The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 13, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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a-rwwfiii "jq- '''u"
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I defllre to announce to the llepub-
i tntnru nt Pnna rnilntv ttint t
am a candidate for the nomination '
At the primaries 10 do neid amy 15,
tor tbo office of county commissioner.
I advocate lower taxation, good
roads and a businesslike administra
tion of county affairs.
I favor no particular locality, and
M elected will work for the best In
terests of the wholo county.
(Paid Adv.)
I heroby announce myself as a
candldato for tho nomination of
Sheriff, on tho Domocratlc ticket at
the primary election, If elected I
promlso to conduct tl o office In an
economical manner, with tho assur
ance that all Interests and Individ
uals will ho accorded far treatmont,
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby announco myself hb a Re
publican candldato for Joint Rep
resentative for Coos and Curry coun
ties at th primary oloctlon May 15.
(Paid Adv.)
As a Republican, I horoby place
myself as a candidate for tho nom
ination at tho primaries to be held
May 1C for tho offlco of Count;
If I am nominated and elected, 1
will, during my term of offlco. per
form all its requirements and du
ties promptly, expeditiously, without
prejudico and, as economically as Is
consistent with good Borvlco. Be
lieving that I can save monoy for tbo
tax payer and mnko somo for my
self, I want your vote.
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby announco tnysolf as t
candidate for tho nomination of Rep
resentative on tho Domocratlc ticket
for Coos County, to bo submitted to
ho vote of tho pcoplo at tho pri
mary election on May 15, 1914.
If nominated and oloctod, I will
abide by statement Number Ono; 1
will favor qunrtorly paymont of
tan a. I will favor tho abolishment
of unnecessary commissions that
must bo supported by tho tnxpayors.
I am In favor of good roads ovory
wJiuro. I am opposod to unjust
taxation and excessive taxation.
(Pnld Adv.)
I horoby announco myself as n
candldato for tho nomination of sher
iff by tho Domocratlc party nt tho
Primary Election May 1C, 1914.
If nominated nnd olectod I will
conduct tho offlco along tho most
economical lines possible consistent
with efficiency, nnd tlo my best to
enforce tbo criminal laws.
(Paid Adv.)
For Attorney General
Tho Attornoy General should be
ft man of wldo and varied experience
In tho civil law, bb dlstinntiished
from the crlmlnul law. Mr.0"1
haa had that oxporlence as City Ar
tornoy of Portland. Tho Attorney
General should bo a brood-mlndeu
man who can view a question from
every angle; a man of Judicial tem
perament and sound Judgmont ana
ono who has had exporlonco In hatiu-
ung big questions invoivniB i
rights of tho Btato. As City Attor
ney of Portland Mr. Grant displayed
the sound Judgment, Judicial tem
perament and broad mlndedness
which aro bo essential In the Attor
ney General, and ho handled' with
ability, matters of tho greatest im
portance to tho city.
The Attorney 'General has very
little power In enforcing tho law
(criminal) of the state. These lawi,
including tho liquor laws, ore en
forced by tho various district attor
neys and tho Attornoy General can
not prosecute for violation of these
laws. .
Frank Grant, however, believes n
law enforcement, as his record in
enforcing tho criminal ordinances or
the city shows. . ,
Mr. Grant's only promise is that
he will, If elected, render to the
state the same honest and efficient
service he rendered the city of Port
land. (Paid. Adv.)
iift ImHHliiH
MiLLLH' J i . JbIbbbW
of any kind
Call 181-J
Two competont stenographers
in charge
!gwu" "" "i i , , i n m. i m an i mini
. - , j
Political Announcements
IH'iiinc-i-iit? Ilnu Worthy Man In the
Rce in I'm-MMi of Fml
(Polk Count v Ttamlvnr o
This paper herewith presents Its
readers a picture of Frederick Hol
llstor. of Coos nay. candldato for
tho democratic nomination for Con
gress for tho first district. Wo do
Dciuocrntlc Candidate for Congrci.8.
this for two roasons: First, that
our renders may Jtttlgo for them
selves what tho man who would
occupy Congressman Hnwley's scat
looks like, and, secondly, that our
renders may thereby bo advised that
a real llvo democrat Is In tho rnco.
lltU UUIilUflilL IB 111 illU IlllU.(
To tho Democratic Party
sLLBBiftiL hm flLLH
HLf'ib s JH
fUBstim HsH
bbHOmb cSkLH
District of Oregon :
The Democratic County Central Committee of Coos
Pnittiftr ivieli fr. lint-mvSHi ofnin fltnf Afv ItVvloVlfOr TTfllHs-
tcr lias received the endorsemeut of our committee for the
office of Reprcscritativc in Congress from this district.
