'IMP wniwspBpgge!U. -" rinn nnrrnn Tiiim", """' iqievenimg edition:. mmrvlO THE COOS BAYTIMES it SENSATIONAL PRICES TT T""' ' TT I ' "1 A T Tjt i Orf, ted the eame. we will finish it, Not because we have to, BU L mAUMi WE Cfl LADIES' SUITS AND COATS i j.1. t .... Mcur ciiitq nnri COATS the CREAM of the MARKET cut1. to prices FAR BELOW COST n mnnc a cmnii Honn.csit will hold one of these baraains foi you. These Prices Tell TSe Story Our $13.50 new Suit cut to. $ 7.50 Our $12,50 new Suit cut to .- f 7.50 Our $14,50 new Suit cut to 5 8.50 Our $15,00 new Suit cut to -'--$ 8.75 Our $19,00 new Suit cut to $11.00 Our $20,00 new Suit cut to $12.00 Our $22,00 new Suit cut to $13.00 One $25,00 new Suit cut to 1 $12.50 One $25,00 new Suit cut to iwhj Everv SUIT and COAT is included in this saJs and at these One $14,00 suit a great bargain fbo One $24,50 Suit another bigjbargaln $ 0-go One $27,50 Suit very desirable $ l.bu One $27,50 Suit very desirable $12.50 One $35,00 Suit one of the very best $15.00 Our $12,50 new Coat cut to $ 7.50 0ur$ 7,95 new Coat cut to $ 4.95 Our $1 6,50 nqw Coat cut to $10.00 Our $18,00 new Coat cut to --u.ou prices. Our$19,O0xnewCbatlculto .,, Our $22,00 new Coat cut to ..J Our $28,00 new Coat cut to N fT 4 4 "?f? V Ai A..l! 1 .une in.ii0 ooax cut iu jjj One $1 1 ,50 Coat' cut' ta ., One $20,00" Coat1 cut to ,J One $23,50 CM cut to i,, One $1.8,00 Coat cut to jg Em ANT.CIPATIE YINUtfW WITHIN 8.X MONTHS NOW IS THE TIME. COME IN. AND LOOK THESE OVER. YOU' WILL BE SURPRISED. fcJ TiTe GOLDEN RULE First National Bank Building. COOS BAY TIMES T.iitn. nni TuHtinr U. 0. MALONI3Y "' ""---..,,,. ! HAM V. MALONEY OFFICIAL PAPER OF COOS COUNTY. For Conaimty Commissioner THE VOTER AND THE CANDIDATE THE appeal to passion und prejudice made In some quarters ngnlnst Tom .Inmos Is nfl contemptible- na it Ib cowardly. To James Is n candidate for County eomiu sslonor nl the bo lieat and rco est of tho business moil of Mnraliflold. Ho la a young bus! S SS'n'JSlx qQu.lrod In vory way for t,,o po.lt on "o a opposed n thief!" In the hopo to divert attention from tlip ronl culprit. ,,.,.,- Tm, JimoB Ib u clean, capable young buulnoBS man who as a monuor nr ihountv board wo tacrowi ll efficiency and make for economy. iiV In "n fol tlclan m,d becanie a candidate at the solicitation of a num- bor of btiBlnoBB men of Mnrshflold. i,ii nffntrn tho' Ho represents tho bent typo of men who wlKlvo public affairs tho. Bn,U7votforV;;B;:ia voVefor officii anT economy In county affaire. FOR COUNTY JUDGE Cnoa county and Coos Uay Republicans who havo known Jim Watson Si IiIb llfo ii know of his faithful and efficient service will not bo slow to robiiko U.o nttempt to discredit him because of potty personal PrJ,Tho false and foolish attempt to hold Jim Watson roBPonBlblo for high fioH U.ioa fur fetched to foo the puople. Jim Watson had about ub mucu to do wltWlKh takes . with high tides. Tho fact that the county clerk's oHIce pays n profit o ' $200 por month to the county from foes collected is. roof suffk-e.it tint It has been conducted efficiently and economically. ' 8ucn"rvlc" should bo endorsed at the polls tomorrow by a vote for 31m Watson. Av,COOS COUNTY BOY , . ... fMa nnnntv flR Tin.- fitness or Fred Kruse to servo mo iux hijoid ui ww ........j - V"'"'(-,',?'tS,Tcirk val. tor R 1). Kru... FOR REPRESENTATIVE ........ i 11 ..,.ii'a tii miiiiirsiiineiit of Coos County GTmbllc Wntk,n." l8 rUf,eU bot by e im. I . experience for the position. Ilo Is an Indepen- dent Ami 1'rogresslvo Uepuhllcnn, a believer In tho s.,aro deal and possesses bot.i W. ajul Ideals the babies ami 8vIi!h tho clml hand to their "dads," If ho Is sent to sa- l0m WlS'you 'come oNo. 31 make a eroM for George Watk.ns and The Tln.es thinks ho will show his appreciation by not double c.osslnK you. FAVORS REFERENDUM . .. i i... v T I minx nnil Ills friends tlint Mr. TIIH ll.MI-b lias uci'ii aitumuH uj ". t'i ..,..,..,- - . honey Is not opposed to tho referendum or the Oregon system aa re ported, I juptleo to Mr. Loney this statement Is made by Tho T Imes to correTpvevlous reports. Tho Tiro w has po doelro to give any other than tho exact facts - i ii i m ,, .i i j '" i i i ' Tl- rv n i ne vuail Name With Service Fj f TTT Why Pay More! Johnson-Galoi Co. Willamette-Pflci Motor Cor liPflVO SfnnJifldd r.r.'tn n. m. . 7.00 a. m. 8; 00 a. ni. 0:00 a. in. i n?nn a. m. and every tmrty niinuics until ' 8:00 p. m. 0:00 p. ra. 10:00 p. in. Hat u id) only 11:00 p. m. I2:uu m. jtwt Xi i:i)l MH 1:11. Jill Hilli thlrtrH 1:11 1 Mill l(:li) SitwI" 11:111 : Tomorrow is Primary Election Day ciiimucrs J. N. BayHss .VXD AU. W5JBP? CU t "The l,1" HldR., W Socood lb IWJJ Fifnrh UrriT - Has openod W otttet MtBonStore. vmi should see Wo u aro sick. A CARD TO THI'2 HKPUHI.ICAN VOTKUS OV COOS AND CUUUY: in closing my campaign for the nomination for Joint Representative, I wish to Buy that 1 have conducted samo square ly and honorably at no time attacking my oppouent. and I havo requested my friends to do like wIbo Thankfiig you for tho support accorded mo In tho past, and trusting you can stay by me tomorrow, I am. ( S. 1 PEIRCK. i:i.i:t'TioN lx roQUiiiiiK. Mayor MonUon Ue-clvtel by Tivo to One Vote. In the Coqullle city election 394 votes were cast for mayor. A large number of ladles exorcised the franchise, and the polling place In the council chamber at the city hall looked as though somo sort of a social function were being pulled off. Tho vote tnlllect up as follows: For mayor A. T. Morrison, 2S4: J E. Quick, no. For Councllmen W. H. Lyons, 330; C. I. Klme, 349 Geo. O. Leach, 290: J. K. Noel. 68; S. L. Curry, 07; II. DeJorsoy, 2S; scatter ing. 4. For Recorder J. S. Lawrence, 359. J H. .lamas, 31. The successful candidates were on the Citizen's Ticket uomlnntod at the caucus; the others were tho So cialist candidates. Tho proposition to vacate tho Btreet and alleys In the proposed school slto in tho Barrow & Strang audition was defeated by a vote of 157 yes and 1S1 no. Tho amendment to the city charter correcting a clerical error was ad opted by a voto of 227, only, eighty eight individuals being contrary onough to voto against it. The unofflcnl advisory voto by which tho council sought to ascertain tho wishes of tho people regarding the purchase of a ten-acre tract for a park tallied up 207 yes, 131 no. Tho land lies adjoining the north end of Notley's addition. Coquille Horald. THE LAWKS of the Chrlstlon Church will hold a COOKED FOOD SALE SATURDAY. May 16. at the office of W. A. ltKID, 150 Front St. Feel Dull and Sluggish? Start Your LiTi'r to Working, It beats all how quickly Foloy Cathartic Tablets liven your liver, overcome constipation make you feel llrely and active again, J. L. McKnlght. Fort Worth, Texas, says: "My disagreeable symptoms wero entirely removed by the thorough cleansing Foley Cathartlo Tablets gave me." They're a wonder. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Central Avenue Drug Store, local agency. &zMtia IRVING BLOCfl TTtJLfSJjl )ilJP2 J tl JH OPPORTUNITY CROWDS OPPORTUNITY-TWO DAYS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 1 -4 Off Of our entire stock of Men's and Boys $ $15,00 Suit, one-fourth off S $18,50 Suit, one-fourth off, blue serge, $ $20,00 Suit, one-fourth off r$ $25,00 Suit, one-fourth off "" , See Window for a good assortment. WHY? Because We Sell for Cash