,nwii-' j-' rTT?5S!!TwwwAMW I'll" jf IPPJt' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELO, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FIVE Graduation Photos 1 QUATERMASS STUDIO', Special Attention Given to Children. QUALITY PHOTOS No. Front St., Opposite Blanco. 'P , Coos Bay Water Comnanv for sev I oral years yesterday retired from her position, sue received a handsome present from the company for her raitniul services. She Is succeeded by Miss Ruby Watklns. BREVITIES - ai'l M I Ideal Free Grove and Picnic Grounds Bring your lunch basket, Kodak and fishing tackle for a few I, days' outing. t Sunday School and all picnic crowds a specialty. Excursion to South Coos Illvcr uvory day. I Marshfleld Time Table ( Launch Express, week days, leaves 8 .,, Launch Tioga, week days, loaves 2 nn,f 'Steamer Rainbow leave's Marshrield at 8:a.m. every Sunday! i For charter nutl picnic arrangements, apply on board steamer , Rainbow. TIDES FOR MAY. ' Below Is given the time and lr0l8hu.f. hlBh nnd low water ' Marshflold. The tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on 1110 Iirst llllU and lnciln nn Mm Hctloudo Arrives. Tho Redondo arrived In late yesterday from San Francisco. On tho trip up the coast Purser Reynolds, of tho Nairn Smith, sayB the Nann beat tho Redonuo eight hours. Cuso Divided, The Oregon Su preme Court has handed down a decision sustaining tho decision of Judge Coko In tho replevin action of Andrew Heckela against tho Coos Bay Llauor Comnanv to ro- econd ,l,e'of X Sa compr- Sn" "OS8e88,0n f U, Dwwe,y '- IRVING BLOCK yatttltm, BIG CLEAN-UP SALE NOW ON. EVERY ARTICLE AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IN LADIES' DE PARTMENT ' MEN'S DEPARTMENT EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD BAR GAINS IN SUITS, PANTS, SHIRTS, SOX, SUIT CASES, HAND BAGS. 'SEE WINDOWS. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I80H nf consemitlvn Imii.iiia min i. dlcato whether It Is high or low water. For high wnter on tho bar . ... nci lWo "ours 3 minutes. llirs..U.S7 12.48 fi.m 10 on 0. KA 1.9 G.9 7.0C 1.37 6. BO 0.0 0.2 4.G 2.1 0.0 1.00 7.47 2.20" 7,30 0.0 0.1 4.G 2.3 i 1.3S 8.25 3.02 8.0G 0.1 0.3 4.G 2.C 2.11 9.01 3.42 8.39 0.1 ;04 4.G 2.6 2.44 9.38 4.24 9.12 0.3 0.4 4.G 2.8 3.20 10.16 fi.04 9.48 6.2 0.4 4.G 2.8 3.fiS 10.54 C.47 10.31 6.0 0.4 4.6 2.8 4.39 11.37 0.34 11.2B 5.9 0.3 4.6 2.8 5.27 12.21 7.21 0.0 B.6 0.0 4.9 0.0 0.30 6.23 1.07 8.1G 2.8 C.3 0.2 G.O Ft. 22!lrB. IFt. . 23 Hrs. Ft.. 24irrs. iFt.. 25 Hrs. JFt.. 26Hrs. IFt. . 27 Hrs. IFt.. 28!Hrs. Ft.. Mrs. Ft.. Mrs. Ft. . Mrs. Ft.. Repair Road P. M. Hnll-Lewls camo over yesterday to supervise some road Improvements In tho Marsh flold-Coqulle highway In Taylor Slg lln's district. Mr. Hnll-Lowls said that tho repairs were not being made as promptly as they' should be nnd he was giving It personal supervision. SOCIAL CALENDAR. THURSDAY. Mrs. E. F. Morrlssey enter tains at bridge. Thursday Club with Mrs. J. W. Mitchell. Mlnne-Wls Club with Mrs. John Dashney. College Women's Club Annu al Banquet at Chandler Hotel. Altar Guild with Mrs. Thos. Chapman. A. N. W. with Mrs. Harrlgnn. FRIDAY. Skennsa Club with Mrs. M. D. Sumner. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. W. 11. Foley. Mrs. F. C. Birch saower for .Visa Church. SATURDAY. Bunker Hill Sowing Club with , Miss Violet Roborson. ELECTRICITY ST KRKIS IS COMING. Denies Hexirt. Patrick Hennes sey says that the report about him biting nn opponent In nn altcrca- tlon nt tho depot tho other morning Is not true. Mr. Hennessey says that he becamo Involved with a man named Larson and Inter anothor man struck him nnd knocked him unconscious. Ho regrets tho notor iety or tho affair, but snys It was unavoidable. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD ' For tho 24 hours ending at X'iu ?' n'",Mn' 21. by BonJ. I Ostllml, speclnl government me teorologist: 1 Maximum ."?... .01 'Minimum 40 At 4:43 n. m 50 - Precipitation 00 Preclpltntlon nlnco Sept. l, I 1 01 3 02.81 Precipitation samo porlod I lost year G9.93 1 Wind: northwest; clear. WEATHER FORKOAHT (Br AhmUImI rM U Coo. n; TI-iM.) OREGON Showers and tlmn dorstorms; cooler Friday except near coast, winds shifting to southerly. Plan for Moot Tho Marshflold Mooso lodgo has apolnted F. G. I Tor ton, J. M. Wright. Hugh McLaln, Geo. E. Cook, Geo. CappB, Goo. Trlbbey and J. F. Tolnndor n rommlttco to nrrango for a big Mooso day hero August 4th. It will tnko tho nature of n general cclobrntlon with nn out door program as well ns speaking nnd banqueting. To Return Hoiv Dr. V. B. Rlcn ardson, an cyo specialist who recent ly returned to Spokuno after spoudlng n fow months on tho Bay writes to W. IC. Wiseman that If Is very qulot In Spokane. DusIiicrr In nil lines Is suffering nnd real estate Is especial ly dull. Thore aro ninny Idlo men there nnd ho says Hint ho Is now planning to return to this section. 1 E Plan Outing At n meeting of tho Marshflold lodgo of Elks Inst even ing It wns announced that plans were being mndo for nu oxcurslon nnd dnnclng party nr Enegron'B Grovo on Coos River tho last of May or tho first or June, tho launch Rainbow will ho chartered for tho trip. Last evening II. G. Kern nnd II. Pnlntor or North Bond woro elected to mem ucrovei ncrwn. mrougu a Times want nd, Geo. King linn ro- lZr?t n1. "M,5 'creon wh,ch h0 1 on.hl,; I and will I bo initiated next . .... -"- ""' Wednesday nlgut lvli.,. li...l...k 'i.l.ft tflnl.n ','... 1 I'liiitv Jim .lilliirDlllll VJIIII) A. 0. Rogers Installs Plant to Light His South Coos River Place Anson O, Rogers has just com pleted Installing an electric light plant on his South Coos River ranch, It Is tho first ranch In Coos County to bo fitted with nn electric light plant of Its own. Mr. Rogers put In a Fairbanks Morso engine nnd has a dynamo that will gencrnto nmplo electricity for his houso nnd bnrns. About fifty lights hnvo already been con nected with It. This Improvement, with tho wntor tout cm ho has Installed, mnkes his one of tho foremost ranches In Coos County. Mr. Rogers Is ono of tho most progrcsslvo man In the section nnd feels Hint thero Is no rensan why tho farm should not enjoy modern utilities as woll ns tho tOWIlB. Joseph Krels, who Is promoting tho townslto of Cooston, on Coos Rny, nrrlvod hero this morning from Portland. After n fow days passed In Rosoburg, Mr. Krels will continue his Journey to Marshflold, whero ho will remain for sovoral wcoks. Mr, Krels Is much Interested In tho proposed railroad from Roacburg to tho const nnd says ho wilt loud whatever nBslstanco Is posslblo la bringing about Kb materialization. Rosoburg Review. Classified AD TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST Hoinowheiv on Front Street or on waterfront, n J20 bill, Re turn to Times office and recolvo suitable reward. W. 11. Elckwortli. FOR RENT Furnished houwkiVn Ing rooms on ground floor. 