COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEY Editor nnd Tub. DAN 15. MALONEY News Editor WITH THE TEA amid TO AS' T Official Paper of Coos County . I I I Entered at tho Postofflco at Marsh- flold, Oregon, (or transmission through tho malls as second-class mail matter. ' n i i " Address all communications to COOS BAY DAILY TIMES GOO I) EVEN I NO. Alnroliflold Oregon Mensurc your worth by tho stnndnrd. of duty well dono, not by tho opinion of others. Selected. I v ? ,, ,T" 7, ". 7 ii l" 'n" wore mo and 1 wero you, Dedicated to tho 'servlco of tho Whnt von(ier working things we'd peoplo, that no good causo shall (0 lacl? a champion, and that evil shall WoM see the good in every one, notltnfhto unopposed. We'd do our work llko It 'wore y SpnsountrioN bates. fun DAILY. Wo'd gossip nover, nor be blue, Ono yoar JG.00 if you woro mo and I woro you. Per month GO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 Whtn paid Btrlctly in advance, tho Subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay Times la $G.0O per year or 12.50 for six months. KEADINfl. ' If you wefo me nnd I wero you, . o'd both bo hotter through I'd see your virtues, mine, Tho efofrt would bo old wine No word of cciiBuro o'er would brew, If you woro me nnd I woro you. through nnd you'd see llko some When a bride begins to reallzo that her husband Is much like hor brother, her air castles collapse. -H-H- rriHE dlfferouce botween tho read- Inir nt mtr crrtilliltinrntito nnrl Hint of " oursolv ob and o u r Aa vo"'(1 hnvo . nml VA have you children Is that tho former ou woand laugh and love and had bo llttlo to rend that whnt tlioyl And I will do tho solf-snmo read soaked Into them, whorens what I thing tho latter rends rolls off their minds Wo'll pnlnt this world n "rosy" hue, mco wnior oit a uhck'b duck, uniy wnon you nre mo and I am you. When a man has more money than ho knows what to do with other people want to lend him some of theirs. -tt-tt- Men nro llko needlos; when they, are broke women havo no UBe for them. Folks who Bay tho rlgnt thing nt the right tlmo are as popular as they nro scarce. How a man does hate to mnko lovo to n woman who wears specta cles all the time.' -n-8-"Uir funny lnngunRo n man feels put out when ho dlscovors that he has been taken In. Among contrary mon Is tho chnp who would rcfuso to tnko whiskey if tho doctor prescrlbod It. lot's chnngo places nnd Just do I In looking uacK oyer our past lives Villi YU HL'U UI1U BlIllU IIISUUIIU W11U1U worry in ado things any better? 5LQN S IS DECIDED such reading as remains In ono dov- elopes character and hns true value. -::-- -W. E. Pitch, IflMI SWEPT Br BUD I ! I It Is qulto possible for bo mo i Coos liny men to havo more I money than brilns and still I havo only n llttlo money. -H-tt- Tbo only wny somo Coos Buy peoplo could keep a promise would bo to mil It In n safe I I deposit box. Lumber Town, Near Raymond, II AlmOSt Completely De- l Tho trouble with some Coos liny cfrmnr" hw Pirn People Is thov havo their work In SiroyCU uy Tire. i0.m pineo nnd their thoughts In nil- Jury Refuses to Allow Taylor Johnson Damages for Leg Broken at North Bend. (Speclal to The Times.) COQUILLE, Ore., May 22. The jury In tho case of Taylor Johnson vs. Chris GrohB of North Bond brought In a verdict for the defend ant Into yesterday. The Jury found that tho plaintiff was Intoxicated' and. this was responsible for the nccldout which resulted In n broken loc for which ho waB endeavoring to collect dqmnges. The enso was hard fought, J. D. Gobb being attorney for the defense. Thoy had a hard tlmo