SAVE MONEY Are You H B5BHfnW?WWBiMMPrA 3 ID P When You 'Jf A mmud llllllllMlllllMllllHlllMIMIHIIIUUtiilllllllHMMlMlTTTWnfmfn Mll'UiJWI . . i . OONTRIIJUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intondod for publication In ttio society depart ment of The Tlmos. must bo sub mitted to tho editor not later tban C o'clock p. tn., Friday of onch week. (Exceptions will be ntlownl nnlv In cases whoro tbo events occurred later than tho tlmo mentioned.) TIIK "LADIES' OWN" 1 am mllaily'n popular paper! Do alio maid, widow or wife; Mine aro tho flno points that never cscapo her. I am tho Joy of her life. the wife of a very poor man. Tho' clrl who works In factory, or store, or offlco has her hours of labor de termined by law, beyond which the most cruel taskmaster cannot drive hor. She has hor pay onvolopo at 00 ond of tho week, and generally speaking sho has no anxieties beyond providing for hcrsolf. Tho poor wlfo and mother tolls from dawn until far Into thd night nt tnsks that aro novcr done. Sho receives no pay for what sho does, and sho has hor heart continually 'tornUn a, pieces with anguish over ino depri vation her children must suiter, ana PERSONAL notices of vlsltort in tho city, or f Coos Day pooplo who visit in other cities, togothor with notices of social nffalrs, aro gladly received In tho social de partment. Tclophono 133. No tice of club meetings will no published and sccrotarloa aro kindly requested to furnish satho. In the morning nnd wero of (bo simple but Impressive Episcopal rit ual. Miss Edith Hlldonbrand was tho fear that tho tlmo will como when ' brldcsmnld and Adolph Wltto was sho will not be ablo to oven glvo thorn bread. Nothing but an overwhelming pas sion for soma man that mnkes a -worn grooniBman. Immediately nrtor tuo ceremony thoy loft for n few weeks' honeymoon Jjlp to northorn points, artor winch tney win proceed to uieir Llttlo alio recks thu Journal Hint's yellow When sho has mo In her hands; I havo a value to hor which no fellow coarsor of box understands. Novels, nor essays, nor pooms of pas sion Hero aro you likely to find, I am a papor devoted to Fashion, Catering not to tho mind. I am milady's most popular paper! "When her tollotto she boglns Jllno aro the flno points that novor escape hor I am her papor of pins. T. A. Daly In Philadelphia Diillotln. j. and slave at his sldo thnn to rido in automobiles and feast on terrapin nnd chnmpagno awny from him should tompt n girl to glvo up a good posi tion In tlio buslncBB world to marry n man who Is making less than sho does. A great lovo can gild tho hard est lot, but without lpvo tho sacrifi ces a poor man's wlfo must mako cat into hor very soul, and mnko hor curse tho day hIio was fool enough to marry him. It Is a cruol thing that parents s'lould bo willing to Jcopardlzo a daughter's happiness by urging mar rlngo on hor, but they do. If tho girl Is dependent on them It leaves Hor In n peculiarly Hopeless position, but whou a daughter Is a working girl, who oarns lior own living, sho Iiiib a porfect right to toll thorn that as long as thoy do not have to support hor Blio will do ag sho pleases In tho tnuttur. X YOPNO woman, who Is earning We do not stop to consider tlio Blg- L a good Halary with a bettor ono niricanco or tlio thing morally, but In Bkht, writes mo that hor par- HiIb Ib tlio first generation of really onts consider It a dlscrnce for a girl virtuous women tho world has ovor to bo an old maid, and that (hoy con- known, bccauBc for tho first tlmo In tlnunlly urgo hor lo mnrrv anvbodv tho history of tho world women havo sho can get In