095 First nnd Birch. ALLIANGE he Royal TONIGHT Grand Theater TONIGHT House Commltteo Is planning to glvo a hall at the club rooms a week rrom tomorrow night. Meet Friday Tho Marshflold High Hfiiooi niiinini will mct Friday even ing with Miss Frances Williams when I plans will bo porfoctfd for tho Son lor Class bnnquot. Tho plnco of hold ing 1110 imnquot will bo determined 'nt this meeting. 1000 feet of nil now pictures. 'Peerless Music" by tho GRAND . '',kN ,H,,, Tho coiumlttoo nrrang leoricss .music, dj tno hiiamj IK for ,no MnrHnfolu ,.:H nnmm SEVEN-PIECE ORCHESTRA. to- ball have decided to hold It Juno 24th IrSllence of tho Dead." In four gotner witn r.uuu roei or spienum ni 1110 Himpson pavilion In North rti. Tho story Is based on mo H'"ui"" iuiis. iu i"---" ucnu, 1., u. anuiiDuu ami u, 1, ulom that "dead moil toll no iwu-reui irmuirn mm uiiu biiihiu niiiiuiu iiiivo uuun auueu 10 inu com- .' a vounc mnn marries reel. .mltteo on arrangements. h-ifthSlSS: Laff hniS THE DRAMA OF HEYVILLE-' ., ,,, njrthUM Taleeno wakIHiv Imnlrnr niwl leaves 1111- A uilltllliuiiuil Ul uiviuui tiiuu mm n imu ui r.uoiDiuu uiiu .ir. viiiuriun Anntlinr mnn comes nilu KIIIH " -"'u ii " w'i -- .v.o u wun,.,u wu,,,v,t ,,,u, nnv tinker. Tho Innocent man is Mnllliw, nmatour nctor of Hoyvllle, married In Portland Inst wook. Miss dmniil for the erlmo Ills son ' es u aurniig iiiviuuruiuu i 11110 wu roriuuriy 0111 uoyea i mo efmeil rocncnltlon bv Ills grnnu "u iii i ' v"' " -" ij nuuiu iuiuMiuiiu wu 111 'nil ! How he 1 comes into his Heyvlllo players put ti on with var- Mnrshflold nnd Mr. Masters Is cap- li a story which must bo seen i. " " " ; iu v.. a. aumu annrecldted. Ro'h tho original play ami tno iuniiau- m yanu, ,t. uoui iun nn.i n Mnio " A roar- aiuaiours prouueuun uro ouun m ....., ...v..,.n u ,...,.., ..w WO Sien ailU O OllllO. A ruui ....,' .... .. will unltn In tho p rnnerntnlntlnnn AAK.A.I.. I t. fnmniia lllll. IllIinillK II lllllllUU n.i.ii ....- ... ,..-.. w..n. -,.. .,..., Pt0Mrdmof "he08erie0i0andTi,tl8has8i Lillian Walker and Wnllle Van In I QhIIh Po.ltloMIss Mnmlo Ma preceding ones boat beyond all ADT con UCADT 1 1,onoy wl, hns been ca8,Uor of tho naplinn I ill I I Wll IIUrlll 1 """l rmmmmmmmmmmm I a ilniwH. Vltntrrniih rnmedv it Ijeclil music for the pictures to-' k, ... f tno.-- tt by thn heat orchestra on Nothing can better prove tins to you than hearing it. Idmlislon, lower floor, 15c; bal- iwc. amlng soon. Mrs. FIsko, Amor- mot celebrated actress In M of the D'UbervllleB," In flvo THE HOUSE OF FEAR This Is a special two part offer ing by tho Lubln Co., a very good picture of Its kind and holds tho Intorest throughout. Coming tomorrow, the winner of tho hero contest conducted by the "Ladles' World." Francis X. Bush- in two This Is mm of tho famous er finest productions and wnsiinan ju "The Other Girl," ie unuer the personal uirecuoui reels. Mamei Kronman, tho greaiesi 01 weciors, FOR PAINTS ' AND WALL PAPER Call on . LeMimiy A Miller M No. Front St. Phono" llB-R. F'r May Dr. K. V, Morrovf. Es win occupy rooms 1 ana Jorado Building over Ked Cross loiore. ises Vases Metal Couches fower time is here .and we the Vases. r Bridal, 1 0 to 1 2 in. 15c 'so Brass Vases, WAYS SOMETHING NEW" )pl es-iH. Stores Priced From $5.50 to $8.50 WHY PAY MOUE? Johnson-Gujovsen Co. A QUALITY XAMK WITH pEltVICE FAME. 