4 TOjWRROWSOME MEN - a ItAXNKIl YEA II This frcnson opens wllli brighter LrM..rl f ho Krc,,t Coos ""y F I Oxpilllo Valley country than licforc i . i'or fnM ir I" tlio makltifr. Arc you ', bn"" InjIi'K l,u """""hitlm. fr jours VOL XXXVII. Established 1H7N an Tlio Coast Mall pnunt Will Be Slow Owing to Tarrje Number of Candi i ' t dates on Ballots. MILS WILL CLOSE P AT 8 O'CLOCK TONIGHT Hcnrv Black Oldest Voter in Marshf ie!d Officials in Local Precincts; in.l'cs nml clorkB nt tlio polling .irJSSiiiiircrlnttH 17. 18. 10 nml 20 '"" ........ ...i.imi'Ii work to Koon t loin ta,e . ..... .... n-Hvn lllltlllH since ICVlllll i-.j..r-- '" - -- - . !KV .. nt S o'clock thU mornlnr '" of ,ll,t' vUor8 uum? T ,.... were I tinging around the nollln: ! roW ,,"",?B Cnrn 1 110 IIOU11IB "- "I"""' .. . ..... ...irn ri.1fl.1l... I... ,!ou to 1 l,lol' :,ll' nnl1 KCt to SOfh. . . rroiiiiu'y tho oldest mnn to cast plack. npcil 7I'' ,.V ."?1.., lili? tt SSI So.Ull I'UIII iircui. uu iiim ?. ..,,. nt 72 7 Urondwny nhout m in o'clock this liioritlng. Mr. iw. i" " - , . ..,,., ,.,,.1 iinu Ken rf-liU'iil of t?"""l";illf"r jj years M, '' l UwfnndMri" Hied to tho pollM by his wlfo mid Mrs. ..ii,i ' ;. i .... ......... LEGLOf 1 KNOW . R P. I inrriiii in. w",. ""-'" l.'ACI'OltV IS DICSTItOVKIK Mrs, I). I Hw n .ho first to Thu ,, llMlorj. concrolo cut a to In pvwlnet "" "'' 'T'lHlnipture. was nlniost obliterated. ,hlchU ot-nledM .037 ront "i1' j l'cavy concr.ito blockH wore found judRO .man r. " "" "'". ':",:.:.: " " ;: . ..., .......I.,... mt a vote ai ' .7,' ' i...ii. t located n tho O'ConnolI T . Id ng.' JldfKCl ATVlllie. .miuim ii.iu.iu ...... it., rimt mini to cabt n voto In pre mct number 19, liwntod In tho Wll ifim building, and Albert llassford Tt tlio flrbt to cast a voto In pre cinct number 20,Hnutli Mnrahriold, located at '7:27 Uronciwny. Juilgei of iircclnetMittmber 17 nro JuJso 1). U. Hood', chnlriiinu; Jouh Htnwn nird "Albert lli.Komolstor, ns litol by clerks George 15. Cook, Mrs. Louisa Sweotinnn tind Cntliorlno Clarke. JuJgcfl of precinct 1 nro S. II. -Cithcart, Oeoro' Welktuad and K. I. Cbtntllcr. Clerks, Hngh Hnrclny Ellen Hmlnns imd Alice Tlekoll. Those In clmrgo of precinct number 1J aro C. A. .Irilinson, Gcnrgo Holt sad I. N. Mlllor, nBBlstcfl by clorkB C H. Marvh, Anim M. Caxutnd Ullzn- lh M. Moore. Thoso In clmrgtrnt 727,'hr)ndwny, South Marshflold, Tsblcli Is lit precinct JMrc Thomns Ciko, K. A. Andor ra, A. R. Noff, JtliVrffs. und-.Mrs. Kl kn X. Kelley, Holvii Klnnnniian and J. 11 Hnliskopr. Hn 1o noon today tho heaviest vot- Ine -n bclnc done at tho Central precinct located In tho O'Ooiinoll MUltiR-on Murket Hvanuo. ImvU tt HllllOtH. According to a tolephono mejsiiRU Vrom Auintnny, thoro ero no 't'ro petilTu bhllots hont to 'that pretiiuct tnd tie I'rogrostdveB Uhoro were Irate. Thoy were roferrod to J. C. Kendall Whether anything will fto done about It Is not known. Vmo on ItontK. Tho 440,000 roul bond issuo 1. not arouilng muoli .Intoreuf. -Many Mm It will 'lrt badly beaten In tho tounty. .Vorth Jlert JjlRfit 'nu. A light vote is being cast lu North Beihl today. Vp to 2 .unlock only 130 wtvi had been cnM In tlio four pro tlncUi there. In precinct nutnbor 7, thoro wero U rembllcans, 14 domccrata, 2 pro fre8lv.g nnd seven vronmn voted. InNV, 8, 24 rcpublleatiB, 12 dovio rata, 8 progressives and lx wonrfii VOtcil I f In No. fl, 17 republicans. 