order to bo nblo to boon ablo to marry for lovo nlono, wrlto "Mrs." before I r name. nnd not forced to marry for a home. Tho girl docs not want to marry un- nnd between tho woman who marries less bIio can holler hor condition In Juat to got somo man to provide her life, nor does bIio wish to inurry with- with food, nnd raiment, and aholtor, out love. None of ua. howovor, can nntl tVo woman of thu Btrcot, thoro nhnko off tho BuporBtltlona that aro la no whit of dlfforonco. bred In ua, and tho tilings that aro If a girl can mnrry well, If sho con taught nt our mother's knoo, nnd bo mnrry tho man of hor heart, and tho she wnuts to know If It la a reflection ninu with whom alio can take an up on a girl nnd a humiliation to hor ward atop In tho world, by all moaiiH family for her tt) bo an old maid, and lot hor enter tho holy cstnto. Hut to If sho hnd better marry any aort of a marry a man alio doesn't lovo nnd Btlck of a man 'rather than remain Just any sort of a mukb-shlft of a single. man Jiibi to bo mnrrylng, and to keep No. A thouaaiid (linen no. T3:o from being an old maid, Ib not only poorest trndo that any girl over iimkea a crlnio, If means tho wreck of all fa when BUAgxchaimeH a sixty-dollar happlnoas In hor llfo. Job for a forty-dollnr husband, nnd nothing on earth can Justify Biich . Tolly excopf for a woman to bo bo t WHDDIXGK SOON. I madly In love she has taken lonvo of hor boiihch. That any girl should During tho next few weeks n nuin makp Midi u bad bargain whon sho's hor of prominent Mnrahflold young not In lovo and merely for tho anko couples will outer tho ranks of mnt of bolng married Ih a plero of Idiocy rlmony. Although tho dates havo that would bo past belief if wo didn't not boon formally announced, prep see It dono bo often, nntlons nro under way for tho Nobody will deny that a happy mar- following nuptials: an feel that sho would rather starvoifuturo homo at Ketchlknn, Alnskn, rlngo Is tho moat blissful state In tho world, but there can bo no happy marrlago tn which tho woman docu not lovo, admire and respect thu man to whom bIio Is married anya Doro- tliy Dlx. Nor Ih there any happiness Dnuo. in n marrlago In which tlio nnslmnil is not nblo to support tho homo in de cent comfort. For a woman lo bo married to n limn whom sho does not lovo and hon or spoils misery for hor. For hor to bo mnrrlod to u man who cannot mnko la comfortable living .intrnna wretchedness.. Thoro Is no othor slnvo on earth who works so hard as Miss Efflo Church nnd Frank Heath. Miss Evolyn I.nngwnrthy and Cnpt. Herman Edwnrds. Miss Mamlo Mnhoney nnd Mnlr I mahhied hehe. i The marrlago of Miss Margaret Wltto and Mr. Fremont King wna solemnized lust Wednesday at tho Marshflcld Episcopal church, the Rev. 11. E. Drowning officiating. Tim MimtlnlM took nlaco nt S o'clock WE CAN "FIX IT' ALL RIGHT i mmfeftzssktm inzjtK.t'j - itjrjss iKunAi? iiffirv.. 5 y - WE ARE FULLY EQUIPPED TO MATCH ANY LENSES. BRING YOUR BROKEN GLASSES '.TO US. OR, IF YOUR PRESENT GLASSES ARE NOT SATISFACTORY, COME TO US AND LET US TEST YOUR EYES AND FURNISH THE PROPER GL ISSES. WS ARE EXPERTS IN THIS LINE AND WILL SERVE YOU HONESTL Y IN GOODS AND PRICES. whoro tho groom Is ono of the load ing business men. Mrs. King is a s.Btor of Mrs. Harry Ilrndfleld of Marshflcld and has mode many friends during her visit with her slater hero who will congratulate tho groom on tho victory ho has won at Cupid's court. Only Immediate rolatlves and friends woro present at tho marrlago coromony, they bo lng Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Ilrndfleld, Mr. and Mrs. August