The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 16, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page TEN, Image 10

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ffl yjjjjJBJf$y ' wcolc, returning homo yesterday nf-
Mrs. H. W. Morrow und little son
Ilonauld, loft today for her old homo
at Walton, Now York, via Portland.
6ho plnnB to be Kone for several
months, returning In September or
Mrs, A. U. aidley leaves In two
weeks to visit her parents In tho east
for several weoks, taking with her,
her youngest child, Mnrlnn.
Mrs. F. j. Orannls plans to lcavo
two weeks from today for Portland
and Salem where sho will visit her
undo and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Iloman,
proceedings thonco to Seattle where
her sister Miss Mabel Wilson will
Join tier for tho trip to tholr old
homo In Iowa, where Mrs. Graunls
oxpects to spend most of the summer.
.About a week after the eloso or
school Mr. arnnnls will leavo for Call
The Coos Day Iluslncss Men's As
boclatton, which tins proved such n
wonderful success locnlly, has been
requested to extend tho organization
to Include nil other points In tho
rornla to gel In readiness the ranch county: and for that purposo will
In tho San Joaquin Vnlloy whero tnoy hold tholr regular meotlng nt tho
plan to spend tlio noxt few years. Mrs. Chandler Hotel, Friday evening, May
urniinis is taking her rivo montiis 22, I!) II, at 8 o clock
Mrs. J. A. Goodwill Is expected
homo tho latter part of tho month
or tho first of Juno from a trip to
Portland and Seattle.
Plans Made for Big Gathering
at Chandler Hotel Next
Friday Night.
old baby Carolyn ICIIznboth, homo
with her.
i.lrs. T. C. Uussell and Mrs. C. A.
Scblhredo. who spent part of Inst
All business men of Coos county
interested In the promotion of n
hotter ncuualiitanco nnd the luminous
welfare of Its members aro reuuest-
ed to signify their Intention of be
-weok visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. Ing present by notifying tho sccrc
;Sulllvan In Dnitijou, returned homo tary of tho Assorlntlon not later
'Thursday ovonlng. Mr. Bohlbrodo, , than May 20, who will resorvo seats
Toturnlng from Snn Francisco, Joln-int tho bnnuuot.
cd them for tho trip homo. Tickets for tho bnmiuot, obtnlnnblo
I f"om tho secretary, at $1.00 per
mrs. iucjiinnm or isnntion was n pinto.
Btiest of Airs, l). M. Chnrleson this C. M. CATON, Sec.
u m
Gordon V. Skelton of 0. A. C.
Will Deliver Address This
Gordon V. Skelton, professor of
civil engineering nt Oregon Agri
cultural College, arrived here today
on his tour of Coos and Curry coun
ties to assist tho good roads move
ment, Ho had hoped that Judge
Hnll would be able to mnko tho
tour with him but Mr. Hall was
called to McMInnvlllo.
Mr. Skelton Is an export In rond
building and especially hns made a
study of the problems tho Oregon
communities hnvo to deal with, tho
heavy rains nnd peculiar formations,
grndcB, etc.
Tonight a mass meotlng will bo
held at tho Chamber of Commcrco
to hear Prof. Skelton. F. P. Nor
ton Is arranging tho meeting nnd
wants overy man who wants to
aid good rondB to turn out. Tho will bo open nt 8 p'cloclc.
;Tiverton Meets with Disastrous
Results on Pony Inlet
Shoal. '
Tho Btoamor Tiverton yesterday
mot with a bad accident near the
mouth or Pony Slough, losing prnc
tlcnlly nil of hor deck load of lum
ber from tho Simpson mill. Most of
It wan Inter socurcd and towed back
to Old Town whore It Is being placed
on tho Tiverton today
Tho Tiverton stnrtod down tho
liny heavily laden Sho hnd taken n
hold rnrgo of lumber from tho barge
I.nwroneo which broug't It from Por
ter HrothorH mill nt Florence. Sho
took on a deck cargo at the SlmpHon
Mill. En route dawn tho bny shu
hung up on the Pony Inlet shoal. SI o
was heavily luden, nnd some sny vnn
top heavy, nnd when alio struck sho
listed nnd pnrt of tho deck cargo
sinrtpii and slid overboard. It did
not free hor from the Hhonl ami when
tho dredge Mlchlo came up tho bny
Inter, tho sens from her caused tho
Tiverton to llHt ngnln and moro cargo
-wont off, Tho tldo wiih flooding and
so tho lumber washed up tho bny
and could bo rounded up. No dam
nt;o was done (o tlio Tiverton.
v. Hardy in l&irly.
