maiwl"i'lw,l""T " ""'''" . t .i.iiiHWiwiw up ,i,a IBp mMb mm Mg - A -, L ' iz? . n I HI - rill I HI II tw rwwManiMi Hi in anrr Mttis, ILftSCH FALSE K "vrhr7t(goATRPAY, mn$i JSlEViNINS EDITION or int iny do. :ed. ..VIA- MliBVBN ".V.v THE DOUG- W ..'..,. ii V THAN ton r niini'" ..... oi flnn- tjcarrlca " Douglas .rJ ..., nvr Dr. . olsicn ul" ' tie t nrmvn ro- u . l.n nnlltltV ii vote ' l"" ZWr , w. Cnril- ti votes. ,,, legislative UeKOt win. ora H. l'ortor cnm0 l . . Alirnlinm ii-9 Al .,;; ... n.r.lwnll nnd H 311. w the nominees. LtdUianccd Wlloy wiin Poiiben JinraiuiB .. i nomination In a ;X to Stewart's 090. o to one. Qalnc for Biionu iu lM ........ ...mi Lur.a Ijl HCKCk "- L Huntington v caln 239a nnu . ii. T. Mcuiauen ru- l' . .. c.!vnr'a 2281. 11 every precinct In LildOcorgo.M. urown. Booth of HuBono, uc Lee for tho United received alio votes. Merlaln, democratic the tamo office, re- ItO'.CJ. L arrled tlio county for vie nonilnntlon for 3( retched 42P votes It! who was tho next iite. tr. republican, cnrrlctl Ii representative In Hen F Jones, tho n, tjr a vote of 1308 .Utter, democrat, licnt :mt, for tho noml ire5i by a voto of t'SB received 102 UtW II. Klshor, who aj Kito for tho two to t'ato represent"- ulidato for shorlff, woient, Ilohert Asli Tt cf SC2 to tOC. , iaocratlc cnndldnto amlsilonor, received U Lenox for county 1 10 IS and K. M. :f treasurer rccolved t "KlhB MK QUICKS" O.V WlltKS OVKIl KAltH AND BANG11CS incKncivriiAN'onvsvvs qui"i. n-u AHK POPULAIt. V 1S ATLANTIC CITY. May 23. Every woll-drossed woman who appeared In tho boardwalk fashion parado today woro a gown of tnffctn, tho sort that rotnlna Us escape Just llko a stiffly starched apron. Everything now Is tnffota, tho stiff kind, and tho wo man who hasn't tho taffeta costumo with four tiers In tho skirt Is not In stylo, according to boardwalk dic tates. Other now fashions noticed Include ilttlo false curio which nro fastened on long wires hooked over tho ears nnd stuck to tho cheeks with mucllago or othor ptlcky BUbstanccs, which como In bottles specially prepared for tho purpose. They call them "kiss mo quicks," and every girl Is wearing thoin. Dig ear bangles, bigger than tho biggest ovor worn by tho most beauti ful glpoy queen, also appeared and bid fair to becomo popular. Feci Dull nml ShigRtsli7 Stnrt Your Wvor to Working. It boats all how quickly Foley Cathartic Tabids liven your liver, ovorcomo constipation rmako you fool lively nnd nctlvo again. J. L. McKnlght, Fort Worth, Texas, says: "My dlsagrecablo symptoms wore ontlrely removed by tho thorough cleansing Foloy Cathnrtlc Tablets gavo mo." Thoy'ro a wonder. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank I). Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Central Avcnuo Drug Store, locnl agoncy. BUYJHE VERY BEST Marshfield RIJTTFR Creamery MYTHS KOKCTIXfl HONDS. little ithout .vliccls t here Jr that tho nn h of tho State sjiion to' tho effect i'i not voting ronil trecelto their Hharo Ifund Is hailed with urt of tlio grnngo h(3 a decision la W wo fancy tho Uivo a hard tlmo 4 taw to say noth- 'ila tbo case. tf tie road bonds Is :1 of tho ordln- of tbo roads In l"!i. Tbo failure. may denoto a pit, or tho solflsh u? the larger bono- JP)0(1 roads policy wllllngnesa to I from whntovor Ibo road bonda ,!llt action in 1 rights of Mm '"I countlos, and Mallxed by tho 1 Of a (tatn linnrl Mand Telegram. fcrarnATKi). "eMETTIa. .ij . -. -, nay . i mllltnnl ,.. l-P'ea Hall, a pic- L" irustrated. 4 WADW UNDRIt BANITAItV CONDITIONS IN A CI.KAN AND .MOiKHN FAOTOKV. BTKIHM.KD MILK AND ' CIU2AM. PURE ICE Froo delivery, H n. m. and 9 p. in. I'bono 73 SPIRELLA CORSETS may be obtained in Marshfield from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corsetier, 352 So. 5th St.. Phone 200-X ) FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call on LeMieux & Miller. 303 No. Front St. Phono 11C-R. if lias avel it v coiu- mucb- us and en 1 Bblldji- TmM V ihllcd. f ara invir, W are so satis- 4 to laV i t i.i """" mum ,Moih, Ala., . :i4ey troubles .lB&cy. Frank vaana!er Hoti enUO Ilm.n aundry Parcel Pna ??? A-VD Wh.t. GEo.vrM . m LaiinHru MarcKfinU Goodrum's Garage home of tbo CADILLAC and fORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars Phone fl73-!i 347 Central At. FAMILY DINNEItS. In our now location, wo are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open Day and Night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway and Commercial. Mfld. ,- ' i Try the ' MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Steaks and Chops " " ' JtU0J WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. Times Want Ads Bring Results mm i' wiwMiiL-nf.v.u.lil.itfji---rTfnmrrfirrak. mwiwijai w)tw'i&imiiip HOW TO DANCE THE HESITATION By ODGERS T. GURNEfi Illustrated With Specially Posed Phototfraphs w Into each other's faces, being careful not to bend the bead too far out of Una Tti lame duck may also be danced to waltz time very effectively. It Is done as In the one step, with a slightly lower dip. The history of the wnlti shows it to have had a very checkered career, lu v-0 UKN the hesitation waltz was ilrst introduced into this country it was taken up by every Olio Ultll n nnml .In nl of enthusiasm; but, unfortunately, tho steps were changed about so In differ ent localities that few people woro nblo to dance It together without first prac Uclng. Now, however, the steps have been simplified a great deal and are fairly Well standardized. Such names as "tho flirtation," "tho wave" and "tho twinkle" aro fairly common wherever dancing is popular. However, an accepted method of exe cuting these stops will aid greatly in learning them. Tho twlnklo suggesU stars, but real ly refers to twinkling feet- It Is danc ed from the open formation of the tanpethat Is, sldo by sldo, facing In tito Mtno direction, with arms extend cd In front Tho step U founded on tho iwlnclplo of "two steps forward, one step back," but has been modified bb follows: Btep forward on tho right foot, then forward on the loft, rock back on the rlgh and bring tho left back beside It As tho right foot comes back movo the right forward again quickly. The step can bo continued, starting on altcrnato feet Do careful In this step, as in all waltz measures, to keep In time with the music nnd not Jerk or pull too much. The wave ta a, very pretty step, but Is hardly suited to use on a crowded floor. It Is danced from tbo straight petition nnd requires greater freedom and more spaco between tho partners than do other steps. The man crosses his right foot over in front of his left turning slightly to tho left. This first step must bo a long one, nnd Is followed by two shorter steps. Tho girl does Just the satno. only eolnir backward. This car- rles them about three feet to tho left Without breaking tbo tempo they turn slightly on tbo balls of tho feet and repeat tho step In the otJer direc tion. At the end of three steps anoth pr turn and the original step. Dy din ning very slightly on tho second step ami rlslnc to tho toes on the turn, a'crary world have also fiercely opposed billowy effect is obtained; hen'co tho 'it, though Lord Dyron's stanzas In Its name. Cars must be taken not to favor are well known. There is un crouch or stand too far away when doubtedly a fascination which every PS1 vjb y jb ' A TKRTWTT rOfltTIOH IK Tn rMITTATlOK TU11K, M MISS WILU1 WINN AMD Ult Evaiirrr evasb. every country where It has appeared It has at somo tlmo been strongly con demned, nnd, when such a thing was possible, absolutely forbidden by the authorities. A number of tho most prominent men nnd women In the lit- dslng this step. Tbo flirtation Is simply series of tunu. While danclnc In tho fnco to musical person acknowledges when this music Is played. Wo may dlsai provo of the waltz as a douce to be fnco position, bold your left hand nnd participated in Indiscriminately, but S girl's left nbovo your bend nnd Ha chirms cannot be disputed regarded p your right and bar right behind nlroply from a musical point The time her back. I'rom this posiUop it Is pos- observed by waltzers has changed with slblo to turn completely around with- every century, until It has reached a- out letting go of each other's hands, most the quiet dlgnjty of tbo mlnuwt On the turn tho pnrtners should look n the prpsont ago. Good Taste and good tailoring go hand in hand, and tho men that are foremost in taste aro always patrons of tailoring. The garments made for our customers by A. E. Anderson & Co., Tailors, Chicago, have the grace, and style, and comfort to convince the wisest critic that your taste is good. Let us show you the f abrjes, for Spring jsonie of ftem imported, most of them American, but all good. F. C. PRESTON,. Agent Marshflold Cleaning and Dyo Works. 