getting, a Jury In tho case, the vonlre being exhaust ed and speclnl Jurors having to be called In. Tho veniremen generally stntod that they would not bullovo a liquor mnn under onth nnd this re sulted In tholr being rojected. The suit waB tho outgrowth of trouble In tho North Bend saloon somo montns ago. Johnson only had ono other wit ness In his behalf, n man named Aus tin who worked nt tho Mercy hospital for a time. Austin testified that ho had been offered ?2G nnd free trans portation Bomottmo ago If ho would Bllt When thnt StatO IB realized lvn Min rnnntrv. .fnhnnnn n Wro"lS!!h1Vlthd?hU old world-' '" "n"10tl .'Bn '"c1 "" vor 186 A DREAM? Wrltton for Tho Times. Whnt a boon Is life; 'twould be, Could we tnko things ns thoy come, Not fret and fume and worry Till tho heart with pain Is numb. Not work up vnguo suspicions Of somo other one's Intent To Injure, slight or vllllfy, When no such thing wns meant. fn AmaHUM Pmi to Coot nr Tlmn.J uuitr. HAY.MONI), Wash., Mny 22 Tho -H-tt- business section of town of Lebnm nfcr Ul0 dertnkor Is Bummoned. wns completely destroyed by flro yes tordny. Tho loss Is $100,000. Tho flro started In tho Lelmni Mills & Tlmbor company and npread so quick ly that ninny narrowly escaped death. A food supply wns sent from lioro. -::-::- What matter If n u'rl's coninlox- lon Is poor If her fnthor Is rich? KEEP HM IN CITY JUL NEWS OF. NE&kBY TOWNS and broko his leg. It Is Intimated thnt there may bo other suite similar to this one. J. O. Mullen nnd C. I. Holgnrd were at torneys for Johnson. Dnnmgo Cose on. Today tho enso of Hnlha vs 'tho Smith-Powers mino on Isthmus In- Wlion n man Is In tho wrong llOi lot fnr iilinnt J?linn il mnn con fnr nor. only wastes time trying to cover up' ,,., , , Blia,nin,i , vl. his mlBtnke by tho uso of big T ... . . . . I ." fr-n, I hiuii iinu nro in ocing incii. v. i. Stoll Is attorney for Hnlha nnd J. I), (loss for the dofendnnt. of ours. With henvon fairly won. Would It bo truly henven, though, With each tho snmo ns each? . If this should fnll to satisfy I Then heaven's out of reach. Itenrsny. The L. M. Tozier Grocery Co 86 import Price m Headquarters for domestic and outing and lunch goods A EI3W HINTS, mill we liultc comparison on nil i quality. n Minced sardines .for snndwiches, Sardines Smoked i Oil, or Special, Bnby Mackerol, KIpporod Hcrrlne p '"" Tuna Fish, Bonod Deviled nnd Potted Chicken Dbv'ii a B"'' ted Hnm, Dovlled, Potted nnd Cooked Lunch ,a nd Pot Voal Lonf, Holnzo, Van Camp nnd Preferred Stock p Tn""'' Benns, Tamnles, Boneless Chllo con Came mw . "M 10 Vllh Tm.,. .. " "ran) Hllh a Flsli, Bonod Deviled nnd Potted Chicken Dpv'ii a B"' Hnm, Dovlled, Potted nnd Cooked Lt.ncil ," nd Pot- 1 Lonf, Holnzo, Van Camp nnd Preferred Stock p Ton,,"l ns, Tamnles, Boneless Chllo con Cnrno n .rk Ki zo's Spnghottl (n la Itnllonno) -villi Tomato Sahco anl Heinz nnd Bench Nut Peanut Butter, Caviar, Pate d p (Jars) also Puree 0f Foles nm. -'..' 0r". lOlo'sn Alll.lim.lo.. ,. .. """ .-.V..UI,,'. ill l'lltn nn nnd ar,.n... ,... u,ITe Oil with Truffles canB), Anchovlo Pnsto, Boneless (Mndo in Franco), unvcs, mpo nnd Qrooti Sturreu olives in ruro uiivo on (Mndo In do "UCQ p, Orange, Mnrmdado, nlso II. J. Heinz & Go's Unl(Kn C'4 Bl such ns Ornpo Fruit Mnrmolndo In kIsbh. gffM. o. B',,w, tnrd Pickles, Walnut, Mushrroom, Mustard and Tomit " sups, Chllo Snut'o. Itellshes, etc. In fact KVlMiVTinvn Clt THAT HUNBAV OUTINO IX .'Ath. vh.. . ."" " FKEHII KIIUITS AND VEGETAIUjES at H(l Conimeirlul Avenue. EVintVTIIINfl viti.i. x)vi:st rnim l'lionp 4 CODV l,KAVES IIA.VDO.V. thoy lutoiiil to erect n two-story .... , , iconcroju biisoment wllh full baso- Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cody left Sat-I inent. in tho iinnnmnni win i... n 1 urdny for Bond nnd from there- will snlt wntor Hwlmmlng tank nnd hent go about 100 miles south whoro thoy lug plant. havo secured a very flno ranch, which On tho first floor will bo club thoy will occupy. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Cody roms for tho members of tho Mooso hnvo been nmong our best citizens for lodge, nnd tho second floor will bo n number of years, nnd Mr. Cody hns composed of a lodgo room which boon connected with tho Mooro hum- will bo suitably arranged for dances her Co. nnd Cody Lumber Co. Thoy nnd public gnthorlngs nlso, with nil invo many friends In Bundon who modern conveniences, Including lad will recrot vroy much to soo thorn les' nnd gcntlomou's dressing rooms, lenvo, hut the best wishes of all will etc. Bandon Recorder. ' go with thorn to tholr now home. I . Dnudou Itccordor. EAIlli McXAIIl HUM'. KINDS LIVE TAIlANTUr A. Cecil Spnugh, mnnagor of the Onr State's Star Witness in Myr tle Point Bank Robbery Case Separated From Miller" Frank VaiirIiii, tho man serving n term nt Snlein for the tlioft nt tho. l.lh iinlnnn' onintn 'imrna nn,i anil, to got his nrin broken Inst Sntui'diiv foptlonory, nnd nmong them ho found neu tlm' imva .. wnr, ...imr.' i. n Ing them to Pornrlotor Hnnknnunn nf,,roon. Ho wns riding a blcyclo n ,,nrKj tnrnntuln hidden away, but Judge their merits, Tho ground In if Mm Mn-M. iin i -.-M .1 wlth B l)0y Blttln'? ,n front of hll v'1"? ,,,l!t'irl)0(1 , ,)Ccn,o HUlto lively, front of t io factory s not yoMn first of tho NorU, Bend stables. Is. now. 0, aoiuohow tho'otlior boy caught, o doubt but what It wns shipped In class condition but will ifohv" Willi inn lifitinnnn rlnillttn ri.M ..- .. ....,..., VHItUIIIVI VlUIII' Karl McNnlr hnri tho mtafortuno PiCTICE FOR SUNDAY GAME Will Marshfield Ball Team Have Workout This Even ting, Weather Permitting. We'ntlior ponuittlng tho Mnrshflold iiasonnii piayors will bo out for prnc' ,iinnr i.hi.UK,1'n,n".nKOr,of t,loanr-t0 ' front f tho Bradley Candy dlnor Thontro. inirchnsod a number, Company ractory, this ovonlng. Ma na- ?M!!.n"!18 fr.0m th0 G"r Con-'gcr Chandler says he I nnx Io. S to ' confined in the Coqtilllo city Jail to his heal In tho spokos of tho wheol, keep him sentu-ate from O. H. Mlllor '""'Ing It ovor nnd hurjIiiK both boys ist whom ho Is to U'Htlfy In tho 1 "Vi, i . " nma' w," . re" i 'i .i... J. ""it 't Earls ii r m was broken. Io Point bank robbery case. Tho d nvconJ.' nt against MyrtI Idea. Is to keep the. hyp from confer ring with each other. Tho case will Alfulfn im-nl ft! I ikt ton not no irieu for turco or four weeks ilninc. yet. ' MOOSE AT MANDO.V. Dotecllvo Mitchell U working hard Tho u 0f ofM? Building Assocln- on tho caso and It In roported that Hon hns Just closed n deal with E. throro have been Hovornl lively clash- II. "Fish for n lot, 100x100, at tho cb botwoon Mltvhell nnd C. I. Belgard y.nrl'1W0l P,rnor ' '"t Street who will defend Mlllor. Just what LU'l" S!,Sgjai''Jl. lor. DIES IN' UAXDO.V. Philip Morrlnm, nn Oregon plo neor. died nt the homo of his daugh ter. Mrs. L, Mynntt, In Axnlea park. Mr Morrlnm wns married August 12, l72. to Amerlcn Itnnkln, nnd to tn i union two children woro born, i.oulo Itnnkln of Roguo River, and Mrs. L. Mynntt of this city, both i wiiuin, ingeiuor witn mth, Mer . Monday. y tentativo llnpup of the Marsh field plnyors for tho Sunday gomo with North Bond follows; Landers, c; Johnson p; Sater, ssj Burke, 2b; Magnry lb; Smith, ah; of rt; Woods If; Froomnn cf or 2b; Lewis rf; Brlggs, 31) or rf. Chandler says ho win no iiuiu io announce the comploto llnoup tomorrow, I Tha North Bond plnyors will also ' ho out for prnctlco this ovonlng nnd I nrrnngomonts nro being made to got COLLEGE BOYS IAWPLICES tho llnoup on the evidence hi tho case Is, no ono uxeivpt tho officials know nnd thoy nro not giving nny thing out. Dotectlvo Mitchell Is said to hnvo been pretty Htrotig In his chargos thnt 1).