Tlio stoninor Hardy, Cnpl, Mlcnol
8on. arrived In nt K o'clock this morn
ing from 8nn Francisco after buck
ing n strong uor'wustur nil tho way
up tho const. It kopt thorn out
fifty hours. Shu had u good cargo
Cant. Mir' olson Mated that snmo
Individual who didn't know anything
had started a report that tho Hardy
Has to bo transferred to Alaska. Ho
anld there wasn't the slightest foun
dation for It, Tho Hardy has been
naming In 1 ero now for over twp
yenrs nnd will continue on tho Cous
Hay run Indefinitely.
Tlio Hardy hnd n good cargo of
.freight in. Capt. MichelBou was be
ing wurinly welcomed by his ninny
friends hero today.
New York to Observe Day at
Request of Commission
on Peace and Arbitration.
(Of AMorUttd rrtmi to Coot Pr TIidm.
NEW YORK, Mny 1C "Pence
8undny" will bo observed tomorrow
as a result of tho request mado by
tho "Commission on Punco and Ar
bitration" of tho Federal Council of
Churches In Christian Amorlcn.
Thousands of pastors throughout the
country will dovoto tholr sermons
to pence. "Pence- Sundny" Is tho
anniversary of tho first Hague conference.
Victim of Explosion in Smith-
Powers Mine Succumbs
at Hospital.
Frnnk Gnnley, one of tho two men
Injured by an explosion of gns In the
Smlt" -Powors initio nt Honryvllle InBt
Sundny morning, died nt Meicy Hos
pital this morning. Tho body was
taken In charge by Undertaker Dun
gnu. Gnnley Is survived by a wife
and two children, who reside In Itlch
mond, California. Chnrlcn Clemens,
tlio other man who was Injured In tho
explosion, Is reported to bo on tho
rond to recovery. Iloth men woro
rushed' to Mercy Hospital In an au
tomobile Immediately after tho ac
cident. I.lttlo hopo had been hold out
for tho recovery of Gnnley.
Big Special pfts
Mnrchfinirl Phnmhnr nf Com
merce Pledges Moral and J on all
Financial support tor it.
After hearing J. W. Perkins ex
plain tho Intensity of tho movement
Inunchcd by the people of Hoseburg
to build n railroad from tlint point
to tldownter the Mnrshfleld Chamber
of Commcrco Inst night went on re
cord ns being In hearty sympathy
with tho movement, pledging Its mor
al and financial support to tho pro
ject as represented by Mr. Perkins.
According to Mr. Perkins the rail
road will coBt In tho neighborhood of
$1,000,000. He said tl at tho people
of Itosoburg are willing to bond them
selves to 300,000, or what over
nmount may bo required to help tho
work along at such n time ns the
completion of the rond Is assured.
Perkins snld Hint tho HoBelJurg busi
ness men were determined nnd Iiv
dead earnest and that If necessary president MeLnln nnnounced that
they would go to the legislature and 8i;ci, tt 8top would bo favored,
bond tho county. I The commlttco consisting of A. II.
Perkins explained tlint there Is rowers, It. M. Jennlnga nnd Hugh
plenty of security back of tho project .McLaln, will tnko the matter under
nnd that where security Is good, bonds consldorntlon nnd report back to the
enn bo plnced. Ho st.ld tho money chamber nt Its noxt meeting. Tho
must bo furnished In order to got tho committee will, It Is understood, work
Ladies Spring Suits, Co
Silk andWool Dresses
Hub Dry Goods Co.
"Smart Wear for Women "
Corner Broadway und Central Ave. ' Ph0ne 36l
Mm. .Maggie Young of Portland
will visit her nieces, Mrs. K, II.
noilsoii and Mrs. K, George Smith
of Coos 1th er Sunday.
