The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 18, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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Thh season opens tilth lirghtev
prospect for tho ureal Coos liny
and Coqullle Valley country Hum
e,rr before in Its history, For.
tunes mo In tlio ninkiiiK. Are yon
busy laying the foundation for
mn Wxm?&
Concentrate your mhoiUnlnn In
the iiuuspnpcr that rent he the peo
ple you want to talk to. Ammiiul
lion costs money. The Times sines
money to iiihcrtlserH.
srsraisiino.' J i.ii ixiKUj
lnl XXXVII Itotnbllshcd 1878
VUL AAA Vl. b Tho Const Mall
A Consollilntlon of Times, Coast Mull Mn OCR
nnd Coo Ihiy Aiheitlser. ,vlu co
priirt in ';ii: is
Official Canvass of Returns
Will Not Be Completed
Until Tomorrow Noon.
Country Precincts Aqainst It
No Figures Obtainable
Since Saturday.
Owlnp io tlio long complicated; Victory Over W H MnrP
ballot nnd ninny mimes being written ,,,,! rVi ." 'VICre
nun iui ivuiiniiaiion.
LEAD OF 3,000
Will Have Over Two to One
Fniirih Phm nn Roniihlirnn nominees lind not been decided early
.rourin nace on nepunncan ,oCny Th0Mllll Ai Mcnrill0t ncry
In, tlio official cunvnBB of the Cooaj
comity primary voto Is prorooillni? I Incomplete returns from tim nitm
my slowly. ' .counties in this district indicate thni,
It will l noon tomorrow nnd poi. ioooe,!n2li,.1r!i0t"l"!cr '".. m? n)!i"h
slbly inter before any more ilofl-' J !00r Tlr, iL5 mll L Meredith,
Judges McNary and Ben
sonCount Is Slow.
ID; AModilM Prnn to Cm lUf Tlmri.J
PORTLAND, Or.. Mny 18. Re
turns straggling In from Friday's
primaries did not materially affect
the lends held yesterdny by the
candidates for tlio nomination In
tuiy of tlio more Important contests.
The four Republican Supremo Court
J. lionn nud Lnwrencu T. Harris
were tiBsured of the naniluiitlon, but
the fourth place was undecided be
tween Charles J. McNary nnd Henry
L. IleiiBon. although the former held
a slight lead.
In the Bccond congressional dist
rict Democrnts and Progressives had
no congressional candidates but It Is
likely thnt names were written in.
No .account of theso hnvo been kept
by tlio unofficial compilers nud the
cnndldntcs, If nny, will not bo known
until the official count.
for Congress.
nlte returns nro obtained than wore ,VBt "fKi . Jf ?" ,,'", T
contained In The Times Saturday g L'n , o.,ni ,. Mr, Mo,",Btl'
... "hb aim to obtain fiom tliu vnrloti
HIM11, rnuntlu.
County Clerk J amen Wntson nnd ,n"n,IB-
a forco nro today working on tlio ainrlon
CUIlYlinB iiiiii it in u iiuiiu j.iu
ll ninrlmmn. ' ......
Hoi:ister .Muroilith
8S2 sin
.1 o'clock they lind entorod tho re- f "m""D S ;"
turns from only eltfit of tho fitly- n" '.:'' ?i?
tlirco predicts In tho county and .cinison
these were mostly rmnll ones. i inn 5-7
Thhlk lluniN Defwitiil. Yniiililil -nm
County CV-rk Watson snld tliat,,,', '" ; Jj'
although ho lind been unnblo to Bt'tinnnirinV Jsr
obtnlned In Tho Times Saturday
night on tho yooil rondn bond prop
osltlon, ho bullovod thnt It would
lie defeated. Norwny, n Inrgo pro
duct on the upper Conulllc, Is said
to hnvo koiio almost solid against
It nud several others have donn
2 1
T JUNE 271
Frank Moran Leaves for Paris
to Wrest Championship i
from Black Pugilist.
