..i.tiffi-ftelfti THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, SATJRDAY, MAY 16, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE Lace Remnants wi: HAvngciTi: LACE UEMXAXTS. nixies OF AND iXHmmoxSjjwiTo fivh y.uiu lexoths, which" we aim: m FEHIXO AT OXE-HALF PHICE. ASK TO SICK Til KM . ' The Golden RmI e TSe Royal TONIGHT rive reels of nil-new pictures. Two multiple reel features. WHEN PIE it HOT MET PIEIIUOT Eclair two-reel tlrnmn with Miss Unrbara Tcnnnnt. A most Interest ing story of circus life. WHEN UUSUS THItEW THE EULL An exceedingly funny bur lesque of "Quo VniliB?" Uio grentest comedy ever made. In two reels. Vou cannot afford to miss this. AWON'S WIT. A Western Kay Beo picture In ono reel. Ex citing and lively. Admission, lower floor, 15c; bal cony, 10c. Tomorrow night, UNDER THE P.LACK FLAG. A tale of Sir Henry .Morgan, Buccaneer, In three reels, starring Miss Cleo Madison, the tal ented actress who appeared hero seme tlmo ago. Special music bv tie best orchestra In tho city. Wo leave- it lo yon to judge. HIT" V'! !--S " " I1IIMIHIMIIIUH M-WI I Word - 1 , I I T or iwo JBm ABOUT Good Furniture The general impression exists' that "Good Furni ture" carries with it the meaning "Expensive Fur niture. It is a wrong impression, at least as far as the display of "Good Furniture" in this store is concerned, for here one finds single pieces and complete suites, built in a worthy man ner, of selected material and of acknowledged lead ing designs; at moderate prices. We give consider able prominence to the showing of such furniture. We invite your inspection of our displays. You may examine without obligation. It is our pleasure to point out the merits possessed by'"Good Furni ture" at moderate prices. "WHY PAY MORE?" Johnson Gulovsen Company "The QUALITY NAME with a SERVICE FAME." I ll ll p It costs no moro to apply "High Standard" quality paint and It gives moro beautiful effects and wears longer. Thus you will get best results and save money by using. SAVE MONEY When You A PAINT YOUR HOUSE I N T LOWE BROTHERS IIIOILSTAXDAItD J LIQUID PAINT NThls is a ready-to-use paint of highest quality. It has great spread ing and protecting power, and the colors ro very durable. It comes Gin a largo number of tints and shades, making possible any color scheme. . . . . Come In for color cards, and let us help solve your painting problems. Are You D 5 Satisfied c o R A T I N G with commonplace- wall papers, or have you secretly envied tho more arstlstlc decorations of your neigh bors and frlouds? If so, you prob ably would bo surprised If wo told you that some of the very papers you admired wero purchased from us and tho price but that would be telling. Como and seo for yourself and bo satisfied that we carry a lino of modern wall papor and decora tions that cannot be duplicated. We will be pleased to submit plans and furnish estimates. It will not cost a cent either. Call and seo us be fore you do anything In our lino. It will mean money saved and sat isfaction for you. P A P R H A N G I N G PHOXE 115-R. 83 XO. FRONT ST. LeMieux & Miller MARSIIFIELD, OREGON PAINTERS AXD DECORATORS (Continued from Pnpo Two. WOODS IMCXIC. I Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. 11. Curtis and Mr. nnd Mrs. Nell McMillan picnicked In the woodB of tho "Collego Cam pus" Wednesday, spending a Jolly noon-hour with tho picnic lunch. FAIIEWEI.L SUPPER.' