m!Z!-vrtiiTj?vfrr ,"5' StJUl 10 '" IDY THERE IS A R, TffiK?SOME. ITS THE "THEN SOME" that counts A 11ANNER YEAH Tills season opens with lirlfiliioi1 mxiiei'ts for llio great Coos liny .ml OHilllo Valley country Hum !;lr before In Its history. For iiiiics m '" ,,K5 ,k,"- Are you busy laying ,,,c foundation for jours? lag Mmm DON'T SCATTER SHOT Concentrate you'- advertising In the newspaper that reaches the peo plo you want to talk to. Aiiiiiuti'l tlou costs money. Tho Tiniest pnves money to aiHcttlscis. MEMUKH OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FELLOW at SM VOL XXXVII. nBKSaiaH8 flST FIRES iflslT ISHINGTOR ARE NOW SPREADING Every Ame-uomeu man is Fighting tne names ivear Noosack. FIRE MAY GET BbTUIMU CONTROL Loss In Vicinity of Vancouver Placed at Over $200,000 Noosack in Danger inr A'socUifl Prrtu to Coot IliT Ttmnt.l niCI.MNOHAM. Wash.. Mny 22. Two bad forest fires nro burning In thl vicinity of Nooksnck. One is Just beyond tlio Ilmltfl of tho town. Olio house nnil n barn Imvo been destroy ed. Every nblo bodied man Ib fight ing the flnmcH, iOn account ot tno wind flrea aro Bprondlng rapidly anil i li feared they will got boyond con trol. A number of forest fires nro ro- I ported In various parts of Whatcom county but so fnr tho dnmngo Is nas- lltlble, Tho timber men fenr serious I lets unless weather conditions change. DAMAGE IS ENORMOUS. Hr Anortitf'1 Trr tn Coot Hit Tlmi,! VANCOl'Vnn. II. C. Mny 22. Elcht houses and n hIiIiikIo mill were destroyed by a forost flro which U weeping up Orouso Mountnln. KMImntcB un to noon uliico tho loss In the neighborhood of Vancouver nt 1200.000 A sneclnl Btcnmer win- Wing government flro f lli tors wns ifnt to Sllnmo'n. forty miles north. to conilmt a blaze of big timber. A logging company nonr I'ort Coimltlam wai wined out. Tho refugees had 11 n exciting ildo on n train through tho burning timber. DAD NEAR SEATTLI 111? At -s lltoil r-.. In Con. PAT 11m-. I SRVTTLE. Mnv 22. AlUmim"' therf nrc mnny forest f Iros In woatorn wn'1' ' '?!. they nro bolus; hold fnlr lr w M in clii'ck. Orent dnmngo Is thrca-!nd-n- - 1 The town of Nooksnck Is r 1 VlliAtn II ..I.I......1 .!. ...... ..in. 1il ...wcill. II1IMIJ1IIU. Ill" 1MI JUHI "' dauRhtcr of .Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hub bard, 23fi Seconcl Btreot, wnndored ) from homo this morning and found at tho corner of Elovonth nd Ccnral streets by Marshal Car- IfT M 11. .1.1 I IU.l .tin Mia IllllJIJUru JIU IIIIHUU iiiu lld to ko out on tho front porch to play but bIio wont out In the stroet Wore Mrs, Hubbnrd missed hor. AllHIlt O f.'Alnnl. 11. ir..lit.nr.l liA. -... v w.iiiviv uin. iiuifwi... .'- tn a E-;irch about tho houso for tho Mti)'. When sho could not bo found . Hubbard summoned Marshnl rter and her husband by tolepliono. Soon nf'tr Marshal Cnrtor stnrtod t to find tho baby ho met John D. "uen, wno inrornieu nun inni im "d eeen a child of tho description p'n prnylng In tha vicinity of kiov (ath and Central streets. All. On I M .-i.i- .. j u ... . ..k i .ma, iiuuuuru wuro Kr'l T relieve 1 when tho baby was re rne, vaw ()l0 worBQ for j,Qr a. English Ruler and Wife Have w Listen to suffragette at 1 heaterNovel Ruse In. . ... . . . . - "o"we4 rrtti 10 coot wmibb.1 LOX'nnv r... 00 i.