p. m.; Slay 2 0th, U:3 u. ra.; Stay 2Gth, Id a. ta. 1 and Stay 30th, 1:00 p. in. Ticket on mIo to nil EnMcni points nml Information as to rentes and rot on cheerfully furnished. Phono 427-L. If. J. S1QHR, Agent S. S, HARDY HAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOH, HAY I4VKrV NINE UAVH Hnii FrmiclHco Offlco, Harrison Htu'et Dock, Pier 1(1, Cooa Hay & Eurckn Htciiinhhlp Lino E. J. LINDEN, Agt., Phono Doug. 2070, S. S. PARAISO Equipped vtltli Fine Passenger Accommodations. SAILS FROSI. COOH RAY FOR HAN FRANCISCO SATURDAY, SIAY 2:1, with PASSENHEHH AND FREIGHT YELLOWSTONE SAILS FROSI SAX FRANCISCO FOR COOH RAY, THURSDAY, SIAY 21, WITH FREIGHT ONLY. NORTH BEND MILL& LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. TOM JASIES, Agent, Mnrshfleld. C. A. Smith Lumber & ,.Mf g. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMHKH, LATH, 8HINGLKS. SIOULDINGS, BASH AND DOORS, ROOFING PAPER, ETC. OUT THK FUEL BILL IN TWO nY USINO OUR WOOD. PHONK 1W. 1?S SOUTH nROADWAT Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTIO GUARANTEETMftCT CO,, !nq HENRY 8ENG9TACICEN, Manmr FARM, COAL, TISIRER AND PLATTING LAN1M1 A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EAST8IHE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PRONE U-J. COQUILIiE CITY OFFICE PHONE IQ1. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, now and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premlor, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, ropnlriug or new platens, work guaranteed. Rlbbom and carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phone 44. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. KT Jolb Yooir Dome at Tames Office 130 North Broadway. -TT"""" " m. Wlrelens. New Steel Uont G. P. Shcrhliin, Agent, North Rend, Printin aBawwEMwww'11 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Hit HARPElt, House UUliiler, Gcnernt Repairing and Cabinet Slaking. Phono 01U-4. Wit. McUROOSI Contractor nntl llulldcf. Slarshflcld, Oregon. P. O. Hoy Oil. Res. Hunker Hill M1 ILDRED ROGERS NELSON. Teacher of Plnno Pupil of Hugo Slnnsfcldt at San Francisco, Cal. Five years' teaching experience In San Francisco Phono 3151 or 31C7. WT. TOSIPKINS, I). S. T. Woltmor Methods.) Evory known disease treated without drugs or surgory. Room 2 130 North Broadway. Phono 240-L. Slarshflcld, Or n EO. 0. MURPHY, Emori Piano. Playor nnd Organ Tuning, Rogulatlng and Repair ing. Telophono 70-X. Or dors may bo loft at the Wiley B. Alien MubIo Storo, Contra) avonuo. JOEL OSTLIND. ) Pinno Tuner and Repairer 115 S. Sixth street. .Phono 103-L Lonvo orders nt W. R. Haines Slush Company. T M. WRIGHT Phono 318-R J RUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on rc.uost. CO. GOSNEY Phono 3131 Contractor nnd Hulidcr Estimates Furnished on Request SIY PAST WORK IS B1Y REFERENCE First and Alder Stt. Slarshflcld. DR. II. SI. SHAW Eye, Bar, Noso nnd Throat. DR. RIATTIE B. SHAW Diseases of women and children. Offlco phone 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Block. Houbo phono, 10G-J. DR. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST - Marshfleld, Oregon. Rooms 204205, Coko Building. Rcsldenco phono 262-X. Offlco phono 112-J. MnS. FARRINGER, Tcnclier of Piano. RcBldonco Studio, No. 1090, Corner Commercial and Elovonth 8U Phono nqo-J. BENJAMIN 05TLIND, Consulting Engineer ani Architect. Offices. 20(1 Irvlmr Block. Phono 103-L or 207-.I. Alnrkiiuoiu, Oregon PERL RILEY BALLING ER, Pianist and Teacher. Rosldonce Studio, 217 No. Third St Phono 3G8-L. W. G. CHANDLER. ARCIUTEOT. Rooms 801 and 802, Coka nullity Marshfield, OregoP. WM. S. TUHPHN. ARCHITECT Marshfield. Ororon THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Slarshflcld WASHINGTON AVENUE 8TADDEN STREET NORTH REND C. A. Slotlln, Prop. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstract, thoroughly depcndoblo. Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to nil Interests of our client. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman S Co. Suits Cleaned and Pressed. Stilus niadei to Order. Gfto Us. a Trlul. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY nOYLE & C. Q. DAGGETT 230 Central Ave. Phone 230-X WE SIAKE OUR QWN Ice Cream PURE RICH WHOLESOSIE Orders for parties, banquets and dinners filled promptly. If it is BARTER'S It's all right. Sarters' Front street. Phono 333-J. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA ! m,wjjjmGm HAV THAT ROOf FIXED NOW ti See CORTHELL Phone 3171. DR. .T. H. STEWART CHIROPRACTOR Has opened nn offlco over Matson'B Store. Chronic Disease You should seo him if you nro sick. South Coos River Boats Steamer Rainbow will loavo Marshfield nt 8:00 Sunday morning for South Coos River points as far na head of navi gation. Steamer Tioga leaves Marsh flold every afternoon for South Coos River points. ROGERS & SSIITH. DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street, Phono ISO-J. CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A now tazlrab has been added t my auto aorvlco. Careful drlvors Will go anywboro nt any tlnw. Stanr Blanco Cigar Store Day phono, 78 Vlght phono 139-X. TOM GOODALE, Proprietor. 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 MnrHhficld-Norllt Rend Auto Line Curs every ten minutes from O a. nt to 12: "O p. m. GOR8T KING, Props. Pictures & framing Walker Studio ARE YOU BOTHERED Willi Corns? If so, you are depriv ed of half tho pleasure of life plonsant walking nnd healthy oxer cIdq. A to Sirs. Olivia Edtnnii. Scientific Chiropodist, Ap't 3, O' Council Hldg., will bo tho Bourco of a permanent remedy for nchlnc'feot NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you luuo them laundered at TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Pour good cars nltli careful drivers For day service, phono lll-J, Hlauco Hlllard Parlors. For night service, Phono 200-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Formerly tho Coos Building, Hrondwny nt Slarkct DAY RATES, 7I5 AND UP SPECIAL RATES HY THE MONTH L. L. JUSTEN,, Manager. EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery thn( continual over charging not hnrm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TF.RSHNALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not loso its clutrgQ thlle standing ldc. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring'Co, IR3 Hrondwny. Agents for Port at, Ooos Bay. Willamette-Pacific Motor Car Leno. SInrbhfield 0:30 a. m. 7.00 a. n, S:0Q ik ui, 0:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m, t and evory thirty minutes until 8:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 10:00 p. m, Suturdiiys only 11:00 p. m. 12:00 ra. LeY North nend t:45 a, m. 7:1 B a, m S:10 a. m. - 9:15 a. m. 10:15 a. m. and everv ' thirty minutes until 8:15 p, m. 9:15 p. m. 10:15 p. m. Saturduys only 11:15 p. m. 12:15 a. m. Chimneys Firo Places. J. N. Bayliss nj klud of brick work nt price that are right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call at "The Fireside," Johnson Bldtr.. 137 at. I)mn. tm.i J French Ranges. BoUer Work! UUMl0 EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 4 th and Slnrketi It. E. Browning, Ileotoh 9:30 a. in., Sunday School. 3 p. m., sorvlcos In St. Mary's EplBcopal T-hurch, North Bend. Sun day school at 2:30i . 4 I SIBTIIODIST EPISCOPAL Joseph Knottfl, Pastor -L Sunday School at 10 a, tn. Morning Sorvlcs at 11 a, m. Epworth League at 7 p. m. Prenchlng nt 8 p. tn. Junior Leagu Senrlca Thursday afternoon at 3:45. Prayor Sleeting Thursday aran lug nt 8:00 o'clock. This boing Memorial Sunday thoro will, bo special Memorial Services with special muBlo at 11 o'clock. Tho Bakor Post G. A. It. nnd tho Spanish American War Veterans will bo pres ent In a body. Tho evening thomo will bo "Tho Ro ward of Effort." A cordial Invi tation Is extended to all to bo pres ent. , CHRISTIAN CHURCH . . 8amuol Gregg, Minister, . . Residence, 280 North Eleventh Phone 402. Sorvlces as follows at tlia Church, cornor Sixth nnd Central: Bible School, 10 a. tn. Preaching SorVIca &t 11 a. tn and 8 iu in. Tho Biibjcc for tho ovcnlng ser mon will bo "The Nations Slomor lul Day" In harmony with tho mem orial season, Tho public Is cordially Invited to attend theso scrvicoB. I CATHOLIC CHURCH I NORTH REND v iiov. Tuier McDsvIR Mnas will bo celebrated Sunday morning at 8 by tho Roy. Fathor McDovltt. I PI PRESUYTJHRIAN CHURCH I AUItTH UKND Rov. Sblmlan. Pastor aunuay school at 10 Preaching at 11. Christian Endcaxor at 7. Preaching a I. FIIIHTC HAII'IST CHURCH Albert F. Bassford, SI. A. Resldonco 145 South Fourth stroot. Phon 150-X, rastor Bible School at 10 a. m.. with graded classes and oompetent teach ers. STornlng Worshln at 