N TWO THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSKFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1914' EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKY Editor and Tub. J)AN K .MALONKY News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Entorcd at the Postofftco at Marsh Xlold, Oregon, for transmission through' tho malls aa aocond-clas mall matter. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES llnrshficld :: :: :: :: Oregon i Dedicated to the service of tho pebnle, that no good causo shall 3ocl?n champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. .irsT lirsiNKss CITIES, like privato enterprsles, are adopting tho Huslness Man ager Idea In England. It wouM bo difficult to say why tho buslnes.t of a city should not be conducted along tho lines of that of n corpora tion or of an Individual. IIAHIT OP WOKK. nates because alio knows you arc safo and sound. She wakes up every five minutes and Ithagtncs she hears some thing. She dopes tin all sorts of acci dents and terrible things that might have happened to you. Ana whon you do show up alio Is so glad to seo you that she simply has to bawl yu out. And, on tho other hand, what would you think of your wife If sho didn't care a hang whoro you spent tho night away from her side? And if you don't believe this Junk, Just try to knock a married mau when his wife is around. THE Pltfrlt SEASON . WASHINGTON has a "lazy hus band law." Under its terms wife deserters aro put at grubbing stumps on Btato land, their wages going to their families. At Seattle It Is estimated that tho system will cost tho taxpayers $35, 000 a, year to keep lazy husbands busy. Tho Post-lntolllgoncor, there fore, urges abollBluuunt of the stock odo and guards and stump pulling, saying It will be Infinitely cheaper to pay tho men wages to remain Idlo whllo detained. Tho papor, of course, Is wrong. It Jn Tho TlmoB will be pleased to pub lish lottoro from Us readers on all questions of public interost. Knob letter must bo slgnod by tho writer, and so far as possible be limited to ZOO words. In publishing theso let ters It must be understood that The Times does not Indorse tho views ex pressed thcroln: it is simply affordln a moans for tho voicing of different opinions on all questions affecting the public welfare. I .IU1HJK WATKINS KXPUKSSKS I THANKS. Editor Coos Hay Times: Through your columns pleaso al um iiiui, 01 course, is wrong. Jt iuiuiw j"r uwiuuuia uuunu in takes Into no account tho fact that ,ow n, t0 express my slncoro appro Jn the coursa nf tltnn tlm ny.v hnaimmi elation of tho kind frlonds who ntood "who Is kept at work pulling stumps1 uy n B0 loyally at the last primary will acquire tho habit nnd when ho election, Including Tho Times, gets out he will have a vacation out' ' solicited no support and spont nt Itnnn .. I .. . l.i lint dni'n(o-flii.i ! I.. 4t u lilt EU1UIIJ-IHU I'VIIIB 111 UIU CIIII1- pnlgn. However, I hopo my apparent In It ot whoso employmcn his family will Sot bonoflt. Teach tho lazy to lovo labor. Seat tle's $35,000 will bo well Invested. A HIIKAT (J(X)I dlfferonco may not bo misunderstood, for I am nolthor unappreclatlvo nor Indifferent. Had I heon so In fact, I would not have tnorltcd tho sup port of anybody. A N ANONYMOUS roador of Lo ' served In tho Oregon Stnto Sen- JL Mntln of Paris a year ago of- n,o sovorai years from Wasco coun- fored a reward of $1000 to the ty henco I have had tho honors that scientist who would succeed In Isolat- usunlly attach to an offico of that Jng tho microbe of rheuniiitlsm. Tho 80rt- many cnniputltorH for tho nrlzo havoi From a monetary view tho pny Is boon unable to establish tiio dlscov- not sufficient to defray tho exponses cry. Tho prize now has been doub-,of " actlvo and efficient member of led. tho legislature, but thore are somo V III . .i.ii. i ... . 