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY ELECTION 18 OVEIts NOW FOB BUSINESS For the summor season you should have ono of those Classy Panamas or a flno straw $1.50 to $5 Fixtip Start Auto Line. F. D. Cohnu has returned from Myrtle Point where ho has mnde nrrangomonts to haiidlo tho Coos Ifny agency of tho Myrtle Point nuto line to Itoso burg. Messrs. Bnrnnrd and Lnlrd aro arrnnglng to start the regular sorvlco Juno (i. Tho autos aro now mnklng nil of tho trip except fifteen miles nnd by leaving Myrtle Point early In tho morning nnnsougcrs nro able to cntch the 2: lfi trnln nt IloHohurK. Tho ronds aro Improv ing rapidly. EEME IfKMOW ABOUT ALVIN SMITH, of Coos Hlver, a visitor In thu city today. YQOl i )i Is WA It It EN' BESSKY, of Coos Ulver. Is a visitor In the city today. MBS. O. L. BURTON, of Coos Ulv er, Is a visitor in town todny. MHS. JOHN HOLMES, of Coos Itlv or, is u visitor in tho city todny. J. T. MARSHALL, of Allegany, camo In on tho Alort this morning. AGENTS ROVAL TAILORS. Two fitorts, Mai-shflcld North IkMid A FEW SNAPPY BUYS 02x08 Insiida lot on Improve) street ,.9100.00 40x105 In-sld- lot, rloxi iu. . .9100.00 02x131 corner lot, well located., $100.00 00x00 Inside lot, houtli facing, . . $100.00 5Htll5 including btrvet Imjirove mentH &I10.00 Klvllll on IinpruviMl street, .9:100.00 KPECIAL 07x105 largo corner on Improvwl Htrett, flue building hIIo. ,9510.00 Tlieho lots all available, for build. lug, with gHMl vtater M.r'htf on or adjoining Inmiovwl btrwtft can be bought on eo-sy terms while they lust. SEE RE1D ABOUT IT 159 FRONT STREET. LEW PRICE rnmo down from Sum ner today on business and pleasure. CLIFFORD CARI.SON. of Coos Riv er, arrived on tho Alert this morning. OEOROE BESSKY, or Coos River, camo In on tho Rnlnbow this morning. IS HERE TODAY Steamer Brings 100 Tons of Freight From Portland- Will Sail Tomorrow The steamer Alllanru arrived in port this morning with about in cab In pnHscngurs and about 100 tons of freight. Hlio will leave tomorrow morning at 1) o clock for Eurokn. Among those to arrlvo this morn ing wore: J. Wldnor, M. A. JohnHon, A, .. Wldnor, .1. Mitchell, Esther Moon, Irono Irish, Mrs. A. Crawford, M. A. Crawford, M. A. Rudd. M. Nardlnl. J. F. Lucl, F. Plchan, F. K. Fellows, John Wobor, J. S. Thomas and suver nl steerage patiHongorH. IX)ST A hut pin with liluo Mono center, near Orpheum Thcator on Saturday evening, Finder pleaso return to Times office FOR HAMC A Millil leather Daven port, library table and other household furniture, all nearly now. Owner lonvlng town. Ap ply .137 Commorclnl or Phono 103-J. FOR KENT (mm1 tdx.rooiu houso with largo Improved grounds. In uulro nt Stutsman & Co, FOUND Small hcow about IHxilO feet, caught adrift In Coos Bay. Owner may see uro snino by pay lug for this adv. and expenses. Information at Times offlco. ROOM mid liiMinl. UUI) South Broad way, (lontlumen preferred. WANTED WANTED Your filnui for ilo-oiop-Ing nnd printing. Mall orders u Bpvclalty, RehMd Bros., 220 Con tral avenue. WANTED Olrl for general house work. Phono 1301 North Bond. Mrs. Ii, W. Trover, WANTJI , Wcturcd to frnmo. Nit work and prices roauonablo. Ron fold Bros., 220 Contra avonuo. BANQUET TO ' DRAW MANY FRED SELANDER and wlfo nnd baby of Sumner, aro Marshflold visitors today. MRS. J. E. NOAH and daughter, of Coos River, came In on tho Alert this morning. MR. AND MRS. JA8. COWAN, of Lakeside, are visitors in tho city tor a fow days. J. J. CLINKINBEARD was down from his Daniels Creek ranch yes terday on business. JACK FLANAGAN left yesterday with Fred BenU for their home steads In the Rock Creek section. W. G. BORREO has returned from a trip to Eureka and other points In California and reports business rather quiet there. DAVE LILJROTH and Clias. Ander son of Beaver Hill left