- L. Footo of Mnrshflold enr rlod u party from Mnrshflold to Myr- tlo Point on tho night of the rob- hory. Foot Is Just im strong In his donlnl nnd thoro promises to ho somo Fami StlldCtltS at 0. A. C. De- llvely clnhes between them. . n ... . .. Miller's wife, Mm. Ida Mlllor. Is - Sire POSltlOnS for VaCa- now nt tho Sonrgennt Hotel nt Hulton (Jon jrj COOS COUfltV nnd Ornnd Avenue. Portlnnd, whoro J sho Is working and supporting hor- J" '' Sl"'"'. county agriculturist, self. I'"" "ecolved a lettor from Prof. Scud- Dr. ItusBoll of Snlom wns suhpoc- uor' ""a or tno ngronomy depnrt nnod as a witness In the enso as It Is Inont fll 0 A. C, Toquestlng him to claimed that bo was Miller's room- try nml Ret ,,lare8 for a "iuor ,of mnto nt Coqullle tho night of tho B'"l,0tB for tho summer months. Ho robbery. writes as follows; According to the grand Jury In- "! ,,nvo n ""hor of Junior nnd dlctmont, the wltnesBos for tho stnto So,1,0i "tudonta In Agronomy who In tho enso nro W 0. Borreo of Marsh- w,m w,Bh to '"creaso tholr farm erf lold, Jnck Elwood of Myrtle. Point, l)orlo"co " preparation for securing Frank Vaughn. Sheriff Cnco. Itou- I8Ulons n"-r thoy graduate, In farm hon Jefferson, Walter Harris, Lloyd inanaKOiiiont or experiment station Hoblnson, Fred Ollhert. Chnuncoy work nml tho ,,u. l"stend of going Dolucln, Win, SlmatH, .1. It. DeVault,' hF: '" ,,UJ,r ,,omo 'arms. I nm nd May Vaughn, Hugh Finley, Harry V'3,K llle8n ' to get Into another McOownn, I. N. c. Christ nnd It. W. ,)U,t of t,u 8tat0 nnt,' ,f possible on Vench. Tho stato has some other " different typo of farm than thnt to witnesses whoso Identity thttv nro. Jvr,ll,h 'ho' lve boon used. looping socret. J "These mon nro all husky, energe- It Is oxpectod that Vaughn will toll tlc inon' mo8t of tnon woll oxporlonc- tho Jury about tho story to tho eN ort '" far, work, and they would bo feet that Miller promised to glvo him uble t0 out I,imt tho ordinary hired monoyjo nai: It. 0. Urnvos of Marsh- ,inml 8'ornl yards They aro willing Hold 1200 for dofondlng him In tho to work for and expect only tho usual, horsestealing case nnd nlso about fllrm waKcs. "t of courso thoy would othor revolatlona by Mlllor to Vaughn w,8a ,0 KOt ou n farm t'mt was up-to-In tho comity jail. lftto and doing n big and successful Dusinoss, if possible. Thoy will want M RA DEAL CLOSED leUXndVnllliSrd.J.0n t" 0n,, " or'ndoa and Coqulllo In -fr - .-v--Vrf-yxxjj "WIIIIH UltlUli throo of four big furms In your coun ty whoro extra hired hands would bo required during tho summer, if 8o, could you tnko tho mnttor up with tho fnrinors. finding out If they would llko to tnko on ono or more of these mon, what they would pay, and when they would wnnt them to stnrt If you would drop mo a lino regarding this matter as 8oon as you could do so giving mo tho names and nddresses or tno men, I could havo tho stud ours who would bo Interested wrlto to thorn direct and nmko arrange ments. "Such assistance as this would be a very distinct servlco to these stu dents, most of whom do not want to glvo up a more or loss sure Job nt homo