14 dome- (rats, 3 prngresslvea and three woiiiod "ad voted In No. w, c republicans, 5 domo abj, ono progressive and three wo Bfn oted. At tho Stavo Mill, 8 ropubllcaua, 1 oewocrats and four women voted. A canvass of the polling places In S&u.17' iS. 19 and HO nt four yciock this afternoon bow,ed n to- eT0,e pf 420 0f thnt unoor ;" ' rtepubllcans; 117 J)omo iLi aB1 7 Progressives. The heav- 'Mt VOtft no,l l. L l l-nf tu .,h tho PolUng place located in , ' '? OConnbll Imllilinfr Thnt nrfl- jwtt shows lis Republicans, 64 nocrats and one Progressive, crit. r,17 ha(1 recorded 21 Demo n..'i 3 neP"b!lcans nnd one Pro irewive prcinct 19 had a total '. Democrats, 58 Republicans k" 0D? Progressive. Precinct 20 S? total of 70 RepublicanB, 24 ""ocrats and four Progressives. mniW'8 steamers will bring .-,"" AIH TOTAL VOTE IS 420 AT 4 P. 1 ." ""ib or lilies u laiuiT anuiMJuuiB' (arlT . 1A"LKS- Phone your orders Y,. WllJl ' A Vrrt A". firvai'V . iM. " " .. a$YMl I f I rrt I vfite- JL B B MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1914 RESULTS ILL II EFORE I TEN KILLED l M EXPLOSION Three Others Injured in Mexi can Crude Rubber Plant at Detroit. HIT Amo. laird I'ma to Venn 14. r TIhim.I I DETROIT. Mich.. May 15. Ton , moil wuro killed nml tliroo Injured In ipimit 0 To M x , rVtrfn V...,1."" company, i neie were about twen-tv-flvo omployeH In tho plHiit. I3I ewn toi-ii are unauoi.iued for. (iasollno is bullovcd to Imvo caused " skilled mwliniilra. The b ins bodv or one was blown through tho building Three others were burn ed beyond recognition. Three wero vii Kviuiu i vtiiKniiitiii. inreu wore not expected to survive. Doons of M" Ui bulltllngi noar by were Hmltoroji ;i"u iiiihud iiuiii iiiu mLiii.'. two hlocliH from tlio scene. The fnc- ,or' "fflio tlommerro Motor i m riU, uwnyf wn8 ,,,.. ,,, 1 compnny, linilly damaged. NO PUBLIC Members -01 Roosevelt Family Arrange 'for Quiet Return of Ex-President. f lir AHorlttxl I'm. la roe. PvT TIidm.I KKtt' YOltlv. Alnv Ki OwlllK to thu stn.o of Houjerolt's hen.th. tho memburK if hl family rciiuusted thnt therw bo uio public roceptlon similar to tho greeting extended him on bis roturu from 'Africa ar ranged on IiIb reuirn from Hrazll. F0RIL1 Robbers Accused Each Other of Shooting Policeman Both Executed. Illr AMMlaled PrtM lo Coot Par TlmfO.I -NJOW WKST.M1NSTBII. N. C. Mny 15. Hormnn Ilehren of San Iran clsivxi nnd Frnnk Davlh wore tinngod In tho provincial prUon. A year ngo Pollcoman Archibald cnugtt tho two "dividing tho spoil of n Imr ..inrv unit u-iiR killed. Knch criminal nccustil tho other of firing tho rfiot. M VALLEfi i ST Cross-Examined in Rosenthal Case and Admits He Told Some Untruths. ID AUte4 rren to Coa Dr TIimaI NEW YOItK, MAY. ;B. Harry