IE IS ITS OWN REWARD. BUT DON'T LET THIS f ACT TEMPT YOU ffl, JOB - . . , . . - .....vt'll VEAIt Sag uftmra LVn'oi'"'-" with brighter DON'T SCATTER SHOT Concentrate you'' advertising In the newspaper tlmt reaches tlio peo plo ou wnnt to talk to. Ammuni tion costs money. Tlio Times saves money to mlvcrtlserH. P ,,VT Viillcr country thnn CJ the foundation for MEMBER OP inB ASSOCIATED PRESS Ibtnull6licd'1878 ns Tlio Const Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Court Mnll and I'ooi Boy Advert Iscr. No. 253. (XVII. WM irOut iRcmnt nd m 7 dock I CODtf. In ir. uiu. n in s n I CANAL OPENED 10 TRAFFIC 8Y BARGES iW L.iholc Rtnrls Traffic L nmat Waterway tto Relievc Shippers RAILWAY IS (CROWDED BY SHIPS Li nnnnlnn nf Cnnal to Rant Ships Not Stated Earlier I nan txpecieu WltiM rr 10 Coot ! Tlmo. ', mxilTON. V). C "Mny 1 1. Eihc first tlmo In (ho -woi'W'b nnicrborn trnfflc Ib now 'through tlic Pjvmiinii Cnnill, nu to reiwrtu received at tlio Liters of tliu Pannmn Hall- New York, forwarded hero hrdlng to tlio pMinnm rilllrouU . .orvlc. nrtunllv liucnn larit ij ami a steady Ktivam iff I n IOW 1H now jiiibsiiik iagh ronflrmntlon of tlio re tail not rencneu tnu omce m stlimlan Canal Commission, It (wn tlmt atnplo -provision wnt y. PM flrX'tlllllH for tilt! Ill- lion of water wrVlcu, limited at ftrlctly to Parses, uugnming not thin Mny T. To llellrvu rilllRVMUOII nendoua conuusuon or uiior- . rntnmorrfi H'lH railHL'fl l)V lUnn!on nf Hrrvlcu in the To- Ittpec Hallway hi "fiouthcrii "Mex ibrouftlit about (ho premature I,. ..if iim nnti1. Suvoral great ftl llntrs, whlclu, III conjunction ilmilar wrvloo on wj nicrcic, tiihuwl trtido llllfS "between Ull- ! .ml llin Fur TCjiHt -Vlu Tlilllltlll- f. tently nppenrod at Colon ; ranamn onering curRuea iui mil the capacity of tlio Vanaina W.r nml thin 1 ml fin II 'floutlmlfl inn 4h,i lmrtro nwrlim. 'Culoilt'l Khala linn not yot reports Just In Me cnnni trill do .opuuuu no raint -shipping. WHERE 10 VOTE IN 1ARHLD 0 FIRE III III T00A1 Men Hurt, Two Missing nd Many "Narrow Escapes in Packers' Warehouse j (If AmiJMM Tru la Coo Pr TIum.1 laSTOIIIA. Or.. May H. Three ta tt-MPA Lnfinuji.i tmoitnil tn'n nrfl t "VI P I IllllDIJ lilitlivili " " ... llflF nnl miuiv nnrrnu'lv KCMriOll th when fro of nn unknown orl- D romnlotKlv iloutrnvnil thn Wliro- e of tlio Columbia Itlvor lacl h Acioclntlon. 'orly .fvorkmen pre cut off from escapo and forced I leap Into tlio river. The Iobs Is felmateJ at over J20.000. Many Irilllnif rpiifMia wnra nffnntPll. OlIG pnan leaped Into tho rlvor three ei In a Bliowor.of TlameB to save I Fireman Karlaon, sniushlnK n wln- bt .nil nfu n unnmlljplnilB pitman from tho flamwi to safety. Polling Places Tor Tomorrow's Primary Elections Hours Durino Which to Vote. ! Tntiinrtviu' la nlnftlii.t tlnv nml ovcrytliiiiK In In renffliicBB with tho I exception of KiiliBtltutoH for proli .able vneunclos In election boardB In the vnrloiiN precluctB. .IiiHt who j will servo In all tho places Is not certain yet. ' 'Tho polls Mill open lit S O'clock I tomorrow niorn1ii nml reniiiliiopcn until H o tlruK tuniorriiw tiiRiit. Tile dny bo'.o'd In kIvoii purmlHHlou to close tlio pollH -from 1 to 2 o'clock tii Hi.) nriiirnnnn In H.nuri) Imirli lint llin ri.l nf Tlin Mn.n fln tldllK I'll nvo to remntu uiiun. On account or neinK open until s o chick hi iuki nml Mm hlf. Imlliit II Ik lull 'llknlv that anything definite will bo known about .tho ontcome bufom Saturday tiiornlnK. I.onil VnltliiK I'lnr.CN. I'ollInK pltKies In preelnctB 11, H, 17, lit. 19. 