THE COOS BftY TIMES. MARSHFIELU. u..- .J. SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION SIX tm, sJMfc REID 1 a ItAIXBOW CLL'B. bcr of tho club. Mrs. Hazard's I hoinp wl 1 bo the place of moot ing lor next wcoic. Tlin tinvt itinnllnit nt Mm TJnlnhnttf I fc 4 Clllll nf r.nna Illvnr la nnlmdlllnil " for next Wednesday nt the homo I llltlDOK PAHTV. tit Mm .T .T f!llnlrnnlinnrl nn llnn.'O ' Icls Creek. ! Mrs. S. C. Small entertained nt n 4. 4, 'delightful afternoon of auction bridge Thursday. GreeiiB, huckleberry, I PUK8BVTEHIAX AUXILIARY. I Botch heather and roses converted t yitho homo Into, a bower of beauty. A Silver Tea at tho home of Mrs. W. P. McEldownoy on South Tonth street next Wednesday will afford tho next meeting place for tho women of tho Presbyterian Auxiliary and their friends and guests. 4 I NARCISSUS CLUB. I . Miss Stolla Peterson will outer tain tho Narcissus Club nt her homo In ICnstsldo next Wcdncsdny. II )LLKE WOMEN'S CLUB I ) Mrs. Q. O. Sutherland won tho prize. 4 XOKTII BEND LADIES 4. Tho North Bond M. K. Ladles Aid Socloty met Thursday at tho church pnrlorB for their monthly sowing ses sion. Tho Indies presont were Mrs. W. Nellson, Mrs. W. Laird, Mrs. B. 1'orklns, Mrs. E. Woods, Mrs. J. Now klrk, Mrs. 13. B. Curtis, Mrs. A.S. lllsoy, Mrs. Everett nnd MrB. I'nrr. fr fr I 'I'lll'BSDAV CLUB. I ft,,, rniriii,.,. mnrMni. .f tii rni. I Mrs. E. 1 LoMlcux entortnmcu lego Women's Club will bo hold nt tho Indies of the 'lliurulny Sowing Guild Hnll tlo first Wcdncsdny In Circle nt her homo this week num .Tuno. The first nnnunl bnnuuet Is hrlng among her guusts MesdameB to bo held nt tho Chandler tit 8 Miller of North Bond, Dean, Htir o'clock next Friday evening. VoV, Mitchell, Crawford. Dc.lson, $ 4. Kinney, Schroe or, Jl.Honbrand, ' Pnnrlnr, Jensen, Stnddon and Jones. I ALTAIt GUILD I 'T,'Q s'i"l Pleasant day of nee 11c- !! y wrrk and flint whb onjnyoi'. .Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Chnpmnn of N irtli M'tcholl will bo hestess next Bond will bo hostess to tho Altnr Thursday. Guild ut It8 rcgulnr mooting nexti v Tin rainy. j. I EASTS I RE s REID THIS AND THEN "SEE REID ABOUT IT" . ' OA: GOOD BUSINESS JUDGMENT. AW ovpect you to exercise your own good Judgment In Reletting your futlitv home-site. Tlint Judgment will tell you Hint It would lie poor IiusIiichs pollry to buy outlying prop erty tdmply because you can possibly save (i few dollars In tho price of the lot anil eventually build 11 house tliercou costing several tint's the price of tho lot. Besides, If you will Investigate, you will find Hint lots In Pet hum Park, located right In the heart of the city, enn lie bought Just as cheap or for even less money than outlying property. Be fore buying see Beld about I'ciliiini Park. A KEW SNAPPV RUVS. (1UI)H Insldo lot on Improved street $100.00 I0vlt)5 inside lot, eloso In. . .