We are glad to say personally mat Mr. Jionisier is a
clean, aggressive Democrat; that he has lived with us in
n,na PrtiitiKr fn.v cmnn nlnvnn VW1VS. Jllld fllllf. fllll'lllff tllllt
lime he has built up a reputation among his associates and
acquaintances for honesty, sobriety and ability. AVc cor
dially recommend Mr. iioinsicr to you lor your support
at the coming Primary Election, believing and knoying
that if nominated tnat lie win oc m tnc iignc mi inc time.
Yours for success, Hugh McLain, Chairman Democratic
Central Committee, Coos County; W. .T. Rust, Secretary
Democratic Central Committee, Coos County. (Paid
j41 horoby announco roysolf as u
candidate i for ,)i,ucJJ?1rm-J5r
Lf ! 'SbbH
bHL .LcvsSHbbM
Sbh j4iMiSrmnfliBBH
fltplB'j-Yy' ynficBBBBB
on tho Democratic ticket at the com
ing primary election. ajgEELEYt
Ab I havo lived In Coos County
sinco 1872, familiar with all tho
roads In tho county and their condl
.!.., t.aiinulrif Hint I rnn bo of Bar-
vlco to tho tnxpayera of Cops County
as a Commissioner from this district,
I hereby announco myself as a candl
dato on tho Republican ticket at the
primary May 15. 1914. I stand for
good roads ond reasonablo ropair.
Ilandon, Oregon.
(Paid Adv.)
i hereby announce myself as a
candldato for o office of Hnernr
of Coos County, subject to tho action
of tho Republican electors at the
primaries May xo. ni
If elected, I hereby pledge myself
to a policy of rigid law enforcement,
without fear, favor, prejudice or par
tlallty. and shall, during my Incura
bency. conduct said offlco In a Dusi-ness-1
ko and economical manner.
(Paid Adv.)
i announce myself a candidate for
'State Representative , subject to he
WI. J. "e ii".r"iB '. Will work
"for better road lawa to enable i the
nponle to get Oregon oui ui um wuu.
people 10 bv A T MORRISOn.
(Paid Adv.)
I hereby announce myself as a
rindldaio for tho nomination of
county clerk? on the republican tic
ket of Coos county to be submitted
to the vote of the people at the prl
mary election May 116th.
(Paid Adv.)
Mr. Holllster la a successful bus
iness man of Coob Bay; is a lawyer
of repute, and Is Identified with
every progressive movement the peo
ple of Coos Bay have had for years.
He Is an honest citizen, a man whose
purpose and nmbltloiiB In life are
to do things for tho bettormont of
mnnkind and tho state in which ho
lives. He has nover beforo aspired
to any office in county or state.
At present he is n member of tho
City Council of North Bend, to
which high position ho was elected
by the highest majority of all mem
bers now serving; Is n director of
tho First National Bank of North
Bond and President of tho Lane
County State & Savings Bnnk of
Florence. Ho has been a resldont
of North Bend cloven years.
We aro certain from Informa
tion at hand that never beforo hnB
a cleaner or more progressive man
ever come before tho democratic
primaries and we aro equally cer
tain that never beforo havo wo had
tho opportunity to place a donio-
iirii. I, nnnivrnaa Hint L'n nnu linVA.
This man Is n coast man, and novor
before has tho coast nsKoa ror rec
ognition. Tho Intcresta of tho
coast aro Identical with tho Interests
of tho Interior, but tho advantage
Is to bo hnd In sending a man to
congress who Is ndviscd as to the
needs ana requirements of tho
const, Instead of ono who has to
dopend on Information furnished
him by Iub poiiti.'i mentis, n mo
rivers nnd harbors of our stato aro
aldeu by tho Federal Government,
tho bonoflt will bo felt by tho cities
of tho Interior.