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. rtold enter tained Mr. nnd Mrs, F. L. Orannls nnd Dr. and Mrs. It. W. Morrow nt dinner Friday night as n fare well evening for Mrs. Morrow nnd Mrs. Grannie. I Ill'XKKU HIMiCIiim I Tho Hunker Hill Sewing Industrial Club met with Ituby Ci.rlson Inst Snt uiday afternoon. The afternoon was si cut In sewing and conv6rsntlnn. Later In the afternoon refreshments wero served. Thoso present were: Mrs. S. A. Sim onson, Mario Schwartz Vesta Mr.Ma hou, Doris Philips, Viola Johnson, Violet Hoborson, Olgn ChrlBlotiBeu, Agui'H Holmes, Hannah Ilngqulst and lluby Cnrlson. Tho club wllll meet next week with Violet Hoborson. V ! SHOWEIt I A most charming miscellaneous shower wns given In honor of MIm Church, Frances Williams, Hazel Powers, Lucy Powers nnd Irene Prouss. Among thoso Invited nnd unable to attend wero Mrs. ,T, Q. Jarvls, Mrs.. F. W. Payne, Mrs. Mnry Drowning, Mrs. W. A. Hold, Mrs. Fluolln Turner, Miss Ellznboth Mooro, Miss Grnro Kruno, Miss Eve lyn Langworthy nnd Miss Dermnl Campbell. , I HXUAUIOIEXT I 4. Mr. and Mrs, It. I). llarnos of Dny City announce tW' ewement of their daughter, MIbs Unlit, to Mr. James II. Twohcy of Humboldt, Cal., thing sugary' which might bo lire- MIbs llnrncs Is n rhnriiilni: nnd iirnoin- served crystnllzed fruits, chocolnto pllshed young woman. Mr. Twohoy Is creamed nuts, according to your skill employed nt tho C. A. Smith mill, and tnsto. (0) "Something liquid,"! The young couple have a host of would bo necessary unless coffeo Is friends who will unite In extending to bo served. "A bottlo of grape- fellcltntlons. Their marrlngo will Julco or mixed fruit punch might bo tnke placq Juno 11. acceptable, and quite prnctlcal If the basket filling Included folding paper j TIIIMIthE CLU1I. cups. I Use plenty of heavy plain cropoi Mrs. Fred Olnzlor wns hostoBs paper Japanese nnpklns In packing yesterday to the TUlmblo Club nt her and for "service," as thoy nro usual- homo In North Bend, assisted by y moro satisfactory than tho "fancy" i Mrs. F. E. Olnzlor. Miss Living kinds, ston wns n special guest. An nnlmnt- eel and cnthuslaBtlc discussion ovor tho work of tho elenn-up day glvon I PROOHKSS CUMl , recently wns hold nnd It was do- clnred to hnvo been very bucccss- , .i, i.nn..n..i i . .. i'"1' Many homes, streets nnd busl- w-Vi Vi ic?Mt,fl,,o honio...f Mr8' "ess blocks show n decided Improvo fh !;. niOin-0U,nM,it,i.8tr.PCl-M0n' Th0BO nroont wt,ro Mrs- x- i s iciV",,?iss!,,iioi"iiy i),irt. Mr8' j- um,oi. m- i r i i. "S1 1n f ?fflct,,r8' "" H. O'Mnra. Mrs. L. K. Strato. Mrs. Z Xf ViH Ut ",l'rl'rayy clear- E. Uiggs. Mrs. A. Ij; Derbyshire, g up the year's work for the coin- JlrH. v, Kl oiwlor niid Mrs. Fred !i5.M i i P nkuwnH ',.rc,H,1,'1,ontt Olnzlor. A mooting will bo held In resided. Mrs. lllake. Mrs Mel' .low- two wt,cB wh j,rfl, ,,lmloIli ney, Mis. Hanson, nnd Mrs. Nlchol- son wero reelected to their respective A - positions r president, vice-president, : T i tunc i.n .m mi T secretary and treasurer, whllo Mrs. I I lAlilhh AIll ( l.UII. lleilgeus resignation as correspond Lucy Thorwnld at the homo of lierl ,"'. ' rwi ' K n V' , ,l parents In Hunker Hill, Thursday eve-' . ?'' " on. 1 vo lo nlng. May 12 by tho Misses, Lillian ,1, '...ul,, ... Hll, r.rr i, Thorwnld nnd .Minn Dnlglo. . IIIIH,'; ro. ' ' V, ", .? .,'",""? ti, .. ..n- in....n.. u., i I "" . 