-inn nonmei nd n;ri".;''" --: "'" uX, hi - -1"- .uury wero cuiuijoiieu L... lJ lno narnngue or a ii tt?.1 suffrngetto at a matinee at "His fiajes'v s" Thentnr. when a woman J'oe In the stalls and began to Stress thn bin vnn Russian far sh shrinkPii Attendants M WANDERS 001 OF HOUSE OMAN SCORES' iC GEORGE me snrinKeii. AitenuauiD'nunD ""ed to her and found her chain- i tn ,i ..'". j iio "!; nW Eft. ho'u.?! be r cved whiiVw.i,r ,vY m nroc- rs fca f ' .r .; tnrtel bkni,.. ' " uzen women i" pouting ono Jumped on the stago. f'entually all were ejected unild a oIb nnu tti," ' Tn Vhn " 19. . -"cuaous Uproart MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FORESTS ARE NOW !N DANGER Conflagration Near Portland Causes Patrols to Be In creased in Northwest. Itlr Ammlitist Titm to Cow liar TlmM.l PORTLAND, Or.. .May 22. A report of n now forest fire was ro- reived by tho United States district forester hero from Roekdnlo. Wash.. and n largo forco of flro fighters wns sent to tho scone. Tho flro guards lmvo been Increased through out Oregon niitl Southern Washing ton on ncrotuit of tho dangerous conditions duo to dry weather. The sky Is overcast hero with tho snioko haze from tho fires In western Washington. Riotous Scenes in London Follow Attack of Suffra gettes on Masterpiece DESTROY PAINTINGS. I l Amu lir. 'n in Cum l Tliyo 1 I I LONDON. .May 22. Tho ; "Wild Women" of tho Women's Sods I and I'olltlrnl Union eon- j tinned their terrorlxiiiK turtles. A woman nul wIOi a londed ' I iue today ruined five imistor-1 ilrti in the nnuonm gallery. Simultaneously another woman ! I wrecked a picture haiinlit la the I I Itoyal Academy. ' , The pictures damaKed In the Nat ional Gallery were the "Madonna and Child with Infant Saint." "Portrait of Malntinl." "SahiU John and Chris topher and the Dodne. "lnuseaiie with tho Death of St. Peter." and Christ's Anony In the Garden." Tho pnlntlnK anshod at tho Itoyal Acad emy wbs "I'rlmnvern." Hoth womon refused to glvo their unmos. Tho Academy was filled with n fashionable throng when a woman drow n butcher knlfo nnd dashod nt tho pictures. Only tho prosonco of tho police prevented hor from bolng roughly handled. The National gai lory vnndnl left a trail of blood from cuts from broken glass. Tho scones In tho pollro court when tho women In yosterday's battlo wcro arraigned surpassed In wlldnoss all previous offorts. A male suffragist, who somehow found a porch among tho raftors, blow ear-plorclng varia tions of tho "MarselllnUo" on a cor not and then sounded a chargo. This was the signal for n volley of bags nnd other tnlesllos nt the magistrate, Sir John Dickinson. Throo policemen were requlrod to prevent ono prisoner from throwing herself ovor tho rail. Another n'oman removed hor shoe, and hurlod" It ftt tlio hond of tho maglstrfttd, who caught It deftly. Winn tho mnalstrato wns forcod to suspend tho bearing there was a freo flghr. Subsequently mosi or ino wo .on rA hronclit In and bound over HIUII !. - - to keep tho peace for six months, but they unanimously rotusou sureties. UOAT HACE TODAY. Washington and Collfonila Civhr to Compete at Seattle Iijo To-luV. (By AIKM Vn le Coo. hit Time.. spattle. Wash., May 22. For the second time this year tho 'Var- ,!.. oiirht.oared crows of tno uni versities of California and Washing nn will match their skill when the race over the three-mile course qf i. lUAohinpinn intteB maiu u. 5:30 n. m. ,..ri nn the w-nchink'tnn Is a favorite on tne strength of her previous, victory nvor California ami htanioro. tn the b!c rare the tw-o wasning- on Freshmen crews and. tbo wasn- Ington seconu iru " ' handicap. WOMEN WRECK ART GALLERIES IWO KILLED IN GAMBLER'S HOLDUP One Bandit Killed and One Is Wounded