Vol ion the fellow conspirator with Itoso and others In the plot uhlch resulted In the murder of Itosenthal, for which I ecker U being tried the second time, underwent the ordeal o cross exainl uatlon today. He admitted that he ed on many occasions In W the murder, but he aworo that tho ry events leading "P. to the crime correct in the essentia details. ere OKhKIMlATK IMIKI'BXUKXCB Klne and Queen of Norway 0k-,i IMiibltloit. , , Pi, AUtM m.a t C- 3ar TI-1 CHRISTIANA, May 15. King Ha, akon and Queen Maud, of Norway. tth Imnosing ceremony the ?2?$, "JSmSSmoratlve of tbet cen fenary Norwegian independence from Times Want Adl Get Resulta. In The TImei. inow BOTH RANGES S NO ,-- , i ii. ". . ji. niu.ajcj3aemjMB3BnBB imam CANDIDATES - WILL SAY THAT ALL MEN ARE LIARS $nn MEMBER OP THE 0HEC0I PRIMARY Do Not Expect Over Seventy five Per Cent of Registered Vote to Be Cast Today Light Vote Early. Wr Aaaoclatnl .,, , Coo, t,,,,!,, PORTLAND, Or.. May lfi.-i-Cnn- J2f'iB.eek,,n"f orilco ' tno'Dmno. parties nro being selected todny In 2h "" m!lry Hoh.. ' The noinlnnt oa being mndo nro for ono .'. . Sonntor. throe RrcproBOnfntlvcs .ui ru.iio nna rniintv t n Tho 1 nU w ri Sl0W K(.'1'"'' t0 ,l nollB-1 iniih. nBi,,U0 ,0 tho fnct nt tho POilliie nlnciH nr. t ...... 7. ...... polling plnci8 nro to rOltialll mini. until 8 p. ni iiv ivinnti r.HiA it cast. Activity in Government Arsen als and Coast Artillery Is Under Way. tllf AitorUtM rt 16 Coaa Otr Tlmw. WASIIIXOTON, U. a, Mny 10. Tlio activity which yesterday began In Government nrsenala and at the coaiit nrtlllery' posts, follow pre cautionary arrangeiucnts to'Xorwnrd tho department In tho Mexican sit uation. Secretary Dnrrliuin nl.l In. day. H. A. WHEELER Chicago Banker Declines a Membership in Federal Institution. tllr Aa.orlatr.1 I'ma lo Coo. liar TlmM.1 WASHINGTON, I). C, May 15. Harry A. Wi oiler of Chicago In a letter to the President, declined membership In tho Federal Ileuorvo Hoard. Ho says ho Is unable to sovor his business connections. President Wilson now tins two places to fill on tho bonrd. Dr. Adolph C. Miller, of San Francisco, Paul M. Warburg, of Now York, and W. P. O. Harding, of lllrmlug ham, have till accepted. Ho must also deslgnnte tho governor and vice governor. STHICXGTHKN .IAP XAVV. Premier Okiinia Promise to Sup port Program. Dr AaaoclaiaH I r lu lout tlaf TIoim.1 TOKIO. Moy in. An Incrcaso In the Jnpaueso naval defonsa Is promised in tho declaration of poll cy Issued by tho now cabinet iindor rrcmior UKUinn. I Strike Sympathizers Make a Demonstration Before Rattan Factory. i Dr AMoelalfcl Prfaa to Cooa liar Tlraea.) I WAKKPIKLD, Mass., Moy 15. ' A Miob of striko sympathizers, men and womon, mndo a vicious demon-, stratlon In front of tho rattan fnc-' tory of Heywood Hrotliors, where a striko hns been in progress for ser- ral weeks. Windows wero broKen and car wero steppeu nnu searcnen for loyal workers and BtriKourean- era, many of whom wero assaulted, i KILLED TODAY English Army Men Victims of Disaster While Trying to Land During Fog. Bf Aaaoclate4 