Total ' 5412 2821
A'ole In Marlon,
Mr. Ilolllster lias received thu
following tcloKrnin giving tho Dem
ocratic toto In Marlon county:
"Mnrlon county complete: lloills-
ssj Meredltli SIP; Canon CM,
llkowlse. threatxinlni; to rrlpo out tlie'K8tcrn".: ',n08 Ih,n' V. 7,.,,0,
200 inuJurltyHlilch th towns nnd i ,in. 7C4 smim 7ir,
larRer proclno.b Bnvo tho propo.1- "'"nl.h S,"I (VmLtulalln
Frederlcl: Molllhtor 'today racelvctl
the followlnR self-explanatory lelo
Krnm from Dr. C. .7. Smith, the demo
cratic nominee for governor, today:
"Mrs. Smith and I both extend
heartiest conRrntulutlons to yourself
and wife. My own plurality will x
ce,ed 1S0O. CnmpnlKii for both of us
must becln at once. Am -well ideas-
cd with sholnR In Coos county. 1U
(Jnijo Clnliim Vlrlnry.
Clydo Oiiro, who was hero today,
stated thai n near as ha could flRiiro
tip 1o yeKwrday, his father. W.
Oaiio, would hnvo u majority of
between 100 nnfl lfiO over Tnylor
SIrIIii for the llomocrntlc nomina
tion for sheriff.
.Initios anil AriiiNtroiig.
talnablo oB tho contest for U.o Re"" " ' TZ!
publican nomination for county com-
missionor. Armstrong lind a silRiit'
load over Thcunns Tr. James with a ,
lnrpo number of tho Bmnllor country
precincts mlHliiB. Somo of theso '
are iiIoiir the lower Conulllo and
111 probably favor ArmstroiiK. '
James may Ret n hlR voto In tho.
RrldKu nnd uiiper Cwiulllo country
o tho result 1h far from cortnln
Velivo nud Loiiey.
TVIrrn mill T.nnov will nnl lin fur
"enarnted In tho tfiinl figures for tlio rs. McttQ Woods, Mother
Joint reprehonturK'eshlp nomination. ' Mre i i Dnx,ncc Quo
Koilwd flpires whow that Lonoy1 MrS. J. IV. tSayTISS, bUC
had only CO votes In "North Ilimd i CUmbS Here Today.
uipii'iiu oi ;iu nun I'oirvo iiiiii ui.'
'Mexican Dictator Authorized
Peace Deleqates to Tender
His Resignation.
Later Told Them He Would
Step Down and Outif Nec
essary to Secure Peace.
Illy AttoclilM rrr.. lo riwa ti TIiihm.1
iiuerta authorized tho nu'dlatton
mr iii in to rM in, nm i ' deleKateB to si! bin It his resli nation,
NKW YORK, May 0. The HallliiR In caso such a courso Is round ncces-
of Frank .Moran for Franco marks "nry to n settlement In the poaco
tho PssB of tho prol.ui.nnry s.uko J'".1..'".""-.!...!?!; YmVW&
In tho nrraiiRenients for tho heavy- diplomatic ho rco In Mexico City, to
we.Kht titular bout to be foiiRht In no of tho forolRti represeitatlvrB
Paris on June 27. Jack Johnson iih 1'J,r(, nJ,rt oiflriiiH tho Int.m itlona
defender of tho championship, has .1- & ySiTlc.alt51;1- &,$ J'g
rmiili limrtm n rmnilni rniidim it tuttltm! nit tin. .1t1mittli.. i .llu..M
Henry King Slashed by AI Miller's Trial Slated for Friday , tnvtniiiK ami Morgan win follow suit only the question ( itii Tnmpico in.
..n ,w..i, i.n llJ llll..l'n ll'U (IIU rin.u I'llll'lll, llflllllllK IU VIII! VIIIUT t'Ull OC
of tho coiiiIiir contest.. While his rupatloii of Vera Cm.. Luter tho
plans nro but tentatively outlined nt Mexican dictator, It Is explained,
present and subject to conditions ennio to recoRitlzo tbo ucceislty of
that MorRnn will havo to consider a broader sottlomont nud then con
upon his nrrlvnl In Paris, Johnson tins veyed to tho dolcRatcH nssi rauceu
settled upon n two niontlis' schedule, thnt ho was prepared to Btop dowu.
of condltlonliiR which ho declnres will
Newman Both Land in
the City Jail.