1 "o Alice II. was clinrtorcil ' V i 'rim .rr 11 ii 11 mm mr irtt iiaiini on of Tri Cow The oxutfvo t ' Pon-nt Vw.lo,," FrldnyV with Mrs! too riMiortcd that tlu iw-vZ v- M' ,,,yo nH 1",Bl,,H9' nM,"wI book's wo'ilrt 'bVSidr for Clm.'Scin'n Hon on tho day of the annual feast?, .7' '"l K?r.?Mo" ,,"',"t8' ... A which In this Instance has boon cluing , I"1 J t' ,THy I l"' Kn lo .to n V oil to n picnic nnd will bo hold .May 2r. ) Vin, . mni a i ?,,? Ar.h Mrs. Sengstackon, Mrs. Schotler. " . ,0,,.K " ,'1, .., A-n '" .. "" !.. V nt& Mrs Stoll nml Mph Pnniif fiirim,,! n '' " Lnilg, h. I). .MoArtlUir, N. roimiiliti. ' v- Telaudor nml W. loinmuteo to select a so for the Int- ,, a,,..,,, 'Tho nvi montlnir uin i.n lOll'O I, ,,1,1 ...I.I. M.- P..ln.. i ii' i ii Mini mi o, ruiuj, --H- tho tho I roHu tin, I ' Tho Alice ll, wns chnrtorcd nnd ' ' uio evening was joyruily spent in ..m i....... ,,. ,i",, i" ;,,.'. ,. tlltlHln niwl 1-nTlK.u lllnim anliiollmia' Ul" ,tn '10 UOClC UOtWCOII MnrlU't . w . niusic ana gnmes. . ilnno soioctioiis Av0lllll, nll.i r,,,.,,.,,,--!-! , .i.nt The were rcnucreu by tlio .Misses Mabel IPonipiiy jjomlny morning. It Is 're- Tl, club wuro n)yn"y ontortnlnod Mnt.ilson. Lillian llreinnior. nnd Es-!' ,,,,, l. ,,., ',, ' ,"V"? , " ,'" Frldnv nluht bv Mnstur Dour. I.I Al. (.000 TIME CLIJII , young folks of the Good .,. v.i.... i i ,... , iiiiKDivu mni. mi iMuiuuurn uuinc uu on ,0""'. l.:"i."u7 " .; V"?." time ns the launch Is engaged oily for 111 return permitted Carroll, a piano trio by tho Misses S . , 01Tr ' T n ..nrtv w Minn nnd Lillian Dalglo nnd Mlllnn ri, I!,1., nremmer. After tho program n do- " A- ,. " . ' ,,lll,or lB I llghtful luncheon wns sorved by Mrs.;10 , . '"j" fc'Vhn r nnl... A.w!n. t lllln., TI,o,..nl.l .,.l' . .At tllO ClOSO Of tllO aftOrll """""""" Illnkft. nRRlHtml hv Mm mi tim MiBo0lnml Mr8- "nnson sorved n two courso McArtlnir, and 1-rni L-niS K.!h,,Mnch n"a t,, "WcolliiK waH declared hyonn, nnd Ma pi mil Co, "'IJoumod. TSioito lout 'woro MV-s- "Bono Crosthw.i t. .J iiohnn- i'ln'"'1" McKldownoy, Nicholson, Tied 1)0n,il a,,t,.loy' WMI 3 Minn n ' "orw "'"""" Dlako. assisted by Mrs Thoso present wero Lucy and Lillian Thorw nnd Myrtlo Nelson, Mabel Mathlson, Loretta end Anna Holmes, I Minn nnd Lillian Dnlglo, 1; in in a Han srnoon Mrs. McEldownoy IZ(n. Ilnrlinr. linn Millnnnv ai.niralnr .Minn ami i.ininn onigio, Kininn nnn- , ' qt ,, ,, -"j", ," x,,"" ".,"; .party. Tom sen. Laura Dubuy. Llllluu UrviiAnor vJl1,, ,' n ,, j '" l'r CJ'w ' host agulu lu Vera Cnrrnl flertriidn Scnlfo Vivian ' Xernon 3mlt" "Idle), ntltz, Schettor, ,uul ! .iirriu, ut-ririiiia oiniio. iviiiii. pnrnv iina nilli iiii, -,i mi-u1 Craig, Anna Cox, Flosslo Lattln.'K ' "" "v -.o, Thorn Lliul, Anna Hollnnd. Signal blhormnn' . , i i Friday night by Muster Dour, Id Al ton nt (ho homo of his pu.ontB. Mr. mid Mrs. F. E. Allen. They played games and hnd mu sic nud greatly enjoyed tho doll clous suppor served. MIsFon .Mar garet Powers, Loulso Oldie", Mary Frances nml Thol- Musters Tom on ' Jim I. vi llllnm AU in i nnd Donald Allen mndn up the Crostwnlt i to bo two weeks. ! fr Larscn, Mrs. Daisy McDonald nnd Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Mnrnus Kolzer. WILL WED IllCItl! HOXOIt VISITOH Wednesday to the Swedish Ladles mid Mr. nnd Mrs. John Snyder enter-, their pastor and wife, Mr. nnd Mrs. tnlnod nt their home on South Ilrond- ' V. Uouhoii, at her homo In North way Thursday evening In honor of Lend. Tho usual hours or howliiK Mrs. Snyder's sister, Mrs. M. Jon- nnd business wero enjoyod, followed kliiH who will lonvo soon for her homo' b) tho serving of refreshments, Those Ir Ilelllughnm, WiibIi., Tho liouso wns out woro Mrs. John Anderson, Mrs. decorated with spring flowers with i H, Anderson, Mrs. 