'll.l..,.u nr ..-. ..!.. i.. .i.i- i.i -.u in iu which iiiininil IIC8II 18 ""'h" hi ni viiiuu in hum wuriu Bofr has caused tho misery and un-otllor tl,nn nionoy. Happiness and poverty tt.ut rhouma- It would soom tho legislature noxt tlsm linH. winter wll ho rallod upon to do somo Sclohtlsts may hnvo devoted tliem- 'b work, honco It dovolvcs upon tho selves asslduuiiHly to an effort to electorate to select Its vory best Identify and eradicate tho germ that qualified and equipped mon as tho cnusoH tho disease, but they hnvo leprosontntlves to do that work. not Hiiccooded. Possibly tho money Unci "eon chosen as one, prnctl roward inaugurated In Paris ami cn"y without solicitation on my pnrt which will bo ninny times multiplied ' hIioiiIi! hnvo been dollghtcd and boforo tha microbe Is discovered, will cheorfuly devoted tho very host thoro xclt moro diligent study of tho H '" to tho work and felt Hint tlio subject. . roufldeiiro bestowed would hnvo In tho monntlmo millionaires who "eon nbuiulnnt rompnnsntlnn for my spend tlii'Ir money on libraries nnd personal sncrlflco that may hnvo como colleges to lift tho veil of Ignoranco to ino. from tho mind of humanity, might However, tho decision of the pco well afford to do something to lift P'e of this county Is against mo. , this burden from tho body. While wishing It might hnvo boon. uiuurwiso, bi in i cuceriiiiiy Hiinmfti V The picnic season is a theme for praise As full of flies and joy As In the old historic days When Moses was a boy, As full of sticky cake and swings, And little girls in white And Lovers and the other tilings. That make the world seem right. No doubt since hoary tlmo began The children came together To count the days, and hope and plan For sunny picnic weather; To talk of Baptist lemonade And how the rainstorm came : Before the Methodists had played j A single picnic game, i i Then hail the many picnic joys That make their rounds again, To thrill the hearts of little boys And also grown up men! And we shall all be old, indeed, With cause for swift alarm, When picnics fail to fill a need And ever cease to charm, Anon-, - . WITH THE TOAST AND THE TEA DAILY KIDDLKS QllOtlollS, I r. When do profosuorg mnko tho biggest nolso? 2, Whnt animal canyon form from tho letters In tho following wordti "Rotlror?" 3. W' y wnb Moses ono of tho most wicked of mon? J. Why Is n spendthrift's purse Jlko a thundercloud? f. What Is tlmi iviiii.ii v. nn.i cvory living person hnvo Been but can novor nee ugnlu? Answer. 1. When they explode n theory. 2. Terrier. 3. Ileruuuo ho broko all tho com mandments at once. 4. Uocauso It u always lightning. 5. Yesterday. -n-n-Ono little dimple tins caused nuny a fall. --n-Wo all get our stait In llfo by pick ing up Ideas. With mow Justlco conies loss do slro to talk about It. -rwt- Tlia Bontliiiental youth who Is jo.ul in lovo comes to if again. -w-n- It'a hard to keep up appearances and snvo money at the sumo time. Somo Coob Hay men can't oven stand up ror their rlghtB without feeling high and mighty. to their verdict and accept it as ft inn. I sincerely thank ench nnd every voter who championed my cnuso nt tho recent primary and assure them tho Interest thov evlilliltml U urn fouudly appreciated. -GEO. WATKINS. H. S. COLTER IS LOCOS. Says Principal Fault With This Section is in High Land Valuation 110 FINED FOR ' ORUESS "Charities covers a multltiulo of sins." quoted Iwrsoy Kroltzer. "Yes. but It Is generally our chnrlty and other people's sIiib." added John Goss. It's n mighty humblo Coos Hay girl who doesn't think she Is n direct descendant of a queen. -tt-tt- A QUESTION FOlt TIIK 11AY I Whoro do they carry their money since tlio exposed Blocking nnl tho silt skirt came mw vogue? I - Ll'KK M'Ll'KK SAYS In