That great undeveloped county
of Coos 1b solid for their homo man
nnd thoro domocrnta and republi
cans aro working hand In hnnd to
sccuro Ills nomination. Tho pcoplo
thcro bollovo In him and aro ex
ceedingly anxious to boo him re
ceive tho nomination.
of the Pirst CouKressional
(Pnld Adv.)
. u.
He StaiitlH for Economy and Effi
ciency iiikI Dlgiilflftl Iinv Iiiforco
ini'iif. Few it CoinnildNloiiN ntitl Re
duction of ExpeiiHo in Each Depart
ini'tit of tho Ktntc.
SynopslH of Rccortl nnd Platform
I waB horn and reared upon n
farm In nuffnlo County, Wis.; edu
catod mysolf by my own efforts.
nnd havo practiced law in roruanu
since June 1, 1894. Havo always tak
tn an nctlvo part In public nffalrs,
and havo held several official posi
tions. I Ntniiil on my rccoru ik Htnio
Sruntor nt tlio lat-t session of the
Legislature. I worlced and lotwl
iignlnst tho now tax law, mid favor
n law liiakliiK taxes payalilu hciul
minually, without (tonally.
Only flvo of tho laws passed at
that session woro referred to tho
people by roforondura potltlons:
four of these tho pooplo approved
by overwhelming mnjorltles, and I
voted for them; tho fifth was almost
as badly dofeated, and I had voted
against It In the Legislature.
I worked and voted for Senator
Malarkoy's minimum wago bill for
women, providing for an Impartial
commission to fix tho maximum
hours of labor and tho minimum
amount of pay.
I favor a similar law providing
for an impartial commission wuii
out compensation, to fix tho maxl
mii liAna nt Inlinr fnr men in tho
I4IUIM mww.h w. ...-. . - --
various Industrial occupations; this
in prororenco 10 a iiai-uigm uu
law. , , ,
I favor further good roads legis
lation with state aid, so that wo
may havo cheaper transportation
from tho farms and producers in
every direction.
I favor tho reduction of taxes by
consolidation of various commis
sions, or tho abolishment thereof,
and placing their duties In tho
hands of tho Stato Board, and by
tho reduction or mo expense oi con
ducting tno various aopariraomu ui
the stato.
I favor suitable appropriations
for our State Educational Institu
tions, and tho continued improve
ment or our great auiwur iuu
public school system.
And above all, I favor tho vig
orous and efficient enforcement of
all tho criminal statutes, Including
those regulating or prohibiting tho
Bale of Intoxicating liquors, and
this I shall do with firmness and
Impartiality. The rich, tho poor,
tho great, tho humble, tho capitalist,
tho laborer, tho churchman and tho
business man shall bo measured by
the same standard, and each shall
answer for his own acts.
(Pair Adv.)
Robt. R. Watson
for nomination tor
Primary Nominating Election, May
15. 1914.
(Paid Adv.)
Political Announcements
For Supreme Judge
Announcement has been mndo by
Charles L. McNary, now n member of
tho Supremo Court, that he will
bo a candidate on tho Republican
ticket for one of tho positions on
that tribunal, thoro being four Jus
tices to bo nominated by tho people
In tho May primaries.
j ustice McNary X?gHL-Si-J!S
nccr parents on a farm in tho Wlllam
otto Valley forty years ago. After
acquiring his early education In tho
common schools nnd his 'colleglato
and logal education oy supporting
hlniBclf, ho entered! upon hla profes
sion In Salem, mnro than 10 years
ago. For sovoral years ho served
,as Assistant District Attotmoy for
tho Third Judicial District, and won
tho reputation of being a fearless and
LBBtji' tm i" Ll
bbbbbbbbbHHT'jJ 'f JViKi1bbbWbb1
BBBBLW. B''jBma-l
Strict Eiiforci'incnt of till Laws., Economy Consistent ultli ICfflc
ienry mid good Jiulgincnt
Will glvo my undivided nttteatlon to strict and Impartial en
forcement of all laws portalnlng to tho offlco; practice ecnomy
consistent with efficiency and good Judgment: administer nil the
functions ct tho offlco, Including tho statistical department, In a
systematic nnd buslncssllko manner; will coopernto with labor nnd
nil other organizations and nil. citizens Interested In enactment of
lawB for tho protection or life, limb nnd health of tho tollers of
our Stato. Will ndvocato onaclmont of legislation based upon tho
oxporlonco nnd success of tho. Federal Labor Bureau In doallug
with and adjusting Industrial disputes, striken nnd lookouts.