$100,00 (lilvlitl comer lot, well located'. . $.100.00 H00 Inside lot, south facing, , , . . . $100.00 ,"H 115 Including street Improve ment $:tio,oo TiitvllO on Improved street. ,$:ttl0.00 SPECIAL DT.vlon large corner on Improved street, fine building site. .$310.00 These lots all available, for build lug, with good water service, on or adjoining lufpioved streets en 11 be lieuuht on easy terms while they last. See Held about It. W. A. REID, 150 Front Street SEWING CLUB. I CABI) PARTIES. - I Mrs. Fred Moore wna hostess on Thin silny nt n pleiiBiint session of Mrs. II. L. Crnwford hns Invltn- the EnBtaldo Sowing Club, onter- IIoiib out for Flvo Hundred next immur .Mrs. l-rntiK rroy, .Mrs .1 a. Tuesday afternoon. SwaiiBon, Mrs. J. I). McKay, Mrs, W. Mm. .1. W. Hlldenbrnnd Is to on- ' yerly. Mrs. Walter Robertson, tertnln nt enrda next Monthly after- Mrs. A. Ilorton. Mrs. Percy Pec t. non Airs. Elinor Vlnoynrd, Mrs. Will iStecklo and Mrs. 11. Brlnckloy. Mrs. Cono waB an additional gucBt. Tho l" EPISCOPAL GUILD. hoHtOBB waBtiBslsted by hor daughter a . Willi;, 111111 um. uumduh, hi oun With McBdai burg an hostesBCB, null! 1 twit n till t rn t nuotn of business, sowed and on-'" two weeks, Joyed tho ciistomnry lunch. Mrs. A. K. O'Brien wnB guest. Only 11 ..,., ....... , T few woro out this week. TIiobo SOCIAL SI.WING CLUB. nttondlug woro Mm. Porhain, MrB. .. : r; j c..!.. Mm r .,.iu Mr. i',... I Wit i Mrs. UeorKe Ayro. Mrs. J. Mra. Eninin Nasburg.' Mr.' Marrv A. Swanson and Mrs. J. C. Swlnford imoB Lockhnrt and Naa- 'R tho lunch that ended tho plena stesHCB, tho Episcopal "Jt "f""""0,0":, rli nxt meeting id trniBictcd Its usual v '" wlt ' 'Mr- A McLubbmi mtXrtitg, Mrs. Horbdrt Lbckhnrt. gro!lti'M? UH,w?,BIJ'08lCB,8 t0'10 Mra. J. W. Bennett nnd Mlsa Evolyn ?wM owl'' 0' llllH .)vook- Mr?' Anderson. Mrn. Lowla nnd Mrs. V,m.8, S,",lo,J; -Mrfl- nnr,Xl,l,,pd: Fchottor nro to bo hoBtessea next Mrd nnd Mra. Greon woro nddltionnl -Titeadnv .guesta. Tho mooting wiib hold on WcdnoHdny no ns not to conflict with the school exhibit Thursday, I - A. X. W. - I - With ten inomhorB nrcHont tho A. N. W. mot and sewed with Mrn, J. T. Hnll this week, her guests be ing Mesdnmea Allen, Everliieu, llnr r.'gnu, Huznrd, Mnry McKnlght, Mill- tho rogulnr club day. In two weeks Mrs, Ayro will bo hostess. n 4 I BAV CITV LADIES' All) I Tho women of Bay City Imvo ftiiuiil mi A lit t Mwk Mutltmllaf rub, Mulch, Murphy, Squlro and church with about a dozen mom- Rtauff. tin, latter nt whom allied lwi-u ni,i urn il.niiiilin in .in unmn. 11.0 I.0B106B. Tho only buslnosH ctlvo work In connection with tho 1 r",":..,"ft?...',,!.;V "J..i'f.o-.i- ""l?J ?l,:frt!M"'.Mw- W. I "" n ' -" ' IIH-I), .MTB. W. V. IJOIIKIIS. , TS. . wns elected, Mrs. It. i. Gny, nnd two now members, Mrs. C. Dennl Bon nnd MrB. W. Smith, were ad mitted. A chargo of ten centB por member is made for refreshments nnd tho money thus procured Ib donated from tho Aid to tho church. A president, Mrs. 11. Brlnckloy, waB choBon at tho Inltlnl meeting thrco weeks ngo. Tho IiobIosb wna