x THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THRPP " ' IZ. mm ANOTHER instance of this store's progressive methods. WATCH THESE ADS EVERY DAY JUST for THURSDAY ONLY v i rn n Ladies' Hose M i(( Anvan I nrlio.c'. MIsSfiR1 and Children's Silk Lisle, Mer-j cerized Lisle and Ribbed Hose , in black, white, blue, pinK, gar net, tan, ox-blood, Our reg ular 25c hose that Is so well known just for Thursday! 5 PAIRS FOR $1.00 S. S. JENNINGS North Bend YOUNG COUPLE WEDDED TODAY 46 PASSENGERS ON NAM Miss Elizabeth Jennings and Edward Thomas Married in North Bend Today. At tlio homo of the bride's pftf cnB, Mr. nnd Mrs. S. S. Jennings, In North Honil, Miss Ellznbcth Jen nings nnd Edward Thonins, son of mt. nnd Mrs. J. M. Thonins of Por tor, woro mnrrlcd today, the Kov. Frederick Slilnilnn, pastor of tho Presbyterian church, officiating. Tho wedding took plnco nt 8:30 this morning nnd only Immodlato rolntlvcs woro prcsont. Tho brldo woro hor traveling dross. They left Immediately for Ten MUo. On their return tliov will bo nt homo on Korth Ileml Height In ono of tho Ournen cottages. Rev. Sliliiilaii to UVt. Hov. Frederick Shlmlun, of tho North Iluml Presbytcrhn eliurcli, left on tho Nana Smith for San Francisco, where ho will mnrry n nlero of dipt. Robert Dollar, tho millionaire lumberman. n ECL SE HERS Henry E. Lee Charges "Gum shoe Work" and Blames J. H. Somers for It. . Tho Snn Francisco blllctln con tains a lengthy artlclo as to how tao .Foreign Mines Development Com pany of South Amorlca hns been fol Jowing and ombarrasslng Harry K. JLoo, woll known In Hand on, and who nrns prominently connected with the proposed rahroad between lliuiiloii Port Orford and tho Rogue River Val ley nt Grants pass and Medford. This largo corporation clnlins pri ority rights to Homo largo potash de posits In San Ilurnadluo county, Cal ifornia, but according to everything that is right and Just tlioy wero In no -way cntltlotl to them. Mr. Leo had mndo proper flllugB on tho laud and linil done IiIh regular iiBflesHincnt -work, but nothwlthstandltig, for flvo years tho South Africa Co., through the llurns detect Ivo agency, has been shadowing hlni nnd oven with armed icrcos nt tlmoH hnve prevented or nt tempted to prevent liltu from dolus tho required work, nnd by a number or trumped-up charges have several times succeeded In having Loo arrest ed. Knch time tho enso was either dismissed or non-suited and Leo was exonnrnted from all charges. J. II, Somors, oIho woll known In tMH city, was nt the bihuo tlino do ing nil ho c o tdliio..woy.g-su.iu Jng all ho could to make troublo for lr. Loo. but ho was now under arrest on a charge of embezzlement pre ferred by C. V Lnko and others con nected with tho West Coast Dovolon inont Couipany of Handon, and is now under bonds. Ills preliminary .hearing Iiuh boon held ami the enso taken under advisement. Tho evi dence against him Is very strong. A man by the nnmo of Iloyce, who Jiml been In It detective sorvlco flgnliiBt l.ee. was discharged because of a disagreement over wages, and et terwards was employed by Leo, on I thus many of the underhanded plans of the l-i.re.KU Mines Development Company woro unearthed. Ilandon Record. AUfSERVICE TOpLLE F. S. Slanle Makes Arrange ments for Four Trips Daily Between Two Points. l- S. S'nglo of Coqulllo has Just comple'ed nrrnngeiuenU for a flm nuto service between Marshflold ami Coqulllo vvh'eh a'no make connec tions there for Hindon and Myrtle Point, making tho best service that