11. with sar- inou by Pastor Bassford. Young People's Sorrlca at 7 for one hour. A special iavltatlon ii extended to all young men and women. Sunday Evening Service at t. Music at both services br a larcc chorus choir under Professor George Ayre. A cordlnl welcome Is extended ta nil. Come with us and wa will do you good, 4 NORTH REND OimiSTIAN CHURCH -Sirs, S. Gregg, Mlaiater- Pronchlng nt 11 a. m. nnd t p. ta. Blblo School, 10 a. m L. A. Wld ner Supt. NEWS OF NORTH B Jns. Parker of Loon Lnk,o took out a Ford auto with him tho other day. Georgo Fourier has bought a Saxon runabout, tho smallest auto on tho Day. Road Supervisor Perkins Is fixing up tho road tq Sunset Bay. Th part of tho road used by tho Baudon tra vel will also bo Improved1, making a flno auto driveway.. Sirs, Robert Emory Is tho guest of Mrs, W. B Piper on Coos River. Sirs, pv t. Jones has had notice sorvctV on tho North Bond, Hauor dealers to stop selling liquor to her husband. Joo Horn hns Returned hero from San Diego Yhro he spent tho winter. Sirs, R,wcoe Ilazer and son have gone, to, Spokane to visit relatives. Qjeorga Hazer accompanied her as far ns Portland. Leonard Russell arrived hero a few days two. from Plxloy, Calif., to enjoy a short visit with relatives. Frederick Holllstor and family are attending the Rhododendron festi val at Floroneo. They plan to leave poon for San Diego to visit Dr. Hoi Hater nnd family. Dr. Burmester has received word of tho death at Mra. Burmeater'a fa- Most OldldreuVi Diseases Start with n Cold. Restlessness, fevorlshness, an in flamed throat and spaamodlp couch maybe whooping cough Is Btartlnu In. Glvo Foley's Honey and Tar promptly. It helps the children bo very much, and Sirs. Shipps, Ray mondBVllle, Mo says: "I got fine results from It nnd it Is a great medicine for whooping cough. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank n Pntinn nnnmltn Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. "Central Arenno Drug Store, local ngency. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunks between anj points In Marabflold for the follow Ing rates, delivery to be made in the first etorloa of bulldlngss One trunk ., Three txunka Twolve trunks -H0 Star Trawfcr and Stwage Co. Levi Helsaer, Prop- Phones, .130-J; 40-L; 98-R. ii i . - ?"lay Scho ' 'J' Whine at 7V 1S?M Seventh n'u"' , I ' conducted ..."" ioiiotvb: '"' """in school it t J "'Wo Stud, . Vi1,! iiSST" nATTTntt. A W.i'JV ci -- -no;".0"ttil i- : . " i n "r ""' "e (.hd I llll.'an. 'T- T' K: Dntklw W uiuio scnool m f, . v'tea by RBr. J V' Prayer Mwtlnt,;' nlnB at 8 o'clock StlCcltll tnii. I. ..' . - L l 's I nniiffniti , I ChrliUia Sehla -- 237 Third Etitj uuifu-ub at 11 t a 1). rn.,.... Subject: "Soul n't Sunday School it i cept Sunday Mj h V UI, - i S1KTH0DIST The j.rvl.-.. Du.ij nurn ---- --... euiii loiiows: Sunday School it i viSMr n rci. nn at 7 i). m. Is Strmons kj tat PI hi. vau t p. U, I UNITED nniTTH niiTii il v .Mrs. R. N. Ui Babbatk School ii Christian Endutcfl Preach nr it ll i II I'ravor Kd.ilir rl IBB at I o'clock. Revival starts id BIG GRE swKnisii nvii IiUTIIEIUN i Ilcv. J. V. Ba Ilea dene. 33? Pel nut Wtlt. m Services Sundir Swedish at 11 a. d Sunday of tvirr at sunu&y creninn ii. m. Sunday ichool n 9.45 a. tn. Services In Noit HutiilOT of trtrr rati Vi altoruate Sundsri i aay school at z. p. i AMKflAXY s Rev Samuel Oku legany Monday and of thla week, lit other meetings la r Durlncr ti 'op paying ther, Hon. A. M. S me can "tens who HO.Mi: Si Todav In Sirs. nurmeierH his last dan. Capt. Edgar SinJ rour lot. Perham & QWT l nortlon of Shtrcn wtlog peopl (rounds for ball park to the Scl ksoois at I petti. IJIMKDIA The buyh through Birapioa to tho propose xoiiTi war oo nomo hit tloD8. a ion Is fa Koie: no n ?KMj us rtonmletel'huuf1 inoit Ki On Sunday " Bend M. E. chart! roiii doiivcr the : e know H you hov "it to you. me. Monday evenlw nl commenceBtoi placo at the .Vortl I.SJ The adarew j the Oregon Af Thursday -. .. j lllr Norm weu "" the annual tW lowing i' - will serve a graauauuB Friday ; 'hone ,1 Nort?""'! renuer ."-... somo of the ,DrI 2, tho o1 TJ DO oiicu" --- j there or - PORT OR mim naadOBl "T has been yi construction ..... nrfnrd t) run - 4 paBy.wlIltfw ' ... h nanr "- AVorld. The - -.tfCV ! HOFPHAU. DIKS FBE ... .t! Saturday. - - -Jr"Ma .fr?ra fc. ,'imirl3t smsssm. - t r-S.