'A. Anderson, Mrs, roe Irtl tnlile bouquets. Tho gnosis, M. Ilorghlnd, .Mrs. E. Carlson, Mrs. Invited were: Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. M. Erlckson, Mrs. John Erlchsou, Hayes, of North Ilend, Carl nud Flos- Mrs. Frnns.-Franseu, Mth. I. .Incob-t-lu llnycs, Mr and Mrs. Clardy Sim-, sen, Mrs. M. Klockers, Mrs. M. KJell I son, Andrew Simpson, F, P. Norton, i man, Mrs. Finnk Muskiis. Mrs. Cnrl Miss Edith Prostou, Mrs. Ida Patlor-J Mngiiuson, Mrs", Alfred Nybiicku, Mrs. son, Mr. nnd Mrs. (loo. Snyder, Frnn-i Andr StrmiK, Mrs, Win. Strung, els and llorulco Snyder, Tholmn Suy-;MrH. Hermnn Snuqulst, Mis. Andrew dor, Mr, nud Mrs. Frank Lapp nnd Siiudqulst, Mrs. .lol n Saiidln, Mrs. IC. Mrs. Ad Ho Snydor. Following a so- v.icKinnn, u. v. Wittleu, .Mrs. Eivin clal IJnio nnd inuslo by Miss Preston, luncheon wns served. cv I I'lllvSIIVTKIIIAXTKA - -i Mr. Fromoiit King of Knthlcknn, Alaska, Is expected hero today or Mm. .iniin iiiini,....k .,M i.nHi.H tomorrow. Ho ami Mlsi Margaret -.-" - v... .,,. ....D ......,., liriitii d o XOKTII HEXD HWi:ilKII AID I I - I' IMIth llergliind, Mlsa Amy Wllk. Miss Mol- -4 I Th Woman's Auxiliary of tho Pres byterian church will hold a bllvor tea next Wednesdny afternoon nt itljo homo of Mrs, W. F. McKldownoy, (522 South Tenth street The hostesses will bo Mrs. McEldownoy, Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. Ciinrle McKnlght nud Mrs. A. E. Seaman, 4 I D. .M. V. 'LCD Tho North Ilond I). M. C. Club hns postponed Its noxt mooting until Juno 3 when Mrs, A, E. Morton will bo hos ) FOH A IJAHKirr SOCIAL . Wltto, sister of Mrs. Hnrry Ilrnd- flold will ho married horo noxt week. Mr. King Is one of tho load ing IiiibIiioss iiioii of Ketchikan. Miss Wltto Is n graduate uiirsu nud hnB been visiting rolutlvcs hero for some tlmo. , . I I'UPIL'H ItECITAL . On Mondny ovoulng of this week I'lHiiln Tholka Farrlnger, pupil of .Mrs. Win. Horsfnll. .In, inndo lior first public nppotirnnrit In recital af tho homu of Mrs. Horsfnll. on Central Avenue. Miss Farrlnger who belongs to tho clnHH of young iiiiikIcIiiub stnuds out ludii Anderson, nnd Mrs. John Iilnr.! Prcuiiliiontly hor loohnliiuo Is good beck. Tho nld will ment iiKnln In two ?." "Il '. H,yU' "'"' "U'lvretu weeks from Wednesdny Win. Strang. with Mrs. KKEXXKA CI.UII. Owing to sickness tho atlendnuco this week nt tho Skennsa Club with Mrs. D, M. Chnrloson was uniisunlly Binnll. Another meeting will bo hold noxt Frldny nt tho homo of Mrs. M. D. Suinuor In West March flold, which It Is hoped moro mem bers will bo nble to attend. 4 4 I FOH .MISS CliriU'll AND I MltS. CiltANXIH. Miss Efflo Church, brldo-eloct of Mr. Frank Heath, nud Mrs, F. L. Orannls, who louvos In two wnoku for tho oast, woro tho motifs for ono of tho prottlost combined sow ing pnrtles and showers of tho bridal season, glvon yesterday by Mrs. F. E. Allen and Miss Hutu Allen Lillian Tlnglo of Portland gives eoiiio valuable suggestions for a menu for a basket luncheon In a re cent paper, Tho outlluo Is simple and will provo valuablo for tho young I Tho houso was bountifully and nrlls noiisoKeeper or cook wno wisies noritlcnlly decorated with rhododen baskct to bring a largo prico for a drons, greens and cut flowors nr worthy cause. ranged In hanging baskets. On tho A liome-mndo willow baskot would j small toblos usod In serving woro Le quaint and attractive if you know vases of pink and white roses and nnythlng of liaskotrwouvlngj; or ut snowballs. Tho great moment of flower basket mado with tho uld of tho afternoon camo when, nftor