yesterday for Central Alaska to Join Mr. Llljroth's brother in tho mining game. Speeches Will be Feature of Program J. Albert Mat son Toastmaster Nearly every progressiva business man In this community has mndo res ervation for tho first annual meet ing and banquot of tho Coos Bay Busi ness Men's Association, which will bo held at tho Chandler Hotel tomorrow night. Extemporaneous speeches will bo inailo by sovurul loading men of thu city and boiiiu of tho gucHts will bo called upon. J, Albert Matson will bo toastmastor. Tho Coou Bay Business Men's Asso ciation was organized about two mouths ago nnd has accomplished many things which will be a holp to tho community nt largo. Tho organi zation bus been nblo to got a definite lino on thu credit standing of over mnn in this section, which Is consid ered a benefit to tho man who pays his bills as woll as to tho members of tho association. It Is very probablo that at tho meeting to be held Friday night tho association will bo enlarged to em brace the entire county, The business men in the remote parts of tho county have expressed a deslro to Join tho association, not only to i:ot tho ben efit of the credit standing Investiga tion but for the social activities as well. WANTED Tln-eo young coplo want room nnd board on some ranch to spend vncatlon of two wcoks to two months. Address "G," cam Times. MASSAGE treatment by nu export. Mm, S. Ltigus, 1170 Commorclnl Avo., Phono 297. WANT to buy 1 to ft- nero tract In suburba with small houso; would like to buy from pnrty who would be willing to tako part pay In work. Soil must bo good, prlco reasonable, Marlon L. Swift, Monterey, Calif, FOUND i FOUNI A Hum of money. Owner may get samo by describing It and paying for this notice Phono 19-J-X. 0 FOR SALE FOR HAM: Ono $05 11-A special kodak, GG. Robfold Bros., 220 Ceutral avonuo. FOR HALE Ikt Rooming house In North Bond. Phono 1391. FOR SALE CHEAP Nturfour cylin der four cyclo englno, burns distil luto. California madu. 10-20 horsepower. Apply at Stavo Mill. FOR HALE Old noivmpern. quire Times office. In FOR HAI.K Furultiiro for (l-rooiu houso and houso for rent. Phono 203-J or Inqulru at Barter's Con fectionery. FOR RENT FOR RENT Fumlhlied Flut with hot nnd cold water. 3C8, 3rd and High land, Light HotiHekwpIijg rooniH and ut partmentu.at the Lloyd hotel. FOIl KENT Two fumWhed lumso keeping rooms. 373 Sixth street, South Marshflold. Phone 295-L. I AMONG THE SICK ' Mr. Henderson who is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stauff, while recuperating, Is report ed to be getting along nicely.. CATHOLIC TiADlEH' BAZAAR, NORTH BEND. FRIDAY and HAT URDAY AFTERNOON AND EVE NING. DON'T .MISH IT. ltOYAL CROWN FLOUR, 91.25 AT HAINES. Come out to the BAZAAR, at NORTH 1IE.VD. FRIDAY mill HAT. .-... , . a . I ".-- ."...- " " . u. uuw-ircit nas returned to ins ritDAY AFTERNOON anil EVE home at Coqullle after a short 'NINO. MiihIp, merriment and many stay here He reports that his hootliH. Don't mlsn It. brother Jim who pitched for Co qullle and Marshfleld In tho Coos county league last year is making CATHOLIC LADIW MAZAAIt, NORTH REND. FRIDAY nnd HT- a lino showing witn Han Jose IHRAY AI II ll(M) AND I. Wi lli tho California State League. NINO. DON'T MISS IT. FOR RENT FBrabdu-d anarUtient, In rear of 178 South Fifth street. ' ' Trusses All styles. We have tho biggest and best stock of TRUSSES In Bouthorn Oregon. If you want a comfortable, woll-fltted truss, come here, where an expert will fit you. Till PENHLAR STORE n