'Jenloim nvor tho nttnntlons lav-
(shed on Cecil KIs by Henry KIiir,
Al Nowman mndo an attempt to dls-
flRtiro "KIiir In a flRh which oc
curred on Urondway Immedlatoly
bnck of the Illnnco Hotel about 1
o'clock this afternoon. Now man
used a knife freely nnd as a result I
D. L. Foote Queried About
1 Auto Party.
fit him for, n successful do fen so of the
title won nt Reno on July -I, 1010.
Desplto tho fact that ho Is within
twenty pounds or tho welRht ut which
he entered the ring nRatnst Jeffries
inr AMOfUifd Yin lo Coot llr Tlnm
I' h elected to trnln rally two month jyilt!!l,,,l0nrr,vn. ,0j!ny of. lV'B,iot,n.
mr tlio meotliiK with Mornn. Ap- '; "i fi i noiun
iinrently Jolinson oxpectB n lonRtliy """"""", """'"lu,B '" "'',i,
bout In which thoro will bo resourco !"! " thoy will open tholr
to much rootwork, ror ho rIvos ns conforonco WediioHday. tho rrr-t
., n, i. ..t i. i ....- i.i. to roinnroinlso tho Moxlcr l " i
(Speclnl to Tho Times.)
It was stated today that tbo
trial of Larry Miller for the
Myrtlo Point bank robbery
would probably be continued un-
uf tho conflict Kintr Is cut about ! til tbo middle of June, when
the head, left hand nnd chest. oio other criminal cubcs aru ;
AccordhiR to oyo witnesses KIiir I to be, tried.
Mid tho KIs woman woro Boated In
n taxlcab driven by John K. Hnney, CoiiBldernblo Iniercst Is beliiR nr-
u'hnn Vnu'ninn Hiilnil tbntn from Ibu nu,n,i I.. i. Mi.i n 1 n ,ni..M
" ..-.. "':, ,,. ,, rv i uiiwii HI mn iiiiii ui l. II. .illllUJ, '" 'l iiiu 1111111:111111, I'lintiun nn mo ,., , -,-,
buck portch of tho Illnnco Hotel, tho cook who has been In Jail Alnco, soloctlon of AsnloroH nB a trnlnltiR "mUo n rcalBtart.
H.U1UJ- siijb mm iiiik "" iu inst rail, on account of nn Indictment icnmp tlio rnct tliat tho BurrouudlnRS
woman had cnRBRcd tho enr for a churRliiR him with robblnR tho Myrtlo ronds nro Ideal for runnliiR nnd long1
trip to Booth SlotiRh. Nowman mada Point bnnk. The enBo Iinti been set wnlks. .
somo remark which offended KIiir for trjni cxt Kridny and C. I. Rel-! Respress, who linn trained John
nnd they quarreled. Nowmnn came Kard will defend Miller. I poii for Bovoral or hla bouts in Franco, '
down tho back stairway or tlio Prosecuting Attorney Llljcqvlst Is, and othor parts or continental Kuropo!
