THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1914-EVEWIN6 EDITIOM. X . (j 4 bMf '23 "doings of city council 'NORTH FRONT ilHmHI SERViiE D Efi MILS OUT OF STREET PAVING ORDER TO NT PARK Mark of Old Clash Between Council Decides to Take Terminal and Southern Pacific to be Removed Tlio Mnrulifieltl City Council Inst Chance on Assessment to Avoid Another Delay Aftor lencthv discussion Inst eve- evening Instructed the City nccord-'nlng, tho City Council .lccldo.1 to ro cr to notify tlio Southern Pacific to Tninnvo tho fow rnllB lnld on North Front street nenr Aldor. Thcao mils wore lnld on orders of J. W. Dennett n conpio of years ngo when tho clnsh was on between tho Tor mlnnl Ilnllwny and tho Southern 1'aclflc about tho Front-street fran chise Tho Councilman Inst eve ning doclnred them to bo a incnnco. One Tnu'lc Franchise City Attorey Cobs Informed tho Council thnt tho Termlnnl Hallway has no right to lay a doublo track In Front street under Its present franchise. Ho said that tho fran chise has provl Jc.i lor elther-Blnglo or doublo track and tho compnnv hnd nhend with tho hard paving of North Front street, even though it may cost tho city $700 or more. Thorn was a mlxttp In tho plan of nsscsB ment, which Invalidated it If tho property owners wished to protest, but to correct tho error would tnko nt least forty days. Tho Council de cided that Blnie this was tho third tlino that an effort had been mndu to hnrd pavo North Front Btreot, that they wuro not going to dolny any longer. City Attorney Ooss pointed out tho error that had bcon mndo in tho assessment buforo tho bids on the street woro opened. Ho said that tho assessment hnd Just been called chosen to put In n slnglo track and to his attention and ho hod dlscov- Hint tbuv caulil not now nut In a doublo track without getting a now fr.UK'lllBO. NO RAISE FOR JACK GARTER Council Turns Down Marshal's Raise Fear 12 Mill Levy Mill Slough Drain Hy a votu of throo to threo, tho ordlnnnco raising Marshal Carter's salary back from J 100 to $125 per month was defeated last ovcnlng. Tho councilman voting against tho ralso woro Copplo. Albrecht and Doll, tho other thrco voting for It. Four nfflrmatlvo votes nro re quired to pnHS an ordlnauco. Tho njattor wns brought up to wards tho closo of tho sosslon. Conn cllmnn Albrecht wnntcd to know who ordored tho ordlnnnco nnd then voted no. I-Viip uig lAsvy. Tnllc of retrenchment in city ex penses followed and Councilman Al brecht said that tho city would re quire nn eleven mill lovy next yenr. Itocordor Hutlor said It would ro qulro n twelve mill levy to mnko up for tho Iobbos during tho Inst two years. Councilman Copplo snld that It wasn't right and ho would oppose It. Ho said that ho favored and urged retrenchment nnd tho others wtiiltt tint Councilman Albrocht said thnt 'ent8 against $l n, nitlv tlilnir for tho council to. ion CoilHtrill'tloil do wns to trim expenses ored the error which wns In vlolu Hon of tho city ehurtoi. Ho snld thnt If tho bids woro low enough ho thnt n surplus would be left In tho fund ml (Kin ute to refund tho property owners on tho enst sldo of tho street, It might bo nil right to go nhend. The error wnB on account of tho rallrond truck not being In tho cen ter of tho street. In fixing tho iib- HOBsmcnt, the $2800 wns deducted from tho wholo strcot so thnt each lot ownor was given n shnro of the benefit. However tho railroad Is nearly nil on the cast sldo of tho RtrccjL and under tho city charter, mo property owners on mo cast sine of tho strcot nro entitled to the whole robnto from the rallrond. Aftor figuring up tho bids, City Knglneer