unless thoy know beforehand Just nbout whatolso they can do else where, as of courso the money thoy earn In tho summer means a good deal to them ns woll ns tho experience. On tho other hand, as you know, tho farmers will get value received, for any of tho boys we send out will be adle to hold up their end of tho work with anyone, "I shall very much nppredato hear Ing from you as soon as possible re gardlng this matter." PERSONAL OVERFLOW DU. E. M1NGUS wont to goqiilllo this to work from about the 15th of June morning as a witness In a case until the first of October, there. I "I wondered If you did not know of J. 0. MULLEN Is hei) from North Bend today on business. WM. GHIMES nnd wife nro expected In on this aftornoon's Drain stage. A. B. SHAW, formorly one of tho at torneys in tho V. s. Interior Depart ment and who was a leading flguro in tho controversy between Sec. Balllngor and Glavls, is now here. He is now attorney for the C. A. Smith company. ' Colorado Men Pay $10,000 for Tract to Start Fine Stock Ranch Option Another ; Wm. Gohsen of Colorado Springs arrived here yesterday to take pos session or the W. II. Morgan ranch on ' Dnnlels Creok which ho and F. II. I Hamilton have purchased for the pur pose of converting It Into a flno dntry ranch. Mr. Hamilton will arrive here soon. Tho Morgan ranch of ICO acres Is a fine tract near the confluence of unnlols Creek and Coos River. They paid $10,000 'for It but are thought to nsve secured a bargain In the place as Ideally located. They have nlso taken an option on another ranch of Mr. Morgan's, about two miles up tho river from tho ono they havo bought, and may take It over soon. The deals wero negotiated by W. A. Reld. Messrs Goshen nnd Hamilton come highly recommended and will make a flno addition to Coos county's pro gressive ranchers. PuinpliiK Shells Tho dredge Seat tle Is now working opposite Ocean dock nnd Is pumplug nearly all shells. She Is near tho shoal at tho mouth of Coos River, which has sprung un again although dredged away by the! ureuge Oregon a few years ago. ait Fresh Frails and Vegetables Ready for the Summdky Binmer Tho Vollowstono will bring us a largo consignment cirlr m. morrow, probably In tlmo for our first delivery. Phone m o order. Hero nre somo of them; (SUKEN PEAS TOMATOKS CABBAGE WAX BIIA.SS HTIUNU BEANS HEAD I,I7I1T('I: NEW POTATOES CAULIFLOWER ASPARAGUS COOS COUNTY' PRODUCTS: (JREKN ONIONS ItADISIIKS . j-flLETTUCi: Tho best strawberries tho mnrkot affords. Try Bomo of our special oranges, two dozon for 25 ccnti, Two nuto deliveries dnlly. KTG IBunk Tf 171111 ,er joim Dept PHONE 32 Store Make Yours a Public Service Store This is the age of service, The rewards of today So to the mon who give the most in return. Translated for you, Mr. Merchant, this means that the customers are certain to patronize the store that will give them what th'ey want when they want it. Cut prices may bring some trade, but better ser vice will bring more. This is the age when people are reading the ad vertising in THE TIMES because they are finding it a distinct part of the service they expect THE TIMES to give. When a nationally distributed article of merit Is advertised in the .newspapers, a demand for It sets in right away, People want to see it, and if satisfied, want to buy it. They are going to turn to the store that lets them know it has the article, The store will be giving tham the service they want at that particular moment, If it is a good article they are .going to remember the store where they got it and will come back to that store again, . . ! ' ViutY