Illnnro and ndvnnced on KIiir with rolyliiR InrRoly on clrcumstnntlal ovl-'wlll select those French ptiRltlstH nnd '
i..o Tnilfo concenied In hla linndi denco, oonslstliiR mainly of ndmls-l wrostlera who will bo memhnrs or
It Issitld that tho blood was Rush- B,1B tlnt M1Ior B nnPV!mi u, imve tho trnlnliiR corps. Johnson will
iir froin a wound in kiiik b lionit Innij0 , various ones, nud nlso on eliooso such Amorlciin tralnorH and i
boforo It was realized that KIiir lind tim tniiiimniiv nr vnu..iinn i,.. ...n.. imvnm m im mm. ,tn,.i,i,. ,..m i.n nt
!...!.. I.. 1. 1.. I. .....I IM ,...!. ". "."" ""' "". '""n " "..-.... "r. .... ,,,,.,, ..vv....' ..,,, uu ui
ii imiiiu in inn '""" ."'," """ wiio is now sorvliiR a term at Snlom help to nim ilurliiR tlio trnlnliiR porlod
llll effort tO tal0 IIIO KlllfO nWliy fnr Htonllni- li,puu rmm tli.i III.' Annnnllm. In Inhnunii ..!, 1,. I.,ul I
from Nowinnn hut could not Ret j.iH Hnto mnr .upy, closed u serleB or boxlni; oxhlbltlniiH r - o i i n
pniFcib on or It. The woman, known Mr. RolRnrd 8ayB that Mlllor main- at Hrussels. I.Ih arm, which wi.h frac- COOS COUIlty LOSOS $49,000
as Cecil, urRed llaney to Htart .t no tnna ,l)g nnoccnc0 nn,i dnlnis thnt i lured durltiR n bout with Jim John- Rv Lnnd Rrnnt PnQOC
rnr. but not boioro tho damiiRu ,,,,,,,,.,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,'.. i. ... Rirnir n. i,fnm , . Dy UUIIU Uiani OaSCS
liad been dono Roth men woro ..,.....,.., n .... ...imiHuin,, f,,,, ,i0n. Ho atnina dint' ihrnm u ,. BlH Sum Invn VP.rL
rut and llleedliiR when they wero p,,lw)(nii .m. u .... mnni.b, t.a nnin u-imn i.inoia .. n..nn..n..,-a
bvnnrntcd. Hnney took KIiir to Mm ,. ,i i ii,ir,.,('a i,i,,nn i. muhIi. Mow im.i iimt i.. i.niiv,,u i, .... Oook County HiIh year will not trot
.bwiinrnieii. iinnoy iook imiir io in nil ,, , ,.,. Wl,00l , MnrHh. i,iow and thnt ho bollevos tho roenv ,, '' .0,Hnl"n ' l,,,H yenr w, not W
orrico or l)r. DIx nnd had HIb field when ho was joslilnK with others ory Ib bo comploto that thoro Is no ",0 0.n0 tnxoB duo on tho Houth
nf Zit,i0,Pnr.n nrrivui .... M.r. wll w,'r0 "rlukliiR with It 1 mi nt tho , ilniiKPr or n hniidlcap III thin dlroctloii !!"! i1,"?''0 ,,'!n,1.H, '", l,,,,B cowntirthnl
UI , Marshal Carter nrrloil on tho .,, ... n.i111P rnun..i i,,!..,.,!.. ,.....,....., nro Involved In tho land irrnnt Itlira.
auxin cnnti tttk fliit flivllt nti1 ttlnn. ..... ... . '"II "UU'lllin ! 1.. ..It .. I a m t rt a ma a
lleliitlv,. giierlCH Fool. ' tliat Ho will bo ns physically fit ror "'": '," """ i",oo iuxe
I). L. Footo or Mnrahriold was call- Moran iib ho was for Jofrorles. innii- l,',r,". .v v,',! ootf Cnuniy uolK th
ed hoforn District Attorney Llljeqvlst i Iiik allowance ror tho four years ""hlnrKeHt. Tho taxes by counties
at Coqullle Saturdny quoryliiB nbout which havo elophed hIiico tho contest ,,," "r! """'"P P"dlnB tho final
scmio soon after tho flRht nnd plac
ed both nu'ii under arrest. Until
are beliiR hold In tho city Jail. Thoy
will bo KrnntiMi a hearliiK as soon us
, Oonld and McOnlloch wore close, Mrs. Melta Woods, mother or Mm. they sober up. KIiir, Newman and ", -". I""" '" ". '.i,;'",:' "V'K1 n, , ,0 '-,." : , ' r Twin
In th latest riRiires obtainable on J. M. Ra)llss. died early this morn- tlio momnii had overy appoarance of .."VmL1.! , IX .I ,, ..,.,?. 1. 1 the sni.e plains of Nevada
county oiiKliiMir. , lB after a short lllnoss. Sbo wa U0nK undor thu Influonro or liquor '.J ,f,?,"lL, ",,"'" n"' Ul0' "
Hall Prolmlf j Wlimer. i ovor 77 onrs oiu. mo uouy win iut the t mn or tn slnslilnR. !." niiibni.,ii.i .," ib ..w
vv,ii .. i.' i..... -i,. '.. i i.i,..i ,. ti, nnvt mi. ..... .. ii ... ., J' oot snld tliat licillil not tiiKo any uu tuiiiiui lliuvn hut .,..- no iMituii i ........... ..i. .... ..-., i uu iwu lliuil uri'iiiy ml Ji.illiuh -..,, frm l,nrn fVw.nlll nr l.r
talnablo on Hull and MorWson ror llreakwator and tho rmiornl servlceai colls ax tho Jail and each oxpressed I," ,,,. ' ., ,, Af.i I. ,.7 J1.! II ! ?.v..m.,
tho democratic nomination for rop-, win bo held nt the crematory Uore. doxlru to Ret nt tho other Just M" ' "' "J ""' ' "' " ",nL "',".. i"';
Mrs. Woods was itho widow omjoiir enough to finish thojoo. r,""'",,," "",' .'"."",. "V.V."