those days It Is about an oven break between prodigal fathers and prodigal sous. If Mother wears the same s!:od shoes as Daughter. Mother seldom gc-tB a new pair of shoes. Wlll'll n 11111 It li:i 100 nor rnnt In gain nnd only his volco to lose, wo all fall for his scheme. Your wife Isn't mnd at ou becnuso you stayed out all nlgM, She indlg- STREET WORK IN ISTJDIIN Improvement of Seven More Thoroughfares in New Resi dence District Begins Setting grade stakes Is going on busily on mnnv streots In First Ad dition to Mnrshfleld tl'ese days, nnd about June 1st contrnctB for grading seven more st rents will bo lot. Soon after that- activity In tho big south side resldenro addition will bo nt Its height, The streets to ho graded this senson are Eleventh Streot and Mlnnosotn. Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho nnd Montana Ave nues. Altogether about ono and and ono-bnlf miles of streots will bo brought to established grade by tho Reynolds Development comnnnv this summer. The general level olinrnrim- nf elm ground In First Addition mnkos It possible to bring nil theso streots to easy grndo with llttlo cutting or filling, All of theso streots connect with Southwest Houlovard which was curded and planked by the company last sonson. Southwest Houlovard is n continuation of tho plank paving on South Tenth streot, which, with tho paved city strots with which It communicates, furnishes excollent mentis of trnvol between down-town Mnrshfleld nnd First Addition. Practically all the homos In First Addition are now being supplied with excollent eltv watnr HArrlKA t;, mains of the wntor company are being I'Aiumiuii (o urcammoanro an tiomo bul'dors on tho now streets. Thoro nro now nonrlv rIvIv linnino Iu First Addition and many moro planned for this summer. An In spiring demonstration in homo-bulld-lug activity Is to be seen hero nt the present time, throo fine homos nro under construction within loss than 200 feet nf arli nlhnr. )i.. -., -- ..... .. ".Ill, , Itlw (,IW hollies be tic built 1V ltov Parnonlur M. C Wood and l.ouls" M. Nelson, Hoconu on .Minneso t nnveounanotao the first on South Tenth streot, tho second on Minnesota avenuo nnd the third on Southwest Houlcvard. II. S. Colter, of Portland, repre senting n syndicate of progressive business men nrlved in tho city yes tordny. Ho Is hero to study business conditions nnd consider tho possibi lities of Investing to somo extent. Colter snysj thnt the prlnclpnl fnult with the Oregon country nnd this sec tion In particular is tho excessive land values. Ho thinks thnt mnm in. diiBtrlea would come In this direction woro it not ror tho high lnnd vnlues. He lireillcts n rnillll rinvnlnnmnnt nt this community when tho railroad now under construction Is put Into operation. Colter was formerly connected with tho Pacific Motor Company of Port land, and was ono of tho threo mon Instrumental In making tho fifth an nual automobile show such a brilliant success, After making a side trip to somo of the towiiB In this Immediate vici nity Colter will return to tho Hose City, whoro ho has pressing business engagements. If UUD TO REST Industrial Review of the StaT NKW ltCTOIuks. IM1MIOVKMI3NTO ANli PvTI,,Mll INCIHMSK TUB PAYROLLS AWD PROMnro. Jl ,USEs TIUt u xnK DvEl0i,; MKNT OV OKKGON Fivo counties from Kugcno to Port land have united to dovolop tho Paci fic Highway on tho cast sldo of the Willamette Valloy. A pubic dock Is to bo built at Port Orford to cost $G000v Corvallls 1h tn hnvo n now lnlnnn. nnl rhtirch. At the mnnufactiirorB' banquet hold In Lane county sentiment was unani mous against enacting any moro har assing Industrial laws. A lako Labish dralnngo scheme Is being worked out In Marion county at an expense of $20,000. Hlchland and Nowbrldtfe, Ilaker" county, nro to bo supplied with a