Ilucklnghnm snld that there would bo less than enough to robnto tho enst sldo property own ers for tho rallrond trnck. Councilman Copplo was Indignant over the dolnys and said that ho thought that thoro ought to bo some way to go ahoad. Ferguson nnd Albrocht concurred nnd it wns agreed thnt tho city would tnko n ehnnco of somo property ownor kicking nnd tho city having to mnko It up out of tho gonernl fund. City Knglncor Ilucklngham point ed out that two years ngo on Front street from Aldor to Hrondwny (hoy hnd followed (ho snmo courBO of grunting all qf tho proporty a shnro of whnt tho rallrond hnd to pny. No ono nun prntosted tlion. Only One Hid. Tho Warren Construction Com pany was tho only bidder on tho bltullthlc pnvlng, bidding $2.10 per uri nnd or course tlioy got tho wcrk. Thoy nlso got tho enrthwork on n bid of :i!) cents por ynrd, ronrt nrotiiors niddiug no cents. l'enrt Brothers got tho concroto glitter nnd curb nt n bid of 87 Mi bid by tho War-Comnnny. IoIiiiboii ,fc Larson got tho sldo- However tho mutter wns dropped, wnlks nt IS Il-I centH, Hngqulst without further action. ijriiiiHi mil .u ceuis; ronrt Mill Slough Drnlii. I "rothers 52 cents, mid the Wur- The Mill Slnugli tlrnJii wns run v.; uiHiruciion uoitipiiny us onis lirouirlit nn bv City Attorney (Joss who Bnld thnt V. T. Stoll. ropro aontliitr the West Mnrsbflold flood sufforers, hud culled his nttontlon to J tho Met tltitt tlio uortii uriii m ouu Slough was being permitted to drain Into the West Mnrshflelil flat and Hint no adequate stops for relief woro being taken. . City Knglncor Ilucklnghnm snld that ho and u force of men woro nt work on tho drain now nnd were makliiK wood progress, although they could work only during low tide, which wub about three hours per dayt C. .1. lllllstrom stated that tho water hnd raised threo Inches yes terday in tho West Mnrshfleld Inke nnd It hnd uguln drowned out their gardens which thoy hnd plnnted a second time. Ho snld thnt tho pumps were not working nnd con ditions were getting hnd. Mr. Huck lughnin snld thnt the Port Commis sion hud chnrge of the pumps ami they hnd stopped them. H. A. Copplo snld thnt ho wns getting tired of having his place flooded and would InslBt thnt tho wntor be drained off If a ditch hud to bo dug through tho fill to got It out. Tho Council finally ordered Mr. niicklngham nnd Street Commis sioner Luwhorno to devote nil their energies to getting the ureu drained oven If they hud to engage u hun dred men to da the work. Tlicntec Oidlniiiue. Tho amended theater ordlnnnco wns passed which practically ex empts tho Musonle Opera House from the rule ngilnst people being allowed to stand In the aisles. An other change made wns reducing tho dlstnnco botweon sents from 34 to 30 Inches. Hmnll Itelmte. An ordlnnnco doelnrlng a robato of $11.61! on Hemlock between Front and Sixth wns pnssed. Some of the lota will get only a fow cents. Owing to Knglneer Wheeler of the Southern Pacific not liolnir nil tliorlzcd to close n contract for tho wood block pnvlng along the mils and tho hard paving between tho rails, action on It wns deferred n week. Mr. Arnold, of tho Warren Company snld tent they hnd mndo u low price of 110 cents per llnonl foot for laying the wood blocks, which nro to bo furnished by tho company. (.'out lli-oku .Nock. Tho Council Joshed Councilman Copplo considerably Iipcuiiho his gont hnd fallen off the embankment near his house nnd broken Its neck. Tho emhuiikment Is along tho Btreot whoro .Mr. Copplo graded by private lontruct. Action on tho South Broadway pnvlng nsuessmont wns deferred two weeks until word cun bo