ha! UjSSttSSt S nSnrS Jh U . .mfroMlbta for autV'to
resentntlvo, reportB of llnll enrry
Inp a number of the smiiner pre
cincts whoro flRnres woro not Riven
Indicate thnt ho may load Morrison
on tho final count.
Tlio same Is trus of tho contest
hetween Wntklns nnd llnrrowa for
tho Ropublican nomination, somo of
Aii.nrt Wnniln Slw u'nR linrn Rent
! ember 10, 183C, nt Hoavordnni, Krlo
County, Ponn., and was tno daughter
of Jnbaroz and Ksther Coon. Sbo
was n graduate of Klngvlllo coIIoro
at Klngvlle. Ohio.
Mrs. Woods had mndo ner noma
tho smaller nroclncts 1n tho u.mor . uin, imp ilnnatitor. .Mrs. Ilayllss for
voquiuo wliere the figures nro not i CBhteon years. Slio is survived by
helng needed to detormlno tho ro
'Man Serving Time at State
Prison to Appear at Witness
in Bank Robbery Case.
a brother. L. Coon, of Chicago, nnd
n slstor, Mrs. Louisa Rurdlck of Krlo,
Ponn. Tho chldron surviving are.
Rny Woods of Prosser, Nebr.. A. L.
Woods, or Pauline. Nebr., Clarence
Woods, or nluo Hill. Nebr., and Mrs.
ilayllss or Marshrield.
HAS IIVUII vji;v IUW l Ulll iliU F1 a . ti...i.
II41 ii.n ..... (iai7l lm t.ntli Kul I II TO U KM
men wore undesirable characters. ",.1... I tethnt Mo.o.Rd
thnt tliero was a lively tilt between
I Finally Footo was taken down In.
1 tho jail and shown Mlllor. Ho declar
ed that ho had never seen Miller be
fore. Thoy nlso askod 7ooto about
McDonald. Ho said thnt ho know Mc
Donald slightly and thnt McDonald
told him when ho enmo there thnt
ho was In the theatrical business nnd
ns nrrnugliiK with J. W. Dennett to
erect a flno theatre horo, Lnter he
said McDonald tried to borrow $fi
Arrived Here Yesterday with SFXXTfTa&WnS
68 Tons of Freight and ""' lrr conversations with mc-
Wntklnx Cum Co.
This morning tho enso of Coo. Wat-
Kottloment of tho government's care
to recover tho land nro iib rollows:
I l.lxt My ('oiiiitliti.
i Doiiton 19.08C13
iCInckiimaB 20 r,i3,40
I Columbia ID 012.03
i Coob 40,307.23"
, Curry 2,313.07
! Douglas 05,071 00
JnrI8"" 71.007.9G
I Josephlno 34,483.83
Klninnth 10,350.50
'nn , .'. . . .80,4 13.07
1 Lincoln . , , 2.1 IC.K2
''""I 13.854 0!)
16 Passengers.
James Parker says the World ,ffi"o,;m-::::::::::::::J:5BB
Looks Different Through a
Roll of Bills.
"Tho world looks illfforont
through n roll of bills" said James I
Pnrknr to hlmsoir last Saturday artor !
fleecing his pal Jack Smith out or a
hundred or thom and malting n sun-i
resshil gotnwoy on tho stoamor Al-
llnnco for Portland.
