THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, Fh.w ', MAY 22, 19U-EVEN1NG EDITION. TWO NOTED SOLDIER -ggr L A o4Utan, -:.K. Big Bargain Event All This Week IRVING BLOCK taprr jrF hU, r r'WLJr Dl 5 in m ,v,Jy!W v Brigadier General Catterson, Uncle of Mrs. Jas. Bennett, of Marshficld, Is Dead Mrs. Jan. Honnott pt Marflhflold linB JtiBt received word of tho donth or hor undo, Hrlgndlor General Rob ert F. Catterson, tho last surviving urlgndlcr of Shornian s march to tno sen. A Minneapolis paper contains the following: "Tho funeral of Hrlgadler General Ilobort F. Catterson, formerly of Minneapolis, nnd ono of the most brilliant officer of tho Civil War, was licld yestorday nt San Antonio, Texas, where ho removed In 1910. Tho passing of General Catterson, it in bollovod, loaves no brigade com mander who made tho march with Shcrmnn to the sea alive. Only n few days ngo, Gcncrnl Robert Adams of tills city, a comrade, died. "Goncral Catterson rose rapidly af ter his enlistment In 18G1 ns a prlv nto In tho 14 th Iudiann Infantry. In a year ho became a captain nnd In six months more a colonel. Ho had arisen to tho command of a brigade when Sherman's march wnB made. At tho close of tho war ho was tnndtt a brigadier genoral for distinguished and niurltorlus services. "Participating In II bnttlos, Gen rrl Cnttorson was wounded five times, oncu ho Bovorely that he was scut 3omo for treatment. Surviving him nro his widow nt San Antonio, and two daughters, Mrs. K. W. Penny, of Minneapolis and Mrs. 2i II. Moody of San Antonio." f AT -THE. HHOim AN OLD FASHIONED EFFECT. Reminiscent of the seventies Is this delightful hal of mllan with garland of ruses and their follugu. The frock Is of pussy w lllow taffotu. The lint Is slightly rnlst-d nt tho back and has itrouuiers of rose colored relvet. BUSINESS III At tho Clmiul'er. K. II. Jones, Coos Hay: II. L. Van Io Car, Onklaud; Raymond Stout,' .Astoria; M. Epstein, Astoria; Julius Xullck, Portlnnd; J. I.. M. Shettorloy rortlnndj F. I). Lnyton. Portland; Wli Hnm Cnndlln, Couulllo; W. V. Ful ler, Dallas; leo Kemp, Portland; C. A. Porker, Now York; 15. M. Androws Modford; A. 11. Crawford, nnd wife, Pprltndj L. II. Mnrkeo, Porltnd. At tho Lloyd. Ttr 1. MnrHunn Mvrtln Point" V.. L Klott, Ilnudon; a.'w. Foster and Wife, Rwsoburg; I. Anderson, Ban KnvnclBco; P. Stone, San Francisco; I. "Wnrmnck, Portlnnd; W. F. Carter, Itandon-; 11. P. McLondou, RoBoburg. At the Itlnm-o. William KrlckHou, Cordova; II. M. Railing, Cordova; Jerry O'Connol, Eu reka; J. P. Guppor, Coiinlllo; 15. M. Antfinny, Scottsliurg; Jnspor Yoakam, CoquIIIo; 15. 15. Coudrny, Glondnlo; II. K. Colby, Kmplro. At tho St. Ijinviviut. W. G. IIoBsoy, Coos Rlvor; P.C. Swnr, CoquIIIo; Gcorgo Moyois, Dan. tlnn, Mlko lliirkv, Portland; J. Frank lln, Vonlco; Miss Irono Irlah, Port land; Louis Itelth, Svnttlo. iam)iti(x).v lkctuhk. "Tho World's Orontvst Pioneer" will "bo tho subject of an Illustrated lecture at tho Presbyterian Church next Sunday Kvoniug. Thoro will Alnolio an Illustrated song. Tho ser vice, begins at R o'clock WILL BANQUET Plans Made for Big Gathering at Chandler Hotel This Evening. The Coos Ray UubIiioss Men's As- . ttlK.. ...Lint. ttrrtVftfl fulfil fl DUL'llllllJII, Wlliuu uuo ,.. j. w. " wonderful buccobb locally, hns bcon re(UCBioil to exienu mo orgnniziuiuu i,. I, nil nilinr tinliitn In tllO county: nnd for that purposo will hold tuoir roguinr nicmiim iu mu Chnndler Hotel. Frldny evening, May 'i'i, i'Jm, ni o CIOCK, All business men of -Coos county Interested In tho uromotlon of n bettor acquaintance nnd tho business wounro or KB momuors nro ruiuui od to fllgulfy their intention of be ing present by notifying tho Bccro tary of tho Association not later than May 20, who will resorvo Beats nt tho banquet. Tlckots for tho banquet, obtnlnablo from