assist ed by Mrs. Donnlson. Tho ladles at tending woro Mesdnmes J. P. Mnlon oy, J. Butz, C. Donnlson. W. Smith, A. L. Kostor, It. S. Gay, J. Forguson, Brlnkloy nnd A. C. Allnrd. Mrs. Butz will bo hostess ngnln In thrco weeks, Wodncsduy, Juno 3, i ! f : : I L. T. L. SOCIAL. I A dellghtrul ovontng wnn spout Inst Tuesdny when tho L. T. L. Club hold Kb regulnr biiBlncss and social meeting nt the now Methodist Hnll. During tho business session tho following offlcorB woro elected: President MIsb Grnco Fulton. Vlco Presldont Leo Byerly. Secrotnry MIbb Cnrrlo Hosb. Trcnstiror Mlsa Helen Me'Lnugh lln. A fow lively guinea nnd light re freshments followed a short pro Anderson, Mrs. G. W Kniifmnn, Mrs II. S. Tower, Mrs. W A. Toyo, .Mra, Ward M. Blake, MrB. Q. O. Suther land, Mtb. W. K. McEldownoy, Mra. It. M. .lounlngB, Mrs. J. S, Coke, Mrs. J. II. Flanagan, Mrs. Win. Borstal), Jr., Mtb. A. E. Adolsporgor, Mrs. A. T. Langcrstrotn, Mrs. J. W. Bennett, nnd Mrs, W. S. Chnndlor. 4 4 I BBIDGE PAHTV trniiBacted wiib tho letter of condol- church nt Mnrflhfleld. A meeting i jUi10 euro ordered sent by tho aecretnry wns held Wediioadny at tho homo of, Those presont woro Misses m airs. i' m. j-'roiuiiorg, an old mem- .Mrs. Allnrd nt which a aecretnry Mrs. J. D. Goss wns hostess nt a do llghtfiil auction bridge Tuesday at her homo in West Mnrshflold. Tl'o after noon'a prlzo wna won by MrB. W. A Toyo. In serving Mrs. Goss was assisted by Mrn. K. D. Cohan and Mrs. J. W. Flanngan. Thoso Invited were: MrB. Eugeno O'Conncll, Mrs. E. K. Jones, Mrs. E. G. Pcrhnm, Mrs. C. It. Peck, Mrs. Goo. Goodrum, Mra P. D. Cohan, Mrn. Clins, Vnu Duyn, Mrs. It. A. Wornlch, .Mra. Wnrren Pnlnter Mrs. Efflo Enrrlnger. Mrn. J. W. Dennett, Mrs. Arthur MrKoown. Mra. MIbb Floronco Aiken, Mlsa Grnco Kriiso, MIbb Sadie Hognn, Mra. A. T. Hnlnea. Mrs. !'. li. Hngiie, Mra. It. M. Jennings, Mrs. .1. A. Mntsoii, Mrs. W. T. Stoll, Mrs." I. S. Kniifinnn. Mrs, G. W. Kniifmnn, Mrs. Dcffonbnugh. Mrs. Boise. Mrs. W. P. McEldownoy, A. I T Charlotto Keyzer and May Blake, and Messrs. David Leppert, Chnrlea Baymond, Ed Bolt, Ira Howe, Frank Howe, G, A. Williamson nnd Ed Iliclinrdaou nnd Uov. JoBcph Knotts. FIVE HUXDBED PABTV. Mra. Wm. Schroodor wna the chnrinlng hostess nt n very pretty Klvo Hundred party Friday after noon, seating flvo tables nt Hint populnr gnnio. Mrs. J. W. Hlldou brand was tho fortunato wlnnor of tho card trophy. Mrs. Schroodnr'B homo was a mass of blooms, with rosea and calla lilies tirirlmniniM., Dumbos of perfect pink tod t"A roBOB woro on display, decontif tho luncheon tnblcn, nt which & hostcsB, nBslstcd by Mrs, llarmiij Mra. Klnnoy, served delicate freshmonts, Tho Invited gutiti in McBdnmcs F. A. Sacchl, II, Wtf Clom Wells, Dean, Raymond. Ru Olllvnnt, II. N. Kenton, c. a Cfr Ing. L. K. DonnlnB, E. F LeMIni J. Q. Jnrvls, J. V. Mitchell. Xofi JetiBon, T. S. Hnrvcy, J. H. Sal- don, H. L. Crawrord, Henry Fourte, Porry Dodson, Ilnrry Dradfleld, J. a Klnnoy nnd J. W, IIIMenbrtnd i:l MIbb Margaret Witt. ET the children have all the Tea Garden Syrup they want. It is Dure, health ful, delicious and nutritious. Scientifically refined from the choicest imported sugar. At all reliable grocers. Name ........ City (Irocer'n Namo FREE PRESERVES Thi ruupniiH will niipwif vory weok. Hi 10 anil tnlco Ilium to or Kroviir proporly HIUvl out unit lio will Klvo you iiboluly free a Ifl-ois Jar of Ten CJ union I'rPiti'ive, Pacific Coast Syrup Co. rs J '.M5i w JA -t5 I PORTLAND. Oil. I (9 4 Vj5 MMUUaayaHMMMWMMBWlHHbdai MM MMMBHiiIm mMI llnrrli'nn Mra W a 'I'uMi.n,, lu l T)ll1n n ii. ... imlli l.n. u, Itllln r, Ifmiilnll. Mrn U' VL.Iinlmi,. tru Itoss, Until Ileddon, Ida Copk, Em- .:Hthor convorBo. Mra. J. W Khuui- ,.11. .....w , ,,..., . ........ 1-1111. iii-H. .1 11. i-iniini?nii. Aira ir u Grnco Ktiltnn. Lulu Benaon, Lllllnn P,nnnBnllt Mr8. ,.: ,,. IowlH( MrHi Cook, Volnia IloBB. Bess mmol, IIoI- Wftor cinbaiigh. MrB. E. 0. Klnnn- n1! . MSLaV,K l11"1' nCnrr' UoM,i Am " Mr- W. P. Murphy.. Mra. A. II, Ekblnd. Belvn Unnngnn nnd Mrs. ia 1 in n..! ," .; Bnrgolt and MeBsra. Clifford Donno. mIiikiib" Mr B It Ch-i. dier Mrs' Leo Byerly. Ed UlchnrdBon, Howard p w ' Pnyno Mrs" I a Bute?' i-rnnk Howo Orover Wlliln.Bon 'WTrs I ugo Quls Mrs B M Chns. Krodollns, Arthur Hnnson. Ira Sbr Mrs vm Ilorafal Jr Mra' Howe, Paul Bargolt and Hoy Pulton. ?0r .oSmkh and'.A a. C S. wi.fsor.' T r T ' 4. f I l 1U.1M Mill llll I A. Tho regular semi-monthly business , nieoiing or 1110 isorin iionu uoiunny XOBTII BEND LIBBABV i:.TEBTAI.MEXT. Tho ladles of tho library board In Bible Clasa was hold at tho homo of Kn . " "" SD ,"' '""''" "J7. uo'ir", ." tho president, MIbb Ella E. Gurnea. 01' , "f",nn 1, W...1?,,?1 Tuesday evening, Mny 12th. 19 14. ?? hnriJ Aftor tho buslnosB aesBlon wns over tlnb" kMn .'" " ,hInDXn,n?iRf nil present enjoyed tho evening with al'llttl"? i"',,. 8 J "." Biimea nnd muBlc. RefreBhmonta 7 , nvl"r0U'S t8,0.x 'y0' were served before tho meeting broke JJ" ha.d foT ll.o purchatof 'iw Vmnnir lima nrnannt ivnrn- Mr nml ron(,,"K "mttor. It Is OXpeclOll that .M IB. II. I . lilirnon, .Mr. nnil ilia. U. iron nflnrnnnnn n wnoV .),, i' Everything for the Lawn and Garden We have the things to keep lawn and garden properly; . GARDEN HOSE LAWN MOWERS ' . LAWN SPRINKLERS LAWN RAKES .. ' PRUNING SHEARS HOES, RAKES, SPADES WATCH OUR WINDOWS. ' Ekblad (& Son iioin. fjisie Kniuiiuo, .Mnrie uregg, ... 1 nnd MIbb Collins. Mohsrs. Harvey ' ., Guinea, W. S. Edwards. Alex Erlck- Jm hn bou Percy Pr.Ut. M. iioruii.