Miss Unity 1)hIh of Ton Mile Is
upending the week end with friends
David Converse of Portland nnd
Rtovo Adams will lenvo today for
Ton Mile to spend a few days.
MrH. E. It Hudson and daughter,
lrmn, are Mnrhflold visitors today.
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. 11. Worrell will
upend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Fairy of Dullards,
Campaign to Reduce the High
Cost of Living Is Begun
In the Rose City.
(n? AmwUI rrtM lo Coat tl Tlml,l
PORTLAND, Or., Mny lCPort
lnud began n campaign today to
reduco the high cost of living by
opening n public market for the
farnior to sell direct to tho con
sumer. Mnyor Albeo nnd tho com
missioners pnrtlclpntod In tho cere
monies following u long pnrndo In
which a market boBkot was tho cm-blein.
Police Have To Carry Women
in Crowd Near Massachu
setts Factory.
I II 7 AMiwUtM 'm to Coot Ur Tlmra.
WAKEIMEl.l), Mnss., May 16.
A largo crowd which gathered near
tho furniture factory of Heywood
Hrothers. tho sceno of rioting last
night, was driven from tho streets
today by tho pollco. ln tho crowd
Mrs.' Lconara Wright, Aged
83, Passes Away at Terre
Haute, Indiana.
Wr AMMlit.J Fr lo root Bat Tlnix 1
TEURE HAUTE. Intl., Mny 10.
MrH. I.conorn Wrluht. who served
ns u nurse during the Civil War.
died todny. Sho wns a former presi
dent of tho National Association
of Army Nurses nnd honornry pres
ident nt tho tlmo of her death.
Will Endeavor to Learn How
Money Belonging to Stock
holders Was Diverted.
(I) AmocUI r-ITM to Coot Dtr Tlmw.l
Just who got tho vanished millions
bolonglng to tho stockholders of
tho New Haven rnllroad nnd how
tho deals woro cnrrlod out by which
theso millions woro dlvorted from
tho road's troasury to tho pockots of
favored financiers, aro questions to
which tho Intorstato Comniorco Com
mission nnnounced it expected an
answer through tho ponding Inves
tigation of the road's financial af
fairs. Chlof Counsel Folk nnnounc
ed that m examlnutlon of tho pap
ers showed that tho financiers
bought up properties which they had
ucen ieu to believe tlio New Haven
u anted, and thou unloaded them at
three or four times their renl vnluo.
underwriting of tho whole Ibsiio. To
begin with 2G per ccirt of tho total
cost of the railroad must bo raised,
he explained. Perkins Bald that he
already hns tho assurance from big
timber Interests In the community
tlint they will help finance tho pro
ject and that he hoped the people
of Coos Hny would see their wny clear
t(. Join In tho movement.
Perkins Outlines Plans
"I nm not here to promote n rail
toad but simply to lay the scheme
beforo you, said Perkins. "This Ib
a matter tl nt Is Just ns vital to the
, people of Coos liny ns It Ih to tho
people or Itosoburg. A railroad from
Itosoburg to tldownter hns been con
templated for almost 20 years and
now tho people of tills section are
getting Impatient. In Douglas coun
ty alone there Is 03,000,000,000 feot
ol timber. And we must get It. to
"Your harbor of Coos Day Ib nn
cqunllcd on tho Coast It Is a wonder
ful natural asBot and with n rallrund
yen could ship 100 sticks out of your
port whoro you now ship ono. .Mnrsh
fleld Ib hound to be a metropolis
when you got a rallrond, hut Is ono
railroad enough, should you not cn
courago nil tlint nre contnmnlnted.
Wo are going to build this railroad
with the railroad commission of Hose
burg Commcrclnl Club, of which Mr.
Perkins Is chnlrmnu. Tho other
two men on tho Hoseburg rnllroad
commission nre Hnrry Stupluton nnd
Henry ItlchnrdBon.
Tho nddroBs delivered by Mr. Per
kins was Impressive und to the point.
Tho meeting wiib well nttonded and
everyone present listened with keen
Interest to the scheme iih outlined
by tho visitor.