128 Front Streot. HHiH)aBMiHinaalaaallBlHltfMiaal fltt TO YOU MY SlSTEfl ? JSPb4 !MU a woman. s?r:adaa;9,ea?:rln,, womiui'l tilmenU. Imib,i.ii'.. "mT rDO s;sss svrsoV; i(taiii, w know belter than mt dcStorri know tht my-hom t. .if. Sd !nr J cur.fortne.ftkMi.1 WMtltk flitkirtu. UhmSM tL" hlMl. VIiiUi ( Ontlil Ttntn, u frti; nit ubi I. kl.l, tick IM bctili. titibii (HllMl.iivnMiiil. til fttllag M ttl Ul, lUntii, liiWbiri.bil (Ulltl, tililtiii. Mm. ui UmMii faiiVlti tttn niwi k; iiikumi ptolur to our hi, I want to .end you i imltli In Ut't biibmt nflritr (rtt to prara to jou that you can cur. yourteir at boraa, "a.lly, quickly and Itemembtr. UI mi! im u( ... ., ,1 ",, . Biratha trmtm.nt a complete trUl land If yon wUa to eontlnua, it will ooit you only about If oont. a wee or lewi than two oenU a day. It will not Interfere with your work or ooeupatlon. Jut tti rtf Max 1.4 ijiii, t.U nie how jou uffer If you nun, and I wUI .end you the treatment for yourca.e, entirely pleln wrap per, by return mall. I will alio .end, my book-"! WUTI Oil BHICU Ufltir wlta eXDlanatorr lllnatratlona .how Ins whr women .uffer, and how they can reelly cur the m.elTte at borne. Breryroman ahould haTc It, and learn to ttkU tor lirylf. then when the doctor aeye lou muit baroTm operation," you can decide for youn.lf. Thousand, of women harocurcd thanuelrea with my home remedy. It eurea n tU M rent, T. HiImii if Bii(ttri, I will explain a .lmple home treatment which epeedlly and effectually curea Leuoorrhoea, Ureen Bloknnwand Painful or Irr.f ular Henatruatlon In younc Ijadlo, Fluinpaea. and health alwaya rcflulU from Itauae. WhereTer you lire. I caa refer you to ladle of your own locality who know nnd will gtndl; Iho book a Writs to-day, at you may not Jet thii sffer acaln. ii " e""r jou lire. I can refer you to ladle or your own locality who know and will gladly tell any .offerer that thl. lea. I really tern all women',, and make women well,'laiLy ILBd roDu- Jnl M.I pi rear i.rni. and th freo ten day'a treatment 1. your., abo uu wwa. im ii no tvuay, mm you may MRS. M. SUMMERS. BokH Addrass Notro Damo, Bnd., U.8.A, Graduation Photos ' QUATERMASS STUDIO1) Special Attention Given to Children. . QUALITY PHOTOS No. Front St., Opposite Blanco. IT.- """ i e For STEOXGIUPHIO WQRK of any kind M Call 181-J Tw Two competent stenographers In charge 08 Centrul Ave. STADDEN ALIi KINDS of pnOTOGIUPllIO WORK, nromldo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing- You Get a Square Deal No banK can hope to win tho confidence nnd respect of a com munlty unless ovcry person catering Its doors Is assured of re ceiving fair and courteous treatment, regardless of his station In llfo or his relationship to tho bank. America Is democratic and Its Institutions must bo conductod upon democratic principles, if they arc to succeed. AT THE FIRST. NATIONAL Dank the officers and omploycs aro approachable and glad to be approached. You will got courteous attention and a square deal hero. Wo dcslro to havo the public know that ff are anx ious to help along tho legitimate business of our citizens in every way possible Our success is bound up in the success of tut community. Wo want old residents and newcomers to get acquainted with us for our mutual boneflt. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First National Bank Of Coos Bay fLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK om)i:ht dank in coos counti. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest I'ald on Tlmo Deposit QHIccrni J. V. Uennott, President, J. I. Flanagan, Vice-President. It. F. Williams, Cafier. Geo. F. Wlnclicafcr, Awt- C4her, Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot afford to bo without health or accldont Insurance. You not only nod the Insurance, but you want to be nuro aad havo tho correct policy In the best and most reliable company in the business, See mo or phone ma at once and I will explain It U you. E. I. CHANDLER, Agent Marabfleld.300 Coke Building. -60 Cents- Why not have an extension telephone installed in your residence? The price has been reduced to 60 cents per month. Think of the unnecessary steps this will save you. Coos Bay Home Telephone Co. BREAD i A'A miEAB MAKEfl bltAWN. and good, pure, whelesoaio, aour Isblng bread makes bays Muscular and healthy, Our bread Is rsatJe from the finest sard Winter wheaU tAo bind Uat retains the nutrients ef elutoa and phosphates. Consequent ly If fs rich In nutrition, and Is ab solutely pur la every particular et baking and handling. And a big loaf osts but Ilttlo money. Coos Bay Bakery Tbo place for go04 ge4ie. Market At. Phone 111-L. MII8. O. F. IHHAHOElt Dressmaking and Iiadles' Tall. orinB l'rlcea Reasonable Over Magnes & Matson Store . Phone 248-J. g A. U. IIODGINS PAINT AND DECORATING CO. Estimate Furnished. Plaoae 80&-J. KanhaeM, Orego. T. J. 8CAIFB Marshfield BLE """""cib V ,UM& .An -- r i xr' Street.