recelvod from C. A. Smith. Pay Coin meters, ll.igiiulst & Bjorqulst worn order id puld $-it!S on their contract on Hemlock between Sixth nnd Klghth Johnson it Larson were ordered puld $22t on the snmo street for other work. Johnson & Larson were ordered puld $:iC.i;i for raising Seventh turcot at the Commercial avenue Jog. $1 51.05 for raising Commercial from Fifth to Seventh and $181 for nils :ng Commercial from Soventh t .Ninth. This included some extras which some of tho Council protest ed but Mr, lliicklughnm snld Hint the street committee hnd approved he change on account of the work 'mvlng to bo done after tho Crods .ng started, Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have IAVAYS USUI). Phone 72. Pacific Llvory and Transfer Company. Times Want Ads Got Results. In The Time usu Dr. Scholl's "Foot Easer" For Weak Ankles nnd Tired, .Veiling Feet. directs Fallen Arches; Believes Corns and Itiinioiis. 10.1AY FltUH THIAIj Red Cross Drug Store PHONE 122 Southern Pacific to Provide Five-cent Fare for There 1 and Bunker Hill Soon Anounccincnt wns made nt the City Council meeting Inst night by Supt. W. F. Miller thnt motor car- service would be established before June 1 between Hay Park and Marshficld, with stops at Hunker Hill. Mr. Mil lor also stated thnt they would extend tho Bcrvlec to Mllllngton for two trlpB n day but tho lntter will bo a test to see whether there Is sufficient Bervlco that far that will Justify it. A five-cent fnro will bo chnrged for Hay Park and Hunker Hill, It being tho Intention of tho company to clmrgo only five cents for all points within a mile, nlthough thoy nro not within the city limits. Tho matter wns brought up by Mr. Miller last night In connection with n request for nn extension of tlino In which to construct their lino on South Front street to Kruso nvenue. Mr. Miller snld thnt there wns no one to be served by the lino there nnd on Krulso nventio now nnd In plnco of that servlco thoy would glvo scrvlco to Hay Park and Hunker Hill. Coiiucllmnu Albrecht asked that the scrvlco bo extended to Mllllngton and Mr. Miller snld Hint they would bo glud to If there was business enough to warrant it. no sniu turn they might nrrnngo to run two trips n (ley to Mllllngton, ono In the morn lug nnd one In the evening, to sec If I the business would wnrrnnt It. The i morning trip will bo beforo 8 o'clock j and Hie evening trip nbout ( o'clock. Counclluiuu Copplo wnntcd to know If t.te company really desired tho South Front nnd Kruso nvcinio fran chises and Mr. Miller snld thnt thoy did because factories woro likely to bo put In there. He Bnld that now n ninii Is figuring on putting In a coal yard there. Iteiluco North Uend Service. In ordor to provldo tho Hay Park nnd Hunker Hill servlco nnd tho scr vlco to Mllllngton, It will bo necessary for th'cm to reduce their North Bond Marsiiflold sorvlco. Ho suld that the frnnchlso only required nn hourly sorvlco but-wcon Mnrshfleld nnd North Bond, nnd they hnve been providing a thlrty-mlnuto service, hut th'nt to extend tho sorvlco would not permit them to keep up n thlrty-mlnuto schedule, 'Flnully'Mr:"MlllerwaB grnntcd nn Indefinite extension of tlmo In which to put In tho trncks on South Front and Kruso nvenue. North Pine Street. On request of Hour- Songstnckcn nnd others, It wns decided to hold up tho filling or Pino street In North Forndnlo from Front street to tho hill until tho dredge Senttlo fills thnt nron. Tho city's plnn was to hnvo tho street filled with dirt removed from Klghth street, but Henry Scngstnck en nnd John I), (loss, who own prop erty on It, pointed out thnt the