tho secretary, nt J 1.00 por plato. C. M. CATON, Soc. A Mil-WAN Y NEWS. .1 af.lnl in nMiji Tlniim.l Renutlful woathor hero tho past week. Tho roadB nro In good Bhapo except Homo wot plnccs In tho tim ber. Jack linker waB out with another lond of chooso from tho Loon Lnko cronmory. Ho had forty-throo boxes. Ho reports a barn dance there last Saturday night.. Thoro waB u good floor, good mufllo and lotB to ont. Wlui l more? J. R. Johnston gnvo n diuico Inst Fnturday night on WcbI Fork nbovo Allegany which was nn onjoynblo affair. Thoro woro rollgloua meetings at tho scliol houso Mondny and Tuee doy ovonlngB which woro well nt toniled. , Mrs. Dave Cownn nnd children nro at tho homo of lior brother, Zack TlinmnH. for a vibii Are Tom a Sportsmae? A tni sportsman is not nocossarily a man who can'it's a rod or a gun; he is a lover of woods and streams, Holds and flowers, tree and mountains, fish, birds and animals. The joy of hunting and fishing comes in tho spirit of an amateur, not as a professional. His point of view is in tho chase, not in tho hag. Ho takes more ploasuro in watching his dog work than in seeing a bird fall after it has been Hushed, or in making a long, clean east and getting a rise than in Janding the fish. The sportsmanship that is worth while is that which takes a wholesome view of. nature. "When game becomes scarce, tho sportsman ceases to kill and becomes strictly a protector, ire does not object to closed seasons or small bags. When quail are swim, one bird on the fence is worth two in tho game bag. Oregon Sportsman. D: fl r Ql Started May 20th iJig vicaii-up jxi and Continues 1 Week mir -, irfcir a mnvff Our only object in putttng on this great reduction snlo nt this, tho beginning of t10 season I. TlHIF M AOM8 duce out stock. We will not carry goods over from ono season to another, nnd Wo Cii'i? re Jl OJCd JrAlDM.tJ'VU'Jlo 8t0Ck Is too large for UiIb season's demand, thoroforo wo nro giving tho public tho benefTi I 0ur ductlon of ono-thlrd and ono-fourth on our ontlro stock. On soino IIuch tho reductions nro grontor. oi a re- The Parisian Is Justly famed "Fashion's Center,- whora stylos nro always the latcs and whero prices nro the lowest. This aalo will offer many bargains that you should tako advantago of Just b ralght honnfldo bnrgalns, nt a reduction of onc-thlrH ., one-fourth off former prices. If you have been disappointed In other sales, come to Tho Parisians clean-up Bale and participate X "g J" arBSpaco'wm0not permit tho ilBtlng of all prices, so come and bo convinced of tho savings that nro hero. itKMKMiirnt, tiii: kxtihm stock is inoiiUdki) Short and Medium Coats This Is a beautiful lino of coats in short and medium lengths, ex clusive modolsj the very latest Btyles out; basket weaves, warrlo cloth, mixtures, Molro Valour and Brocades; all Included at One-Third Off Suits In nil tho nowest colors and materials, and latest designs. A wonderful solcctlon to chooso from, nil nt One-Third Off Separate Skirts Wo lmvo n superb lino of skirts; thoy woro mado esDoclali . Tho Parisian, which Insures oxcIubIvo designs and material" " tho latest novelty models nt ()N'ITII1RI) oi-'l- A" Kid and Silk Gloves Kid Olovos In long nnd short lengths; nlso now silk clovoi . minor wear all go nt ONI-M-'OURTU OKI'. ror summer Hair Switches An exceptionally hlgh-grado lino of hnlr switches that repre sent good bnrgnlns at former prlcoB, now go at ON'IVnilltl) 01T Combs, Barattes All CombB, Rnrrotts, Tango Plus nnd fancy hnlr ornamenti In. eluded nt ONIVrilllll) OKK. T 7 si- n f I Rill I villi I i III alii I Corsets Including our ontlro stock of tho famous "Pnristan Cor sets," concoded to bo tho most comfortablo and shnpoly cor set mndo, and tho "W. IV corset, a popular-priced corsot nt ONK-KOUKTII OKK. Trimmed Hats Our stock of trimmed hats represent tho vory Intost styles and wo have them priced rea sonnblo; thoy all go In this sale, Including tho latest arri vals, at ONI-yrillltl) OKK. Neckwear All neckwenr, Including tho latest novelties and fancy (rills go at ONK-TIIIItl) OKK. (.