20 and -VI wlll'liu locnt dil nt tho followliiB 'places: 'l'ri'clnct 11. Tuny Sloujjii, at the did -stavo ml IV. l'rcclnrt 14. Coos Itlvor, lit Klk lauck school. ll'reelnct 17, North litriJhfloId, 037 Front atrttt. Treclnct 18, Control Marsllfleld, No. 2 O'ConneV bulWhiB, "Mnfkot avenue. I'rvelnct 10. Ceutrrtl No. 1., WII llanw UulUllnR. 'South Ui-ontlway. Pwclnct 20, .South MnnrtifloMi SciiRtitucken bullQlnjf, Bmitlt llrontl wny I'rrclnct 22, Neivport, ixt old East port, y'lrst Addltlm to 'MurHhfltlld. CllUill OlMf Pliui'. Vn.ri.i-ilnt. Hhnrlrr Gnur told Dill Cathcaxt, JutlBo It the Mnralitlfld ficcluci tliut tne rJi.v hum vub iu mu the pollhiK place Jtir that dUtrlrl. Mr Cf heart went at) the n'Hy ha.ll hut nlKiit to see wh was tiii'ORar to Ket It In loadlnew. Ilecunlor lint Icr notllUiil him Hint there was notlu liiu dohiB. that they -ould not iihc tho cltvv hall for. u j.olllnu 1'lace. Mr. t'ntheurt nnfil Sliorlfi (Ibko told him to. but Iteeordur Uutlrr wiih obdmnto and said bo dldu t euro If (low Weal told him. rinnllj they fompromliil. Recorder Duller loan ing the polling equipment and Mr, ratlmart wturhiK the O'Cotoell Uulldliij,' near Second Market. FALL OF WICO OF END Rebel Victory Gives Them Con trol of More Than Half of Mexico and End of Hucrta May Come Any Time. r IDT Atacltl Prtti lo Otml IUt Tlmn. VBItA CUUZ. Mny 14. -Wlib tho fall of Tnmplco the lino advnncu of the UonstltutlonnllBts townrd (ho South, has drawn from const to const and now embraces more "fhnn HASTENS REBELS CAPTURE TAMPICO AND HUEBTA'S "REGIME FOHGt FtUbHALS FKUffl Wl half of Mexico! Observers say tho tnkliiB of Tnmplco forms ono of tho closing scones of the dictatorship of Hucrta. It Is believed big down fall la? only -n question of weeks, or ovfeh hours, ami tho end mny come ninld riot and. bloodshed. Hu crta Ip constantly ,ln danger of as sassination -mid nnnrchy threatens. According to tho best Information, Villa Ms beslcBlnf? Snn Luis' Potosl If ho 'Jin a not already captured It. BAR OREDGE MIGHlE ESCAPES DESTRUCTION ON SOUTH SPIT Thirteen Prominent Coos Bay Men Aboard as Guests When.Craft is Nearly Wreck on Bar Today First Ves sel lo Escape There. ' irrnni ivitrccKBTiiEiti-:. Amoni: tho vw.hcIb that havo ! been totally wrecked near whoro j tho Michlp went on the South I Spit today ntitl encnpcd neo tho Kmlly, Mulla 11. Jlay, Marconi, Chinook Jiiid Advitnt. Ksi;lneor Potter Htatcd this I afternoon that tlief wcro rt In IBravr ilanprr and there wail no occasion forxinyonuio regard tlio Incident ns bitIoiih, I le said ithnt' tho Mkhlo wjis iiotiAiimnKed miy nnd thnt It dmonstnited thnt she was a mlKhty stnuiieli' craft. Carry laj: thirteen prominent Coos Hay men who were BiiCBtt of EnRtnuor Potter, tke bar drrdBo Mlchlo was driven on tho South Spit .of tlio Coos Hay liar tkU moniliiB and for nearly two hours -was in a portions predion inent. Hcrwover, alio smceeded In KettliiB off and it 1 said (o 1iavo licxin tho first croft that ever sutveeded ji doIiiB so. Tho esenrpr of. tht Mlchlo nnd the moil aboard x regarded hs little short of mlrnculoiiB, Thero woro Just thirteen In iho pnr(y Invited by Engineer Potter to MtnBs tlio .Mlclilo oporato nun whether tho hoodoo numbor Is re sponsible Ib a problem for discussion Those In the nmrty woro: J. W. Dennett, .1. II. iMnuagan, It. H, Miller, U. V. Kaiifninn. II. I.oek- 1 art, Claudo