bus ever been enjoyed between the points, The uonho will start Sat urday nnd Mr Single is getting some flno cars nnd drivers to Insure keen ing the sorvlco right on schedule Tho schedule provides for cars leaving Marshflold at 7:J5 nnd l oiloiK eicli morning and at 1;:I0 and G o'clock in the afternoon, nnd tho run to Coqulllo requires nbout one hour nnd may be made In bet ter tlmo. The cars will leave from tho Chandler Hotel, Tho curs will loavo the Hnxtor llotol In Coqulllo nt 7:lfi and 9:45 ?acH forenoon and nt 3 nnd 4:30 each afternoon. Tho faro has been ilxeA nt $1.25 each trip or $2.00 for n round trip mado tho sanio day. Steamer Arrived This Morning With 190 Tons of Freight Adeline Smith Departs The steamer Nnnn Smith arrived In port this morning nftor nn uneventful trip from Snn Francisco. Sho md nbout forty-six nnscngors and some thing over 100 tons of freight. Am ong tbopc to arrive on tho Bteamer were W. T. Horres, G. II. DavlB, J. Stagel, K. Judoll, It. M. Rounds, 11. Drovorton, Mrs. H. Urovorton, J. Pet crB, M. Hooks. Peter Oldermcss, Cap tain C. C. Llghtncr, Mrs. Llghtner, L. Marcolio, Arthur Oorudo, Mrs! J. Englclmrt, Mrs. M. Rooks, Gc'orgo 13. Horn. S. R. Sharer, O. T. Moulton, MIbb Mae Smith, M. Thurston, Goorgo Crlsto, J. CriBto. J. G. Dales, C. OUon, II. Horry. H. Ilrasln, I). O. Connor nnd W. P. Hognn. There woro also eighteen steerage passengers. Adeline .Smith HnlK The steamer Adollno Smith ,1onded with lumber from the Smith mill, left port this morning for San Francisco. BIG LEAGUE L SCORES .SOCIAL CALENDAR. WEDNESDAY. North Ilond Christian Sister hood with Mrs. lllsner. IlaptlBt Lnldes' Aid Sliver Tea nt Church pnrlor. K. C. Club with Mrs. Fred KriiBo. Prlsclllos with Mrs. George Rourkc at Ilunkor Hill. Presbytorlan Sliver Ten nt W. F. McEldowncy homo. Rnlnbow Club with Mrs. J. D. Cllnkonbeard. Narcissus Club with Stella Potorsou. Mrs. F. C. lllrch shower for Miss Church. THURSDAY. Mrs. K. F. Morrlssoy ontor tnlns at bridge Thursday Club with Mrs. J. Mitchell. Mlnno-Wls Club with Mrs. John Dashnoy. College Womon'H Club Annu al llnuquot nt Chandler Hotel. Altar Guild with Mrs. Thos. Chapman. A. N. V. with Mrs. Harrlgan. FRIDAY. Skennsn Club with Mrs. M. I). Sumner. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. W. II. Foley. Mrs. F. C. lllrch snowor for Miss Church. SATURDAY. Hunker IIIH Sowing Club with l Miss Violet Roberson. LUMBER TRADE DF COOS' BAY i Shipped 5,170,000 Feet to San Francisco During First Two Weeks of May. The following shows tho receipts of lumber nt tho San Francisco mar ket during tho first two weeks of May: 1'ir niul Spruce, Portland Takes Ten Inning Contest from Oakland Six to Five Other Games. f Mr A.aoH.tM I'rfM to ("on. IUr Timn 1 PORTLAND, Or.. May 20. Port- laud nnd a ten-inning contest from . Oakland yostorday six to five. Thoj scores: At Venice It. II. K. Vonlco 1 I 1 Sacramento 3 7 0 Hattorles: Klepfor, Powell and El llott; IlllsH, Stroud and Hannah. At Oakland R. II. K. Portland 0 12 1 Oakland 5 15 2 Ilnttorles: Relger and Yantz; Prc ultt and Mltzo. (Ten innings.) At Los Angeles R. H. E. San FrancUco , 7 12 1 Los Angeles I 0 .1 Hatterlcs: Haiim, Perkins, Tozor, Scpulvednj Clark, Porrltt and Roles. AMERICAN' 1MACIVK. Chicago :i: Philadelphia 0. St.. Louis 3 j Now York 0. Detroit I; Roston 0. Cleveland 2; Washington I, NATIONAL LKAGUK. Philadelphia 1; Chicago C. Roston 5; Pittsburg 7. Now York 5; Cincinnati 2. Hrooklyn 2; St. Louis G. NORTHWESTERN LKAGTi:. Taroina ' Portland .". Spoknne-Vlctorla; game off. Seattle 1 , Vancouver S, PCK MEET AT 4 I m o T Tub Fabrics Supremant in Quality Lowest in Price 27 inch Dress Ginghams 10c the yard Colors absolutely fast 27 inch Figured Crepes 12 1 -2c the yard, No ironing colors fast Hydeqrade Galatsas 20c the yard Striped or Plain 27 inch Ratine 25c the yard All the leading shades 27 inch Flamme Ratine 30c tlje yard In tlio new flake stripes Charmause Poplins Soiesettes Linen Colored Linens Imported Zephyrs THE HOME OF Nationally Advertised Goods Let Us Prove to You That It Pays to Buy For Cash! i 1 -" ri JT?"fc If you hnve never bought your clothes from uh, give u'j row trade for Just, ono kcihoii unci we will do Imishos wltli jou for niiiiiy yenrs nftenvartiH. Wo entry (he right suit of stuff. ttc Uke (line to fit yon; wo stum! behind everything we sell, and cm prices are lower. "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. TURKU STORKS: Ilnudon Mjrlle l'ohit .Mnndifli'M CHANDLER TO MAGE TEAM MAGGEI VIEW OF DREDGE Savs He Will Arrange to Get North Bend, Coquille.and Bandon Lined Up! At n meeting of the directors of tho local bnsolnll club yostorlnv nftorintm Hen Chandler was elected "nnairer of the Marshflold players. The three directors who vnlol tin-, anlmously for Chandler wero 11. J. McKeown, Hugh McLaln and (lonrKo Ilntnor. ntin.i.llnu at.i.u 11, 1n l.'lll U,llll I tho ball rolling Just ns soon as ho can mnko the necossary urrnuKe-l nients which will brl'iit tlio Couiilllo,'! llnndeu mvd North Heml ton inn Into I tho rlnir. Players for each tenn will ' bo selec'od soon and n schedule of hnrios formulated. An n sti In that direction Chaiid- ler has nbtalueil perml8sinn to uso, i. erniui'l In front of tho Hrauley Caudv company factory ns a nrnc- Tho Coos County high school track l'ro J,101'1 A ,,,B,1 ", bo 1rt meet will be 'held nt Myrtlo Point nn' " KJ0 "ml " . ro,,0,,I1' l,'a'i' next Saturday ! ,n,J " 8"Hnblo for such a purnoso. So far ns i's known all tho high' Tlwro will .o nrnetleo games Bcliools of tho county will bo ropro- 0ll'lfl N.or" Uon'V,,i"n,,0,,rt' ,. t Bonted. nn.i n.. oxrollnnt meet u v. Clinndlor has not had tin o ns yet Quotes Letter Written in 191J to Show His Position Is Unchanged. Captain Macgeuii says tho roport ti.at bo lias shifted In his position regarding tho bur drodgo Ib Incor rect. Ills recent .statements invor nblo to tho dredge ho sayH nro ab solutely In accord with tho vlows lie has expressed right along.. In sub stantiation' or It, bo has a letter which ho sent to the United Stntcs engineers at Washington In 1011 with Hugh McLaln, litf which ho says: "With tho Jetty extondod and built up to u reasonable height aitoo tho level of the sea and a bar drodgo put to work on tlio South hplt, on tho point Indlcnted as tho Hhoal between Cons lload and Hal tlmoro Hock, there will bo no diffi culty In obtaining from thirty to lorty feet of wntor n tho Coos liny bur." The lottor wns lnrgoly explana tory of a chart which ho prepared of tho Coos Hay bar nnd harbor entrance. JOHN P. JR., IS . BACK TO II ..,., n.,.i . ii. ... ..