Prtaa to Cooa Bar Tlmaa.l NORTH ALLERTOWN, Eng., May ir. Tn morn British army avia tors were killed trying to land In a ' ." ... . .. n .. fog The victims are Liieui. r.injieua ond Sergeant Dudmore, (ivnncln.i II... . it in. iiiiiun-. i uu muni uui-it-i in ill lAiiiiiuu innt n Inreo tntn.u'lti imlii i,rt r i... ir,.,..i,u..n., ,i U. S. PREPARES ABB FOR TROUBLE n NOT ON BOARD ItlUB UAUbtd i A NEAR RIOT TWO AVIATORS WxmtB ASSOCIATED PRESS EVENING EDITION. VOTE VERY LIGHT Although tlio Prohibitionists nud Socialists Imvo tnken ndvnntago of Uie opportunity to resistor, their In terest In the election Ih Indirect, ns they have already named their can didates nt conventions. While there nro n record number of cnmlldntos Booking nomination the gouoral In terest Is not its great ns It) previous primaries. Tho estimated vote nt most will bo "ft per cent of tho registration. Fair weather In most parts of tho state gnvo an Impetus to tho city voter to go to the polls whereas It hnd tho opposite effect oti the rural voter who wns busy with his cropH. There is much iloil.it itluilil Hli nutrninn nf nviirv rnnfl.al,.,! offlni. Till, Iw.ttlni. la iw.ir. U..11.1.1 rri. .....I.. ...'..... . ... tlovornor, OF TOLL CASE Senator McLean Says That It Is the Only Fair Way for United States to Act. tnr amo-i.im rm to cx nr TimM.i WASHINGTON', O. C, May IT..--Arbitration of tho tolls question wis advocated In the Senate, by Senator McLean, Ilopublican, "If we sit lu Judgment In our own case," ho said, "tho vordlrt of the world will bo that 'Uncle Sam plays with londed .linn One Suspect Wounded While Trying to Escape at Seat tleCanadian Money. inr A.wl.tM rma to cona IU)r Ttmfk.) SKATTI.i:, Mny in. Tlio '? covery of n kiiuk of International counterfeiters became known today when It was mndo public Hint Unit ed States operatives two days ago sniped n counterfeiting plant In So uttlo and aro woiklng on clues con cerning the Identity of the coun terfeiters, who hnvo been operating lu western Washington and llrltish Coliiuyiiin nud eastward through Canada br far iib Ottawa. They made Cnnndlau bank notes nnd five dollar Canadian bills. Frnnk C. Ilrlght was wounded by a pollcoman whilo trying to escape after passing n counterfeit bill. Ho Is held as n suspect. iikduci: i'. p. invii)i:xi. nr Auoclattj I'rfaa lo Coo Ilir Tlniea.j NKW Vnillf. Mnv If.. Tin. nn. ctVo commltteo of tho Union Pacl- ,fc Hallway voted to roduco the j quarterly dividend on common stock I frnm 9 1-! in nor rnnf THREE KILLED IT COONTERFEIT CAN6 SOUGHT 1 Mnfhnn Qnn nnrl nmmhtnp "oved the gunboat'B presonco Is for IVlOtner, bOn anu Uaugnier,n,0 purpose of covering tho landing Found Dead in Their Country Home. . inr Auncla.e.) rrna lo ll liar Tlmn,) IRONTON. Ohio, May 15. Mrs. Dennis Masslo, ago 7S, son Robert, and daughter Mary, past 45, wero found murdered In tholr country homo. Tho deed was committed yes terday. Bank President and Cashier Held Doors of Institu 1 tion Are Closed. Br Aaaoclata4 freaa to Ceoa Bar Tlmaa.l ELDORA, Iowa, May 15. Presi dent Henry D. Himmel and Cashier John K. Himmel. of tho Farmers Rank, at Radcllffe were arrested to- .In.. .t.KMn.A.I ...III. Iapa,v Thu V.n..lr uy cumi, mm i.a.