(. Onyx" TRAD& Hosiery One-Fourth Off Our ontlro stock of silk and llslo hosiery at ONICKOUUTK OKK. Dresses Spring nnd Hummer Di-won 111 nil tlio latest mntcrlalB and colorings, Including a lino of whlto nnd fancy crepes Just rocolvod at ONK - FOURTH OKK. Suit Cases o or. o or 3.00 n.r.o 4.00 4.r.o n.oo 0.00 7.r.o jr.'.no 114.00 120.00 Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Suit Cases Cobos Cases Cases Cases Cases Cases CascB Cases Cases Cases Casos Casos Cases ....8 .150 '....9 l..1 ....$ 2.00 JJ ) 1? iatOf ....8 lt.00 9 lift ....1? 1.00 ....8 B.00 ....8 II.IW t 1 9 Hot ....8 O.IW ....811.00 MEN'S SUITS A beautiful OBOortmont of Men's nil-wool, woll-tnllorod Suits, blues, black stripes, browns, grays and grny stripes, nottor 8i.n, 8l. 8- values you novor bow. CHOICE FOR $15.00 MEN'S SUITS A beautiful assortment of hnirdsomo nil-wool worsteds, rnshmoros, tweeds nud homo spun garments. All guaran teed to bo worth 822.50, 82.5 nnd 827.5(. CHOICE FOR $20.00 MENS DEPARTMENT SILK SOX All colors. Double uool nnd too. auarnntcod tho COc quality 3Bc; 3 pairs for 81.QO. MEN'S PANTS ONIM-'OURTH OKK. G.00 values 8:1.7.1 5.50 values 81.1.1 G.00 values 7.50 values 85.05 8.00 values 80.00 0.00 values 80.50 10,00 values 87.50 BOYS' SHORT PANTS .75 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 ONK-FOUUTII OKK. values 8 .55 values S .75 values 8 .15 values 81.15 values 81.50 BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS Homo Suits Two Knickers ONK-KOURTII OKK. $5.00 values 8:1.75 $ 5.G0 vaIuos .,., 81.15 $ 7.50 values 85.05 $8.00 values 80.00 $ 0.50 values 87.15 $10.00 values 87.50 $12,00 values $0.00 SHIRTS ONK-FOUUTII OFF. Soft French CuffH or Pleated Stiff Cuff values 8 .75 values 81.15 values 81.50 values 81.00 Plain $1.00 $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 WHY? Rocauso wo soil for caib. See Wludons SUIT CASES, HAND BAGS AND LUNCH BOXES nvi'Tlllltl) OFF Lunch Rox J T.nnrh Rox . $ .75 $1.00 $1.00 $3.25 $3.50 $0.00 $10.00 fiag Rag . Rag . nag . Rng $22.50 Uag Weal Free Grove and Picnic Grounds Rrlng your lunch baskot, Kodak and fishing tackle for a few days' outing. Sunday School nnd all picnic crowds a specialty. Kxcurslon to South Coos River evory day. Mnnliflelri Time Table if Launch Express, week days, leaves S a.m. Launch Tioga, week days, leaves 2 p.m. Steamer Rainbow leaves Marshfleld at 8:a.m. every Sunday. For charter aud picnic arrangements, apply on board steamer Rainbow. CATHOLIC laniRS" lUKAAIt, NORTH IIKNO, FRIDAY nnd SAT URDAY AFTERNOON AND EVK XINfi. DOX'T MISS IT. HKMKMUKH the place to have money on FKKI) Is H.UXKS. DAXCK at North Rend Airdome Saturday. KEYZKR'S ORCHESTRA. '! 1.63 $2.15 .$25 .$1.00 .$6.03 $13.00 MEN'S SWEATERS " ft on vnlnn 'I-? $8.00 vnluo $8.50 value $10.00 vnluo i'.!...."-00 "-w $70 I J hfield Coquille i Mars Auto Stage Service Commencing May 23, 1014. Schedule g 0i Leaving Chandlor Hotel, Marshfleld in'oo p' Leaving Chandler Hotel, Marshfleld iQ p. " Leaving Chandlor Hotel, Marahflold 130 P- -' Leaving Chandlor Hotel, Marshfleld .j5 . a. Leaving Daxter Hotel, Coquille g45 - Leaving Daxter Hotel, Coquille, 3!oo p. Leaving Daxter Hotel, CoquIIIo, . . . 430 P Leaving Dnxter Hotel, Coquille ' FARE: ONK WAY, 81.25; HOUND TRIP, SAME DAY, j Auto Connects With Xlne O'clock and Three O'clock Ho s Dandon. JESSE H1TE, GOOD OARS; CAREFUL DRIVERS. , Marshfleld : ; : Transportation . Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phone 72. Pacific Livery nnd Transfer Company. 1.AXCE at North BvstIU- Saturday. K-?1&EUS& GRASS SFJHSeaP at t giKAu.