-o.. ...ni,.. to seloct his star players. However, Abordoon 5.552.000 ..hi,,, n,w n, mnin,im. .,,. Is known that tho following nro Astorlu -too.000 ...,,,,,.", ,, ,,., , no.r. considered: nurko, Sator. Jolinsoii, Handou 1,133,000 Hellliighani 7.10,000 Columbia Hlver 3,950,000 SSSd-'win bo"so!r " thUt 80," nWF".r-Lnndors: d.; SmttS: S, ninnv of tho nlI nnlnt wlnnnrn """"". "'' " ';. uuiur r In.t ?. .lirrnrnn anlinnlB. Ihn nlnVra W "VO niBUO O ROOll aro lost to t!,o different schools, that snowing in tlio recent games aro also f,:,, " lln'nnn -e winning will bo more or loss nn fffi'L"!?!,,11' Kvorott... ' , tMicortnlnty. but Marshflold Is put- ,,k,"ft?,1 ?''T rl, firas Harbor l.iaB.0001 , ,(s i10os i cinrk I ecoco nnd ' ho Mk8 lU1, ' " Port nuiiililo 850.000 "?, ." ' I ?.. ." W "'1'... l'c3 .."," nnothor game at N Poit Ludlow 1,850.000 tlw ntlVlItlon of n fow now mo "vlo ndy if plans now under way ma- Wlllaim a.320.000 KC ', ,n1,l, l,0!?l Thero seems to bo soma Total ... . . ...... 23.S50.000 1 Moro ' , tVirilert out for letfK, " f1"?' " In'"n0Th0 lledwood I ,.,. wor, th8 ,, u , nR Ins the line-ups and nrrnnglng otho :'"'kl1 s,.Ur'n to bo possible to enter threo inon In . UeUU,s' rn'nnn oach event, which wll mutorlnlly nid i K'.onnn the posslbllltres of victory for Mnrsh- l,n..,UUU .. 1 I.1..0,, tlm olwt ll llllfl linlrt Iroinen will plnv North Ilond nexl I Albion Cnspar . . . Fort Hrngg fireonwnod Mendocino IMilon Lauding . . . C , . I. .'.)- QQA IIUHI. I'.MIl II1U BIIIH Mll IIUH (IllIU tor; 000 vault, which liuvo always been weak Tn'nlirt ovents aro to bo ontored with n fair inon i..u"k f '", possibility of points. rescont City 0-7.000 yUxTMyi ,OIUl,,oto IlBt of en- 10,1,1 i-.jjj.uuu troa nre, clnrko (Cai)t) too yard. HANDON CLKANLlNKSS llillt ...l O A l......llno 1.I..1. i awl l.nfl I I' ; --V llillMlun, lilt,', " ,Hl.. jump, Bhot put. I Leroen inllo, SS0 yards, 440 hur- 'I'ho following are the scoros of ,iin8l jaollns, dlscus.'hlsh jump the Hnndon ilncea liisnoeted by In spectors '.termor nd Tulloy. of tho Oregon Food nnd Dairy Commission j Kllto Hestnurant S0.1 Hach nillo. SS0 yards. 440 Holt 100 yards, 220 yards, hurd los, high Jump, broad jump. Merchant 100 yards, 220 yards, Tho Louvro LI broad Jump, 4-12 yd., javelin Galller llotol l. Hunter Shot put, discus. Donnoy's Coffee House CC.2 Lugus. SS0 yd., shot put, discus, Hotel Handon 03.0 javelin. Tho L. N. 15. Hestnurant .... 01 .0 Chrlstonsen Mile, SS0 ynrd, polo t'ulmio Hestaurnut 4S.5 vault. O. K. Chop House 40. a FOR PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Call ou LeMieux & Miller, 393 No. Front St. Phone UG-R. Cedar Hill Dairy Hauloy Dairy Handon Mnrkot, J. K, Ford.. City Meat Mkt.. Geo. Krdmnn.. Ford Slaughter House Seaside Hakery MAItltlAOK UCKXSKS 03.4 C2.1 03.4 John D. Nash and Fay M awrt. Kdra E. Thomas and Kllznboth Jennings. Abel K. Kngstroru and Lorottn Holmes. Chapman Polo vault. Relay Team Clarke Holt, Lecocq, Merchant, Tho meet belne held on Saturday 02.4 1 necessitates It bolng held early so DJ.-it.tho first events will bo most llkoly 07. 2. started about 10 or 11 o'clcok a. in. so ns to bo able to return contest ants the same evening. It was hoped to get n special train but It was found impossible,, 'but thero Is a possibility of getting n special faro, making the day's expen hes within ths reach of everyone. Ste- 1ULL1KKN CLUH DANCE KC1C 110KF HALL, NORTH HKND, 8AT- LlbbvCOAI,. The kind YOU hava llll,v " -' ".'