I'olk . , 13.528.41
Tillamook 3,414.05
Washington 4,570.5 J
Yamhill 4,303.25
qinrko, Washington ......... 131.15
Total $'l'flO,39G.3g
OAKLAND, Cnl., May 10.-. Direct
ferry sorvlco between nnidnmi nmt
Smith nnd Parker mot In Kiiroka f.,'.,Vunn.!,I,in ,,no,Hlcu Imposition
Tho steamer Parlnso sailed from kins va. tho Record Photo Abstrnctjond decided to como to Coos Hay on roiiirniiin.Ui.inn
this port for Portland yesterday nt- Company was scheduled for trial This tho Alllnnco Parker Svns liberal .o Z 1 , ,
tornoon with a few passongors and was tried once boforo nnd tho ver- ,,. l " ' , ., '!.:!,,?
a good cargo. She arrived early yet- diet thrown out. Wntkltia Is suing wUh nlfl mono' nncl l,al' tho 'n' ' frm iL in -'
terdny morning with 10 cabin pas- f0r tho roturn of inonoy ho Invosted
iBengern ami uuoiu ua iuiib in iiuikiu.ih mm company.
Sheriff Gngo Is expected here to
morrow might with Frank Vaughan,
the comif hnrsAttilef and bad man, I
in irons, Vaughan U being brought
DemOSeV and BraVine Win IVOt, aboard. The cargo consisted mostly
Un Uonrinn Until 5nmn of fruit and vogetablos ror Mars iield
nave iiiuiiiia -."-
Time Next Month.
(Special to The Times.)
fivimLLH Or.. May 18, The
' I1UI1D. 'VUllKIllin ID UUIIlb w.o"- w-,------- - , - ..
i!.. . , ..." .".i. n if Wrlnlu nf liraviuo huu jjcniyoi.', i"
the Myrtlo 1-olut bank. Vaughan b. ronnottton 'VV-.'rSrf killed
iri..""".' !! J",; 7rKtfr . -"day postponed
ilJ?. py:a "" .."""' "' '' w: ., Vi tmnt the middle of June
Wlth these trials dererred, Judge
"uuro tinier ciauno w -,:; : . ,...- iin.m
mate at th nn.tPr hotel In Coqullle tried before them
-- . - -- . .-.!. hfiii ihpfiri jriu
"night of the Myrtle i-omi ruu- "-y flble to conciude tho
Sheriff Oage took out several regular court won ""
prlsonera to begin their terms at Sa-, POSTOFFICKS.
lem, leaving Coqullle Saturday morn-1 ( OOS 1041 iwa.
ing via Myrtle Point. The convicts, WASHINGTON, D. C.. May 18.
are: Ozella Franklin, of Marehfield, The president nominated the fol
convlcted of assault with a deadly IoWng fourth-class postmasters In
"'Johnson, of Marshfleld, ob- Mytie A. Jones, Coaledo; Cooe
talnlng money on a bogus check. county, new oTrlce; Mn ;
Joseph King and Harry Margap,' Young. Dora, ylce h. A. Voung, re
for highway robber' .t aalP- moved,
and a shipment or coinont to North
Rend. Among tho nnssengers to ar
rlvo from San Francisco were! Miss
Pesslo Coke, Mrs. J. II. Smith, J. H,
Smith, W. C. Karr, H. II. Harrow,
L. Russell, G. Hiirlhuck Miss Lang,
Miss II, Merchant, Miss May Preuss,
P. L. Prior, A Carlson, C. Malon. II.
P. Kort, Geo. McColm, Jno. O. Miller.
Representatives of the Arrow Lino
announce that beginning with" the
next sailing of the steamers Yellow
stone and Parlaso from Portland' tho
schedule will bo changed. The boats
will leave Portland for Coos nay and
San Francisco on Wednesday morn
ings at 9 o'clock Instead of Tues
day nights, as heretofore.
One reason for making the change
Is to provide the passengers with a
daylight trip down the Columbia.
Another explanation Is that the new
Balling hours will make It possible
for the steamers to arrive at Coos
Day at flood tide.