-O. C. J, m0'f vc 'C.l.n.i o.i.l fi i.i,un.i . I.MIVU ltl .11,. UllVDUM, I' SEB1KS OK PABTIICS BRING US YOUR COUPONS TEA GARDEN SYRUP and all other STANDARD PURE FOODS AT NASBURG'S GROCERY The Good Housekeeping Store bo much sickness In tho cominun- tentntlvo oulllno of n nro- s boon nnnouucod nul con- ocnl solos liv C. 8. Kulser. L. J. Simpson nnd Mrs. E. II. Cnl- lendnr. Mrs. Nell n.uika will con trlbuto aovoil Scotch songs nnd Mrs. Davennort will glvo soveral readings. Tlioro will nlBo bo bohio Instrumental music nnd Pnthor Mc- Miu C. It. Pock oiitortnlnod nt f'o Dovltt will glvo ton minutes of third of a sorlos of partloa last Satur- story telling, day afternoon. Mrs. W. K. Miller. won the nfternoon'a prlxo. Mrs. Peck ' was assisted by Mrs. Geo, Goodrum Mid Mrs. V. M. Parsons. Mrs. T. B. I KPWOItTII LEAGUE SOCIAL. I Jnmes. Mrs. It. W, Morrow, Mrs. WaU "- 1 er iiaynauKii, airs, joiiii Proctor. The young people of tho M. E MIPl IJt 14. I l(Ulllt0 .1D tt A Hundred People Visited BAY PARK Last Sunday t, ivuui, Cliurell mot Inst lllclit tn nAnimln Mrs. h K.Jones. Mrs. KE Hague, with a social evening tho twonty m1"8, ')'n?uTera'r;lwor6 flfth anniversary of tho founding r n ,d !ey,,M,r8f- MPaepnw of tho Epworth League, an organlza Mrs, Guy B. Kendall. Mrs. J. C. Kon- itnn nt vmim nnn,,i 1,, i, ,.i,....i. " rf"P I'lWlllu (It UIU LlllllL II nnil. .Mrs. norsey Kroltzor.. Mrs. H, lmvlm? nrnrU nan nan .,!,., Nasliurg. Mrs Eugono Crosthwalte. throughout tho country. A contest Mrs. D. h, Maloney. Mrs. K. D. Co- 0f wit and quickness of expression Jinn. Mrs. B. It. Chandler, Mrs. J. S. occasioned a lot of run, Miss Irene IlnuBen nnd Mrs. O'Brien. Prouss nnd Ed Bolt choosing sides Her invited guests nt tho two to contest for tho best editing of an previous ones were Mrs. V. T. Stoll, Imitation of the offlclnl Lenguo Mrs. s. C. Small, Mrs. K. M. Parsons, pnpor, tho "Herald." The red ribbon Mrs. It. E. Irwin, Mrs. E. G. Perham. sldo, with Miss Prouss for elltor of Mrs. Eugono O'Conncll, Mrs. Claude tho evening edition, won over tho Nasburg, Mrs. A. L. Housoworth, Mrs. blue rlbbonors of tho morning edl lorsoy Kreltzor. Mrs. E. W. Knm- tlon. Tho ovening endetl merrily merer. Mrs. J. D. Goss. Mrs. Chns. 1 with the serving of sherbet nnd Vnn Duyn, Mrs. P, K. Gottins. Mrs. wafers. About twenty young folks Henry Songstacken. .Mrs. S. Tur- wero out, among them Misses Cora pen. Mrs. J. S. Lyons. Mrs. C. F. Mc- Dye, Borthn Davis, Dora Drown, Knight, Mrs. I. S. Kaufman. Mrs. Mabol Lnne. Alma Ekhlm! TobbIo Itelso, Mrs. Deffenbaugh, Miss Evelyn Trnsk, Irene Preuss, Roxlo Hall. What with tho Interest boing shown In the imnroraeD( tti on there, with friends calling on those who are i j, aIM 11 building homes, and tho many pretty views and ?f "8""" on Sao nnd about tho Park, It Is becoming a very pui'- ays. and on other days, for that matter. 4..i finrlne. 6 There has been great advanco in Bay rarK i - far lln nilvnnpn In Mia Inw urines WO arO aBKillg I0r .. o...... nrf will be pie ouiusinen win uo on mo grouuu ouiiu" serve you if you deslro to look at lots. tfJ Prltea, for tho present, will remain. at 100 for las $115 for corners, on terms as low as $10 down ana ' t of nu By next fall we won't have any lots 'left In the rJeu'' Park, so don't neglect to make your selection uo I. S. Kaufman & Co. 177 Front street. "Aas? .. gw4TtaT. vj Kjrl