-.. ,..Vu.... cjoaed Its doors yesterday, I WO AHHtSItU FORJORCERY - EIGHT PAGES A Consolidation and C'oom . SITUATION I ZAPATISTAS SEAR MEXICO CiTY SHORT 0ELA1 I IS PEACE PLAN' Session at Niagara Falls Is Postponed Owing to Mexi cans Being Late. 4 I l)i:i(AV I'lIACir .MKKTIXC. I tllr Aw.lIM 1'rrM lu Coot Pur Tlniiw.) I WASHINGTON. 1). C, May i IS. Tho opening of nogotla- I lions of the South Ainerhsui I mediators lu tho Mexican con troversy nt Niagara Fulls baa been postponed until Mny 20, tho Statu Dopnrtmout announc ed. Tho sosslons were origin ally scheduled to begin .May 18. - (1)7 AnoelMM l"rM to Coo. lUr Tlmrn, WASHINGTON, U. C, May lfi. Following tho announcemont of a postponement, tho South Amorlcnn mediators said thoy would delay their doparturo for Niagara Falls. Previous to tho change of plans tho mediators went to tho White House to bid tho President and diplomats staff farewell. Tho excuse for tho delay of tho mediation was that the Mexican delegates did not want to bo unduly hurried. Tho Mexi cans will reach Washington tomor row. Lnter the envoys and Ameri can delegates agreed to confor. Later tho mediators postponed the meeting nt tho Whlto House until tomorrow. Tho Sponlsh Ambassa dor denied tho sensational rumors of tho cause or thu delay. , Ho. de clared It wns duo solely to tho late arrival of the Mexican delegates. Admiral Doyle Issues Papers When Mexican Officials Refuse to Act. 4 UJTWATUM TO HUKIITA I llr AaMKlalMl ITf.r lo Cooa lUr TIiiim I I WASHINGTON, I). C. .Mny ' IS. Secretary Hrynn Informed tho lluorta unvernincnt thati the State Department considered tho action of the Moxlcau Fed oral authorities In withhold ing Information concerning the whereabouts of Private Parks a hostllo act. 4 (nr AaaoclatoJ rtrtt to Cooa Hr Tlmaa. AIIOARI) U. S. 8. CALIFORNIA, MAZATLAN, May 10. iWlroless) Dospite Huorta's revocation of the order closing tho ports to Amerlinn shipping, tho Mnzatlan offlclnls ro fused to clear tho Pacific Mall liner Newport for San Francisco. Ad miral Doyle promptly Issued the clearanco papors, Hupp I let for lltierlu. Tho presoiuo of tho Federal gun boat Guerrero at Sallna Cruz on tho Pacific coast, the terminal of tho Tohuanteper railroad, was the sub ject of much ronjocturo. It is bo- of military oniilpinont which rumor has it Is on board tlio vossoia novel, lug along tho coast, IS ED Mexican Reaching San Fran cisco Says Maas Violated Viloated His Instructions His Instructions. (Br AaaoclatMt frtaa to Cow Bar Tlmn. SAN FRANCISCO, May 15. That Huerta Issued specific orders to General Mass at Vera Cruz to offer no opposition to the landing of Americans and that those orders were disobeyed by Maas, Is the de claration of K. Do Morelos, a Mexi can architect, who arrived here from Vera Cruz. Morelos said Maas told lilm lie would fiB'U cieapue Jjuorta's oraers, CLEARS SHIP ATIZATLAN B DON'T 'SCATTER SHOT Concentrate your advertising In tlio