Wltto of Deavcr Hill and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hlldon brand. I WED IX .NORTH HEXD I MIbb Elizabeth Jennings, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Jennings, nnd Mr. .Edwnrd Thomns. son of Mr. and Mrs. Job. M. Thomas of Porter, were quietly married Tuesday at tho Jennings homo by tho Uov. Freder ick Shlmlan, pastor of tho North Dond ProBbytorlnn church. Owing to recent Illness In both families tho wedding was a qulot one, only tho very Immcdlnto relatives bolng pres ent. Hoses nnd Rhododendrons wero usod In decoration. After tho qulot ceremony tho young couplo loft for Ton Mllo to spend their honoymoon. Mr. and Mrs. T. omns. Mr. and Mrs. Jennings, Enrl Ilutchlna, Harold nnd Mabel Jennings, nnd Myrtle Thomns wero prcBout at tho coromony. I WED I.V HAN FRANCISCO. I Hov. Frederick Shlmlan, paator of tho North Dond Presbyterian church, loft yeatorday for San Fron cIbco, whoro bis marriage to Miss Dollar, a nleco of Cnpt. Robert Dol lar, tho San Francisco millionaire lumberman, will taku place next wcok. Mr. Shlmlan Iiiib secured ono of tho Simpson cottages near Simp son park and fitted It up for bis brldo. Tho North Dond ProBbytor lnn congregation Is planning to ton dor a big reception to their pastor) and ma nriiio on tnoir arrival in about ton dnys or two weeks. I newly weds ciiUii. i Mrs. Nick Stnmbouo will bo host ess to tho Newly Weds nt thoir next mooting Wednesday. HAPTIST SILVER TEA Tho ladles of tho Marshflcld Dap tlst church gavo a delightful Silver tea Wednesday afternoon at tho church pnrlors. Tho hostesses for tho afternoon woro Mrs. M. C. Wood, Mrs. Walter Hill, Mrs. It. P. Harrlng tun, nnd Mrs. Sutherland. A delight ful reading was given by MIbb Dolvn Flanagan and was followed by an ox- rollout talk on "Health Hints" by Dr. II. M. Shaw. Tho balnnco of tho af ternoon was devoted to sowing nnd n social tlmo which was followed by refreshments. Among those present wero: Mrs. O. A. Glass, Mrs. C. C. Southard, Mrs. C. II. Mears, Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mrs. Joseph Schmoddlng, Mrs. H. S. Harris, Mrs. J. M. Wright, Mrs. A. 7.. Downs. Mrs, A. T. Collom, Mrs. A. Hobo, Mrs. E. W. Lewis, Mrs. It. P. Harrington, Mrs. J. C. Doano, Mrs. Walter Hill. Mrs. M. C. Woods, Mrs. A. F. Dassford, Mra. O. It. Dixon, Mrs. N. L, Sutherland, Mrs. John Na gle, Dolva Flanngan, Mra. W. E. llerndon. Mrs. V. F. Ehbeckn, Rev. Dnssford, Dr. II. M. Shaw, Paul Dass- roni, .Margaret Wood, Mrs. Alva Doll. Evorett Harrington and Konoth South aril. 4 I CHH1STIAX SISTERHOOD . Tho North Ileiul Sisterhood hold a B-tcial session this weok nt tho Homo of Mrs. Helsnor, Bpondlng tho after noon with fahcywork, and holding on ly a short business meeting. Tho noxt mooting plnco was loft undoold ed upon, but will bo announced Intor. Mrs. Hltehle. Mrs. Covey, Mi. Os burn, Mrs. McDnnlol, Mrs. Mrcgg, Mrs. Emery and ono visitor and tho hostess woro presont. 4 EPISCOPAL fil'ILD H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER. T Tho Guild had a good this weok with a very fair sprinkling: of visitors. Mrs. Schettor and Mis. Lewis woro tho hostossos at Guild hall. Among tho guosta woro Mrs, Eubockn. Mrs. F. A. Golden, Huth Golden, Mrs. J. W. Flanagan. Mr. Mclntyro. Mrs. Stnuff, Mrs. E. L, Wil son. Mrs. Corey. Mrs. Goss, Mrs, H. S. Harris mid Mrs. Hublo. Tho Guild members out wero Mosdamos Porham. Lowls. Hazard. McKnlght, Toyo. Donnett. Noblo. Murch, Schot ter, Porry. Mary Drowning, Coke. Chandler, Forty, E. Xnsburg and H. a paint your house satistied P E I N T I N G It costs no more to apply "Illgh