and One Player Slain in Robbery at San Francisco Roadhouse Today tnr amocuij rrM to coot nr Tim. SAN PUANCISCO, Cal., Mny 22. With drawn revolvers, two ninskod men entered a roadhouse In tho JEWISH CLUB President Becomes Honorary Head of Society to Pro mote Patriotism in Race. Illr AMOcltlfrt Vtnt to Coo. l r Tlm.. NEW YORK, .Mny 22. President Wilson consented to beco'nio tho honorary president of tho Jowlsh Army nnd Nnvy League, n nowly orgnnlzcd body with headquarters In New York. The object of tho leiguo Is to eucourngo pntrlotlsm among tlio Jews. T Nnnniinr.PR lhr Inrlintmnnt nf "w "w "-"-"' -i j Seven Portland Business . Men for Libel Hi. Ab-vltloi I'm. to timm II. l Tlm.l SALKM, Or., May 22. Donount- lug tho Indictment of seven Portland business men, Governor West de clared If they wore convicted ho would ifurdon thorn. Tho men wero ludletod by the Multnomah County UrAiid jury for crlmlunl llbul of Uunige huiiHiiur by moons of car-j (IIIUIIO iU lliV 11 HIP JlUlldlUM 0U II (,11 1 to obtain a ittrwt railway frun- Four Hundred Young People Take Part in Pageant at Walla Walla (07 AwxLleil PrtM ta Coo. D.7 Tloet, WAI.r.A WALLA. Wash.. Mnv 22. Pageantry was Introduced In tho Nnrllitt'UHl tndnv whan thn "l'ncouilt of Mny" was produced In the city , pnrk. Tho pugeajit deals with tho . Itnmnn mvth nf (irons nnil soasons. Four hundred young peoplo par ticipated. Miss Mary Flavelle, of Chi cago, is Victim of Assail- ant in Italy Ot AMOrUlofl PtfM Coot P.r TllTM.1 FLORENCE, Italy, May 22. Mlsa Mary Flavelle, of Chicago, was at tacked and robbed In a train yes terday. She Is still allvo but un conscious. Tho assailant escaped from the train at Arezzo. Several suspects have been arrested. WASHINGTON GOOD ROADS. IDr Awof lt4 Piwt lo Coot Dtr T!' 1 spatti.e May 22. Goou Roads day Is being poserved today through out Washington. Governor Lister, In overalls, assisted on the road at Dlaln on tho International boundary. Mter In the day the governor traveled as far south as Olympla In an auto, stopping at various places where work Ib being done. Wl DS W W MN i rnDLii'" i n f INTRODUCED BOBBER ATTACKS WOMAN ON TRAIN suburbs early today where eight men wcro playing cards. The 'gen eral shooting that followed cost tno liven of ono player and ono ban dit. Tho other bandit Is prob ably fatally wounded and another player Is slightly wounded. Tho (lend nro David Williams nnd Jnmes Dnlly. Tho wounded nro Edward Donovnn and Eugcno Gnlntolro. Tho bandits wcro Daily nnd Dono vnn. Upper Peninsula Swept by a Conflagration That Dark ens Lake with Smoke'. trif AMocUtnl rr to Coo. II. f Ttmro i SAULT STE MAIUE, Mich.,, May 22. Stoamors nro moving slowly on nccoutit of tho heavy smoke. which hnngs over Lnko Superior and St. ..ary's Itlvor from tho forest flro In the upper peninsula. An Un mouse IH0080, driven from tlio Cana dian forest by tho fires, cnino Into tms city nnd browsed In the public park until chased away by newsboys. TO RACE TOR LIPJOS COP First Yacht Race on San Fran cisco Bay for Trophy will Be Held June 13. Illr AMorUIl ftr lo root Imr 'i'IRim.) SAN FRANCISCO, May 22. Tho first race under tho nusplroH of tho Pacific Intercliih Vncht Association for tho trophy offorvd by Sir Thom as Upton will ta iu plnco .luiio l.'t on San Francisco Day, nt cording to on announcement today. PROmCATION Confirmation of Killing of Mexicans by Richard Urban Received Illr Aortil Prn. lo Cii U. Tim., i WASHINGTON, D. C, May 22. lonflrmntlon of tho killing by Mox