. " Fremont King nnd Margaret UUlAVAYS CSKD. Phone 72. Pacific CHKSTUA. ADMISSION $1, LA- M-ery ana iransre company, .DlKS FHKK. DON'T SUSS IT. Witt Coijullle Herald. PROMOTION VOR KMPLOYKS. Portland ami Coos lt.iy Steanislilp Co, Makes Annouucemeiit. A Portland paper says: "F. T. Shol don, for tho past few months cashier nt tho Portland office of tho Portland nnd Coos Hay Steamship company on Alnsworth dock, has been promoted to the position of chief clork under W. F. Miller, superintendent of tlio line, and has gone to take up his new duties nt Coos Hay. Sholdon, with his wlfo and son, were passen gers on tho steamer Ilreakwater when sho sailed this morning. Sheldon has been in railroad and steamship sor vlco for the past ten yonrs. His posi tion ns cashier hero was taken by J. M. Swltsor, purser on tho steamer Breakwater, while K. E. Phillips be came purser." KLKS MKKT TONIGHT 0 E- W L Tho Marshflold Lodge of Elks will bold a meeting nnd banquet tonight. Every member nnd visiting Elk Is urged to be out for the big doings and Important business, THOMAS H. JAMES, Sec. Senator Has Over 75,000 Maj ority Pinchot Will Run for Governor There. (1)7 Auoclitfel rri to Coot Dr Tme.l PHILADELPHIA. May 20. It is ostlmntcd that noles Penrose, Re publican cnndldnte for Sonatnr, had a majority of 75,000 over J. Hon jnmln Dlmmlck In yesterday's pri mary election. A. Mitchell Pnlmer defeated Henry Hudd In the Domo crntie pnrty after a bitter fight. Glfford Pinchot was the Unopposed Progressive candidate. Vance Mc- McCormlck somed to hnvo won tho Democratic nomination for Governor". Martin G. Brumbnugh, Republican, and William Drapor Lewis, Wash ington (Progressive), won tho gub ernatorial nominations. IIKAR KVIDENCK IIKRK. Some of tho evidence In tho caso of Vern narker, the former Mnrshfleld nuto line operator who Is under In dictment for white slavery at Eureka will bo taken before Arthur K. Peck, I". S. Commissioner, here. Darker Is charged with taking Cora Fairbanks from North Hend to Eureka for im moral purposes. Among those who have been subpoenaed by Darker to tell of his standing and reputation nre Jack McDonnld, I, R. Tower, Levi Smith, Wm. Shoup, a A. Metlln, Era merson Ferry and Sheriff Gage. Bar ker Is now in Eureka. Ills wife is said to be standing loyally by htm nnd may bo present when the case Is tried at Eureka about July 20. Most of His Tormentors Have Been Silenced Some Are in Jail tnr Auwittfrt rrtw i cwx ti ti NY:V YORK, May 20. John IX Rockefollor, Jr., returned to work it tor twenty days at tlio country titiU of his father Since ho st IttJ retirement most of lili tormenton, under tho lenderelilp of Upton Ej clulr, hnvo been silenced, tml V bolng Bent to Jail, ,- Ill'Y HANIiyX JIIMj T. C. Griffith nnd W. C Coart wrlght have boiiKht the 0m. W Fnw mill, locntfd about two nlleiMfi or Handon on tlio Hear Cretk wi nnd will operato there tW months and will then mow ttj up near Myrtlo point The mlllt" n capacity of from 16.000 to 1' 000 feet n day -Handon Retcnw OUI.MKT IS MATES. American Coif Clmmploa Ix ' An Kngilsh IW' , SANDWICH. Kngland. XV -jjjj Franpls Qulinvt. open 8lfi of the United States . Jfg. Ira a contender tb DrUW tourcliamplonhlilp. HK with nppnront easoby 'oung w a boy player. flKOCKIlSATSASFttlSCBCO. " .. Z. Rif V9) (n, amo.ui.4 rM i. -- ... WUIByilAftWHMffjSS National Assocmum.u...Y--tlB. endorsed tlio plan for an ! nl congress of grocers at the r Pacific Exposition. astok ov save wir. MBW YORK. MBIT. l;rViiltl Astor. much pr"Ji "bli W Balled from New orK wuu ior n snuii ' TAI03 rilAUOB OF WMM1 . ,". "urs MfJf4, Itrnslllnii Minister jWh0f. Will Koei' l' ilfpuW1 WASHINGTON. D; JJ- "jimW . The Hrazlllan tlmln's Deprt City informed tho State " Je,t rf ,of Mm Mexl' an aev' tB tire n.lnnn flTTPS. roM.o iu mw'"0". . , men, wiin ui-- MontsD. -y rn near "t'nte'd of ?bel two- men suspec teff o fl dits who herd up w Fridrj; ern Oriental wr tbe ?JS IXoftbrer. W " trata crew. - r