an tissue paper, Poppy, rose, Illy or tho hour of chat and needlework, Miss i alloy pansy nnd polnsetta baskets Efflo Church wns led by little Miss For fillings, you will be the best Marian Oldley to tho big table piled Judge as to quantity nnd kind of high with ontlclng tlssuo pnpor-cov-food, ns you know best tho nppotlto ered bundles and' packagos of ovory and taste of the probable eaters, ! shape and slzo, tho small ones hold In putting up any lunch It Is real- In a largo fruit basket tlod with pink y wlso to Include something falling gauzo, the gift of Miss Allen. A under each of the following headings delightful hour ensued whllo tho ( 1)' Something savory," such as daln-, lovely brlde-olect opened tho many tily prepared "assorted sandwiches. ' gifts. Tho shower was of mlscol Nut breads are good for "half sav- laneous articles and beautiful nnd ory" sandwiches,. Hollow salad rolls usoful woro those displayed, IK are also good. (2) "Something closing the hostesses and Miss Fran sweet," probably some kind of cake, cos Williams sorved the guests with fruit cake, loaf cake, cup cakes, rich dollclouB refresments that carried fancy cookies, little iced cakes, or nut tho color schema of nlnk. green shortbread would be better than slices and white. The guests present from a layercake, wero Mesdnmes Walter Clabaugh, (3) "Something refreshing" such as H. I. Hyde, J, J. Morrow, O. 8. Tor fruit salad (in paper cups lined with' rey, Chas. II. Curtis, Nell McMillan, paraflne paper). (4) Something rel- John Kendall, Ouy Kendall, It, w, ishlng, such aa stuffed olives, or sav- Morrow, F. L. Orannls, W. F. Mc ory stuffed prunes, or celery hearts, Eldowney, F. C. Illrch, D. E. Malon or tiny lettuce hearts, or well-made oy, Otis Wilson, A. Ii. Oldley, Q, pickles all these need to be wrap- O. Sutherland nnd Joseph Knotts, ped in paraflno paper. (C) "Some-and Misses Abbott, Silverman, Efflo Hon which show marked Indh dual ity and this, togotliur with her c" arm ing girlish appearance proved hnr the delight of tho evening nud es tablished for the young nrtlst an en viable place among local musicians and reflected great credit on Mrs. Ilorsfnll. MUM Farrlnger wns nsslstod by Ile botcL Limit Stump, Contralto nud Al (.xjnder Martin, baritone. This vus Mr. Martin's first nppenrnnco beforo Mxrshflold'u music lovers and It wan i. rare trent. Ho Iiiih u woll-roundcd volco of exceptional ruugo nud sings with such freedom nud houynncy that It Is a real ploasuro to listen to 111 in. A pleasing fonturo of tho Uio evening's entertainment was tho souvenir programs which boro a llko noss of tho young pianist. MIbs Fnr ilnger. At the close of (ho program refreshments woro served. Tho program was ns follows: La Dunzn Itosslnl-Llszt Ursula Thokla Farrlngor (Second Piano, .Mrs. Win. Hors fnll, Jr.) Who Knows Hnll Tho Oardou of Sloop Do Lara Ilobccca Lusa httimp Etudo, Op. 23. No. I . . Wolleiihaupt On tho Holy Mount, Op, 85, No. 13 , Dvorak Invention In F IJncli Vnlso lloiuautlquo, Op. 35, No. 3 Friinl Ursula Thekla Farrlngor Joan Iiurlelgh A Tragio Talo Slntor Aloxaudor Martin, llnrchotta, Op. 21, No. 3 ... Novln Horonndo, Op. ID, No, 2 .... Olson Lo Cnvallor Fantastlquu . , , Oodard Ursula Thokla Farrlngor Tho accompaniments wero played by Mrs. William Horsfall, Jr. I MIXNE-WIB CI.UH. ( Tho Mlnno-Wls Club Is to meot May 21 with Mrs. John Dashnoy. . I C. W. II. .M. I A meeting of tho 0. W. D. M. will bo held on tho first Tuesday of Juno at tho homo of .Mrs. It, A. Copplo (Continued on Pago Six.) a