NasburB, w. A. Held, A. Y. Myorn, Capv. Matson, Al Jeusun, A. i) Ilnlncs, Potter LogBle, J, Al bort Matson. Tho bar wnt a little rough and Capt. Heed doubted tho advisability of trying to operate, Howovcr after tho party of visitors arrived, tliey ills liked to dlssapulnt them nnd tho Mlchlo started nut. She took on hur load 'in good shape but tho bar ho- vame very rough nun control of tlio vcsBol was lost. Sho wiih swept around and tossed uu on tho South Spit whoro tho breakers broko over per, hor docks buiiiK completely awash. Despite th norlllous position tho crow kept up the struggle In tho Tnoo of long ouila nnd finally Hiiccced ed during a lull In the breakers In fronlhg tho ,MIchlo and getting out totttu. Luncheon was bolng prepnred aboard tho Mlclilo for the party at the tlmo but the senn tnvept Into tho cnblu r.ud spoiled the eatablcB but the party wnH so roilevtid over their escape that tho loss of ii: lunch was dlsregni.'Ued WORTHY CANDIDATES NO OAiGE IN ILFF TRIAL OS PHARMACY II NORTH BEND Burglars Made Geietoay With About $230 Worth of Mer chandise Last Night i:iMiLLKitsu8Pi:er Marshal Carter saya that Ed I Mill;.. ... .m . ! ntitiuH -.. hub mo man who iuu"'" w PUtt pharmacy and that he ' ' en route to Florence on a OOtnrrwl,. n,ln,f Thnv hnllO I w capture him. The plan Pharmacy at North Ilend l.i i uro'-eu into tanu roooeu " j!.1"' of about $230 worth of goods -- mo was eueciea uy !"" 0Bt a pane of glass in a back window lOd thpn .ino.i.. .i. ...Inrinn' ratell. Tll vandals made a pretty thorough "lrQ of the place and as near as f Plntt .nM .c.n.lnln tndaV tllO 'ollowing goods were stolen: 175 worth of clgara, 30 worth of U'Ht razors, 120 In cash from till, -'"! Dornes of morpnme, one u " Of roraln .,TVe Out Equipment A forty-ton m shovel and a small construct. ? locomotive were taken up North JMet yesterday to be used In rail JP construction at tho camp near "Barters' Lake. Jury Returns Verdict Favor of Southern Pacific Coquille Liquor Case Fines (Special to Tho Tluws ) COqV.LLE, Or.. May 1 WTh IvulfT v". the SouUieru "iVlflc for $7000 damnKOS for tho death of her Husband following total: struck by a motor car on the North Ilend Marshfiold line, this a en.oon ro jury in tho ease of Mis. (jtorbe company. ' l'lw A tv l'lnwl. Three Coquille bartenders wtro fined 1100 apiece this afternoon for sening Hauor to minors. They were Mist n Garton, who works In h s bVSer's Place; Al Fish at Hecko ;8 saloon and Wm. Howo inllaxtors fl&1Mlke Summerlln ond'noy Stout, the minors who bought the liquor, wuro fined $50 apiece. WtI.rosecntlng Attorney Llljeqv 1st .e cured their pleas of guilt without a trial. HLOCKAIU: PUOCLAIMEI). rViuto Domlugo. (imeniment Holds I'liel'tii Plato. ,rt, JW.HWI rr.M i - ' Tlmf.1 WASHINGTON, D. C May 14.-- The Dominican government has pro- dafraed a blockade of Puerta Plata and Monte Christl, two ports now held by the revolutionists Qovern- nt forces have captured Valverde, Sccordlna to a report from the com- BCluruiiib i ninn Wheeling. manner ot mc . Kv KXtnaxi iit'iHAis. ,bJ ' um rt t. c. a., n i nn5TOV May 14 New England BOSIU. " Cru He' thousandsUbowed their heads IS& A H-Str was bure, at I Cambridge. ).iwr. HlBbgate, Vermont. EPUHLICAN Voter who havo tho tmt Interi'Mta of tbolr parly, their community and their stnte nt heart should wipport tboso randldates at tho nrlmarloH who will liest serv tho puotilo when elected. .Men wjio will ndmlnli"r public affairs efflclmtly nml