strcot could bo filled much more chenply by tho dredge. City Knglneer Buck Inghnin wanted tho dredgo to guar nnteo a three foot fill nenr tho hill, but this wub not agreed to. C. F. McKulght also nuked for the chnngo and tho Council decided to defer ac tion until Mr. McKulght could bo heard. Tho Council wants tho street Improved soon bo ub to afford nn out let for Nortlv Klghth street, which Is Just being Improved, Kick On (ini-lmge. Henry Sengstnckon entered n pro test ngalnst W. II. Lingo, city scav enger, nllowlng garbage to remain in North Marshflold lustem! of haul ing It to the city dump quickly. He wus told to notify Lingo to dlspoBe of It more quickly ns tho city wns pay ing him to tnko It out to tho dump beyond tho city. Kick OuKlilcMiilk. John Mnxton nppenrod lioforo tho Council nnd protested agnlnst putting tho sidewalk along the North Hrond wny bridge on tho east sldo of tho strcot nnd assessing tho abutting proporty owners for it. A ronton strnnce signed by Mr. Mnxton and his wife, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Iluusen, Mrs. II. Ilosswlnklo nnd Mrs. Hoy Mnoro was presented nlso. Mr. Mnxton pointed out thnt tho sldownlk. It built any plnco, should be on the west side of the street. After discussing It con siderably. Counellinun Copplo moved thnt the building of tho sldownlk bo Indefinitely deferred ns North Front street would soon bo hnrd pnved nnd the nutos would nil go thnt wny In stead of on Hrondwny, It wns nlso polntod out thnt tho North Hrondwny bridge wns gotttng old nnd would nrobnbly be soon replaced with a dirt fill. Plunk Curti Avenue. A requost from It. F. Williams, again for It. , City Knglneer Hucklnghnm snld thnt the only chnngo In tho specifica tions was that oakum had been used In place of cement in connecting tho Joints of iilpe. He said f ere wus running water In tho trench, prevent ing tho ubo of cement. piii. nnpiinlnr Hut nr Bnld Hint some 'wore complaining because the sewer wns toq deep In tho ground but Hticklngham denied this. Councllmon Copplo nun Aiiireciu were Irnto because oakum iind boon used In place or cement without tho j change being first approved by tlio j Council. Mr Uucklnghnin said ho hnd ordered tho chnngo nnd If Tom j Coke, wl o wnB Inspector on the Job, wns culled ho would explain the con ditions necessitating tho change. To (Initio Street. Mrs. M. A. Sweetman naked. Hint tho grndo be established on Ninth street, Forndnlo, in front of her prop erty bo that she could lmprovo tho street by prlvnte contract." Mr. Buek lnghnin wns ordered to survey It. Routine bills for the month or Ap ril, excluding speclnl appropriations ror tho bnnd, library, etc., totalled about $2100. A remonstrance ngnlnst Improving tho alley north ot tho old Browery property wns rejected nnd tho nssoss incnt lovlcd. 7.50 colons Women s storm and French All Wool serge Dresses - - ALL NEW SPRING MODELS ' WINE AND BLACK1 Every woman should own ono of those dresses nt this very exceptional price. SEE CENTRAL AVENUE COR NER WINDOW. Hub Dry Goods Co. "Swart Wear for Women." Corner Broadway and Central Ave. Phone 3G1 STATE DAIRY ID FOOD INSPECTORS REPORT ON COOS BAY PUCES .,' , i ' i)i:i'iTii:s i,. it. zi:i.Mi:it and a. K. Tl'LLKV .MAKK STATMKXT OK CONDITIONS IN MX'AI, CAI'IW. I-'ACTOIMKS, .11 HAT MAItKKTS, DAIltli:s AND ItAIC KltlKS. IMItor Times: The Bcores here with published reveal quite accurate ly the conditions ns thoy exlBt nnd wo enn nil listen to tho tnlo they tell. Our scoro curd Is bnscd on 100 points ror a purrcct score, iu points or which nro nilowod on perfect equipment nnd construction, whllo CO points