"""iinmnBii,, I
Senator Walsh of Montana
Says It Is Outrage Fav
ors Taft Plan.
tOr Auocltttd t'rtit to Coot liar Tlmrt.I
f. - iibi B , hi . rnl,r?n.1 statement that Ilrynn deliberately
Ironi Hoseburg to tldownter and t ,,..,..i n. inii. ..,... .-. ..ii.
llllint l.n fnMw.-n.l nt till I no II "'""":" ",u """ "i'ill !...
ni Tim .!,; wii L'Z: IT r "I" Wiiiqwallt pintrqrn,, aa mqiic
ns the othor with tho two ends work
ing togothor.'
Community Project.
Perkins declared that ho wns not
hero to promote the project for tiny
personal gnln. Ho objects to being
termed n promoter. Perkins snld that
ho was merely n tnxpnycr nnd that
wiin ono exception ho pays the henv
her of tho sub-committeo on resolu
tlons which prepared tho platform
was mado In tho Senato todny by Sou
nor Walsh of Montana
Walsh declared "tho opon repudia
tion of tho solemn covenant by a pol
itical party would causa all to rccorl
from It with horror. Woro it pro
posed by nny other mnn than tho
i,, ."..:"....'. - I iiiini'il iiy in
,ni.i ii Tm'" "'"rB, wnoro ; promuoiit of tho United States." For
Wnr?ll M "? 0rn HipOCt nHBIIIIlOB IIO
tit fn.,i !. ,.... 7i .,,. i .1 1 '.i ",l rt,r("11 i becnuso ho commoiids
lit M. . 1 "on liui,.tJ,,,-ii,,,,,i T'?" "" n1,l0(1 ",0 Senator. Ah a Hub-
'"'".V?" '"n ?.. A,yr Io. ,olllt ""MiTKCtl tho adoption of former Pros-
vimmiiiiu iiiki win to cn oi or nouns
Mrs, 8. C. Hmall Is reported qulto wero ninny women, sonio of whom
III at her homo on North Second tcblstod and woro carried off by offl
ntreot. ' it a
Engraved Calling Cards
i i . ii n i I, i I, i
Plate Script and 100 Cards, $2.00
Plate Shaded Old English and 100 Cards, $3.50
Red Cross Drug Store
Phone 122.
New York Hospital Flooded
with Flowers for Soldiers
1 Some Return.
(Vj AuocHttd FTfM tt coot tKj TlmM.1
NEW YORK, May 1C All pati
ents, Including amputation cases
urougnt horo from Vora1 Cruz by the
hospltnl ship Solaco, nre doing well.
Such a grent quantity of flowers and
dainties were bent to tho hospltnl
that tho authorities -wero nt ti loss
tthn In iln wit). Ilinm Tl, Vn...
Department acceded to tho request
oi -u convalescents mat they be per
mitted to rejoin their comrades at
Vera Cruz.
not tit
uotoro returning to iiosnburg.
Tho Itoutes PropoM'd
Two roiitog for tho rallrond huvo
been proposed. Ono would bring
It through tho CninuB Vnlloy, Myr
tlo Point nnd Coqulllo. Tho other
through Onrden Vnlloy, Colos Val
ley, Hubbard Crook and Cooa River.
Other routes havo beon Biiggested.
Porklns declared that tho railroad
commission of tho Rosdhurg Commer
cial Club, of which ho Ib chnlrmnu,
hns not gono on record ns being
In favor of nny particular route. Ho
said that Siithorlln Is aftor a rail
road to Coos nay nnd thnt Frank
Wnlto and other promlnont men of
that community aro back of the proj
ect. Tho route thnt follows tho
oast sldo of tl'o bny Is tho ono that
Ib advocated by tho Siithorlln people.