oconomlcally nru lho on'is who should lx selocU-d for oflco. Tho Times does not believe Ju cniiipagiiH of pfXimnnlltles, prejiidlco Tills paper has no Interest to servo except tlmt which Is best for tho poo. plft. Iu naming tluuo candidates as worth of Ilepublloun support Tho TlmoH Is guided only by their fltuevs. Tlvo Times does not bollevo in cnmpalgns of personalities, prejudice nnd yltuperntlon. It believe Jfu In nr too Irkt to ombtttor It with nnl- Jn choosing tho followlug candidates HepnblJcnns will be voting for moil who will represent them efficiently and capably for lho respective office ior which they are named: J-or MwnlM'r of tlio Hcpubllrnii .Viilloiiul tVimiuittf ViJo for ONE 13 X Ralph E. Wlllalms of Multnomah County. "Stnnd for best Intores; Itopubllcun party, both State and National." For L'nlUvd KlntoH KtMintor In CoiigrewH Vote for ONE 14 XH. A. Hootb, of Lane County. "Credit restored; labor employed; producers protected; lands reclaimed; Oregon developed; Jiomos protectou," For JiinUcc nt tlio Hupiemo Court. Vlo for rOUU 7 v Himrv I.. Hensou of Klamath County. ' " --...., - -- .-- - . .. ., . .,,.. X Lawreuco T. Harris of Lane uouniy. rcontinuo impnniuny io up hold tho Jaw and justico wiinout rear or lavor." 30 31 X Thomas A. McIIrldo of Columbia County. "Present Incumbont," 32 X Charles L. McNary. ofMarlon County. "Presont Incumbent." ,.... .....' ii,..i..m ..r I lu,t UtiillKllru nml Iiikimh'IiiI' fur v.iiiiiiii"'"-! ' - - . . . i?n of Factories ami Woikahops. Vote for ONE 44 X John A. MndBon, of Multnomah County. "Equal consideration nnd Justice to tho labor and the employer." . ..;... , . Fur Itepresentatlve, Finn liepicM-niauvo iiminci, uoos county. 51 XGeorgo Wntklns of Coos County, Vote for ONE "Favor Statement Olio; reason able economic and labor legislation; semi-annual payment of taxes." For Itepivbeiitathe, HUlli Hi'ireM'iitiiflve llwtrlci - Coos-and Curry Counties. Voto for ONE 53 XS. P. Pierce of Curry County. "Farmer and Inboror, For pay- ment of taxes In three payments; no penalty." For fouiity Judgo of ohm fouiity. ' "" Voto for ONli 53 X James Watson. "Efficient and lawful administration, strict econo my; permanent roads; careful expenditure of taxes." Fur hlierlff of Com County. " " ., Voto for ONE 50 X Alfred Johnson, Jr. "Economy and impartiality. For County CommUnloner of Om.s Comity. " Voto for ONE C7 X Thomas U. James. "I will advocate lower taxation, Bod roads, and businesslike administration of county affairs." IIIAIIO F1K8T HUILUIXCJ Wtate lllitci Pavilion at San l-Van-clM'o Today. (Dr AotUtJ mu to bm BF TlmJ SAN FRANCISCO, May 14. The Idaho building, the first state pavil- n.. n tlm Pnnama.Paclflc ExDO- altlon to bo completed, was dedicat ed today. Tlio luano oociuiy ui California assisted with the cere monies. ZAPATISTAS LEAVE. IBr AMOtuto Ynt W Cooo T Tlmoo.) ADOAItD U. S. S. CALIFORNIA. (Wireless) May 13. Acapulco has been relieved of the menace of the Zapatistas, who were repulsed in a sharp battle. JACK ROSE EXAMINED Stur Vltiic.M iu RommiIIuiI Case lie nlc He Quarreled Willi Partner. (Dr AuoeUtfrl fmi lo Coot I)r Time.. J NEW YORK, May 14 "Hald Jack" Rose underwent a cross ex amination at tho trial of Charles Becker for the muni or of Herman Rosenthal. Rose said ho had been twice associated with Rosenthal In business but denied they quarreled when their business connections were dissolved. It Is a contention of the defense that Rosenthal is a victim