An Open Letter to
The People of
Coos County
BBjBBitJ, ,, Pr-iffi"-
tor, in behalf of my candidacy for tjio United
States Senate.
E appreciate to the full the kind expressions that
have come to mo from Coos County by letter, from
interviews with residents and through the press.
As I view it, every interest of tho Northwest is
pleading for restoration of the Republican Party
to Power. A revolt against the Democratic Tariff
Act that free-listed our products is apparent
throughout the State.
The best expression of disapproval of Democrat
ic policies and tho best indication of thejr reversal
can bo shown by a full party vote at the. Primary.
For tho Party's sake, and personally, I ack
nowledge in advance grateful appreciation for
the votes that will be cast for me as the Party's
choice for United' States Senator. , ., '
' r u ' " ' R. A. BOOTII.
capablo Prosecutor. For six years
in fact, until his accession to the
Supreme Court, he waa tho Dean of
tho Wlllamotto Collego of Law, and
made It ono of the ranking colleges
of tho West. With his own strug
gles for nn education still fresh In
his mind, he made t a rule to deny
no student nn education becauso of
the Inck of money, and dozens of
graduates of this college aro today
Indebted to Justice McNary's gener
osity for their lega) education.
Reared with the common class ho
has always been a staunch champion
of their cause. During his career
as a Justice of tho Supreme 'Court
he hnB endeavored to interpret tho
law bb a living, progressive science,
rather than as a rule too old to be
corrected If found Inapplicable to
present day conditions, nnd has writ
ten many Important decisions. It
was Justice McNary who wrote tho
forceful nnd much discussed dissent
ing opinion In tho Stato versus E. S.
J. McAllister. Defining the duties
of tho courts In thlo, opinion, ho said
In part: "Tho value of law Is Its
nrnYlinltv in rnaann. Its rnrtnlntv
and universality. The abuse In tho
administration of law Ib to adhcro
blindly to a rule that savors of In
iquity simply becauso it Is a' Judicial
decision. Tho first ditty of a court
Is to decide tho lav correctly bo far
as It lies within tbo human mind.
The next duty Is to, smite that rulo
of human action which Is found to
bo unjust, however- well it mny bo
buttressed by precedent."
Ttin nwtinr tiltnnolf nt nnn nt thn
finest farms in tho Wlllamotto Val
ley, Justlco McNary Is deeply Inter
ested in ngrlculturb development.
Ho is now, and baa been for a num
ber of yenrs, President of tho Sales
Fruit Union, nn organization en
gaged In developing tho fruit Indus
try of tho stato.
Editor Times:
Through your pap
er may 'I Hay to tho
good pooplq of Coos'
County tluit it has
been impossible for
ine to visit; them bc-
fore tho pritnnry elec
tion May 15th, but I
plan to do so soon uC-
I I fmmvr rr
mwUMK Wif.
bA, -bwwmbmb mh i
W k
Editor Coos Day Times:
Ab you havo seen fit to allow tho
space for tho Roporter of tho Times
and also J. W. Cartor, chief of police,
to express themselves, In regard to
mo and my ability I trust that you
will grant mo tho prlvllogo of reply.
With rofcronco to tho article In tho
"Times," of Mny 14th, 1914, In ro
garda to who arrcBtod Edward Lagus
for riding n bicycle without a light.
On tho evening of tho 9th, I was talk
lug with Chief Carter In front of tho
City llnll, Btandlng near tho middle
of tho street, when I saw a mnn pass
on a wheel without; a light, going
North, on Front streot, .and I called
tho Chief's attention to tho snmo. I
then walked up tho Btreet, South nnd
was Just opposite Matson'a store,
when a man passed mo, on a wheel,
without n light going south. I callod
thrco times, to tho mnn hoforo ho stop
pcd. I went over and took hold of
tho wheal, and told the man I would
linvo to arrest htm, and tnko tho
wheel to tho Btntlon. Tho man wan
arguing with mo about tho matter
when Chief Carter butted In, and
grabbed hold of tho whool, nnd start
ed for tho stntlon with tho wheel.