nro given on perfect methods ns shown by tho clennll ness at tho time of tho Inspection. Tho grentest number or polntH nro nilowod on tho method becnuso moro depends on the methods than on tho construction or tho equipment. This Is carried still further In tho scoro enrd by tho fact thnt tho scoro ror equipment Is not ror tho oxtrnvngnnco of coatly equip ment, but for tho adequacy of tho equipment for tho needs or tho plant, The construction Is scored on tho adaptability ror the use ror which It Is Intended with an oyo toward clennllncsB. U any plnnt Is or poor construction and tho 10 points on construction must bo cut down to out-hnir or 20 points, a porrect Bcoro or CO points on clean liness will glvo n'totnl or '80 points, which Is considered a very good scoro. Kntlng limine SrorvH. Tho Ideal Cure, C. A. Holmes 77.1 Tho -Hlght Cnro, II. A. Wells.. 71.8 The Pnlaco Kestnurnnt. Carlson & Hrown 711. 8 Homo Hotel, Mrs. Kmma Arch- nmbenu C9.1 Tho Jnvn Correo llouso, David Alexnndor C8.7 The Dotson Hotel, Geo. H. If unites 07.0 Mc- Tho Chandler Hotel, II. .1 Keown ? CC.8 Murshfk'Id Chop House, Hub erts & Uoho GC.O i'eople'B llestatirunt, Louis opoulos 04.4 Union CoVreo House, W. W. Cor um Ct.l Morehnnt'B Cure, Frank Small wood C 1 , 1 The Snyder Hotel, II. W. Volk mnn ft 1,-1. Blanco Care, .loo Howell -H. Amnio Restaurant, C. W. Tlb bctts -1 1.0 Shamrock Cife, V. J. Brady. .20.7 .Meat .MitrkctH. .Murshrield Cnsh Market, Four ier Brothers lil.l Union Market, J. K. Ford. ...57.8 Palace Market. Pnlnco Mont Co. 42. f Enterprise Mont Market, Geo. W. King 215.3 Otiidy KnclorleM Brndloy Candy Co., W. C. Brad ley ' 80.8 Stnfford Candy Factory, D; Y. Stnrrord 01.7 Lewis' Confectionery, A. H. Lewis G9.5 Hnkoi-y Scores. Mnrshriold linking Co., Hlinno & Peters 73. C Coos Bay Bnkery, Bnrgolt & Kv- ertsen t .. . , - TiCC City Dairies. Sncchl Dairy, llnzelton & SncchI Prlco Dairy, L. F. Prlco (18.2 Chrlsteuscn Dnlry, W. M. Chrls- teuson HD.-I IliiSBoll Dnlry. II. L. llussoll ...50.0 Krommlngn Dnlry, J. Kronimlngn 30.0 a. k. tullhv, l. b. zii:.mi:b, Deputy InspeetorH or Oregon Dnlrv and Fond Commission BALL SCORES TOM JAMES FDR COMISSIONER Young Business Man Would Mean Economy and Effi ciency to County Board TIIH commission plnn, tho city mnnnger plan, tho commission plnn ror county and stnto gov ernments, are all the outgrowth or a desire and a domaud ror moro effi ciency nnd greater economy In local government. Until theso now plnns nro put Into force, and even then tho people will bo compelled to select men or prov ed ofrieloncy. In solcction or a candidate for Countv Commissioner, tho Itonubll- inns of Coos County should enst1 tholr votes for Thomna 11. Jnmes. Mr. Jnmes Is a young IniHlness mun possessed of nil tho qunllflcntlons thnt will mnko ror orricloncy nnd , economy In tho office which is uu Important ono, ' Mr. .1 nines Is not u politician. Ho, nnsn't tho honoyod-tonguo, tho In Bluuntlng hnnd-clnsp, tho mushy nc- qulescoiice which gathers voters ns n syrup gathers riles. Ho Is sim ply n business mnu, n cnpnble nnd systematic orgnnlzor and - I amono Tin: sicic will bo dono till ttlom llshcd Miss Funnle Cnrpontor Is report ed very 111 nt her homo on Coos Hlvor. Mrs. W, J, Brown Is reported qulto sick in their npnrtmonts at the D. L. Hood homo. Tho infant child or Mr. and Mrs.! Clms. Kckhorr, or North Hond, Is ornmont is now " --. . reported qulto III or pnoumonla fol-.hor homestead on 0"" ., Portland Defeats Los Airtt 5 to 4 Only One Game in the Coast League 0f AmckIiiM prr,. t c, ta j POUTLANI). Or.. .May Hntt wns only one prnio In (b foe Leugue yesterday, l'ortlacd