newspaper tliat reaches the pco ilc J'ou want to talk to. Ammuni tion coits money. Tlio Times wives money to advert Isoih. uaxvu!nBP!,TzEsgigaEaaxrwa of Time, Coiit Mall Hay Adtcrtlser. No. 253. BROWS WORSE: Southern Rebels Give Battle to Federals 'Within Fifteen Miles of Capital. ' FOREIGNERS ALARMED IN HUERJA CAPITAL Prepare to Defend Themselves American Ships Guard Huerta War Vessels. V. s. WAKSIIII'S IISCOHT MHXHWNS Illy AMorUtr.1 Vmt to Coot Par TlniM.J WASHINGTON. I). C, May IB. Admiral lladgor has ro ported that tho Federal gun boats Zaragottn and llravo and the tiiK Tamplco, which left Tnmplco yesterday ronvoye 1 by an American gunbont nnd two tlostroyers, oxpeeted to retch Puerto Mexico tomorrow. Ho roported thnt tlio gunboat Vera Cruz, hnd hoeu abnndoncil In the Panuco ltlvor. III? A.mkuim Prr. to loo. liar TU I VKUA CKITZ, May IT.. A 'vlcot from Mexico City report tho Fei'ornla nt Topllojo, olghteoit miles soutlt of tho capital, wero attackml yostorday by the Zapatistas. No details of tho rigniiiiK imvo been received, but tho ,1nru,,l'nl Ih ""ugnrdod nB an Important dot olopment by tho uuthorltlcn hero. Tlio roported tlepnrture of Fodor al gunhontH from Tamplco undor convoy of tho American warships Is bolloved to bo duo to n deiiro of the Mexican commnudorH to com munlcnto with Mexico Clt 'rmx Puerto Mexico, the only w'r. i . open to thorn. Foreigners In Mexico Ciy ur- preparing to defend thomiiolves it need bo when tho critical moment approaches. Gonornl Velnnco. who was wound ed In defending Torreon, has boon ordered to tnko rommnnd at San Luis PotoBl. British Families Leave Ships Following Rebel Victory Over the Federals. tllf AMorlata4 I'rr.a lo Cooa Rr TlmM. LONDON, May IS.-Ixinl Cow tlrny'R manager at Vera Crur. cables: "IteporlB from Tamplco state that lirltlsli families and otlior llrltish refugees who sought shelter on tho ships, Imvo roturiiud to their liomeii on Bhoro." CONKKHKXOIJ AT WAH1IIXGTOX Rr Aiaotlat 1'ff.. to Cooa Par Tlmta.J The purnoso of an nftornoou Whlto liouso conference wn not dlrclosed, I'nt Is bellovod possible thnt somo further ronFon for tho postponement nf tho mediation conferenco might lave prompted tho meeting. Irwin' G. Baker Runs from San Diego to New York in 11 1-2 Days. IBr Aaaoctata.1 Vint lo Cooa Ilr Tlmaa. . NEW YORK. May 15. Irwin nO, Hakor arrived hero, having trnvolod .1302 miles from San Diego on a matorcyclo In eleven days, elovon hours and ten vilnlteB. Tho host previous record Is nearly twonty-ono dayu, OE.V. KALA.AH HELD. (B Aaaoclat4 Prtaa to Cooa Baj Tlmaa. SANTA FB, N. M.. May 1C General Salazar, one of tho Huerta commanders who ran nway from tho battle of Ojlnaga, and who was ar rcBtcd on tho American sldo charg ed with violating tho neutrality laws, today was acqulttod in the Federal court. Ho was Immediately re-arrested and taken to Fort Wlngata with tho other rofugeea. TOMORROW'S steamers will bring us all kinds of FKKKII rilUIT and and VIXJKTAULKH. Phone your or- ders early. OLL1VANT & WEAVER. Phone 199. RETURN HOI NEAR T1PIC0 MOTORCYCLE QUICKITHIP