The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 16, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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U. O. BIALONKV Kdltor anil Pub,
DAN K. MALONKV News Kdltor
Official Paper of Ooos County
Entered at tho Postof flco at Marsh
Hold, Oregon, for transmission
through tho malls as second-class
mall matter.
Address all communications to
i Oregon
(From the Jefferson, Iowa, Deo.)
The. city of Atlantic, Iowa, has
Just lot a contract fpr about four
miles' of concroto paving, says tho
Nonpareil. Tho price ranges from
$1.16 to $1.19 por Bquaro yard. Tho
mixture- Is what Is known as stan
dard, one part coment, two of snnd
find four of limestone rock sized
with ono and u half Inch screen or
rings, Tho surfaco of tho paving
will ho ono part of cement to two
of sand.
This Ib regarded by paving con
cerns as a big Job and the bidding
nnd tl'o competition of tho genuine
ordor. Thoro has been a long pro
limlna.y preparation for this event.
Knglmcr J. II. Mnyne, or council
Bluffs with tho Atlantic mayor and
council, hnvo been figuring for sov
eral r.rekB on specifications nnd
plans whereby tho city would socuro
competition and u bunch of good
paving nt a reasonable price.
Ono asphalt company Hail men on
tho ground almost continually seek
ing b hook or crook to work somo
clause Into the specifications which
would rciiulro tho uso of their goods.
Othern sought to gut grnulte rock
or other materials specified which
would have added materially to tho
cost w'thout Increasing the value.
Tho npeclflcatlons as finally drawn
roaultcd In real competition ntul K
prlco which gave tho city real valuo
for tho money.
Only tho moBt extraordinary enro
on the part of tho men ronrecntlnt:
tho city, together with tho faithful
hurvlri' of a competent engineer, so
c ii rod tho result obtained In this
contract. Atlantic Is to be con
gratulated. Tho city now has nbout
novoii miles of paved streets and this
job w'l! bring thu total up to olovon
Concreto Is coming Into very gon
eral uso for paving purposes. It Is
ospei'la ly adapted to residence
streets or to the smaller cities. It
Is, hrwevor, gradually working It
self Into the heavy traffic strootn
also. Where It Is properly laid Its
wearing (iiinlltles aro superior' to
many pnvemonts of other and more
vxpunslvo material.
In inrny plncos this concreto pav
ing Is holng laid with ft view to
iiomo tlmo covering It with nn ns
phallic concreto nt it cobI of nbout
75 ciMits por yard. If this con
croto wears thirty yenrB, which Is u
reasonable cBtlmnto, and tho asphal
tle encroto covering adds thirty
yearrf more to tho life of tho
pavement, It Is not an expensive
luxury. All' pavements hnvo tho
concrete base, and It Is being ills
envored' that with only a little ad
ditional cost tho base becomes In
fact nn nliuost everliiBtlng pnvetuont,
depending, of 'course, on tho quality
of material and character of work
manship In construction.
North Bend Man Declines Place
On Out-to-Win Prohibition
Kdltor Times; As many pooplo aro
kUU under the Impression that I am
lnHiiaglug the campaign for tho Out-(o-'WInB
In North Heud district, 1
vlsh you would give the accompany
ing communication, nddrossml to Mr.
Rod C. Kelloy, president of said or
ganization for Coos County, space In
your paper and greatly oblige,
Youth truly,
VI 11(5 1 U K. WATTKRS.
Mr. Ned C. Kelloy, Coqulllo, Oro
gon, Dear Sir; I notice by tho Coos
liny Times of 1st Inst., that at the
mooting f the Out-to-WIn Voters
league for Coos County, Oregon, thnt
) was selected chairman of campaign
committee for North Heud district. I
-was not prosent at said meeting and
wih not consulted regarding said ap
pointment nnd while I am opposed
to tho liquor traffic and will vote
for county, state or National prohibi
tion, I am not In sympathy with tho
attitude of tho convention. 1 think
It nremnture and believe you havo
made a serious mistake In Indorsing
camlldates at this tlmo; U at It will
tend to defeat tho very aim of the
movement by dissatisfaction In your
cwn ranks and making possible tho
nomination of candidates you desire
lAr this and other reasons, I most
respectfully decline to sorvo as chair
man for this district.
Yours, truly,
Republican County Clerk.