icnns of Hlchnrd Urban, an Amer ican, wns received by tho Stnto De partment today. Ho was shot down without provocation near Nnroznrl. Tho body of Porflrlo Laurol, an American who was killed sonio tlmo ngo by fodornls In .Mexico, was re- covorod and takon to Laredo whoro ho will bo burled today. IS FAST DICTATOR Ke5p Two Stenographers Busy as He Makes Way Through Mail (Or Auorlittil rre. to Coot Dr Timet OYSTER DAY, May 22. It took two stenographers to keep paco with Colonel Roosevelt ns he mado his way through tho mass of tolegrams and letters. Political conferences were planned for 'this afternoon. MAY EXAMINE 1'UIIMO RECORDS Crawford 8ayn Act MuM Not Inter fere with Work of Office. SALEM, May 22. Attorney Gener al Crawford In an aplnlon asked t.tr 1? V? liavmnnH nf Mnrshfleld. held that public records may bo ox- K.lnn.l 1... ..nrermu flaoUlm. In finA ailllllBM UJ iroiouito UCOI,. w ww I them, provided It does not Interfero with tho conduct of tho public offices where they aro filed. Ho said It was Tt l ...Klnn ,t.n, aftA. Mint. nPA .llltlllft LIB UJ'IUIUII lliui ivi ...vj u.u ifi.w..., ! rarnrds ven before they are entered J In the official books. , FOREST FIRES 1 MIGRICAN SHOT W THnllT I vJ 1 1 U I ii I IIUU I ROOSEVELT PIRHT PAftFQ A Consolidation of ciun i rnuca, 1U, CooS ny PEACE MEDIATORS MAY INVITE REBELS TO E E West Marshficld House Ran sacked but Nothing Taken -Adds to Mystery Tho homo of E. G. Perhnm, 1.1(10 Central nvoniie, wns ontorod some tlmo yestordny ufternoon by an un known party or parties nnd prnctl cully nil of tho personal effects of tho family wero ransacked. Mrs. Perhnm loft hor homo nliotit 11 o'clock yesterday morning nnd af ter doing some shopping down town sho went to tho homo of nor mother, Mrs. Hutchison, where sho had lunch. When sho returned In tho afternoon b!:o found everything In tho housp In n scnttered condition. Drnworo bad been pullfd out of dressors, chiffon iers, nnd other cnbluets. Every drnwer In Mrs. lVrhnin's sowing inn rhino hnd beon tnkou out nnd tho contents scnttered on tho floor. The furniture In nearly every room hnd been moved or upset mid even ono end of tho enrpet In tho sitting room hnd been torn up. Mrs. Perhnm sayB thai when sho discovered the house In such n condi tion sho Immediately called her niiilil, whom hV.o hnd excused from duty during her nbseuco. Mrs. Porhiiu says thnrMtor maid was astonished to find tho house In such n condition nnd declared that sho had no knowl edge of If until she returned to tlio plnro n few minutes previous to tho return of Mrs. Porhnm. So fnr Mrs. Porhnm has not miss ed anything. Sho says that nil of hor valuables nro still In tho houso but' not where sho left them, How ever, she has not mado a thorough search of tho contents of tho cabinet drawors, which , dropped on tho floor. All sorts of trinkets, ribbon oud fancy work had boon dumped on tho stalrwny lending from tho kit chen to tho bnsemaiit. Mrs. I'erliiini niyH she will leave tho stuff where It ta until tho police niirl Ver attorneys make a thorough Investigation. ' Bryan Sends Intjuiny, to Tam- pico Regarding Disap 1 pearance of Three Illr Arat.t I'mt lo Coot Iter TIoim.J WASHINGTON, I). C, May 22. Secretary Drynn has sent un Inquiry to Tamplco rogardlng tho three newspaper inon roportod to lmvo disappeared. They aro named Winkler, Wallace and Morrslur. GUILTY TODAY New York Police Lieutenant Convicted of Murder of Herman Rosenthal ' Dr AiioMalil I'm. lo Coo. IUr Ttmrt.l NEW