of the gamblers' war. VILLA. READY FOR BATTIES Mexican Rebels Concentrate 25,000 Men to Make Cam paign on Saltillo IPr AmocUIkI Vm lii Ck lUf TlmM.J TOHREON. May 1 1. -The mob ilization of tho CoiiHtltutlonnllst troops for tho campaign ngnlust Sab tlllo was completed last night when tho last units left Torreon accom panied by Oenornl Villa nnd his stnff. This concentration brought togotber nn army of 25.000 men. "T,o establish a Constitutionalist government throughout Mexico wo need more nmmunltlon than wo now havo," said Villa, "and I nm willing that tho United Stntcs sup ervise tho Importation of It." Villa .Millies Offer. "Of courso tho United StntcB must keep In mind that someone might provoke n war between tho two countries. It would bo Inju dicious to permit nn unlimited Im portation of ammunition Into n country In which battles might havo to bo fought. For that reason I am willing to hnvo a commission nscortalu tho nmount of ammuni tion we will need until Moxlco City Is taken with a view to having tho embargo lifted on tho quantity wo rcqulro for that purpose." DOIK1E APPOINTED. Mexican Gunboat Command ers to Confer With Admiral Mayo Late Today FEDERALS BLEW UP BARRACKS LAST NIGHT Preliminary Plans for Media tion Conference Being Com pleted at Washington i v. s. now pmyrKCTH IIFEUTA'S tU'NIIOATS Forme? MlulMer to Panama to Rep reeut United State. Br AmocUI IT... to Coo. 1IJ Ttom. WASHINGTON. D. C, May 14. Bryan announced that IL Porclvnl Dodge, former minister to Pniinmn, had been appointed secretary to tlio delegation which will ropresont the United StntcB before tho mediators In thn Mexican crisis, who will take up bis duties at Nlngarn Falls on Monday, Hl'EltTA REVOKES OHDEIt. Trade to Ho IIi'niiiiiiiI .ullll tint lTnllM Hlnti'M. Illr Amo(MIi1 l'pa lo (',. liar Tlnta,l ON HOARD U. 8. Si CALIFORNIA, Mny 14. Admiral Howard was In. formed thnt Huortii had revoked tho ordor forbidding tho carrying on or trade with tho Hulled States. This will relieve tlio strained con ditions under which shipping Iiiih been carried on along tho Pacific Const. ' tllr Ann-Ulnl 1'irM U l'oo lUr Tlm..l VEHA CHUZ. Mny II. I Three Mexican gunboats crowded with Fcdorals' wl.o ob I eaped from Tnmplco, rodo nt nn- chor today under tho protection 1 of tho American wnrshlps' guns. ! It Ih probnblo thnt among tho of i flcorB Ib the commnnder whoso I refusal to sutiito tho StuiK nnd I Stripes precipitated the occupn l Hon of Vera Crux. I Or A.ocllil I'rr lo Coo. U Tlinn 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 14., While Interest In tho -Mexican situa tion Ib centered In tho enpturo oC Tnmplco by tho CoiiBtttutlouallBtH, the diplomatic nnd Stnto Department officials were busily engaged In completing the preliminary pinna for the mediation couforonro nt Niagara Falls, whoro tho Huortn roprosontutlvoH are oxoctod to nrrlvo on tlmo, despite contrary run"-". An Important conferonco wa pin ned today on the buttlf ship C it noQtlcut between Admiral Muyo and the conimnndors of tho Federal gun-i boats,- which steamed out of tho Pnnuco lllvi'r yeBtc'rday. It In ruported that an undeistnnd-' lug linn been renchod betwoon tho United StntcB officials nnd the Con-' Btltutlonnllst loaders wbureby nil op- oratlvos of various oil wells around'' Tnmplco could resume work at onco under n guaranteo of protec tion from tho Constitutionalist gen-ornls. WILL PROTECT OIL WELLS. (Hr AuoclalM ITm. lo Coo llr TIkimj WASHINGTON, I). C, May