Allen Kruso Wntson
Mnrshfiold 131 86 201
Bunker Hill 23 5 12
Pony Slough 4 4 3
South Coos Rlvor. .5 7 29
North Bond CG 18 04
Coob River 4 1 15
I Nowport G 2 10
Eastsldo G 0 15
Sumner 2 3 27
Tomploton 6 3 7
Cooston 7 G 2
Emplro 3 3' 18
Allegany 7 G 20
Myrtlo Point . ...46 4 GG
Coqulllo Ill 1G 119
Bnndon 133 67 191
548 230 788
Republican Congressman.
Hnwloy Jones
Marsh field 21G 171
Hunker Hill 17 18
Pony Slough 3 7
South Coob River 2G G
North Rend 6G 58
Coob River 9 5
Nowport 9 4
l-Jnstsldo 7 12
Sumner ,2G 7
Tcmpleton G 4
CooBton 9 4
Kmplro 13 10
Allegany 19 9
Coqulllo 140 GG
Myrtle Point 90 15
Total 051 395
Redwood sawdust Is being used
by vlneyardlsts In California for
packing fresh table grapes. It takes
the place of the ground cork iirciI
for Imported Spanish grnpes.
Ilyndmnn Peak, Idaho, the high
est named peak In tho ntate, is moro
than 12.00(1 feet high. Several un
named peaks near It are of nbout
the snme elevation. All aro on tho
divide between tlje Sawtooth u
the Lemhi National forests.
A two-year-old plantation of Doug
las fir on the Oregon National for
est hIiowh III per cent of the trees
living. Kxtcnslvo plantings of young
trees In Washington nnd Oregon aro
costing only $8 nn acre. Direct seed
ing of lodgopolo pluo has been sue-
.OSflflll without fiyrnntlim mi Itm Aran.
nlio National forest, Colorado. Sov-
Cral l)f tlln II mil H inwn livn mill llirun
years ago show from 5000 to 10,-
uuu HocunngB per acre.
If you can't nttrnct attention nny
other wny, you might try slamming
tho door.
Donirwrnllc. ItcnrCSOIltntlvO.
Hall Morrison
Mnrshfiold 97 50
Bunker Hill 11 H
North Bond 49 18
Nowport 6
East Sldo 4 4
Sumnor 2 3
Emplro 7
Tomploton 3 4
Cooston 3 5
North Inlet G 1
Allegany 15 5
Myrtlo Point 21 21 .
Bnndon, etc 66 GO
Coqulllo 47 87
Total 337 263
Doiuocrnllc Sheriff.
Qngo Slglln
Mnrshfiold Ho 49
Bunker Hill 13 11
North Bond G8 21
Nowport 1 G
KnBt Sldo 7 1
Sumner -I 3
Emplro 3 9
lomplcton 0 7
Cooston 2 0
Allegany .15 10
Myrtlo Point 24 29
Unndon, otc 08 5G
Coqulllo 78 G4
Total 388 275
fount v ItcurcNciitatl vc,
Harrow WatkliiB
Mnrshfiold 94 56 222
Blinker Hill 8 10 lu
Pony Slough 3 0 12
South Coos River ..S 0 18
North Head 20 23 G3
Coos River 1 1 13
Nowport 2 3 8
East Sldo 3 3 13
c 1 1 a 12
fltlfllliui .........' " -
Tomploton 2 2 G
Cooston 6 5 7
Emplro 5 G 7
Allogany 6 8 15
Coqulllo ICt 28 32
Myrtlo Point 37 25 26
Pnndon, etc ....161 139 75
.CIS 321 547
Restlessness, fcvorlshncBS, nn In
flumod throat nnd spasmodic cough
mnyho -whooping cough !b starting
In. Olvo Foley's Honey nnd Tar
promptly. It helps tho chlldron so
vory much, nnd Mrs. Shlpps, Rny
inondsvlllo, Mo., says: "I got fine,
results from It nnd U Ib n groat
modlclno for whooping cough."
Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank
D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandlor Hotol.
Phono 74. Central Avenue Drug
Store, local agency.
I'Vol Dull nnd SluKJiKir.' Stmt Your
Liier to Working.
It boats all how quickly Foley
Cathartic Tablets liven your liver,
overcome constipation make you
feel lively nnd nctlve again. J. L.
MclCnlght, Fort Worth. Texas, says:
"My disagreeable symptoms woro
entirely removed by the thorough
cleansing Foley Cathartic Tablets
give me" They're a vout'er.
Owl Prosirlptlou Pharmacy. Frank
D. Cohan Opposite Chandler Hotel.
Phono 74. Control Avenue Drug
Hloiv. local aiten,v.