YORK, Muy 22. CharloH Rocker was found guilty of instigating tho murder of Herman Rosenthal. Tho Jury roachod Its vordlct In four hours nnd four minutes. GITS RIGHT OK WAY. Tho Wlllamotto Pacific Railway Company was granted permission by tho county court this morning to ap propriate and use a portion of tho county road between tho north and south boundaries of tho county near Reedspnrt. Tho railroad company la building Its lino from Eugono to Marshficld. Roseburg Review. Muii Ise Tlireo Fingers. Wynne Wise lost three fingers from his left hand when ho accidentally tamo In contact with a saw In tho shlnfclo mill at the Smith mill Inst night. Wise had been employed at tho mill but one day Dr. Dlx dressed the hand. PI M W NERD NEWSPAPERMEN I STILL MISSII! I No. 259 PARTICIPATE NOW Expect Renewal of Invitation to Constitutionalists to Set tle Mexican Strife GENERAL CARRANZA MAY ACCEPT SOON Expect That It Will Be on Condition That No Truce on Hucrta be Declared ! I SILLI.MA.V SAKE I njr AMOfl.tM l'iTi lo Coot 11 TlH!-,l I MEXICO CITY, Mny 22. j Vice-consul Sllltvnn arrived j , j hero this morning from Snl- j i tlllo nnd was taken to tho Dm- j j zllinu legation. , j A , I Illr AMotUto.1 ITrM tn Don lUr yniM ' WASHINGTON, 1). C, Mny 22. In close circles to tho Constitution alists here, It wns expected that within twenty-four hourit n renewed Invitation would bo extended to tho Constitutionalists to bo represent ed at tho Niagara Falls mediation conference, 'Whether Gouernl Cnr rnnxn would nccopt Is not known, but It Is assorted that should ho do so It would bo without checking tho campaign against lluortn. MEDIATORS DISCUSS ACT NIAGARA FALLS, Out., May 22. Tho question of allowing tho Constitutionalists to participate lu tho mediation was thoroughly dis cussed nt tho conference between tho Amorlcnn Commissioners nnd tlio" South Amorlcnn commissioners. Tho commissioners, It Is under stood, presented tho viewpoint ot President Wilson as given thorn In dlspntchoH sent after today's Cab inet meeting. L E !l Senator Chamberlain Thinks Railroads Are Seeking to Control Waterway. Illf A'twlaio.) l-raot lo Cat Htr.TlmM.) j WASHINGTON, I). C May 22. Times, Coast .Mali Advertiser. N W 10 niMiuiur iimiiiijuriiiiii, oi urugiiii, tpdnv dtplared In tho Sunatti that tlio'H.nno Insidious InfluuucoH that have beon asking for the repeal of tho canal tolls oxoinptlou will soon bo Industriously at work cultl- . vatlng n strougor sontlinont lu fav or of opening tho (anal to railroad owned ships." Chamhoiiuln declarod that trans continental railroads hud fought tho construction of tho canal nnd now sought to lmvo tho tolls ex emption law repealed, Ho Insisted that tho Dultlmoro platform of tho Democrats to support exemption. i Ho coutendod tho exemption was not a violation of tho Hay-Paunco-foto treaty. T Says He Congratulates Him self About Things Not Brought Out IPr AMorlit 'rr. lo Coot Dtr TlroM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, May 22 Former President Mellon of tho Now Haven Railroad contluuod his testimony boforo tho Interstate Commerce Commission. Mellon, ro- pentlng previous testimony given by him rcgnrdlng tho payment of H0,- 000 In commissions to S. F. Kellcy. was asked by Folk; "Have you told us everything about this transaction?" "Woll, nftor I g6 to bod nt night. ( since I linvo beon testifying, I think of things that might lmvo been brought out and I turn over and congratulate myself that they wore not." I M LE R 1ITIITI "1 M