Stnndnrd" quality paint nnd It gives moro beautiful offoctB and wears longer. Thus you will get best results and save money by using. LOWE BROTHERS HIGH-vSTANDAnD LIQUID PAINT This Is n ready-to-use paint of highest quality. It has great spread ing and protecting power, nnd tho' colors aro very durable It comes In a largo number of tints nnd shades, making possible any color scheme. Como In for cotor cards, and let us holp solve your painting problems. E C O R A T I N G with' comtnonplrtco wall pnpors havo you secretly envied the more urstlBttc decorations of your nelch bom and 'friends? if 80( you, ' ably, would bo surprlBod'lf We told you Mint Borne of thb very papers you admired were purclinnod from ua and tho price but 'that" wouM b'O' telling. Como nnd boo for yourself nnd bo satisfied that wo carry a Hno of modorn wall papor- and i decora tions that ennnot bo duplicated. We will bo plcasod to -submit plans and furnlBh estimates. It will not coat n cont clthor. Call and see us be fore you do nnythlnglibour lino. It will moan monoy saved 'and sat lsfnctlon for you. R H A N G I N G nioxE nn-K. ;J8.1 XO. I-'HOXT ST. LeMieux & Miller r-ArXTEHS 'AND' DKCOKATOHS MftRSIIPlKLn, OHKOOX We Have Just Received One of the Largest and Finest Stocks of Baby Carriages Keep taty HEALTHY e Mr. and Mrs. New Parents: To have a happy, HEALTHY BABY, you must keep him oomTortable . You can Invest no money to a better advantage than In a. sanitary baby-bed, a springy go-cart and a high-chair. We have all the latest in ventions in furniture for the babies , God. bless 'eml Bring them to us when young; when they are old they will come back to us. You will find that the baby cannot kick out of our goods. You will not kick at our prices. "WE SELL IT FOR LESS" KVKIt HKEX OX COOS HAY. YOU AHE COItniAM.Y IX. VITEI) TO CALL AMI IX. SPECT '11UIH SPI.KXDIII LINK. Two Wheel Carts FHOM $1.75 to $8.50 Baby Carriages. MOM $7.50 to $25 GOING & HARVEY CO Complete House Furnishers Heed, and Miss Maud Heed. Tho wo men woro nddressed by Mrs. K. h. Wilson of Portland who Is horo In tho lntorests of tho Loulso horns. Next week Mrs. Forty and Mrs. Perham will bo hoBtesBos. Tho Guild Is to hold a cooked food salo the first Sat urday In Juno. CATHOLIC AID The North Hend Catholic ladles mot Tuesday nt the hall where tho bazaar was hold yesterday and today, for flnnl arrangements and decorat liiB. Committees for tho various booths woro appointed bb follows; Flowers. Mrs. Hobert Hanks and Mrs. Noll Hanks; Kltchon booth, Mrs. Mc uonaid and .Mrs. Lemnnskl: Candy booth. Mrs. J. O. Mullen and Miss Ottilia HooUIhr; Fancywork booth. mis. .Mcctuiom nnd Misses Grace and Mlnnlo Shorldan; Hofreshments. Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. HoelllnK; Sllsses Marsarot Stambuck and Miss Eliza beth HoolllnR wero to sorve tea, cof foo and enko at tho small tables. A meetliiB will bo hold next Tuesday to determine tho results and proceeds of the fair. V (Continued on Pace 3) Coqiiille ! Marshfield Auto Stage Service CommonclnB May 23, 191-1. Schedule Leaving Chandlor Hotel, Marshflcld Leaving Chandler Hotel, Marshfield Leaving Chandler Hotel, Marshfield ' Leaving Chandler Hotel, Marshfield Leaving naxter Hotel, Coqullle Leavlnc Maxtor Hotel. Conuille 7:15 a. B' 10:00 a. w. 1:30 P. " 4:30 p. m 7:15 a. m. 9:45 a. heavinc TlnYtnr ITntol Pnnnflln L- T. Leaving Daxter Hotel, Coqulllo . . n VMIKi OXU WAY, $1.23; HOUXO TKIP, SAMK HAY, fij Auto Connects With Nine O'clock nnd Throe O'clock Hats Hundon. GOOD CAHS; OAHKFUL DHIVFJtS. JESSE H1TE, Marshfield : : : Transportation Man 1 :4v xi. fc