Moot Olillilien's Discuss Start with
u Cold.
Arrange to Take Your
at the
Good Music and a
Good Menu
Sunday Menu
Sentenced for Murder of. Dr.
Edgar De Mott Strykerf
Hospital Head.
tDf AMOclated rrm t Co nr Timet.
TOKIO, Mny 16. Tomltnro Wnt
annbo, a Korean, was sentenced to
death for tho murder two mouths ago,
of Dr. Edward Do Mo.t Sirykor,, for
merly of Now Jersey, who was tho
head of a hospltnl near Kolkol, Korea.
Tlio murdoror was first condemnod
to llfo Imprisonment, but appealed
nnd tho court changed tho sentence
to death.
Brazilian Minister Fears for Safe
ly of Amerlcnns
IDr Aiioclt4 I'itm to Co. nT TIipM.1
Tho Brazilian Mlnlstor at Mexico
City, In n report to tho Stato Depart
ment today oxpresBcd apprehension
regarding tho number of Americans
who aro concentrated nt San Quon
tln and said ho had asked tho nearest
British Consul to rondor such nsBlBt
nnco as possible
Ur Ailt Pmi lo floe. UT VlmM.)
' WASHINGTON, D. C, May 16
Ouaymas, on tho west conBt of Moxlco,
Is likely to bo evacuated by tho Fod
eralB, according to a roport from Ad
ir.lrnl Hownrd. Food In tho town
Ib scarce.
(Ur AMOilrtad rtwt lo Coo. Df TlmM.I
VERA CRUZ, May 1G. Liver Mad
ox Huffer, correspondent for tho Lon
don Dally Express, was expelled from
Mexico City although ho bore Eng
lish passports. Ho wns throe times
nrrcBted In Mexico City on the ground
that ho wnB a "notorious American
con ci
Every properly constructed mother
thinks children woro a lot moro obe
dient when .she wnB n girl.
Thnt thero Ib an unusual couiui
existing at present In refe S
automobile situation , Zl
tho fact thnt I. n. Tower iu l
took nn order for a Sk '
after forwarding t0 the faV,.UJ
eelved a telegram statin?' ' T
many orders wero booked In sdL
that it would bo ImposalMe tote
orders for thla particular mo) S'
season. m Ui
Pooplo desiring Uulcks are f.
tunato If they have their ordni 1
ready booked. Tho8o who are tktnv
lng of getting this popula?care,hS;
not dolny ns tho factory has YdtlS
I. R. Tower that tho cmSndu'g
In excess of the Biipply. "
Thoro's a reason,
Ask any Ilulck owner.
California Rlpo Olives
Mlgnon Gherkins
i'T"1 ri
rwrg' -n "jHM'J' "- .' ' - C3l
Cream of Chicken a 'la Relno "Rlssoto."
Consomme Duchcsse
Frltot of Tenderloin of English Solo "Flrago."
Pommos Saratoga.
Veal Sweetbreads, a 'la Anglalso "Canape."
"I ; Sauterno Punch.
Ronsr Young Chicken Oyster Dressing.
Prlmo Ribs. of Beef Demi Glazo
June Peas Mashed Potatoes
Fruit Salad "Tropical."
Assorted Cakoe Strawberry Ice Cream
Swiss Fromage Dainty Flakes
Coffje or
and in no other store
on the Pacific Coast
will you find a more
matchless assortment
of high grade pianos.
For over forty years
the Wiley B. Allen Co.
has been selling pianos
in the Northwest and their wonderful growth in volume of business proves conclus
ively that their pianos, are right and that their methods of doing business have met
with the approval of piano buyers through all these years.
If you are contemplating the purchase of a piano now or in the: future you
should call' and inspect the pianos we carry.
Our prices are the same every day
iii the year.
' !- 'v'i jPBB 1 '
II wii. I. . n.ii.n.'T-.iwiiiaiwi
and when you buy here you know that you are get
ting an instrument that is worthy a place in your
Our easy payment plan is most liberal and those
who pay spot cash for an instrument pay the same
price as those who take advantage of our liberal
terms. ' .1 ..2
,r f in 1 iuBi
1 lo nm
Pr . Mjal'Ljir'r-S'lW Bi
Don't Miss Big Qames
North Bend Ball Grounds
Marshfield Elks vs. Marshfield Firemen
Coos Bay vs. Bandon
Classiest Sport of the Season. Be There Early and
Get a Good Seat. . . . EVERYBODY'S GOING.
1 1