U, Secretary DiiiiIoIh Iiiih given Admiral Mayo full authority to send Amor Iran wnrshlps up tho Pnuuro Rlvor to Tnmplco If condltloiiH wnrrnnt. Mayo reported that tho KodurnlH blew up lho ImrrnekB beforo ro tlrlug from Tnmplco yesterday and said tho firing eeusod at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. SILLIMAX HELEAKHD. V. S. Consul at Saltillo d'etH III Freedom. llr AMOtlttoC f rr lo (Vm l)r TlmMJ WASHINGTON. D. C, Mny 14. Tho French embassy baa received advices that United Stntes Vlco Con. buI Sllllman, who has been hold by tho federal authorities In Saltillo, Is on bis way to Mexico City under gunrd. Ho will be turned ovor to the Brazilian minister nnd allowed to proceed to Vera Criu. O'SbnughnnsBy is said to havo told President Wilson that lllinrtu had no Intoutlon or resigning, but real ized hU reglumo could not stand long. At Puobln, nccordlng to tho plans determined on months ago, ho would fight rather than con sent to elimination, O'Shnughnossy said thnt tho number or troops Huor tn hnd was grently oxnggerated nnd ns a matter or fact thoy numbor less than C000, ELECTION IN OBEGON FRIDAY Have your Job printing done at The Times office. Nominations to be Made To morrow With Principal Strug gle in Republican Ranks (Dr Amo Ut4 Prtta to Coo. HT TlmM.l PORTLAND. Or, May 14. Can didates for nomination at tho state primary elections of the Republi can, Domocrntlc and Progressive parties tomorrow mado their final appeals to tho voters today, inter est In the result or tho primaries was heightened by the bollor that tho strength of tho individual can didates would bo the principal fac tor at the November election. The largest number of contests is with in tho Republican party and tho registration of Republicans is greater er than all other parties. The Pro gressives havo row contests and an Incomplete party ticket. The Soc ialists and Prohibitionists nominated by convention, but many havo takon advantage of the primaries to register. LABOR TICKET IS GIVEN10UT Marshfield Unions Endorse Jas. Watson and Thos. B. James Others Approved. The Mnrshfleld labor unions at n, mass meutliig lust night endorsed candldnteB for tho primary election tomorrow. Ovor fifty wore In nt tendance nml tho proceedings wor behind rlosod doors, Tho unions refused tn ondorso W. C. Chnso of Coqulllo for county Judgo or Levi Smith for county com missioner and endorsed James Wat son and Thomas II, James for those places. E, J. Lonoy, rnndldato for Joint representative, wus thn only cnndl-, date who addressed tho meeting, his appearance being by special request. Tho meeting was conducted by Thoo. Myorn as chairman nnd tho legislative committee consisting of Messrs. Lnudles, Hnrsbnw and Kohl. Tho following candldnteB woro endorsed for tho primaries: Republican Candidates. For Govomor Grant n. Dlmmlck or Oregon City. For Supreme Court Justices .P, II. D'Arcy. Chas. McNary, L. T. Har ris and Thomas A. McIIrldo or Col umbla. For Attorney Gonernl Ooorgo M. ' Brown. For Congress B. F. Jones. For Stato Representative C. R. Barrow. For Joint Roprcsentntlvo 8. P. Polrco. For Labor Commissioner John A. MniUen. For County Judgo Jnmos Watson. For County Commissioner Thos. B, James, Democratic Ticket. For Governor Chas. J. Smith. . For Supremo Court Justices Wm. Galloway and Wm. Ramsey. For Attorney General John A. Jeffries. For Stato Representative For Joint Representative A. Dolphsen. For County Judge J, J, Stanley.