mountain wntcr system to coBt $50, 000. Astoria will spend $280,000 this year on a sonwnll, nnd fill In fifty blocks of cltv nronartv for fnntnrlen nn,1 1 no I nnaa Huslnos men Iu tho hop Indus try representing $2C,000,000 nnd a yearly output of ft to fi nilllions aro. orcnnlxliifr nirnliiRl nrntitlittlnn. Astoria Is to got a Btrcot car lino extension of two milt's nt tho hnnds of the Pnclflc Power nnd Light Com pnny. The Malheur Knterprlso snys thoro will ho gonornl approval of tho mom bora of the IcglBlnturo who put In their time swatting fool laws. Judge McGinn holds that a rail road company Is not lloblo for dama ges done n passenger caused by n wreck In n storm. A fnrnmrn rn-nnornlk'n ni-nnninni- has boon organized nt Hend, The PresbytorlniiB of Astorln have lot a contract for a Ifi.OOO church. It Is expected that trains on the ltPIHn ..,.. tln lfl.. ...Ill M. . it iiiuiiiuiiu i-uuiiiu win run irom I'.ll gene to tldn water this fall. I Tho O, W. It. & N. Co. Is plan ning terminals nt Pendleton, with shops nnd ynrds to employ several hundred men. Astorln nnd Portlnud merchanti? me co-oporating to find n mnrkot for the now product of tho now Astoria flouring mills. Hnlllbut bnnltB off tho Tillamook const aro being Investigated. The Houthorn Oregon and north orn California Mining Congross will he 1 eld at Ashland early In July to reTlvo interest Iu mining nnd minim Ire the evil effects of tho Hluo Sky InwB. Lumber Interests nnd crcosoto In terests are uniting to ostnbllsh n mini her of wood' block paving plants In Oregon cities thnt hnvo tho raw inn- lenni nmi en nrmr mmn nf itw uirn,it nnd permanent highway husliiess. Oregon has abundant raw matorlal plonty of Inlwr, but must bnvo capi tal to dOVelonn thnsn rosnurcno In tho moan tlmo lavB that tax the, capital and regulate tho Industry off. tho enrth nro sulcldnl. Tile I.ninh nilnliiir nmiin,it- la building n big resdrvolr near AbIi- ,lfntl nntI ilrKtTiT chftrtf of sevcri "11 h 8m , Tho Orcgon-Ida! ? 'acrM voloplng n annnT.errri.i. " Snake ,&) " vgpp,,. flWd Iaws thnt deiirv ik fe!n Oregon6 .',. ft iieiuuu With nwn 'u 0( BantL ''BBtoen.&aS The Simpson Lumber n?'0"1 Uny expects to employ ,.?-0l1 men ns heretofore lMceBui lira. Anielln lirown nf t OI.UII OF AlirillTKCTS Slcnili'cni of I'mfwlon yiln. field Orgnnbed IsifvJT' Lnst evening the arrhltecta I. Mnrshfleld met In the Build.!, b chnngo nnd orgnnhed the Mint field Architectural Club. The chl tor mombors nre: W. s. Tnn, ikS: Mngnu,,on a A constitution was adopted ui off Iron erected. The honor oik! Ing first present of tho new tW Roo t W. q. Chandler. c.r Hunting la vice-president, and Bti. Jnmln Ostllnd Is secretarr in l F. Mnmiusson Is treasurer Section 2 of th0 constltutloa un thnt the purpose of thli orjuln. linn Bhnll he to promote barmoir efficiency nnd n higher and better regard for the othlrg of the area tccturnl profession, to oitabllitiiil mnlntnln a standard program li architectural competition, to rti "Into n schcilulo of minimum li and to do any nnd nil things hereta provided or to be provided here after. Prospective public bulldlnn itl cltv Improvements nnd the city building codo nro only a few ct tho subjects to be token up br this orgnnlznt'on nt future nett ings. While the club li primarily uuunuca lor mo gooa or m mem bers, they say both tho rltr isd the public will profit by Its oreanliatloo. Tho following nro the chilrtnea of the various committees: etero- lli-n finminllenn W. S '.lirnintMin. nilttoo on1 practlrc, O.'EJ'Btmnnt? 