Have your Job printing done at
The Times office.
grounds v. an assured when tho rnll-
approved a contract
exposition company nnd
Ito for rimnlmr Imulu
l,r,t , ... .!, ...... -v.. ...!.. I i 1IOII1 IIIO inttor'H fill (inml l.wiln In
in Mill (Mill. W III). U IIUIU .!. ,.. 11 . ., , "" .
Smith opened his wallet and display. m'' rorryi B,P, "t tho rnlr grounds,
ed a $100 bill. Ho asked Parker ?no 1Horv'co a'reliy "h Btnrted, be
whero ho might got It changed. ,K a"K"ited May 1 with boats
"I'll set It split ror you" anld' "'nt"'7' "'";: . nu win w
Aenipliiim WIIIMake Trip Arrms Parker, Pin acquainted with all tho ,1?",I"V i i,n. '. tho.fu,r ,tt.ovt'r T,"
Ran I-VunclM-o liny. Bnioon keepers.1' iSmS fil .". S""? tQrm. ? !"
SAN FRANCISCO, May 18. Plans Smith let Parker havo tbo inonoy "f-V? MY',,'",.',l1,r,n? ,Ul0.fn,r
have been completed for tho estnh- nnd when tho latter departed In tpo T ... ,.. i? loaHt ''i1' hour,y
llshment of the first aorlal ferry Bor-. dlrocUon of a saloon ho told Smith ,, l "0,ler " the crowds wnrrant
vlco across 8an Francisco Hay. An that ho would bo back In ten ml mi
Aeroplano fitted to carry a pilot and tcs. 8mlth hns not seen anyono that . ' , J? K, n. w .V . nlrea(,y ,mvo
four passengerfl In upholstered seata xesemhloa Parker slnco nnd he Is "m , , mi . y .. foTrjr eo,,,Pny.
is ready to Inaugurate tho air line (Inclined to think that Parker Is by I0'' w,u slvo ,l ft ,leot of "ra
ferry. HiIb tlmo In tho neighborhood of ( ,omt8'
ir the scheme Is successrul Silas Astoria, of which placo ho spoke ,miVL,AV OIVa T7, ..
iChrlstofferson will carry M'ayor Irequently. hiii.miIvIH MILL
James Rolph, Jr., as a passonger Smith InTormed tho local pollco iwlllli.,,. Y...77T , . .
from San Francisco to Oakland. On or tno fraudeient transaction but too. V !i "... ,..". "vcr
r Frank K. Mott, ; lute to get action. Parker had de-1 '" wquuio i mm.
the return trln Mayor
of Oakland, Ib expected to be a pas- parted for tho north boforo a warrant' It will bo good news to the nconle
KpniFAr. i IIHfl nflftn iBRiu.ri rnr nlfl nrrnur A n ,.,. . ." . -
I f a f,.rw. . a i . ' v "'iu'"o i learn mat tno plant or
J. A. Murphy arrested Saturday by tbo Conulllo Mill and Mercantile Com-
-Tlie special Bchool Marshal Carter waB brought beroro pany has been lenstetl 1 by Mr B K
riol.l n vnla till. HftCnrilnr TIl.tlAr Mlla ninrnliw i-l .. " ""-" "? " " "
KcliiMd Idertloiv
election In
000 bonds
naslum here
This Is a cruel world. Just think
or the men who are obliged to go
hungry Just because tbey retuse to
f nruti
...-..,... ...... .. t. -,- ...... , ...,, uu u duiiuson. .iir. JonnsonB lone exoori
ror the erection or a gym-' charge or drunkenness. Ho nlead onm nn.i .nrn.,.,. ...fioi i h
will be held June 0. not guilty. Marshal Carter Is con- liimbor hiiBinTn.. ,, ;..
vlnced that ho Ib guilty and will urn. aii.i oU..i. ..." "'"..'
duct ,b witness to back up his conton- the plant, and the employment of as
-ri.' o. rum .., . . .many Inborors as present market
ZnJTnZ L TZJJL .IL? f-1 conditions will JustlfyCoqullle Ben-
morrow morning In police court