A. 11. Powers' View.
Following tho address by Mr. Por
kliia, President Hugh McLaln, of the
Chambor of Commerce, cnlled upon
tho mombors of tho chnmbor for ex
pressions. A. II, Powers snld that
Coos nay wants nil the railroads it
can got. Whon It gots ono It will
wnnt two und whon It geta two It
will wnnt three, he snld. Powers
suM that ho was willing to offer his
Biipport to tho project nnd hopod that
overy public-spirited citizen In this
soctlon of the stnto would get bohlnd
tho movement,
Mayor SlmpMin's View
Mayor Simpson, -of North Hond,
Ha unuuuiig over with euthus asm
as iisunl. Ho point oil out that the
announcement of tho rnllroad fol
lowed closoly the action of tho Port
Commission In nnnounclug that tho
bend Issue for the Improvement of tho
harbor had beon favorod. "Let ten
thousand million railroads coino Into
Coos Rny Cod knows they nro wol
ccine, nnd God fcnows we will wol-,
como them," declared Simpson. '
John D. Goss related his experlencol
ns n railroad builder ln the South-1
enst. He told of a railroad that ex-1
tends from Alabama Into South Car-'
ollna, which Is about the dlstanco be-'
iween loos nay and Rosoburg. Goss
snld that tho communities In that sec-'
tlon of the country had been more
than repaid, but that they
bad realized .nothing on tho
bonds. He said that If all the lntr.
est in tills community would Invest
in the project the undetraking will
be n success.
J. H. Flanagan was urged to voice
his opinion of tho proposition and
said that he would gladly give his
mornl support to the project. Senator
Smith waa dtrongly In Tavor or sup
porting tho enterprise and put a mo.
tlon before the ehnmber lu which
tho mornl and financial support of
Idont Tnft'H proposal to submit the
controversy to tho United States Su
premo Court.
Your presence is requested nt tho
mooting of tho Trlbo on Mond-iy
ovoning. Mny 18, 10 H. nuslnoss of
importance C. L. PRNNOCIC,
C. of V
Chamber of Commerce lo &.
huhu ou ior hxtiibilion
Members of tlio MmhlkUoJ
ler of Commerce last night wttlt
aiiiirinir ni n ..,.- . .. . '
lief may of the state of OrmT
which will bo displayed at the p
ma-Pnclflc Exposition. This
followed the rending of i IftKrit
Secrotnry .1. w Motley, which tbj
itom ti e Deiinrtniont ni ftiin.
nnd Kxploltntlon of the rnima-PiA
fie Uxposltlon promoters.
Tho letter explains thst the reW
innp of the stnto will meimr u .
CO feot. showing tho material ufc.
wnys, the rnllroails, steamship llm,
resources, towns nnd othtr i;nU
ftntures of ench county. Thn
will bo so constructed that at Hi
end of tho exposition It ran he fr
vldcd Into sections, each stctioa t
bo delivered to tlio county It rtpn
i clients, ns tho permanent proputf
of the respective counties.
Tho cxpenso for construction d
tho map will bo pro-rated ippra
Imntoly ns follows: f IQOO to be fo
nlslicd by tho Orccon CommlMln
and tho remainder by the tiHok
commcrclnl bodies of each cooa?.
Tho csttmnto for this count? tu
placed at between 150 and 150.
Secretary .Motley nsked for ta s
proprlatlon to (It tlio front of to
Chnmbor of Commerce with ataitp
during tho summer months. Tl
fiiiggcstlon did not meet with tts fa
vor of tho chamber.
The mnttor of KCttlne more eaft
Its for the windows of the chanto
was reforred to tho ndvertuins Re
vi.'i.mwKTnxi: m:vis.
With n capacity load of lno5r
aboard, tho steamer lelloTitK
left port this mornlnif for W
iinxispn Tim ulcamer ran
will nrrlvo In port somo Um tf
siiovi:i.Mi:.vs iiKsHi
nt KOKIIOFF HAMj. North Eftl
Coos Bay Stationery &
93 Central Avenue Phone 430
All SizesAll Weights,
The Standard Quality Covers,
If It's Carter's Ideal, It's a Good Deal
SIIOVEUMEN'S iiAIJj TONIGHT T ,,roJect wna l,ledBed. When Mr.
CCK110FF IIAJ.U North Rend. ' Powers suggested that the matter bo
referred to the railroad committee,
that wealth necessarily makes for happiness deserves to
be severely rebuked.
Happiness is an endowment, not an acquisition. It
comes from within, not from without.
1 The simple, inexpensive pleasures are the most gen
uine, and happiness never has been and never wu
matter of dollars and cents.
If you crave riches, however, read andcuieessT'Sn1
Want Ads. They point the way to business success
through them almost any desired result can be odw
The Times Want Ad Section is replete with baflaig
in everything that can be bought, sold, exonanu
rented, and as a medium through which help ana.
tions can be obtained it is without a rival.