ntm.r a game nt l) Angeles that It mUjrf lust .Moudny It resulted u follon: Portlnnd 5 u Los Angeles , Bntterles: Martlnonl. Wm iu Fisher; Musscr. I'crrltt and Brack. NOHTIIWIWTimX LWOlt Vlctorln I; Portland 2. Tacninn 1; Seattla 9. Vancouver C; Spokane 5. NATIONAL MUGVE. Chicago C; St. I-oul 5. Boston G; Now York S. Brooklyn 1; Philadelphia :. AMiiincAN u:cii: Now York Cj Hoston i. Phlldnclphla 8; Wamlngtoa I l-'lllST MIXS.fiB IS SOT. Wtteiii Union U'lrcn Hrach Vwfe Klntlun, Tho EiiKpno Ilesltter tajir Tho first mcsaaKe over tb m Western Union Tclcgrapi ua vn constructed between Eujeoi w Coos Bay wns transmitted from tn to Kugene. The crew 11 ao imni- tim stnltnn and leitw grounded a wire and sent the loB ' "J. A. McKevltt. ManajerE "(IroetlnRS rrom the comuwt crow 'J. K. CIUMICIULL, YotWX It Is probable that commercul J snges will bo ncceptcd by tleJ2 whenover they nro presented alt It Is not probnblo mai nnw - 1.,. .in.m till station are t? I ....... .......... mim Graf I on hns received word thal , IhetJ lowing a slogo ot tho measles Tho young child or Mr. nnd Mrs. Joromo Sweet ot South Hrondwny, who hns bcon very HI, Is reported much Improved. hns had n nara ?" ;m somo or the twuow w-. Homo iuiiiv. r .... p Times Want ads bring results. is a teacher schools xrjr: 18 Special Offerings a worKer. who, ir elected will do his pnrt to wnrd placing county arrnlrs upon n Mrs. Mlnnlo Tower. J. II. Flannimn sound basis or economy In strict ad nnd Mrs. Chapman to bo allowed to coruunce wun uio oesi ousiness plnnk Curtis nvonuo from Hrondwny , mothods, to Second stroet by prlvnte contract" If tho people of Coos Bay nnd wns allowed. There was some talk of Coos County wish to recognize merit hnrd paving it but owing to It being nfddo rrom nil other considerations, a now ilredKO fill nnd that It would " neimum-un primary oners not connect up with hnrd paving, It wns decided to allow it to bo planked. City Knglneer Hucklnghnm said that there wns a question about the actum width ot Curtis avenue there. It wns nlso decided to have slde wnlks built on both' sides or the street ns Tar as Fourth street them nn excellent opportunity. I Vote ror Thos. II, Jnmes ror Commissioner. Helps Kidney and Bladder Trouble lfteryliotly Satisfied. Everywhere peoplo nre tnklng t'ouncllmnn Albrecht wanted side- Foley Kidney Pills, and nro so satis- walks put In along all improved streets In the nowly filled area. Trouble Over Sl,1. C B. Nicholson of the Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage company nnd tho Heynolds Development company paid their North Front street sower assoss fled thoy urge others to tnko them also, A. T. Kelly, Mcintosh, Aln., says: "I recommend them to all who suffer rrom kidney troubles nnd bnchache, ror they nre Hne." Best thing you enn take for back ache, weak back nnd rheumntlsm. ments under protest, claiming that Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank the sewer was not built according to D. Cohan. Opposlto Chandler Hotel, si eclflcatlons and was defecMvn fi-1 Phono 74. Central Avenue Drug that they did not want to be assessed otore, local agency. I 1. MM r.mwrl this stnm nanin tomorrow ill trimniedJF--- muslin underwear, coats and suitSiWaodiilliJ broideries, corsets and laces-, hosleryandjrU men's work shirts and dress shirts, jujdjnjlig - Rakeup and Shoveljjutjjj? we'll shovel out men's, women'sjnjdiijd! In white, gray and cardinal at these prices: 1 SI .50 Sweaters. nowlbQO $2.25 Sweaters, now $1.50 S2.95 "Sweaters, npwJl--8 . ' S3.BD Sweaters, nowj $5.25 Sweaters. nowjSMQ S6.5Q Sweaters, nowJ Jenning5 NORTH BEND. s. s.