'I commitieo on entertainment, w, s. Turpcii; commltteo on educitloa, F. Mngnuson; memberahlp, Benlinla Ostllnd; committee on Jurliprudenre, Jionjnmin usumu; compt'iiuoni, uingnusson. IRIE 1TS8K MANV PIUKNDS AND ItKLATIVKS I-'HOM CATCHING IXM-TT AT TK.NI FUNKHAL OF WKLL- KNOWN YOUNG .MAN. About 35 people, friends nnd rot ntives of Irlo Matson, aged 19, who died at tho North Hend hospital Monday camo in on tho Wah-Ta-Wfcso from Catching Inlet this morn Ing to attend tho funeral. Tho ser vices were held at tho Swedish Lllthnrnn phurnli Rov T t t son officiating. The burial services" wore conducted nt tho Odd Fellows' COUtOterv. Anions tlinso x-hn ni.. Cd flOWerS Worn Mrs Hnrninn CmlM, gall, Mr. and Mrs. John Oscnr Carl son w. H. Norton and family, Allco Cnrlson, of Daniels Creek; Mr. and Mrs. L G. Masters, Chnrles Solan r.er nn family, Snore and You Sleep Alone at ihe Hotel De Carter Says Old Wan Lnilgll nnd tint wnrlil lnin-lm i.HI. you; snore uud you slop nlone. So philosophized Kd McDonuId, nged 71, rsfter spending tho night In tho Hotel do Cnrtor. McDonnld spont tho night In n coll adjoining tho ono occupied by Henry King, who for tho second tlmo this week spent u night In boII- iiiue. "King snored like everything." said .McDonald, whon ho was brought before ltocordor nutler this morning. "Ho kept mo awako most of tho night. .1 wnsn't fooling vory well anyway. I hnil n little drink last night and I guess It wont to my head. Guess I'm getting to old to tnsto tho liquor. If I over get out of this I'll novor touch It ngnln." McDonnld said ho had a family liv ing at Florence. Itecorder Hutler questioned htm nbout his family, which, according to McDonnld, con sisted of two sons nnd n daughter. I McDonnld snld thnt ono son wn8 nnm ed Jnck nnd the other John, but ho couldn t romombor tho namo of his daughter. He flnnlK- nniii ti,, n threo woro living In Colorado nnd not In Florence. McDonnld nlso said thnt he served tho Union In tho Civil Wnr. He gnvo tho namo of tho regiment and I captain under whom ho sorved. . Vw.V A? " illtoiou I II HI nigllt by Officer Shoupe. Ho was chnrg od with being In tho street In a drunk on condition. King Is tho follow who got In n fight with Al Newman Mon day. Whon the two woro given a ,hoarlng Tuesday Newman snld tho ' fight was the outcomo of an Insult ing remark made to his wife by King King has been on tho streets In n drunken stupor Blnce ho was released from tho city Jail In the early part of the week. Marshal Carter told him this mornlnc that lr tm ni-v,,t,i . again the penalty would bo moro se I Vero than tho cuatomarv firm nr e Doth McDonald and King wcro fin ed $5 this morning. ALL EAGLES Aro requested to bo presont at Kagle's Hall, at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, May 23, 1914, for the purpose of attend ing Eagles Memorial Services Uy order of C. C. GOINO. Worthy President. FOHKST FIHKS .M KNACK Lumber Company Xwu- Kly, .Minn., in tiuviiioiliM (Dr Auo.-ltM rrw to Cum By TIiom J KLY. Minn.. Mny 21 Forest flros along tho Tamarack Hlver throaton to sweep tho Crane Lake. Lumber Company out of oxlstenco, hangers from Hohlnsnn nn,i oi.! were summoned to fight the flames. LOGGING IlECOIl 1IQOKR.V Sluglo Donkey Knglno Handles 437.. HIO Feet in Ono Day. BRYANT. Wash., May 19 The record for one single donkoy, made In tho camp of the Simpson Logging Company at Sholton on May 7. -when 432,320 feet of logs were loaded on the cars at the camp, was distanced by Simpson Mill Company's camp, ,F i-. jici-anane, superintendent, and Charles Slack, foreman, on Monday, May ll, when a grand total of 457, S40 feet of logs woro loaded on the enrs nt tho camp. j Tho only addition to tho equipment uo mu undines, Kepi at tne land ing ono of them to take the cars away as fast ns they wero loaded and the other to shove In tho empties. i Como out to the IIAZAAH. nt NOHTH liKXD. FIUDAY mid SAT VUDAY AFTKHNOON and KVK N1NG. Music, merriment and many booth;.. Don't miss It, Business is Good A I i there's a Reason the Pianos ar6 good Ask Thomas aboutjt mmmmm $S L. L. THOMAS Manager BBHBB