Tho man or boy .as ho proved to bo
following after him, I turned the
wheel loose nnd stepped back and
lnughcd to see tho Chief but In, wlta
out any provocation, I did not ask
him or signal for any liolp as I did
not need any of his holp. Ho only
butted In where ho had no business.
Now, the young man lilmsoir, will
vorUy Just whnt I havo said, bo will
A. II. O'Urlon, who was standlngthoro
and was a witness to tho wholo pro
ceedings. (Now who arrested La
gus?) I will lonvo It to tho public to
Then, after making a round, I drop
pcd Into tho offlco to mnko somo re
portB on other pollco matters, ant!
I saw how It was entered on the
books, as J. W. Cartor, tho arresting:
officer. I aald to Gordon Smith thn
I was tho ono who mado tho arrest
hut Cartor butted In and took th
mnn nwny from mo, bo Qordon mjawTo
my nnmo ovor tno nnmo or uarior o
when I saw that, not wishing tol bo
any mora thnn fair, I wroto mnkfOf
It rend "Doano nnd carter." i
Noxt morning, when Cartor came-
down and saw this, he takes tho pen
and blots out my nnmo, entirely,
That ovenlng when I enmo down to.
work, I noticed It and spoke to Gor
don nnd snid tnat unnor nau uon
II and I told Gordon that I woul
siuxnk to Carter about It, but did n
got an opportunity, so Qordon wrot
my nnmo on tho hook again, and pi
tho tlmo 9 p. m. ovor Cnrtor'B nam
tlion Cartor rnino in lator and put
nnstor ovor tho blot and wroto "Car
tor" In box car lottors with a pen and
Ink. and lntor wroto "Doano," with
a poncll, very small under hla name.
Now, why did ho wrlto my name at
last if I had nothing to do with the;
arrest? or why didn't ho wrlto It the
first tlmo ir I didn't maxo tno a
rest? I will leave It to tho nubile t
What I havo Btatod I can proro n.
Oordon Smith. I novor wroto
nnmo on tho book and I did n
scratch Chlof Cartor'a nnmo off
book. I did not blot his nnmo on t
book, I did not erase his name rr
thn book, nor did I ask anyone e
to do tho samo. but I did write C
tor's nnmo on tho hook aftor my nan
whoro Oordon had entered my na
as I did not wish to dofrnud him
any of tho crodlt ho might possl
ho ontltiod to.
Tho nhiof remarked that It Do:
was a Bonslblo mnn ho might talk
him nbout tho matter. I will loavi
to tho public to docluo wnotn
or Cnrtcr acted sonBlblo about
mnttor. Tho public can Judge w
1ms boon tho transgressor, nnu i
perfectly willing to abldo by th
clslon. Ab to Chior Carter taking
mattor hoforo tho City Council,
haa inv ronsont to do bo and I w
welcomo an Investigation as I k
I am right and can provo ovory w
that I havo written hero.
Tho onlv trouble with Carter
thinks ho (Carter) Is tho only jwW
on tho bonch, mid ho would v
much llko tho public In general
think tho samo.
j. o. doa:
I I 1
Tallinn! Trv Tills! DarktfM VUmU
fully and Nobody Cm TU .
uriiigH i wick tm .. .
ami TliicKnert .j
Common garden Bago browM)
a heavy tea. with sulphur and
cohol added, will turn gray stre
and fadod hair boautlfully dark
luxuriant: removo ovory bit of fc
ruff, stop Bcalp Itching and fall
Iiair. Mixing tno ago Tea
Sulnhur reclno at home, thour
troublesome. An easier way la
irot tho ready-to-uso tonic, cod
about GO cents a largo bottlej
drug stores, known as "wyi
Sago and Sulphur Hair ReoU
thus avoiding a lot of muss.
While wispy, gray faded hah
not sinful, wo all dcBlre to r
our youthful appearance and
tractlvoness. uy uaritoning
hair with Wyoth'a 8ago and
phur, no ono can toll, becauMJ
does It so naturally, so oveniy.
lust dampen a spongo or soft 1
with It and draw this through.
hair, taking ono small stranq u
tltnn liv ranrnlnc nil LTflY a
havo disappeared. Aftor anotb
nllcatlon or two your hair bae
boautlfully dark, glossy, soft
luxuriant and you appear
For Salo by Brown Drug Oonj
08 Central Ave.